• Published 19th Nov 2012
  • 2,655 Views, 91 Comments

Of Archon Toilets and Bioballs - MiniPsyker

A not-so-friendly match between our hero and another person goes awry after a glitch in the conflict

  • ...

Chapter 15: Return of the Archon Toilet - Part 2

"He can warp reality to his will, then..." Mike whispered to himself, looking all over the crater. Discord didn't apply the slightest amount of effort to create this scenery and everything he had influence over. Then, he turned around to see Discord and Twilight exchanging words in an argument. Growing tired of games, he readied his rifle, aimed at Discord, and fired. However, nothing changed, as if he had shot a blank. It wasn't clear whether he missed, or if Discord had influenced the bullet somehow.

"You should respect your elders, Mike." Discord mocked him right after showing Twilight how he never mentioned the Elements being in the labyrinth. "I never said they were in the labyrinth..." He told Twilight.

"But... But..."

"Keep trying, Twilight Sparkle. Maybe the magic of friendship can help you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some chaos to wreak." He spoke before disappearing, and in the skies appearing pink clouds raining with chocolate.

"Did we lose already?" Mike questioned as he walked up to Twilight, the sound of his boots stepping over the mud being heard.

Twilight sighed in annoyance. "No, we just need to find the Elements... Wherever they may be..."

The sound of her friends fighting among themselves caught Mike's attention, who turned around and watched them in slight amusement.

"Ugh..." Twilight ranted. "I just wanna go home... Wait a minute... Home! 'Back where you began!' The Elements must be in Ponyville!" She realized. "Come on, girls." She pressured the others while walking to the now surreal painting that was Ponyville. "I'm certain this is what Discord's riddle really meant. If we get back to the library, I have a book that I just know could give us a clue."

"I'm still thinking we won't have much chance-- Watch it!" Mike warned Twilight, though it was for naught, for Twilight had already been stomped to the ground by a horde of long-legged bunnies. "...How horrifying."

"Good boy, Angel." He heard Greyttershy speaking. "Mama's so proud."

Suddenly, it was night.

"Wow, I can see so much better now." He also heard Greypplejack stating. Not after long, he could feel something striking against him from behind. He turned around and what little he could see were Greypplejack next to him, and Greyrity, Greyttershy and Greynkie Pie on the floor, as if they had been struck by something too. "I meant to do that." Greypplejack mentioned.

Suddenly, it was day.

"Discord's turned our dirt roads into soap!" Twilight ranted.

"Thank God, I was thinking I stepped on something else." Mike stated.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Discord questioned while flamboyantly sliding around. "This is the new and improved Ponyville, and these are only my first of changes."

"First... Oh boy..." Mike sighed to himself.

"Picture it: The chaos capital of the world." Discord boasted, lifting Twilight for her to see.

Suddenly, night.

"I can't picture anything. It's too dark."

Discord let her go, causing her to fall to the soapy ground.

"Well, wait a few minutes and you'll see it in the beautiful light of day. Or not."

Then he flamboyantly jumped and flamboyantly disappeared.

"Ponyville, the chaos capital of the world? Not if I have anything to say about it." Twilight cheered herself up.

"Don't worry, you won't, heheheh." Greyttershy retorted, sliding on the soap road.

Afterwards, they decided to head to Twilight's home. Once they arrived they all entered, except for Greyrity who clinged to her boulder/diamond, not letting go. Annoyed, Mike kicked it into the home, breaking a wall, and causing her to rush inside. Mission accomplished.

Then once Twilight found the book relating to the Elements of Harmony, something else started. Greyttershy stole the book, then passing it to Greypplejack. Then to Greynkie Pie, and so on, for the sole purpose of keeping it away from Twilight. It wasn't until Mike intervened by punching Greypplejack in the face, throwing Spike like a cannonball against Greynkie Pie, and intercepting the book that everything calmed down; and once Twilight opened the book, she found the Elements lying inside.

No one cared in the slightest.

Twilight forcefully made them care.

