• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 5,978 Views, 292 Comments

The Hunter's Heart - Silentpegasus

Cross Hair, a grey unicorn stallion is badly injured by a timberwolf encounter. He wakes up days later to find that he is being cared for by a yellow pegasus mare. What will happen when this hunter falls prey to his emotions?

  • ...

Chapter 3: Ace

Chapter 3.


The Ponies sat down and began to eat at the table, Cross sat next to Fluttershy and began to tell them about the places he’s been and the jobs he’s done.

“So you’ve been all over Equestria?” Rainbow asked.

“Not all over, but the farthest I’ve gone is Saddle Arabia. Nice place, the ponies there love tourists.” he began to shake his head to the to the right in frustration.

“Yah okay Cross?” AJ asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Yeah, I still have some water in my ear from this morning’s wake up call.”

“Beg yer pardon?”

“Angel splashed a pale of water on him this morning.” Fluttershy said in a small tone.

“Seriously Shy, that bunny needs an attitude adjustment.” Rainbow said with a stern look on her face.

“Relax Dash, with the way he found me I’m not surprised he did what he did.” Cross said as he raised a hoof.

“Why’s that?” Cross bit his lower lip and looked over at Fluttershy who had a confused look on her face.

“Do you remember what happened last night Fluttershy?”

“Last night? Well I gave you the soup, we talked for awhile and then I went to bed, right?”

“You’re about 50% right, only that while you were checking my heart beat you fell asleep.” Fluttershy’s face turned crimson.

“So she slept on the floor?” AJ asked.

“No......she was using my chest as a pillow. I moved over and we....shared the bed.” he said as he blushed. Fluttershy hid behind her hooves. A long silence fell over the room. “Um.....can I use the restroom AJ?”

“S-sure. Upstairs, third door on yer left.” she said as he got to his hooves. As soon as he was out of range Rainbow flew over and gave her feathered friend a nudge.

“Nice, did you have fun?” she said with a sly grin.

“RAINBOW!” AJ yelled.

“What? I’m curious and so are you!”

“Ah’ll admit, it perks my interest but that’s Fluttershy’s story to tell and if she don’t want to tell it, then that’s her decision.” she said as she put a hoof on her friends shoulder.

“So...do you....like him?” Rainbow asked in an innocent voice. Fluttershy’s blush answered her question. “You do, don’t you!”

“Rainbow that’s enough! Fluttershy doesn’t need your instigating and-” she was cut off by the sound of hoof steps coming from the stair case. Cross rejoined the group with a weak smile on his face, Fluttershy trotted over to him with tears in her eyes.

“I’m...I’m sorry! I was just so tired and...” Cross pulled her into a hug.

“It’s okay Fluttershy, I’ve woken up to worse things laying next to me than you. Plus if any one should apologize it should be me for embarrassing you in front of your friends.” he said as he broke the hug.

“R-really?” she said as she wiped her tears away.

“Yeah, one time Ace used me as a pillow and I swear he might have-”

“Who’s Ace?” Rainbow interjected.

“Ace is my pet-” he suddenly face hoofed. “Ugh! I totally forgot about him, he’s gonna kill me!” he said as he levitated his hat and bags on himself and ran out the door with the mares hot on his hooves.

“Why don’t you call him here?” Cross stopped and looked back at the orange mare.

“I don’t think that’s wise.”


“Whenever some-pony see’s him they freak out.”

“I won’t.” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Same here, call the little guy.” AJ said.

“Yeah, how bad can he be?” Rainbow said as she raised a hoof. Cross looked at the three mares and let out a heavy sigh.

“Alright, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” he said as he lifted a wooden whistle out of his saddle bag. He blew a loud note and put it away. The three mares stood there with a confused look on their faces, Cross lowered himself to the ground and put his ear in the dirt.

“What are you doing?” Rainbow asked.

