• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 1,181 Views, 15 Comments

Everfree Courier - DVAN56

A guy gets sucked into Equestria to do the biding of the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

Chapter 1


I woke up in a dimly lit cavern. The ground and walls where dry and rocky. The air was cool, and I was moving. I was to groggy from waking up, but something was making my body move. When I did realize it I was freaking out in my head, thoughts scream as loud as thoughts can sound. My body however did not notice my mental thoughts let alone the stress and keep moving. It was as if someone cut my brain off from the rest of my body and I was now a passenger or my own body. I couldn't even move my mouth to scream or redirect my eyes.

My body keep moving down the cavern. The dim light started to get brighter, I also noticed that the light also had a slight tint of green in it. The cavern led to a small patch of land that was the bottom of what I guessed was a crater of some sort. The ground was covered with a think but short layer of grass that only when up to my ankles. The crater itself wasn't that big around as it was steep. I would guess the it was maybe fifty yards in diametral but the crater walls where step and very high. I could only guess on how high it was. I just new that the crater walls went at lest as high as the clouds.

In the center of the crater stood a huge Weeping Willow. It was a magnifican sight that almost made me forget the fact that I was not in control of my body. Almost anyway. I found that my body was walking a little faster and headed straight for the tree. I had tried to regain control of my body but nothing was working. A weird sense of fear came over me the closer we got to the tree. I don't know why but I was afraid of that tree. It was almost as if what was controlling my body was forcing fear into my head the closer I got to the tree.

I was now right in front of the tree looking straight at it. What ever was controlling my body didn't give my a choice. I was screaming in my mind afraid of what the unknown had in store for me. Then the unexpected happened. I regained control of my body.

It was sudden and a lost my balance. I fell to the ground screaming. My fears disappear as well. Something was messing with my mind.

I heard a small chuckle come from above as I fell. Something was in the tree and it was laughing at me. I stood up and looked up into the tree. I found nothing but branches and leaves. If there was something up there it was good at hiding. However my attention was soon redirected.

“HELLO” A voice boomed in my head. I grabbed my head with both hand and fell to my feet. I don't know if it was meaning to but the voice hurt like hell in my head. I almost blacked out. My vision was even distorted for the short time after it spoke, but I think that was from where my eyes where tearing up from the pain.

“OH, UM IS THIS ANY BETTER” the voice boomed out again. Not as loud as the first time but it still hurt. I was able to keep my mind straight this time. “NO! Still way to load!” I shouted out in pain.

“How about now. I think I finally got it right. I do apologies but its hard to calibrate my voice to a creature from another world.” the voice said.

I was still a little out of it from the pain. It took me a few minute to registrar what she said to me. A creature from another world. That means that I’m not on earth anymore. Not what I wanted to wake up to....I started to freakout again, and it was real this time. My body shook with my mind as I fell the rest of the way to the ground laying down shacking. I think I was in some sort of shock.

“I was afraid of this” The voice said again. It was clearly what ever it was talking was female. Her voice alone was soothing but it didn't stop me from shaking. Then I felt something embrace me. It was warm and comforting, almost like it was hugging me. When I looked around there was nothing there but glowing green light around me. My body was calming down but my mind was still in full gear. “Shhhhhhhhhh” was the last think I heard from the voice and I fell asleep.

I awoke sometime later. I felt fully refreshed and oddly calm. I was still at the base of the willow tree. However my feelings of shock and fear where gone and replaced with a calm curiosity.

“Ah your wake. How do you feel.” the voice said. Though I could not tell where the voice was coming from I could only guess it was somehow related to the tree. So I talked facing the tree thinking it was what was talking to me. I know it sounds crazy.

“Good I guess” I replied

“That's good. I do apologies for putting you though shock. It is a side effect of 'Plucking'”

“Plucking?” I asked

“Yes. It the term used when an entity, like me, pulls a creature from its world and put them in the entity's world.” she said acting like it was no big deal.

I did not like where this was going. I had the feeling that I was going to be asked to do a task to save the world, or at lest a nation from some sort of evil. It happened in every cross dimensional stories of fiction I heard growing up. But I didn't have anything better to do so I played along a little more.

“Ok so why did you bring me here? Better yet where is here?” I asked.

“O this is the heart of my forest. I never did give it an official name but the creature both withing and out of it call it the Everfree. As for why you are here I needed someone to deliver a package for me-”

Well that seams simple enough.

“However all routes to the destination are cut off my the horde of Invaders that pillage the lands outside the forest-”

I hate it when I’m right.

“and my servant, the creatures of the forest, are not on good terms with the recipient of the package.” she finished.

And now it sounds like 'll be going solo. Great.

I just stood there dumbstruck. This entity pulled me, some one with no combat training, I mean I can shoot a gun but its not the same as actually combat, to go out and fight my why from point A to point B, just to deliver a package that she or her savants can't do them selves. Why did she grab me? Why not a solider? I decided to give her a piece of my mind.

“What the hell! Why me! Why did you pick the one human that doesn’t know how to really fight!” I shouted.

“Well...” she started talk again missing the anger in my voice. “Its because you where the only one I could pluck without upsetting the balance of your world. If it makes you feel better I brought you to a place where your actions will actual be useful to a world.”

Did she just call me useless? Did she really just have the nerve to say that? Did she think I was some dumb creature? Or was she really that clueless about my situation?

“Did you just call me useless?”

“Only in your world. Here you can be quite useful and contribute to this world greatly” She said almost a little to happily.

“......... Send me home” I demanded. There was a long moment of silence after that. “Well” I asked to break the silence.

“I can't” she replied with a little sorrow in her voice.


“I CAN'T!!” she yelled. “I only have enough power to pluck. I can't put you back” she said remorsefully. “But the Entity of the Sun and Moon maybe able to. You can ask them when you deliver the package to them!” she said excitedly. It was like her mood could change at will.

“So where is this entity of the Sun and Moon at?” I asked

“O it is in the Castle on the side of Mount Cantor. North west of here. You can't miss it. It's covered in a magical field to keep the Invaders out” she said.

Wow she just told me where I could go to leave without agree to take the package. Well time for me to leave, or though I thought. Without saying a word I turned to face the cave entrance and started walking away from the tree. Was I really just talking to a tree. Anywho I soon realized she was a very powerful tree that tended to get what she wanted.

I heard the leaves and the branches of the willow shack violently. I didn't turn back and changed my walk into a sprint. I was almost to the cave when I was cut off. What was in front of me now was both amazing and terrifying. I still don't know if I fell backward on my bum out of fear or amazement.

In front of me was a creature that was easily the same size of a lion but clearly had the shape of a wolf. However where there should have been fur there was tree bark. It slowly crept up to me. With each move I could here the sound of wood creaking and cracking. Its eyes where solid yellow the where glowing, not brightly but just enough to know that they where emitting light. This wolf was made of wood.

It got right in front of my face so close that o could feel its breath on my skin. Fear was defiantly starting to overcome me. I kicked out of panic hitting the wooden wolf right in its chest. It didn't even budge. But instead spoke. Not like the entity that sent its voice straight into my mind but with words coming out of his mouth. And he sounded pissed.

“I believe you still have business with the mistress. I suggest you finish before leaving.”