Spike was promoted to Rainbow Dash, who was missing.

Mike sneezed.

Then, they all rushed outside.

'Tom' almost landed on top of Greynkie Pie. It landed on top of Mike.

"Well, well, well," Discord greeted them, "I see you've found the Elements of Harmony. How terrifying!"

"Discord! I've figured out your lame riddle." Twilight stated.

"Help..." Mike begged.

"You're in for it now!" Twilight continued.

"I certainly am. You've clearly out-dueled me, and now it's time to meet my fate. I'm prepared to be defeated now, ladies. Fire when ready." He taunted.

"Formation, now!" Twilight ordered. At her command, the Grey ones gathered up with Spike following. Twilight's eyes lit up and the ponies began floating, ready to discharge their energies. Nope, it failed. Miserably. They fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Twilight questioned.

"Mine's workin'. There must be somethin' wrong with yours." Greypplejack answered.

"I HATE the Elements of Harmony!" Greynkie Pie stated.

"Hmph! Garbage." Greyttershy ranted before throwing her necklace away.

"Shut up and get me out of here!" Mike despaired.

"MINE!" Greyrity yelled with greed, grabbing what Greyttershy threw.

"Sorry, Twilight. I guess I'd better get back upstairs and clean up the library. Good luck with all this-" Spike spoke before being interrupted by Greyttershy who made him trip on her tail on purpose. "Whoa!"

"Oops, sorry, Rainbow Crash. Heheh." Greyttershy taunted.

"Bravo, ponies, bravo!" Discord cheered while clapping. "Harmony in Equestria is officially dead. Discord rules, Celestia drools." Then he dodged Greyrity's boulder/diamond that Mike threw in annoyance once he figured out how to escape from under it, and began sliding away.

"Next time remind me never to trust on you guys again to help me in my darkest hour." Mike ranted, cracking his neck like a cement mixer while walking up to Twilight.

The group spontaneously began arguing, resulting in each one going their separate ways, except for Mike who stood with Twilight.

"FINE!" Twilight yelled. "Leave! See if I care! I don't need you guys either! With friends like you, who needs..." She began realizing what happened, lowering her vision. "Enemies..." At this point she was turning grey already.

Mike's heart skipped a beat upon seeing Twilight now grey and walking away. 'Before my sister and I stood up to him, he ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. Luna and I saw how miserable life was for Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns alike, so after discovering the Elements of Harmony, we combined our powers and rose up against him, turning him to stone.' He remembered what Celestia said back in the castle. 'And although Luna and I once wielded the elements, it is you who now control their power, and it is you who must defeat Discord.' He remembered another thing she said. It was the mane 6 who were supposed to defeat Discord, but now they were scattered and corrupted, their colours gone. If he was any other sentient being, he'd say it was all lost already, but he remembered yet another thing. '...An entity which can alter reality with his power...' '...And you can alter reality in your own way too.'

"Guess it's all or nothing now." He muttered

'Here's a decision for you to take, in which in your hands a mistake you can prevent... I won't stop you from using your abilities to help your friends in this quest, but then great repercussions you'll have to expect. Hahahahah!'

"As if I'd lose anything now." He sighed, walking towards his main base behind Twilight's home.

"Everyone listen up!" He yelled, kicking the door of the main room of the Command Center and entering the room with his officers. "I want every single resource we know the location of strip mined to its core."

"Why the hurry?" One officer questioned. "We already have three entire campaigns worth of stockpile already."

"I don't care. Even with those, it'll not be enough. I want barracks, factories and starports built everywhere there's space and start pumping out units. In this world there is no 'population cap', so I don't want to hear an excuse for any building not producing anything."

"Did you anger a dragon once again?" An SCV jokingly asked.

"Something that can warp reality escaped from its prison. That sudden new scenery out there? It caused it."

