• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 615 Views, 2 Comments

When dreams come true - Nightyy

Rainbow Dash's has a dream to become a Wonderbotl. This day will tell her if she will be one of them or not...

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New home

When dreams come true

Chapter 2 – New home

Rainbow Dash is finally one of the Wonderbolts. But she had to move from her old home to home of every Wonderbolt. So now she is following Spitfire who is showing her where this place is. Suddenly they got into fog.

Rainbow Dash flew next to Spitfire. “Ehm... Spitfire? What’s this? Or better to say why is this fog in here?”

“Don’t be afraid. We told workers in the weather factory to make some.”

“But why? It’s hard for me to see something.”

“Yes that’s it! You can’t see. I want to see your face when you will see where we Wonderbolts live. We’re getting closer! Look Rainbow! That’s it!”

Rainbow Dash looked ahead and saw an enormous floating structure. “Spitfire, what’s this?”

“This is the headquarters of Wonderbolts. You will live here with us. Every Wonderbolt lives in here. Trust me, you will love this place.”

Rainbow Dash and Spitfire landed in front of the headquarters what looked like great castle. She looked at it and was totally shocked. The building was so... huge. But the only interesting thing what could Rainbow see were great doors. “Whoa! Spitfire this is awesome!”

“Yes it is. But this is only the begging. You didn’t see what’s inside. But we will wait for Soarin. What could take him so long? I hope that he isn’t...”

In that time Soarin shouted from fog. “I’m here! Rainbow Dash, please next time, don’t pack so many things. It is too heavy for me.”

Spitfire turned to Soarin. “Well Soarin as I see EVERYTHING is heavy for you.” Then she turned back to Rainbow Dash. “Well... are you prepared to see your new home?”

Rainbow didn’t think about anything and immediately nod her head. Spitfire thought that it means ‘yes’ so she opened the great doors. As the doors opened, Rainbow saw how beautiful this place really is. “So Rainbow Dash, what do you think? Is this enough for you? It has to be because we don’t think that we will move our headquarters. Come in, I will show you this place.”

Rainbow Dash could hardly move. She was stunned by this place. But when she started to focus again she followed Spitfire. “Soarin please take Rainbow’s things to her room. And you Rainbow will go with me. So, on the right, that big room is our dining room. We want you to come there at eight o’clock, so I can introduce you to the others, but if you get hungry, just go there or into the kitchen what is next to it and take anything you want. On the left is community room. We meet there every day to debate what have we done and what we still have to do, but I will tell you more about it later. As you can see there’s long hallway. You can find private rooms on both sides of it. Also on the left side you can find my office. If you will want something, just come to me and we will solve it.”

“Great. Thank you Spitfire, but I have two more questions. How much Wonderbolts is here and where’s my room?”

“Well, there are thirteen Wondebolts without you. And... oh yes, your room. Come with me.”

They walked through the hallway when they saw Soarin leaving one of rooms. “Rainbow Dash’s things are in her room Capitan.” Said Soarin and walked into another room.

Spitfire turned to Rainbow Dash and pointed into opened room. “So this is your room Rainbow Dash. You have here what you need. Bed, wardrobe, lamp, sink, sofa, table, clocks and your Wonderbolt outfit.”

Rainbow Dash was absolutely stunned. “It’s great. I will love this place.” said Rainbow Dash and hugged Spitfire.

“Oh... I see. Well, see you later Dash.” replied Spitfire to Dash’s hug and went into her office.

Rainbow Dash walked into her room, closed her door and only stared at her Wonderbolt outfit. After pretty long time she shouted “it’s AWESOME!” Then she jumped on her bed and just rolled from one side to the other. Suddenly she stopped. “Mirror! I need a mirror! Where’s a mirror. I need it! Wait! It can be in...” Dash quickly jumped off her bed and rushed to her wardrobe. “It can be in wardrobe!” she said and quickly opened her wardrobe. “YES! There it is!” When she found mirror, she decided to put on her new clothes. “Hmm... yes! I look great in this. But I am now hungry...” Rainbow Dash closed her wardrobe and went to the dining room.

There was a long table with fourteen chairs and great golden chandelier above it. It was beautiful place. But this decoration didn’t fill Dash’s stomach, so she went into the kitchen.

Dash immediately focused on plates with carefully arranged food. She walked closer to them and mindlessly looked at them. Then she heard a strange voice. “Don’t even think about touching or eating it! These are for dinner. If you are hungry just tell me and I will make something for you.”

Dash quickly turned to place from where this voice came and as she saw it came from brown earth pony. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that. I just came here and yes, I’m pretty hungry.”

Brown earth pony smiled. “Ah, so you’re the newcomer, right? Well then go to the dining room and I will make something special for you.”

As brown pony said, Rainbow went to the dining room and took a seat. She was relaxing and looking around. In that time yellow pegas with orange mane came into the dining room. “Do you know that it’s unnecessary to wear this in here?”

“I know it. But I want to try it. You know I am new here and...”

The yellow mare smiled and looked excited. “You are the newcomer? Then welcome to the family. My name is Blaze.”

Rainbow Dash also smiled. “I am Rainbow Dash.”

Blaze sat next to Dash. “Well Rainbow Dash, I have to warn you. You are sitting on Dark Flame’s seat. It doesn’t matter now, but you should sit at your seat for the dinner. Your seat is over there.” Blaze pointed at front seat what was closer to the entrance.

Rainbow was surprised. “I have a front seat?”

“Yes you do. It’s the only remaining seat. Before you came here, only Spitfire had front seat. I am surprised that she didn’t give that seat to her brother, but it doesn’t matter. You should be happy.”

Dash replied. “Yes I am happy. It’s great. But I want to know one thing. How can that earth pony walk on clouds? I already saw how they walk on them, but it was thanks to magic. You have a unicorn in here?”

Blaze smiled and laughed quietly. “No, there’s no unicorn in here. Dark Flame made some kind of potion what will let them walk on clouds. He learned something about those potions. It’s great. He can also make potion that will let us recover faster. It can really hurt when you fall down and normally it could take pretty long time.”

In that time, brown earth pony came from the kitchen. “Hey! You! This is my special welcoming cake. I hope you will like it.”

Rainbow Dash looked at the cake and started crying. Blaze and brown pony were confused because they didn’t know what happened. “Rainbow Dash? What happened?”

Dash turned to Blaze with smile and sorrows in her face. “Nothing. You are just very nice. You are acting like real friends.”

Blaze put her hoof on Dash’s shoulder and smiled on her. “Well Rainbow Dash we are here like a family. We are friends. Yes of course there are some exceptions, but just ignore them.”

Rainbow decided to eat her cake together with Blaze. When they ate it Spitfire came in. “Hello Rainbow Dash. As I see you already ate your cake. Just please, wash your muzzle. We still have about five minutes, so you should go to your room and prepare for your first meeting with the rest of us.”

Rainbow obeyed Spitfire’s advice and went into her room. As she went through hallway she met Soarin. He only gave very strange look to Rainbow Dash and continued on his way to the dining room. Dash walked into her room where she washed her muzzle and took off Wonderbolt’s outfit. Then she went back to the dining room to meet the Wonderbolts.