“Shhh!.....Here he comes!” he said as he got to his hooves and pointed into the orchard. Soon a massive white wolf and bright red eyes came running up to them, it jumped on cross and pinned him to the ground Rainbow and Applejack were about to jump in when Fluttershy stopped them. The mares heard laughter coming from the stallion. “Easy boy...Sorry you were out there for so long, those timber wolves did a number on me.” the wolf then noticed the three mares staring at him and began to growl. “Hey! Be nice, they’re friends.” he said as he got to his hooves.

“Cross, what the hay is that thing? It’s huge!” AJ said staring at the beast.

“This is a Dire Wolf, and he’s only six feet tall.” he said as he petted the beast’s white fur.

“I’ve never seen an animal like this before.” Fluttershy said in amazement.

“Not surprising, he’s one of the last ones left.” Fluttershy let out a gasp and stepped towards the creature, it let out a growl as she did. “Ace, be nice. This mare saved me and I would appreciate it if you would co-operate.” the beast let out a huff and a low bark. Cross turned to the ponies with a smile on his face. “He said he’s sorry for startling you. You can pet him if you want.” Fluttershy happily trotted over and started rubbing the beast’s head with her hoof.

“You understand what he’s saying?” AJ said in astonishment.

“When you spend your life traveling you tend to learn a few things.” he said with a smile. Ace let out a sound of pleasure as Fluttershy started to scratch behind his ears.

“Where did you get him?” Fluttershy asked.

“I found him while I was up north, he was almost frozen in the snow. I guess he was the Omega, but I nursed him back to health and he’s been my companion ever since.” Rainbow then put her hoof on the beast and began to pet it.

“What’s the omega?” AJ asked.

“For every pack of wolves theres an Alpha; the leader and an Omega; the outcast. I guess the other wolves thought he was weak so they abandoned him.” the wolf let out a low pitched whining noise and put his ears back. “Sorry, he’s a bit sensitive about that topic.”

“He can understand us?”

“More or less. Don’t be shy AJ c’mon over and give him a pet.”


“Relax he doesn’t bite.”

“Really?” she said as she cocked an eyebrow.

“Just don’t get him angry and you’ll be fine.” the orange mare gave a deep sigh and walked over to the wolf. She outstretched a hoof and began to pet it’s head, the large wolf proceeded to lick the orange mare on the face. Applejack wiped the slobber off her face and looked at Cross who was chuckling. “See he likes you.....or the way you taste, I’m paraphrasing.” he said with a laugh.

“Not helping!” she yelled, Ace let out a bark that sounded like a laugh.

“Sorry, couldn’t resist.” Applejack shook her head, soon three fillies trotted up the road and joined the group.

“Applejack we need......Whoa!” the yellow filly said as she saw Ace. “What is that thing?”

“It’s a wolf sugar cube.” she said still wiping the slobber off her face.

“Cool!” the orange pegasus said “Can we pet him?” Applejack shot a nervous look at Cross.

“It’s alright, Ace loves kids.” the three fillies rushed forward and petted the large animal.

“Did you three need something?” AJ asked.

“Oh right we came here to get help!”

“With what?”

“Opal is in a well and we came here to-” the white unicorn began to say.

“Where’s the cat?” Cross interjected.

“In the middle of town we-” Cross galloped down the road and into the small town with Rainbow and the others in hot pursuit. He saw the ponies looking at him as he weaved in and out of the crowds. He saw a white unicorn mare with a neatly combed purple mane crying by a well. “What’s wrong Miss?” he asked.

“M-My cat is...in the well and I-” Cross took off his hat and bags and dove into the well. The other ponies soon came to her side. “Oh Fluttershy I’m so glad you’re here my little Opal has fallen in and I don’t know what to do!” she said as she started to sob.

“Did you see a grey unicorn come by here?” AJ asked.

“Yes, he just jumped down the well and-” she was cut off by sounds of grunting and hoof steps coming from the well. The ponies looked over to see Cross walking up the wall with a wet white ball of fur clinging to his back. As he reached the top the ponies helped him out, Cross handed the cat over to the white unicorn who began to cry tears of joy. “Oh Opal, I’m so glad you’re okay!” she then turned to the grey stallion and wrapped him in a bone crushing hug. “Thank you sir! How can I ever repay you?”

