When dreams come true

by Nightyy

First published

Rainbow Dash's has a dream to become a Wonderbotl. This day will tell her if she will be one of them or not...

Rainbow Dash is young pegas that always wanted to be a Wonderbolt. Her dream will come true. But she later recognize that being Wonderbolt isn't as great as it looks.

Picture made by smlahyee


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When dreams come true

Chapter 1 – Goodbye

It was another beautiful summer Equestrian Friday. The sun was shining, birds were singing and everypony was relaxing. Only Rainbow Dash wasn’t. She was really nervous, because this day was very special to her. Rainbow had to receive a letter from Wonderbolts, telling her, if she was accepted or not.”We will soon send you a letter” they told her in the academy. And this ‘soon’ was today. It was already afternoon and still nothing.

“Come on. Where they are... but what if they don’t want.... no, no, and no. I’m a great flier. They MUST accept me. Yeah! It’s only afternoon and they still have much time. Or maybe they can’t find me or they don’t have enough time. Yes that’s it. They have many things to do. So I will receive it later”

Rainbow was walking around her mailbox and waited for the most awesome piece of paper. The letter from Wonderbolts. In that time a purple unicorn passed Rainbow Dash.

“Hi Rainbow Dash” purple unicorn said to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash turned and answered, “Hello Twilight.”

Twilight stopped and looked at Rainbow Dash with worries. “Rainbow Dash, what’s wrong with you? Is everything OK?”

Rainbow looked at Twilight. “Well...” Rainbow Dash suddenly paused and put her head down. “I think that everything is fine.” She was sad because none of her friends remembered this awesome day.

Twilight smiled and happily said “Then why are you walking here like this? You know what? Come with me to library, I will need your help.” and turned back to the library.

Rainbow quietly answered “Yes I’m going.” and slowly walked to Twilight. But Twilight was doing like everything was fine. She didn’t care about Rainbow’s sadness. It wasn’t Twilight what Rainbow Dash knew.

When they came into the library Rainbow was surprised because there was pretty dark. No lights were turned on and windows were closed and barricaded. Rainbow Dash was confused. “Ehm... Twilight, why is it so dark in here? I thought that you will have light in here. You know... I can’t see in dark.”

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash and answered, “Me neither. So I should turn on lights with my magic, right?”

Rainbow Dash slightly smiled and replied, “Yes. It would be great.”

Twilight brought light into the room and Rainbow Dash faced one of her friends, what shouted “SURPRISE!”

Rainbow Dash was shocked and confused. When she calmed down, she saw the rest of her friends. “What are you... What’s this... I...”

Rarity stopped Rainbow Dash from talking “Oh darling. We saw you how you were waiting for that letter from Wonderbolts, so we’ve decided to spend this time with you.”

Rainbow finally smiled. When Pinkie saw it she started bouncing. “Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash! I have ANOTHER surprise for you in the Sugarcube Corner. We wanted to take you here because it’s easier to hide here than in Sugarcube Corner. And we wanted to hide, because it’s bigger surprise. But the real party begins in there so let’s go.”

They got on their way and Rainbow Dash couldn’t even talk how surprised she was. When they got into the Sugarcube Corner Pinkie jumped in and shouted. “Hello mister Cake. Is your wife here too?”

“No Pinkie, she went for some ingredients, but we have what you wanted. Here you go Rainbow Dash. This cake is for you.” Mr. Cake handed Rainbow Dash a giant cake with six candles of different colors and writing ‘We will miss you Dash!’ on top of it.

Rainbow Dash turned around and with sorrows in her eyes said “I will miss you too.”

Together they enjoyed their last party. But after about four hours their party had to finish, because Rainbow Dash wanted to read the letter from the Wonderbolts. It was late now so had to receive that letter now or never. Rainbow went with her friends to her mailbox, opened it, put her hoof into it, picked... wait... she didn’t pick anything. The mailbox was empty. Rainbow Dash looked now like totally ruined pony.

Twilight came to Rainbow, put her hoof on Dash’s back and said “I’m sorry Dash.”

Dash turned to them and it seemed that she is slightly sobbing. “Just please leave me alone. I want to think about this.”

“But Dash if we will be...”

“LEAVE ME! Please. I need to be alone.” Rainbow Dash started crying. Her life-dream of becoming a Wonderbolt was now a history. She will never join them now. Rainbow Dash left her friends with her head put down and tears in her eyes. She decided to just walk. She was walking around Ponyville and she also went to the Everfree forest. As she was mindlessly walking she met Princess Luna.

“What are you doing here in the dark Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash rose her head up and answered. “I don’t know Princess. I just... Well my life is totally ruined now. My dream of becoming a Wonderbolt is destroyed. They didn’t let me join them. They don’t want me!”

Luna just smiled and replied. “They didn’t send you letter that you failed, right? Maybe mail delivers are late, as always... Just don’t give up Rainbow. Go sleep and you will see that tomorrow will be everything better.”

Rainbow Dash did exactly what Luna said. But as she got to her home she saw that doors are slightly opened. She was slowly opening the door when something almost fell on her. She caught it and saw that it’s “A PIE??? Who in Equestria could put pie on top of my door?”

As Rainbow finished, strange voice came from corner of her house. “Whoa, that was great. As I see she has good reactions also when she’s totally down. Let’s say that this was our last test.”

Rainbow Dash looked surprised and replied, “Spitfire?”

Spitfire turned on the lights. “Yes Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash was again confused. She looked around and saw in the opposite corner two stallions and one mare all in Wonderbolt’s outfit. “But... What are you doing here? You didn’t send me the letter so you didn’t accept me. Or you did?”

Spitfire looked at Rainbow Dash with her typical smile. “Actually we’re here to tell you, that you are accepted. I am sorry but SOMEPONY made a mistake with letter delivery, right Soarin? Anyway I have to introduce you to the others. The pony on my right side is Soarin. I think you know him. It’s second time you saved him his pie.”

Soarin interrupted Spitfire and walked to Dash with smile on his mouth. “Hmm... When you’re talking about that pie can you please give it to me? I will take care of it.” Soarin took pie from Rainbow Dash, put his muzzle into it and started to eat it.

Third pony, dark blue stallion, only shook his head. “Soarin, Soarin... can you at least once eat normally?”

Soarin rose his head and turned to dark blue pegasus. “What do you mean Dark Flame? I am eating normally. I every time eat pie like this.”

Dark blue stallion wanted to reply, but Spitfire stopped him. “And this second pony is my brother Dark Flame. I hope that you will join us Rainbow Dash. We will give you some time so you can pack your things and say goodbye to your friends. We will meet tomorrow in the town square at about six o’clock in the evening. Now we have to go, so see you tomorrow Rainbow Dash.”

The three Wonderbolts spread their wing and flew out of Dash’s home. Rainbow Dash decided to go sleep because she was tired and wanted to lose some time.
When she woke up she immediately checked clock. “What? Only seven hours? Well I have enough time. I will go and see Pinkie Pie.” And so she did.

When Pinkie saw how Rainbow Dash is happy she started bouncing and yelling. “Eeeee, Rainbow Dash! You look sooo happy! What happened?”

Rainbow Dash was smiling, “well, yesterday at night, when I thought that everything is lost, I had very nice visitors. Spitfire, her brother and Soarin visited me to personally tell me that I am accepted as one of the Wonderbolts.”

Pinkie bounced now even more. “So you are now officially a Wonderbolt? That’s great!” Pinkie jumped at Rainbow Dash and massively hugged her. “I am soooo happy for you! Do you know how happy I am? Much more than you are. We must tell this to Twilight. And also to Applejack and to Rarity. Oh I almost forgot, of course to Fluttershy too.”

“Pinkie calm down. We will go and see them, but please don’t be such... You know what? Just let’s go.”

Pinkie and Rainbow decided to tell this news first to Twilight. They entered the library and saw how Twilight is focused on her reading. But Pinkie didn’t mind it. “Hey, Twilight. Guess what! Rainbow’s accepted!”

Twilight only nod with her head and continued with her reading. Pinkie got little sad when Twilight didn’t even response. In that time Spike came to them. “Hi Rainbow Dash, hi Pinkie. What do you want?”

Pinkie sadly asked, “Spike what’s wrong with Twilight? She seems like she don’t even care about Rainbow Dash.”

Spike waved his hand and replied. “Don’t mind her. It’s just her reading weekend. She’s focusing only on reading and nothing else. It’s crazy don’t you think?”

Pinkie was thinking for a while and then shouted. “We should see Applejack. Come Rainbow Dash,” Pinkie then turned and happily bounced away. Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight, that wasn’t showing any interest in her. She put her head down and slowly followed Pinkie to Sweet Apple Acers.

When they got in there Applejack was collecting apples. When Pinkie saw her she immediately yelled “Applejack, guess what.”

Applejack only responded. “Ah’m sorry Pinkie, but Ah have to work. Just tell me what it is and let me do my job.”

Pinkie answered with huge smile on her face “Rainbow Dash is accepted! She is now one of the Wonderbolts.” and jumped high into the air.

Applejack continued with her work, “That’s great sugarcube, but Ah don’t have time for celebrations. Congratulations Rainbow.”

Pinkie turned to Rainbow Dash and asked her, “Why they don’t have time today. It’s special day but they look like they don’t care.”

Rainbow Dash turned to Pinkie and answered her coldly. “Yes, that’s it Pinkie. They don’t care. Well I don’t have much time so I will go and pack things that I’m going to take with me. As I expect even Rarity will be too busy and Fluttershy... well I don’t care of them anymore! It’s like you’re my only friend Pinkie. Anyway enjoy your stay in here. I hope we will meet soon again. Bye Pinkie.”

Pinkie was confused. “What? What are you talking about Dash? They are your friends too. They just don’t have enough time today. Oh, wait Rainbow Dash! Where are you going? WAIT!”

But Rainbow Dash didn’t care about Pinkie and what was she saying. “Rainbow Dash, I must tell you that you are acting like a... like a mule. When things aren’t going as you want them to you are like this!”

Dash again ignored Pinkie and thought for herself, ‘Friends? They don’t act like friends. They don’t even care about me! But I don’t need them anymore. I will have better friends.’ When Rainbow got home she packed only few things like some clothes and some food for Tank. Nothing else. Then she looked at clocks. “Oh... ten minutes to six. We have to go Tank.” Rainbow Dash picked her suitcase and went onto town square as was agreed with Spitfire. Right at six o’clock, two Wonderbolts, mare and stallion, came down from the skies.

One of them started to talk. “So Rainbow Dash, are you prepared for your new life.”

Rainbow Dash looked around and surely replied. “Yes ma’am!”

Spitfire smiled. “I’m glad to hear this.” She turned to stallion what stood by her side. “Anyway, Soarin would you be so gentle and take our newest member things? She will need her strength.” Soarin walked to Rainbow Dash, picked her suitcase and smiled at her with kindness in his eyes. His smile immediately disappeared when he tried to fly. The suitcase was too heavy.

“One more thing. You can’t take your friends or your pets with you. I am sorry but this turtle will have to stay in here.”

Rainbow Dash was shocked, “What? But it’s my... I can’t leave him in here! It’s my only friend. Just imagine how it is when you must leave your only friend!”

“I am really sorry Rainbow Dash, but rules are rules. I don’t make them.”

Dash put her head down and decided to give tank into good hooves. Or better to say into good claws. She went to the library and knocked. Spike opened the door. “Hi Spike. I must ask you a favour. Can you look after my pet? I must leave and Tank must stay here.”

