• Published 19th Dec 2012
  • 1,331 Views, 45 Comments

The Box - Matthew Penn

Rainbow Dash has a secret box, and Pinkie Pie is determined to find out what she's hiding.

  • ...


Twilight read through her books of spells, trying to find a good that would stop Pinkie from doing anything out of the ordinary. Her concentration weakened when she was struck with a hornache. She put her hoof on her horn, her body trembling as she tried to contain the pain. In another room, Spike could hear groans of pain. He ran to the main room to see that the unicorn was about to faint. Spike caught her just in time (although she was a little heavy for his height).

“Twilight, are you okay? What happened?” Twilight slowly opened her eyes to see her assistant. He could see the fear in her purple irises.

“I don’t know, Spike. It’s like... I felt a disturbance with my magic.”

“A disturbance? Like in Solar Wars?,” asked Spike.

“Something like that.” The pain in her horn soon diminished, and Twilight found the strength to stand. She trotted to a nearby mirror. She stared at her horn for an eternity before she turned back to Spike. Never before has she felt such intense pain, nor did she ever think it would happen to her. She remembered the Princess gave her something special in case anything like that happened. She sighed, having no other choice but to use it.

“Spike, go upstairs and get my helmet. It’s time.

Thunderlane flew across the skies for any sign of a pink pony. The past half hour have been lackluster for him. He searched the area in the forest where he saw her last; nothing. He asked the Cakes if they have seen her; they said she had a day off. He asked Pinkie’s other close friends for her whereabouts; they also thought it was strange that they have not seen her. After a period of frantic flying, Thunderlane sat on a boulder to rest and to catch up with his breath.

“I hope Twilight is faring better than I am,” he told himself. He put his thoughts aside to relax his wings and nerves. He and laid back on the boulder and reclined under the sky. It was late in the afternoon, so it was considerably cool; Thunderlane did not mind, as long as he got his rest.

The forest was, for the most part, unnaturally quiet. The only sounds that could be heard was the slight rustling of the leaves from the summer breeze. Not even the creek made its natural babbling noise. The dark-grey pegasus was slightly uncomfortable for the moment, but paid it no mind. It’s probably just the stress from today he thought to himself. Thunderlane closed his eyes and let his body recuperate.


He sat up when he heard his name. The voice sounded small - like it belonged to a filly. He turned his head to find its source. When the voice called for him the second time, he looked below the boulder. He saw three fillies, all with sad faces. He instantly recognize them as the (in)famous Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“Hi girls, what’s up?” he asked weakly. The fillies answered by either shrugging their shoulders or mumbling. Thunderlane could not help but noticed that something was wrong. He jumped off the boulder lowered himself to their level.

“Girls, what’s wrong? Giving up tryin’ to get your cutie-marks? Look guys, I know it’s hard, but it took a long time to--”

“No, it’s not that,” Scootaloo interrupted. Thunderlane took a good look at her and saw a bandage wrapped around her leg. He also spotted a small patch on her forehead. His jaw dropped at the sight of the injured filly.

“Scootaloo, who done this to you?” Scootaloo wanted to tell him, but she could not get the words out. She was still in shock over what happened earlier. Multiple times she tried to formulate words.

“It was Pinkie Pie!” Apple Bloom called out. Thunderlane was at lost for words. There was no way Pinkie was responsible for this - it wasn’t like her to hurt a little filly. Apple Bloom recounted the preceding events to her memory to the small audience consisting of her friends and the pegasus stallion. Scootaloo was nearly in tears when the story was finished. Sweetie Belle tried her best to console the filly. Thunderlane got back on his hooves and legs and stretched his wings. The time for rest was over. He took out a few bits from his pouch.

“Girls, go home. Take these and buy something to help Scootaloo. I’m gonna put an end to this once and for all.” He took off into the sky, leaving a trail of dust behind him. Pinkie had gone too far this time - and she will answer for her crime. As he flew with tremendous speed, he could only think of one thing:

I have to find Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie (or Susie as she renamed herself) emerged from the woods as a new mare. Soon, everypony in Ponyville will learn why it is not a good idea to keep secrets from her. She rudely shoved the ponies at of her way in order to make her appearance known. She stood proudly in the middle of town, but the ponies were ignoring her. That would soon change.

