• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 5,978 Views, 292 Comments

The Hunter's Heart - Silentpegasus

Cross Hair, a grey unicorn stallion is badly injured by a timberwolf encounter. He wakes up days later to find that he is being cared for by a yellow pegasus mare. What will happen when this hunter falls prey to his emotions?

  • ...

Chapter 10: Negotiations

Chapter 10


The ponies looked at the princess with worried looks in their eyes, Celestia then trotted towards the grey stallion. Fluttershy quickly rushed in front of the alicorn in a hope to some how change her mind, Twilight held her friend back and watched as her mentor trotted in front of the grey stallion.

“Princess Celestia. A pleasure to see you again.” he said with a bow.

“Like wise.” the alicorn then lowered her head.

“How can I help you milady?”

“Well Spike said that there was killer in the library so I came as soon as I could. I just didn’t know that it was you. I apologize if I startled you.” she said in a calm voice.

“Totally understandable.” the Princess then noticed the massive white wolf in a cage.

“What is that?” she said as she pointed to the caged wolf.

“That is Ace. My companion and friend.” the princess trotted closer to the wolf and scanned him with her horn.

“He’s....a Dire Wolf!”

“Yes, one of the last.” he said in a defeated tone. The princess remembered their current status.

“Ah...yes I remember now.” she then eyed the stallion. “You...seem different from when we last met.”

“H-how do you mean?” he said in a nervous tone.

“Just...some thing odd.” before he could react the princess scanned him. Her eyes shrank as she finished the scan. “What is in your chest?” she said in surprise.

“Well....you see....oh screw it. It’s a dragon heart.” he said in a low tone. Celestia looked at him in surprise. “I was hurt while I was in the dragon kingdom and Karathax gave me a heart to keep me alive, same deal with my eye.” Celestia then noticed the bright blue eye.

“I see...and how long have you had this?”

“A couple of years.”

“So even when you tracked down the changelings-”

“Yup. This helped me see their tracks and allowed me to lead Captain armor to their hive.” he said in a stern voice. The princess raised an eyebrow at this information.

“Well....I see. I would like you to-”

“If you plan to cut me open, then I will not hesitate to defend myself.” he said as he got in a defensive position.

“I was going to say I would like you and your friends to come to Canterlot with me so we can discuss this further in privacy.” she said in a calm tone.

“Oh... forgive me for being on the safe side. I hate politics, no offense.”

“None taken and I can see why you’d be concerned.” Fluttershy then stepped to his side.

“S-So Cross isn’t in any trouble?”

“No. I just want to talk to him.” she said with a smile. The ponies breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sure princess, just give me a moment. I need to have little chat with some one really quick.” he said with a warm smile. The princess complied and waited for them outside. As soon as the white alicorn left Cross casted an icy glare at the purple dragon who tried to run up the stairs, Cross collapsed the cage and the wolf pinned the dragon to the floor. Cross walked over to him with a cold look in his eye. “Let’s get one thing straight here Spike. If you ever try and pull some bull shit like this again, I will not hesitate to let Ace use you as a chew toy. Do I make myself clear?” the tiny dragon’s eyes were shrunken to the size on pin points. The dragon nodded slowly, still shaking in fear as he stared into the wolf’s red eyes. “Good. C’mon Ace we have a meeting to go to.” he said as the wolf got off of the dragon still holding the hatred in his eyes. The ponies looked at them in shock as he trotted past them. Twilight stopped him before he could join the princess.

“You’re not serious are you? Letting Ace eat him I mean.”

“That remains to be seen.” he said in a flat tone. Twilight looked at him in shock. Cross quickly left the library and stopped as he exited the building. “Well buck me.” the ponies soon trotted up next to him and saw that fifty royal guards standing in a line facing the library led by a familiar white unicorn stallion with a blue mane. “Predictable as clockwork.” he said in a harsh tone.

“We just want to get a skill assessment. I want to see what you are capable of.” Celestia said.

“Fair enough, but how are we going to do that?” Celestia turned to Shinning armor and nodded.

“Surround that stallion.” the captain barked. The guards then surrounded the stallion with spears drawn. Cross began to laugh hysterically at the action. Princess Celestia, Shining Armor and the other ponies looked at him in confusion. “What’s so funny?”