Spike looked at Rainbow Dash and asked her “Yes I can but...”

When Spike said that he can, Rainbow Dash interrupted him. “Here’s some food. If you will need more I have it at home. Just ask Fluttershy she knows where it is.”

Rainbow Dash returned back to Spitfire and Soarin. “Well I think that I am ready now. Let’s go! By the way, where are we going?”

Spitfire smiled and put her glasses on. “You will see Rainbow. Just follow us!”

New home

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When dreams come true

Chapter 2 – New home

Rainbow Dash is finally one of the Wonderbolts. But she had to move from her old home to home of every Wonderbolt. So now she is following Spitfire who is showing her where this place is. Suddenly they got into fog.

Rainbow Dash flew next to Spitfire. “Ehm... Spitfire? What’s this? Or better to say why is this fog in here?”

“Don’t be afraid. We told workers in the weather factory to make some.”

“But why? It’s hard for me to see something.”

“Yes that’s it! You can’t see. I want to see your face when you will see where we Wonderbolts live. We’re getting closer! Look Rainbow! That’s it!”

Rainbow Dash looked ahead and saw an enormous floating structure. “Spitfire, what’s this?”

“This is the headquarters of Wonderbolts. You will live here with us. Every Wonderbolt lives in here. Trust me, you will love this place.”

Rainbow Dash and Spitfire landed in front of the headquarters what looked like great castle. She looked at it and was totally shocked. The building was so... huge. But the only interesting thing what could Rainbow see were great doors. “Whoa! Spitfire this is awesome!”

“Yes it is. But this is only the begging. You didn’t see what’s inside. But we will wait for Soarin. What could take him so long? I hope that he isn’t...”

In that time Soarin shouted from fog. “I’m here! Rainbow Dash, please next time, don’t pack so many things. It is too heavy for me.”

Spitfire turned to Soarin. “Well Soarin as I see EVERYTHING is heavy for you.” Then she turned back to Rainbow Dash. “Well... are you prepared to see your new home?”

Rainbow didn’t think about anything and immediately nod her head. Spitfire thought that it means ‘yes’ so she opened the great doors. As the doors opened, Rainbow saw how beautiful this place really is. “So Rainbow Dash, what do you think? Is this enough for you? It has to be because we don’t think that we will move our headquarters. Come in, I will show you this place.”

Rainbow Dash could hardly move. She was stunned by this place. But when she started to focus again she followed Spitfire. “Soarin please take Rainbow’s things to her room. And you Rainbow will go with me. So, on the right, that big room is our dining room. We want you to come there at eight o’clock, so I can introduce you to the others, but if you get hungry, just go there or into the kitchen what is next to it and take anything you want. On the left is community room. We meet there every day to debate what have we done and what we still have to do, but I will tell you more about it later. As you can see there’s long hallway. You can find private rooms on both sides of it. Also on the left side you can find my office. If you will want something, just come to me and we will solve it.”

“Great. Thank you Spitfire, but I have two more questions. How much Wonderbolts is here and where’s my room?”

“Well, there are thirteen Wondebolts without you. And... oh yes, your room. Come with me.”

They walked through the hallway when they saw Soarin leaving one of rooms. “Rainbow Dash’s things are in her room Capitan.” Said Soarin and walked into another room.

Spitfire turned to Rainbow Dash and pointed into opened room. “So this is your room Rainbow Dash. You have here what you need. Bed, wardrobe, lamp, sink, sofa, table, clocks and your Wonderbolt outfit.”

Rainbow Dash was absolutely stunned. “It’s great. I will love this place.” said Rainbow Dash and hugged Spitfire.

“Oh... I see. Well, see you later Dash.” replied Spitfire to Dash’s hug and went into her office.

Rainbow Dash walked into her room, closed her door and only stared at her Wonderbolt outfit. After pretty long time she shouted “it’s AWESOME!” Then she jumped on her bed and just rolled from one side to the other. Suddenly she stopped. “Mirror! I need a mirror! Where’s a mirror. I need it! Wait! It can be in...” Dash quickly jumped off her bed and rushed to her wardrobe. “It can be in wardrobe!” she said and quickly opened her wardrobe. “YES! There it is!” When she found mirror, she decided to put on her new clothes. “Hmm... yes! I look great in this. But I am now hungry...” Rainbow Dash closed her wardrobe and went to the dining room.

There was a long table with fourteen chairs and great golden chandelier above it. It was beautiful place. But this decoration didn’t fill Dash’s stomach, so she went into the kitchen.

Dash immediately focused on plates with carefully arranged food. She walked closer to them and mindlessly looked at them. Then she heard a strange voice. “Don’t even think about touching or eating it! These are for dinner. If you are hungry just tell me and I will make something for you.”

Dash quickly turned to place from where this voice came and as she saw it came from brown earth pony. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that. I just came here and yes, I’m pretty hungry.”

Brown earth pony smiled. “Ah, so you’re the newcomer, right? Well then go to the dining room and I will make something special for you.”

As brown pony said, Rainbow went to the dining room and took a seat. She was relaxing and looking around. In that time yellow pegas with orange mane came into the dining room. “Do you know that it’s unnecessary to wear this in here?”

“I know it. But I want to try it. You know I am new here and...”

The yellow mare smiled and looked excited. “You are the newcomer? Then welcome to the family. My name is Blaze.”

Rainbow Dash also smiled. “I am Rainbow Dash.”

Blaze sat next to Dash. “Well Rainbow Dash, I have to warn you. You are sitting on Dark Flame’s seat. It doesn’t matter now, but you should sit at your seat for the dinner. Your seat is over there.” Blaze pointed at front seat what was closer to the entrance.

Rainbow was surprised. “I have a front seat?”

“Yes you do. It’s the only remaining seat. Before you came here, only Spitfire had front seat. I am surprised that she didn’t give that seat to her brother, but it doesn’t matter. You should be happy.”

Dash replied. “Yes I am happy. It’s great. But I want to know one thing. How can that earth pony walk on clouds? I already saw how they walk on them, but it was thanks to magic. You have a unicorn in here?”

Blaze smiled and laughed quietly. “No, there’s no unicorn in here. Dark Flame made some kind of potion what will let them walk on clouds. He learned something about those potions. It’s great. He can also make potion that will let us recover faster. It can really hurt when you fall down and normally it could take pretty long time.”

In that time, brown earth pony came from the kitchen. “Hey! You! This is my special welcoming cake. I hope you will like it.”

Rainbow Dash looked at the cake and started crying. Blaze and brown pony were confused because they didn’t know what happened. “Rainbow Dash? What happened?”

Dash turned to Blaze with smile and sorrows in her face. “Nothing. You are just very nice. You are acting like real friends.”

Blaze put her hoof on Dash’s shoulder and smiled on her. “Well Rainbow Dash we are here like a family. We are friends. Yes of course there are some exceptions, but just ignore them.”

Rainbow decided to eat her cake together with Blaze. When they ate it Spitfire came in. “Hello Rainbow Dash. As I see you already ate your cake. Just please, wash your muzzle. We still have about five minutes, so you should go to your room and prepare for your first meeting with the rest of us.”

Rainbow obeyed Spitfire’s advice and went into her room. As she went through hallway she met Soarin. He only gave very strange look to Rainbow Dash and continued on his way to the dining room. Dash walked into her room where she washed her muzzle and took off Wonderbolt’s outfit. Then she went back to the dining room to meet the Wonderbolts.

Worst Day Ever

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When dreams come true

Chapter 3 – Worst Day Ever

This was Rainbow Dash’s first day in the Wonderbolts’ headquarters. She already has a friend and now, she’s prepared to meet the rest of the Wonderbolts. The time has come. It’s almost eight o’clock and Rainbow is on her way to the dining room.

Rainbow Dash was again nervous. She wanted to make good impression. She washed her muzzle as Spitfire told her. Dash knew that everything is right, but she still had to check herself in her mirror about ten times. Rainbow calmed herself down and got on her way to the dining room. She slowly walked through the corridor, but she was still getting more and more nervous. She heard voices coming from the dining room. When Rainbow Dash walked into the dining room, everypony suddenly stopped and stared at her. Spitfire saw how nervous Dash is so she decided to speak.

“Welcome Rainbow Dash. Take a seat, please.”

Rainbow slowly and nervously walked to her seat. When she sat down Spitfire continued. “Everypony, welcome our...”

Blaze interrupted Spitfire. “Ehm, sorry Spitfire, but your brother isn’t here. Again.”

“You’re right. But he is late as normally. We have to start without him. So, everypony, please welcome our new member Rainbow Dash.”

Everypony answered something different, but it was all like ‘welcome’.

Spitfire continued. “Now something about us. Let’s take it from here. You know me, but anyway I am Spitfire. On my right side is Soarin, next to him is Rapidfire. Don’t get confused it’s true that they look very similar, but later you will see that they are totally different. Oh, let’s continue. Another one is Fleetfoot. She will be one of your trainers. Next to her are High Winds and Misty Fly. And the last in this row is Lightning Streak. Well and on the left is normally Dark Flame, but he is again late. Next to him is Blaze. As I saw you know her so I will continue. Another one is Fire Streak followed by Surprise. And last two ponies are Silver Lining and Wave Chill. Actually Wave Chill is Soarin’s twin. Well and now enjoy your meal!”

Rainbow finally calmed down and started eating her salad. But as she took her first bite, somepony ran into dining room and shouted “I’m here!” Then he stopped for a while, took a deep breath and continued. “I’m here. I’m sorry that I was late.” After that, he walked to his seat and sat down.

Rainbow Dash prepared herself to take another bite, but she saw Soarin how he’s also preparing for something. She was waiting and watching him. After a while he licked his lips and then his head went straight down at his pie. He put his muzzle into it and ate it from inside. Dark Flame couldn’t hold his emotions. “Soarin! You simply MUST eat it like this. Can’t you at least once eat normally?”

Soarin raised his head which was completely dirty and smiled on Dark Flame. “Normally? What do you mean? I eat pie like this every time. So it is normal for me.”

Dark Flame was now angry. “That’s it. You eat pie like this every time. Maybe you think that it’s normal, but it isn’t. You eat it like... Well I don’t want to be rude when we have a guest.”

“A guest? Well Rainbow Dash isn’t a guest. She’s now one of us!” replied Soarin.

Dark Flame was now shocked. He looked at Rainbow Dash and then he turned to Spitfire. “One of us? Don’t you think that there’s enough of us? Anyway, why you didn’t tell this to me? You are my sister and you don’t tell me such a thing.”

Spitfire answered with no emotion. “Well, if I remember you were there when I accepted her, right? I think that your chemicals in the laboratory are bad for your brain. You shouldn’t be there so much.”

Dark Flame was quiet for a while. “Yes, you’re right. I remember that now. And my brain is right, but Soarin’s eating style is disgusting me.” Dark Flame picked his dinner and left with it dining room.

After Flame’s speech Rainbow Dash was feeling bad. She didn’t even want to eat again. “I’m sorry, but I’m not hungry anymore. I think I will go and rest because I’m tired. See you later.” Rainbow stood up and slowly walked out of dining room. But Spitfire stopped her.

“Rainbow Dash! I have two more things to say you. First, I want to see you tomorrow at nine o’clock in the morning in the community room. And the second. Don’t mind him, he probably again had a bad day. Anyway, good night Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow smiled and left dining room. When she walked into her room, she immediately got into bed and thought about what happened. “Oh my. This will be difficult if he will act like this all the time. And if he will be one of my trainers... it would be terrible. I only hope that Spitfire won’t assign him as my trainer. I will see tomorrow now I have to rest.” Then she put her head down on her pillow and fell asleep.

