• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 805 Views, 20 Comments

MLP FIM: "From Hand to Hoof" - Hawk Hooves

Fiona Starwind a young human girl has benn transported to the Dimension of Ponies.

  • ...

Chapter 1 A Party To Remember

Chapter 1
A Party To Remember

Fiona was flabbergasted by the world around her. The skies were cleared of clouds by the Pegasi in charge of the weather, Earth ponies and Unicorns alike were out and about enjoying the day. Others were performing a clean up of what may have been blown in from the flash storm earlier in the day. She felt kinda guilty about them working because of her, but theres not much she could have done.

“Well Howdy!” A voice had spoken up to Fiona who was brought back from the stupor she was in from the sight of so many different kinds of ponies her head snapped down to see Applejack, Rarity Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash all standing in front of the Library. “Nice to finally see ya’ll up and movin’.” Applejack said with a smile on her face. Twilight had also came outside and shut the door behind her only to see Fiona sitting on the ground and all of her friends were in front of her.

“Well I wasn’t expecting to see you girls till later.” Twilight stated as she came up next to Fiona. She was getting back up on all fours now that she was shaken from her daze by Applejack’s voice.

“Well we couldn’t really stand not knowing how the poor mare was doin’ so we all came out here to see how she was.” Applejack said as Pinkie started bouncing.

“Yup and I am quite happy meeting a new pony. Now that she is here that makes her the New Pony in Ponyville. What’s your favorite color? What’s your Name? Do you like cupcakes?” she then made and very audible gasp “I need to throw you a welcoming party!” Pinkie was about three inches from Fiona’s face when she was interrupted by Applejack, pulling her away by her tail. “AWE! But i wasn't done asking questions.” Pinkie added as she was hauled back to the line.

“Ya’ll can ask twenty questions after we have been introduced Pinkie Pie. Besides you’re scarin’ the poor gal” Applejack said, as she lined back up with other five. Twilight just smiled at her same old friends, she hoped that they would never change.

“On the contrary I can answer all three of her asked questions right now. My favorite color is Pink, My name is Fiona Star, and I do enjoy cupcakes.” Fiona said with a happy smile. She has never met any person in her own dimension that was as energetic as this pink pony before her, if she did she would swear up and down there was something wrong with them.

“These are the ponies that were helping me investigate the ruins where we found you Fiona. From Left to right are,” Twilight said as she pointed with her hoof at each one as she spoke there names, “Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.” Each one was different and each said hello after her she was called out. When Twilight stopped at Rainbow Dash. Fiona smiled at them all.
“Now I must be thanking you for helping me. I'm a complete stranger and you helped me with no reason to do so.” Fiona said with as her smile got even wider smile. She was happy that they all helped her, if they had chosen not to, she might not have known was was going on. Most likely cursed to wander the Everfree Forest once she woke up at the ruins.

“Oh it was nothing at all dear. If you need a place to stay I have a spare room at my boutique .” Rarity stated generously. Rainbow Dash stepped up.

“Thats good to see your ok, and that means there is another pony around to show my awesome moves to. A ponies gotta have a bigger audience for her tricks.”she said, confidence oozing as she spoke.

“Um... I’m Glad we could help you,” Fluttershy said softly, twiddling her hooves as she did so. Pinkie Pie ran and popped up in front of Fiona.

“So your name is Fiona right, Do you mind Fio, it sounds SOOOOOO Cute!. Oh and I’m gonna give you a Personal Pinkie Pie Tour of Ponyville! Then after that you’ll get a Pinkie Pie Welcoming Party of course.” Pinkie said, all her words rushing out as if she had no time to speak. She shook Fiona’s Hoof just as fast, nearly taking it out of socket. Fiona just smiled as her hoof was shaken and nodded to Pinkie Pie. Usually it was her mother and father that called her Fio, but at this point in time she didn’t mind somepony else calling her that.

“Well I didn’t expect you all to take to our guest that quickly” Twilight said turning to the girls, she gave a slight giggle at the attention that Fiona was getting. It wasn’t every day a new pony shows up in Ponyville, regardless if she is from this world or not. Its always nice to have a new pony around to make friends with.