Attention, Ponyville!” proclaimed the former party pony. Her voice was loud enough for the townsponies to hear. The populus stopped their activities to see what she had to say. “I, Susie, the Master of Mind Control, will assume complete dominance over Ponyville! All who refuse to submit to my rule will be punished!

“Uh, Pinkie, are you feeling alright?” asked a certain mint-coated unicorn mare.

“I feel fine! Why do you ask?” Pinkie/Susie said, complete with a sadistic smile. That terrifying smile bore deep into Lyra’s soul. For some reason, Lyra felt all the happiness drained from her.

“I have power far beyond your understanding! If we all cooperate, we will all have a wonderful time! If not, you will all regret the day you were ever born!”

A stern looking stallion with a beard appeared from the crowd. He carried a tennis racket, as if he preparing to strike Susie with a moment’s ease. Susie saw the stallion as a challenger, and considered it an opportunity to demonstrate her power.

“What right do you have to rule over us?” asked the bearded stallion coldly. His name was Ace. And he was not happy.

“Didn’t you hear what I said?! I said I have powers beyond your understanding! What part of that did you not understand?!”

“Pinkie, I know you’re crazy, but this is too far! You can’t call yourself the queen just because you have imaginary superpowers!”

“I can. And I have,” answered Susie. “Would you like to see what I can do?”

“That’s it! Don’t make me have to knock some sense into you!” Ace threatened. He raised his racket slowly, warning Pinkie to stop this nonsense.

“No. Let me knock some sense - into you!” A pink hoof touched Ace’s forehead. He struggled with the weird sensation of being controlled, but to no avail. His blue irises turned yellow, and his eyes stared blankly into no direction at all - just like the others.

“Now then, what is your deep secret you’ve kept from your friends?” Susie asked, putting an cold emphasis on the last word.

“I’m afraid of the dark. I have trouble telling the difference between the lowercase b and a lowercase d. I sometimes stutter when I’m nervous. It’s a problem I have had since I was colt. I went to weekly speech therapy sessions during my colthood years.”

Pinkie let go of her hoof, and Ace was back to normal. However, he didn’t feel right. He felt like he blacked out for a moment then his senses awoke. It was a strange feeling.

“Wha-what happened?” he asked confusingly. Susie answered with the most diabolical smile she could make.

“W-w-w-what d-d-did you do?! This-- this--- this isn’t funny!” He caught himself stuttering. He looked at Pinkie with astonishment/fear. “You monster!”

Susie stood on her hind legs and laughed evilly into the (conveniently) dark sky. Nothing could stop Susie now that she was in control. The ponies of Ponyville cowered before their new ruler. It will not be long until her revenge would be complete. Pinkie looked westward into the town. She spotted a huge oak tree in the distance. Her eyes narrowed as she thought of only one thing:

Twilight - you’re mine!

The curtains in her bedroom was closed. It was pitch-black, save for the candles the lit the room mostly. She stood on a circle she created with her magic. The inside of the circle was filled with characters, letters, markings, numbers, and many other things only the wisest of unicorns understood. While standing on the middle of the circle, she meditated, trying to ease her mind of what was to come.

“Twilight? Are you ready?” asked the purple dragon. Twilight opened her eyes and saw Spike holding a golden helmet. The helmet which would cover her entire face, save for the three holes; two on the helmet for her eyes and one on the top for her horn.

“Yes, Spike. Bring it here.” Spike walked slowly to the lavender unicorn with the helmet in his hands. Before he could put the helmet on her, Twilight stopped him for a moment. “Don’t be afraid, Spike. If I do anything or say anything out of the ordinary, just remember - it’s someone else.” She gave the dragon a reassuring smile to ease his nerves. Spike nodded and put the helmet on her.

The circle she was standing on glowed. She floated a few inches above the floor; her eyes were filled with white glowing light. The little flames from the candles dissipated from the sheer powerful force of magic. Spike could not bear to watch anymore and covered his eyes in fear. When Twilight screamed, he thought he heard two voices. Then, all was quiet - the figure that stood before Spike was - unworldly.

“Twilight? Is that you?”

