• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 1,182 Views, 15 Comments

Everfree Courier - DVAN56

A guy gets sucked into Equestria to do the biding of the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

Chapter 4

The monster that had saved me was staring at me, his eyes full of curiosity. After he spoke my fear was sucked out of me, literally. I could feel it like a shock going through my body, it flowed to my back and was then ripped from me at a single point in by my spine. My fear was gone in seconds, and I now found myself looking back at the monstrous lizard with curiosity as well. Thinking of the question it asked me, I spoke first.

“I'm a human” I said.

This got his attention. Before I even finished saying my words his eyes went wide.

“You...you can talk?” he asked

“I can. Now what and who are you?” I asked

“I'm a dragon, name is Spike”

I looked at him a little stupefied. He looked nothing like a dragon, at least not the dragons in the stories back home. He didn't even have wings. I would of questioned him about it but Fang found his way into the ruined building.

Fang's bark skin was covered in the blood of the goblins he had slain. From what I could tell he was uninjured. Fang's eyes were locked on Spike. Fang walked up cautiously, he didn't want to fight Spike but didn't want to be unprepared either.

“What are you doing here dragon?” Fang asked, coldly

“Saving this human from a Pip-Squeek,” Spike answered just as coldly.

“Pip-Squeek? You mean the goblin over there.”

I pointed at the severed creature that Spike killed just moments ago. They both go wide eyed looking at me, then the corpse then back at me. Fang was the first to speak.

“Let me guess, your world has stories of goblins that are described as the Pip-Squeek there.”

I gave a nod.

“Heh, looks like some of your world's stories are off on some things. A goblin is a lot, bigger and deadlier”


“Wait, wait, other world. How did you get here, rift or plucked?” Spike asked me.

“The Entity of the Everfree plucked me. Wants me to deliver a package to that place, Cantorlot she called it.” I said pointing up to the mountain.

The sun was almost completely down at that point, and the moon started to rise into the sky. What I saw next made my heart sink a little. The shield over the city was disappearing. My first thought was the Invaders had cut off my only way home. I was staring to be filled with a sense of dread just thinking about not being able to see my family and home.

“The shield...” is all I was able to mumble out.

“What about it? It goes down every night” Spike said

“What? What do you mean?”

Spike let out a sigh before explaining. “You really are from another world. The Invaders can't be out in the moonlight, they burst into flames. Don't know why they burn in moonlight but it gives the Princesses and the ponies a chance to rest. What is really weird about them is that no one has been able to find where they hide to get away from the moon.”

After that explanation my fear left me, again it was sucked out my back. It was a little more painful this time though.

“Well we best get going.” Fang said

The two of us started walking down the railroad tracks. Spike went back into the town, I guess he really did live in that ruined library.

I looked up at the night sky as we traveled along the tracks, I couldn't help but notice the night sky. It was beautiful. There where so many stars and they shined with such radiance. I was a little sad that I couldn't find any familiar constellations, then again this is another world.

About three hours into our trip we heard someone coming from behind. We looked back and lo and behold it was Spike.

“I'm coming to Cantorlot with you. Its been awhile since I saw a friend of mine up there.”

“No” Fang replied

I was going to ask why not but Fang and Spike began talking again before I could voice my opinion.

“Why not.”

“NO! Its going to be hard enough for the human to actually get in the city let alone me. And your a Dragon.”

“Trust me I can get us all in no problem.”

“And how are you going to get us all in with no problems?”

There was a pause for a moment, the silence broken by Spike.

“My mother was Twilight Sparkle.”

At that moment I saw an expression on Fangs face that I would never see again. It looked like he was scared. Of what I truly don't know. He even shook for a split second. I was more confused by the whole thing.

The two just stood there staring at each other. Spike, a very serious look on his face and Fang, a dumbstruck, slightly scared look on his face. After a minute I broke the silence.

“Anywho, I take it this Twilight is very strong and respected dragon?”

“She was very strong and respected during her life, but she was no dragon. She was a pony, a unicorn to be exact.” Spike said.

Unicorn. They had unicorns here too. I shouldn't of been surprised at this point by now, I really shouldn't have been, but I was. A dragon raised by a Unicorn, that is a new one.

“Lets get going. The night will not last forever.” Spike said putting emphasis on “forever”.

Fang had come out of his fear and gave a slight chuckle at Spike's words. I apparently missed something there.

For the next two days we traveled by night. I was worried during the first days sunrise since we had no place to hide and rest. Fang however had a plan, dig a hole and hide. Not the best plan but it worked. He was a fast digger but Spike was way faster. Spike had a hole big enough for all three of us dug in under five. Spike said he use to dig a lot in his younger years and even learned some tips from creatures known as Diamond Dogs. We ended up sleeping in holes the whole way there because we couldn't find anything else that was safe to hide in.

The nights of our travels mainly consisted of Spike and I swapping stories. He told me about the times before the Invaders. He made this place sound like a paradise. I also learned of a third kind of pony, pegasi. The pegasi apparently controlled the weather in Equestria. That explained the sickly sky now, no pegasi no weather.

I learned that his mother, Twilight, died decades before the Invaders even came. From the stories he told she lived a good life and passed away happily one night from old age. Apparently the ponies had the same life span as human did but dragons, dragons could live for millennia. Spike was still considered young and he was 400 years old.

I told them of earth and humanity. Spike was intrigued when I told him that the entire world was like the Everfree and nature took care of itself. However it was when I told them how diverse humans are that I got a few concerned looks from both Spike and Fang. I didn't sugar coat anything, I told them good, the bad, and the ugly.

The third and final night of our travel we made it to the gates of Cantorlot, but not before meeting an interesting fellow on the way.