• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 699 Views, 15 Comments

A world away - Meilha

Fluttershy gets trapped in the realm of man, can she get back to her fellow ponies?

  • ...

The invention

Damien was frustrated. He had lost signal of the second pegasus and unicorn completely, and Trixie or Balrog had not returned yet. Where could they be?

One of his questions was answered a few seconds later as Balrog entered the room.

"Balrog, where is the pegasus?" Damien asked not expecting that his right hand man could fail.

"I lost her," Balrog said sullenly, "There was a man that interfered. But do not worry, I disposed of him."

Damien was furious. "At this rate, we will never complete our goal! I only have three of the six needed to use the elements of harmony, and the other three are nowhere to be found! I don't even know where Trixie is." He sat down and rubbed his forehead.

"Do not worry, I will find her," Balrog insisted.

"No, I have something else for you to do," Damien said. "Follow me."

__ __ __

Twilight's leg hurt. The sample of her blood had been taken rather forcefully, but there was nothing she could do but squirm around on the table she was strapped to. After flinging some people in lab coats accross the room, she was shot with another tranquilizer gun. She couldn't move the table she was on either, for after Fluttershy's escape, Damien had bolted all his tables to the ground. Not even Pinkie Pie seemed to be faring well, although she tried to stay in high spirits.

After some time, Damien opened the door and entered the room followed by a muscular man and some others dressed in black suits. They each held a gun in their hand.

"Hello Twilight, I don't believe you've met my assistant, Balrog," He gestured toward Balrog. Twilight stared at him.

"I have something to show you, and please don't try to resist, or I'll have these nice men show you what these weapons can do. Now unstrap her, Balrog."

Balrog unstrapped Twilight and she jumped to the ground. She didn't want to find out what those weapons could do, so she went along with him out the door. She followed Damien down a long hallway, then he turned and entered a room. Twilight followed him into the dark room, but couldn't see anything inside it.

Damien spoke, "I have done some research about your world's magic, and I believe that the elements of harmony are powerful enough to power this." He turned on the lights and Twilight found herself in a room filled with control panels and cords running along the ground and connecting to a large mechanical sphere in the middle of the room.

"I created this machine to harness the elements of harmony, and it can manipulate it's powerful magic to my will. With this machine I can use the magic to create an explosion a size of my choosing, at a location of my choosing, by typing in the information into this super computer." Damien smiled at his own genius, "I built that too."

"That's crazy, no one should be allowed the power to blow up whatever they want," Twilight said.

"I won't just blow up everything, I will only use it when I need to. And it can help me achieve my goal."

"What goal?" Twilight asked.

"Well, simply to rule the world," He grinned maniaclly, "I will begin a new era, create a new world, with me as it's leader!"

He laughed and Twilight looked appaulled at the thought of this man ruling the world.

"And once I have conquered this world, I will rule Equestria as well. No one will do anything without my command."

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Twilight asked.

Damien answered, "Because I want you to rule with me. Think about all the power you will have at my side! And you can help me better understand your magic."

Twilight was about to decline, but she got an idea.

"Ok, I will join you. Just let me get my friends to join in too."

"Ok, go to them and I will await you in the other room," He said as he left.

Twilight was surprised he was so stupid, after building all of this.

She walked into the other room and said, "Ok guys we're gonna get out of here. There's gotta be another of those dimensional transporter things around here somewhere."

She looked all over the room but didn't find a thing.

Damien entered the room and Twilight looked up and tried to act natural.

"You do know I have cameras in this room," He said as he pointed to them.

"Oh come on..." Twilight said as she was tranquilized for the third time and fell to the floor.

__ __ __

Twilight woke up several hours later on the table again.

"Hey Twilight, I see you're awake," Apple Jack said.

Twilight looked over to see the man called Balrog had been assigned to keep watch over them. Balrog had never questioned Damien before, but he was a little uneasy after seeing his latest invention and hearing what it could do.

"Why do you do what he tells you?" Twilight asked

Balrog had never wondered that himself. He had not thought about the fact that what he was doing was not right until looking down at the helpless unicorn. For a moment he thought he felt some emotion and tried to put it out of his mind. But, as he thought about it, maybe it wasn't so bad to do the right thing. Maybe he was going soft, but he did not care. This pony had to get out of here and Balrog was the only person who could save them.

But there was nothing he could do with Damien watching his every move. At the first chance, he was going to set these ponies free. It was the right thing to do and he could not allow Damien to get the elements of harmony.

__ __ __

Spike was really worried now. He had gone around town and every pony he asked had not seen Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, or Apple Jack in a while. He paced his house and hoped Twilight would just burst through the door, ok and back home.

"I know!" He said, "I'll ask Celestia if she knows anything." He got a pen and quill and wrote a letter asking Celestia if she knew where everypony was, blew fire on it, and watched it's ashes leave out the open window.

A few minutes later he coughed up another letter. He read it and ran out the door. Celestia had not heard of any of them since they followed Zecora to the Everfree forest. She too was worried and told Spike to meet her at Zecora's house for some major questioning. Spike hoped Zecora knew where his pony friends were, as he ran down the path towards the Everfree forest.