• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 3,176 Views, 49 Comments

Keep the Earth Below my Hooves - BronyNeumo

Strength and dependability alone can never hope to match the sheer power of time. No, only love can do that.

  • ...


Keep the Earth Below my Hooves

The surface tension of the water was broken with a soft swish as the paddle passed through it, though only for the briefest of moments. The lake was completely still, the only disturbance being from the gentle ripples created each time the paddles touched the water’s surface, and from the wake of the canoe, spreading lazily outward from the bow as it cut across the lake. The mirror finish reflected a pure blue sky, shimmering in the dappled sunlight of a crisp fall day. It was pristine, beautiful, even, and ringed by all the vibrant reds, yellows and oranges Whitetail Wood had to offer.

The colors of the autumn landscape matched well one of the mares in the canoe. Despite the cool air, Applejack could feel sweat beginning to bead up on her forehead. She ignored the sensation, once again dipping her oars into the water and pulling back, enjoying the little rush she felt as they slipped out across the water. She smiled; she felt free.

An extended sigh brought her back down to reality. She glanced down to the other end of the canoe, where a strikingly cyan pegasus lounged, her fore leg hanging lazily over the gunwale. The tip of her hoof trailed an idle wake across the calm water as the canoe drifted forward. “Somethin’ wrong, Sugarcube?”

Rainbow Dash sighed again. “I don’t know, AJ. I just feel like… something’s missing.”

“Somethin’ like what?”

Rainbow Dash idly flicked at the water, scattering a few droplets to glimmer in the sunlight. “I don’t know… I don’t understand it. What are we doing out here?”

Applejack glanced around. The many shades and hues of fall lined the lakeshore, with not another pony in view. In the distance, wooded hills gave way to a line of hazy mountain peaks, just stretching up over a distant horizon. “Admirin’ th’ scenery.”

A single, indifferent breath escaped her companion’s nose. “Come on, AJ. We should be doing something exciting, something huge, something awesome; we should be having an adventure.”

Applejack frowned. “This is an adventure.”

Rainbow Dash leaned backward into the bow of the canoe, her face pointed towards the sky. “We’re barely a few minutes’ walk from home.”

“But it’s relaxin’, ain’t it?”

The pegasus twirled a hoof in the sky, as if painting upon an endless blue canvas. “I guess, but I don’t want relaxing, AJ. I want exciting.”

Applejack’s face fell. She leaned forward, dipping her oars into the still water once more, propelling them forward. Rainbow Dash leaned even further back, her head resting in the bow. She stared upward into an infinite sky.

Far off on the distant shore, a swirling current of wind picked up. A soft whistling echoed out across the lake from the trees as autumn-leaf-heavy branches swayed back and forth, releasing their precious cargo to the ever-present vagaries of the elements. Applejack glanced back at the shoreline. The disturbance raced across the mirror-surface, breaking it into many little ripples that cascaded light in all directions. She smiled, setting one oar down gently to clamp a hoof tightly to her Stetson. “Woo-ee! Hold on ta yer hat!”

The breeze whipped up over their boat just as Rainbow Dash grasped ahold of her maroon, woolen knit-cap. Applejack set both oars down into the canoe and just let the wind push them a little ways. A few errant leaves dipped and floated lazily above them. Rainbow Dash sighed as the breeze died down. She sniffled, just a little bit. She hoped Applejack hadn’t heard.

She had. Applejack gazed at her, a curious look played out across her face. “You alright, Sugarcube?”

Rainbow Dash was stuck. She reached up, pulling her winter hat tighter around her head, shaking her head, wiping her eyes. The tears felt cold on her hoof. “Y- yes.”

Delicately, trying not to sway the boat too much, Applejack picked her way over to her marefriend. “Shh… Oh, it’s ok.” She reached out, pulling Rainbow Dash’s hooves away from her face. Moisture glistened against her cheek. “It’s ok. Ah’m here, Dashie.”

Rainbow Dash shut her eyes and shook her head. She cursed herself for being so weak. The pegasus tried to ignore Applejack’s comforting hoof, placed against her chin.

“It’s ok. Ah’m here… Ah’m here.” Applejack drew her lover into a soft embrace, nuzzling her neck gently. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

“I’m… I’m scared, AJ.” Rainbow Dash was glad they were the only two anywhere around the lake. She was glad she was with Applejack, with no one else to see her like this.

“Ah know, Sugar. Ah’m scared too. We’re all scared.”

Applejack’s neck felt warm. Rainbow Dash pressed herself up against it. She felt safe; Applejack’s hugs always made everything better. “What are we doing out here, AJ?”

“Ah… Ah thought this would help take yer mind off’a things.”

Rainbow Dash just wanted to forget. She wanted to forget everything and lose herself in her lover’s strength. “It’s so hard, Applejack.”

“Ah know. Ah know it’s hard.” Applejack sighed softly, gently rubbing Rainbow’s back up and down. “Ah know… Dash, ya deserve more than this, but this is th’ best Ah can do right now. Ah’m sorry.” Applejack nuzzled her marefriend’s cheek with her own. “Someday, when we’re out o’ this whole mess, we’ll see all of Equestria together. Ah promise.”

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes. All she could see was orange coat and blonde mane. “Don’t be sorry, AJ. You’re doing your best. You always do your best.” She kissed her cheek. There were tears there. She couldn’t tell whose.


One… two… three blasts of a steam whistle sounded across the platform. There could be no mistaking it – The Canterlot Express was leaving within a few short minutes. A pall of stream wafted across Ponyville Station from the top of a waiting locomotive. A conductor glanced at his watch, calling out orders. Families hugged their last goodbyes, and travelers hurried towards their berths.

Applejack glanced around the station. She ducked out of the way as a porter, toting a luggage cart, breezed past her. She carefully repositioned her hat and stepped forward once more. “Dashie? Twi? Train’s leavin’.”

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle appeared from around the corner, two white tickets floating in a magical lavender aura before them. With a wave of Twilight’s head, they disappeared into her saddlebags. She nodded curtly. “All set, Applejack.”

Applejack glanced to her side. Rainbow Dash dragged her hooves as she moved down the platform, toward the waiting railcar. She sighed – a low, drawn-out breath that was lost in the cacophony of the busy depot to everypony except her marefriend. Applejack frowned. “It’s only fer a few days, Sugarcube.”

“It doesn’t matter. I hate it. I hate it so much, AJ.”

“Ah know, Dashie. And Ah’m so sorry, but it’s… it’s necessary.”

“It hurts.”

“Ah know it does.”

“Why can’t you be there with me?”

Applejack reached over, pulling her marefriend close and nuzzling her warmly. “Ya know there’s nothin’ Ah’d rather do than be with ya, RD. But Ah can’t make it this time. We’re right smack dab in th’ middle o’ harvest season. Ah wish Ah could go. Ah want nothin’ more, but Ah can’t. Ya understand, don’t ya?”

Rainbow Dash nodded, but Applejack could see in her eyes that she didn’t.

“Ah’m so sorry, Dash.”

“Don’t be. The farm needs you. I get it.”

Applejack placed a hoof on her lover’s chin, pulling her face up to meet her eyes. They stood, gazing at one another, for a brief moment before they connected, their lips meeting in a firm kiss. Applejack closed her eyes, allowing the outside world to drift away, only to be replaced with her world – the beautiful pegasus before her.

