• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 699 Views, 15 Comments

A world away - Meilha

Fluttershy gets trapped in the realm of man, can she get back to her fellow ponies?

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Fluttershy awoke and looked around groggily. She was laying on a cold metal table. There were vials and needles lying around the room on counters. There was an open window on one side of the room, and a door on the other side. She tried to get up but found she was strapped to the table. Then it finally hit her: she was trapped!

She became scared and thrashed around, but the straps kept her to the table. After a bit more thrashing, she realized that it was hopeless and just laid there.

After what seemed like an hour, the door opened and a strange looking creature came in.

"Hello, I am Damien," Damien smiled. "Sorry for strapping you to this table, but I need a sample of your DNA. What's your name?" He asked as he walked over to a counter.

"I...I...I'm Fluttershy," she said

"Ok Fluttershy, now this may pinch a little," He said while he picked up a needle.

At the sight of the needle Fluttershy lost it and started thrashing about again.

"No! No! Don't touch me!" She yelled as she made the table fall over, causing the latch on the straps to break. After realizing she was free she jumped into the air and started flying around.

"Wait! Wait!" Damien yelled and tried to catch her. "BALROG! GET IN HERE!"

But it was too late, Fluttershy flew through the open window and was gone.

"No! Come back here!" Damien yelled after her as she flew accross the island. Fluttershy isn't the fastest flyer, but she flew as fast as she could away from the strange man. But soon she ran out of land and was flying out over water. In the distance she could see some tall strange looking buildings on some more land. She flew towards it in hopes of finding somepony who could tell her what was going on.

__ __ __

As Fluttershy flew over the immense city she tried to look for something familiar. She had heard stories of really big cities like this, like Manehatten. But she never thought a city could be this big. there were buildings as far as she could see, and the air smelled terrible with smog. Down below she could see more of the strange creature she had seen on the island, walking around and driving in machines. She thought of asking one where she was but was too scared. And then when she felt like things couldn't get worse, it started to rain. She spotted a large park in the middle of the buildings and landed in a wooded area next to a pond. The rain was coming down harder now, and as she looked into the pond, she started to cry. The situation seemed hopeless. She didn't know where she was, or how she got here, or what those strange creatures were.

She took off her soaked dress and laid it behind her. She started walking through the small wood and wondered what she would do next. Then something flew past her head, and hit a tree nearby. A dart fell to the ground. She looked behind her and a tall muscular man was standing there holding a dart gun.

"Shoot, missed," He said as he was reloading.

"Ahhhh!" Fluttershy yelled as she started to run.

After a few flaps she took to the air and started flying away. Another dart flew several inches from her leg and she started flying faster. Still winded she landed on a building and looked behind her to see if the man was still following her. Then a door neaby opened and several men got out.

One came by and took a swing at Fluttershy, but she ducked and kicked him in the stomach. He let out a groan and fell to his knees. Then she jumped and flew over some more buildings. But just as she thought she was in the clears, something whizzed by, and she felt a sharp pain in her wing.

She tried flying with only one wing but she started losing altitude, and slowly fell to the ground. Her wing was bleeding and she fainted just before hitting the ground with a large thud.

Author's Note:

Anyone notice the relation to the story image?