• Published 19th Nov 2012
  • 629 Views, 3 Comments

The hoof that broke the sky - packman23

An unstoppable storm sets the Elements of harmony on a quest against yet another ancient evil.

  • ...

Chapter 5

“Just over there would be perfect Spike. That one there thank you.” Rarity gave a glittering smile to the little dragon as he hurried passed carrying yet another pile of clothes for her.

Really the cabin she'd been given was inadequate. Not to say it was small, it most certainly wasn't, but the room was hideously under-furnished. To begin with she'd only had a few boxes to store her things in and that just wouldn't do. Fortunately Pinkie Pie had lent her a wardrobe, somehow. She hadn't seen Pinkie bring anything with her when she got on the airship but after she had agreed to share a room with the earth pony her friend had produced a suitcase, from which she had got a pile of blankets, a picture book, two small geodes and a four-poster bed before Rarity had given up trying to understand what was happening. “Canterlot is quite close Pinkie you won't need lunch.”

Pinkie blinked in surprise, laughed nervously and pushed the oven back into her case, “Right, sorry Rarity. I don't know what I was thinking with that one.” She looked out of a window, “Ooh look a cloud! Isn't this exciting Rarity?”

Rarity looked up, “Exciting? I was beginning to find the rain rather tedious actually.”

Pinkie Pie shook her head, “No, no, no. I mean this whole trip. We're off on a great big adventure to stop the storm and save the world and-” Pinkie Pie took a deep breath and yelled the next words so they echoed off the walls, “We're on an airship!”

Rarity shook her head to stop her ears ringing and thought about that, “Well when you put it that way I suppose it is rather thrilling isn't it?” She glared at the rain trickling down the small cabin window, “But really, is a little sunshine too much to ask on one of these adventures?”

“Hey at least it's raining rain this time, not changelings.” Both of them giggled at that and Pinkie grabbed one of Rarity's hat boxes off an exhausted Spike, “Here I'll help you unpack.”

Over the next few minutes Pinkie Pie produced from Rarity's packing cases piece of clothing after piece of clothing she did not remember packing. She had left that evening dress at home she was sure, the white and gold one had gone in the trash when it had stopped fitting her two years ago and she was pretty sure that hat was her father's. As for the bartender costume with matching boater.

“Oops, uh that's mine.” Pinkie Pie quickly hid the costume behind her back, “Long story.”
Rarity choose not to push the topic and instead halted Pinkie's rapid, but rather counter-productive, unpacking.

“That should be quite enough dear, after all we might have to repack the whole thing when we get to Canterlot.” She glanced out the window, “Speaking of, where do you suppose we are exactly?”

Pinkie was up next to her quicker than she thought possible, pushing up against Rarity to see out through the rain, “No idea.” She declared after a minute of intense concentration, “We shouldn't be too far off right? Canterlot isn't that far from home.”

Almost as soon as Pinkie had shut her mouth the room shook, Rarity gasped as they were both thrown off their hooves and against the opposite wall, she landed on top of Pinkie that time. As she was struggling to get to her feet the room shook again and they were thrown back again, this time she had the misfortune of making a sort of trampoline for Pinkie, sending her friend careening into the ceiling. Thunder rumbled from outside and suddenly the window was on the roof and the two of them ended up in yet another pile of wiggling legs and yelling.

Pinkie was back up first and helped Rarity back onto her hooves, both hurried to the window only to find they couldn't see out. The rain had grown much stronger and was pouring down in an impenetrable torrent.

Rarity quickly found her coat and umbrella and hurried to the door to find out just what was going on. Pinkie made no such preparations and just stepped out into the rain

The wind was the first thing that hit them. The small alleyway that their cabin opened out onto through this door funneled the wind and threatened almost at once to throw both of them off of balance again. Rarity's umbrella was almost ripped from her grip by the weather's force. The biting cold rain came not long after. Within almost a second Pinkie's curly mane was sopping and clinging in dripping clumps to her head, Rarity was spared from the worst of it but strangely seemed to be the one most bothered by it.

The two of them fought against the wind and rain as fast as they could, heading to the front of the ship. Reaching it they found Twilight already there, book in hoof, talking to the captain, both yelling to be heard over the wind and thunder.