The shrill shriek of a steam whistle, coupled with a few light coughs from a nearby purple unicorn, tore the two from their sweet, entwined fantasy. Applejack glanced at Twilight, who nodded her head towards the steaming locomotive. Applejack gave a weak smile. “Well, Ah guess it’s time ta go.” She gave Rainbow Dash one final squeeze.

Rainbow sighed as she pulled away from her marefriend, climbing on board. “Yeah… I guess.”

“Ah’ll be right here when ya get back.”

“I know.” Rainbow Dash called form the vestibule, “Bye, AJ.”

Twilight was just about to join her when an orange hoof, draped across her shoulder, stopped her. “Twi, Ah can’t thank ya enough fer goin’ wit’ her. Truly, it means so much ta me.”

Twilight flashed a coy smile and gave her friend a quick hug. “No problem, AJ. It’s the very least I could do.”

“Take good care o’ her. Celestia knows she needs it.”

“I will, AJ. I promise.”

Applejack smiled. Twilight returned it. In the distance, a cry of “All aboard!” sounded above the din. Twilight hurried towards the train, climbing aboard and turning to wave from the doorway. Applejack waved back, a bright smile alighting upon her face. The train’s wheels slipped and a puff of steam blew from the engine as it gathered traction, easing its way out of the station. Rainbow Dash stuck her head out a window, holding down her maroon winter cap with one hoof against the breeze as the train gained speed.

Applejack blanched, suddenly remembering. She leapt to her hooves, taking off down the platform. How could she have forgotten? She ducked and weaved between other ponies, benches, and luggage, but the train was faster. She skidded to a halt at the end of the platform. The train sped away with her marefriend, who stared back at her in confusion. Applejack cupped a hoof to her mouth. “AH LOVE YOU!”

She could only hope she’d been heard.


Applejack was grateful for the light breeze that washed over the orchard. With sweat dripping from her mane, her chest, and Celestia knows where else, the chill of moving air was a welcome comfort for her. She closed her eyes and stood still for a brief moment, removing her Stetson to let the wind play through her mane. A chill raced down her neck. She grinned, affixing the hat firmly back in its rightful place. The next tree in the row, still laden with ripened fruit, beckoned to her.

“Back to work.” She quipped as she trotted over, lining herself up in front of the tree. She took a moment to compose herself before planting her fore hooves firmly against the ground. She swung her rear legs back and struck the tree with the scientific, near clocklike precision of many years practice. Hooves hit bark with a dull thud, and quivering branches released a torrent of fruit to the waiting baskets below. The farmer stepped back to admire her work, before moving on to the next tree.

It was a process, a routine, one which she repeated for each tree, on and on down the row. The monotony of it all was comforting to Applejack. The workload allowed her focus on nothing except pure, challenging, exacting labor. Each contact of her hooves with a tree sent a satisfying thud into her. Every cascading tumble of plump, delicious apples a reward for well over a year of hard work.

It also allowed her to forget everything else. The mind-numbing work was the perfect distraction she needed from her life. So she poured her soul, and her sweat, into it. At the end of another row, she stopped and wiped a hoof across her forehead. The next tree grew atop a short rise, and Applejack took her time climbing up to it, smiling and whistling a little ditty to herself as she neared the top. The hill was not very steep, but it did have enough of an incline for her to notice, and it was tall enough to afford a nice, sweeping view of the whole orchard. She liked this hill. She liked climbing it. She liked to feel the earth beneath her hooves.

Applejack froze when she reached the top, the last few notes of her song dying on the breeze. Her grin vanished. She could have cursed herself. In all her haste to keep working, to forget her problems, she had forgotten something far more important. She stood staring at the trunk of the single tree occupying the low knoll. Of all the spots in the orchard to stumble across, of all the spots to forget, it had to be the one where she and…

No. No. Now wasn’t the time for memories. Especially not… those memories. It was just another hilltop, like any other, and just another tree, like any other, and it needed to be bucked. Steeling her resolve and biting back her trepidation, Applejack advanced towards the steadfast tree. Turning away from the trunk and crouching into position, she closed her eyes, arched her back, and kicked.

Her hooves missed the mark, striking the trunk at an angle and deflecting off to the side. Thrown off balance and left with her weight held by only her two front hooves, Applejack scrambled to recover. She couldn’t. The stoic farmpony hit the ground on her side, giving a surprised grunt and rolling to come to rest on her back. The orchard spun around her, and she shut her eyes, trying to remember which way was up. Her head was throbbing; a dull pain in her side where it had struck the earth.

Wearily, she opened her eyes. Emerald green irises peered out at a mass of yellowing green leaves above. Sunlight glinted through the gaps between branches, and the bright red hues of apples unpicked stared tantalizingly back down at her. She sighed, exhaustion overtaking her limbs, and collapsed back into the dirt. She lay there for a while, gazing up through the tree to the sky beyond, remembering happier times. The farm pony lost track of time as it drifted past on the swirling wind.

She might have been happy to just let the rest of the day pass her by, but soon enough a light cough from behind alerted her to the presence of somepony else. She rolled over, standing on shaky legs. A few tears fell into the dust. She hadn’t even realized she’d started crying – she’d been doing it so much lately. Applejack turned to look behind her. Big Macintosh stood on the slope, just a few hooves away.

“It’s about her, ain’t it.”

Applejack nodded. Wordlessly, she rushed over to her brother, throwing her fore legs around him in an embrace. The mare felt more tears slip down her cheeks as she held her head against his big, comforting neck. She could feel a hoof drape over her shoulders, pulling her closer, tighter, keeping her safe and warm. “How’d ya… how’d ya find me out here?”

“Ah just knew.”

“Oh, Mac…” Applejack squeezed her brother even tighter, clutching at his burgundy coat as if she might slip and fall away. He nuzzled her gently. “This… this is the place. Rainbow Dash… almost two whole years ago, now, Ah took her up to this here hilltop to watch the sunset. Ah was goin’ ta tell her Ah loved her. But when Ah tried, Ah… Ah couldn’t. So imagine mah surprise when she said it ta me. She loved me, and we spent th’ night here, just alone under that tree, an’ she put her wing over me th’ way Ah love so much. Oh, Celestia, she’s made me the happiest mare in Equestria. It’s so hard…. It’s just so hard.” Applejack’s tears were falling unabated, then, streaking into her brother’s coat.

Big Macintosh stared stoically ahead, swaying his little sister from side to side. Theirs was the highest hilltop in the orchard; he could see every tree from up here, and the rest of the farm not too far off in the distance. Over the next rise, far beyond Sweet Apple Acres, the sun was just beginning to set, casting its golden light down across the whole orchard. Any other day, it would have been calm, peaceful. He patted Applejack’s back. “It’s ok. Ah know it’s hard.”

“An’ here Ah am, back on this hill without her. She should be here with me, Mac. She should be here ta see the sun set again. But instead she’s off in Canterlot, in some hospital, getting’ Celestia-knows-what pumped into her, and Ah’m here, without her, and fer what? A bunch o’ stupid apples an’ a bunch o’ stupid trees? Ah don’t belong here. She needs me.”

Normally, Big Macintosh might have been surprised to hear his sister talk so about the farm and the trees. He knew she loved the farm, and she loved the trees. But he understood her; he could tell she loved Rainbow Dash more.