That night, Rainbow had very strange dream. She saw how somepony very similar to Dark Flame stood next to the Shadowbolts.


“As I promised. She will come here someday. I will get her here and you can take care of her. I don’t know why you hate her, but it’s your problem.”

One of Shadowbolts smiled and replied. “You are right. That’s our problem. But when I saw you I thought that she’s much more than a friend for you. Hey let’s just think about this. I think that she has bigger worth for you than your sister, right?”

Blue stallion got shocked. “What? Are you crazy?”

“No we aren’t. Well, truth can hurt sometimes. You knew why you didn’t want Spitfire to let her join the Wonderbolts. Well I won’t make it so hard for you. You can choose. We just want one Wonderbolt. So bring her here. Or if you will have problems with it then bring your sister. Now you would say that I didn’t make it easier for you so here is third opinion. You can also bring here that newcomer. It’s only yours choice.”


Rainbow Dash woke up. Her heart was wildly pumping. She immediately checked where she is. She wasn’t afraid like this for a long time. ‘What was that? Who was that? What were they talking about? Is this truth or not? Or better, did this already happen or not?’ Rainbow had so many questions about what she saw right now. But there was still the most terrifying question. ‘Am I that newcomer? And why do they want me?’ Then she got again tired. “Awww... I shouldn’t mind it. It was just a dream. Dreams are random. They are like Pinkie Pie. When you think that you know them. They will prove you that you are wrong and show you something, that you would never expect.”

Rainbow fell again asleep, but after a while she had exactly same dream. She woke up again and looked at clocks. It was just midnight. Dash couldn’t fall asleep again, because she was too scared. She didn’t have bad dreams for a long time. For another hour she only rolled on her bed. “This is way too boring. I think that nopony will mind if I will go out for a while.”

Dash jumped off her bed and walked towards the great doors. On her way she met Lightning Streak. He was fully energized and also looked happy. “Hello Rainbow Dash. What’s up? Why you don’t sleep?”

“Well, I can’t fall asleep. And why are you awake?” Rainbow answered.

Lightning Streak smiled more than before. “Dark Flame made new potion so I am trying it out. It keeps me awake for a long time. Anyway, you can’t sleep me neither so what about spending this night together?”

Rainbow also smiled. “That’s great idea. But, I’m sorry.” she said and put her head down.

Lightning was surprised when he saw Rainbow’s reaction. “What’s wrong Dash?”

Dash quietly answered. “It’s kind of embarrassing. I don’t remember your name.”

Streak now again smiled. “It’s not embarrassing Dash, you are here for the first time and you were supposed to remember eleven new names. I would be surprised if you could remember them all. Anyway, I am Lightning Streak.”

Rainbow Dash slightly smiled and they went together to the dining room. They sat next to each other and talked about their lives. But they were also speaking why can’t Dash sleep.

“Dash you look tired. Why you don’t go sleep. You will need your strength tomorrow.”

Rainbow was silent for a while and after a while she quietly answered. “I can’t sleep because I am afraid. I had a terrible dream. I saw somepony very similar to Dark Flame how he’s talking with the Shadowbolts. He had to bring them somepony. His sister, some mare who’s his close friend or the newcomer. And I am afraid because I am the newcomer.”

Lightning Streak got little nervous. “Don’t mind it Dash. It was just a dream. Bad dreams are not a reason for being awake so long. You will fall asleep anyway, but if you will push yourself too much, it will be hard for you to wake up early. And trust me, Spitfire won’t be happy if you will come late as her brother does.”

Rainbow Dash sadly looked at Lightning. “Please, just few more minutes.”

Streak only shook his head and smiled. They talked almost for an hour. Lightning Streak was just telling story how he became a Wonderbolt when Rainbow Dash fell asleep. He didn’t want to wake her up, so he got her into her bed and gently covered her with blanked. As he was going out of Dash’s room he turned around, looked at sleeping Rainbow with smile on his face and softly said “good night, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow was peacefully sleeping till eight o’clock, when her alarm clock ringed. She looked around, but she was confused. “Why am I here? Or was it just a dream? I thought I went to the dining room.”

In that time her stomach fiercely rumbled. “When I think about it, I should go there anyway.”

When she came to the dining room, few ponies were already there, but Dash recognized only Lightning Streak. He was still smiling and didn’t even look tired. “Good morning Rainbow Dash.” he shouted when he mentioned that Rainbow came in.

Dash smiled at him and sat down. “Good morning to you. Tell me one thing. Or better to say more things. What happened last night?”

“Nothing special. You don’t remember that?”

Rainbow put her head down. “So it was true. That’s why I am so tired. And why aren’t you tired, and how did I get into my room?”

Streak smiled even more. “Simply. I put you in there. You fell asleep in the dining room. And if you remember I told you that I’m testing Flame’s potion. As you can see its effect is great. But it was supposed to make us fly faster and not keep us awake whole night. Well, I’ve got to go! See you later Dash.”

When Lightning Streak left, Rainbow ate her breakfast and went back to her room. On her way she met Spitfire. “Good morning Rainbow Dash. You look tired? What’s up?”

Rainbow answered with no emotion. “Well I just woke up. Give me few minutes and I will be ready.”

Spitfire smiled, “I’m glad to hear this. Well, see you in the community room.” and continued on her way to the dining room.

Dash got into her room and prepared herself for her first meeting. But at last she wasn’t that nervous. Dash didn’t have more things to do so she went to community room earlier. Soarin was already in there with another stallion. “Hey guys!”

Soarin turned his look at Rainbow Dash. “Oh, there you are! Are you excited too?”

Dash was looking surprised. “What? Excited? Why?”

Soarin was almost jumping in joy. “Why? Spitfire will tell us who will be your trainer.”

Second stallion joined their conversation. “Please excuse him. He’s not like this. He just got little drunk, again. Anyway, my name is Silver Lining. But I must admit that I am pretty excited. Well, Spitfire was choosing still the same trainers, but this time it’s different. I can feel it.”

Rainbow sat down. She was waiting for others to come. It didn’t take so much time. After about three minutes they came. Spitfire looked around and when she saw that everypony is here she started speaking.

“Everypony, please calm down. I know, it’s Sunday and you want to have your free time, but please focus your minds for a while. I think that you know why I called you. So I thought about it all the night. I will take it one by one. I won’t train you Rainbow Dash. I have much more things to do. Soarin...” Spitfire looked at Soarin and got disgusted. “Soarin won’t train you. If you want to learn something it will be better. Hmm... Rapidfire. No. Rapidfire will help me with my work. Fleetfoot. Absolutely yes. She’s a great trainer. What about High Winds. I think that we won’t need her as a trainer. Misty Fly will be your trainer. Last season she was on many missions so she will be your trainer. Now about Lightning Streak.”

When Dash heard his name she got nervous and wished only for one thing. ‘Please yes, please Yes!!!’

“Lightning Streak was trainer many times so he is very good at it. But I don’t want to hold him only as a trainer, so he won’t help you improve. But Dark Flame will be one of your trainers.”

Rainbow was absolutely shocked and almost started crying. ‘This can’t be happening. I can’t believe it. It’s the worst possible thing.’

“Blaze may be your friend, but she is too young and unskilled to be your trainer. Fire Streak will be good as trainer. He was trainer last season and he was perfect. Surprise was the most difficult choice. But after a long time I decided to make trainer from... somepony else. Silver Lining isn’t good trainer. And Wave Chill is your last trainer. We’re done with this so you can go. Enjoy the rest of the day.”

Everypony left only Rainbow Dash was still sitting. Spitfire saw her. “What’s wrong with you Dash? You look sad. What happened? Is something wrong with your training and trainers?”

Dash raised her head. “Everything’s fine. I’m... I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep enough tonight. So I think that I will go sleep for a while.”

Then Dash stood up and slowly walked to her room. There was nothing else to do so Rainbow went into her bed and thought about all what happened.

The Dream

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When dreams come true

Chapter 4 – The Dream

It’s six o’clock in the morning, Monday. Rainbow Dash’s wish to become a Wonderbolt already became truth. But nothing is as it seems. Dash thought that everything will be perfect, but things turned into wrong way. You can find an idiot in every place and every community. The name of the idiot in here is Dark Flame. Maybe he can be smart, but almost nopony likes him. Rainbow Dash doesn’t know why is Spitfire holding him in the Wonderbolt’s Headquarters. Is it because he is her brother or is it something else? But the worst thing was that he is one of Dash’s trainers. He was supposed to be her trainer for Monday.

Rainbow Dash just woke up. Spitfire told her what to do today. She looked at the clock and... “WHAT? It’s already six? Oh, no, no, no, no! I’ve overslept! This can’t be happening. My first training day and I’m late. I need to get to the great doors as soon as possible!” Dash was running in her room and preparing herself. “I need to broom my mane and... well I should eat something, but quickly and I also... oh no. Where is my dress? Where did I put... I must be in...”

Dash tried hard, but she couldn’t find her dress. She decided to go without it. She ate her snack and quickly ran through the corridor to the great doors. Dark Flame was already waiting there. “Rainbow Dash. Not even that you didn’t put your dress on, but you are also late. I tried to be here in time and I was here as Spitfire said to us, but as I see always at least one must come late. Well as your punishment you can forget about your breakfast.”

Dash slightly moved her head back and she was very surprised. “What? Yes I came late, but you can’t just forbid me my breakfast.”

Dark Flame had sinister smile on his face. “You are wrong, Dash. I am your trainer so I decide what you will do. You had your time to go on breakfast, but you were sleeping. Now let’s go out and practise. Follow me Dash.”

Dash wasn’t only hungry, but now she was also angry. But she had no choice. If she wants to become a real Wonderbolt she has to listen to the orders. Dark Flame led her to flat round place not far from the Headquarters. Dash could even see into Spitfire’s office.

“This is the training area. Most of your practise will be here. Now I have to improve your acumen, but you came late, so you will get your punishment. You came after about ten minutes. That’s one hundred rounds. Well, enjoy it.”

Dash wanted to protect herself. “I didn’t come after ten minutes. It was like three minutes. And why one hundred rounds? It’s too much.”

Dark Flame had very sinister look. “You want to resist my order, Dash? I am the trainer in here and I say what you will do. If you don’t agree with it, then leave the Wonderbolts.”

Rainbow was now even angrier. She looked at Dark Flame and then flew out. Dash started very fast. Maybe too fast. Dark Flame was counting Dash’s rounds. She was done after about minute and half. “I’m done Dark Flame. What now?”

Dark Flame tried to look surprised. “Done? How can you be done, when you finished only ninety-nine rounds? One round is missing. Did you try to cheat and deceive me?”

Rainbow Dash was now confused. “What? Cheat? I don’t cheat. I really finished all hundred rounds. You have to trust me!”

Flame again smiled. “Well, I don’t have to. I think you tried to cheat. As your punishment you will have to do another hundred rounds. And of course you will have to repeat these first hundred rounds, so you will have two hundred rounds. Enjoy them Dash!”

Dash looked with hope in Spitfire’s office. She saw Spitfire talking with Lightning Streak. But then she again heard her trainer. “Stop wasting our time. Start now or you will have to do more!”

Dash decided to listen to his orders. She flew out, but this time much slower. She was tired and hungry. It took her about ten minutes to complete her task. “I’ve finished all the rounds Dark Flame.”

