• Published 22nd Jan 2013
  • 1,421 Views, 26 Comments

Troth - VairaWrites

Discopie. When Pinkie Pie is unable to carry their child to term again, what is the Lord of Chaos to do? Distraction seems the best route.

  • ...



Pinkie Pie insisted on covering the roots of the rose bush by hand. It was a little colt they buried, and so they used red roses instead of pink. They had a yellow bush for their second miscarriage, because he or she wasn’t developed enough for them to tell. They had two red rose bushes, a pink, and a yellow now. He was really starting to hate those damn thorny plants. As usual, it was just the two of them, getting their hands dirty under a blazing sun. Pinkie didn’t like the idea of having her friends around for the occasion.

“I was hoping we could go out tomorrow for dinner. Spike was talking about a new place outside of Ponyville.” Discord ventured as he snapped a watering can to shower the rose bushes. They were already heading inside, but it would not do to let their fetuses’ flowers wilt. That would really hurt her.

“That sounds fine.” Her hair was still not as bouncy as it used to be, but not ramrod straight either. They settled into the kitchen, and Pinkie stared off into space so Discord whipped up dinner. Salad and a cup of chocolate milk for Pinkie, and he snapped a block of meat over the alligator pond. Gummy had grown teeth, and fortunately grew out of his biting tendencies. Unfortunately, he had grown too big for the house. Discord came around the kitchen island to curl around his mare.

“I love you, my dear.”

“I love you too Dizzy.” She smiled weakly, kissing my snout before turning to her salad. He was glad that he had decided to ask for her hoof. She was the best thing to ever happen to me. Why did I balk before? He made sure she ate before zapping upstairs. No need for caution now. She snuggled into Discord as he turned the lights out with a nod. Which is good for her, he thought, she has a busy day ahead of her.


“Good morning my dear.” The mare stirred, lifting her head to see her lover’s body in place of the door to the room. She smiled wearily, returning the greeting. Nothing new in that. Breakfast was already prepared when she arrived in the kitchen. Not abnormal, but still highly appreciated. Something else was off.

“Flowers?” Pinkie Pie asked, “What’s the occasion?”

“Can’t a stallion dote upon his mare?” Discord smiled, fluffing the tiger lillies.

Not without hope of getting something, Pinkie thought playfully. She responded favourably though, and sniffed the blooms appreciatively. She thanked him, ate, and headed to work. When she got there though, the Cakes told her to take the day off.

“Nothing for it Pinkie,” Cup Cake said, “Not enough customers.”

Indeed, there were hardly any ponies in the store, and though Pinkie was sure it would pick up... well, she could use a day to herself. She smiled softly, thanking Mrs. Cake for the offer, and shouting goodbye to Carrot Cake who was busy in the backroom.

No sooner did she leave the mysteriously vacant bakery than Fluttershy appeared.

“Oh, um, hello!” The rose pink-maned pony smiled, “Um, would you care to join me at the spa?”

“That sounds great Fluttershy. I... I had to plant another rose bush.”

“I heard.” She replied softly, hugging her pink friend, “Listen, uh, I know it won’t help much, but you’ll feel a bit better, I promise.”

Pinkie nodded, and followed her friend toward the spa. Aloe and Lotus Blossom were there to serve them, and Pinkie didn’t notice the quiet way Fluttershy asked for deluxe treatment for her friend, pressing extra bits onto the table. The twins nodded, smiling. Pinkie was eased into a mud bath, soaked in a hot tub, and seated in a steam room before the twins began their work. Hooficures, face masks and a light brushing before the massage began.


“Mmn?” The pegasus responded from the other bench, enjoying the feel of another pony’s hooves on her back.

“I can see why you like this so much.” The pink mare smiled, despite her recent trauma. Her friend smiled, even if they couldn’t see each other. There was nothing else to be said.

When they finally finished their ablutions, they felt refreshed and renewed, happy with their service. As they left the building, they ran into Rarity, looking frantic.

"Oh my gosh, Pinkie, can I get your help? I need a model for my new collection, and everyone else is busy! This is the. Worst. Possible. Thing!"

"Of course," Pinkie nodded, "I guess Fluttershy doesn't want to go down that path again huh?"

The yellow mare nodded, mumbling something about sick animals before trotting off.

"So you'll help me?" Rarity asked, eyes wide.

Pinkie nodded, and before she knew it she was trying on different dresses, getting things sewn on and torn off what she was wearing...

"Perfect." Rarity stepped back, "This was a prototype, but I want to see what ponies say about it... would you mind wearing it for me today? Just to see what somepony else thinks?"

Pinkie nodded, it was a light airy fabric, billowy without being ostentatious. The colour was a creamy off-white, and it hid her distended belly quite nicely.

"It feels perfect for this weather."

"My thoughts exactly!" the fashionista exclaimed, "I'm so glad you think so too!"

"I better get going, before everypony goes home from market if I'm going to showcase this one. Are you sure you can't take a break?"

A hoof went to the white-coated mare's forehead, "Alas, a slave to my art."

Pinkie smiled, giving her a hug before exiting. She walked in place a bit, to make sure that the dress wouldn't snag if she turned too quickly. Once Pinkie was sure how to walk in it, she headed back to town.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were just around the bend when she came up to Sugarcube Corner, and their eyes went wide.

"Well looky here, if you ain't the darn cutest thing in all of Equestria!"

"Wow Pinkie, you look awesome!"