“Ah don’t know what ta do anymore.”

“Sometimes…” Big Macintosh spoke slowly, rubbing her back gently up and down. “Sometimes, there’s nothin’ ya can do. Ya just have ta hold her close when ya can, an’ make sure she knows how much ya care.”

“Oh, Mac.” Applejack buried her face into his mane. She inhaled deeply – it came out as a choking gasp. “Ya… ya always know just what ta say.”

“Head on inside, AJ.”

“Ah can’t… Ah’ve got… work.”

“Nope. Head inside. Fix yerself some tea. Ah’ll handle everythin’ out here.”

“But… but…”

“No buts. Get along, now. Get some rest. Ya leave fer Canterlot tomorrow morning.”

Applejack could only nod weakly. “Thanks, Mac.”


The train cars rattled and groaned as they leaned through the curves in the mountains below Canterlot. Despite this, the dining car retained a quiet, almost elegant atmosphere throughout. Far enough removed from the noise of young fillies and colts in the train’s main seating sections, it was the perfect place for patrons to relax and even order a snack or small meal on the short trip to Equestria’s capital.

A waiter cruised up and down the cabin, taking orders and delivering food to various guests. Upon turning around, he spotted a new face – an orange mare with a tied-back blonde mane – staring absently out the window. Her table was empty save for what appeared to be a brown Stetson hat. Mentally chiding himself for having missed her, he quickly made his way over to her table, clearing his throat to get her attention. “Is there anything I can get for you, Ma’am?”

Applejack turned her gaze from the window to the kind-faced waiter. She sighed. “No thanks.” She said quickly.

The waiter frowned, lingering to stare at the seemingly downtrodden mare for a brief moment. “Yes, well, if you need anything, do not hesitate to ask.” Receiving no response, he quickly stole away, deigning to help another new customer.

Applejack continued to merely stare out the window at the passing scenery. The bright, clear skies of the day before had descended into thick cloud cover. As Applejack gazed through the glass, the first raindrops of a gathering mountain storm began to streak across the pane. She couldn’t help another sigh escaping from her mouth. Her breath momentarily fogged the glass. She hated travelling alone. She hated not having Rainbow Dash there with her. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the window. Her eyes were tired. More rain pattered against the glass, running downwards in fast little streaks.

Applejack’s stomach made an odd noise, but she ignored it. In truth, she hadn’t eaten much of anything at breakfast, and nothing since. She was pretty hungry, yet had turned the waiter away without a second thought. She hadn’t felt much like talking, nor did she really feel like seeing anypony, so long as they weren’t Rainbow Dash. So what if she was miserable, hungry, or anything else. At least this way she could be alone with her thoughts; her memories. Sometimes she felt like the memories were all she had left: memories of simpler times, happier times. Memories of the struggle – oh, yes, those were there too. But mostly happy memories; at least she liked to think so. More raindrops were streaking down the windowpane – right across her face. They looked like tears. It was getting hard to tell the difference. She closed her eyes, acquiescing to get lost in her memories.


The house was dark. Everypony else had already gone to sleep, and Applejack treaded softly, so as not to wake any of her family. Gently, she eased open the wooden door to her room, revealing a pony-shaped lump under the blankets on her bed. A shaft of blue moonlight had fallen across the room, illuminating Rainbow Dash’s still form. Her back was turned to Applejack, and the top of her head just barely poked out from beneath the blankets so that her marefriend could just see the bare patch of skin where a stunning six-colored mane had existed mere days previous. She thanked Celestia, as she had done nearly every day, that her lover’s wonderful cyan coat hadn’t gone the same way as her mane and tail. The doctor had said something about fur growing much slower than a mane’s hair, but Applejack wasn’t keen on the details.

She stopped for a moment, listening intently. The room was silent, save for the deep, slow breaths of her partner. She sounded so peaceful. “Rainbow… Rainbow…” Applejack edged closer to the bed. Her marefriend’s chest rose and fell gently with every breath. “Rainbow… Come on, Sugar, Ah know ya ain’t asleep.” She received no response. A frown crossed her face for a moment, but it was gone instantly. She trotted lightly across the room, dropping her saddlebags and climbing carefully into the bed beside her lover. Carefully, she leaned over and kissed her cheek. A pair of magenta eyes flew open, and a smile alighted upon Applejack’s muzzle.

Rainbow Dash rolled over; they locked eyes for a moment. “Why’d you wake me up?”

“Ah know ya weren’t sleepin’, Dash. Ya would’ve been snorin’ up a storm if ya were.”

Rainbow Dash glanced away, a light blush appearing on her cheeks. “I… I hoped you’d buy it.”

Applejack lay down beside the pegasus, reaching out and pulling her close so she could nuzzle her warmly. “And just why would ya want me ta think that?” Rainbow Dash remained silent. “Ah wanted to talk with ya.” Applejack added earnestly, holding her partner’s gaze.

“I thought… I thought you were embarrassed by me.”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash.” Applejack couldn’t help but smile as she leant forward to kiss her mare’s forehead. “Ah’ve never been embarrassed by ya, Rainbow Dash. Not when we first started datin’, and not now. This thing might be a challenge, but Ah’m here beside ya, no matter what. ’Cause Ah love ya, Rainbow, so much.”

The pegasus looked down, averting her gaze away from Applejack’s brilliant, moonlit emerald eyes. “Don’t call me that.” She whispered, letting herself sink back into the bed.

“Don’t call ya what… ‘Rainbow’?”

Dash nodded weakly. “I’m not… I’m not Rainbow Dash anymore. Just… just Dash.”

Applejack was silent for a moment, staring at the other mare, until she finally understood. “Dash…” she whispered, stroking her marefriend’s back. “Losin’ yer mane and yer tail doesn’t make ya any less of a pony. You’re still the beautiful, courageous, and loyal pony Ah fell in love with. “

“But I don’t feel like that pony anymore.”

Applejack frowned, and continued her gentle caresses and ministrations. “Well, Ah don’t know about you, but Ah think ‘just Dash’ is just perfect.” She gave another quick kiss. “And don’t go tellin’ yourself any different, ya hear?”

“I don’t know, AJ. I just… don’t feel like me anymore. Not after… after this whole… thing.” She still wouldn’t meet Applejack’s gaze.

“Hey… Rainbow? Are ya feelin’ ok.”

Rainbow Dash nodded weakly. “Yeah.”

“Are ya sure?”

“I just don’t like talking about it. That’s all.”

“Nopony does, Dash. But it’s a part of our lives now, and Ah promise you, we’re gonna get through this together.” She gave her partner a quick, tight hug.

“You don’t know that.”

“Dashie…” Applejack drew back, placing a hoof to Rainbow Dash’s cheek, forcing her to look her in the eye. “Ah promise.”

A small grin actually broke out on the pegasus’s face. Applejack answered with an even larger one. It had been so rare lately that she’d gotten to see Rainbow smile. She kept her hoof just barely touching her cheek, stroking it in little circles. Then she pulled Rainbow in for a kiss. Her eyes slid closed, and she focused on every little electric sensation tingling across her lips and over her tongue. She sighed and melted into the bed, blissful warmth rushing to her cheeks. She began to lose herself in the moment as Rainbow Dash pressed her muzzle more firmly against her own, deepening their kiss. Applejack’s mind still felt electrified by the taste of her lover’s tongue against her own, even after many months and countless intimate moments.

