• Published 30th May 2013
  • 4,988 Views, 446 Comments

Trail of a Shooting Star - Book Two - Earthbound - VariusMayhem

Tyler and the Harmony Rangers are tasked by Celestia to investigate about the "Darkness Sisters". As Contact is made, unusual stuff happens.

Comments ( 41 )

And we are done... DONE!!!

A bitterweet ending...
I'll submit chapter 1 in a few, stay tuned...

That was a grate ending i guess i'll be off to the next book chapter one.

ooh ye congrats dude on finishing this story :twilightsmile:

There is sparing one because you want to and there is being occupied with something far more important. :rainbowwild:

Sweet end also: Nice use of Ichigo's Zampacto Spirit for a picture....as well as all the others :rainbowwild:

It was the most fitting. I tried looking for something more independent and not from Bleach, but to no avail.

Ending of Flash Gordon, meet the ending of Indiana (Tyler) Jones:Raiders of the lost ark.

Last scene from Thing?

Beat down, clean up, Tyler stole Twilights time line and New Jersy was used because everyone else uses Missouri?

I have only one thing to say though. Thank God people only use Kardashev 1 capabilities. If theyd gone to 2 or even 3, thngs wouldve gone totally DBZ stupid.

I wonder what the Darkness Sisters dream of power would be like, if they knew Kardashev went to 12?

I was only aware of Type IV - universal culture harnessing the entire universe, Type V -multiversal with more than one universe and Type VI - metaversal and able to create a universe at leisure. What more to be? :twilightoops:
However... If you think about it for a moment, Queen Faust created the entire pony universe with the Abarasion Spell in this story. That is because before the first end of the war, there was only Equis. Now there are TONS of stars and planets out there. Thus, Alicorns are Type VI for this brief moment, but going almost extinct and due to the spell lost for now, go back to Type I or below.

I chose the New Jersey because I wanted a battleship preferably near to New York. I don't know how often people use the Missouri...
And Tyler stealing Twilight's timeline? I don't think so! :rainbowwild: She's a princess alright, his timeline seems to have parallel events though. Comes from Celestia, she has a bad influence on individuals she desires to train to her liking. :trollestia:


Ah, I apologise, I was thinkin of more of a mathematical scale, though the jump from planetary to solar, Dyson Sphere wise can be called a larger jump than singlar star to Galactic. With a bit of shuffling I think I prefer level V to be universal, due to the light speed boundary, Level 4 is within that boundary, and the next levels from VI to X are from total control over the brane connections to neighbours, all the way up to the metaverse nBrane.

Level XI and XII are particularly problematic as for my definition they depend on the definition of energy based sentients and the possible nonlinear increase in induvidual supported numbers when part of the unified whole. that is, a computer running a neural net, when made double the power, can run a neural net twice the complexity, but that neural net can solve a more than twice the complex problem.

Sorry, its been a lot of years since I worked on the problem, and I cant remember where my work is, only the basic results of it worked and to such an amount. I really hope someone else would look at the problem, and solve it one way or another. Where did I make the mistake, Did I actually underestimate the effect.

All I can say is, If you put 16 Watsons on a problem, you should get 32 Watsons processing if they are merged.

My rating for this story is....


The images were good and rachel was perfect.
But sam
I cannot stop laughing!!!!

I used a cropped version of that picture before. It goes without saying that he doesn't have THAT big of a haircut. :rainbowlaugh:

Well, this was a thrilling story! And it was written much better than the first one. I can easily see that you have indeed improved greatly. I can't wait to the read the third one.

I'm tempted to review this, but I decided against it. Not really feeling the review vibes, you know? Merry Christmas!

Aww, But I'm eager to have your review for this as well. Oh, you will get into the mood sooner or later.:rainbowwild: Merry Christmas!

6765587 With Christmas happening tomorrow... er... today... I think? Ugh, I hate being nocturnal. Anyways, I'm probably going to be absent from the internet for a few days. Friday and Saturday for certain. Eventually however I'll want to reread this story, and when I do I'll review it then. I promise.

I knew the Doctor wasn't dead! :rainbowdetermined2:
Great story! Well, onto the next! Allons-y!

Alright, I just finished the story again and... well... truth be told there really isn't much for me to say.

Characterization was much better this time around, making it much easier to understand who was talking.

One problem I did notice was that you had a tendency to switch from one format style to another. It gets confusing when suddenly, where there was double spacing separating the paragraphs, there's a large wall of text, indented or not. Pick one and stick with it is the only advice I have for that.

The romance is still a bit quick in my opinion, but I've accepted that we're dealing with a species that likely moves a bit quicker thanks to a heat season, so don't worry about that.

References were much smaller in number, which can be seen as both good and bad. In Book One the references were aplenty and had me laughing hysterically. But some people see it as stealing the work of others for yourself, so lowering the amount you use was probably a good idea overall. Personally, I have a couple birds that would like to do flips for those people. They forget that making a reference fit in a story requires a lot of work, both in setup and in execution, so give yourself a pat on the back.

I'm not entirely sure how to feel about the race of Discord's (I can't for the life of me spell the name of their race) that lasted all of thirty minutes against one harmony powered human. I just feel so much more could have been done with that. But it's your story, and I won't tell you how plots should have been done.

Hmmm.......... Overall... Without considering what Book One was like, this would likely be rated 5/10.


I am also taking into account the vast strides you've taken towards improving yourself as an author. As such your rating will be... drum roll please...


There are plenty of mistakes, and the fact that your primary language isn't English shines sometimes, but as I said, you've taken great leaps in improvement since Book One, and the mistakes are more the kind anyone would make on accident than the kind an inexperienced author would make. Treat yourself to something nice man, you deserve it.