The room became tremendously silent. They all had their traumas after fighting the Protoss, even though they don't warp reality but their powers are close nevertheless. Then, everything became almost chaotic as men ran one way and the other, scrambling to manage everything in Mike's territory. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Mike's territory encompassed everywhere that he ever visited, the minerals and geysers appearing everywhere and the nonexistent population cap not preventing him from actually holding something of such size with efficiency. If someone were to give a rough estimation of how many bases Mike had, it wouldn't be unlikely for him to say a number near the hundreds.

Time later...

"Hmmm..." Discord smiled to himself in his throne with his left hand on his cheek, upon seeing a group of four vikings doing a reconnaissance flight over Ponyville. "Taking chances, are we? I just wonder what you'll do. Alas, knowing you it'd be painfully obvious. I guess the proper question would be how long it takes you to throw the first rock."

"Recon team Delta-3 reporting." The sound echoed in the command center, with everyone now paying attention. There were hundreds of teams flying all over Equestria, but only those who found something of interest reported in. "We're seeing a unicorn running through the fields towards Applejack's home."

"Describe the unicorn." Mike ordered.

"Purple, straight hair--"

"Purple? You mean, not gray?"

"Fully saturated, just like days ago."

"Recon team Alpha-2 reporting. Discord has been spotted. I repeat, Discord has been spotted. He is currently located in Ponyville's center sitting in a throne. He's... He's looking at us. He knows we're here."

Mike and his men looked at eachother in silence. One thing was finding out Twilight had been de-corrupted somehow, but the other thing was Discord knowing what they were doing. They all knew Discord forbidded Mike from using his army and thus he'd be breaking a rule, but a lack of action on his part brought confusion to them. After a while, Mike decided to take actions.

"I see them." Mike said on top of a viking flying over the open fields of Greypplejack's home upon spotting Twilight now facing Applejack. Three other vikings also followed him.

They closed in, and once close enough they transformed in mid-air to their walker mode, landing on the ground with fury. The four pilots quickly opened their cockpits, jumped off and rushed forward with certain objects.

"--Mike?!" Twilight exclaimed with surprise.

Mike and his three pilots didn't stop running, however. They closed in with Greypplejack and threw their objects at her, revealed to be actually buckets of orange paint. Now Greypplejack was fully saturated and back as she was days ago.

"...What in tarnation..." Greypplejack questioned.

"Mike!" Twilight sighed in irritation before rushing forwards and casting a memory spell upon Greypplejack. Once the spell did its purpose, Greypplejack returned to her former self, Applejack.

"...What in tarnation..." She questioned again upon realizing she was covered in orange paint.

"Well, that didn't work..." Mike stated.

"Wh-what happened? Twilight! I saw a vision of us feudin' and fightin'. I couldn't face the truth, so I started tellin' lies. Can you ever forgive me?"

"I already have." Twilight answered. "Come on!"

Greyttershy's home was... Destroyed, to say the least, because the four vikings tried entering by force. Not succeeding but not failing either. Twilight casted the spell on Greyttershy, being held by Applejack's rope, and now returning to her former self, Fluttershy.

"Oh no! Twilight, Applejack, Mike, I just had the worst dream!"

"What do you think you're doing? Get away from my gem!" Greyrity's yelling could be heard from outside her home. "Get away--!" Her house flared bright for a second, and a moment later, the giant boulder was shot through the roof. "Let us never speak of this again." Rarity spoke.

"And I-I turned gray!" Pinkie Pie giggled, being carried on top of a viking. "Can you believe it?!"

Then, the group went to Greynbow Dash's home, only to find out that she was not there. Only to find out that she was actually in a cloud nearby.

"Discord's still on the loose! We need you to help us defeat him with your element, Loyalty!" Twilight yelled.

"Pfft. Loyalty, schmoyalty! Have you guys seen Ponyville? It's a disaster! I'm staying here in Cloudsdale where everything's awesome."

"How in Equestria can she think that tiny patch of cloud is Cloudsdale?" Rarity questioned.

"The same way he got you to think that cheap rock was a bona fide diamond." Applejack answered.

"I thought we agreed never to speak of that again."

"Time for Plan B." Twilight suggested.



