• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 615 Views, 2 Comments

When dreams come true - Nightyy

Rainbow Dash's has a dream to become a Wonderbotl. This day will tell her if she will be one of them or not...

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When dreams come true

Chapter 1 – Goodbye

It was another beautiful summer Equestrian Friday. The sun was shining, birds were singing and everypony was relaxing. Only Rainbow Dash wasn’t. She was really nervous, because this day was very special to her. Rainbow had to receive a letter from Wonderbolts, telling her, if she was accepted or not.”We will soon send you a letter” they told her in the academy. And this ‘soon’ was today. It was already afternoon and still nothing.

“Come on. Where they are... but what if they don’t want.... no, no, and no. I’m a great flier. They MUST accept me. Yeah! It’s only afternoon and they still have much time. Or maybe they can’t find me or they don’t have enough time. Yes that’s it. They have many things to do. So I will receive it later”

Rainbow was walking around her mailbox and waited for the most awesome piece of paper. The letter from Wonderbolts. In that time a purple unicorn passed Rainbow Dash.

“Hi Rainbow Dash” purple unicorn said to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash turned and answered, “Hello Twilight.”

Twilight stopped and looked at Rainbow Dash with worries. “Rainbow Dash, what’s wrong with you? Is everything OK?”

Rainbow looked at Twilight. “Well...” Rainbow Dash suddenly paused and put her head down. “I think that everything is fine.” She was sad because none of her friends remembered this awesome day.

Twilight smiled and happily said “Then why are you walking here like this? You know what? Come with me to library, I will need your help.” and turned back to the library.

Rainbow quietly answered “Yes I’m going.” and slowly walked to Twilight. But Twilight was doing like everything was fine. She didn’t care about Rainbow’s sadness. It wasn’t Twilight what Rainbow Dash knew.

When they came into the library Rainbow was surprised because there was pretty dark. No lights were turned on and windows were closed and barricaded. Rainbow Dash was confused. “Ehm... Twilight, why is it so dark in here? I thought that you will have light in here. You know... I can’t see in dark.”

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash and answered, “Me neither. So I should turn on lights with my magic, right?”

Rainbow Dash slightly smiled and replied, “Yes. It would be great.”

Twilight brought light into the room and Rainbow Dash faced one of her friends, what shouted “SURPRISE!”

Rainbow Dash was shocked and confused. When she calmed down, she saw the rest of her friends. “What are you... What’s this... I...”

Rarity stopped Rainbow Dash from talking “Oh darling. We saw you how you were waiting for that letter from Wonderbolts, so we’ve decided to spend this time with you.”

Rainbow finally smiled. When Pinkie saw it she started bouncing. “Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash! I have ANOTHER surprise for you in the Sugarcube Corner. We wanted to take you here because it’s easier to hide here than in Sugarcube Corner. And we wanted to hide, because it’s bigger surprise. But the real party begins in there so let’s go.”

They got on their way and Rainbow Dash couldn’t even talk how surprised she was. When they got into the Sugarcube Corner Pinkie jumped in and shouted. “Hello mister Cake. Is your wife here too?”

“No Pinkie, she went for some ingredients, but we have what you wanted. Here you go Rainbow Dash. This cake is for you.” Mr. Cake handed Rainbow Dash a giant cake with six candles of different colors and writing ‘We will miss you Dash!’ on top of it.

Rainbow Dash turned around and with sorrows in her eyes said “I will miss you too.”

Together they enjoyed their last party. But after about four hours their party had to finish, because Rainbow Dash wanted to read the letter from the Wonderbolts. It was late now so had to receive that letter now or never. Rainbow went with her friends to her mailbox, opened it, put her hoof into it, picked... wait... she didn’t pick anything. The mailbox was empty. Rainbow Dash looked now like totally ruined pony.

Twilight came to Rainbow, put her hoof on Dash’s back and said “I’m sorry Dash.”

Dash turned to them and it seemed that she is slightly sobbing. “Just please leave me alone. I want to think about this.”

“But Dash if we will be...”

