• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 1,181 Views, 15 Comments

Everfree Courier - DVAN56

A guy gets sucked into Equestria to do the biding of the Everfree Forest.

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

As we made our way that final night. I got to thinking how lucky we were on this trip. Though I have never yet encountered any of the Invaders except for the “Pip-Squeaks”, but if only half of what Fang and Spike have said was true I was happy I haven't.

We were about an hour away from the gates of Cantorlot. Spike pulled a scroll out, where he was keeping it till this point I have no idea but I'm sure magic was involved. Then he breathed fire on it and the scroll was gone. I don't know what surprised me more at the moment, the fact that he randomly burned a scroll or that his fire was green.

I was about to ask him what that was all about but I ran into something and it knocked me over. It was like running into a brick wall but when I looked around there was nothing there. I got back up and tried walking forward only to be stopped and pushed back again but I stayed standing this time. I stuck my hand out. Again as soon as it made contact with the invisible wall it was pushed back.

What was odd though is that Fang and Spike where not affected by the wall. They where watching me in confusion at first. They even walked back and forth. Spike then got the idea to try and push me. That was a bad idea.

When spike pushed me the wall gave an extra kick that didn't just push me back but sent me flying. Spike was unprepared for it as well and in the end I found myself five feet backwards laying on top of a dragon.

Emotions of fear and confusion started to rise but were sucked from me as quickly as they came. Fear wasn't the only emotion I found being sucked out of me. Almost any emotion that I could feel was starting to leave the same way my fear was. All the same way like a small flow of electricity flowing though my body and out my back. I blame the magic of this world but Its nothing I was concerned about at the time.

As I started to get up we could hear a snickering like laughter. At first I thought it was Fang but as I turned to him his face was full of anger and he was clearly not laughing. He was staring at me ready to pounce.

“Easy now Fang. Whats got in-” I didn't get to finish

“Boo” came a voice from behind.

I jumped a little as I turned to face the source of the voice. What I saw, I thought was a man in a hooded robe. I got a little hopeful right then only to be ripped by what was actually there.

It was humanoid in shape but that was it. What was under that robe I still don't know. Where a face should be was only smoking blackness with two glowing yellow eyes. The eyes actually looked more like a light source then actual eyes. If it had hands then they where covered by the sleeves of the robe. It was also hovering above the ground. The robe was at least two or three inches off the ground but there was nothing there where feet should be.

“Now what are you?” The robed thing asked me. Its eyes changed shape to show emotion the best it could. Its voice was that of a Scotsman.

“What am I. What are you?”

“Not importa- wait you look human but are, oh this is fascinating!” the robed thing said happily. It then took a bow.

“Allow me to introduce myself, I am Spirit, avatar of the Entity of Death.”

“Death?” I asked a little worried.

“Yes Death. Its my job to make sure souls get on their way and balance maintained between the other avatars.”

“Ok. Ummm, got it. But none of us are dead....I hope.” I said as I turned around to look at Spike still laying on the ground.

Spirit gave a chuckle. “No no, your fine no one is dead in this area at least. No I came to see why a being of no magic was doing in Equestria traveling with the Avatar of Nature.”

“Wait slow down just a sec. What exactly is an Avatar of an Entity anyway?” I asked.

“What!” he turned to Fang “Fang you have been traveling with a human and you failed to tell him what an avatar is. For shame Fang. I'm going to make sure Nature gives you less bones.” Spirit scolded, Fang just growled in return.

“Well Human every Entity needs a physical form in Equestria. Mind you this is only in Equestria, you don't have to worry about any of this mumbo jumbo if you ever make it back to Earth. Anyway in short an Avatar is an ageless and powerful being chose by an Entity. Though an avatars power may seem godlike we are not. No where near in fact. Also the Entities ain’t gods either think of them more like something a human can refer too.” Spirit paused for a sec to think. “AH HA! Think of the Entities as Angles. Those not quite up there in the hierarch of things they are the closest thing I can think of that humans can relate to. Anyway getting off track. Back to the Avatar thing. Avatars still are ourselves for the most part however if something goes horribly out of balance in Equestria, Entities can possess their avatar and fix things that will put our world back into balance. This is rare as-”

I put my hand up to interrupt him. “I get the gist of it.”

“oh ok. Now back to my original intent of coming to you. Why are you out here?”

“You could say I'm a drafted courier. My only chance at getting back home is to get a package delivered to that city over there to the Entities of the Sun and Moon. But now I'm guessing I'm actually heading to their avatars instead then.” I replied.

“Ah, Celestia and Luna, they are a good lot. Well then my curiosity has been satisfied. I shall take my leave now.” With that, the Spirit vanished.

“Well that was interesting.” I said aloud trying to get a response out of Fang. There was none but it wasn't unexpected.

I tried to get Spike up but he was out cold. I tried to drag him which didn't go so well. In the end I was able to talk Fang into carrying the unconscious dragon on his back. The rest of the trip was quiet. Something about our encounter with Spirit got to Fang. He went from being cold and annoyed all the time to just, well just blank of any Emotion. It was a little creepy.

We got to the gates right before sun rise. Two unicorns clad in armor were waiting for us, they looked a lot like the ponies I saw in my vision a few days back except, well, unicorns.

The moment we were one the other side of the gate the hairs on my skin started to stain. I could feel something crawling all over me. Before I could react I fell to my knees vomiting. Then fell over onto my side. The next thing I saw was the shield going up then I blacked out.

Damn magic.

Author's Note:

Woot. Got this done a little(ok a lot) faster then I though.