Rainbow Dash drew away after a long while, a smile wide on her lips. Applejack just stared at her, perfectly content just to see the other pony so happy. “AJ… I wanted to thank you. Thanks for staying with me, even after everything that’s happened. Thanks for… thanks for everything. I don’t know if I could’ve… I couldn’t have made it this far without you, AJ.”

“You have the most beautiful smile, RD.”

Rainbow Dash blushed, glancing away. “Sh… shut up.”

Applejack sat up, chuckling lightly. “Well, ya do. Now, c’mere, Ah’ve got somethin’ for ya.”

Distracted, Rainbow’s interest was piqued almost instantly. “Some… thing? What is it? A present?”

“Somethin’ like that.” Applejack reached over to her saddlebags, which lay slumped against the nightstand. She dug around within for a few seconds, finally grasping the item she had been searching for and bringing it up onto the bed. Rainbow Dash stared quizzically at it for a few seconds. Applejack stretched the maroon fabric out in her hooves, showing off the new knit cap. “It’s a hat. Ah made it for ya.”

Wordlessly, Rainbow Dash took it, slipping it over her head. It came down around her ears, two perfect holes letting them slip out from within the hat. It fit snugly around her head.

Applejack glanced away, her nerves getting the better of her. “Ah thought it might make ya feel better, just to wear it, so ponies won’t see ya without yer mane an’ all. And it should keep yer head warm, too.”

Rainbow Dash’s smile returned. “You made this?”

Applejack blushed lightly. “Ah had some help from Fluttershy.”

“AJ, you can’t knit.”

“… a lot o’ help from Fluttershy…”

“I love it.” Rainbow Dash reached out and accepted a hug. Applejack knew Rainbow would never admit it, but she could tell how much the other mare hated the way other ponies had been looking at her. It had even hurt her a little bit, to be walking through town together and to see all the stares and attention her partner would get. Each one was like a buck to the gut.

Rainbow Dash broke her reverie with a quick kiss, and they fell back into the bed together, their heads sharing the same pillow, their eyes locked. Applejack kissed her cheek, and Rainbow smiled for her. “I really do love it, AJ. Thank you.”

Applejack blinked, settling her head into the pillow. “Ah love you, Sugarcube.”

Their foreheads were touching. “I love you too. Never…” Rainbow Dash was interrupted with a yawn. “Never stop calling me Sugarcube.”

Applejack grinned, feeling the long day start to catch up with her as well. Sleep sounded like a pretty good idea to her, just then. “Ah won’t. Ah promise.”


It had still been raining by the time the train from Ponyville had pulled into Canterlot Central Station. Rather than wait for a carriage, however, Applejack had run all the way to the hospital. An off-put receptionist had then only begrudgingly allowed the sopping-wet mare back into the waiting room, where she told the mare a nurse would see her shortly, and resolutely set back off to her desk.

Applejack lay on one of several long green couches in the sparse, clean room, absent-mindedly wringing the water from her hat – long since dry – as she waited. It wasn’t too much longer before the swish of opening double doors and the clacking of hooves against the linoleum announced the arrival of the nurse, accompanied by a familiar face. Applejack smiled as her lavender friend trotted up to her. “M-mornin’, Twi.”

Twilight gave a slight smile as she stopped alongside her friend. “Hi, Applejack. I didn’t expect to see you this morning…” Twilight Sparkle trailed off, her gaze flitting over her friend for a moment. “AJ? Are you ok?”

“Yeah, Ah’m fine.”

“Well, you don’t… you don’t look so good.”

“Ah kinda got rained on on the way here.”

“No… I don’t mean that. I mean… you look like something’s on your mind… something bad.”

“Somethin’ bad’s been on my mind for the last few months, Twi.”

“Sorry, that should’ve been obvious.” Twilight hastily looked away, suddenly very interested in a crack near the ceiling. “What I mean is… you look like… like you did that one applebuck season, when you didn’t want to accept help from anypony. Remember?”

“Ah remember.” Applejack nodded glumly. “Ah didn’t get any sleep last night.”

“None?” Twilight arched an eyebrow at her friend, a shocked tone sneaking into her voice.

“None. Ah couldn’t stop thinkin’ ‘bout Dash, an’ how she wasn’t in bed beside me. Ah just kept starin’ at the ceilin’ ‘til dawn.”

“AJ, that’s awful.” Twilight placed a hoof to her cheek, turning her head so she could study the mare’s tired, drooping eyes. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

“Ah’m fine, Twi. Can Ah go see her now?”

“Don’t overwork yourself, AJ. I know you’re doing your best, but that can be a bit much for anypony, even you.”

“Ah need ta see her.”

“You need to worry about yourself, too. This whole mess is taking its toll on everypony.”

“Ah need ta see her.”

Twilight Sparkle sighed. “Fine. She’s asleep, though. There’s a sedative in her IV this time. It… relaxes her… helps her to take the medicine.”

“Ah don’t care.” Applejack stood up, trotting towards the double doors. Just as she nudged one open, she stopped. “Twilight,” she turned back to look her friend in the eye. “Do ya… do ya mind if Ah go see her alone? Ah kinda want ta just be with her… just the two of us.” Twilight merely nodded; Applejack grinned brightly. “Thanks, Twi… and… and thanks fer worryin’ about me. It… it means a lot.”

“I know you’re scared, AJ. We all are. Just… take care of yourself, ok? For Rainbow Dash’s sake.”

“Ah will.”

Applejack remained quiet, staring straight ahead, as she walked down the corridor. Taking a cue from her silent charge, the nurse neither spoke nor made eye contact as she showed the farm mare to the correct room, and hurried away as soon as she was inside.

Applejack reached up and took off her hat, letting it fall onto her back. She smiled as best she could. “Hey there, Rainbow.” There was no response from the unconscious pegasus. The mare walked over to her, setting her Stetson gently on a bedside table, next to a familiar maroon knit-cap. “Ah’m sorry, ‘just Dash’, Ah didn’t recognize ya without yer hat on.” She leaned gently over the side of the bed and kissed her love’s forehead. There was no forelock for her to brush out of the way. Still, Rainbow Dash did not move. “Ah just thought ya might like some company.” She laid her chin upon the bed, just next to Rainbow’s. A thin plastic tube snaked its way from underneath the blankets, up a metal pole and into a cold, unfeeling bag filled with some strange, foreign liquid. Applejack frowned at it.

She’d never told the mare so, but sometimes Applejack would awake in the middle of the night, for no real reason other than just to look at Rainbow Dash. When she was asleep, really, deeply sleeping, she always looked so peaceful. That was when Applejack really loved to watch her, when she was so far under that even being shaken might not awaken her, and she wasn’t even snoring. It was almost magical for the earth pony, to see her sky-bound lover, usually so brash and unrestrained, steadily resting, immovable, and at peace. To Applejack, seeing her partner like that took her back to the very early days of their relationship, when the two would lay awake for hours, just gazing at one another. She might never have said so, but those were the nights she loved best.

Seeing her now, motionless in the hospital bed, her eyes gently closed in what appeared to be perfect bliss, brought her back as well. Her face softened and she smiled, just staring at the mare. “Ah love you, Rainbow Dash. Ah’m sorry Ah haven’t told ya so lately. Things’ve just gotten so hard, Ah feel… Ah feel like Ah haven’t been there fer ya enough.”

