• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 5,982 Views, 292 Comments

The Hunter's Heart - Silentpegasus

Cross Hair, a grey unicorn stallion is badly injured by a timberwolf encounter. He wakes up days later to find that he is being cared for by a yellow pegasus mare. What will happen when this hunter falls prey to his emotions?

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Chapter 15: The Crimson Knights Reborn

Chapter 15

The Crimson Knights Reborn

Back in Ponyville the white Dire Wolf made his way through the Everfree Forest in search of lunch. He sniffed the damp air around him and picked up a familiar scent. He walked towards the strange hut and peered through the window to see the potion maker hard at work. He paid no attention and continued to track his meal through the forest. He lowered his body as his prey came into view, He could see the manticores ears tilt in his direction and hear the beats heartbeat quicken as he slowly crawled through the brush. He waited until his red eyes locked with the creatures pupils. The wolf looked to his left to see another manticore breathing in his face. Clever girl. He thought as he engaged the creatures. He slashed the one next to him with his back paws as he lunged at the male with his jaws open. The manticore let out a cry of pain as the wolfs teeth sank deep into the manticores skin. Ace looked back to see that the scratched manticore was charging at him with it’s tail held high.

Ace leapt at the manticore and scratched it’s chest, the beast let out a cry of pain as the manticore hurried over to it’s mate. Ace stood before the pair with a smile creeping across his bloodied lips. The manticores looked at the white wolf in fear. Ace walked slowly towards the pair as he heard a few small growls come from behind him, he turned around to see three baby manticores growling at him and striking a defensive pose. Ace’s eyes looked towards the adult manticores and his brain made the connections. He looked back at the cubs who hurried over to their damaged parents. The three small creatures stood in front of their parents eager to protect them, Ace’s eyes shrank at the action. Memories of his own abandonment came rushing back to him. The white Dire Wolf began to back away from the group and slowly made his way back towards the small town.

Cross sat at the end of the table with Fluttershy by his side. The ponies had began to eat and converse while Celestia and Karathax kept silent. Cross looked over to the opposite table to see his ‘staff’ eating in peace.

“Cross?” Cross looked up to see Celestia staring at him.


“You seem off for some reason is something bothering you?”

“No not really I’m just curious about the meeting.”

“Excellent point. Let’s get down to business.” Karathax said as he stood up. “Changelings have been scuttling through my land for the past few weeks, the reason is unknown.” The ponies looked at him in shock.

“Yes, I’ve noticed that Changeling activity has increased. I’ve been getting reports from some towns along the border.” Celestia said in astern tone.

“Yet you do nothing!”

“There isn’t much we can do yet, we don’t know where they are stationed.” Celestia said as she took a sip from her glass. “We must remain vigilant in the coming months, I fear another attack coming soon.” the ponies looked at one another in fear Fluttershy squeezed Cross’s hoof at the memory of the wedding. ‘Jeeves’ trotted up to the grey stallion with a glass of water.

“You mask your presence well. Flawless timing, unshakable confidence and strict resolve.” Everypony looked at him in confusion. “I applaud your efforts, however now is not the day to spy on me.” The white stallions chest was suddenly impaled by a lance being held by the real butler. The ponies cried out in horror as the stallions’ white fur faded to reveal a black exoskeleton and bright spliced eyes.

“When...did you know?” the Changeling spat out.

“I did a little digging and I found your makeshift nest.” He said as he looked over at the opposite table. Cross’s horn glowed and sent out a pulse, destroying the Changelings disguises. “Jeeves, deal with them.”

“At once sir.” The white stallion said as he adjusted him monocle. The horde of Changeling began to laugh at the elderly stallion. The ponies got to their hooves ready for a fight but were stopped by Celestia raising a hoof.

“What’s this? They send one dog to fight against twenty of us?” One of the creatures spat out.

“You know what they say old dogs, new tricks.” The white stallion eyes glowed red and spliced. His horn flared and a row of lances sprang up from the ground impaling five changelings. “I don’t believe we’ve been formally introduced. My name is Jeeves White. Formerly known as ‘The White Lance of Impalement.’ Ex bounty hunter and butler to the Crimson Knight organization. I answer the door, I take out the trash and I take care of pesky little bugs like your selves.” The changelings cringed back as another lance went through three more of them. “Since I am a gentlemen, allow me to offer you one piece of advice.” Everyones eyes were focused on the butler. “Run.” They looked back in fear as the white stallion slowly closed in on the group of Changelings. One of them flew to the window only to be burned by a bright blue flame coming from the dragons’ mouth. Cross tapped his hoof on the table and a wall sprang up from the floor separating the group of Changeling from the main dinning table. The ponies looked at the grey stallion who wore a flat expression. Cross walked over to the wounded Changeling and held him against the wall.

