• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 804 Views, 20 Comments

MLP FIM: "From Hand to Hoof" - Hawk Hooves

Fiona Starwind a young human girl has benn transported to the Dimension of Ponies.

  • ...



The Machine was big and circular, like an over sized ring, with many power cables protruding from its outer surface. A low hum could be heard throughout the facility that housed the great hulking piece of human technology. It was a rather great innovative advancement, created by two genius scientists specializing in quantum physics. Their goal was to create a machine capable of bridging a gap between two dimensions. The source of their machine’s power was a nearby fission power plant that was built specifically for their facility, giving a live feed at all times of the day. For safety reasons, the facility was located out in the middle of the Mojave Desert, removed from Las Vegas by about sixty-five miles out.

Jack and Janny Starwind were the head scientists - as well as the proud parents of one Fiona Starwind, who was a chip off the old block. She was only seventeen years old, but was their assistant throughout the whole building process. She was also well versed in Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics, and Quantum Mathematics. She even knew how to take care of herself if she got lost in the Mohave. She had taught herself how to plot grid points on maps, so that if she got lost she would know how to get back to the facility just by using a map and compass.

When the Machine was finished, their first test was a flop when just punching in random numbers as a code to see if the machine worked at all. Two days later Fiona came up with a coding system that worked. She had run several tests in simulations she created, and showed these to her parents. She easily explained it.

"Think of how you need to first create a stable connection. Three numbers, like an area code for the general area you’re calling with a phone. The next step is an eight to twelve digit grid code. How many numbers get used in the grid code will determine how accurate the exit location will be in the given dimension," Fiona said boldly without missing a beat.

Her parents decided to give it a try, and the first three numbers clicked, the machine they had dubbed the IDRO - the Inter-Dimensional Rift Opener, sparked to life. They had inputted a random twelve digit code to finish the sequence, and with a brilliant flash of light the portal connected and stayed stable.

The evening after they had the IDRO shut down, she created a DHD, or Dial Home Device, which would open a smaller rift that would automatically connect to the IDRO to send the robot they planned on sending through over the next day or so back to them.


Someone resembling a security guard showed up in the development lab to see her. She knew this man as Fred Ravencroft: a German-American with a heavy accent.

"I heard that you managed to get the machine running, Fraulein," he said with that vocal heft.
"Yes, I did, but I can't take all the credit. It is my parents’ creation; I just added the extra push it needed to get it fully functional," Fiona stated as her eyes remained locked upon the programming computer connected to the DHD.
"What is zat you seem to be verking on zere?" Fred asked intently.

"It’s a dial home device for the robot we will be sending through the portal to the other dimension. That way, it connects directly to the IDRO and we can return the robot safely back to us, with all the loads of information it will have gathered." Fiona didn’t miss a single tap on the keyboard as she spoke.
"Zats amazing, Fraulein... because it seems I have had a change of plans in my agenda." Fred said as he pulled his gun on her.

"Fred, what is this?" Fiona asked, confused as Fred took hold of her arm - and of the DHD. The tiny device was rapidly slipped into his backpack, and others were set into the pouches he carried. "I already have plans for the IDRO. I will be a Zillionare if I can even hand Germany the plans - and zis little device you’ve just created. But I need a vay out... and you are my hostage till we reach ze IDRO," Fred growled, holding tightly to Fiona's arm and dragging her along.

On the way out of the lab, she managed to press an emergency button, alerting the whole facility - but Fred didn’t like that much, and was more forceful than ever as he continued to drag the struggling girl through the halls. They came finally to the main chamber that contained the IDRO and its its sophisticated computer technology. He inputted a quick, three-digit code, and the machine hummed to life. He then put in the twelve digit code as if knowing exactly where he wanted to go. With the same brilliant flash of light, the rift had opened and stayed stable; the doors crashed open, and he turned with the tightly-held girl, pointing the gun to her head.

"Now I vant everyvon to stay back... or else the poor little Fraulein's brains will be splattered all over zis floor. We wouldn't vant to do anyzing hasty now." Fred breathed with a sinister smile. He’d already made sure that the portal would close upon his jumping through.