Pinkie was just about practically dragging Fiona as Pinkie Pie began her grand tour of Ponyville, the rest of the group tailed behind them. They giggled as Pinkie bounced her and there, explaining each site. Fiona was shown all over from Sugar Cube Corner to Sweet Apple Acres. Pinkie Left no stone unturned and no point on a map unshown.

“Well I need to go and prep for your Welcome to Ponyville party so have fun with the others. See Ya soon Fio!” Pinkie Pie giggled as she ran off to get started on Fiona’s party preparations.

“Oh you can bet your bits that Pinkie will be throwing a really big party fer ya Sugar Cube. No pony in Equestria can match a Pinkie Pie Party.” Applejack stated truthfully as she stood next to a tree there at Sweet Apple Acres. “This is where I live an work Fiona. Sweet Apple Acres where Equestrias best apples come from.” Applejack added as he Apple Bucked a tree with some buckets still sitting around it. “Try one ya’ll will love it.” Applejack added as she moved aside for Fiona to get an apple. Fiona obliged her and came forward and tried one. It was really good to her surprise, she had tried many apples back in her own dimension but this was better than any apple every from earth.

“Wow Applejack your...these apples taste amazing” to say she beamed was the very least you could say. It was the first thing she has even eaten since she left her world, and it was wonderful. Fiona looked back at the girls as if she too wanted to say something, but hesitated for a second. She worked up the courage to say “I do want to say sorry for any problems my coming here may have caused. The event you were all investigating was caused by me being brought here from my own dimension. It wasn’t my choice to be sent here, but I’m glad I was sent here.” Fiona explained to the girls, since Twilight was the only one who was up to date on her situation. She felt it was only fair that the rest of the ponies that helped her knew as well.

“Ya know sugar cube you don’t haft to explain yur self to us. We already figured you were not here by choice but decided it was best to at least give you some good ol’ Ponyville hospitality” Applejack stated as she came up to Fiona.

“That’s right dear I have already started on a new dress for that wealthy client I sent them a letter explaining an accident had happened and they fully understand.” Rarity said as she too came up to Fiona.

“We pegasi have already taken care of the remnants of that storm” Rainbow Dash added as she came in close.

“And all of the animals that went hiding came back out. There was no real harm done” Fluttershy stated as she and Twilight both came in as well. They were planning something but Fiona couldn’t put her hoof on it just yet, and before she knew it they were all giving her a big group hug.

“Ok ok ok.. Girls its getting a bit hard to breath,” Fiona gasped as she was pretty much just attacked by five ponies at once.

“It our way of accepting you into our circle Fiona, besides be glad that Pinkie Pie isn’t here hugging you right now. She will literally crush the air right out of you.” Twilight exclaimed having had some near death experiences with Pinkie’s hugs in the past.

“I think I will take your word for it. But I should warn you all, I have no clue what effect my existence in your dimension will have upon its own safety.” Fiona explained quickly as they all moved back some after the mass hug.

“Well Fiona... We will just haft to tackle that obstacle when it gits to us now won’t we.” Applejack stated having an apple of herself. Twilight nodded at this. “So I reckon fer now just sit back and enjoy everything that Equestria has to offer.” Applejack added taking a bite of the apple.
“We should really return and get those arrangements done at the boutique. You could even help me out a bit by modeling some of my magnificent dresses. There are plenty of wealthy ponies out there with your build and I’m sure you would just look simply stunning in a dress” Rarity said as the group started moving back towards Ponyville.


Meanwhile back in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie was getting Fiona’s Welcome to Ponyville party ready at Town Halls auditorium. Normally, she would be getting such parties ready with the girls, but they were keeping Fiona company at the moment. She had enlisted the help of another pony by the name of Hawk Hooves. He too was a new resident of Ponyville, he had arrived only three weeks ago. The young stallion had a tan coat and a brown mane and tail. He was known to wear a blue hoodie and a black hat, which for some reason reminded Pinkie of the palace guards in Canterlot. His cutie mark was that of a video game controller, meaning that his special talent was games. He could trounce anypony in nearly anything he played except sports. He had more talents than gaming, but he excelled in that talent when he was a young colt.