“LEAVE ME! Please. I need to be alone.” Rainbow Dash started crying. Her life-dream of becoming a Wonderbolt was now a history. She will never join them now. Rainbow Dash left her friends with her head put down and tears in her eyes. She decided to just walk. She was walking around Ponyville and she also went to the Everfree forest. As she was mindlessly walking she met Princess Luna.

“What are you doing here in the dark Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash rose her head up and answered. “I don’t know Princess. I just... Well my life is totally ruined now. My dream of becoming a Wonderbolt is destroyed. They didn’t let me join them. They don’t want me!”

Luna just smiled and replied. “They didn’t send you letter that you failed, right? Maybe mail delivers are late, as always... Just don’t give up Rainbow. Go sleep and you will see that tomorrow will be everything better.”

Rainbow Dash did exactly what Luna said. But as she got to her home she saw that doors are slightly opened. She was slowly opening the door when something almost fell on her. She caught it and saw that it’s “A PIE??? Who in Equestria could put pie on top of my door?”

As Rainbow finished, strange voice came from corner of her house. “Whoa, that was great. As I see she has good reactions also when she’s totally down. Let’s say that this was our last test.”

Rainbow Dash looked surprised and replied, “Spitfire?”

Spitfire turned on the lights. “Yes Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash was again confused. She looked around and saw in the opposite corner two stallions and one mare all in Wonderbolt’s outfit. “But... What are you doing here? You didn’t send me the letter so you didn’t accept me. Or you did?”

Spitfire looked at Rainbow Dash with her typical smile. “Actually we’re here to tell you, that you are accepted. I am sorry but SOMEPONY made a mistake with letter delivery, right Soarin? Anyway I have to introduce you to the others. The pony on my right side is Soarin. I think you know him. It’s second time you saved him his pie.”

Soarin interrupted Spitfire and walked to Dash with smile on his mouth. “Hmm... When you’re talking about that pie can you please give it to me? I will take care of it.” Soarin took pie from Rainbow Dash, put his muzzle into it and started to eat it.

Third pony, dark blue stallion, only shook his head. “Soarin, Soarin... can you at least once eat normally?”

Soarin rose his head and turned to dark blue pegasus. “What do you mean Dark Flame? I am eating normally. I every time eat pie like this.”

Dark blue stallion wanted to reply, but Spitfire stopped him. “And this second pony is my brother Dark Flame. I hope that you will join us Rainbow Dash. We will give you some time so you can pack your things and say goodbye to your friends. We will meet tomorrow in the town square at about six o’clock in the evening. Now we have to go, so see you tomorrow Rainbow Dash.”

The three Wonderbolts spread their wing and flew out of Dash’s home. Rainbow Dash decided to go sleep because she was tired and wanted to lose some time.
When she woke up she immediately checked clock. “What? Only seven hours? Well I have enough time. I will go and see Pinkie Pie.” And so she did.

When Pinkie saw how Rainbow Dash is happy she started bouncing and yelling. “Eeeee, Rainbow Dash! You look sooo happy! What happened?”

Rainbow Dash was smiling, “well, yesterday at night, when I thought that everything is lost, I had very nice visitors. Spitfire, her brother and Soarin visited me to personally tell me that I am accepted as one of the Wonderbolts.”

Pinkie bounced now even more. “So you are now officially a Wonderbolt? That’s great!” Pinkie jumped at Rainbow Dash and massively hugged her. “I am soooo happy for you! Do you know how happy I am? Much more than you are. We must tell this to Twilight. And also to Applejack and to Rarity. Oh I almost forgot, of course to Fluttershy too.”

“Pinkie calm down. We will go and see them, but please don’t be such... You know what? Just let’s go.”

Pinkie and Rainbow decided to tell this news first to Twilight. They entered the library and saw how Twilight is focused on her reading. But Pinkie didn’t mind it. “Hey, Twilight. Guess what! Rainbow’s accepted!”