"Thanks girls! Wow, I'm running into everypony today!" Pinkie smiled, getting a hug from both mares.

"Where are you off to looking all fancy?" AJ asked, joining me as she walked.

"I was just heading home, the Cakes gave me the day off but I keep running into everypony."

"Did Rarity force you into that?" The rainbow pony asked

"No, I actually quite like it. It's a prototype of one of her designs, and she wanted me to show it off... see the reaction, you know? Maybe I'll wear it to dinner tonight."

"Where ya'll goin'?" AJ asked, moving us through the centre of town.

"Oh it's called ClearWater. Dizzy said he heard about it from Spike."

"What about Spike?" the three of us turned to see Twilight carrying a stack of flowers.

Rainbow Dash made a quick summary of the conversation, and the veronica pony nodded.

"ClearWater is a pretty nice place. Uhh, here!" Her horn glowed, and a bunch of flowers came off the stems to attach themselves to my hair.

"Aww thanks Twi," Pinkie sniffed, "Everyone's been so nice today, thank you."

All four mares came together in a hug, and the stayed that way until Pinkie shifted.

"Thanks girls."

"No problem, and hay," Rainbow said, "Let me walk you home."

"Dizzy? I'm sorry I'm a bit late, I got to gabbing with AppleJack and Rainbow Dash!" the pink pony called upon opening the door. Discord leaned out of the kitchen, looking his girlfriend up and down.

"You look beautiful..." It came out as a murmur, and he came out to meet Pinkie, kissing her forehead. "I was hoping we could go on a short walk before dinner, if you think you're up for it."

Pinkie Pie nodded, "I want Rarity's dress to get some more limelight anyway. I promised her."

After deciding that heading through town to ClearWater was the best way to show off the dress, they headed out. Discord complimented the flowers in Pinkie's hair and she went on to proclaim Twilight as being super duper sweet and thoughtful.

The walk through town was quiet, seemed like everyone was taking a night in. Perhaps they were doing an early dinner too. The sun was lazily making its way to meet the horizon, and the couple made their way through town much the same. It wasn't long before they reached the edge of town once more.

"I love you." Pinkie murmured, glancing up at her man, "thank you for taking care of me. I know I push things too hard... I just want them so badly."

"I know, my dear." He leaned down to give her a hug, "But maybe we should wait before trying again, hm?"

"...maybe." Her voice was watery, holding back tears Discord thought.

"That's my girl. Now, I think you'll like dinner -- but first I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" She looked up at me, liquid eyes clearing up, "What kind of surprise?"

"Now, now, now, what kind of surprise would it be if I told you?"

She hiccuped a laugh, not paying attention as we rounded the corner -- "I suppose you're right. Where?"

"Take a look." he gestured to the pasture, and her eyes got wide in surprise as she saw what was in store for her.

The field was graced with a single walkway, lined with white lilies and pink roses. Petals of the flowers ran up the walkway, where - it appeared - the whole town stood either side of. The walkway ended with a simple but beautiful archway done in wooden logs and a strip of white silk that fluttered slightly in the light breeze. All her friends stood up at the archway, smiling at her. And wearing lilies in their manes. That matched their summer dresses. It wasn't a walkway. It was an aisle. She tore her eyes away from the scene and looked at her boyfriend.

"Dizzy, I -I don't..." tears welled up again as he sunk to one knee.

"Pinkie Pie, I know I can be a difficult man to live with. You take all my eccentricities in stride and even - chaos knows why - enjoy them. I can't promise that everything will be sunshine and daisies -- but I promise to always try to make you happy. I will try to for the rest of my life, if you'll have me."

He produced a ring. A simple band with her cutie mark on it.

"I don't have a cutie mark, but seeing as I'm devoting my life to you I thought that you should be on the ring. For you are everything." He leaned in, "Plus I didn't think you'd want my mug on your ring."

She barked out laughing, smacking his shoulder.

"Give me the ring you weirdo! Of course I'll marry you!"

His grin widened and he poofed to the end of the aisle.

"Come and get it."

She laughed, tears finally leaking from over-filled eyes. Their day had come. She could hardly believe it. Apple Jack had come down the aisle and proceeded to walk her down it.

"I'm sorry, I ain't a substitute for a father-"

"You're better, you want to be here." She hugged her friend tightly, "Thank you so much AJ."

"It ain't no thing, sugarcube." She pulled back, wiping her friend's face, "Now let's go lasso you a man."

Pinkie laughed, and nodded. This was really happening.

Author's Note:

Hi ya'll! :D

Comments ( 7 )

Watch the person shifts. There's a part where suddenly Discord becomes "I", which might have been thoughts that you forgot to italicize, but there's also a couple of sentences where Pinkie becomes "I" and they are clearly not thoughts. Pinkie should always be she, Discord he, because the rest of the story is in third person. You don't have any "I" in this story.

Is the title meaningful? What does "troth" mean, anyway?

short chapter but god it tugged at my heart strings
i really REALLY hope they do get a kid.
also Welcome back! ive missed your writing X3


Definition of troth
1: loyal or pledged faithfulness : fidelity <pledged my troth>
2: one's pledged word <I don't remember the details or, by my troth, even the gist — Stanley Elkin>; also : betrothal



I'll have to go through this again! That's what you get for posting before beta-ing!

Pinkie does have a family though, and what about Screwball?

Need more Discopie. Please write some more I want to see Pinkie happy.

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