“Ok Hawk,” Pinkie said from across the room “I just need you to set up the sound system over there and we should be done. I already took care of the decorating and the cake and the cupcakes and....” she listed off using her head as a mental checklist, she had done it so many times she knew exactly what was needed.

“Its ok Pinkie, I should know you threw my party two weeks ago. You’re the best Party maker in Equestria I doubt that even Vinyl Scratch would disagree with me on that note.” Hawk said as he was setting up Vinyl’s turntables and sound systems. He was being careful as to where it was being placed as it was Vinyl Scratch’s equipment he was setting up. She went out a bit ago to simply see the town and something about a friend.

“Well now thats the perfect spot for her to rock this old house down.” Pinkie said with a smile as she was done with her areas of interest. “Well it will be and I’m glad you were here for the electronics some of Vinyl’s stuff looks expensive thanks again.” Pinkie added as Hawk had finished up wiring everything in and checking the levels before shutting it down for Vinyl to use later.

“No problem Pinkie, I was glad to help a new pony enjoy her first day in Ponyville” Hawk stated as ponies from all over Ponyville started filtering in to get into place for the suprise of Fiona’s life. “I guess thats my cue to find someplace to hide Pinkie see you when you get back with the others” Hawk said as he found a nice hiding spot where he could see the door he never saw the new pony so he was curious as to what she looked like.


After some about an hour the group reached Ponyville. Pinkie Pie was waiting to lead them to Town Hall. Fiona didn’t know what she had gotten herself into. But what she did know was that there was bound to be fun involved. She had no idea whatsoever that the entire town would be somehow involved in her party. Pinkie led the group straight to town hall. The girls went in first with Fiona and Twilight bringing up the end of their group. It wasn’t too long before they reached the Auditorium doors Pinkie bounced her way inside while Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash just trotted in normal.

“Well see ya inside hope your ready for one of Pinkie Pie’s Parties. They are all one of a kind” Twilight stated as she too waltz’s her way into the dark auditorium. Fiona just looked for a second as the door closed behind Twilight. But then she followed compelled since she hardly had a party to remember. All she ever had was her parents now she has so many ponies trying to make her feel welcome in an unknown world.

She first walked in the door shut completely behind her. The room was pitch black she couldn’t see a hoof in front of her even if she tried.

“Hello? Is there anypony here?” Fiona called out she knows everypony walked in what could be going on. Then suddenly the lights were turned on and everypony from town screamed out SURPRISE! Fiona was so taken aback from this she found herself sitting again.

Hawk was among the residents of Ponyville in the room but he stopped yelling as soon as he saw the pony in front of him. In almost an Instant his jaw dropped and he was frozen like he had seen something awesome. He didn’t even notice that Vinyl Scratch had started the music. Before Hawk knew it Pinkie was poking him like he was dead. She even had a stick to poke him with. Where she got it anypony could guess.

“Hey Hawkie are you alive?” Pinkie asked as she decided to look at what he was looking at “What ya looking at that has you so stunned?” She said as she saw the one pony his stare was locked on. “OOOH So thats it. Hawk has been stunned by the new pony in town.” Pinkie giggled as she poked Hawk once more which ended up snapping him back to reality.

“Wait...What.. I.. UH.” Hawk stumbled for words. He couldn’t help his reaction either. He never really felt this way about anypony till now.” Pinkie tell me what’s her name?” Hawk asked as he never took his eyes off Fiona.

“What’s wrong with Hawk ther Pinkie?” Applejack asked as she had a bit of punch and apple pie from the food table.

“He is awestruck with love for our new friend Applejack. He needs a push.” Pinkie gestured at AJ. Applejack obliged her and started pushing Hawk towards the now smiling Fiona.