But Fiona wasn't going to have this at all, either. She bit Fred hard, teeth sinking readily into his hand... and drawing blood, which did not improve Fred’s mood one whit. She was knocked back with a literal backhand, the gun connecting roughly with her head to fling her backwards through the rift. Before Fred could make an effort to follow her, he was tackled by the security which had come to save the day - but ultimately failed, staring at the rift as it closed, just as Fred had originally intended it to.


Meanwhile in Ponyville Twilight Sparkle was into some reading in her library. Outside looked like a storm was brewing over the Everfree Forest and half of Ponyville. The Twilight Sparkle was one of six ponies in Equestria that helped save the land from ultimate destruction many times over. She and her five friends not only stopped Nightmare Moon, but stopped Discord of Chaos and kept Canterlot from being taken over by Chrysalis. Now Twilight was enjoying a nice quiet day in the Library reading a new book she had just got in. Quantum Mechanics by Albert Hoofenstine. She was halfway done with the book when she had to stop. She got off from her comfortable spot and was levitating the book and a loud crack of Thunder resounded throughout Equestria this cause the book a spike in magical energy to surge through Twilight causing some of her books to levitate and then quickly vanish.

Back in Canterlot Princess Celestia was reading a book of her own when about five books appeared above her and came crashing down on her. Back outside Ponyville a storm raged as it cast some cloud cover over a small third of Ponyville near the Everfree Forest. The storm had centered over the ruins where Twilight Sparkle had helped defeat Nightmare Moon. As lightning flashed in the sky and the wind picked up and was blowing wildly. A portal had appeared just above the broken tower at first it looked as if nothing would happen but then another crack of thunder and lighting and out came what looked like a body. It fell to the hard floor with a hard thump unmoving as the portal closed and the storm started to die down.

Back in Ponyville Twilight had felt something was wrong since the incident back in the Library. She had already started to investigate the surge she felt only minutes ago. She decided to go and get the girls to go investigate the origin. She decided that the first pony to get was Rainbowdash. Since she was a weather pony she could ask about the strange weather that just happened near ponyville. Once she reached the bridge she saw Rainbow Dash sleeping on a lone cloud.

“Hey Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yelled up but as if not hearing her Rainbow dash just moved a little. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yelled again. This time she got RD’s attention.

“Yeah what do ya want Twilight I’m trying to take a nap up here.” Rainbow dash yelled back down

“Rainbow Dash did you notice anything strange while you were up there?” Twilight asked RD with a serious tone. “Come to think of it there was that wicked awesome storm over the Everfree Forest a few minutes ago. But it didn’t last long it left as quickly as it came why?” RD explained as she flew down to Twilight Sparkles position on the bridge. There was still a slight breeze coming from the direction of the Everfree Forest.

“Well lets go there and find out what caused it cause I was just part of a massive magical surge that caused five of my library’s books to vanish while i was putting one away. And that kinda surge only happens if something strange has happened.” Twilight stated as they started for the Everfree Forest. On their way through Ponyville, Twilight turned and went down Sugar Cube Corner, only to run right straight into Pinkie Pie. It sent them both sprawling to the ground.

“Twilight what seems to be the hurry. I’ve never seen a pony in as much of a hurry as you. So what’s the rush, huh huh huh,”she said as she picked herself off the ground. “Oh wait don’t tell me there is something fun somewhere and you’re on your way to see what it is.” Pinkie added while jumping up and down with extra excitement.

“No Pinkie we’re on our way to check out the reason for the flash storm that happened over the Everfree Forest.” Twilight quickly said before Pinkie could interrupt and try more of the guessing game she is so fond of doing. Twilight got up and started trotting again towards her intended goal.

“Oooooo! Sounds like fun can I come along to?” Pinkie Pie asked still jumping up and down with even more enthusiasm than before, she was nearly going as high as the second story windows. Rainbow Dash just looked at Twilight.
“You know she will just start singing when we are in the forest right?” She said to Twilight, as she just hovered next to her. As they moved along, Pinkie Pie was not far behind them, still bouncing like a jackrabbit.

“The more help the merrier for now Rainbow Dash, we are going into the Everfree Forest after all” Twilight said picking up their pace some as they were getting close to the bridge out of Ponyville. The sun was bright and the skies were clear again and any remnants of the storm had long past now on the ponyville side of the Everfree Forest. But there were still some clouds circling over the ruins, where Twilight and the others had fought Nightmare Moon.