“You have one chance to save your self. Tell me your plans. What are you doing here?”

“Go buck yourself.” the Changeling spat out. Cross began to press on the wound as the Changeling let out a cry of pain.

“I’ll ask again, what are your intentions?”

“Fine. We were sent to take over this mansion and everyone in it.”


“When you come back we ambush and capture you.”

“For what purpose?” The changeling remained silent, Cross applied more pressure to the injury causing more of the green fluid to spill out onto the floor.

“I don’t know! She just ordered us to keep you here while the invasion is in effect.” The ponies exchanged worried looks at the words. The Changeling began to laugh hysterically at their reaction.

“What’s so humorous? I could use a good laugh.”

“The thing is, our mission was a full success!” He yelled as his own green blood filled his mouth. “Nothing you can do now you’re all screwed! Especially you KIN SLAYER!” Cross raised his right hoof and crushed the Changelings head with a solid punch. He looked back at his guest’s who had looks of horror and worry strewn across their faces.

“Celestia you’d better-” the grey stallion was cut off by a letter appearing in front of the Princess. Her eyes shrank as she red the message.

“What is it?” Celestia showed him the letter.

Code Black.

“What does that mean?” Rarity asked.

“Canterlot is under attack.” Celestia said as she frowned.

Ace made his way out of the forest to be greeted by three small fillies running up to him.

“ACE! HELP!” Applebloom yelled.

“What’s wrong?”

“That!” Ace looked up to see nearly two thousand Changelings flying over head. His eyes shrank and saw that three were coming straight towards them, he jumped in front of the fillies and started to bear his teeth. He raised a paw and smashed one of the Changelings to the ground. He looked ahead and crushed another Changeling in his jaws. His attention turned to the final Changeling who had stopped in its tracks. Ace barked at the insect, who quickly fled in fear of the large wolf. Ace looked behind him to see the small fillies shaking in fear.

“Do you have a safe place to hide?” He asked as the fillies looked at him.

“Y-yeah, our club house.” Scootaloo answered.


“It’s just outside Sweet Apple Acres we can pick up Mac and Granny Smith on the way!” Applebloom said as she and the other two fillies climbed on the beast’s back.

“Good, hold on!” The large wolf ran at a break neck pace towards the apple farm. He saw ponies running in the streets and diving for cover. Ace began to concentrate and quickened his pace until he was just a white bur rocketing towards their destination.

Cross lowered the wall that separated the butler, to reveal green stained walls and a pile of large insect bodies. “Sorry about the mess sir.”

“We’ve got bigger problems. Make sure that there aren’t any more of these things flying around.” The white stallion nodded and vanished in a flash of light.

“I must return to Canterlot!” Celestia said as she got to her hooves.

“I think I can help you with that Princess.” Cross said as he got to his hooves. “Follow me.” The ponies got up and started to follow the grey stallion.

“STOP!” Twilight bellowed. “What is going on here and how did you know that they were Changelings? Who and What are the Crimson Knights? What are you?” She yelled as tears started to pour down her face. Cross let out a sigh and looked back at the mares.

“The Crimson Knights were a secret society that my family once belonged to, I’m the only one left.” The ponies looked at him in confusion. “My family was notorious for using unnatural magic.” Twilight gulped as she put the pieces together in her mind. “My father being the madman he was finally went off the deep end and killed almost everypony that worked in the nearby town and absorbed their souls.” He said in a low tone.

“But, you said that it was an accident.” AJ said.

“It was no accident.” The Princess said as tears formed in her eyes. “The Crimson Knights were destroyed and Cross turned this place into an orphanage when he assumed control of the mansion.”

“How do you know all this Princess?” Twilight asked.

“I was there when his father fell.” She said as they continued to walk down the dark hallway. Cross held his head in shame, refusing to show his tear filled eyes. Fluttershy put a hoof on his shoulder trying to offer him comfort. He kept walking until he was approached by the white stallion.

“What’s the news?”

“You all had better come with me.” He said as he galloped towards the study. Cross walked onto the outcropping to see at least three hundred Changelings flying towards the mansion. The ponies looked in horror at the massive army.

“What’s going on?” Rainbow asked in a nervous tone.

“The Changelings just signed their own death sentence.” As he walked towards the circle he was stopped by the yellow mare with tears in her eyes.

“Please, please tell me what’s happening.” she said as she started to bawl uncontrollably, Cross let out a heavy sigh and looked at the group of mares.

“I’m going to open a portal and all of you, including Celestia are going to return to Canterlot.”

