• Member Since 8th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 13th, 2013



It's finally Pinkie Pie and Discord's big day.

But what happens when Princess Celestia wants revenge on the two and becomes jealous of Pinkie Pie for marrying Discord?

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 15 )

I'm... not quite sure how to peg this story. Celestia and Discord are so completely out of character that they might as well be named Character A and Character B, not to mention the irrationality of the ship. I'm willing to accept any shipping pair as long as a reasonable story comes before it, but none exist here.

You write well enough, but I would recommend slowing down and spending more time detailing your scenes.

Deserving of an Alternate Universe tag if you ask me.

It's like...anti-Celesitra/Equestria/ propaganda.

No, reading the ending again. It's like Twilight...expect with ponies and the wedding objected.

Well, this fic would be to my interests... IF IT WAS LONGER.

chapters only a few hundred words long, bleh.


Thanks for telling me this. I really appreciate the advice. By the way, I've never seen Twilight and I don't plan on it. :pinkiehappy:

So sorry about that!

I was trying to make Discord nicer.

Thank you, I will try to slow down and write a bit better.

I already added the Alternate Universe tag. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks! I'll try to write more! :twilightsmile:

I know. I'll try to make it longer. :twilightsmile:

273896 Try and keep it in mind that characters should be in character unless...

Ha ha, I see what you are doing now ;).


hmmmm not bad

really nice, hope to see more soon

What could go wrong? thats what i would like to know

Faved! What could even go wrong with this! :derpytongue2:

This was a great fanfiction. Many short fics aren't too good, but you pulled it off great.

One thing though, during chapter 2 you dipped into first person for a while.

Anyway, good job!

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