• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 699 Views, 15 Comments

A world away - Meilha

Fluttershy gets trapped in the realm of man, can she get back to her fellow ponies?

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"We'll never find her here, she could be anywhere in this forest," Balrog said.

"Well I don't see you coming up with any other plans," Elijah said. Balrog mumbled to himself.

They had been walking through the forest where Rarity was for hours. After finding someone who knew something about repairing technology, it was pretty simple to get back to where they last saw Rarity running into the huge forest. All they had to do was go back to Equestria, go to the spot where they were when Zecora sent them to the human world, and open the portal. But after some time they all started to lose enthusiasm.

Joe had stayed back at his house but had supplied them with whatever they needed. Balrog had heat detecting goggles but they didn't do much good with all the woodland creatures scurrying about. Rainbow Dash was flying in the air and looking down trying to see Rarity. Fluttershy's wing was healing quickly, but it still hurt to fly. So she stayed on the ground with the others.

Joe had also purchased a tracking device so he could find them once they arrived at the forest, and he would pay a search team to help them. But they hadn't arrived yet.

It was then that Rainbow Dash saw the helicopter approaching. She flew down to the others.

"Guys, there's a helicopter coming. Do you think it could be the search team Joe sent?" She asked.

"Well, let's see," Balrog said.

They waited until the helicopter landed, and then started toward it.

They came to a clearing and found two helicopters, and several men walking around and talking to each other.

They stayed in some bushes to make sure these guys were the search team or not. Then some more men emerged from the trees, and they were carrying a familiar tied up pony.

Rarity thrashed about and commanded them to let her go, but they ignored her. Her mane was a mess, and she was covered in mud.

"We found her, let's get outa here," Ken said. Seeing they were leaving, Balrog felt he had to stop them. He stood up and walked out of the bush. Everyone looked at him.

"Balrog," Ken said, "What are you doing here? I thought you were guarding the ponies."

Balrog was about to reply, but somepony stirred behind him and Ken noticed the ponies hiding in the bushes.

Ken said, "Oh, so that's how it is, doin the right thing huh? When did you get soft Balrog? All I know is I bring this unicorn to Damien, I get paid." He cracked his knuckles. "I suppose you won't listen to reason."

"Nope," Balrog said. With that he ran towards Ken and tried to punch him, but he held up his arm to block it. Elijah and everypony else followed and attacked the men.

Balrog was the biggest one there and everyone tried to avoid his fists.

Ken noticed he was losing, and remembered his gun in the helicopter. He ran over to his helicopter and retrieved his gun. When he turned around he saw that all his men were lying on the ground and groaning. He pointed the gun at them.

"None of you move or I'll shoot!," He said. But Twilight use her magic to grab the gun and put it out of reach. Then he turned around and got in the helicopter. He started it up and flew away.

They untied Rarity and everyone said their hellos.

But they noticed another helicopter approaching, and they hid in the bushes again. Moments later it landed and several more men including Damien got out.

"What happened here?" Damien said frustrated. He had consumed many pills to help his headache and could think more clearly than before. They looked around for some clues as to what had happened to all of Damien's men. They searched in silence as everypony watched from the bushes.

Then the silence was broken by a jazzy ringtone coming from Elijah's pocket. Everyone stopped and turned toward the bush they were hiding in. Elijah franticly tried to get his phone out of his pocket and answer the call and stop the music.

But just as he opened it Damien used his magic to levitate everyone and everpony out of the bush and threw them to the ground in front of it. Joe had been the one who called, and was wondering what had happened to Elijah.

Damien looked flustered as he stared at his right hand man who was getting up and glaring at him.

"Balrog, how could you betray me?" Damien asked.

"Because what you're doing is wrong, and I'm going to stop you," Balrog said.

Damien laughed loudly, "And how do you propose to do that? As you can see now that I have this magic, I'm all powerful."

"Well you might have that horn grown on your head, but we got the real thing right here," Balrog said as he moved aside and Twilight stepped forward.

"Take him down!" Elijah said as Twilight's horn glowed. Damien glared and his horn started to glow too. Then they both activated their magic and tried to overpower the other. But since it was Twilight's magic to begin with that Damien possessed now, they were evenly matched.

After a few moments both strained to keep their magic going, for they were pushing themselves to the limit and were exhausted. But it seemed neither would defeat each other.

Damien saw that neither man nor pony would win this fight, but as long as he had Twilight distracted his other men could move in. He signaled them to get the others, and they pointed their guns as they walked closer.

But they stopped in their tracks when a shadow fell upon them. They looked up to find the sun replaced with it's master.

"Celestia!" Everpony said simultaneously.

Celestia activated her own magic and picked up the entire group including Damien, and threw them several feet.

They laid there, some groaning.

Celestia descended and landed to the ground. Everpony bowed in her presence. Then came a call from her back.

"Twilight!" Spike jumped off and ran to give Twilight a hug. "I was so worried when you didn't return."

"How did you find us?" Twilight asked.

Spike said, "Celestia found out what was wrong with Zecora and she gave us one of the dimension openers and...Oh I'm just so happy you're ok!"

"I'm glad you came when you did, I don't think I could've lasted much longer," Twilight said.

Then they all looked over at Damien, who was getting up.

He said, "Fools...you cannot stop me..."

Celestia stepped forward and spoke, "Damien Rahms, you are an evil man and can not be allowed the power of magic."

Then celestia used a spell to consume him in light, and when it faded Damien fell to the ground and all his magic went with his consciounsness.

"That's enough of him," Apple Jack said.

Then, as if enough things hadn't come out of the sky, yet another helicopter flew over them and landed on the ground a few feet from them. After the helicopter stopped moving, Joe got out.

"Sorry I'm late, the search team wouldn't come when they heard what I was looking for was a unicorn."
He looked around at the scene and said, "Looks like I missed all the action."

Then somepony else got out of the helicopter and almost everypony gasped.

"Trixie!" They exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Damien was corrupt and I never should have listened to him." Trixie said.

"I'm sure you learned something from all of this," Celestia said. "Now let's go home, and stay there. All of the holes created by that device Damien made has been harming our dimensions. If too many holes are made the two dimensions could fall apart."

Elijah took the one they had fixed out of his jacket pocket, and set it on the ground. Then the three humans stood back as Celestia fired the device up with her magic and the hole began to open. They all made sure to keep their distance until all the pressure of the passage was released.

Fluttershy walked over to Elijah and looked at him a little shyly.

"Thank you for taking care of me, I would've never lasted very long without you." She said.

Elijah kneeled down and they hugged as they said their goodbyes. Then Fluttershy followed the others through the hole.

Celestia walked over as well and said, "Thank you for helping us ponies. Without all of your help I'm afraid not everpony would be here today." She smiled and walked through the hole as well as they said goodbye.