Flame again tried to look surprised. “All? Oh I wasn’t looking. I’m sorry, but you know, you were so slow and boring. OK, I will believe that you’ve finished one hundred rounds, so you only have to do one last hundred. And please, don’t be so boring.”

Dash was now totally mad and it was hard for her to hold herself. “You are total idiot! How can you be one of the Wonderbolts?”

Dark Flame was waiting right for this moment. “Another two hundred rounds.”

Dash was about to yell again when somepony’s voice stopped her. “You don’t have to do them Dash.” It was Lightning Streak.

Flame turned at him and shouted. “What do you think of yourself? I am the trainer. You can be the eldest in here, but it’s me who’s giving the orders now!”

Streak just quietly answered. “I have a message for you, Dark Flame. Spitfire wants to talk with you. You’d better go there now.”

Dark Flame suddenly stopped. “What? Spitfire? Ehm... It’s not good, right? Never mind. But I still have to finish something in here before I go to her. Rainbow Dash! What are you waiting for?”

She looked at Dark Flame with hatred in her eyes, turned on the other side and prepared herself for her flight. But first, she wanted to hear conversation between Lightning Streak and Dark Flame. “I think that Spitfire won’t wait. If Dash would be slow, and I think that she will be, it could anger her. You should go to see her now and when you return you can give another rounds to Rainbow Dash. You are the trainer, so you say what Dash will do, right?”

Flame thought for a while. “You are right. Stop it Dash! You can rest now. But prepare yourself for five hundred rounds. And I hope that you will be fast. I will give you about one and half minute for each hundred rounds. But if you will be too slow, you will have to do another rounds. Let’s say... one hundred for one minute of delay.”

Dash only opened her month and was totally stunned. After a while, when Dark Flame left, she yelled at Lightning Streak. “What have you done?! I just can’t make it in this time limit! I thought that you are on me side! And you do something like this!” Suddenly she stopped. Her rage turned into sadness and her eyes were full of sorrows. “Why? What have I done to you?”

Lightning Streak put his hoof on Dash, but she immediately shook herself to get rid of his hoof. “Well Rainbow, you don’t need to be sad. Things will get better.”

Dash looked again at Streak with rage in her eyes. “Better? How can they get better? YOU ruined my life! I don’t want to see you again! Go away!”

“Sorry Dash, but I can’t leave. Trainer can’t leave his student.”

Rainbow yelled at Lightning Streak with even more rage in her voice. “As you see, he already left me you idiot! And it has nothing to do with you!”

Lightning Streak smiled. “Hmm... trainer can only leave when captain calls him. Yes Spitfire wanted to talk with Dark Flame and it was about training, but your captain is still here. And he won’t leave you or disappoint you, Dash.”

Dash finally stopped crying and had little hope in her eyes.”You mean that you are my...”

“Yes Dash. From now on, I am your trainer. And I promise that I will train you the best way I can.”

Rainbow smiled after a long time and jumped into Streaks front legs. “I’m sorry for what I said. I didn’t know that you are my new trainer.” said Dash in joy while her stomach again rumbled. “But I am still hungry.”

Lightning Streak was thinking for a while. “I see. But I have to train you. Well there is great restaurant nearby where I often go. I think we can call this theoretical training.”

Streak led Rainbow Dash into his favourite restaurant ‘The Ninth Hoof’. It was cheap restaurant, but taste of their meals was perfect. They sat to table what was next to the window. Rainbow enjoyed that perfect scenery of Clouddon, one of many cloud cities. She was looking out of the window when waiter came to them. “Good day Lightning Streak. What do you want today?”

“Hello Paul. I will eat your special salad and Rainbow Dash will eat...” Streak was awaiting response from Rainbow Dash, but she was still looking out of the window. “Ehm... Dash. What will you eat? Dash? Dash!”

Rainbow got shocked and looked around her. “What? Who? Oh yeah, meal... I will eat... hmm... that salad looks good.”

Dash ordered her meal and after a while Paul bring it to them. They spend all their training time in the restaurant and talked about Clouddon. Before, Dash only heard about Clouddon and this time she saw it for the very first time. When the time has come they both returned to the headquarters for lunch. Neither Dash nor Lightning Streak were hungry. But Dash was slightly tired so she went to her bed. When she fell asleep she had very weird dream. It was like the last dream. Dash saw it from same position. She saw Dark Flame’s back and in front of him Spitfire.


“Hi sister. Lightning Streak told me that you want to talk with me.”

Spitfire turned from window to Dark Flame. “Yes that’s true. He came here because he wanted to train Dash instead of you.”

Dark Flame put on his evil and malefic smile. “And you send him away, right? So why you wanted me to come?”

“I looked at you and Dash. What I saw was something very similar to torturing than training. So I decided that you will continue with your chemical researches and Lightning Streak will be Dash’s new trainer.”

Dark Flame’s jaw fell down and opened his month. “WHAT? You made HIM a trainer. But I wanted to try it.” He then went to the window and looked through. “See? She is sad. She even cries. Under my training she would become the greatest flyer.”

Spitfire coldly answered. “No my dear brother. She would die under your ‘training’. And as you can see she isn’t sad, but happy. Anyway, my word is rule in here. I said that Lightning Streak is now her trainer and so he is. Now go, I have things to do...”


Dash woke up and looked around. Everything was right. She looked at the clock and saw that there’s still some time. She didn’t mind her dream with Dark Flame because she wanted to enjoy the rest of her day with Lightning Streak. Dash was meanwhile looking for her dress. She found it under her bed. Trying to focus her mind on what happened and why is it under the bed was useless. Dash took her dress into mouth and raised her head. Suddenly her mouth opened and her dress fell back on the floor. She remembered her old dream and with little thinking she put one and one together. Imagination that this thing happened, what could possibly do, terrified her once more.

“Oh my ... This can’t be true! But I need to concentrate. I have to train. And mainly, I have to calm myself down. I think that this dream was history, so it means that dream what I had before was history too. Anyway... How did my dress get under the bed?”

Dash was thinking for a while when somepony knocked on her door. “Come in.”

Lightning Streak came through the door. “Hello Rainbow Dash. I came here to tell you about our training. I will have to go and take care of some sort of things, so we will have to end early today.”

“That’s great! I mean... I have to take care of something too. It’s very... important for me.” responded Dash while she was putting on her dress.

Lightning Streak came to her and helped. “I hope Dash that you can be in the training area in ten minutes. We will meet there.” said Lightning Streak and left Dash’s room.

Dash was waiting for a while and then left her room too. She had eight minutes, what was pretty much time, but she met Dark Flame.

“Oh, Dash. You are in you dress. So you go for your training. But how is it possible are you going there in time? Oh, I get it. You are coming late only on my lessons. Is it because you saw how I’m coming late?” he said with arrogance in his face.

“No it’s not true...” said Dash but she was suddenly cut off by Dark Flame.

“So tell me, why you came late on my training and not also on Lightning’s training?”

Suddenly Lightning Streak came from the dining room. “Ehm. Actually, Dash is late. I told her to come earlier. Yeah we wanted to start ten minutes before than normally. So Dash, you are late.”

Dash didn’t know what’s going on and thought that Lightning Streak again turned on Flame’s side. And when Dash was sad, Dark Flame was more and more happy. “Oh, that’s it! Can I give her the punishment?”

Lightning Streak responded with his typical stone face. “No. I have something worse for her. Dash, follow me!”

So Dash slowly put her head down and walked behind Lightning Streak. When they got into the training area Dash immediately asked Lightning Streak what was that. He answered her smile on his face. “Well Dark Flame is jealous idiot. So I thought that if I would act like you came late, he will let us be. I think that he won’t provoke you for a while.”

Dash smiled and hugged Lightning Streak. “You are just the best.”

The rest of the training was normal. Dash flew as Streak told her and improved her turning in high speed. But after about two hours Lightning Streak said. “Well done Rainbow Dash. It is all for today. So it means your training is over. Good bye.”

Dash also said good bye to Lightning Streak and thought about the time what she spend with him. But she almost forgot what she wanted to do. As she remembered she ran into Spitfire’s office. When she was in front of the door she took a deep breath and knocked. Voice from the other side said: “Come in”.

Dash walked into the door and shut them. Spitfire raised her head from papers what were laying on her table. “Is there something with what I can help you Dash?”

“Yes. Could you please tell me about what were you talking with Dark Flame this morning?”

Spitfire stood up. “Well I think it’s our personal thing.”

Dash suddenly felt embarrassed. “Oh yes, I forgot. Sorry for that. But it’s really important for me. Can you please tell if you were talking about my training?”

Spitfire responded. “No.”

Dash turned to the door and slowly opened them. “Oh, then sorry for wasting your time.”

Dash was leaving, but Spitfire continued. “I wanted to say that we didn’t talk about you and your training. Or how can I say it. It wasn’t debate. I just told Dark Flame how it will be.”

In that time dark blue pegasus came in. “Hi sister. Is now the right time to talk about what happened this morning?”

Spitfire sat down. “Yes. It’s great time. Dash, please leave us alone.”

Dash left the office. As she left, Dark Flame fiercely shut the door. Dash has never done this, but this time it was important. She put her left ear on the door and listened what they were talking about.

First words were like Spitfire’s. “So, the truth is that Lightning Streak came to me this morning and wanted to be a trainer for this season. And he wanted to switch his place with you. I didn’t think that it was a bad idea so I’ve switched you. That’s the story.”

Second voice was now talking and in its sound was surprise. “I can’t believe that you didn’t send him away. Anyway, when you made your decision why you wanted me to come here? It’s just waste of our time.”

“Well I knew that you won’t like it, so I called you here to talk about it. I was watching you all. When I saw you and Dash she wasn’t happy. Well your training also wasn’t training. It was like tyranny. This is my argument.” said the first voice.

But the second voice replied with anger in it. “Your argument is because she was sad? Or better to say she LOOKED sad? Well I saw them when they went into the training area and Dash was VERY sad. And my training is perfect. It would make her the best.”

“No my dear brother. Dash is the beginner. You made that training too hard for her. And also I looked out of the window and I saw how they trained. Dash was doing exactly what Lightning Streak told her and it wasn’t like ‘do one hundred rounds’ and she was even HAPPY! Now go... I have things to do.”

Dash was absolutely stunned. She didn’t even notice voice what was calling her. After a while her mind came back and she started focusing again. The voice was very similar to Blaze. “Dash! Dash! Can you tell me what are you doing?”

She turned to her with horrified look. “Sorry Blaze, but I just can’t.”

Great time... Responsibilities... and Regrets - part 1

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When dreams come true

Chapter 5 – Great time... Responsibilities... and Regrets - part 1

It is great when your dreams fulfil. But even when you think that it’s the best thing that could happen, dreams can turn into nightmares. Rainbow Dash, young pegasus from Ponyville, threw away her old life and became one of the Wonderbolt. ‘What could possibly go wrong?’ But actually something went wrong.

Rainbow Dash stood in the hallway, looking at Blaze with horrified face. “Dash, can you tell me what happened?”

Dash didn’t say anything. She was just staring nowhere. No response. No motion. Blaze wanted to come closer, but Dash suddenly turned herself and ran away from the headquarters. Blaze was confused. She didn’t know what happened. Best thing what she could do was telling this to somepony. And so she did. Blaze knew that somepony must be in the dining room. As she went through the hall Lightning Streak came in.

