• Member Since 8th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 13th, 2013



One day, Twilight Sparkle, a student of Princess Celestia, tries to cast a spell that was made by her teacher. But, something goes terribly wrong and turns the ponies into humans! Now, the Mane Six must go through what every teenage girl must go through. High school, drama and dating. Image Credit: *MirakuruNaito on DeviantART.

I picked a pretty cliche title now didn't I? XD

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 17 )

Pretty good, but the incredibly short, one-sentenced paragraphs are really annoying.

Im pretty sure Rarity would call herself hideous, but that's just my opinion. :twilightsmile: And how could they calculate human age?

I would like to see more and post it to Gaiaonline if you don't mind

150550 im guessing by the way she looks? im pretty sure its possible to tell by the picture :rainbowhuh:

umm... how did Rainbow know Twilight's phone number?

I'm so sorry about that! I tend to write a lot of one sentence stuff. XD And thank you. :pinkiehappy:

That's right. I was hoping you would see by how she looks, she'd be 17.

That will be explained in the next chapter. Love your profile avatar! :D

First, I'll post more later. Second, what's Gaiaonline?

Creepy you say. Creepy how?:pinkiecrazy:


You see my dear friend, I didn't want the ponies --humans-- to have their normal names. Just so the story could be more realistic, I decided to name them differently. Just so they fit in with their world.:twilightsmile:

i gave you fice stars but i put it as 3 and a half stars:rainbowderp:. Srry it's just been doin that latley. but i did give you five stars of epicness! and i'm tracking:yay:! :scootangel:This is my kind of story keep the chapters comin!:yay:

Tracking, hope to read soon ^^

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