There was no sound save for the slow, constant beep of a cold machine by the IV cradle.

“Ah wish… that was all Ah had ta do. If tellin’ ya Ah loved you was all ya needed to be cured, Ah’d say it every hour, every day. Sometimes Ah feel like there’s nothin’ else Ah can do, like nothin’ Ah try to do ever helps. Ah wish Ah had all the answers. Ah wish Twilight could just cast some spell and cure ya. Ah wish… Ah wish…” Appeljack lifted a hoof to wipe a stray droplet from below a moist eye. “Ah wish Ah could tell you Ah knew everythin’ was gonna be alright without lyin’.”

Slowly, carefully, Applejack climbed into the bed beside her lover. She settled into the space between her and the bed’s edge, finding just enough room to lie down comfortably. She rested her head on the pillow, just next to Rainbow’s. She smiled to see her peaceful form. “Ah wish ya could hear me right now, Rainbow Dash.” She kissed the mare’s cheek, then settled back into the pillow. The fatigue was beginning to set in over her. Her eyelids felt heavy, so she slid them closed. She could feel Rainbow Dash’s warmth next to her, and she smiled. Drifting away, she let the memories wash over her once more.


Applejack charged up the stairs in the Apple Family home as soon as she heard the scream.

She skidded to a halt outside the bathroom door when another shrill cry emanated from within. She threw the door open. Rainbow Dash was there, staring wide-eyed at the mirror. “What’s wrong, Dashie, what…”

Applejack trailed off as Rainbow Dash turned to look at her, full on. She gripped a hairbrush tightly in one elevated hoof. Several long, multi-hued strands hung down from the bristles of the brush, suspended in air. A small patch of bare skin, blank but for a few short stubs of colorful hair remained where a large piece of Rainbow Dash’s forelock had once been. Her magenta eyes were wide open, tears streaming down her face, but from sadness or pain, Applejack could not tell.

Applejack took a sharp intake of breath. Rainbow Dash shuddered and gasped. Her tears dripped to the floor. She was trying to speak. “Apple… Applejack… it’s… it’s starting. It’s starting!” There was panic in her eyes.

Applejack nodded. Her heart felt like it had migrated up to her throat and stuck there, denying her breath and beating at a mile a minute. She gulped, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She spoke slowly. “It’s going to be ok, Dash. Ah… Ah know just what to do. Meet me downstairs. Ah’ll grab a scarf.”

True to her word, Applejack trotted back down the stairs not a moment too late, a light scarf clenched tightly in her jaw. She found Rainbow Dash huddled in the kitchen, still staring at the long lock of her own mane. The farm mare thanked Celestia Big Macintosh and Applebloom had been out in the fields, and that Granny Smith had gone into town that morning. She was glad nopony else could see Rainbow Dash like this. Carefully, she trotted over, wrapped a hoof around her lover’s neck, and kissed her cheek. “Hold still, Sugarcube.” Biting her lip, Rainbow Dash complied, and Applejack gently tied the scarf around her head so it obscured the offending bald spot, and secured it beneath her chin. “Come on, let’s go.”

Their journey across the farm and into town passed in but a few silent minutes. Applejack noticed her partner’s impromptu head scarf earn a few sideways glances, but it didn’t hold anypony’s interest long. In almost no time at all, they reached their destination: Carousel Boutique. The doorbell clanged as they strode inside; a sing-song voice answered. “Juuuuust a mmmmiiiiinute!”

“No time, Rarity.” Applejack called out, shutting the door and quickly flipping the ‘Open’ sign to ‘Closed’. “It’s an emergency.”

“An emergency? Well, I shall tell you what we have here! A fashion emergency! Rainbow, Darling, just what are you wearing? It looks absolutely hideous.”

Applejack shot a look at the white unicorn. “Ah’m sorry, Miss perfect, but Ah didn’t exactly have much time when we were leavin’ the house.”

Rarity’s face fell. “Oh my, this is serious, isn’t it?”

Applejack nodded, taking the scarf in her mouth and pulling it unceremoniously away. A few loose hairs came with it. “Ya think?”

Rarity inhaled sharply, a hoof flying up to her mouth. “Oh… oh dear… oh dear Celestia. So… so it’s begun?”

Applejack nodded. “Darn tootin’.”

“Oh, yes… well…” Rarity cleared her throat, putting on the best smile she could. Rainbow Dash winced. “Not to worry, my dear Rainbow Dash. I soon shall have you looking right as rain.” Her face fell as she moved in closer to survey the damage. “We have some work ahead of us, yes we do.” She muttered, leading her friends into a tiled backroom. She hurried upstairs, soon returning with a brush, scissors, a straight-edged blade, and a small bottle held in her magical aura. “Rainbow, Dear, do you mind if Applejack holds you? I don’t want to take any chances.”

Wordlessly, Applejack trotted over to her love, embracing her so as to keep her held in one place. She kissed her cheek. “Everythin’s gonna be alright, Sugarcube. You’ll see.” She had whispered the words for her marefriend’s comfort, but even she hardly believed them. Rainbow Dash only pressed herself firmly up against her mare, refraining from speaking.

“Not to worry, Darling. This shan’t take very long.” Rarity set her items down on a nearby work table, retaining only the brush and scissors in her magical grasp. Rainbow Dash winced as the first piece of her mane was cut, the multi-hued strands falling uselessly to the floor. She winced again when another piece was cut. And again. And again.

Rarity grimaced as she surveyed her handiwork. Her friend’s mane had been reduced to mere stubble. “Hold still, Rainbow Dash. I still need to shave the rest off.” She tried to ignore the quiet sniffling coming from the pegasus. She could feel her own eyes brimming as she levitated the bottle of shaving cream and straight edge into position.

Rainbow Dash mumbled something; only Applejack could make out her words. “Why, AJ? Why?”

Applejack hugged her even tighter. “Ah don’t know, Sugarcube.” A tear dripped from her snout, falling to the cold tile floor. “Ah just don’t know.”


The setting sun cast the evening sky in a brilliant spectrum of red, orange, and gold. The occasional cloud over Sweet Apple Acres was even tinged a faint purple, allowing a myriad of colors to bathe the sky like some marvelous, endless work of art. As the day wound slowly to a close, the waning light found two ponies, lying side-by-side on the tallest hill in the whole farm. A light, steady breeze whistled through the trees, whisking loose leaves up into the great abyss.

Applejack snuggled up against Rainbow Dash, reveling in the warm, secure feeling of one of the mare’s beautiful wings draped over her back. “It’s beautiful, ain’t it?”

Rainbow Dash nodded, leaning her head back against her marefriend’s. She received a warm nuzzle in return. “It sure is.”

“Ah’m glad you decided to come out here with me. Ah missed watchin’ the sun set from this spot.”

“We haven’t done it in a while, have we?”

“No, we haven’t. Ah think the last time was before… well, before everythin’ fell apart.” She looked over at her partner. Rainbow Dash looked back at her, her hat was almost down over her eyes, but Applejack couldn’t blame her. It was starting to get quite cold out. “Warm enough, Sugarcube?”