When Blaze saw him she immediately shouted on him. “Streak!” suddenly she stopped and started thinking about something. “Don’t you have to train Dash right now? Oh, never mind. But we have a problem. I saw Dash. I think that she was listening to what Spitfire said through the door of her office. And then she ran away from here. I’m afraid of her, she looked very scared.”

Lightning Streak was still smiling. “I think that I know where she is. There’s only one place what she knows in here. You said that she listened to Spitfire. Who was with her in the office?”

Blaze though for a while. “Hmm... I don’t know I saw only Dash.”

When Blaze finished her sentence the office doors opened. Blaze turned her head while Streak raised his head over Blaze to see who it will be. Dark Flame went out of the office and his way was pointed into his laboratory which was located next to Spitfire’s office. They both looked again at themselves. “I was afraid of this. If it is what I think that it is then we have big problem. Don’t expect us on dinner.”

Lightning Streak ran out from the headquarters. Blaze still didn’t know what was going on so she wanted to stop him for a while. “Hey! Wait! I still... Why is everypony running from me today?”

Streak head right into The Ninth Hoof. When he got in there he looked around. Dash was sitting on the same table as in the morning. Streak came to her. “Well, I don’t know you Dash, but I go into same restaurant only once a day. What happened? Blaze told me about it.”

Dash raised her head, but she still looked sad. Lightning Streak sat on the opposite side of their table. “Do you remember how I told you about that dream with Dark Flame?” said rainbow Dash quietly with voice full of fear. Lightning Streak nod. “Instead of going on lunch I went into my bed and I fell asleep. I had another dream. I saw Dark Flame and Spitfire. They were talking about my training. I thought that it already happened, but I still wanted to ask Spitfire about it. Just to be sure. They didn’t talk about it. When I was leaving Spitfire’s office, Dark Flame came there. And he... he...”

Dash couldn’t continue. She was almost shivering in cause of her fear. Streak stood up and sat next to Dash. He also put his hoof around her to calm her down. “Don’t be afraid. It was only a dream.”

Rainbow looked at him, but she was even more scared. “You don’t understand. That dream... and their conversation... it was absolutely... same!”

Streak again tried to calm her down, but now he wasn’t even smiling. “It was just a coincidence. This happens sometimes.”

“Coincidence, coincidence, but what if my first dream will also happen? I think that ... I will have to leave the Wonderbolts.”

Lightning Streak was little shocked, but still stayed calm. “You can’t just flee, Dash. It wouldn’t help. Running from problems may look useful, but it’s just for a while. You must fight for your dream.”

These words were the right once. Dash calmed down and put her head on Streak’s shoulder. She closed her eyes and enjoyed this situation. Dash knew that when she’s with Lightning Streak, she’s safe. In that time Paul came with wine and two glasses. He put it on the table and Dash finally smiled and thanked Paul. Paul slightly filled one glass, while Lightning Streak was very deeply thinking. “I don’t get it. I thought that you don’t know anypony in here, but you ordered two glasses. Were you waiting for somepony?”

Dash took her glass, tasted the wine and nod at Paul. He then filled Dash’s and the second glass. “Yes Lightning Streak. I was waiting for somepony. But he already came here. I’ve ordered two glasses because I knew that you will come. I didn’t want to talk with anypony, only with you. I ran away and I knew that if I will go here, you will find me here. To be honest, I really enjoy our ‘theoretical training’ so going here and ordering wine will let us spend more time together.”

Streak opened his eyes and was surprised. “Clever girl. It was nicely planned. And it’s true that I won’t leave, because that wine what you’ve ordered is great. I had it before and I completely remember that taste.”

These two stayed in the restaurant almost into midnight. They were slowly becoming more and more drunk, but also better and better friends. Nopony was in the restaurant for almost two hours. Only Lightning Streak, Dash and Paul, whose eyes were slowly closing. When Paul fell on the ground and looked like he’s asleep, Dash and Streak left The Ninth Hoof and head back home.

Lightning Streak went with Rainbow Dash in front of her room. “Well Dash... good night.”

Dash didn’t want to end this so early. She knew what she wants to say, but still she was little shy. “Ehm... don’t you want to... I meant...” Dash was cut off by a drunken voice what was coming from the dining room.

After a while Soarin walked from dining room while he was singing and trying to go straight, what was very funny. “Oh, life could be a dream... If I could take you up in paradise up above... If you would tell me I’m the only one tha-” that embarrassing moment of silence. Soarin was staring at Lightning Streak and Dash with opened mouth in cause of unfinished word, while Streak and Dash were looking back to him with confused look.

When Soarin’s mind started to concentrate, what was very hard for him in this state, he asked first question what he had on his drunken mind. “Ehm... did you hear me?” he slowly asked.

Dash smiled and answered him, “Sh-boom!” and started laughing with Streak.

Soarin’s face turned red. “Oh... so... well good night. And please, don’t tell this to anypony.” then he left and started talking for himself. “Crap. Where did I end- Ah! I know! If you would tell me I’m the only one that you love...” Soarin again singed until he reached his room.

Lightning Streak turned back to Dash and continued in their debate. “So Dash, what did you tried to tell me?”

Dash took a deep breath and said: “Don’t you want to sleep over in my room?” very fast and ended this with smile.

This was first time when Dash saw Lightning Streak sad. “I’m sorry Dash, but I can’t. You know, I had to do something today, but instead of it, I was with you in the restaurant. So I must prepare it for tomorrow. Maybe someday. Good night Dash.” said Streak and walked into his room which wasn’t far from Dash’s.

Dash then immediately went into her bed and fell asleep. As always Dash had some dreams. But this time they were all about Lightning Streak. Most of them were memories, but some were like what could possibly happen if he would stay over.

It was morning. Dash’s first thought was ‘I think that some of those dreams should really happen.’ Even then she imagined that she’s all wet. ‘Oh my, yesterday was got wilder than I expected... but wait *sniff* it’s not what I thought *sniff* this is different *sniff*this smells like an ordinary water. But how could water get into my bed?’ Dash then stood up and felt water even under her hooves. ‘Well, not only my bed, but even whole room.’ The best way how to figure out what really happened was to ask Streak. But when she opened her door she saw panic. Everypony was running through the hall carrying bucked filled with water in their mouths. Lightning Streak was also helping. After a while Dash found Soarin. He was alright. No headache, he could talk normally and even walk straight. Spitfire called him to her.

“Soarin come here! Somepony has to stop this. You know the workers in the Weather Factory. Go there and help them end this disaster.” said Spitfire and again wanted to grab bucket and help others, but Soarin stopped her.

“But Capitan I’m not...” said Soarin, but was cut by Spitfire.

“There is no ‘but’. Don’t you see what’s going on? Get there as soon as you can. What are you waiting for? Go!” Soarin then entered his room and after a longer while he flew out from there.

Dash walked to Spitfire and asked her. “What’s going on? And how can I help?”

Spitfire put her bucked down. “Actually, as you can see, it’s raining. But it doesn’t have to. And we don’t need your help. I mean there would be too much of us. Just put on your dress and go on your training, I will send Wave Chill to you.”

Dash did exactly what Spitfire told her. When she was prepared, she stood near the great door and watched the hall ‘till Wave Chill came. After a while, Wave Chill came from Soarin’s room. When Dash saw him she got on her way to the training area. After about five minutes Wave Chill came to her. Or better to say, tried coming to her. “So today we will train... I just can’t remember what I had to teach you.”

It was obvious that Wave Chill had very strong headache. “Ehm, is everything right? You don’t look fine.”

Wave Chill nimbly raised his head. “Yes, yes. Everything is great. Well I got only drunk and I don’t remember anything. My brother told me what I have to- Oh shit! Heh... I meant...”

Rainbow knew what’s going on. “Your brother you say? So you even confused Spitfire. It would be interesting if she would really send YOU into the weather factory, SOARIN! Or maybe you already were there. That’s why there’s so much water.”

Now revealed Soarin put his right hoof up in the air and tried to speak, even though it was hard for him. “No I wasn’t there. I promise. Yesterday I had very intimate debate with my toilet. I can tell you, alcohol is great when it goes into you, but when it goes out, it’s terrible.”

“I don’t want to know the details.” said Dash with disgusted face.

Soarin was again thinking for a while. “I know. Well, when I saw you and Lightning Streak yesterday I had one question on my mind. And it’s ‘did you read our rules?’ Because I think that you didn’t. Anyway I brought them in here so you can study them now.”

Soarin handed over the rules. Dash took them, looked at them for a while and then he looked back at Soarin. “No I really don’t read them. And I don’t even want to. It’s too much and for more, it’s raining.”

“Well then take them into your room. I think that I won’t be able to train you today, so your training is to get know about the rules.” said Soarin and slowly walked back into the headquarters.

Dash stood in the rain for a while, because she was little stunned. That text was too long for her. But training is training. So Dash went back to her room. Sitting on her bed wasn’t the best idea, because her bed was like a sponge. As Rainbow sat down, water poured from her bed. Dash then decided to go to the dining room. Nopony was in there so she sat down and read the rules. Well it wasn’t reading, but mindless page turning.

After a while, a pony with white mane came in. “Hi Rainbow Dash. My name is Fleetfoot. I will be your trainer for tomorrow. You don’t need to come so early for your next training. We will start with it at nine o’clock.” she said and left. Nothing special happened that afternoon. Dash was doing like she was reading the rules and the rest of the Wonderbolts tried to clean the headquarters. But evening was much better for Dash. As she was going into her room after the dinner, she met Lightning Streak.

“Hi Streak. Don’t you want to come and visit me tonight?” said Dash.

Streak turned to Dash and came closer to her. “Well, it’s true that I am very tired today, but if you insist I can visit you, but give me about an hour.”

Dash smiled and walked into her room. It was suspicious why he wants so much time, but if he will come it doesn’t matter. Dash didn’t know what to do. She was so excited. She spent most of the time watching her clocks. Tick, tock, tick.., tock... Dash got so tired that she almost... Suddenly, somepony knocked. Rainbow quickly ran from her bed and tripped over her Wonderbolt dress. “I’m coming!” she shouted from ground. After a longer time, Dash stood up and opened the door. It was Blaze.

“Um... hello Dash. I hope that I’m not bothering you. Do you have some time? I need to talk with you about something.” quietly said Blaze with sad face.

Dash was very disappointed. “Well, uhm... I’m tired. You know, it’s too late for me. I will go sleep soon. Maybe tomorrow.”

Dash then shut the door and again waited for Lightning Streak. After a while somepony again knocked at the door. The time was Dash more careful. She got near door without falling on the ground, what was great success, and opened the door. Finally it was Lightning Streak. And he was also holding a bottle of wine in his mouth. “Ahm hee.” he tried to say with bottle in his mouth. Dash gave him very strange look, so he put down the bottle. “I wanted to say that I’m here.”

Dash let him come in and they both sat on the bad. “I’m sorry Dash, but I will have to take a shower. So if you excuse me.”

“You can have it in here.” shouted Dash. “I have a shower too.”

“Dash, I don’t know if it is good idea-”

Dash again cut Lightning Streak. “You are right. It’s not a good idea. But it’s great idea! Bathroom is over there.” she said and stood up. Her way was into the wardrobe from what she picked to glasses. “But before you go, let’s have a glass of wine.”

Lightning Streak opened the bottle and filled both glasses. Before he was able to pick his glass, Dash already drank her wine. “You brought perfect wine. Can I have another glass please?”