“Applejack what are you doing? Stop pushing.” Hawk asked as he was pushed closer and closer to Fiona.

“If ya don’t go now when will you ever. So you’re nervous so what swallow it and go introduce yourself you never know she might actually like ya.” Applejack spoke as she managed to push him all the way to Fiona. “Goodluck ther casanova.” Applejack said as she turned and went back to where she left her food which was still sitting next to a still bouncing Pinkie Pie.

“Great now what do I do.” Hawk said to himself as he turned around to see Fiona staring at him.

“Well Pinkie tells me you set up the DJ’s stuff. You must be good with electronics.” Fiona said as she smiled to Hawk. “My name is Fiona Star what’s yours?” Fiona added still giving a warm smile to Hawk.

“I...I’m Hawk Hooves..” Hawk said with a slight stutter. He never encountered a mare so pretty in his life. Though most of Ponyville is made up of a high percentage of mares. He didn’t really expect to fall head over hoof for one new to the town. “I’m sorry i must sound like a complete foal right now” Hawk apologised as he half smiled.

“For what you just seem a bit nervous. Is something wrong?” Fiona asked as she just giggled a little. The pony in front of her was handsome yes but funny too. She wasn’t as awestruck as he was of her. But she kinda figured he was just not used to meeting someone like her. But something about him was familiar somehow. She couldn’t quite put her hoof on it though.

“Yeah you can see that huh. I am kinda nervous because I’m not used talking to such a pretty pony.” Hawk said laying it out flat for her so he wasn’t beating around the bush about why he was nervous. Suddenly the electricity went out.”What the... Well now thats not good there is no way we could have blown a fuse. But then again I wouldn’t put Vinyl’s equipment past that. She has blown fuses before but this seems different. The second Solar Generator would have kicked in the instant the power in here was lost. I wonder what’s up.” Hawk exclaimed he felt something wrapped around his right front leg. It was Fiona. It had to be she was the only one who was close enough to grab ahold of him. “Hey Twilight wanna share some light till i get us back up and running again. I’m gonna go check on the secondary Generator.” Hawk stated he couldn’t really move with Fiona attached to him. “Hey are you ok Fiona?” Hawk asked a bit concerned he never felt a pony tremble so much since those old days before he finally moved to Ponyville.

“Oh me... Yeah just not a big fan of the dark all the time. You could say I have had some bad experiences when i was smaller. Its just something about pitch black darkness that frightens me.” Fiona explained as she realized she was holding his leg and hindering him from moving. “Might I come with you? I’m well versed in electrical mechanics and it will get me away from this dark place for a while.” Fiona asked still shaking a bit.

Pinkie Pie had her night vision goggles on going around playing some scary pranks on some of the other ponies in the dark. Meanwhile Twilight had used her magic to make a light.

“Ok Hawk you can go now...Wait I had no idea you had the time to make a secondary solar generator.” Twilight stated as she came over to him only to see Fiona wrapped around his right-front leg.

“Yeah the Mayor asked me after my party if I could do so with my background from canterlot and such. There is a lot about me you Ponyville ponies don’t know about me yet. Maybe someday I will tell you but right now I think I will take Fiona with me to go remedy the problem. She seems to need a bit of fresh air anyhow.” Hawk exclaimed as Applejack and Rainbow Dash came forward.

“Would ya’ll care if we tagged along.” Applejack asked Hawk she knew the more help he had the faster the job would more than likely get done.

“Yeah... And we would like to keep her company as well if you don’t mind” Rainbow Dash added quickly with that loyal look in her eyes.

“Well I could use the help in a couple other areas to then. Rainbow Dash as soon as we get outside I need you to check on the Solar Panels I installed on the roof. You most definitely can’t miss them. I want to make sure they were not damaged during that flash storm from earlier this morning.” Hawk said like he was a leader telling his troops what needed to happen. “Applejack I will fill you in on our jobs as soon as we reach the generator at the back of Town Hall. And Fiona....Stick Close. If something indeed has happened Then something was strong enough to break even my equipment then something must be up. Because all of Ponyville is right here in Town Hall.” Hawk exclaimed finally with his conclusion. He sounded as if he was dealing with something more than just damage from a meer storm.