“Yeah. Thanks to you.” The pegasus nuzzled her and Applejack grinned, shimmying even closer to the other mare underneath her wing blanket.

Rainbow Dash returned her gaze to the sky, where the last rays of the sun were just sinking below a horizon mountain range, turning the distant peaks into mere silhouettes. The horizon had gained a pink hue, which blended with the orange in a brilliant chromatic display. It reminded her of doing a Sonic Rainboom, and she sighed at the sudden onset of so many fond memories. She didn’t want to think about how impossible it would be to perform one now, so she didn’t. She simply let the ethereal lightshow fill her up, erasing her thoughts and leaving a goofy smile on her face.

Applejack giggled at the sight of her partner’s grin. “Wat’cha thinkin’ about, Sugarcube?”

“Mmmm…” Rainbow Dash sighed, “Remember the first time we came here together, to watch the sunset?”

Applejack nodded happily. “Ah sure do.” She drew her tail up above her, playfully brushing her lover’s backside with it. Rainbow Dash’s face scrunched up and she released a jumpy burst of giggles. Applejack chuckled at the display. “Ah remember a flustered pegasus, stumblin’ over every other word, tryin’ ta tell me she loved me or somethin’. Never even knew Ah was plannin’ ta tell her the same thing.” She stopped her attack, deigning to simply lay her tail across her partner’s flank.

Rainbow Dash took a few deep breaths, still coming down from the fit Applejack’s tail had caused. “H-hey, cut it out. That was a big moment for me. It’s not every day I have to confess something like that to the most beautiful mare in Equestria.”

“Really? Ah would think you say somethin’ similar every time ya look in the mirror in the mornin’.”

“Hey, I said the most beautiful mare in Equestria, not the most awesome one!” Rainbow Dash squeezed her with her wing for emphasis.

Applejack just smiled, enjoying the extra attention. “Sometimes Ah can’t believe it was that long ago.”

“Almost two years, now.”

Applejack sighed, resting her head on her hooves. “Has it really only been two years? Feels like so much longer.”

“They were big years.”

Both ponies fell silent. The sun had long since set beneath the distant mountain range, and the orchard had been cast into the final, golden light of dusk. To Applejack, it seemed as if Celestia herself had stopped time and decided to bathe everything around them in brilliant light, illuminating every single tree and every single leaf. Everything was perfect. The farm mare looked over at Rainbow Dash. Her lover had her head on a swivel, taking in the entire scene around them, lost in the moment. She looked so peaceful, and in the golden light, with her brilliant magenta eyes twinkling and her cyan coat seeming to glow, she looked beautiful too. Applejack knew she might not have a better chance; it was now or never.

“Ya know, Dashie… Ah’ve been doin’ some thinkin’.”

Rainbow Dash returned her attention to her partner, “About what?”

“About… well, about everythin’. About us, Ah guess.”

“About… ‘us’?”

“Yeah…” Applejack spoke slowly. She closed her eyes, wanting to pick her words carefully. “Ah was thinkin’, just like ya said, we’ve been together for almost two whole years now…” She paused. Rainbow Dash gave her a quizzical look. Applejack kissed her nose, which made the pegasus smirk. “And Ah’ve loved every minute of it. Ah’ve just been thinkin’, lately, that we’re… we’re ready for the next step.”

Applejack searched Rainbow Dash’s expression for an answer, some hint as to what she was thinking, but she found none. “Ah mean, Ah know that with everythin’ that’s happened lately, we have some bigger things ta worry about, but… but Ah think we’re…" Applejack swallowed quickly. She’d never thought this would be so hard. “What Ah’m tryin’ ta say is… Rainbow Dash, will you marry me?”

Rainbow Dash stared blankly at her. She blinked a few times, then turned away, her gaze swept out over the numerous apple trees. Applejack stared back. Every second without an answer made her heart feel ready to burst. “Rainbow? Ah know… Ah know Ah don’t have a ring, or anythin’, and this is kind rushed an’ all, but Ah…”

“Applejack, shut up.”

The mare fell silent. Rainbow Dash squeezed her, hugging her even closer up against her body. “AJ, you already know how much I love you. And… I know there’s nothing else in all of Equestria that would make me happier. But, my answer… my answer is no.”

There was a ringing in Applejack’s ears. She hadn’t – couldn’t have – heard her correctly. “Wh… what?”

“I’m sorry, Applejack. But I can’t… I can’t marry you.”

Applejack shut her eyes, shaking her head back and forth. No. No. It wasn’t true. “Ah don’t… Ah thought you wanted…”

“I do want you, AJ. There’s nopony else I’d ever want to be with. But I won’t marry you. It’s just… I can’t.”

“…Why? Please, Rainbow, why?” Applejack pawed at the ground, desperately hoping that the pegasus was just playing some kind of cruel joke.

Rainbow Dash stood up, shaking the stiffness form her wings. Applejack gazed up at her, shock and hurt still painted on her face. “I can tell you why, AJ. But you’re not going to like it.” Rainbow Dash sighed, looking back up at the sky. The dusk light had since faded into night. The stars were just beginning to twinkle high above them. Their reflections shone in Rainbow Dash’s eyes.

After a long, silent moment, Applejack stood up as well. She turned and trotted over to the apple tree behind them. She put a hoof against it, rubbing the coarse bark in little circles. It was comforting to her. Each tree had been on the farm as long as she could remember. Most all of them were older than she. They seemed so steadfast, so permanent, so strong – especially when she felt so weak. Applejack sighed. “Ok. Ah’m ready.”

“Applejack, I won’t lie to you.” Rainbow Dash trotted over to her marefriend’s place by the tree and gave her a quick nuzzle. The other mare’s cheek was wet. “I’m not going to last much longer. I’ve known it for a while now.”

Applejack sniffed loudly. “No… no. Don’t talk like that. You’re goin’ to be fine. Ah know ya will.”

“AJ, please.” Rainbow Dash stretched out a wing to cradle the mare. Applejack winced and shied away. “Please don’t make this harder than it already is. Just… just let me finish. I only want to say this once. Applejack… it’s the truth. I’ve been getting weaker and weaker every day now. I’ve noticed it, and I think you have too.”

“No. Dashie, ya can’t… go. Ya can’t leave me.”

“I’m sorry, AJ. I would give anything to stay with you… anything, but I can’t. This whole thing… it’s just one big, stupid mess. And I’m not going to make it, AJ. I’m not. I… I think I understand it, I mean, now… now I know what’s going to happen. It’s almost comforting, I guess, in a weird way, just to know that… that I won’t make it. Because I won’t, AJ. I won’t… but you will.”

Applejack’s hind legs gave out beneath her. She sat sown hard onto the cold, dusty ground beneath the apple tree – her apple tree. Her tears fell uselessly into the dirt. Rainbow Dash sat down beside her, wrapping her wing even tighter around the mare.

“Listen to me, Applejack…. there’s nothing that I want more than to marry you – to spend the rest of our lives together. But how do you think I would feel, on my wedding day, knowing that soon enough I’d be leaving you all alone? I can’t do that to you, Applejack. I’m not going to make you a widow. I’m not going to give you a ring that you can look at, every day for the rest of your life, and remember losing me. I love you too much to do that to you.

“When I’m gone, you can’t just spend every day grieving for me. You need to move on. You need to find…” Rainbow Dash paused; the words sticking in her throat. “…somepony else.”

