• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 699 Views, 15 Comments

A world away - Meilha

Fluttershy gets trapped in the realm of man, can she get back to her fellow ponies?

  • ...

Where is everypony?

Twilight had no idea where she was or how she got here. One moment she and her friends are following Zecora
to the everfree forest, and the next she's gone.

She looks around and finds that she is in a forest. It reminds her of the Everfree forest, but it seems different somehow.

Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie are waking up nearby.

"Does anypony know where we are?" Twilight asks

"No, but I got me a mighty head ache from hitting the ground," Apple Jack says.

"Well, let's try to find somepony nearby that can tell us where we are," Rarity suggested.

Their conversation is interrupted by creatures none of them had ever seen come out from behind some trees. They have dart guns in their hands, and they fire at Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie.

"Youch!" Yelled Pinkie Pie. "I don't feel so good..." She says as she and Apple Jack collapse on the ground.

"Run!" Rarity says as she starts running through the trees.

"Wait we can't leave them!" Twilight says and uses her magic to stop a dart in mid air before it hits her. She then turns it around at flings at back at the men shooting at her, and it hits one of them.

"Woa..." He says before falling on the ground.

Twilight looks at the other man and he puts up his hands as he drops the dart gun.

"Don't hurt me!" He said as he glances behind Twilight.

Twilight has just enough time to look behind her before another man shoots her, and she falls into a deep sleep.

__ __ __

Spike woke up and yawned. He had stayed up late last night waiting for Twilight to return home, but she never had. Spike just assumed she would be late, so he eventually went to bed. But he was surprised to see that Twilight wasn't in her bed. Where could she be?

He walked downstairs saying, "Twilight? Are you here?" But there was no answer.

Maybe Rarity knows where she is, he thought, making an excuse to see his favorite pony.

As he approached her house, Opalescence, Rarity's cat, hissed at him, and ran away.
What was Opalescence doing out here? Spike thought. He knocked on Rarity's door, but there was no answer. He opened the door and called, "Rarity? You home?" But there was still no answer. He checked every room, and she was no where to be seen.

"No Twilight, no Rarity, where is everypony?" He asked himself.Mabye Apple Jack knows where they went, he thought.

He approached the farm, expecting to find Apple Jack harvesting her apples. But she was nowhere to be found. Spike then spotted Macintosh.

As Spike walked over to him, he asked, "Macintosh, have you seen Apple Jack?"

"Nope," was his reply, but Spike could see the worry in is eyes.

"Well, thanks anyways," Spike said as he left.

"Yup," Macintosh said.

__ __ __

Damien entered the room and made sure the window was closed.

"Hello everyone," he said.

Twilight asked, "Who are you and what's going on?"

Damien filled the ponies in on their situation. "And," He said in conclusion," now all I need is the two pegasi and the second unicorn. Then I can harnness the elements of harmony and power my latest invention." He laughed maniacally.

"And how are you going to do that when the elements are in Celestia's castle?" Pinkie Pie questioned.

"Pinkie Pie!" Everpony said simultaneously.

"Oh that's quite alright, I already know everything," Damien smiled, "And that won't be a problem once I extract some of your blood and give myself unicorn DNA." He said to Twilight.

"Trixie's magic is powerful, but she tells me she was beaten by you twice now."

"Trixie?!" Twilight said in astonishment. Damien's smile got wider.

"Yes, now, hold still for a moment," He said as he picked up a needle and walked towards Twilight.