“Can’t........breathe!” he spat out.

“Sorry.” she said as she broke the hug. Fluttershy then rushed over to Cross along with Ace. Rarity looked at the wolf and jumped back. “AH! A WOLF! RUN!” she was stopped by Applejack grabbing her tail between her teeth.

“Easy there Rarity, this wolf is Cross’s pet. Don’t worry about him.”

“Who’s Cross?”

“The stallion you just put in a death grip.” Rainbow said as she pointed to the grey stallion. Cross put his hat and bags back onto his body. Rarity then trotted over to him.

“Thank you mister.......”

“My name’s Cross Hair, but you can call me Cross and it’s my pleasure to help you miss...”


“Your welcome Ms. Rarity.” he said as he tipped his hat to her.

“Oh please darling, Rarity is just fine.” she said with a smile. Rainbow then trotted up to Cross with a grin.

“Wow dude, diving into a well head first, that takes some guts!”

“You know him Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asked as she lifted and eyebrow.

“Yeah I met him this morning, he’s the stallion that’s been staying with Fluttershy.”

“Oh, I see. Well thank you again.” she said with a smile. Soon a lavender mare with a purple mane came trotting up to them.

“What’s ever-pony doing out here?” she asked with a confused look on her face, she then noticed Cross and Ace, her jaw dropped in amazement. “Is that a Dire Wolf!?” she said as she trotted over to them.

“Yes, I’m surprised you know what Ace is Miss....”

“Oh right where are my manners, my name is Twilight Sparkle.”

“I’m Cross Hair, but you can call me Cross and this is Ace.” he said as he looked back at the white wolf.

“Nice to meet you, I was wondering if-”

“Hey Twilight sorry I’m late.” a small purple dragon came running up beside the mare.

Oh no! The large wolf started to bark at the small purple lizard and began to bare his teeth. “Ace! Calm down!” Cross said as he held the large wolf back, the ponies jumped back from the wolf in surprise. Ace escaped from the stallions grip and charged at the dragon. Cross’s horn began to glow and a large cage materialized around the beast. Cross let out a sigh of relief and looked back at the frightened mare’s and dragon. “Sorry about that.” he said as he eyed the silent wolf.

“What just happened!? Ah thought you said he was friendly!” AJ asked.

“He is. Just not around dragons.”


“He’s a Dire Wolf. His kind and the dragons have been fighting for centuries.” he said as he and the copies trotted over to the ponies.

“What’s a Dire Wolf?” the dragon asked.

“Really? You must be pony hatched, considering you don’t know your kind’s oldest foe.” he said as he looked at the dragon.

“Hey, It’s not my fault I’ve never heard of a Dire Wolf before.” he said pointing a claw at the stallion.

“Well that’s not entirely accurate.”

“What?” Twilight said in confusion.

“Dragon’s are the reason why Ace is almost the last of his kind.” the ponies looked in shock at the information. “I’m not blaming you personally.....Sorry what’s your name?”

“It’s Spike.” he said in a grumble.

“I’m not blaming you personally Spike, but the dragon’s are responsible for nearly exterminating the Dire Wolf race.” he trotted over and put a hoof on the dragons’ shoulder. “It was a long time ago, but Ace still feels the rooted hatred. He’s gotten better but long term prejudices take time to get over.” Spike approached the cage and looked at the wolf who began to growl. “Easy! He’s friendly, he’s not gonna hurt you.” the wolf let out a huff and stared at the dragon. “Hey, remember the ‘accident’? I didn’t abandon you and you didn’t abandon me!” the wolf looked at the stallion in surprise and then back at the dragon who was shaking in fear. “Agreed?” the wolf let out a bark. “Okay, I’m gonna open the cage now.” he undid the lock and the wolf trotted out and sniffed the dragon, he then licked spike and started to pant. Cross breathed a sigh of relief as the mares trotted over to him.

“What just happened?” Twilight asked.

“Everything is fine now, Ace doesn’t see Spike as a threat and has no reason to fight you.” the dragon breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well that’s a relief and.....wait how do you know that he doesn’t see me as a threat?”