“Ok lets get going. I don’t want to make everypony wait to have more fun just because of the electricity going out.” Fiona stated as Twilight led the group to the door out of the Auditorium. The four of them went out and there was still daylight coming through the hallway from the windows. They followed the hallway to the front door and managed to get outside. With that Rainbow Dash took flight to the top of Town Hall. The sight up there was just fine nothing was cracked, broken or even scratched from the storm. The solar panel though it was large was fine. Rainbow Dash made her way back down to the others.

“Well good news is your solar panel is just fine. But how in Equestria did you get such a large solar panel to up there. Its as big as the roof.” Rainbow Dash asked as she was mind blown by the size of the roof. She hardly noticed it when she was flying around ponyville in the last week.

“Thats because the solar panel is the roof. I designed it myself to limit the use of materials and just use the building itself as its base and foundation. Its connected to two power generators also of my design. The main one is pretty big but the other is a bit smaller and is used for power storage for emergencies. If neither one is working that means somehow the connection has either been severed or somepony is tampering with my equipment.” Hawk explained as they walked on Fiona was literally right next to him as they walked obviously astounded by how he designed the set up. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were both equally astounded. They thought Pinkie Told them everything they needed to know about him. Apparently there was something Pinkie Pie didn’t get out of him with her twenty questions game.

“How is it yur so smart Hawk?” Applejack asked as they finally reached the main generator. It was smashed and not working.

“I will answer your questions after we figure out what has happened here. The second generator is in the shed over here. Hawk pointed with his hoof only to see the expressions of the three of them staring. “What’s wrong....Wait don’t tell me it not there.” Hawk said as he turned to see the charred remains of what was once a shed. “Well that certainly a first. I expected power overload not a full fledged fire. But the Main generator isn’t to bad most of the damage is superficial. I just need to bypass some things inside it and it will be back up and running again.” Hawk exclaimed as he went over to the main generator. It did looked like it had been beaten but it was only the exterior that took the brunt of the damage. Hawk bucked a busted panel off the side and immediately started working on re-wiring the Machine to start working again. Fiona joined him in this endeavor so as to feel useful. Applejack and Rainbow Dash just looked at the two working together like they were just for one another.

“Hey Applejack what you say we let these two work I’m sure they can handle this job themselves” Rainbow Dash said turning around to give them some privacy.

“Yeah I reckon yer right RD. I’ve never seen two ponies get along so quickly before. But its a first time fer evry’thang.” Applejack stated as she too turned away with Rainbow Dash. She also knew that they needed to keep an eye out for whatever did the damage to both generators. There was no telling who or what could have done it. From the looks of the damage to the main generator it was just beaten but the secondary was toast. She didn’t know what to make of it yet.

Hawk and Fiona were both working quickly splicing wires together taking functioning ones and putting them together to make simple bypasses in the hardwares circuitry.

“So you know how to work with electronic Fiona?” Hawk decided to ask as he spliced a couple wires together. She just looked at him for a second. Curious as she was she never really had anyone in her world that struck up a conversation during work.

“Well you could say that I know far more than just electronics.” Fiona exclaimed as she finished with her side of the generator. Hawk was impressed with her work as he to finished as the last wires he put together sparked the machine to life. A low hum could be heard from the machine now as the two of them backed out of the panel.

“And it lives again. Now what could have caused so much damage in the first place” Hawk stated as he was looking at the charred remains of what was the shed and secondary generator. Fiona just looked at the remains as well. It was really dwelling on everyponies mind about what it was that did it. Little did they know it was still nearby and watching them to boot.