“I'm sorry Miss Sparkle but there's only so much we can do. The storms weren't so bad when we left and this ship isn't designed to be a cruise liner.”

Twilight nodded, “I don't care about comfort, the fate of Equestria could very well depend upon us getting to Canterlot quickly.”

“As you say Miss. It's going to be a bumpy ride though.”

“I'll tell them that.” She turned and hurried passed Rarity and Pinkie into the labyrinth of cabins that made up the ship.

“Ah, Miss Rarity and-” The captain squinted through the rain, “I'm sorry I don't think we've met yet.”

Pinkie smiled, “Hey I'm Pinkie Pie, well okay I'm Pinkamenia Diane Pie, but everyone just calls me Pinkie because my other name's super-duper long and kinda boring. Seriously even I get bored saying my name too much and it's my name but everypony tells me I have a short attention span anyway and- hey is that Canterlot?”

Rarity blinked at Pinkie's name. She had had no idea that Pinkie Pie was short for anything let alone that. She would ask Pinkie about it later she supposed, after all you didn't end up with a name like that for no reason, right now though Captain Stuart had managed to shake himself out of his Post-Pinkie Surprised Silence (or PPSS for short, the name had been Twilight's invention) and was talking again, “Yes we've reached Canterlot, or at least the outskirts, but the storms have flared up again and we're having trouble getting past.”
He turned to his crewponies and yelled more orders, “We can break through though if we're going fast enough. You might want to hold onto something, this can get a little scary for new passengers.”

Rarity obediently grabbed a guard rail. She had no desire to spend anymore time with Pinkie Pie sitting on her head today. Pinkie on the other hand gripped the mast, wrapping her front hooves around it and let out a loud 'Wheeeeee' as the Moon Princess plunged in to the storm.

It was halfway through the maelstrom that Rarity heard the sound. It was distant and indistinct yet it boomed above the howling wind and roaring thunder. If anyone else heard it though they didn't react. The second time Pinkie pricked her ears up as well. It was a voice Rarity realised, as she strained to hear the sound.

A mare's voice she realised the third time it came, by the fourth repeat she could pick out words.

“Cit- -lot -omes” The storm was dying around them. It was still strong but the howl of the wind had been reduced to a whistle, the drumbeat of rain to a patter and the voice was clearer.

Citizens of Canterlot!” The voice thundered, “Please remain in your homes. Pegasi sworn to thine defence are doing their best to drive off the storm as we speak and we assure thee that thy shalt be informed when it is safe to venture outside.” The voice fell silent again but Rarity didn't need to hear it again to recognise Princess Luna. Whatever it was that had lured the Princess of the night out during the day Rarity knew it would be serious and it didn't help put her mind at ease to hear the Royal Canterlot voice booming across the city.

They reached the airship docks just as the princess was beginning her speech yet again. Rarity had been thrown about so much by the storm by then that when she let go of her gangplank it took all her effort just to remain standing and the prospect of the long descent down was looking about as appetising as Sweetie Belle's last attempt at breakfast.
Fortunately for Rarity the crew of the ship made no move to lower the rope ladder, most of them simply moved below deck to make way for what looked like three pegasi descending from somewhere within the city. On their approach Rarity could see that that wasn't strictly true. The figures were actually a pegasi, and a batpony in heavy plates with a larger figure between them, by the looks of things carrying something heavy.

The two smaller ponies landed first in a flurry of gleaming metal and flapping cloaks. The pegasus bounced to her feet and hurried to somewhere undercover while the batpony merely stood there waiting for the third flier.

The bigger pony didn't land immediately, instead they dropped their cargo lightly upon the deck and landed next to it, by the time they threw back their hood though Rarity had already guessed who they were, only a handful of winged ponies in the world were so tall and none were so graceful, in Rarity's humble opinion. You would have to be a fool not to recognise Princess Mi Amore Credenza, or Cadence as Twilight (and nearly everypony else) called her. That made it quite easy for Rarity to guess who the figure pulling themselves up from the pile they'd been dumped in was. Shining Armor was almost as tall as his wife, although no flier by the shaken look on his face.

The other two Rarity didn't know. She might have seen the bat pony around town just after Nightmare Night. Quite a few of them had stayed in Ponyville for a few days to clean up, but trying to tell Luna's shadowy guards apart was quite beyond her ability.

