• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 50 minutes ago


Perfection? I don't want that, because that would mean stopping, standing still, instead of improving.


Sweetie Belle, originally the Shadow of the monster Thrack, has been enjoying her life in the normal world, but even that isn't going to last.
What can she do when she starts developing magical powers that are identical to Thrack's powers?
Does she hide her new powers or will she go to the School of Shadows and learn to control her powerful urges?

(This is a sequel to a previous story called the Dark Crusader)

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 93 )

Very good opening and I am intrigued about this whole dark realm, light realm concept you have going on.
Typing in my iPhone so forgive the blandness of this comment but I will favourite this as this idea has potential if executed effectively.
Well done!

Formally known as Thrackerzod, but just "Thrack" to its friends. As a regular magical unicorn, it likes to keep things casual.

This was pretty good, and there's quite a bit of potential for an interesting story. but the formatting could use some work. Find a way to set apart the letters from the main text - use a divider line, or put them in italics, or something.

There were also a few cases of redundancy that you probably missed. I get them too, occasionally, just watch for these while you're editing.

She couldn’t needlessly worry her counterpart with the possibility of Thrack still being alive, despite her sister’s worries.

She snapped her eyes open and her eye color was now a deep blood red color.

This is the sequel, in case you didn't know.

1816370 I was unaware of that fact. I got some reading to do.

Yeah, its a sequel to a story of mine.

I will check up on those. Thanks for the catches.
I only recently discovered Thrackerzod after I started the prequel to this one. Had no clue she existed.

And you, this will so be awesome.

This song sums up my feelings about Darkstar, her goals, and the general mood of the plot.

Basically if you think it won't happen, it probably will.

I tell her that the school will have the best teachers and staff.

*chuckles* You won't have the "best" unless you include... him. The unkown factor, the pony that everypony will forget about... until it's too late.:pinkiecrazy:
(Being subtle is difficult)

Do I even want to know which pony or God you might be talking about?
Because I do believe I know who your talking about.

If it helps, I'm not talking about Reginald. He is pretty powerful though.
Here's another hint. This is him at the end of The Dark Crusader.

Still not dead yet!

Yep. I know who your talking about.
One name though; Atar

SSSHHHHH! *Whispers* It's supposed to be a secret.

I know. Anyone who has read the other story will figure it out anyway.
And this one is already taking an interesting turn.

Good point.
I think I should read the chapter now.

OK! You don't have to be so... *sniffle* mean.:fluttercry:
Shut up and read the chapter.

Great. You made him cry you big meanie.
Here we go again. Read at your own speed.

I really like the direction you took.

I’ve seen the look in his eyes and it’s like I’m staring into a void. He misses Darkstar.

That's the understatement of the year.

Atar, on the other hoof, will always remain a mystery to me for as long as he lives. I’m not planning on killing him, but it would be nice to know what is going through his mind at times.

1. As long as he lives? For crying out loud Celly, he was around a thousand years ago! He's not going to die of old age.
2.you already tried to kill him... multiple times... and so did Reginald!
3.You don't want to know what he thinks.

Thank you kindly partner.
I gave him some more character than I did in the last story.
And its not Celestia who sent the letter, its Luna

Here's a good theme song for Post-Darkstar Atar.

I don't know how, but you find good themes for the characters.
Atar would be pleased.

I have a lot of MLP (Brony) and Sonic music.

Dare I wonder if you could find a theme that matches the monster Thrack or the Elements of Discord?
I do believe that means he is daring you to try.
Not helping Pinkie.

I'm feeling... Under Pressure!

Hehe. I'm sure you can do it silly.
No rush. I am purely curious.

Here's one for Thrack. (before she died)

(After death/Elements of Chaos)

I still think your good at finding these themes.

"Who I Am" is one of my favorite sonic songs ever.
This one portrays Reginald fighting against Atar and Darkstar in "The Dark Crusader".

Discord is easy.


(They both work so well)

Try and stump me.:rainbowwild:
I can find a good theme for anyone.

Hmm...I know you got one for the Elements of Discord(Shadows of Twilight and friends), but what about the two groups fighting?
Meaning Pinkie vs Pinkamena
Applejack vs Blackjack
Rarity vs Shard
Rainbow Dash vs Dark Dash
Fluttershy vs Devilshy
and Twilight Sparkle vs Shadow Sparkle
SIX? I must be crazy... choose whichever you want

Pinkie Vs. Pinkamena.

I'll post them as I think of them

Rainbow Dash. I won't be using the other "Fighting is Magic" themes because I consider that to be a cop out.

Rarity theme.

Wow. Three down and I agree that the themes match.
You are good at this.

I am amazing, bow down and worship my awesomeness!
Shut up! you're making me sound like Rarity!


(I found a song but the video isn't posting)

The song is "Avast Fluttershy's Nether Area"
I have no Idea why it's named that.

(Same thing, but slightly different)

I remember this one.
Even I have no idea why it is called what it is. Matches anyway though

Just realized we don't have Applejack one yet. :fluttercry:

I can't find one for applejack. (apparently this works though)
Take a Sonic battle theme instead.

Lol. I agree yet again. You are the God of finding music that fits everywhere in the story.

I couldn't find a Brony song for her. (I only know of two, and neither felt appropriate)
LOL. new chapter. I will now read it.

I see on the songs.
And enjoy the chapter

I won't be here for a long time.
I just got a call from the Air Force, and I'm shipping out tomorrow.
You have just lost your #1 fan.:fluttercry:
P.S. I'll read it all when I get back... in 8+ weeks.
I'm so excited!:yay::yay::yay::yay:

AWW... :fluttercry:
Good luck and see you later.

Thanks, I'll miss you guys.:applecry:

Atar and the gang will be missing you as much as your fellow readers will. And of course me as well.

This is how I feel... in the form of music.

Even now you got the musical touch.

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