“Well we should return......” Hawk was starting to say when he got that weird feeling that they were being watched. “OK who or whatever you are come out now. I don’t much like having some stranger watching me or my friends from the shadows” Hawk spoke up as he turned around There was some rustling from a patch of brush. Out came a creature that was not of this world or so thought Fiona since she had never really seen any other creatures other than the ponies thus far. The creature was about the size of the generator in height. But slender as a tree.. “Well if I wasn’t mistaken I could have sworn you had a very hightened sense of your surroundings” The creature smirked at Hawk. The creatures body looked like that of a dragon but something was off. It looked as if it had parts of other animals for its limbs even its horns were both different.

“Nah it can’t be Discord. Der’s no way. Twilight and the rest of us trapped him in stone a year ago.” Applejack stated as she took hoof next to Hawk. He looked extremely serious more like he knew the creature.

“Yeah you would be correct on that note. Lets just say my life has brought me to the stage of being weary of my surroundings a lot. It tends to keep a pony alive.” Hawk stated to the creature. Fiona was just listening in as was Rainbow Dash. They dare not try anything against the creature for if it was Discord it would just mean trouble.

“I’m sorry to burst your bubble AJ but that’s not Discord. He is one of my enemies from my past a decendent of Discord though not a controller of chaos. Just one of mischief.” Hawk stated as he just stared at the creature. Wondering why of all the times to show up right here and now in Ponyville.

“Aaaah It seems I may have caught the little pony off guard. But it seems time has be quite kind to you these last 8 years. Hasn’t it Hawk.” the creature said moving forward slowly. Hawk stood his ground glaring at the creature. Fiona saw something in his eyes that told her that he knew the creature and he knew it well.

“Why have you lured me and my friends out here Dracum. You should still be serving your sentence in the Canterlot Dungeon for your crimes in my hometown.” Hawk spoke up with a demanding voice. He knew what the creature was capable of and wanted to make sure that Fiona and the girls didn’t get caught in the middle of it either.

“Oh no real reason only to deliver a warning for you and your friends. But its up to you to figure it out.” Dracum said with a troubling smirk. “If at first you seem at ease look out behind you its not a breeze. But if two can make it to the end. Then Salvation is at Hand. For what is lost can be brought back. Two hearts combined can make it last. But be warned and weary for all the dreary as darkness comes in all forms of misery.” Dracum chuckled as he finished his little warning to the ponies. “Now I will leave this time but be warned i will return and more chaos I will create in my grandfathers footsteps I shall make.” He laughed as he backed away from the group grinning evilly and disappearing into the brush no longer seen by anypony.

“Let me go after him I’m sure I could find him” Rainbow Dash stated as Hawk cut her off.

“No we need to tell Twilight of this right now you guys are far more powerfull than me alone. He is not like his grandfather but he is still quite dangerous. He is apart of my past, my present and my future. And somehow he is behind whatever else is planned for me. The last time I faced him I was in the Canterlot Military. I was just a pony who delivered most of stuff Celestia wanted distributed to her forces weather it be around canterlot or elsewhere in Equestria. I was also given proper military training to defend myself if need be. Well it paid off alright. He came out of nowhere one day just outside of Canterlots gates, He had me and my small caravan of ponies and guards trapped and with almost no way to defend ourselves. He singled me out and told me if i could best him then we would all go free no real harm done. But he didn’t expect me to remember who he was when my home town was burned to the ground and no pony but me and my little sister left alive. He didn’t expect me to actually best him with my own wit and cunning. Im not always the sharpest tac in the box but I’m unpredictable as it seems when it comes to being serious about something important.” Hawk explained to the three ponies as he stared at the bushes that Dracum left through.

“What else are you not tellin us Hawk. You seem so Mysterious right now.” Applejack asked as she came up to him.

“AJ I had my reasons for not telling anypony my past because its not worth dwelling on it everyday. I only let ponies into my head because I trust that they will do the right thing and not tell anyother pony about it. I’m telling you 3 and the rest of your friends because I trust that not only will you do the right thing but in an effort for the information to help in some way.” Hawk exclaimed as he looked at Fiona. A pony he hardly knew yet felt like he knew her forever. Fiona somehow felt the same way about Hawk. She couldn’t put her hoof on why Hawk felt so Familiar.