Twilight only nod with her head and continued with her reading. Pinkie got little sad when Twilight didn’t even response. In that time Spike came to them. “Hi Rainbow Dash, hi Pinkie. What do you want?”

Pinkie sadly asked, “Spike what’s wrong with Twilight? She seems like she don’t even care about Rainbow Dash.”

Spike waved his hand and replied. “Don’t mind her. It’s just her reading weekend. She’s focusing only on reading and nothing else. It’s crazy don’t you think?”

Pinkie was thinking for a while and then shouted. “We should see Applejack. Come Rainbow Dash,” Pinkie then turned and happily bounced away. Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight, that wasn’t showing any interest in her. She put her head down and slowly followed Pinkie to Sweet Apple Acers.

When they got in there Applejack was collecting apples. When Pinkie saw her she immediately yelled “Applejack, guess what.”

Applejack only responded. “Ah’m sorry Pinkie, but Ah have to work. Just tell me what it is and let me do my job.”

Pinkie answered with huge smile on her face “Rainbow Dash is accepted! She is now one of the Wonderbolts.” and jumped high into the air.

Applejack continued with her work, “That’s great sugarcube, but Ah don’t have time for celebrations. Congratulations Rainbow.”

Pinkie turned to Rainbow Dash and asked her, “Why they don’t have time today. It’s special day but they look like they don’t care.”

Rainbow Dash turned to Pinkie and answered her coldly. “Yes, that’s it Pinkie. They don’t care. Well I don’t have much time so I will go and pack things that I’m going to take with me. As I expect even Rarity will be too busy and Fluttershy... well I don’t care of them anymore! It’s like you’re my only friend Pinkie. Anyway enjoy your stay in here. I hope we will meet soon again. Bye Pinkie.”

Pinkie was confused. “What? What are you talking about Dash? They are your friends too. They just don’t have enough time today. Oh, wait Rainbow Dash! Where are you going? WAIT!”

But Rainbow Dash didn’t care about Pinkie and what was she saying. “Rainbow Dash, I must tell you that you are acting like a... like a mule. When things aren’t going as you want them to you are like this!”

Dash again ignored Pinkie and thought for herself, ‘Friends? They don’t act like friends. They don’t even care about me! But I don’t need them anymore. I will have better friends.’ When Rainbow got home she packed only few things like some clothes and some food for Tank. Nothing else. Then she looked at clocks. “Oh... ten minutes to six. We have to go Tank.” Rainbow Dash picked her suitcase and went onto town square as was agreed with Spitfire. Right at six o’clock, two Wonderbolts, mare and stallion, came down from the skies.

One of them started to talk. “So Rainbow Dash, are you prepared for your new life.”

Rainbow Dash looked around and surely replied. “Yes ma’am!”

Spitfire smiled. “I’m glad to hear this.” She turned to stallion what stood by her side. “Anyway, Soarin would you be so gentle and take our newest member things? She will need her strength.” Soarin walked to Rainbow Dash, picked her suitcase and smiled at her with kindness in his eyes. His smile immediately disappeared when he tried to fly. The suitcase was too heavy.

“One more thing. You can’t take your friends or your pets with you. I am sorry but this turtle will have to stay in here.”

Rainbow Dash was shocked, “What? But it’s my... I can’t leave him in here! It’s my only friend. Just imagine how it is when you must leave your only friend!”

“I am really sorry Rainbow Dash, but rules are rules. I don’t make them.”

Dash put her head down and decided to give tank into good hooves. Or better to say into good claws. She went to the library and knocked. Spike opened the door. “Hi Spike. I must ask you a favour. Can you look after my pet? I must leave and Tank must stay here.”

Spike looked at Rainbow Dash and asked her “Yes I can but...”

When Spike said that he can, Rainbow Dash interrupted him. “Here’s some food. If you will need more I have it at home. Just ask Fluttershy she knows where it is.”

Rainbow Dash returned back to Spitfire and Soarin. “Well I think that I am ready now. Let’s go! By the way, where are we going?”

Spitfire smiled and put her glasses on. “You will see Rainbow. Just follow us!”