“The fact that you went to so much trouble just to give me a test. You’ve got how many guards here?”

“Fifty, some of the best in the entire guard.”

“Very nice.....there’s only one problem.”


“You should’ve brought more.” he said as he closed his eyes. Shinning’s eyes burned at the statement.

“Attack.” he ordered. On cue every single guard lunged at the unicorn with spears drawn. Cross’s eyes snapped open, every-pony could feel a strange sensation coming from the stallion, the feeling sent a shiver down Celestia’s spine. The guards had stopped moving and began to collapse one by one until only Shinning, Celestia and the pack of mare’s behind him were left standing. Cross looked at the guard captain who had the look of pure fear in his eyes. Shining could feel the sweat starting to form on his brow and back as he glared at the grey stallion.

“What just happened?” Twilight said in shock.

“That was a stare technique I picked up.” Cross said with a cocky smile. Fluttershy looked at him in surprise.

“Y-you can use the stare?”

“Yes, and Captain.” the white stallion looked at the unicorn speechless. “A word of advise, the next time you try and pull something like this be sure to bring an army with you.” he finished. As he began to turn around the guard captain charged at him with his horn glowing. Cross’s hoof changed to a claw and grabbed the stallion by the throat and slammed him into the ground. Shining tried to break free from his grip but found it impossible. Cross looked down at the stallion with disappointment in his eyes. “Really? Attacking an opponent when his back is turned. Not very honorable if I do say so myself. “ he said as he released the grip on the stallion and helped him to his hooves. Shinning took the stallions hoof and stood up. Shinning looked at the fallen guards that laid around him. “Don’t worry they’re just knocked out. They’ll be fine in a few minutes.” the white stallion breathed a sigh of relief. Cross trotted past the stallion until he stopped in front of Celestia, who had a smile on her face.

“Good to see that you haven’t lost your touch.” she said as she nodded her head.

“You could have just asked.”

“I know, but I needed to be sure......By the way, is that eye-”

“Yes.....it’s ‘his’”

“I see. Do you keep in contact with him?”

“One of his messengers arrived here the other day. To pay me for the job I did.” he said as he summoned the massive crate filled with gems. “Why?”

“I am meeting with him soon. I would like if you are there to help..... ease the tension.”

“You know I hate politics.” he said in a grumble.

“I know. But it’s just a formality and I’m sure Karathax would be eager to see you as well.” Cross smiled at the thought.

“I’ll be there your majesty. Could I ask you for a favor?”

“What is it?” Cross withdrew a piece of paper and handed it to the princess.

“I need you to transport this crate to the address I gave you. If it’s not too much trouble.” he said in a humble tone. The sun goddess smiled at him.

“It will be sent out at once, take care Cross Hair. I will send Twilight a message when the meeting will be.” she said as the guard ponies got to their hooves. “Guards, we depart for Canterlot.” she said as her pegasi drawn carriage arrived she levitated the crate onto the chariot along side her. The guards quickly dispersed and left the quiet town. Cross looked back at the mare’s who looked like they had just seen Discord.

“What?” he said as he raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t ‘what’ us! What the buck was that all about!?” Rainbow yelled.

“What? We talked.”

“You knocked out her royal guard and nearly pulverized my brother!” Twilight interjected.

“You’re brother?” he closed his eyes for a moment. “Oh...Shinning’s your big brother.” he said in a sudden realization. “Sorry...I wouldn’t have been so rough had I known earlier.”

“I thought you said you had my memories.”

“I also said your personal life is of no interest to me.” he said as he looked at the mares. “Oh before I forget, Celestia will be sending me a message via Spike. I would greatly appreciate it if you would notify me when it get’s here.”

“What’s the message about?”

“The message will let me know when Celestia is meeting with the dragon king. I’ll be attending as a mediator.”

“You’re a what now?” Applejack asked.

“I’ll be there in case negotiations go sour.”

“What about us?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t know, I’m going since I’m sort of.......in between the two races.” he scratched his chin for a moment. “I guess you guys could go. I mean you guys are the Element’s of Harmony after all.” he said in a cheery tone.

“What did you do to knock all of those stallions out?” Twilight asked as the group trotted back into the library.

“It’s and advanced stare technique, like the one Fluttershy has but a lot stronger.” he said as he got inside the tree.