Her thoughts were disrupted when Cadence caught sight of her, “Rarity!” The Alicorn cantered lightly across the deck and wrapped Rarity in a hug, “Oh and Pinkie Pie. You really must get inside. If you get any wetter you'll probably wash away.” She smiled at the two and led them onto one of the covered walkways while Shining Armor talked to random ponies from the crew, “Sorry about Shiny, he loves this airship. Personally I'm more than a little scared of the thing but I suppose it was what Celestia sent so I can't very well avoid it.” She glanced at the towering bulk of the ship above her with a worried scowl, before returning her gaze to the two ponies, “Well come on then, lets find my sister in law.”

In the end they didn't need to search. Twilight came barreling out of a door and almost knocked Pinkie off her feet if she hadn't stepped out of the way at the last moment thanks to a convenient series of twitchy ears, knees and eyes.

“Candence!” Before either Rarity or Pinkie had greeted their friend Twilight had already dodged passed them and wrapped Candence into a hug, the two stayed there for a second until Twilight spoke again, “So how are the two of you doing. How's marriage to the best captain of of the guard who ever served.”

“I wouldn't know, Ironhoof Stracken died back before Luna was banished. Your brother's pretty good though.” She laughed, “How's saving the world?”

Twilight sighed, “Becoming an occupation I'm afraid. But don't worry I've been reading up on storm control on my way here and I'm fairly confident that we can find a spell to to stop this.”

“Sorry Twily but I don't think that's going to work this time.” Shinging Armor had trotted over while his sister and wife were talking, “Twilight these are Lieutenant Feather Rush and Captain Meadowlark.” He gestured to the two guard that had come with him, “They'll fill you in on everything we know about these storms.”

Twilight blinked, “We should probably find Rainbow Dash then. She's Ponyville's weather coordinator so she'll know more about it than me.”

Feather Rush nodded and shot passed Twilight into the cabins, Meadowlark merely saluted and followed Twilight in an eerie silence. Shining Armor had told her that the night guard could be a little strange but the tall blue bat-pony was beginning to worry her, and the helmet that curved down over one of his eyes really didn't help. She tried to spark a conversation once or twice as they walked but only turned up one word answers or cold courtesies.

Feather Rush found Rainbow Dash first, they found the guard pinned to the floor by their friend, who seemed to have been convinced by the storm that they had crashed and was trying to interrogate the newcomer.

“Who are you working for? It's Nightmare Moon isn't it?” She'd knocked the guardpony's hood off and beneath Feather Rush was a young mare with a red coat, white mane and a look on her face that was halfway between 'What are you doing you moron' and 'Oh Celestia, please don't eat me'.

“Yes.” It was the most Meadowlark had said since he got on the airship, “Now put her down. I don't think the Princess will be too pleased if you end up killing somepony.”

Rainbow Dash by this point had finally noticed her captives uniform and leapt back with a yell that clearly indicated her desire to remain within the atmosphere and away from any large, cold satellites. Twilight took a moment to collect her thoughts (and lower jaw) before she either ran away or burst out laughing.

“Um, Rainbow Dash this is Captain Meadowlark of the night guard and that,” She pointed to the pony that Rainbow had, until a second ago, been sitting on, “Is Lieutenant Feather Rush of the royal guard.” She stressed the last two words just to see the look on Rainbow Dash's face, which was quickly stored away in the recesses of her memory for later.

Dash recovered quickly. She gave both guard ponies her most confident grin and shook their hooves, “Hi I'm Rainbow Dash. You might have heard of me, I'm pretty awesome.”

Feather Rush laughed at that, “And pretty heavy.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.” Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck, “I'm used to having to hit something on these trips. You didn't half hit back though...”

Twilight let them chat for a minute- well the pegasi chatted, the batpony stood in the corner glaring at them both- before she interrupted again, “Rainbow, these ponies are here to talk about the storm and we could really do with a good idea of what were up against before we see Celestia.”

“Right,” Rainbow back to business in at once, “These storms ran us ragged in Ponyville but you guys must know something.”

Feather Rush nodded and pulled out some note paper, “Okay we tried everything but the storms won't stop. The unicorns in the castle called it a-” She squinted at her notes, “Type vee eye eye-” And trailed off.

