• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 1,181 Views, 15 Comments

Everfree Courier - DVAN56

A guy gets sucked into Equestria to do the biding of the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Well it didn't take long for me to up and take the package for this Entity. She even managed to 'pluck' a few items from earth to help me out too, namely a backpack, a flashlight, and some food items. The package itself was strange. It was a plain rock formed into an egg like shape. I would have been questioning it but there was a giant wooden wolf behind me and I did not want to piss him off anymore.

“There you go. Any questions?” the Entity asks, a little to cheerful for my liking.

“Actually two. One you said there a horde of some sort attacking the lands beyond the forest. Can you also give me something to defend myself with. Two can I get a guide for getting out of the forest” I replied.

“Hummm, the guide I can do. In-fact, Fang you are going to accompany him all the way to Cantorlot.”

“WHAT!” yelled the wolf that was behind me.

“As for a way to deal with the Invaders, humm. There may be old weapons and armor in the ruined castle but other then that I can not provide. Entities are not aloud to make or 'pluck' weapons of any kind.” she said ignoring the wolf's cry.

“Alright then” I sighed “Lets get going.”


The forest on the other side of the crater was different to say the lest. Where the crater had been bright and comforting, the forest itself was dark and gloomy. I also noticed that what wildlife I did see was that of Earth's. There where snakes, birds, bugs, and I even say a few rabbits. One of said rabbits found its way into Fangs mouth by the way.

“So Fang, what kind of wolf are you anyway?” I asked trying to strike up conversation. “Is it tree-wolf, wooden-wolf, twi-” Fang interrupted me before I could finished.

“Timberwolf. I'm a Timberwolf.” Fang replied coldly.

“Ok ok. Just trying to strike up- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!” my attention was now on a beast that was in front of us. It was a lion but much bigger but that was not what had me freaked out. It was the giant scorpion tail it and bat wings had.

“What, that. That is a Manticore. Don't worry he won't eat you. In fact nothing hear will eat you. The Mistress won't let them. Now come on. We got a ways to go yet.” Fang said, he was clearly annoyed with me.

The rest of the trip to the castle consisted of me being quite until another weird or mythical creature showed up. I would ask and Fang would answer despite the fact that it annoyed him. He also made a point of sounding annoyed too. We ran into a number of critters too before arriving at the castle.

The castle was, as expected, a ruin. Vines growing on the walls and collapsed sections all over the place, cobwebs, dust, the works. As I started to enter the front gates I noticed Fang not entering.

“You coming?” I asked

“No.” he replied deadpanned.

“Why not?”

“I just can't. Honoring the past.”

“Honoring the past?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“It doesn't concern you. Just hurry up. I want to to make it to the forest edge by tomorrow.”

“Fine, fine I won't be long.”

The castle was old and dusty. Its been at lest a hundred year since anyone or anything has been here. I explored much of the castle and found nothing of use. However I did find something interesting in one of the halls, scorch marks. What made the marks I don't know but I found it weird and a little unsettling that just the one hall had them.

I finally found what I assumed was an armory. Most of the weapons and armor had been rusted away. However there was one sword, a katana, that was in surprisingly good condition. It wasn't pretty or anything but it looked like I could hack at stuff without it breaking on the first swing unlike the rest of the stuff in there.

As I was heading out I came to the hall with the scorch marks again but it was different this time. It was new, as if the place was just build. The room was richly decorated. Gold and sliver used on all the light fixtures and frame trimming. However it was the creature inside that grabbed my attention. Ponies, technicolor coated ponies. Some wore armor as if they where guards, other wore fancy clothing while others wore nothing at all. None of them seemed to notice me.

“Come All! Tonight we shall have rulers that can transcend time itself!” A black pony yelled from the center of the hall.

Underneath the black pony I saw two young foals, I would say they where newborns by the look of them. One was white with a pink mane and tail. The other was dark blue, almost black, with a lighter blue mane and tail. Two guards came forth both had a crest of some kind in there mouth. I couldn't quit tell what they looked like though. They put the crests in front of the foals. Then there was a blinding light.

Next thing I know I'm on the ground being drug by Fang out the front doors of the ruined castle. Its also night now. Which is odd, it was only mid afternoon when we got here. Luckily I still had a grasp on the sword.

“What happened to you!” Fang shouted at me.

“I don't know, one minute I’m in old castle next I'm in a new castle with a bunch of colored ponies talking about rulers transcending time. Then you dragging me.” I responded speaking faster then I should. But when my words left my mouth Fangs eyes went wide with fear.

“Where there two foal, one white, one so blue it was almost black?” his voice a little shacked. I have no clue whats going on but to scare a lion sized Timberwolf had me a little nerves as well.

“Yes” I replied.

“We need to go. Now!”

“Whats going --”

“NOW!!!” he yelled.

And so we where off to the forest edge.