Hawk started for the front of Town Hall now that the main generator was back up and running thanks to the expertise of both Hawk and Fiona working so quickly with splicing wires together and making the electrical bypasses. As soon as they got inside They didn’t notice Pinkie Pie was still playing secret spy with her night vision goggles on.

“GOTCHA!” she yelled as she fell from the ceiling with a crash on top of Hawk.

“Pinkie Pie what are you doing?” Hawk groaned feeling a bit crushed as Pinkie had him pinned down with her on his back.

“Oh just surprising you all.” Pinkie said as she got off of Hawks back. Hawk stood again only to see that Fluttershy, Rarity, and Twilight were all in front of them.

“Well hello everypony I take it eh electricity is back up and running fine” Hawk asked them they looked worried and for good reason to. They were worried when the group didnt return after the generator was fixed.”Let me guess you guys were all worried about us.” Hawk decided to answer before a single one of them could even ask the question of what took so long after the electricity was restored.

“Yeah we were. When the electricity came back on we expected you all to show up a few minutes later what happend?” Twilight asked as she had this really worried look on her face. She wanted to know and would stop at nothing to learn what it was.

“Well I was going to wait till the party’s end to tell everypony else the reason. But it might as well be now since you are asking. We found out who took out the electricity and frankly its not good news for me since I’m the one who put him in prison in the first place.” Hawk was exclaiming to the group.

“He call himself Dracum Twi. He is the kin of Discord. Be it he is a much bigger version of Discord and he can use fire like a dragon he took out Hawk’s other generator he had stashed in the shed behind the Hall.” Applejack spoke up.

“Yeah on top of that he gave us some kind of warning well it was more directed toward Hawk for what it’s worth.” Rainbow Dash stated after Applejack was done.

“Dracum is a creature from my past history. He destroyed my home town and left me and my little sister the only survivors. We were then moved to Canterlot where I ended up becoming apart of the military for a few years after I had graduated school and gotten my cutie mark in games. But I felt i needed to do more so I joined for a while. I was a transporter pony for the most part but then came a very special day.” Hawk was explaining as he went to a nearby window. “Dracum showed up and had me and my caravan surrounded by fire. He singled me out of all the group and said that if I were to best him that everypony would be set free and no harm would come to them or me. What he didn’t count on was that I was trained by the best and that I had been far smarter than when he first let me and my sister live. I not only beat him in his little game but I even managed to arrest him and convict him to life in prison in the Canterlot Dungeon. But he broke out just to give me this warning.” Hawk continued as he turned back to the group who had now surrounded him. Fiona was included in the group now to. All listening in to Hawk’s story of his past with Dracum. “Fiona, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash have already heard it but for the sake of time this is what he said. If at first you seem at ease look out behind you its not a breeze. But if two can make it to the end. Then Salvation is so at Hand. For what is lost can be brought back. Two hearts combined can make it last. But be warned and weary for all the dreary as darkness comes in all forms of misery.” Hawk said as he looked at them all.

“Well I can’t say I’m not surprised he shares his grandfather’s love of riddles. Discord did that a ot when he decided to try and plunge Equestria into Chaos.” Twilight stated as she was pondering the riddle itself.

“Well for starters the beginning of the riddle is simple enough to watch out for danger. But the rest must mean your love for somepony. You wouldn’t happen to know who that is by chance dear.” Rarity spoke up which caused him to sort of blush as his eyesight veered to Fiona.

“I...I....” Hawk stuttered as he sat still looking at Fiona. Pinkie Pie started poking him with a stick again as he was stiff as a board again from this thought. The girls all giggled at this.

“Well that didn’t take long for him to simply freeze up. All that excitement before this kept his mind off of the thought of love that once we mentioned it he froze and starein at Fiona non the less. Seems he still can’t get past that hurdle yet. What do you think of him Fiona.” Applejack said still laughing.