"Mike!" Twilight yelled. "We have to capture her, not KILL her!"

Mike, his three vikings, and the uncorrupted group were chasing Rainbow Dash through the skies of Ponyville.

"The target is initiating evasive maneuvers." A viking stated upon seeing Rainbow Dash flying around them.

"I got this." Another viking stated, launching a missile towards Rainbow Dash. It didn't directly hit, but detonated close enough to her to throw her off balance for a few seconds and numb her senses.

Applejack took the opportunity to try lassoing Rainbow Dash, but unfortunately missed.

"Just like in the training, chaps!" Mike yelled, flying full speed towars Rainbow Dash, elevating a bit, and then transforming in mid-air causing him to fall. Of course, he fell right at Rainbow Dash, hugging her with his gatling guns and trapping her in a bear hug. It didn't seem to work as expected, since she could still fly with enough strength to carry the monstrosity of a viking.

Then the other three vikings did the same. A surprisingly effective plan, considering they all fell to the ground at a tremendous speed, crashing below.

"Lemme go! I don't need you guys! Leave me alone!" Rainbow Dash screamed, only her head being shown due to her body being caught in the wrecks of four vikings.

Twilight advanced, Mike and the others standing behind her as she casted the spell upon her and succeeding.

"Wh-what happened? How's Ponyville? Where are the Elements?! Did we stop Discord? ...What's this thing I'm caught in?!"

Everyone now cheered, seeing as they had uncorrupted the last bearer of the Elements.

"Maybe it's a little early for a group hug." Twilight mentioned upon seeing dancing buffalos in ballet outfits.

Time later...

"There he is, Discord..." Twilight stated. Mike was on foot with the mane 6, walking with them through the surrealistic painting which was Ponyville.

"Wait, hold up." Mike ordered the ponies.

"What? He's right there, we could end this now." Rainbow Dash rushed him.

"Isn't he omnipresent and omnipotent? Even he wasn't, I'm sure he saw us uncorrupting eachother. He even saw me using my men, even though he forbid me from it, and yet he did nothing. It doesn't take a genius to realize he could be actually waiting for us."

"Fine, what do you suggest?" Twilight asked.

"He already knows I'm using my army." He spoke before steps and engines could be heard in the distance, and a mini earthquake following. He turned around and ordered his forces, now without number, to surround him. There they were, a countless number of marines, marauders, siege tanks, vikings and banshees, battlecruisers, hellions and thors, ready to fight and moving to surround him. It was impossible that Discord didn't feel the earthquake nor hear the noises already. Once they marched forward past him towards Discord, he gave the order to the ponies. "Alright, move."

"Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing." Discord spoke sitting on his throne directly in front of them.

"Not as wonderful as friendship." Twilight retorted.

"Oh, this again?"

Mike, however, was focused in other matters like monitoring the area, his army, Discord, and every other detail that might escape his attention.

"That's right. You couldn't break apart our friendship for long." Applejack stated.

"Oh, Applejack, don't lie to me. I'm the one who made you a liar." He reminded her before making her levitate towards him, and soon enough the others too. "Will you ever learn?"

A barrage of EMP rounds fired by the ghosts soon stunned Discord, making him lose concentration and nullifying his magic against the ponies, releasing them to the ground.

"I'll tell you what we've learned Discord." Twilight spoke up. "We've learned that friendship isn't always easy. But there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."

"Ugh, gag." He complained in disgust. "Fine, go ahead, try and use your little Elements, 'frenemies'. Just make it quick. I'm missing some excellent chaos here."

"All right, ladies, let's show him what friendship can do!" Twilight rallied them up.

"It begins..." Mike whispered to himself, monitoring the events with his HUD from a bird's-eye-view of the scenery.

"Wait-wait-wait!" Pinkie spoke, drinking chocolate from a small cloud.

"Dammit, Pinkie..." Mike whispered.

Then Pinkie returned to her position. The elements lit up with the ponies now levitating, Discord yawning but soon enough his expression changing to surprise.