Lightning Streak was on one side happy, because Dash seemed to like his wine, but on the other side, if she will drink it like this, she will be drunk soon. Anyway Streak filled Dash’s glass. This time she raised her wine and waited for Streak. When he raised his glass too, they touched and Dash had another glass in herself. “Well, I think that I will go and have the shower now. I will be back soon.”

What? Dash’s wine filler is going away! Now she will have to fill it on her own. But her eyes... they don’t listen to her. Dash tried to fill her glass, but half of the wine was on the table. When she put the bottle she wanted to see from what year is it. “Hmm... year of collection... 2003?! Whoa, that must be a very expensive wine. And it’s also very strong.” said Dash and drank another glass. Wine’s effect was stronger and stronger with each second. Dash had to lie down on her bed. And that was the time when her mind got drunk and weird. Suddenly a strange sound came from her bathroom. It was like water. Maybe shower. Dash had to explore it. When she got into the bathroom she saw Lightning Streak in her shower. “Ehm... Dash, what’s going on?”

Streak was turned to the opposite wall so Dash saw... let’s say everything. She got brilliant idea. Her eyes were wide open and she had very sinister smile. “Well, I thought about... helping you! Yeah that’s it. I mean, it’s hard to wash your back. It’s impossible. So I came to help you.” Dash walked in, put some soap on her hoof and helped Streak with washing his back.

Streak was getting nervous. “I don’t want to be rude Dash, but don’t you think that it’s too early to have a bath with me? I mean, we know each other only about three days.”

Dash’s hoof went from Streaks neck through his spine to his tail and then back to his neck. “I think it’s time to get closer to each other.”

Streak was getting more and more nervous. Rules are rules. “No it’s not the time. And I don’t think that I you shouldn’t come with me into showER- DASH! Can you tell me why are you washing my ass? I can do it alone.”

The washing stopped for a while. “Are you sure about that? But I can do it much better!” and continued.

Testosterone started to flow through Streaks veins. He knew what will happen if Dash won’t stop. “Dash I beg you, stop it- wait... it’s not your hoof what is washi... DON’T EVEN DARE TO GO LOWER, DASH!” shouted Streak. Late. Streak felt how Dash’s lick it lowering and all what he could do was very loud gasp of pleasure. After a while he turned and pushed Dash on one of the walls. She didn’t resist it. She was waiting for this. Streak also put on his face that sinister smile. “You want to do this the hard way Dash? Then let’s do this the hard way!”

Great time... Responsibilities... and Regrets - part 2

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Wednesday morning, seven hours and five minutes. Rainbow Dash had perfect yesterday. Now she wakes up in her comfortable bed. When she recognizes who’s in it with her, the bed is somehow way more comfortable and getting out of it would be the biggest mistake.

Dash woke up and looked around. For her surprise, Lightning Streak is in her bed too. The memories of what happened are hard to find. Dash doesn’t want to wake him up. She just got closer to him, hugged him and with her head put on his shoulder tried to fall asleep once more. But she couldn’t. She was interrupted by somepony who knocked on her door. Wait... somepony knocked... Dash finally woke her mind up. “Streak, wake up!” she shouted, but not too loud.

Streak shook himself and accidently kicked Dash out of her bed. As she fell down, what made pretty loud sound, the pony which knocked before opened the door. It was Blaze. “Streak? What are you doing in-” Suddenly Dash stood up so Blaze could see her head. “Rainbow Dash?!”

When dreams come true

Chapter 6 – Great time... Responsibilities... and Regrets - part 2

Wednesday morning, seven o’clock. Everypony is in the dining room and Spitfire is about to talk about something important for every Wonderbolt. Only two seats are not occupied. Dash’s and Lightning Streak’s.

“Well, when everypony is here I have to talk about something important. Another year has passed from our last-”

Blaze cut Spitfire’s talk. “Ehm... I’m sorry to interrupt you Captain, but Dash and Streak are missing.”

Spitfire looked around and thought about something for a while. “You’re right. And I think that next time I should check if everypony is here. Would you go into their rooms and wake them up?”

Blaze saluted and got on her way to Dash’s room. She knocked on the door, but there was no response. Just quiet. Suddenly a sound, very similar to fall, went from the room. Blaze was afraid that something happened to Dash, so she opened the door. First thing she saw was Streak in Dash’s bed. “Streak? What are you doing in-” Suddenly from behind of the bed cyan, rainbow maned head raised. “Rainbow Dash?! Don’t tell me that you two... Oh my... Do you know that if anypony will know about this you will have a big problem.”

“Problem? Why should we have a problem? It was just once.” said Dash with surprised voice. “And please don’t shout in the hall and come in.”

Blaze responded with anger in her voice. “Didn’t you read the rules? Rule number nine: ‘Keep it professional’ it means no relations between Wonderbolts.”

Dash was now even more surprised. “No relations? Why? Who created this rule?”

Streak joined their conversation. “Our first captain made the rules. He was Spitfire’s father.”

Dash wanted to speak, but Blaze was waster. “I would like to talk more with you, but we have to go to the dining room. Spitfire is waiting for us.”

They both put their uniforms on and went to the dining room. Spitfire was already talking. “... so it’s time for another Annual Daring Race. In cause of our last year Lightning Streak and Dark Flame can’t join this race. So this year’s participation is me, Fleetfoot, Fire Streak, Misty Fly and Blaze.”

For breakfast, as always, was salad. After they eat it Dash, Lightning Streak and Blaze gathered in Dash’s room. Blaze came as last, but she was most excited. “Can you believe it? I will be in the Annual Daring Race.”

“Congratulations Blaze. When I was young I always watched this race.” said Dash and turned to Streak. “But Streak, why you can’t participate?”

Streak put his head down. “Well, let’s say that Dark Flame made pretty effective potion and we used it. And they somehow knew about it.”

“Ah... Dark Flame and his potions.” said Dash with disgust. “Anyway we talked about Spitfire’s father. I never heard her talking about her parents or even that her father was the first captain of the Wonderbolts.”

Streak turned his sight at Blaze, who nod with her head at him. “She never talks about them because she loved him very much. And when she thinks about him it makes her cry.”

Dash was getting more and more confused. “Well, I don’t get it. What happened to him?”

Blaze started talking. “Where should I begin? Her farther created the Wonderbolts. It was group of very skilled flyers. He also created this rules. Everypony followed them. Only Spitfire’s father and her mother, Night Shade, broke them. Especially rule number nine.”

The more Dash knew the more was she confused. “Night Shade? I know that name. Isn’t she one of the Shadowbolts?”

Lightning Streak continued. “Yes. She is the captain. And that’s it. Spitfire’s father broke rule nine many times. He had two foals with her. Spitfire and Dark Flame. They are twins, but Spitfire is predicting that Dark Flame is older. Anyway, our first captain really loved Night Shade. One day she took him deep into the Everfree forest. They’ve never returned. Only I knew about this and when the right time came I told this to Spitfire. And that’s why is Spitfire following these rules so hard. The punishment for breaking this rule is immediate dismiss from the Wonderbolts.”

Time ticked away while these three talked about history of the Wonderbolts. It was almost nine o’clock. “I’m sorry, but I will have to go for my training. See you later.” said Dash and left. Dash went out for her training while Blaze and Streak stayed a little longer and talked together. After a while Blaze remembered something.

“Oh crap. Don’t you know where is Spitfire?” nervously said Blaze.

Streak was thinking for a while. “I think she went to the Clouddon. But you will have to hurry.”

Blaze quickly flew out of Dash’s room and was on her way out of the headquarters. Streak ran from the room too. Blaze turned her head to Streak wanted to thank him, but he shouted, “Blaze, watch out-” *crash* “-the doors... are... closed.” Blaze flew right into closed door. The pain was terrible.

Spitfire came from her office to see what’s going on. “Well, now I will have to choose another racer. Lightning Streak can you please take her to her room. I will come after a while with some medicines.”

Streak took Blaze to her room as Spitfire told him. Meanwhile, Dash was training with Fleetfoot. Her lessons were about turning in high speeds. She wasn’t doing so badly, but there still was something to improve. After the training, Dash went into shower and then into dining room. After a while, the rest of the Wonderbolts came in there too. Just at one o’clock Joe came from his kitchen and brought them food. But one pony was still missing. “Streak, where is Blaze?” asked Dash.

Lightning Streak wanted to answer, but Spitfire wanted to talk. “Everypony, please pay attention. In this morning one of us was badly hurt. Blaze hit closed doors with her head in very high speed. So I had another work. She had to participate in the Annual Daring Race, but now I think that she won’t be able to recover in one week. Or even if she could I won’t risk her life. I’ve watched Dash in her training. I want to ask her trainers, can she participate in there? Lightning Streak?”

“Yes. I think that she can fly very long time. From my side, yes.”

Spitfire turned at Wave Chill. “What about you? Do you think that Dash could be ready?”

Wave Chill put his head down. “I’m sorry Captain, but... I wasn’t training her. Soarin had hangover and it would be way too dangerous to send him to the Weather Factory. So we switched.”

Spitfire was angered. “Hmm... very surprising news. But for breaking rules is punishment. And I know something for Soarin. And I think that he won’t like it. Soarin, from now on, you will be Dash’s trainer for Tuesday. And now... Fleetfoot is Dash prepared? What do you think?”

Fleetfoot smiled on Spitfire who was actually still angry. “Yes. I think that Dash is ready. And we still have whole week. I... I mean, WE all will train Dash and let her improve. She will be the best.”

“I hope so. This means Dash will participate in the Annual Daring Race instead of Blaze.” said Spitfire and started eating her lunch. Dash suddenly wasn’t hungry. She left the dining room and went to visit Blaze. She wasn’t able to do anything. Dash could only saw yellow lying body with closed eyes. It made her very sad. And now she even has to race. Dash loved to watch this race, but join it? Dash left Blaze’s room, because if she would stay she could even cry. She sadly walked through the hall and her head was down. Streak was just going out from dining room with High Winds, but when he saw Dash he went into her room. Dash looked at him with very wet eyes. Streak managed to see one tear that dropped from Dash’s cheek. Dash let her door opened so Streak came in and shut them.

“I didn’t know that it’s that bad. And now it’s on me. I can’t disappoint her. I mustn’t fail. But what if I will fail? It would be disaster. What I have to do? Don’t you have some good advice for me?” said Dash, letting her head fall on her front legs and cried.

Streak came to Dash, put his hoof around her and pulled her closer. “It will be alright. Nothing will happen to Blaze and you will win this race. I will train you. I will train you and you will become the best of Wonderbolts even if it would cost me my life.”

Dash was lying on Streak for pretty long time. But then she saw the clocks. It was time for her afternoon training. Dash barely put her dress on and got on her way to the training area. The training was terrible. Dash couldn’t even gain enough speed. “What’s wrong with you Dash? Is everything right?” Fleetfoot asked her, but Dash wasn’t able to respond. “If it will be like this, then we don’t need to train. If you can’t manage to do something, go and rest. But remember, you also have some responsibilities for the Wonderbolts.” said Fleetfoot and left Dash alone. She didn’t move for a while, but after that she returned to the headquarters. Her first way was into Blaze’s room. But as she came to the door Lightning Streak, Dark Flame and Spitfire came from a room what was in the end of the hall. Dash immediately ran to them. “What happened? Is Blaze finally awake?” shouted Dash in hope that she really is.

Nopony responded. After a while, Spitfire has spoken. “I think that we will let them in here, Dark Flame.” and went into her office with Dark Flame.

Dash was getting nervous. “What’s going on? And what’s this room? And where the hay is Blaze?”