“Ah’ll never…” Applejack choked, struggling to even form coherent words. “Ah’ll never… find anypony like you.”

“Applejack, I know it’s hard to think about, but after all this is said and done, your life has to move on.”

“But Ah don’t want anypony who isn’t you, Dash. Don’t ya understand? Maybe Ah want a ring to look at and remind me of ya every day. Ah can’t just leave ya!”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, biting back her own sobs now. “Applejack, trust me. You’re too young to be a widow. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you… and I… well, I don’t.”

“Ah’m not goin’ ta leave ya, Dashie. Ah won’t.” Applejack knelt down, resting her chin against her hooves. “Ah won’t.”

“Hey, AJ…” Rainbow Dash wrapped her marefriend in a warm hug. “I’m still here. We still have time. And I want you here with me until the end. You have no idea… no idea how much you mean to me, Applejack. I wouldn’t give up these past two years for anything.”

“Ah’ll stay by your side, Dashie. No matter what happens. Ah’ll stay wit’ ya. Ah promise.”

Rainbow Dash nuzzled her gently. In the starlit night above them, wind rustled the apple tree – their apple tree. A few more leaves were carried away into the darkness. “I know you will.”


Applejack had never imagined the end. It had always been too distant – too impossible – to think about. So now… now she didn’t quite know what to think. She was cold. That was all she knew. She was cold, and the hospital room smelled awful.

She scrunched her nose against the antiseptic chemical smell. No matter how much time she had spent in this room recently, she knew she could never get used to that smell. It smelled like the end – like everything being taken away from her.

Her attention was drawn back to Rainbow Dash as the mare gave a weak cough. There was a mess of tubes and wires hooking her up to various untold monitors and bags of fluid. Applejack tried not to look at those. They hurt too much. She tried not to notice how pale Rainbow’s face had become, how dull her eyes were, how raspy her every breath sounded. No. It wouldn’t do to think about those things. She looked at Rainbow Dash and saw, of all things, a smile on her face. The pegasus was wearing her hat – the one Applejack had given her months ago. She loved that hat, and Applejack knew it. She had even protested when the nurse tried to take it from her. Applejack hoped she was warm – in her hat and her blankets. If anything, she hoped Rainbow Dash was warm.

“How ya feelin’, Sugarcube?” The question was a lie. Applejack knew how she was feeling. And it wasn’t good.

Rainbow Dash flashed her a cocky grin, opening one eye. For an instant, that smile took Applejack back, so many years, to when they had first started dating, to when they were still just friends, to when they first met. That smile was characteristically Rainbow Dash. Applejack loved that smile. “Never better.”

Applejack couldn’t help but feel a warm smile spread across her face. “Don’t you lie to me.” She chuckled. Her mouth felt dry.

“I’m not lying.” Rainbow Dash looked up, meeting her marefriend’s gaze. “I feel… great. I’ve got a nice, warm bed, my favorite hat, and the best pony in all of Equestria by my side. Everything’s…” She descended into a sudden fit of coughing and collapsed back into her pillow. “Everything is perfect.”

Applejack’s smile was gone. She bent down at Rainbow Dash’s side. She gave the pegasus a tender kiss on the cheek. “Better?”

“Much.” Rainbow dash wheezed. She coughed a few more times. Applejack sat down on the cold hard linoleum. She rested her chin on the edge of the bed, just watching her partner. She winced with every ragged breath. She may not have ever tried to picture the end, but there was no doubt as to what this was.

“Hey… hey, AJ.” Rainbow Dash tried to roll over to get a better look at Applejack, but she just couldn’t muster the strength.

Applejack stood back up, propping her head up over the bed so she could look straight down at Rainbow Dash. “What is it, Sugar?”

“I’m… I’m really glad you’re here.”

“Ah’m glad, too, Dashie.” Applejack reached out to stroke the mare’s cheek. Her lover gave a weak smile. “Are ya scared, Rainbow?”

It was all Rainbow Dash could do to nod her head. “A little…. Are you?” Applejack was silent. She bobbed her head slightly, imperceptibly. “Don’t be afraid, AJ. I need you to be strong for me… for both of us.”

Applejack closed her eyes. She shook her head from side to side. “Ah don’t… Ah don’t know if Ah can.”

“You have to. You’re the strongest pony I know.”

“Ah’ll… Ah’ll try.”

“There’s… something I have to tell you. Applejack… thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve given me. I… I didn’t… even have a… a family before I had you. But you’re my family, now. Sweet Apple Acres is… my home. I want you… I want you to bury me… there… at home.”

Applejack bent down and kissed her, it only lasted a couple seconds, but it spoke volumes. When she pulled away Rainbow Dash was smiling again. “Ah’ll put ya right up on our hill. That way…” She sniffed once, but held her composure. She had to be strong. “That way ya can watch the sunset, every night.”

“I’d like that…”

“Ah’ll visit ya every day.”

“No… no, not every day. You have a life to live. I want you to be happy, AJ. I want y-” Rainbow Dash gasped, her words melting into nothing. She broke into another fit of coughing, one that wouldn’t seem to let up.

“Rainbow!” Applejack choked, her heartbeat reverberating through her head. She shut her eyes, hoping with a last faint shadow of desperation that she might just wake up from this horrible nightmare, and sit up to find Rainbow Dash, sleeping peacefully beside her.

The nurse, set to monitor her patient from across the room, jumped up in alarm and rushed to the bedside. She pressed a button for the doctor. Loud hoof falls echoed in a distant corridor.

Rainbow Dash’s coughing fit fell silent. Applejack squinted one eye open. The pegasus’s breathing was heavy. Her mouth opened and closed at odd intervals. “App… Applejack. Please… promise me… you’ll be happy. Promise me.”

Applejack nodded vigorously. “Ah promise. Ah promise. Ah love ya, Rainbow Dash. Ah love ya so much.”

Then, she just knew.

She didn’t need to hear the sudden scream of the machine. She didn’t need to hear the nurse’s whispered words of condolence. She just knew.

The doctor rushed in; too late.

Rainbow Dash was gone.

Applejack said nothing as she bent down, leaning in to plant a final kiss on her love's cheek. She said nothing as she stood up and walked for the door, nothing as the concerned nurse called after her, and nothing during the long, lonely walk down the hall. Her hoof falls echoed through the corridors - a hollow, empty sound. She focused on the passageway straight ahead of her, keeping her head high and her gaze level. The touch of smooth linoleum felt foreign to her hooves. She wished she could be at home with the gentle earth beneath her, where she could feel the dirt and the wind, where she could smell the trees. There would be comfort there, but here she was alone - cold and alone.

Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie had held back in the waiting room. They all jumped up and rushed over to her as soon as the double doors swung open. The same question was on each of their lips.

Applejack slowly shook her head.

Hushed whispers and gasps became replaced by silence.

Nopony said a word, for there were no words left. Slowly, Applejack drew her friends in around her. They embraced one another, fore legs laid across shoulders, eyes closed, heads bowed. Some sobbed gently; others more so. Applejack stood in quiet resignation. She wanted to collapse, to fall to the cold floor and curl into a ball, but she knew she never could. She had to be strong - after all, she had a promise to keep.

Author's Note:

Well, this one certainly was a doozy to put together. I'd like to thank you all for sticking around and reading, and as always, comments and critiques are welcome.