"Huh. What's this?" He asked, seeing the elements activate. "...No." He began despairing.

Out of the group, a rainbow was shot into the sky high above, now arcing towards Discord himself. What they didn't expect, however, was Discord simply teleporting a metre away and dodging the blast completely. His throne evaporated, but that's all that happened. The spell had failed.

"...WHAT?!" Twilight and Mike asked loudly.

Discord fell to the ground and hysterically began laughing, almost choking on his own tears. "You really think I was going to fall that easily? Hahahah!!" He sighed to himself trying to recover, and once he stood up he smiled at Mike. "Such a tragedy that you decided to take your decision. Alas, I am a draconequus of my word, and I shall punish you for your... Lack of control over yourself." He laughed to himself before snapping his fingers. Nothing appeared to change except for the sound giant explosion echoing with thunder and lightning falling.

The ponies, the Terrans and Mike were just staring around to see something which might've happened, expecting anything.

"Commander." An officer spoke to mike through his HUD.

"Speak." Mike answered while placing his finger over his gasmask's ear.

"We have lost communication to several of our expansions."

"What?! How?!"

"There's no clear understanding of what happened. Communications were cut. We cannot determine if it was interference or anything else."

Mike sighed. "Check up on them. I'm already paranoid enough now."

"Yes, commander."

Discord smiled even more.

"Your time is short, 'Commander'." He spoke before disappearing.

"Mike, what's going on?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"I don't think I really want to know..."

"Commander!!" A voice screamed from his HUD.


"The bases which we lost communications with, they're hostile!"


"They're attacking us!! They're--"

The communication was cut short once again.

"Oh boy..." Mike whispered to himself.

Not long after, great part of the Terran forces began changing colour. From their usual red to a light grey colour, as if they had changed sides. They now began attacking Mike's forces, who now retaliated.

"Run!!" Mike yelled to the ponies, legging it. "It's only a matter of time before--" He was cut short by the shells of the enemy siege tanks falling near him, causing him to be sent into the ground by the shockwave.

Half of Mike's Terran forces had turned on him, now following Discord, the Spirit of Chaos.

So it began, the HorusDiscord Heresy.

Several hours later...

"The hostile forces are engaging us here, here, and here." An officer inside Mike's command center in Ponyville spoke while pointing at a map with several other men and Mike in the room listening. He had pointed at several locations in the outskirts of Ponyville. "We can use the buildings as choke points for our enemy to fall into and use our siege tanks to crush them."

"Fine." Mike sighed. "Use the SCVs to build bunkers behind those choke points to slow them down and allow the siege tanks to do as much damage as they can. What's their army's composition?"

"They're using every unit in their arsenal, like us, but they are using a bioball composition for the most part, contrasting with our main use of siege tanks and vikings."

"They have the mobility advantage then. What about the other bases? How are they holding off?"

"Most have either fallen or turned to Discord's side. Appaloosa was one of the first one to fall. Right now the bases in the territories of Canterlot and Ponyville remain uncorrupted. Total number of bases near the fifties. The enemy forces aren't limited with population capacity either, their numbers are without limit just like ours."

Mike sighed, then whispered to himself. "This is the first somewhat conventional engagement I've had in this world..." He turned around and now spoke to Twilight, who was also in the room. "I need you and your friends to head to Canterlot. I'll stay here and try to deal with this, but Canterlot is a castle, it's easier to defend than most things here, so it's a fallback point if things get ugly. Understood?"

"...Alright." Twilight answered, worried, but listening to him once she realized that now he spoke with all his mind in the matter. She realized that, in this regard, he knew better than her.

Four hours later...

Twilight stood near the entrace as armies of red Terrans entered the castle. Marines, Ghosts, Marauders, Thors, Siege tanks, everything in the terran arsenal, but in such numbers that suggested they were not fresh troops, but others that fell back from another place.

"Excuse me." Twilight asked a marauder. "Where did you come from?"

"Ponyville." The marauder answered before walking away.