The helmet covered all of Twilight’s head, except for the horn and eyes. The transformation also came with flowing golden cape. She looked like she could be a good candidate for the Royal Guard. The unicorn looked at Spike with an expressionless face, and spoke:

No, not Twilight - there is only Gamma Ray.

Thunderlane flew as fast as his wing could take him. He didn’t know which way he was going, all he knows is that he has to find Rainbow Dash - and fast! The stress was building up inside his heart, he thought he was going to faint right in the middle of the sky. He continued flying frantically, but it was no use - it’s like Dash disappeared from the face of the earth. Thoughts raced across his mind to the finish line that was his conscience. Everything was crashing into his brain at once, until he saw a faint figure flying overhead. It was coming toward him really fast and Thunderlane performed a barrel-roll.

That was when he saw the rainbow streak.

Wasting no valuable time, he maneuver his body around the clouds and followed the recognizable trail of ROYGBIV. It took him awhile, but he caught up with her just in time; he wasn’t as fast as her, and she always teased him about it. Thunderlane flew right next to Rainbow Dash and attempted to get her attention. He tried to tapped her shoulders, but her wings were making the task impossible. He yelled out her name, but her ears were filled with the sound of her wings flapping with enthusiasm.

He flew below Rainbow while increasing his speed. At the right moment he would appear in front of her; that way, she would stop. It seemed like a good idea. He went forth with his plan and waited for the perfect moment to rise above the clouds. Suddenly, he flew up in the air and spread his hooves across. He closed his eyes waited for the impact.

Rainbow Dash flight back to Ponyville was so glorious, she had not noticed that sompony was trying to get her attention. Throughout her flight she had not let go of her secret box. Her journey home also gave her time to think about what happened yesterday. She felt bad about keeping the box a secret from Pinkie, but she had to keep it from until the time was right. She was relieved that Pinkie was the last one on the list. When she finally see what was in the box, they can both move on and put this whole mess behind them.

She was so deep in her thoughts she did not noticed a dark figure standing in front of her. She did a double-take and pressed her internal breaks at the last minute. It failed. She crashed into Thunderlane and they both fell downward. Rainbow regain her composure and flapped her wings. She shot herself down faster than a speeding rainbow bullet and caught Thunderlane before he could crash-landed.

“Wow, thanks, Rainbow Dash! I’m sure am happy to see you!”

“Don’t get sentimental on me, Thunderlane! Of course of all the pegasus I had the pleasure to crash into, it would be you!” Rainbow dropped Thunderlane just a few inches to the ground. She mumbled something to herself about him being incompetent. She placed herself on the ground and looked at him with contempt. “So what’s the big idea? What was so important that you kept me from reaching flight nirvana?”

“Well, it’s about Pinkie Pie,” Thunderlane answered. Dash furrowed her brow and rolled her eyes.

“What about her?”

“Well, she’s gone crazy!”

“So? She’s Pinkie Pie. She’s crazy 24/7. You don’t see me complaining about it. Mostly.”

“No, you don’t understand! She’s gone nuts! She’s like chocolate with nuts! Only the nuts are actually almonds and sompony lied that the almonds are nuts, and... and... I have no idea what I’m talking about.”

Rainbow Dash turned her back to him and flew off. Thunderlane tried to call her back, but she completely ignored him. She does not have the patience for a pony as thick-skulled as Thunderlane. She contemplated what she would to him as an act of revenge, when she noticed that both her front hooves were on her sides. The box was missing.


She flew back to Thunderlane and tackled him into the ground. Her purple irises pierced through his very soul - it was flight school all over again.


“Where’s what, Dash?”

DON’T PLAY WITH ME, LANE! WHERE. IS. THE. BOX?” Thunderlane gently removed an angry/frantic Rainbow Dash away from him. He stood back up and looked at her straight in the eyes.

“I don’t know where your box is. I never even seen it before.”

“Don’t you lie to me! You probably stole it! That box has something valuable inside and I can’t let you--”

“Dash, this is what this whole mess was about - you and your box.”

“You mean... Pinkie’s gone crazy because of the secret box?!” Thunderlane nodded. Rainbow Dash flew circles furiously in the sky and yelled obscenities. It was good thing no fillies were present during this scene. She landed on the ground with great impact that shook the entire forest.