“Let’s put it this way Spike, if he did then you’d be in his stomach right now.” Spike let out a gulp and glared at the wolf who proceeded to lay down in a shady spot. Twilight then trotted up next to him with a worried look on her face.

“Would he really do that?”

“Yeah, if Spike tried to attack him. Heck Ace has killed dozens of manticores and-”

“Wait he’s killed animals?” AJ said in surprise.

“Yeah, he’s a wolf. They’re carnivorous, but he’s grown to like plant’s and fruit.” he looked over at fluttershy who had a frightened look on her face. “But he’s only done so in self defense.”

“So....has he ever eaten a pony?”

“NO! He’d never do that! He may be a carnivore but he’s no murderer and if he tried, I’d stop him.” he said as he looked at the mare.

“What about.......small animals?” Fluttershy asked in her usual timid voice.

“What like rabbit’s and the other pet’s you have?” the mare nodded. “No, he only goes for big stuff like manticores and cockatrice. There isn’t much meat on small animals so he ignores them.” Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief, Cross trotted over to the mare and put a hoof on her shoulder. “You have nothing to worry about Fluttershy I won’t let him attack your animals, friends and especially not you.” he said with a grin. Fluttershy began to blush profusely at the statement.

“Well now that we’er all on the same page I suggest we go and celebrate!” Rarity said with a smile.

“My thought’s exactly!” Pinkie Pie said as she popped her head out of the well. Twilight looked over at the mare in surprise.

“Pinkie! What are you doing down there?”

“Playing with Gummy.” she said as a small green and toothless alligator crawled over her shoulder.

“But.....forget it.” Twilight said in defeat. The group then trotted over to Sugar Cube Corner, Cross entered to find all the light’s off and heard the sounds of breathing.

“SURPRISE!” Cross looked around to see ponies of all different colors with smiles on their faces. He looked back at the mares and rolled his eyes.

“Nice didn’t see it coming.” he lied.

“Alright so let’s party!” Pinkie said as the music began, Cross was introduced to the entire town, including the three fillies he saw earlier at Applejacks farm. They were good kids, Ace startled quite a few ponies at first but they eventually warmed up to him. Spike was still catching the occasional glance from the wolf. Cross told them stories about jobs he’s done and the animals he’s come in contact with.

“You caught an Ursa Major!” Twilight yelled.

“Yeah and it wasn’t easy, those thing’s are a pain in the flank to trap. I ended up using myself as bait.” he said as he took a drink from his glass.

“So what types of spells do you use?” Twilight asked.

“Mostly stunning spells, levitation, duplication and transformation.”

“Transformation?” Twilight said with a raised eyebrow. Cross put a hoof on her head and yanked out a single hair from her mane. “Hey! That hurt.” Cross then put the strand of hair in his mouth and swallowed it, the ponies looked at him in disgust. “Why did you just-” Twilight was cut off by Cross transforming into the lavender mare. Twilight was completely dumbstruck, she was looking at an exact replica of herself.

“Nifty isn’t it.” It even sounded like her. Cross then morphed back into his original form and started to grin. “Unfortunately it doesn’t last very long.”

“Where did you learn that!?”

“That spell is 100% original. Took me years to perfect it.”

“Is that all you can do?” Rainbow asked in an unimpressed tone. Cross picked up a tooth pick with his hoof and looked over to another table.

“See that flower pot on the other table?” Rainbow and the other mares nodded. “See the top of the sunflower?”

“Yeah what about-” Cross threw the toothpick through the crowd piercing the sunflower head and sticking it to the wall. The mares looked at the stallion who held a smug grin on his face.

“Looks like I still got it.” he leaned back and took in the expressions that the mare’s had on their faces.

“How did you do that?”

“Years of practice, I’m a certified marks-pony.” he said with a grin.

“What’s a marks-pony?” AJ asked.

“Marks-pony’s are trained to handle extremely powerful magic with precision. Like what I did with that toothpick, I can focus and compress my magic so the spell can reach long distance .”