“You’re coming with us right?” Twilight asked.

“I will join you later after I exterminate these pests.”

“You can’t beat them! They have an army!” Twilight yelled.

“They’re not the only ones with an army.” Cross said as he removed the rug to reveal a symbol carved in the stone. Cross levitated a small knife and slashed himself across his arm. He let the blood trickle down his leg and enter the symbol. As the red liquid made contact, the symbol began to glow along with Cross’s eyes and body. “CRIMSON KNIGHTS! OUR CASTLE IS UNDER ATTACK I ORDER YOU TO TAKE UP ARMS AGAINST OUR ENEMIES!” He bellowed. The ponies looked in amazement as the suits of armor standing around the room began to move and walk towards the grey stallion. The suits of armor galloped towards the balcony and jumped onto the main courtyard. Cross exited the circle and stepped onto the balcony with the ponies close behind. Through the storm they saw hundreds of suits of armor line up in rows standing at attention.

“WHAT ARE YOUR ORDERS MY LORD?” The suits bellowed. Cross looked back at the mares who had the look of utter confusion and shock. Cross looked down to the massive rows and gave a final breath.


“YES SIR! FOR THE GLORY OF THE CRIMSON KNIGHTS WE OBEY!” The knights turned and started to march towards the horde of insects. The ponies watched in amazement as some suits began to fly and shoot volleys of magic at the approaching army. Cross looked back at the group of mares who had dumbfounded looks on their faces.

“So, the Crimson Knights have risen again.” Celestia said as she walked up to him.

“No, that’s just the mansion’s defense force.”

“WHAT IS GOING ON?” Twilight yelled. “How can you raise an army? What was that scene at dinner and what is with this crazy old house?”

“This isn’t just some old house. It has magic of it’s own, like those suits of armor. The Commander of the house has the power to summon them to the battle field in times of war. As to the whole Changeling incident at dinner, that was sort of spur of the moment deal.”

“You didn’t seem surprised that they were Changelings.” Rarity said as she eyed the stallion.

“I wasn’t, I found out hours ago.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Celestia barked.

“I could have taken them out without breaking a sweat, but then I would’ve learned nothing.”

“What in the hay are you talking about?” Applejack commented.

“I wanted to see if they were after you, Celestia, Karathax or me. That wasn’t the case, they wanted to keep us here while they invade Canterlot.” He suddenly grasped his head as a small jolt of pain shot through his brain.

“Are you okay?”

“Ace is contacting me,”

“How? He’s in Ponyville.” Twilight said in confusion.

“I have telepathic link with him, we only use it in an emergency.” The ponies looked at him in confusion as he closed his eyes. “OH NO!”


“Ponyville is under attack.” The ponies cringed back in fear. “Only a few stragglers, the majority is headed towards Canterlot.”

“What about Applebloom?’ AJ asked.

“Ace has the CMC, your brother and a few others with him at their club house, but they can’t hide forever.”

“We need to get back home!” Twilight yelled.

“Exactly!” Cross said as he trotted over to the circle again, his horn flared and two portals opened up. “Celestia, this portal will get you just inside the Canterlot walls.” He said as he pointed to the portal on the left. “Twilight, this one will teleport you just outside of Fluttershy’s cottage. I suggest you get a move on.” He said as he walked towards the door.

“What about you?”

“I will stay behind and hold them off.” Fluttershy galloped over to him and wrapped her hooves around him. She looked up with tear filled eyes.

“Please, please come with us.”

“I can’t my place is here. I have to defend it.” he said in a reluctant tone.

“Please don’t leave me. I love you!” she begged, Cross embraced her in a hug.

“I love you too and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Fluttershy felt a blunt object hit the back of her head. Cross caught her in his hooves and levitated her over to Twilight. “Take her and go!”


“There’s no time to argue GO!” he said as he heard the door being forced open. He turned around and shot two beams of magic knocking the Changelings out of sight. “I can’t hold them back forever! GO!” the mares nodded and went through the portal. Celestia glanced over at Karathax who was standing on the balcony.

“Are you staying?”

“Yes, I can never run away from a battle. It’s been some time since I’ve stretched my wings.” he said with a malicious grin spread across his face.

“Very well, keep an eye on Cross if he-”

“He won’t. He’s not his father remember that.” the Alicorn nodded and made her way towards the portal. Cross looked at her and gave her a nod.

“Good luck Cross.”

“You too Princess and tell Fluttershy I’m sorry.”

“You can tell her yourself when we see you again.” she said with a warm smile. Cross nodded as she entered the portal and vanished from sight. Cross turned to the butler and the dragon and gave them a nod. The three walked onto the balcony to see the battle raging below.