Rainbow Dash took to the sky for a better look. “Hey Twilight it looks like that storm originated over the palace ruins. There are still some clouds lingering over that area of the Everfree Forest. And there are enough pegasi up here to start a convention. They're all looking at the same thing” Rainbow Dash yelled down as she started heading back towards Twilight and Pinkie.

“Wait how do you know its over the ruins it could be over Zecora’s for all you know” Pinkie Pie stated with this look that said I don’t believe you on her face.

“Pinkie, in the sky I can see things better and farther away. Plus since we have been to the Everfree Forest multiple times, I can take a pretty good guess that its in that direction. It’s one of the strangest places in the everfree other than Zecora's. I also doubt she would make such a violent storm without some form of magical help.” Rainbow Dash stated proudly as she landed next to Twilight.

“Well then thats our first order of business we need to go and investigate the ruins. Whatever caused the storm to appear is there.” Twilight stated as they came to a stop to see just about half of Ponyville by the bridge looking in the direction of the Everfree Forest.

“Oh my it seems that most of if not all of Ponyville has taken notice to the flash storm that had appeared over the Everfree forest.” a regal voice sounded nearby. Twilight turned her head in the direction of the voice to see it was Rarity.
“Yeah we’re kinda looking into that now.” Twilight stated as Pinkie Pie started bouncing. “Yup yup yup we’re going back to the ruins of the celestial sisters wanna come with, do ya, do ya, do ya? It’ll be FUN” Pinkie said with a little too much energy in her bounce and voice.

“I would much like to know, since one of my most extravagant pieces of work were destroyed while I was working on it during the storm.” Rarity explained, she was to wondering how a storm could cause her magic to destroy her new dress. It had taken a near month to design and complete for one of her wealthier clients.

“So I’m not the only unicorn that the magic surge went through. Any unicorn that was using magic at the time must have felt it and caused their own energy to overload and accidently use a spell that was unintended. Something really powerful must have happened out there in the Everfree to cause this flux, and we’re going to go there to find out.” Twilight said with a serious tone of voice.

“You aint going into the everfree forest without me either sugar cube.” Another voice added in behind Twilight. She turned around to see Applejack standing there.
“Applejack did something happen at the farm?” Twilight asked wondering if something might have happened at Sweet Apple Acres.

“Nah I just came to town to ask about the strange cloud cover over the farm since it was close to the Everfree forest wood line. I thought maybe some of the weather ponies might have been sleeping on the job or somethin.” Applejack stated, now standing next to Twilight in the group. She couldn’t help but glance at Rainbow Dash as she said this.

“Um hello girls, are you all here for the same reason?” a quiet voice spoke up some. Twilight looked behind Rarity to see Fluttershy. Twilight gave a smile.
“I guess we all are Fluttershy so then we need to goto the ruins of the celestial sisters in the Everfree Forest again” Twilight explained quickly to Fluttershy as she started trotting across the bridge. Ponies from town were gathering to this spot left and right all staring at the sky in the same direction and more are filing in as the girls were making their way to the edge of the Everfree Forest.

“Do we really need to go back to those crumbly ruins?” Rainbow Dash asked flying along with the group.
“But of course we need to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible to make sure nothing bad has happened to jeopardize the safety of Equestria” Twilight explained as they came upon the Everfree Forest. “You’re not scared or anything now, are you Rainbow Dash?” Twilight said with a smirk.

“NO!... I’m not afraid of anything Twilight. I just don’t think its a great idea to go back to that crusty old tower.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she felt challenged now to go back into the forest once again. The rest of the girls knew it was needed to get to the bottom of the events that were going on. They each started through the forest knowing full well the dangers that lay ahead for them. Between the hungry predators and strange plant life anypony could get lost in it which is why they are going together. But they are taking the same path they took to get to the ruins that time Nightmare Moon was threatening Equestria with eternal night. So it wasn’t like they were taking a new path that was unknown to them.

As the girls went along they went through having fun memories of their first adventure to save Equestria. They went through the creepy forest. Past the river where they met the sorrowful serpent. Through the valley where they encountered the Manticore. Even the bridge where Rainbow Dash encountered the Shadowbolts. All the places held great memories for the girls and they laughed the entire way to the ruins.