“How far away are we talking here?” Rainbow asked.

“Don’t know, I’ll show you guys tomorrow.” he said with a smile. “Well I’m beat, I’m gonna head back and don’t worry I’ll be fine on the couch Fluttershy. Nice meeting you all.” he said with a smile, the grey stallion then exited the bakery with his companion. Rainbow then looked back to her friends with a smile.

“Well looks like we might have some fresh meat this year.” Rainbow said

“You aren’t suggesting we put him in the contest are you?” Rarity asked.

“Why not? Every other stallion does it and it’ll be one more target to go for.”

“Oh.....I don’t know, he just got here and he may not want to do it.” Fluttershy said in a timid voice.

“Why? He’ll love it! Plus this could be your year Shy.” Dash gave the mare a quick wink, which caused the yellow mare to blush.

“Why would this year be any different from the last......Oh, you have a crush on Cross don’t you?” Pinkie said with a smile. Fluttershy’s blush brightened.

“Well duh, they already slept together.” Rainbow said as the mares looked at Fluttershy who’s face had turned crimson and started to hide behind her mane and hooves, a soft sob could be heard from behind the pink mane. Applejack then stepped in.

“Rainbow That’s enough! Ah talked to Cross about it and all they did was sleep. He was just being polite and allowing Fluttershy to get some rest on her bed.” Applejack then moved next to her friend and wrapped her in a hug. “Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves making our friend here feel so dang uncomfortable.” she said as she glared at the other mares with a look that could stun a manticore. “You okay Shy?”

“......” she adverted her gaze. Rainbow and the others looked down in shame.

“Sorry, Fluttershy. I didn’t mean anything by it.” Pinkie said.

“As am I darling.” Rarity said in a sad tone.

“Same here.” Twilight said as s

“Yeah, sorry shy. I just got carried away.” Rainbow said in a sad tone.

“It’s alright.” she said as she wiped the tears away. “Thanks girls.....I think it’s time I went home, I still have to feel Angel and the animals.” she said as she got to her hooves.

“Ah best get Applebloom.” she said as she got to her hooves.

“I better get Sweetie Belle before she tries any of her night time crusading.” the two mares trotted over to the three filly’s and collected their sisters. As the mare’s left Twilight looked back at her dragon assistant who was deep in thought.

“What’s up Spike?”

“Something about that guy just rubs me the wrong way.” Twilight rolled here eyes.

“Don’t tell me your buying to the whole Dire Wolf vs. Dragons thing.”

“No, it’s not that. Just something about him sends a shiver down my spine. I can’t really explain it.” he let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes. “I’ll worry about it tomorrow.” Twilight rolled her eyes and continued towards the library.

Back across town Applejack had caught up with her friend with a sleeping Applebloom resting on her back.

“You okay hun?”

“Yeah I’m fine.”

“Sorry about the others you know how they get when ‘it’ comes around.”

“I know. Thanks Applejack.” she said with a smile.

“Hey what are friends for?” the two continued their walk through the quiet street’s until they got to Fluttershy’s cottage. “So, do you like him?” she asked. Fluttershy bit her lower lip and gave a slight nod. “Well ah’m happy for you and don’t worry about the others.” she said with a smile. “But ah’d advise you to tell him before ‘it’ happens. We both know how the mares in this town get during the competition.” Fluttershy gave a nod and said goodbye to her orange friend and made her way inside. When she got there she saw the grey stallion and wolf sound asleep on the couch. Fluttershy made her way upstairs and crawled into bed, as she tried to fall asleep she felt lonely.

Oh Fluttershy why are you thinking that. He probably already has a mare friend.

But what if he doesn’t?

I don’t know, what will the others think?

Who cares what they think? Look at the positives.

He’s kind, good with animals, and hunky oh stop thinking that!

Why? It’s not a crime to like some-pony.

Oh...I don’t know.

Well if you don’t get a move on then some-pony else will ask him out. You don’t want that don’t you?

Alright, I’ll ask him.....eventually. With that final thought Fluttershy drifted off to sleep.