Streak put his head down even more. “It’s hard to talk about it. This room is like out little hospital. Dark Flame studied anatomy so he can take care of those who end there. And Blaze...” Streak couldn’t continue. But Dash knew what he wanted to say.

“What? No, no, no! It can’t be! She just hit her head, noting else. No, this... I can’t believe it! Please tell me that this is one of my dreams so I can warn her. PLEASE!” Dash was now crying very loud and she even fell on the ground. That feeling of helplessness was pulling her down.

Streak took her into his room and put her in the bed. “I know this is hard time for you, but you have to calm yourself down and regain back your strength. We need you. Just sleep for a while. I will be here with you.”

“Sleep? I can’t sleep? My only friend is in the ‘hospital’ and I can’t even help her!” said Dash and wanted to stand from the bed, but Streak put her back.

“I will bring you something that will help you. Just wait for a while.” said Streak and left Dash alone. When he returned he had a glass with strange blue liquid on his hoof. “Drink it Dash. It will help you.”

Dash did so and immediately fell asleep. Streak lay next to the bed and protected Dash. But he protected her mostly from her panic. After about two hours Dash woke up. “What was that? What did you give me?”

Streak stood up from ground. “It was potion from Dark Flame. You had to rest.”

Dash remembered about Blaze. “Can you finally tell me what’s with Blaze?” said Dash and jumped off the bed.

Streak didn’t want to tell this to Dash. But he had no choice. “We’ve found that... how can I say it... Blaze wasn’t stunned in cause of her accident. We thought that she had just simple concussion. But she would already wake up. It’s terrible... she was so young. Almost a filly. Flame found something terrible. She is in coma.”

This information stunned Dash. “Wha... What? But... No she can’t be.” and again, sorrows dropped from Dash. She cried for a very long time. Moving from Streak’s bed was impossible. Dash was in his room until tomorrow’s morning. Streak was whole night sleeping next to her on the floor. As the time came for breakfast, Streak didn’t want to wake Dash up and went into the dining room alone. But as he was leaving Dash mentioned him. “Where are you going? Blaze woke up?”

Streak turned on Dash. “No, I’m just going for breakfast. Do you want to go too?”

Dash nod with her head and tried come closer to Streak. It was hard, her sadness was destroying her. She walked slowly, but she still almost fell down. Streak had good reactions and caught her. Then they together walked into the dining room. Spitfire looked angry this day. Streak carefully put Dash on her seat and then also sat down. It looked like Spitfire is about to say something, but she was still quiet. When they were leaving Spitfire ran to them. “Come into my office in five minutes. Both of you!”

This was bad. Streak didn’t saw Spitfire angered like this for a long time. They both went in front of the office. “Dash, I can take care of it. Just listen. We will get out of this.” said Streak and then they opened the door.

Spitfire was sitting at her table. “You still have time. Anyway close the door and sit down.” They did so.

After a while Flame came in. “Uh... you are already here. Well, before we start I just have to say one thing. Next time, don’t listen to our conversation, it can turn against you.” he said while closing door and then sat down on the opposite side.

Spitfire started speaking. “I really don’t like to do this. But I also don’t know why are you making this so hard for me. So... How should I begin? Well, breaking rules is bad and an unforgivable thing. It is even worse when you break rule number nine. But the worst thing is that it was you who broke this rule, Lightning Streak. You really disappointed me.”

Streak tried to protect both, Dash and himself, because he had nothing to lose and he also knew what will happen if he would fail. “I’m sorry captain, but I really don’t know what are you talking about.”

Spitfire put her head down and breathed out. “Why you always want to do it that hard for me? Never mind. My brother told me what he heard. You were both in shower. In one shower at one time. Do I have to continue with details or you’ve remembered?”

Streak was still calm. “What? This is pathetic. Your brother is lying! I was in MY shower in MY room and ALONE. He has no proof for this!”

Dark Flame was quiet, but Spitfire put her head down even more. “You are right. He doesn’t have any proof for this... but I do. I was in your room. It was empty. I’m sorry, but you know what will happen.”

This wasn’t good anymore. “What? No, you can’t just... Please, can we talk alone?”

“Brother, please take Rainbow Dash and wait for us outside. Thanks.”

Flame and Dash stood up and went out. “Alright, let’s play this fair. You were right. We really broke the rule and I’m ready to take the punishment, but I beg you, don’t punish Dash. This is hard time for her and it could totally break her. She’s just a filly and it was just one mistake. Don’t destroy her whole life, please.”

Spitfire put her head down and few time hit her table. “Always hard way! But I don’t know why I should do it. But... this is so hard... I always wanted to be like a real captain. Like my father. I’m not like him. Dash... will be able to stay. But she will have very hard time. Now go and bring them here.”

Streak was happy that at least Dash could stay in, but as he opened the office door, fierce shout came from the hall. “You filthy rat! This was out thing! And it has NOTHING to do with you! You will pay for this!” When Spitfire heard this she immediately ran from her table to the door. She couldn’t believe what she saw, same as Streak. Dash was standing over Dark Flame. One of her front hooves was on Flame neck and was choking him. Her second front hoof was covered in blood and was high above Flame’s face, prepared to strike it once more. Flame was already lying in blood what was getting out of his face. Almost every Wonderbolt was in the hall and watched them.

Spitfire, as captain, had to do something. To act against this. “Rainbow Dash, stop this right now!” she shouted on Dash.

It was useless. Dash again punched Flame, this time right into his nose. Streak ran to them, caught Dash and pulled her away. Her eyes were full of vengeance and rage. As she was waving with her hooves all around, she accidently hit Streak. It was pretty hard hit. He put Dash and also fell on the ground. Dash was still enraged, but when she saw what has she done to Streak, her mind calmed. “I think that I have to go and pack my things, right?”

Spitfire responded with great disappointment in her eyes. “Yes Dash. You are dismissed.”

The Element of Betrayal

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When dreams come true

Chapter 7 – The Element of Betrayal

Dash, dismissed from the Wonderbolts, travels through the Equestria. She has nowhere to sleep or rest. Her home is still far. But it is the only place where she will feel safe. At least Lightning Streak is travelling with her. They are both very exhausted and their wings hurt. Suddenly, they get in front of place, what Dash recognized. The Everfree Forest.

It was pretty late. The sun was already setting. “Streak, I think we should rest somewhere,” said Dash with worry in her eyes.

“We can rest in that forest. It’s not that dark so we should move,” said Streak and continued on his way to the forest.

Dash was afraid, but she didn’t want to look like a coward, so she followed her loved stallion. The sun was slowly setting and moon rising. It was getting darker with each step they took. Suddenly, they head voice coming from nowhere. “Ohh, What do we have here? A couple of Wonderbolts! That’s amazing.”

Streak recognized that voice. “Oh my... You are al-” said Streak, but he was cut off by the voice what now sound more angered.

“Yes! I AM alive! And, as I see, you still remember me. How cute,” said the voice ended with evil laugh.

Streak stepped forward. “What have you done with Spitfire’s farther?” shouted Streak into the darkness.

Very maniacal laugh followed by the same voice came from behind. “What do you think? I’m sure that you know it. But I can explain it to you in details! We, the Shadowbolts, have our camp here in the Everfree Forest. And it is very close to great canyon. And as I remember, there are very sharp spikes down there. Well, it was bad from me I know, but it was also fun. I broke him his wings and then he ACCIDENTLY fell down.”

Dash finally knew what’s going on. “Night Shade!”

Suddenly the laughing stopped and a mare in dress of the Shadowbolts with pure black mane came from the shadows of the woods. “Very smart. Yes, it’s me. But before you do something wrong, I have to tell you something. We must discuss it. We didn’t come to hurt you. But we want you both to join us! Join the real best flyers in Equestria!”

Dash barked back at Night Shade. “Never! And why you call yourself the best flyers? The Wonderbolts are still the best!”

Night Shade put her head down and shook it. Then she raised it again and looked very disappointed. “I thought that you are clever, but you didn’t get it. Well, let’s take it from the beginning. From The Best Young Flyer Competition. You participated in there. As every year, Spitfire and other Wonderbolts were watching. And then it came. You’ve performed the Sonic Rainboom! Reaching eighty-eight wingpower is very hard, but you did it. You saved Spitfire and others. In that time we all get it. You can be the one who can solve our little war.”

Dash was listening patiently, but she missed one thing. “I don’t get it. Spitfire saw me, but how could you? Or how did you know about this?”

Shade just smiled. “So you aren’t that dumb. Yes, you’re right. I didn’t see you. But Dark Flame did. He told us everything. Now we had a problem. You refused our offer before and you also wanted to join our enemies. And so you did. But fortunately, there was Dark Flame and he had to get you out of there.”

“Nice story, but I still didn’t change my mind!” said Dash and turned around.

“Wait! Well, then another thing. Do you remember your time in the academy? You had to clean the ski as fast as you can, wingpony. Yes, this was Spitfire’s first mistake. She made you a wingpony! How was that feeling? Anyway, you cleaned the clouds using tornado. It was Lightning Dust’s order, right? So reckless. You told Spitfire about the way you did it. She didn’t care! She didn’t care, because all Wonderbolts are normally reckless. But when you said that you leave, she had to do something. Her plan? Look like she really regrets it and kick Dust instead of letting you leave. Did she fooled you? Yes. What do you think now? Did you get it?”

Dash was confused. She didn’t want to believe those words. “You liar! You can’t know nothing about that! You weren’t there! And Dark Flame neither. Only Spitfire.”

Night Shade smiled even more. “Yes, you’re again right. But we had another pony in there. When your dreams are broken, we are still here. And we saved her and help her recover same as we will do it with you.”

Rainbow was totally shocked. She knew who was Shade talking about. “Lighting Dust!”

Lightning Dust came from the darkness and stood behind Night Shade, who continued in her speech. “Alright. One last try. The Annual Daring Race. Do you remember why Streak and Flame can’t participate? Because they used Flame’s potions. But why? That’s easy! Everypony can join it. Expect for us, the Shadowbolts. They are afraid of us. Spitfire wanted something what will make them win. Am I right?” asked Shade while smiling at Streak. “So Flame made a potion. They both drank it and participated in the race. One very promising flyer joined them too, as a rival of course. It was our newest member, so nopony knew that she’s one of us. Streak won the race, but the judge recognized that something is wrong. Well the main point of this story is that Spitfire loved that idea. She wanted her team to win, even though she had to cheat. That potion wasn’t tested! It could hurt or even kill them! But the victory was everything for Spitfire.”

Dash was slowly turning on the side of the Shadowbolts, but still she needed more. “But how can you explain this year’s race? Blaze had to participate and she got hurt. Spitfire said that she don’t want to risk her life.”

Night Shade smiled because she knew what to say right now. “I’m so glad that we have this sneaky rat Dark Flame on our side. When Blaze hurt herself, Spitfire just looked at her and coldly gave order to Streak, who saw it all. ‘Get her to her room,’ and left her as she was. Streak can prove this to you, am I right, Streak? Is it true?”

Dash turned her sight at Streak and secretly hoped for straight answer ‘no!’ But Streak just stood there and said nothing. Dash came to him and put her hoof on his back. “Is that true? Please tell me that it isn’t true,” said Dash to Streak while tears were slowly dropping from her eyes.

Streak let his head fall down. “I’m sorry. She’s right.”

This was the last wedge what broke her heart. Her exemplar, Spitfire, was just reckless and ambitions mare who cared about nopony else. Dash wasn’t ready to join the Shadowbolts yet, but it was just a question of time. She now hated Spitfire more than Night Shade.