“Where did you learn something like that?”

“It’s not something that can be taught, I just know.” he said in a low tone. He turned to Fluttershy who was looking at him in surprise. “Sorry about all this.” he said as he approached the mare.

“I-it’s fine.” she said in a timid voice.

“What happens now?” Rainbow asked.

“Well I still owe Fluttershy a date.” he said as he put an arm around the mare. The yellow pegasus blushed instantly. “So I’ll be busy for the rest of the day, that alright by you Fluttershy?” he said as he looked at the mare.

“Y-yes.” she said with a blush.

“Okay then. Shall we?” he said as he held the door open for her. The two ponies exited the library with smiled on their faces leaving the other ponies with shocked looks on their faces. Twilight turned to her friends with a worried look on her face.

“Who else here is creeped out?” she asked. The other ponies nodded in agreement. “We’d better watch him....closely.”

“Lighten up Twi. So he’s a little.....unusual, that doesn’t mean he’s dangerous.”

“Are you kidding!?” Rarity said in surprise. “You saw what he did to those guards.” she said in a worried tone.

“So he’s tough. Big deal, if he’d wanted to hurt us then he would have already.” Rainbow said.

“Your friend holds reasonable concern.” Ace said as he laid down on the floor. The ponies looked at him in confusion. “Didn’t any of you notice how he was acting?”

“He was acting like....he was itching for a fight.” Twilight commented.

“Correct. The more he uses the dragon magic inside of him, the more he becomes like a dragon.” he said in a low tone.

“What are you talking about?”

“Cross didn’t just obtain a dragon’s eye and heart, he has a dragon soul within him as well.” the ponies looked at the wolf in surprise.

“What do you mean a dragon soul? How could he have one?” Spike asked. The wolf glared at the dragon with cold eyes.

“For being a dragon you really don’t know that much about your kind. When a dragon dies or is killed, their soul can either go to the other side or it can be given as a gift.” the ponies looked at him in confusion. “When a dragon gives another being it’s soul it’s power is transferred to the individual easily increasing said individuals power ten fold or more. However, the dragon’s mind and personality remain within the soul. It’s thought’s, it’s memories and it’s overall ‘self’ is still present even after death.” the group looked at the wolf in shock.

“How do you know all of this?” Twilight asked.

“Dire Wolves have a way of stealing souls from our prey, dragons are of no exception.” he breathed out. “it’s why we were such a threat to them, due to the fact that we share that ability. Cross however has been able to control himself and not steal any souls, he’ll receive them from time to time if the individual wishes it as a last request. You saw one the other day, when the dragon came and handed him that glowing sphere. That was no trinket it was a dragon soul.”

“So if the soul still holds the creatures mind then-”

“Exactly, he has many voices echoing inside of his head. All of that power is a real burden to him. He’s always careful not to use too much power, he’s scared of himself and the power he has. Should he ever use 100% of it.....he could pose a threat to Celestia herself and she knows it.” the ponies looked at the white wolf in shock. “I’m not saying that he should be locked up, I’m saying it’s best not to piss him off. Cross has had that power for may years now, and he has never had any intention of unlocking it’s true potential.” he said as he closed his eyes. Twilight and the others looked at one another, the thought of a stallion with that much magic going on a rampage scared them to death.

“So.....I’m gonna tail Cross for a while okay?” Rainbow said as she zoomed out the door. Twilight started to levitate many spell books in front of her.

“Um..what re you doing Twilight?” Applejack asked.

“I think of Cross as a friend, but it’s a good idea to have a back up plan incase he goes nuts.” she said as she began to skim the books.

“Understandable, but there is one thing you should think about before you do anything drastic.” Ace breathed out.


“If the dragon king and Princess Celestia trust him with that much power then shouldn’t you?” he said as he closed his eyes and fell asleep on the floor. Twilight looked at her friends who scratched their manes.

“He’s got a good point Twi.” Applejack said. Twilight hung her head low in defeat. Applejack put a hoof on her friends shoulder and gave her a smile. “Ah know you’re freaked out by all of this. Ah am too, but ah know that Cross would never do anything to hurt us.”

“I-I know.” she said in a defeated tone. “I just hope I’m not wrong about this.” she said as she closed the book.