“This is great! This is just great! I dropped the box only Celestia knows where, and now I can’t find it! Now, anypony probably has their hooves on it! Thanks a-bunch Thunderlame!”

“Sorry.” Thunderlane’s weak apology has done nothing for them. The damage was already done. Rainbow sat on a log and her set her head on her hooves. Thunderlane knew she did not want to talk him, but he trotted to her side anyway.

“What was in the box, anyway?”

“Like I’m telling you. Only a select few ponies were suppose to see the box!”

“I’m guessing Pinkie was one of them?” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Does the box has anything bad in it?”

“No. There’s nothing bad in the box. But I’m still not telling you what’s inside!” He could tell that Dash was really frustrated at him. He sat himself down next to her, her back still facing him.

“... Dash, I’m sorry for making you lose your box, okay. It’s just that, uh, Pinkie been acting crazy today.”

“Like I said, she’s always crazy! Tell me something I don’t know.”

“... She attacked Scootaloo.”


“... what?

Thunderlane recounted the tale of how Pinkie took control of his mind, and how she mercilessly attack poor Scootaloo. He told her of how she lied about saving her. He told her about how he saw the bandages on different parts of her small body. He also mentioned of how she cried when she walked.

“... I don’t know where she is now. And Celestia forbid she’d done this to anypony else. That’s why I was so busy trying to find you, so you can sort things out.”

Rainbow tried to keep a straight face, but small tears trickled down her cheeks. She was heartbroken that a little filly close to her was severely injured; she was heartbroken that the perpetrator was her best friend. All because of that stupid box.

This is my fault. I should’ve never shown anypony that box,” she whispered to herself. Thunderlane wrapped his hooves around her, in an effort to comfort her.

I’m sorry too...

The two pegasi remained silent. They stared into the forest trees for what seem like an eternity. When all was said and done, Rainbow sat up from her log and gave a stern look to the grey pegasus.

“Thunderlane. Get up - we have to find Pinkie Pie.”

“What about your box?”

“Forget the box. Sompony has to learn - if you mess with the Scoots, you mess with the Dash!

Thunderlane smiled at her bold statement. The two pegasi hovered into sky and continued the the journey to Ponyville, determined to set things right.

Susie was finally in control. The very ponies whom used to mock and lie to her were now cowering under her iron hoof. Her revenge was almost complete - she had unfinished business with a certain lavender unicorn. She walked to the Ponyville Library, her next target waiting for her. A crowd of terrified ponies gather around to see what will happen next. She scanned the interior of the library carefully. The second-floor window caught her attention, however. A bright, golden flash of light was seen, followed by high-pitched scream. This frightened the other ponies, fearing something terrible had happened to Twilight Sparkle.

“What! Somepony else has gotten to her first! Awww, I wanted to punish her for deceiving me and associating herself with liars!”

When she finished whining, the front door slowly opened. The golden light blinded everypony, including Susie. The illumination faded, and what was standing proudly at the door took everypony by surprise - especially Susie.

Evildoer, you have disrupted the Balance! Cease your horrendous actions, and surrender to the Side of Righteousness!

This pony was indeed Twilight, but at the same time, it was not. The gold helmet concealed her head, except the horn, and the golden cape majestically flowed in the air. When it spoke, it spoke in two voices: one belonged to Twilight, and other belonged to an entity that was not of their world. The ponies cowered even more than they had before. Fillies and colts hid behind their parents, Fluttershy trembled while in fetal position, and Rarity fainited.

“Who are you? And what have you done to Twilight?! I wanna destroy her!”

There is no Twilight Sparkle - there is only Gamma-Ray!” The other townsponies collectively gasped in unison. Susie stood her ground, and prepared for the worst.

From the smallest atom to the largest star, Gamma-Ray is everything... our tremendous power shall illuminate the entire universe, and those beyond this plane of existence! All glory to Gamma-Ray!

With that, Twilight/Gamma-Ray shot a beam golden light from their horn. It hit Susie square in the face and it sent her crashing to the nearest building. The ponies looked in awe at the damage caused by the unicorn. Susie was apparently buried in the rubble. All was well, until a pink hoof punched its way out.

The pink pony emerged out of the rubble. Her body was glowing with a blood-red aura around her. Saying that she was really angry would not do the situation justice.