“Type seven meteorological phenomena.” Twilight filled in, reading over her shoulder,
“With high magic to physical ratio and-” She looked around at three face totally devoid of comprehension, “It's a big storm with some sort of magic trick helping it to come back.”

“That's it!” Rainbow's voice broke the stunned silence, “You're telling me that this whole time that we could of got a load of unicorns together and blasted this storm out of the way at anytime.”

Twilight skimmed the sheet, “No quite but this does make it a little easier to work out what's happening.” She turned to the royal guard, “I take it you've been sent to take us to Celestia once you've given us this?”

“Yes ma'am.” Meadowlark had some how managed to get right behind Twilight without her noticing, “In fact it would be appreciated if we could go now.”

Twilight smiled, finally a bit of urgency, “Of course, lead the way captain.”


Turning away from torrent outside Luna strode down into the throne room, her guards melting out of the shadows to follow her, as was only fitting for the forces of the night.
“We-” She checked herself, “I still maintain that we should have sent out a more subtle means of transport. Airships could panic among the common ponies and insight undue-”

“Luna,” Celestia's voice rang off the walls, not a shout but enough to quiet her sister, “We talked about this, just because we have ninjas does not mean we can just use them for everything.”

Luna grumbled and went on to mutter under her breath. This was about the same volume as a regular pony's speech so, naturally, everypony heard every word she was saying. “We never get to use ninjas. Thrice-Damned Celestia...” Celestia herself pretended not to notice her sister's loud outburst even as her guards gaped at their princess' archaic vocabulary and outright disturbing use of the word 'banana'. After a good minute of uncomfortable silence from all royal guard present however the door swung open to admit a small red mare in royal guard uniform. Featherrush hurried forwards to kneel at the foot of Celestia's throne.

“Princess, the elements of harmony have arrived to see you. In regards to the storm however-” She cast a sideways glance at Luna who had quietened down but was giving everyone in the area a look that would send foals fleeing in terror, “Um, ma'am, is your sister-”

Celestia smiled serenely, “Luna is quite well thank you Lieutenant. Please, continue.”

The guardpony nodded, “Right. In regards to the storm ma'am all attempts to push it back with both unicorn magic and pegasi control have been unsuccessful. All the information we've found about it should be relayed to you by morning in addition to papers on the measures we have taken to ensure citizen safety and others we propose.”

Celestia nodded, “I trust all my guard to handle it to the best of their abilities. Whatever measures you feel are needed take them now.” She stood and crossed to the throne room doors, “For now though I think it's best we don't leave my student waiting.” She turned to the door, “Twilight please would you come in here, bring your friends as well.”

The door was almost knocked off its hinges by the rush of speed with which Twilight entered the room, her friends followed at a significantly more restrained pace, still not used to Celestia's royal throne room despite the numerous visits each of them had had there.
Celestia smiled at them as they looked around worriedly, still shocked by the numerous stained glass windows that depicted their own exploits.

“I'm sorry we took so long Princess.” Twilight had started talking the second she'd been let in, not wanted to waste a moment of her teachers time, “The guard on the door wouldn't let us passed.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow and glanced out the door to see two off her sisters guards melting back into the shadows. Shaking her head she turned back to Twilight, “Yes I shall have to have a word with Luna, I think we have more important matters to discuss now though.” She turned to the numerous Night and Day guard arrayed around the room, “Thank you all. You may all go, I need to talk to my student and her friends privately.”

Salutes were given and in minutes the room was empty save for the two Princess the six mares from ponyville and Shining Armor, who seemed to have come in while the rest of the guard were leaving. Princess Celestia waited for them all to get settled then began.

“I thought it best that we had a little privacy. Thank you for the letter by the way Twilight, I would have sent for you all anyway but it's good to know exactly where the problem has spread to.” She grimaced at the clouds outside, “We have lost nearly all contact with the areas these storms have effected so the times you gave us were the first real facts about the storm over the Everfree we've had.”

Twilight swelled a little with pride at this, “I'm glad I could help Princess.”

Celestia smiled at this, “You were right about the origin point as well. The storm that is raging around you came from the south and the most southernly of all the sites which have experienced such forms is also the first to begin.”

Rainbow Dash cut in before the princess could continue, “That Mount something-or-other right? The one on Twilight's map.” The princess nodded, “Good, because I just have one question, why aren't you their now, I mean you beat Discord this storm can't be that bad.”