“Ok girls there’s the ruins.” Twilight stated as they made their way across the bridge.

“So Sugar Cube if its something bad we wont need the Elements o’ Harmony or nuthin right?” Applejack asked as they got to the other side of the bridge.

“Whatever it is, I’m sure we can handle it just fine without the elements.” Twilight stated as they trotted into the ruins. This was the first time they went through the Everfree Forest and nothing bad or scary has happened to them. It was more like the creatures of the forest were in hiding from the flash storm. The girls didn’t find anything in the room where the elements were once kept so they decided to go up stairs.

Laying on the floor was a brown colored pony knocked out cold. as soon as the girls made it to the top of the steps they saw her.

“Oh my goodness what do you think happened to her?” Fluttershy asked as the girls surrounded the unconscious pony.

“I dunno but she must know what happened round here she is the only creature we found since arrivin.” Applejack stated looking at Twilight for some guidance for the next step.

“Well thats true lets get her back to Ponyville we won’t know anything till she is awake.” Twilight said motioning for Applejack to go ahead and put her on her back for the trip back to Ponyville. They have no clue about her origins nor any real reason to know. But one thing was for sure they couldn’t leave her there in the ruins. After they got the pony situated on Applejack’s back they set off back for Ponyville at a quick steady pace incase any predators decided to get their moxi back from the flash storm.

Once they reached Ponyville they decided the best place to take the unknown pony was Twilight's Library. So they took the pony there and got her on Twilights bed for the time being.

“Ok girls i think i can handle it from here I will let you all know if she wakes that way we can get to the bottom of why she was out there and why she was unconscious to begin with.” Twilight had exclaimed as the girls all left to take care of their original plans for the day. Twilight on the other hand levitated the book she was reading and went to her room where the pony was so she was there when she woke up to start asking questions.

A few hours passed and the young mare rustled a bit. Her eyes opened to see a window that showed a beautiful clear sky with a slight breeze causing what trees that were around to move with it.Twilight noticed the movement as she was almost finished with her book.

“Well now somepony has finally decided to wake up.” Twilight stated as she put the book down on a table next to her and trotted over to her bed where the new pony was. The pony turned her head in the direction of the voice and saw Twilight she positively freaked out and fell off the other side of the bed.

“Did you just speak?” Fiona asked scared a little but all the same interested as she hit the floor with a thud.

“Um yeah all ponies can. Your one to.” Twilight exclaimed a little confused by this strange ponies demenore.

“I’m a Pony?” Fiona asked as she turned her head to the window to see her reflection. It was true she was a pony with a fabulous chestnut coat and brown mane and tail. there was a mark on her rump it looked like a feather quill. Upon closer inspection it was a Pink Feather Quill. “Oh my being sent to another Dimension has force me to take the form of its inhabitants” Fiona said to herself silently. “This must mean.... Oh That evil man when i get back im so going to...” Fiona was interrupted by Twilight.

“Excuse me but I’m Twilight Sparkle what's your name. Me and my friends found you in the old ruins during an investigation of a strange phenomenon that happened there. If its possible could you try to explain why you were unconscious there and what happened in the first place?” Twilight so kindly asked even though she knew she interrupted the mares little thought process.

“Well i guess it wouldn't hurt to explain. My name is for ease of remembrance Fiona Star for now and seeing as to my present condition was not of my own accord. I was flung here from a different universe. For the sake of time It wasn't really my choice to be sent through i was taken hostage for the plans of the device we made and i fought back and here is my end result smacked through a portal to another dimension and knocked out as it seems. It must have been the co-ordinates my captor used or something cuz i must have hit the surface hard. How long was i out by chance?” Fiona had exclaimed with some concern on her face. And with reason. Why should this pony in front of her need a reason to believe her seemingly unbelievable story in this dimension. She was the strange one who knew not of this dimension but knew enough to know that it wasn’t a human dimension.

Fiona looked down at what would normally be her hands she had hooves. “I’m sorry This is going to take some getting used to.” She stated as she wobbly got up on all fours. She couldn’t really believe that she was a pony. She always wanted one but never thought that in her life she would become one. “Well there are worse things to become I guess” She thought to herself as she slowly made her way around the bed.