"Ponyville...?" Twilight asked to herself.

"Then where's Mike?" Rainbow Dash added to the question.

"Did he..." Applejack began thinking.

A day had passed, Mike nowhere in sight with everyone already expecting the worst.

"He's alive!!" A marine spoke up from the multitude.

"Where is him?! Where is him!?" The marauder from before, who was Mike's manager in the race asked while pushing through the hundreds of Terrans. "Get out of my way! I'm going to kill him!"

Soon enough, he met up with Mike himself, who just arrived.

"You are the luckiest... The canniest..." The marauder spoke in front of him. "...And the most reckless bastard I ever knew!!" Now, he hugged him with enough to actually make a bone crack.

"My... Spine..." Mike whimpered.

"Bless you laddie."

"'Raud, where's Twilight and the rest?"

"A great host, you say?" Celestia questioned.

"All of Equestria is emptied." Mike spoke, referring to the corrupted Terrans who had pushed his forces out.

"How many?"

"Ten thousand strong at least."

"...Ten thousand?!"

"It is an army corrupted for a single purpose... To destroy me and my men."

Celestia was struck silent.

"They'll be here by nightfall." Mike added. And by nightfall he meant in around 10 minutes, since night falls tremendously fast nowadays. Mike knew too well there were no barracks, factories or starports in Canterlot, thus, no way to replenish his troops once lost. "I say we let them come."

Afterly, in the middle of the night 10 minutes later...

"I see light in the distance." A ghost stated over the wall.

"We're in for a wild night..." Mike added, walking up next to the ghost.

Over that same wall lied Siege tanks and infantry ready for the engagement. Hundreds upon hundreds of Terrans in Canterlot, the last territory remaining, prepared to fight to their last breath with guns, artillery, and grenades. Everyone could hear the steps of the corrupted armies closing in, but after getting close enough, they stopped. They did nothing, just stand there, taunting them with their presence.

"Guns!" Mike yelled. At his command, everyone readied their guns at the corrupted hordes.

But, not at his command, someone fired a shot which struck right in the visor of a corrupted marine outside the walls.

"...Whoops." The marine nervously said.

"Hell of a shot, mister." Mike complimented him.

"Damn straight." A marauder added.

"Without a scope?" A ghost questioned. Then the noncorrupted terrans spontaneously began complimenting him, up until the corrupted hordes now charged forwards and began opening fire, Mike crouching and dodging a shot.

"Fire back!" Mike yelled. At his command, the infantry opened fire and the siege tanks unloaded their guns at the hordes. Explosions lit up the night with chocolate raining down the skies. The grey hordes kept on charging, ignoring the tremendous casualties the sustained until they were in range to shoot back. Grey marines shot back while also setting up ladders at the walls.

"Delivery from Korhal!" Mike boasted before punching a grey marine right in the visor as he climbed the ladder, causing it to fall down. "I could use some sort of melee weapon now..." He sighed to himself, realizing the Terran arsenal had no melee weapons, not even spears. "SHI--" He yelled, dodging a grey marauder which almost fell on him after climbing the wall.

Once they got to the walls, red and grey marines, marauder, ghosts and reapers were using their guns as clubs if not using their own fists. Now everyone was kung-fu fighting.

After executing a roundhouse kick on a reaper's jetpack, activating it and sending it flying against the hordes, he looked out the walls only to see several marines in a testudo formation with their ballistic shields closing in to the wall's gates. "The gates!!" He screamed. The siege tanks changed their aim and fired upon the testudo, crushing it with their fire. No wonder their ballistic shields didn't stop the artillery shields. However, not after long 7 more testudos arrived. Mike had forgotten that the corrupted forces still have buildings of their own to replenish their troops. "Oh boy..." He sighed upon now seeing a grey ghost carrying a nuke in his hands closing in to the walls. He took the rifle from a dead ghost and began firing upon him, striking several shots but still not killing the bastard before it got to close. Apparently Terrans can go on without half their body as long as they still have 1 HP remaining. "Get down!!" Mike screamed, jumping down the walls. Of course, there was no fear in jumping down a hundred metres tall wall since there was no collision damage anyways.