“You misunderstand Rainbow Dash. I have tried to go, this storm not only resists any pegasi or unicorns who attempt to break it but also repels my every attempt to leave. On top of that it takes both myself and my sister to keep this storm at bay. Every spell that is thrown into is turned around and used to make it stronger except our own. Perhaps I could leave with enough power but every pony in this city would likely suffer because of it.”

Twilight frowned, she'd hadn't exactly been counting on Princess Celestia's direct intervention but just once would be nice. Sighing in frustration she moved on, “So what can we expect at Ferrum Mountain though.”

Celestia was silent for a minute, “I'm sorry Twilight but I don't know. The mountain range down in the south was a hive of monsters and self-proclaimed gods after Discord's fall, even before that it was rippling with magic. Any one of them could be involved. There were so many, so long ago.” For a moment lightening lit up the sky and in that moment Celestia looked so sorrowful and so tired that Twilight could well believe her teacher had lived thousands of years. Then the moment was gone and Celestia went on with all her normal grace and authority, “Whatever it is though must be very powerful. The Wonderbolts have already vanished when they tried to stop it so I expect danger, but to reach this far this quickly.”

There was silence after Celestia stopped talking as her words sunk in, then Rainbow Dash and Shining Armor were both talking at once.

“The Wonderbolts! And you didn't tell us this why?-” “-Maybe a search party Princess. Give me five ponies and I'll find them-” “-Could this happen? There the Wonderbolts there to awesome to...”

Celestia waited until the talk died down then began again, “You can see why I wanted privacy, something like this could easily spread panic.” She turned to Shining Armor, “As for rescue I think you be best placed here, there will be time to find the Wonderbolts when these storms are put behind us. As for reaching the mountain, girls, I've arranged for the Moon Princess to take you south, Captain Morning Star has been holding the storms back there but we've been unable to stop any since the first but she should be able to find you a way in. I trust you've already realise the difficulty with that part but unfortunately it is the best we can do.” She looked at her sister, “Anything to add Luna?” The regent of the night remained a wall of sulky silence (probably still contemplating just which ninjas she would have sent instead of the elements), “Well then, I suppose you had best be off.”

The ponies muttered their courtesies and filed out, just before they reached the door though Celestia called out to them, “And girls, before you go, be careful. Equestria is in your hooves, but please be sure, I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't think you would succeed.”

The ponies nodded their thanks and left. Celestia and Luna listened until the sounds of hoofsteps faded before either of them spoke. When she did Luna's voice was small compared to what Canterlot was used to.

“Sister, what if they fail?” The ruler of the night gazed out at the storm, “What happens then?”

Celestia wrapped a protective wing around her sister and sent another burst of magic spiraling up into the sky for light, “They won't.” But her voice was equally unsure, “Now dear sister, it's time we do our part.”

Luna nodded, still unsure, “Of course.” She stepped up onto the balcony outside the throne room and inhaled, “Citizens of Canterlot, please remain in your homes!


The trip back to the airship was much slower than the trip out. Twilight spent nearly the whole time talking to the two pegasi guards making sure they had done everything that she was certain of every detail of the storm they faced. The others took their first real look around the city since they had arrived, noticing for the first time the boarded up windows and the occasional scared faces peering out.

It was only really when the massive airship that would take them out of the city came looming out of the clouds did any of them really start to notice the hail. It bounced off the roofs and drummed on the cobbles. It was also about this point that Twilight and Shining Armor turned down a completely unfamiliar road. Most of the others just assumed they were making one last stop, except Spike. The dragon hurried from where he'd been lagging near the back passed the others until he caught up with his adoptive sister/mother.

“Twilight, what are you doing?” Twilight didn't answer, instead taking another turn, “Twilight we don't have time for social calls.”

Twilight sighed, “Oh Spike. You know it's more than that. Ah here we are.” She stopped infront of a tall house with stairs leading up to the door, “I just want to be safe this time.”
Spike looked terrified as Twilight skipped up the stairs and knocked on the door, “But Twilight, I'm your assistant. I can help! I'm not just some baby, I thought you knew that.”
Twilight smiled down at him over her shoulder, “Of course I know that Spike. You've been with me for years but-” She thought then started again, “If something happened to you I don't know what I'd do.” She broke off as the door opened to a white unicorn with pink and white striped hair.