“Well I must say I do like him alot. Not only is he cute and smart but quite resourceful at that. But on top of all that he was a nice enough pony to let me come outside with him to get away from the dark auditorium. And he stood his ground to protect me.” Fiona stated as she came up to the now shocked Hawk still running the idea of love in his head. “I think i know of a way to snap him out of this stupor though.” Fiona said smiling as she was face to face with the pony in front of her.

“Hows that?” Pinkie Pie said still poking Hawk with the stick.

“By Kissing him of course” Fiona added quickly as she kissed Hawk on the forehead. then said Yes to him immediately afterward. This brought him snapped back to reality real quick.

“Really?” He asked her excitedly as if he knew she was answering a question he was wanting to ask.

“Yes.. Really” Fiona said with a giggle and a smile at Hawk. He looked confused for a second then realized Pinkie Pie was still poking him with a stick.

“Pinkie Pie why are you still poking me with a stick?” Hawk asked as she continued to poke him.

“Well you looked dead as a doornail so I decided to keep poking you to make sure your still alive.” Pinkie said without missing a single beat. Hawk just pushed the poking stick down and shook his head. Afterwards he turned right back to Fiona and gave her a hug. Before the two knew it The girls joined in on the hug as well.

“What is everypony doing?” Hawk asked as they were hugged by the girls.

“Well its a moment we want in on and were glad to be here to witness this and be apart of your getting together.” Twilight stated with a smile.

“You know Twilight this really was a party to remember and this town has so much random things that happen it’s never going to be just another day here.” Fiona said as the group broke away from the hug.

“Oh its never a bore here Fio there is always something going on and most of the time were all involved.” Pinkie Pie said with a smile bouncing again. The group decided to go back to the party where everypony else was still enjoying the party. They decided to enjoy themselves now before they had to get down to working on what could possibly endanger those around Hawk. But Hawk and Fiona trailed the group going into the auditorium.

“Lets have some more fun and make you a few more happy memories before we return to the chaos of life again shall we.” Hawk said as he held the door open for everypony to walk in. Inside Vinyl Scratch was blaring the music and everypony inside the auditorium was having a blast. Hawk just smiled as Fiona went in and he followed in tail.


Meanwhile as the ponies were enjoying the party once again on the outskirts of Ponyville the grandson of Discord, Dracum just smirked. “Now the actors have been chosen, The scene will be ready to unfold. How will you get out of this hell Hawk untold.” Dracum chuckled as he headed for his old hideout in the Everfree Forest. It was deadly obvious Dracum wanted more than just revenge for his imprisonment. But what it was was not known. What sort of trap has been set for the ponies only time will tell if the ponies have what it takes to survive.

Comments ( 7 )

well mate i cant wait to start reading it, happy holidays

Do you hate commas or something?

"Fiona Starwind, a young girl who was the helpfull creator of a machine capable of opening a rift to other dimensions, was kidnapped shortly after discovering how to make a stable rift. But a power-hungry man took her hostage, and took the plans, and had her Dial home device she deveoloped for a robot they were going to send through the rift the next day. But for having defended her self she accidentally in the process of defending herself, she was sent through the random rift co-ordinates that the evil man had set for himself to the world of Equestria. and what made Making matters worse, the Abstract plain plane changed her from her human for that form to that of a pony. Now Fiona is stuck in the Dimension dimension of ponies with no way to get back and no know-how about the dimension she currently resides in. It's a whole new adventure for her. Will she ever get back home, or will she be stuck in the Dimension dimension for the rest of her life.?"

Key: red for deletions, green for insertions, and cornflowerblue for WTF.

COMPLIMENT: A tried and true plot. (Truly painful to read, that is.)

Listen I understand my description is not in the least the best. And I know that I need to seriously update the crap out of it. And fix my errors. But I have been busy writing the story up and working a job on the side to keep my bills paid. It has obviously been 5 years since I last wrote a story so cut some slack. The rust is still falling off here. And I also am aware of any future Errors that maybe found as I have been planing on fixing them all in due time.

Thankyou but beyond this Have a wonder Holiday and a Happy New Year.

Daaaww~ Hawk x Fiona :twilightsheepish:

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