The wall exploded, with a mushroom cloud now emanating from the wrecks. Whoever didn't get caught in the blast was sent flying. Mike was caught in the blast too, which sent him to the ground right behind the wall, with grey terrans now charging through the gap towards him.

"Mike!" The marauder from before yelled, before jumping right off the wall onto the grey Terrans. Unfortunately his weight, added with the mud that the chocolate rain caused, made him dig into the ground and be half stuck. "This sucks." He ranted.

Behind Mike, a wave of red marines arrived and stood with their guns ready.

"Fire!!" Mike commanded. At his order, the marines fired and laid waste to those who were trying to enter the gap. "Fall back!! Get everybody to the castle!!" Mike ordered, seeing as the battle was being lost.

"The walls are taken. It is over." Celestia spoke. Her cynicism getting the best of her.

"I said this place will never fall while my men defend it! They still defend it! They have died defending it!" Mike yelled.

The noise of a battering ram ramming against the door startled them. Though they have grown used to it in such a short time span.

"They're breaking in!" A ghost yelled.

"Is there no other way for us to get out of here?" Mike questioned. He received no answer. "Is there no other way?!"

"There is one passage." A guard answered. "It leads to the mountains, but we'll not get far, the corrupted hordes are too many."

"Take everyone there then, we have nothing else to do!"

"So much death." A ghost mentioned. "What can Terrans do against such reckless micro?"

"Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them." Mike stated.

"For death and glory..." The ghost continued, his spirit rising.

"For Equestria..."

"For ponies and Terrans alike."

"The sun is rising." 'Raud mentioned.

"Yes... Yes..." Celestia muttered. "The horn of Canterlot of Equestria... Will sound in the fields... One last time."

"Yesh!" 'Raud spoke before rushing to the horn of Canterlot.

"Let this be the hour... When we draw guns together." The ghost stated. "Fell deeds, awake..." At this point, the gates were being torn down by the battering ram. "Now for wrath, now for ruin..."

"And a red dawn!" Mike completed.

The horn of Canterlot now sung in the fields, echoing in the castle and everywhere else in Equestria, just as the gates fell down and the grey forces charged through.

"Forth Terrans!!" Mike yelled while drawing his gun. and charing forwards to meet the grey forces, with every terran not dead now following behind him, shooting their way through the gate, and then outside where the corpses of Terrans littered the streets. Well, right until the corpses disappeared to save RAM, that is. Mike and his men, who barely numbered the dozen, broke through the grey tide outside, now meeting thousands upon thousands of the corrupted Terrans, but their morale not faltering at any second. Until, in the horizon, Mike could see a shining figure. Not seconds later, the shining figure was met with strange lights around him and, after they dissipated, more silhouettes showed up.

"I am Executor Kra'Ser, of the templar." Mike could hear in his mind. "The time for introductions is short, and we appear to be fighting against a common foe. I will draw my blades against these foes which you have been fighting against, you will not stand alone in your darkest hour as long as I remain unshattered."

"A... Protoss..." He muttered to himself, right before receiving a shot in the chest but pulling through the pain and keep on fighting.

"Brothers!!" He kept on hearing in his mind, right before seeing in the horizon how hundreds upon hundreds of protoss warriors now backed Kra'Ser up, the grey Terrans now turning to face them. "To Aiur!!"

The entire protoss forces now gave a warcry as they charged downhill to meet the corrupted Terrans. Zealots, Stalkers, Templars, Void Rays and Carriers, and even the mighty Archons joined the charge al the while psionic storms filled the air.

"Ugh..." Mike ranted, sitting against a wall spitting blood while covering his chest wound which bled at an alarming rate.

"Mike...?" Twilight asked with worry, hoping that what she believed what was happening wasn't the truth. "Come on, you survived worse things in your time here, you can't just... Go..."