“Ah Twilight.” The mare's voice was flat, and so quiet that the wind almost drowned her out, “How good to see you. You really need to call more often Stareye worries about you.”

Twilight blinked, “Mom, Stareye's a telescope.”

The older mare mouth twitched with amusement, “Yes, it doesn't stop your father talking to it though. Anyway what brings you here, I highly doubt it was the weather.”

Spike's expression went from shocked to crushed as Twilight spoke and he fiercely wiped the tears from his eyes, “Well I was hoping you could look after Spike for a few days. My friends and I are going to try and deal with these storms so I just want to know that he'll be safe.”

Twilight's mother nodded, although her voice still sounded rather bored, “That will be perfectly fine Twilight. Now where is little Spike?”

Twilight hopped down the steps and levitated Spike up them, placing him gently just inside the doorway. He struggled all the way and tried one last appeal, “Come on Twilight, we've been in danger before and you've always taken me along. You can't leave me now.”

Twilight's mother glanced down at him again, “Now Spike, there's a big difference between accidentally endangering all reality and dragging your friends along when you know that there's a 90% chance you'll all die. Believe me I've done both.” She lifted Spike with magic and swept him inside, “Besides I think I have some gems somewhere that I've been saving.” She disappeared inside before an afterthought made her call back, “Do call next time your in the city Twilight.” Then from more distance, “And don't get torn apart by bears.”

Twilight sighed and pushed the door closed behind her, turning to take the confused looks from her friends, “Don't worry girls he'll be fine. Give him a two hours and he'll totally forget where Ferrum Mountain is. Now come on we really have to go. Shiny I told Captain Stuart to unpack Spike's luggage so I'm trusting you to make sure it gets to him.”

The captain saluted and the group moved off, heading for the airship as Twilight passed her brother though she looked up at him, her face marked with worry. Shining Armor gave her the widest smile he could manage, “Don't worry Twily,” He ruffled her mane and adjusted her hood, “You did the right thing.”

Twilight smiled and the two walked together for a while. They talked about magic and weather control and guard duty and anything that might be important. Eventually though they reached the airship. Candence was waiting for them at the bottom of the rope ladder next to a small pile of bags that constituted all of Spike's luggage. She greeted them warmly and helped Rainbow and the two guard pegasi carry the others up onto the deck of the ship.

Twilight was last aboard and found Shining Armor and Candence waiting for her.

“Well,” Cadence placed a gently hoof on Twilight's shoulder, “I guess you'll be off now.”

Twilight nodded in silence, swallowing a lump in her throat the size of a boulder, saving the world was a lot easier when you only knew about the problem when the monster turned up, she wasn't relishing the thought of a long trip when the whole of Equestria could fall apart any second. Cadence seemed to follow her thought and swept the bookish mare into a hug, “Come on Twilight, this is nothing new. You've beaten Discord and Sombra with your friends help, what's a little rain?” Twilight smiled at that and returned Candence's embrace, as her old foalsitter continued in a mock whisper, “Don't worry I'll look after Spike and Shiny.”

“I'll take saving the world.” Twilight replied in a hushed voice, “You know what they get like when you tell them they can't help.”

“Oh, I think I'll cope. Just come home safe okay.”

Cadence released her grip on Twilight then and stepped away, Twilight looked up at her and nodded again, “I will.” A shout came from behind her and she heard the engines starting to hum, “Maybe you should come and visit Ponyville when all this is over. I'd like to see you both when we don't have at least a city to save.”

Cadence's smile widened, “I'd like that. But anyway we need to get going, Celestia is going to need as much help as we can give her keeping this storm back.” She turned and found Shining Armor quickly enough flapping into the air she scooped him up in her hooves and, with one last yell of goodbye to Twilight, disappeared over the side of the ship and out of sight.

Twilight looked out over the city for a few moments watching as the airship rose into the air. For a second she even saw the palace, looming through the rain and silhouetted by lightening. Then she turned and made her way inside to find her cabin. Taking up almost the entire room were boxes of half unpacked books on storms, mythology, anything she'd thought would be useful in working out just what the hay was going on. She settled down in a chair in the corner and picked up an old one on Windigoes.
She had a lot of reading to do.

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