Shade showed them place where all Shadowbolts were. It was ruin of some chapel in the Everfree. Dash knew this place. She remembered the time when she was in here. They recovered the harmony shards in here together with Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and Twilight. These memories brought even more tears in her eyes. “You need to rest. Maybe you two normally sleep together and in one room what is separated from others, but we have only one room where everypony sleeps. These are your beds,” said Shade and pointed over two pieces of something on what they were supposed to sleep. But they were anyway very exhausted. Dash couldn’t fall asleep. Her mind was still thinking about what happened. After about two hours, she heard voices coming from outside. Dash walked to the hole in wall and saw how was Night Shade talking with Dark Flame.

“Very well my dear. You were supposed to bring one Wonderbolt to us. And you brought two of them. Amazing! And what’s with your nose?”

“I’m glad that you’re happy about that. And, yeah that nose... I used very filthy way to get them here and Dash was little enraged. So she punched me few times and broke it.”

Dash remembered her dream. It really was true. But it didn’t make Dash nervous like before. She went back to her ‘bed’ and fell asleep. This didn’t happen for a long time, but Dash again had a dream. This time it was very short, but straight one.


It was back in the Wonderbolts Headquarters. Dash stood in front of Spitfire’s office. Spitfire was covered in blood and lay on her desk. Lightning Dust was behind her also covered in blood, but not as much as the orange mare. She was pulling Spitfire’s mane so her head was raised. Spitfire’s eyes were almost closed. “Hey Dash! You wanna finish her?”

Dash came closer, turned on the other side and prepared herself for well-aimed and strong buck right into Spitfire’s face.


Dash woke up. She was all covered in sweat, but she was glad that it was just a dream... at least for now.

Annual Daring Race

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Monday morning, eight o’clock. The day of Annual Daring Race event.

Dash trained very long time together with the Shadowbolts. They didn’t tell her why, but it looked important. As she woke up Night Shade came to her. “Good morning Dash. I hope that you are prepared for the race.”

Dash’s mind wasn’t yet fully working. “What? What race?”

Night Shade smiled. “The Annual Daring Race. You WILL participate and you will win it. It’s in eleven o’clock. Better get yourself ready,” she said and left Dash in her bed.

Dash was confused. She just woke up and Shade told her such a thing. ‘But she said that we are not allowed to participate,’ Dash thought.

When she finally woke up her mind, she went outside for breakfast. Shadowbolts had breakfast in picnic style.

Time was ticking away and Dash was getting more and more nervous. “Hey Night Shade, you told us that we can’t participate.”

Shade raised her head and Dash saw her sinister smile. “That’s true. Officially, we can’t. But now we have you! With you as one of the best flyers we can win that race before they will see that there is Shadowbolt.”

Dash didn’t like that idea. “But why you want to show us? They think that Shadowbolts no longer exist.”

“We need to spread fear,” explained Shade. “They will be afraid and after that we will strike! You will just go there and join them like one lap to go. Then it’s depending on you what will happen.”

Dash nod with her head and went inside to put her brand new Shadowbolt dress on. It was perfectly sized. Just for her. When Dash was prepared, she came to Shade. “Ready Dash?”

“Ready!” responded Dash with braveness in her voice.

Night Shade led Rainbow Dash to place where the Annual Daring Race was. They watched it from the beginning and counted laps. When the right time came Shade gave signal to Dash and she flew to her place. She flew as fast as she could.

The timing was perfect. Dash joined right for the last lap. She flew around all of them and after going through finish line, she flew above them all. Everypony was stunned. Not because of her speed, but because of her suit. The spectators, the racers and even the Wonderbolts were looking at Shadowbolt Dash with opened jaws. Spitfire took off her glasses. Dash was looking straight into her eyes same as Spitfire into Dash’s. Dash saw fear and surprise in Spitfire’s eyes, while her were full of vengeance. Dash then saluted and flew away.

“Was I good?” asked Dash when she again met Night Shade.

“You were just perfect.”

Great time... Responsibilities... and Regrets – final part

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Tuesday early morning, five o’clock. It’s unbelievable how your life can totally turn in ten days. You can be on the top, but also absolutely down. And when you get down, your mind will get corrupted and you will want your revenge. Dash’s life is about to be fulfilled. Her great has come. Great day for every Shadowbolt and Wonderbolt.

“Wake up everypony!” shouted Night Shade in the quarters. “Our time has come! We will take back our rule over the skies! You have one hour, then we depart.”

Shadowbolts were prepared to get rid of every Wonderbolt in Equestria. Time pasted so fast. At five to six everypony stood in front of their camp. “We will be in three groups,” said Night Shade in her captain’s voice. “Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust will be group A. You will have to take care of their captain. Group B will be I and Lightning Streak. We will protect and help group A. And group C will be Vengeance, Star Caller and Glaurein. You will clear our way. Is that straight?” shouted Night Shad in the end.

Everypony responded “Yes Captain!”

Night Shade smiled and led the way to the Wonderbolts Headquarters. When they were on the way, Streak flew next to Dash. “See Dash? I told you we will return. I just want to tell you one thing. It doesn’t matter what will happen up there, but I will still love you!” smiled Streak and go closer to Dash.

She also smiled, but she stayed focused on her job.

Dash saw how Lightning Dust flew next to Night Shade and talked something about Dark Flame. “Hey Captain, I want to ask you in what group will Dark Flame be?”

“Group B,” Shade coldly answered.

After a while they got in front of the Headquarters. Shade again gave orders. “After Dark Flame will open this door, group C will go in and make way for group A into captain’s office. We will protect you.”

The adrenaline was increasing with every second they flew there. Suddenly the door opened. From the other side voice, very similar to Dark Flame’s, came out. “Hello mom.”

Vengeance, Star Caller and Glaurein all flew in and tried to hurt everypony they saw. The rest of the team waited for a while. After about five seconds, Dash and Lightning Dust nod at each other and flew in. Dust flew right into Spitfire office, but Dash flew to the end of the hall. She opened the door and entered. Blaze was still laying there with no motion. Look at her almost dead friend brought back Dash’s happy memories what they spent together. She knew her for a very short time, but it was enough to recognize, that she was her real friend.

Dash came closer to Blaze, put her hoof on Blaze’s chest and said: “I’m sorry that I didn’t protect you Blaze. I don’t even know what have I gotten myself into.” Then her head fell on Blaze and Dash started crying. She heard the painful screams and begging for life from the outside. But also, as she was crying, she remembered about Spitfire and how she acted when Blaze hit her head. She then opened the door and walked through the hall, ignoring what was happening on her sides. Her way was straight. Her target was only one. Spitfire’s office.

As she entered Spitfire was almost dead now. She was laying on the desk covered in blood. Lightning Dust stood behind her. Then she bit her mane and pulled her head up. Spitfire’s eyes were almost closed. But as Dust pulled Spitfire’s head, some letters fell on the ground. “Hey Dash! Do you want to finish her? To have some fun?”

Dash came closer, turned on the other side and prepared her hind legs for very strong and well-aimed kick, right between Spitfire’s eyes. But as she lowered her head to perform the kick, she saw picture attached to one of letters. It was picture of her old friends. They were together. And all happy. Dash read the letter. ‘What’s wrong with you Dash? I know that last time we saw you, we ignored you. We are really sorry for that. I mean, we thought that it’s normal when you’re here, but now we see what we have lost. One of our best friends. Please come back and visit us sometimes, I hope that our friendship isn’t lost. We would really...’ Dash couldn’t continue because the rest of the letter was unreadable thanks to Dash’s tears.

Lightning Dust was getting worried. “What’s wrong with you Dash? Is something bad?”

Dash raised her head with the rest of her strength. Her eyes were red, but she wasn’t crying anymore. “Yes! Yes there is something bad! I made so many mistakes and now you want me to kill my real captain!”

Dust was confused. “What do you mean? I thou-”

Dash again faced Lightning Dust. She stood on all four legs prepared to take off in very high speed. “I made many mistakes, but now I will do something that will be worth of my life!”

Dash nimbly flew off aimed right at Lightning Dust. She kicked her out of the window and held her wings, so Dust couldn’t use them. The shards of glass from destroyed window scratched all around. It also cut some veins and nerves from Dash’s wings. The pain was terrible. But Dash was still holding Dust’s wings. “Stop it Dash! We will die BOTH if you won’t let me go!”

Dash could only hardly respond because of the pain, but she managed to. “I know!”

Lightning Dust was now totally shocked. So the Elements of Harmony really meant something. Dash had very long time to think about her life before they landed.


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I had a dream. Yes I know that everypony have their dreams. But I was the lucky one. My dream became true.

When I was only seven years old, I saw the Wonderbolts in my home city, the Cloudsdale. They were doing so amazing tricks. From that time, I wanted to become one of them.

I trained so hard, watched them and even... well this is embarrassing... I even stalked them. But one day, on the Great Galloping Gala, one of them told me about their academy.

I was like, “YEAH! Finally I can be one of them!” It was beautiful feeling. They’ve accepted me and I trained hard under the orders of Spitfire, the captain of the Wonderbolts. Spitfire was just amazing. I passed. It’s true, I was a wingpony for the first time, but after some days Spitfire saw what’s really within me. I still can’t believe that I’ve done so many mistakes.

I came back to Ponyville to my friends, waiting for letter from the Wonderbolts. When it has to come, it didn’t. It was painful. It was terrible. It was my last chance to become one of the best flyers in Equestria. But it failed.

I felt miserable. But actually, something great happened. The Wonderbolts came into my house to personally tell me that I was accepted. I thought that it was the best thing what could happen, but it wasn’t. It was the worst thing. And I slowly started destroying my life.

I left my friends behind. We weren’t friends anymore. Oh, if I could return the time.

I moved into the headquarters of the Wonderbolts. I had everything. New home, new friends and my dream came true. But it wasn’t enough for me. Who wants too much, will soon have nothing.

But it wasn’t only my mistake. I fell in love with one stallion, but he was also a Wonderbolt. And we broke the rules. It wasn’t so bad, because only I, the love of mine and my friend Blaze knew about this. But things got even worse. We’ve paid for this way too high price.

My only friend felt into coma. It made me very sad. And thanks to that rat Dark Flame, Spitfire knew about our rule-break. I couldn’t hold my emotions. But it was great feeling when my hooves punched his face. But now it was for sure. We were dismissed.

I still had anger in my heart and I wanted to revenge. I made the biggest mistake in my life. But the worst thing is that I pulled Streak to that imaginary bottom of my life with me. We’ve joined the Shadowbolts.

For first it looked good, they were friendly, no rules and I’ve even met Lightning Dust. She was my leadpony in the academy. And now we were together again.

Shadowbolts were planning something like an assault. First thing was to spread fear. We showed everypony that the Shadowbolts have returned and they are still the best. But it went more dangerous.

Night Shade, the captain of the Shadowbolts, continued with her plan. Now, when everypony knew that we are back, it was time to strike! With traitors within lines of Wonderbolts, we flew into the headquarters and our purpose was to destroy it with every Wonderbolt.

The fight was very exhausting with many looses on both sides, but we had chance to win. This was my only good decision.

Flash of my memories went through my mind and I got it all. I knew that I was enraged and I also made many mistakes, but the last decision of my life was the good one.

I, the best flyer of Equestria, have sacrificed myself, to save my real captain and my only friend. I couldn’t live with that feeling. I’ve regretted every little thing what I’ve done. I made only one good thing. I’m sorry for that.

-Rainbow Dash