This piece shall be my entry to the AppleDash group's little contest.

Comments ( 47 )

I will read an post when I am done.
EDIT: Why do you always give me feel! ALWAYS! This was beautiful as all your stories are.

Ughhhh, SO MANY NEW STORIES! I have to study, damn it! At least it gives me a reason to finish my homework early....
I can't miss a new story from you! :rainbowkiss: (this comment will be edited later/new comment later)

I knew your entry was going to be amazing, but I didn't know it was going to be so gosh-darned sad. Why, Bronyneumo ... why did you ... oh god.

This story was sad in almost every aspect. But not so sad to make you want to stop reading. It brought many a tear to my eyes, but it was beutiful. The serenity of the condition she was in and the acceptance, the love for each other, and everything they went through together. You brought them all into harmony and created something that was beutiful. very truly sad, but I can say a very very good story. Poor Rainbow...

As I'm reading, any mistakes I notice...

She glanced down to the other end of the canoe, where a strikingly cyan pegasus longed, her fore leg hanging lazily over the gunwale.

Minor typo, should be "lounged."

And that was the only one. Now I'm crying, dammit. Wonderfully, beautifully sad.

Only one mistake this time? Whew! And thanksI


Thanks guys!

1925582 Hehe, that was the only one I noticed outright. I didn't spend too much time looking for them after I started tearing up, though. Cancer needs to just go die in a hole. :pinkiesad2:

Such a great fic yet the ending makes me wish it was a bad one:pinkiesad2:
If even Dash couldn't beat the disease, there would be no hope for ANYpony once they had it:raritydespair:

Damn it, I'm trying my best not to cry in the middle of class.... Ughh, you and your amazing writing skills :fluttershyouch:

Wha-what the:pinkiesad2: what the HELL MAN:flutterrage: I just *sniff* oh god *silently cries* :fluttercry: its a good story but what the hell *silently walks off to cry more*:raritycry::pinkiesad2:

not cool i hate cancer stories ugh, great writing as usual the part of burying her on the hill was the only part that made me want to cry. ohwell cant win them all :ajsmug: still great writing

I think I need to go crawl into the corner, get into a little ball, and rock myself comfortingly. That was probably the most emotional fan fic I have ever read......

Tears will be shead by all who read this!

Indeed it should.
Cancer. Statistically, I don't think Dash had much better chances than anypony else.
Thanks guys!

man this one hurt. didn't help that "day that i die" by zac brown was playing as i was reading this....

There are people who recover fully from cancer and if there's anyone who's a fighter, then it's Dash

Whether or not you're a 'fighter' has nothing to do with it. Cancer operates on its own terms, depending on the type of cancer. Cancer restricted to a certain bodily location (example: Breast, Ovarian, or skin) takes a long while to spread out through the body, which means doctors can kill what cancer they find, and then the patient waits to see if it spreads out. For more information on these basic types of cancer, see this: informative piece

Other types of cancer, like Leukemia, for instance (which I imagine Dash has), are hardly curable because the cancer spreads out into the body immediately, as it is inherently a cancer of the blood, and thus has it's own mode of transport. Here, the cancer spreads rapidly to many parts of the body, and the patient often doesn't even last a year (depending on the success of the Chemo), leading to a lingering time of only a few months. (Hence,the timeframe of the story).

I curse you for using this type of cancer then :raritydespair:

Had to. Most other types have a timeframe of many years, which would not be conducive to a shorter story like this one.

Let me rephrase that.
I damn you for picking a cancer with pretty much no chance of survival :(
Now AJ is gonna find someone else to love and she WILL live happily with her/him

But it's what Dash wanted!

Dash and AJ are perfect for eachother :raritycry:

No argument there, only life is hardly ever so easy.

Only you as a writer are forcing them in a situation where they can't be together -_-

I don't prescribe to "perfect world" methodology.

I noticed :p
but using the imperfect word to tear a perfect pairing apart, that's just evil

"Evil" is subjective. Others would say "realistic", or "good writing".

It's good writing alright, that's why I care so much

This is beautiful. Seriously, this is beautiful. :applecry: :fluttercry: :fluttershbad: :pinkiesad2: :raritycry: :raritydespair:

Damn. This was pretty heart-wrenching, and your "mood music" pushed it over the edge to cry-worthy. I did tear up, I admit. I think most people have been affected by cancer in some way or other, so this type of death fic strikes closer to home than one where Dash injures herself flying or something. Really nice job - it wasn't in your face with the tragedy, and you got a lot of the moods across really well, I thought, regarding how the characters felt about the cancer as it progressed. Thanks for an emotional read and good luck in the contest.

Kinda unrelated to the story this time, but after recommending Mumford and Sons (who I had never heard of before) I checked out some of their other stuff - and I really like it. So thanks for introducing me to a cool band :pinkiehappy:

Crying so.. Many tears. Not even manly ones :fluttercry:

Thank you. Truly an amazing fic.

Why must everything you write provoke me to manly tears :pinkiesad2: Really this was beautiful, absolutely beautiful and heart warming :fluttercry: :twilightsheepish: :applecry:

Brovo man, Brovo!!

No,no,no I am not emotionally stable enough to read this without... O Luna, why cant I stop these tears!? I loved it but I was not prepared

Hi, it's LBTDiclonius from Deviantart.

That was beautiful. I just ... I don't really know what to say. The only other time a fic has made me cry was MLD, but with was just amazing, and I'd like you to know that it's one of the best fics I've read in my time as a brony. Thank you for writing this amazing piece of work, you're a great writer.

Wow. Just wow. That was simply amazing, so heartbreaking. The first time in a very very long time I've actually shed a tear, or two, or possibly more over anything. :fluttercry: A thumbs up and favorite hardly seems enough but have them anyways.


Commence read.

That was a nice story. Sadly Dash didn't make it. Though Applejack will have to move on. It was still a wonderful relationship.

I love how stories like these can be so sad and yet so beautiful. This is definitely going into my favorites.

I,... I couldn't cry. I read this, and I wanted too.... but I can't. Its a wonderful sad tale, so why can't I cry?
Maybe... maybe that is the definition of twisted....

1929671 Curse you!:flutterrage: because I know about it :fluttershysad:. estupid teacher who is a oncology!:ajbemused:

I was in the mood for something sad (is that weird?) and found myself coming back to this fic. Still as poignant and heartbreaking the second time, so I just figured I'd say thanks again for a good read. :twilightsmile:

Omg this is so sad. I'm crying right now. :raritycry: so sad. I'm just wondering but what is 'it'. Ya no the thing that rainbow had?:rainbowhuh: out of all that's my only question. Great story, really emotional, that's th only thing that's confusing.:ajsleepy: still crying.:fluttercry:

Well, to anyone familiar with the symptoms, her condition is pretty obviously a form of Leukemia or a like strain of cancer.

Of course, it would be completely naive of me to think everyone would be so familiar with such symptoms, so I don't blame you for not knowing! I agree I didn't make it too obvious in the story itself - that was the plan. Lends a certain mystery to it, don't you think?


Yeah I do. And thanks for telling me.:twilightsmile:

You need to add the Tragedy tag to this ;)

I think you need to add a bit more foresight. I didn't know what was happening until half way through the story. Other then that it was good.

This is... greatly...

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