She charged at her opponent with frantic speed and held her hoof so she could punch the golden unicorn. She threw multiple punches at Twilight, but she blocked them all with her force field. Every punch, kick, or uppercut would not penetrate the shield.

You fool. You can not break through the Shield of Justice!” Magic engulfed Susie and Gamma-Ray slammed her back and forth to the ground. The ponies watching now started to scream and dispersed, before any of them get caught in the crossfire.

The slamming ended with Susie face-down on the ground. Gamma-Ray looked down on her and requested once more that she surrender and free the town from her darkness.

“Me, surrender... HAHAHAHA! This is only the beginning Twilight! Soon, every city; every province; every kingdom will fall like dominoes! All who laughed at me will perished in the fires of Tartarus as might mighty hand will crush any opposition!”

Susie circles around Gamma-Ray until a pink tornado formulated. The tornado took Gamma-Ray for a ride as the swirling cloud cause havoc across town. Susie taunted Ray and laugh at the ponies running helplessly from the destruction. Gamma-Ray used chanted a spell that made the tornado disappear. Gamma-Ray landed back on the ground.

Susie, now frustrated more than ever, pulled a giant slingshot from her back pocket and shot several objects at Gamma-Ray. She/it dodged every single object being thrown. Gamma-Ray charged at its/her opponent and kicked her in the jaw. Susie crash-landed on a cart full of tomatoes. Susie wiped the tomatoes from her face. Her head was reaching scorching temperatures thanks to her anger.

“You. Will. Pay!”

She pulled out a giant mallet and was hell-bent on smashing Gamma-Ray into tiny pieces. While trying to smash the Golden Unicorn, she smashed several buildings. Gamma-Ray saw a group of fillies whom were huddled together under a cart and trembling on sight. She/it teleported them to a safe location before the mallet smashed their hiding spot. Gamma-Ray tried to aim its horn to deflect the oncoming mallet, but Susie proved to cunning.

This isn’t working, Gamma-Ray. We need some help,” Twilight’s conscience said.

Indeed. I can’t make a good aim with that mallet everywhere at once,” Gamma-Ray’s spirit stated. Twilight did not have any idea what to do. Time was short and the fate of Ponyville is hanging by a thread. Gamma-Ray made itself invisible, and hid behind a building. While thinking over a strategy, Gamma-Ray heard a faint explosion from the sky. He turned and saw a streak of rainbow heading its direction. It was traveling faster than the speed of light. With a howling warcry, the rainbow streak collided with Susie, and sent both of them crashing through a brick wall.

The cyan, rainbow maned pegasus had Susie pinned to the ground. A vein was throbbing in her head while she breathed heavily to her opponent. The two ponies locked eyes, waiting for the other to make the next move. Susie kneed Dash, giving a chance to escape her grip. The Master of Mind Control stood face-to-face with the Fastest Flyer in Equestria.

Pinkie... I swear--


Susie charged at Rainbow Dash and headbutted her with her red helmet, giving the pegasus a broken nose. Rainbow Dash swiftly grabbed Susie by her cape, picked her up, and slammed her into the ground - creating a medium sized crater. Susie leaped out and wrapped her hooves around Rainbow’s neck, strangling her. Gasping for air, Rainbow Dash was brought to her knees. Susie grabbed grabbed the choking pegasus’ head and slammed it face first into the ground. She proceed to turn her body around, and used both her hooves to make bruises on her face.

Rainbow Dash caught Susie’s right hoof and punched her in the jaw. She got back up, and roundhouse kicked Susie into a stop sign. Both bruised and battered, the two mares ceased fighting for a moment.

“Pinkie Pie! Why are you doing this? What’s gotten into you?”

“What’s gotten into me?! This is your fault, Rainbow Dash! You are the most selfish, self-centered, egotistical, boastful pony in Equestria! All I ask - as a best friend, no less - was for to kindly show me what was in your box!”

“Pinkie, please! I don’t have the box! I lost it! I was gonna show it to you today, honest, but... I lost it somehow!”

“You’re probably lying. Just like the rest of them! No matter... I’ll just beat the truth out of you - just like I did to Scootaloo!”