Also, you have opened a very big, ugly, and mean can of worms thanks to the incursion into Earth. Tread lightly, many authors before have had connecting Earth and Equestria be their undoing. Don't be afraid to ask for help, either me or someone else. Actually, you might be better off asking someone else. I'm more of a fight choreographer. I write fight scenes better than I do anything else. Taking something like this on alone is like contemplating time travel. Not to be done alone... or sober for that matter.:raritywink:

But so far you've been doing a great job overall, and I think you can do it if you just keep in mind your strengths and weaknesses as an author. Play to your strengths, and don't be afraid to have someone straighten out your weaknesses.

EDIT: Huh. Looking back, I guess I did have a lot to say.:twilightsheepish:

The thing with the format will be solved over time. I started with one format and learned about another halfway, yet I sometimes take my time to re-read the chapters and correct the format. One at a time that is.

The Draconequii under 'Big Sister' Eris were meant to cause immense trouble, yet from the point of the Darkness Sisters, were very expendable. Please note that these were young Draconequii, Eris and Discord are deemed the two older ones in the bunch, more of that in the upcoming chapters. However, only the young ones were defeated, meaning Eris is still out there and obviously she's not pleased. Yet I doubt she will return in Rebirth, I have other fishes to fry.

Well, I'm improving, but I don't expect a pulitzer handed to me. I'm writing to get this story out of my head, to give it form. For Rebirth, I've decided to deviate from the canon series. Heck, the very existence of little Appleseed is deviation, now Nova Sparkle will be born. But there will be a more violent deviation. Having a look at the Trailer should give hint for that.

As for the Earth/Equis relationship... The tensions will rise, that's all I will say to my readers for now. I've build up to the Darkness sisters in Book One, building up for Book Three's conflicts in Book Two was oh so very fun. Who read carefully in Book Two might know what to expect in Book Three since all is interwoven to some extent.

And now, as you already said, letting the cat out of the bag with Earth has opened a myriad of problems and opportunities. Careful readers might have recognized the one or another reference and who might pay Equis a visit to make a profit. I have one particular group of people in mind and the planned sidestory will make a wonderful crossover in 'Avidita'. Speaking of sidestories, I hope the impending one, 'Just a test' will be pleasing for those people who want to know more about that test Tyler mentioned recently, a test that will not be largely showcased in the main books. A sidestory with a twist.

As for your advice to seek advice with other people... Don't worry, I'm ahead of you. The most recent dialogue with President Meyer was discussed a bit more since I didn't want to write political and military stuff no one would buy. The sentence "A president/the people would never react like that! " is a sentence I don't want to hear, so I'll take extra care of that.

But, AEGIS serves a purpose. Not just defending Earth, but as a plot device as well. They and the threats of Book Three will shape Tyler's duties as a new prince. And what duty is given to him we will find out. Not just within the plot, but also with the help of the pilot of this blue, flying box...

7/10 is the rating, I say thank you and take a bow in front of the, hopefully, pleased readers. Let's surf along the Trail a little longer. :twilightsmile:

6909707 Hey man, it's your story. Your version of politics and the like can be about two monkeys fighting over a banana for all I care... As long as it makes at least some sense I don't have a problem with it.

Oh... wait... That IS what politics is.:rainbowwild:

Carry on.

That... Was freaking EPIC! I really enjoyed the story, and I plan on reading the third story

7288605 :rainbowlaugh:
That comment made my day. :twilightsmile:

But once the battle starts, the rangers find themselves in an enviroment known to humans... but unknown to ponies...

can someone tell me when this happens I want to know which chapter I should look forward to !

You are waiting for Chapter 18. :ajsmug:

7456145 *Falls to the floor laughing*
Oh god, that's the second time I've gotten that video in a reply!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

I admit that I was having the one or another moment writing the Mimesis parts while listening to this:

Well, Justice League, but the blue boy is part of it. So that makes you technically right. :rainbowwild:


Me start a shadow game? I Would never, I'd like to keep my body and soul thank you very much.

So what happened to the veteran's on the battleship?

That is stated in the next book. :twilightsmile:

Oh this... This is a reference, but not from Nightmare before Christmas. Try Jekyll and Hyde.

8173119 Oh well, it still seems quite similar to this song.

Oh, in his current state at the time, Sage was in control and he was some mean motherfucker.

And yes... upon this brief visual contact with Asira, Sage entered her mind and without physical contact, raped her. :ajbemused: The monster always turns against the 'creator', even when the Darkness Sisters didn't create him in the first place, they surely altered him with the heart of darkness.

8173170 Well that's pretty dark.

Nah, I didn't mean it like that. It's a good story. Sorry about how it came across though. :twilightsmile:

Yeah I know who it is now, I watched the movie.

Comment posted by Draconian177 deleted Aug 3rd, 2019

Oooohhh, shit...... they alicorned him..... they made him immortal, and he doesn't realize it yet.... and given his views on it, this is gonna end badly when he figures it out.....

Both Sisters trotted at his sides as they went along an ethereal corridor. On its sides, Tyler could lay witness on all his past adventures in Equestria and beyond. Each moment preserved like a treasure. Celestia's tender voice broke into song as they went on. “You've travelled such a long, long way, And we've watched you from that very first day. To learn of your strange race, To see what you might face, To see what you adore… And all the ways you've made us love you more.”

Damn I just remembered, the USS New Jersey definitely went down with Nagohod.
No mention of it or final words from the crew? We just forgot about 'em?
Damn... RIP to tha real ones o7

There is a mention of ship and crew in chapter 3 of the next book. The crew is alive and well back on Earth and 'The old girl is still on duty.' :twilightsmile:

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