“Well I guess i kind of understand what you’re saying I haven’t quite got through that book by Albert Hoofenstien. But i get the gist of what you just explained. So you’re not from this Dimension. If your saying your not a pony then what were you?” Twilight asked with a bit of skepticism. Fiona couldn’t really blame her though.

“I was once Human. Which was a bipedal creature where most of the hair is upon their head. Normally I would have Hands with fingers but now i have Hooves. But i doubt you would ever have seen one since this dimensions most prominent and dominant creature is a pony.” Fiona was saying as she got a better look at Twilight and cut off her words. “Wait is that a horn on your head? Are you a Unicorn?” Fiona said excitedly. “Usually in my dimension a Unicorn isn't a real creature but one of fantasy. Wait does this mean there are also Pegasi here as well?” Fiona was starting to feel like it wasn’t so bad to have ended up in this dimension but it still didn’t mean she didn’t want to return home.

“Ok ok calm down yes I’m a unicorn and yes there are pegasi here but seeing as to how you must not know much of this world I’m going to say you’re more curious about us than we would be of you.” Twilight giggled a bit as she came up to Fiona. “Well maybe I should at least introduce you to the ponies that helped me bring you to my home here in Ponyville.” Twilight stated as she used her magic to make the bed nice and neat.

“Ok I guess thats fair I am however thankful for your kindness and sorry for my excitement. I am kinda like a tourist.” Fiona said with an embarrassed look on her face but all the same amazed that she was watching this unicorn a creature of fables and fiction from her own dimension using magic to do a mundane task. That told her that for unicorns magic was an everyday tool for them. “Who are these other ponies that to which helped you anyway?” Fiona said trying to get used to trotting around with hooves instead of feet.

“Well there is Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. Applejack was the one who was strongest to carry you so she carried you while we watched for danger the whole way back through the Everfree Forest.” Twilight stated as she turned to watch Fiona fall on her face a few times as she was getting used to her new body. “Are you ok? You seem like a new foal trying to walk.” Twilight gave a little giggle as she helped Fiona up.

“Thanks Twilight and I’m sorry I’m just not used to this body yet.” Fiona exclaimed as she was barely able to simply stand. Twilight looked a little concerned but felt it would do this pony good to get out and at least get the hang of trotting about.

“Well give me a second i will be right back.” Twilight said as she opened the door. “Spike! Me and our guest will be going out I need you to watch the Library for me again while we’re gone.” Twilight spoke up out the door.

“Ok Twilight.” Spike yelled back as he was still re-organizing the bookshelves that Twilight had instructed needed to be re-organized. Fiona was under the impression at first that she was here alone with Twilight she had no idea she was living in a library or for that matter with another pony.

“Um. If i may ask who is Spike?” Fiona decided to ask starting to get the hang of how a pony body works. Twilight knew that was going to be a good question to answer.

“Spike is my number one assistant here at the library. He also happens to be a baby dragon that i hatched as part of my entrance exam for a school i attended in Canterlot.” Twilight explained as Fiona looked as if she was getting the hang of using her new body.

“He’s a Dragon, Huh well I guess that by the way he sounded he isn’t a full size then. And a Dragon amongst Unicorns, and Pegasi are also mixed in my Dimensions lore.” Fiona said as she trotted past Twilight a little more confident in her moving abilities. She looked to her right to see a baby dragon placing books on the shelf. “Wow she wasn’t kidding he really is a dragon.” She thought to herself. With Twilight right behind her Spike looked at the two. The new mare was kinda cute but his heart was set on Rarity.

Twilight opened the door with her magic real quick.”Well Fiona, Why don’t you take your first real steps out into our world and see what it has to offer.” Twilight stated as Fiona looked out the door and took her first steps outside. The Sun was so bright as she stepped out it was nearly blinding her. She was out so long she never really saw the sun since before she left her own dimension. But once that feeling subsided her eyes were locked in amazement of what was going on around her.

Ponies of every shape and size not only like herself but Pegasi and Unicorns all working together in a wondrous Rural town like setting. Pegasi keeping the skies clear for the day, Unicorns working on other ponies roofs and the likes. She saw so much she had to sit down to really take it all in. She felt like she was dreaming but couldn’t pinch herself to wake up.

End of Prelude

Hawk Hooves