"The objects of your universe... Of this place..." Mike explained while coughing heavily. "Cannot harm those of mine... Nor can the inverse happen... That's why none of my... 'Plans'... Ended up with pony casualties... But the weapons of my universe... They can harm me, and... Potentially kill me."

"That's... That's a lie!! You can't die!! Not after this!!" Twilight began tearing up with her friends behind her. "We still need you... Discord is still free!"

"Can't ya just... Use that heal bus and heal yaself?" Applejack questioned, trying to come up with a solution to such event.

"Unfortunately... Not... Time's up, I guess... Come on, maybe that fella... What's his name... Kra'Ser can help you lot..."

Kra'Ser, the Templar, had arrived. Slowly, he walked his way towards Mike, with everyone present looking at him with confusion and awe. A Protoss, the one who had led his brethren against the corrupted Terrans and saved Canterlot, yet not enough to save Mike, it would seem. All allowed him to walk unhindered, moving out of his way as he walked up to Mike and stood in front of him. The wounded Terran simply stared back, unable to speak.

Then Kra'Ser kicked him in the head.

"What the hell?! Asshole!!" Mike ranted.

"You still have a few hitpoints remaining, Terran." Kra'Ser retorted.

"...Damn genius..."

"What." Everyone questioned themselves as they saw Mike standing up and just walking outside to be healed by a medivac.

"Another Terran?" Celestia asked Kra'Ser, figuring that those who came from the same universe as Mike were Terrans.

"No, I am a Protoss. A High Templar."

"Then how did you get here?"

"Archon Toilet and a bad connection." The Templar answered.

"That's my boy." Mike cheered as he returned from outside. "Anyways, what about this Discord fella?"

"Oh, right..." Twilight sighed.

"Chaos over here... Chaos over there... Chaos everywhere!" Discord sang of heresy. But not after long, he could feel the earthquake of a thousand steps again. "What--"

"Surprise!!" Mike yelled right before a Protoss Mothership arrived and casted a Vortex spell on Discord, which swallowed him whole. Right after that, dozens of Archons jumped inside while yelling random gibberish as if it was a drunken party. "You know, you didn't have to send in the Archons." He notified Kra'Ser.

"Old habits die hard." Kra'Ser remarked, standing next to Mike as they stared at the spectacle.

"Ponies, are you going to do it or what?" Mike questioned.

"Alright girls, let's do this!" Twilight ordered the rest, who focused their energies on the Elements and shot them high into the sky, now arcing towards the Vortex and landing inside.

"So how long does this thing last?" Mike asked Kra'Ser while looking at his watch. Kra'Ser just shrugged.

Not after long, the Vortex disipated with a great explosion of several heavily saturated colours, shooting the petrified statue of Discord outside and hitting Mike, while a shockwave now returned everything in Ponyville and Equestria to its normal form. It wasn't the only thing either. Rainbow coloured Archons left the Vortex too, apparently affected by the power of the Elements.

"I feel fabulous." A Rainbowrchon stated.

Back in Canterlot, the six ponies and the two outsiders walked a red carpet towards Celestia, with a public watching them. "We are gathered here today to once again honor the heroism of these six friends and two outsiders who stood up to the villain Discord and his magic, and saved Equestria from eternal chaos."

Everyone cheered at their saviors.

Celestia focused her magic to move a curtain and reveal a stained glass. On it, the mane 6 were bringing down Discord, trapped in a circle representing the Vortex. On the left side, Mike and his Terrans and him were placed, and, on the right side, Kra'Ser and his Protoss forces, who were blue.

Several days later.

"--Princess?!" Twilight became surprised once she opened the door of her house to see Celestia standing outside.

"Hello, Twilight. I came here to see how Kra'Ser was doing. How has he... Behaved compared to Mike?"

"Well..." She sighed while turning to Mike and Kra'Ser. Mike was sitting on a couch watching TV while eating a bag of chips, while Kra'Ser was levitating, sitting in the air with his legs crossed reading several books at once. "He became... Addicted to knowledge..."