Hearing that made Rainbow’s blood boil. With a spine-chillingly, desperate warcry, she charged with great vengeance and KO’d Susie across the face with furious anger. The punch was so powerful, it sent shockwaves throughout the town, shattering glass windows and causing earthquakes. The last thing to be seen was a rainbow explosion, before everypony’s vision turned white.

Once everything was clear, a giant crater was formed. Both Rainbow Dash and Susie laid there, unconscious. The cyan pegasus was the first get up - her entire self was blanketed with battle scars and a face full of bruises, as well as a broken nose. Susie just laid there - broken teeth, swollen face, black eye. Susie’s good eye opened and looked upon Rainbow Dash with contempt. She was too weak to stand, but that didn’t stop her from trying. Revenge was her only absolute.

Evildoer, the Balance must be restored.

Susie turned around - Gamma-Ray was behind her, holding a golden staff with a purple crystal at the top. He leaped into action and pointed the staff at Susie. Rainbow Dash came up behind her and held her tight, keeping her from escaping. Gamma-Ray levitated the red helmet from Susie’s head and the purple crystal glowed.

Black Spirits of the Underworld - I command you to leave this innocent pony! Go back to the horrible abyss that is prepared for you and your dark master! Thus Saith Gamma-Ray!

A purple force field engulfed the crater. Lightning strikes were abound, noises of demons screaming in pain. A interdimensional hole spontaneously appeared in the sky, and a purple beam of light targeted Susie. She let out one last blood curdling scream before her entire body was encased with light. Rainbow Dash thought it was good time to let go of her. Sparks of light, explosions of color, and screams of otherworldly beings filled the tome of magic. Then... silence. Pinkie, now free from her evil personality, slowly faded in unconsciousness. Rainbow grabbed her just as she fainted. The party pony’s mane was still straight; it would take a long time to get it back to its natural, poofy, state.

Rainbow Dash held her close.

It’s over. It’s finally over...

Blackness. That was all what could be seen. Such blackness such as this was unnatural. No light; no sound; no activity. Is this what death is suppose to be like. Is there no reward or punishment for earthly deeds? Out of the blackness, a small bright light revealed itself. The light kept growing... and growing. Maybe this is the reward.

“What happened to her?”


“I’ve never seen her take a beating like that!”

More voices.

“Twilight, what in the hay have ya done to her?”

Familiar voices.

“I did what was needed to be done.”

The blackness disappeared. Her vision was blurry - all she could see was blurs of multi-colored shapes. Her vision cleared after opening and closing her eyes multiple times. She was in a hospital room. Her best friends, Spike, Thunderlane, Nurse Redheart, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were gathered around her bed. She took a good look at her surroundings and saw she was covered in bandages, casts, and she a severe headache.

“W-what happened? Why does my head hurt so much?”

Rainbow Dash embraced her with a loving hug.

I’m sorry, Pinkie. I’m so sorry.

She didn’t understand at first. But the images came flooding back to her. Everything that has ever happened this past weekend, and what lead to her in this room. The box; the fight; the anger... everything. The two mares had their little moment with each other. Pinkie looked at her concerned friends and colleagues. She had an enormous debt to pay.

“Guys... I’m sorry for the way I acted. It’s just that... I... I hate it when my best friends keep secrets from me.”

The ponies could hear her voice starting to crack.

“I do my best to be open with everypony I meet, and share my secrets too. And when my friends is keeping certain things away from me, it makes me think that...”

She broke down. Tears were flooding from her eyes as her sobs could be heard across the halls of the hospital.

“Pinkie, it was my fault.”

Pinkie wiped her tears and stared at a remorseful Rainbow Dash.

“I shouldn’t have been prancing around with the box that day. And because of me, it’s gone. I understand if you’re upset Pinkie. I’m upset with myself too.”

A lumped formed in Pinkie’s throat. Rainbow covered her eyes in shame - the broken bonds would take some time to heal. Pinkie looked at Scootaloo, and more tears showed.

Oh Scootaloo, I’m so sorry! I don’t know what came over me! I would never hurt like that! Please forgive me!

The little filly leaped on her bed and wrapped her hooves around her. Pinkie promised to Scootaloo that she would never lay a hoof on her ever again. Thunderlane, witnessing the heartwarming moment, was getting teary-eyed himself.

“Alright guys, not that don’t like these mushy Hallmare moments, but... I gotta go. My little bro is probably worried about me.”

Thunderlane made his way out the door only to be stopped by Pinkie.

“Thunderlane... I’m sorry.”

“All is forgiven.”

Exit Thunderlane. Rainbow Dash thought about what Thunderlane had to go through yesterday. He hardly even knows Scootaloo, or any of her friends for that matter - yet, he went out of his way to help the filly. A smile grew on her lips.

“Dashie, what about your box?”

“It’s gone now - maybe forever. But who cares? It was just a dumb old box anyway.”

“But why was it so important that you were keeping it from me?”

“... Because the pony I trust the most was supposed to see the box last. And that pony... was you.”

Pinkie’s eyes grew into the shape of saucers. Rainbow Dash really trusted her.

“But since we’re not gonna see the box ever again - I guess it’s okay to tell you what’s inside.”

“Don’t worry about it, Dashie. After everything that’s happened... I’m not interested anymore,” giggled Pinkie. The other girls laughed softly as well, seeing that the two were already rekindling their friendship. Her mane was slowly returning to its poofy style.

“Hold on a minute. We are obviously leaving out a very important subject,” Rarity spoke up. She turned her attention to Twilight.

“Twilight, darling... what happened to you other night? Who was... Gamma-Ray?”

“It’s a long story, Rarity. I’m too tired to tell it now.”

“Alright, then. Maybe you can tell it over tea.”


The mares plus Spike and the Crusaders laughed with their hearts content. With The Box now out of their lives forever, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie finally renewed their friendship, and all of them promised each other to never keep secrets and to always be open with each other. It was bright new day for the Bearer of the Element of Laughter.

What about Twilight Sparkle and Gamma-Ray, you ask? Well, that is something for another story.

Yesterday, Late in the Afternoon...

Dinky Doo loved hiding out in the woods, it was her private sanctuary. The day would have gone better than she had hoped, if it were not for the constant teasing from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for being what they call, a “blank-flank.” She reminded herself to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders sometime this summer. She looked at the setting sun over the mountains. She had to hurry home; her mother would not appreciate it if she late for dinner again. Dinky continued to walk the path to her house until something on the ground caught her eye.

A box. A square, cubicle, light-brown box. She turned the box over its sides; it had such perfect angles. On the top of the box it was labeled: PROPERTY OF THE SECRET SOCIETY OF SECRETS AND WONDERS. She wanted to put the box back where she found it, but was conflicted about the circumstances. This was something one only saw once in a lifetime.

She decided to take just one peek. She slowly opened the lid - and lo and behold a bright light blinded her eyes. Dinky shield her eyes, but at that moment, she saw something that ponies only saw in their dreams.

“Oh my gosh... it’s... it’s... “


Author's Note:

The saga of the Mystery Box is not quite over, and the Adventures of Gamma-Ray have only just begun. Look up toward the sky and the future will be in your hands.

Comments ( 13 )

This makes me want to rewatch Se7en.

Gamma Ray reminds me of Doctor Fate.

1916419 Look on the bright side, I least didn't take the Spongebob route and it's an embarrassing photo of Pinkie at the Christmas party. :trollestia:

Don't worry, this is just fic to test my skills as a storyteller. Hopefully, I will get better. :twilightsmile:

Sorry to disappoint you. :twilightblush::ajsmug:

1916503 Thanks! I'll remember that next time. :twilightsmile:

Her body was glowing with a blood-red aura around her.


... I am so sorry.... :rainbowlaugh:

Dang I wanted to know what was in that box! But very nice job on the story!

.... WHAT WAS IN THE BOX?!?!?! :pinkiecrazy:

1919555 Everything anyone has ever valued in their life. All your thoughts, dreams, desires, and fears all wrapped in one closed space. An entire universe where none suffered, and angels sing of the wonders of everlasting life.

Of course, that's just one of many interpretations. :trollestia:

1919555 My guess, Solid Snake.

1921085 Psht, The box was the wrong way up though. So it'd have to be him on his back flailing like a turtle. n_n

very cute fic but grammar kinda went nuts toward the end of things.

am I wrong in assuming that this is based on a Spongebob episode..... because that is the first thing that popped into my head. :pinkiehappy:

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