> The hoof that broke the sky > by packman23 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were places in Equestria that were, to put it mildly, unnatural. The Everfree and other forests, huge wastelands and vast lakes. All places where the plants sprawled themselves over the land, the animals savaged each other and monsters waited in the darkness. In these places the seasons twisted and the weather could change at the drop of a feather. Pegasi knew these places and learnt to react to the chaos that surrounded them. Ferrum mountain was not one of these places. Really Spitfire wasn't surprised the pegasi here hadn't been capable of dealing with the storm raging around them. And what a storm it was, for the last six days it had raged in peaks of the mountains, for six days everything the pegasi had sent at it had been rebounded by gale force winds and driving rains. Huge cumulonimbus had towered far above even the mountains and avalanches had even torn down the west face of the mountain. Even from here Spitfire could hear the thunder so loudly that it drowned out her thoughts. Which was why everypony was surprised that the storm hadn't left the mountain. Despite growing in size so fast on the first day that some had worried that it would swallow the world by weeks end, the storm had suddenly halted at the edge of the mountain. Even the rain was sucked back into the maelstrom before it got far, so Spitfire's mane wasn't even wet mere meters from the dark wall of clouds that marked the storm. She turned away from the storm to the others she'd picked out for this job. Celestia had given her free choice of all pegasi in Equestria but really who had they expected her to choose? The Wonderbolts stared at the storm in varying degrees of awe and annoyance (well except Fleetfoot, but from the look on her face the sound was impressive enough). When Spitfire first tried to catch their attention the wind drowned her out, she tried again with the same result. After about a minute she remembered the amplifier one of the unicorns had rigged up for her and, with some difficulty, succeeded in raising the device to her mouth and pressing the switch. The other Wonderbolts showed amazing speed in slamming their hooves over their ears as the machine screeched with magical feedback. “SORRY, sorry!” Spitfire fumbled with the device, trying frantically to turn the thing off before finally hurling the cursed item off the cloud and in to the storm. She cupped her hooves around her mouth and yelled instead, undignified yes but at least it wouldn't cost their ears. “Okay Wonderbolts! It's pretty obvious that we're dealing with some pretty serious magic here. And for those of us that don't understand this is-” She checked the notes she'd hidden behind her wing, “A type 7 unexplained meteor- okay can't read that- that doesn't make sense- I'm pretty sure I don't speak that language...” She trailed of mumbling, before catching her train of thought again, “Well, whatever this thing is we're here to break it up. Now it may look impressive, but just remember we're the Wonderbolts, and nobody breaks stuff like us!” The cheer that went up from her team was just audible over the wind and thunder but it was enough to make Spitfire smile. Yeah they probably only heard half that speech but she thought they got the gist of it. After a few minutes more of yelling right next to the others ears she was pretty sure that everypony had got the plan and that they were ready. Well as ready as a pony could be to fly into a gigantic storm of death. Spitfire shook her wings and, without any other signal, they were off. The Wonderbolts leapt off their clouds in unison, half surging down towards the base of the storm while Spitfire and the others dove straight towards it. The wind whipped through Spitfire's mane, the storm howled ahead of her, she heard Surprise give a whoop as she hit the cloudbank and was swallowed into it somewhere below her. Then Misty swerved up and plunged into the storm above her. Spitfire flattened her wings to her sides and closed her eyes and, a second later, the storm wrapped around her as well. Spinning, ducking, weaving. A corkscrew of lightening reached out from her left and she dodged. A great dark cloud wall split at a kick, only to reform a second later. She sped through the rain under a sky so dark she struggled to believe it was still day. There wasn't time to think. The storm tossed her forwards and back and all around the thunder rolled and roared like a chorus of dragons. Somewhere nearby she heard somepony yell, then a peal of laughter that could only have been Surprise. Then a gust of wind threw her aside and span her until all sense of direction was lost. The storm hadn't seemed this powerful from outside, or this big. In here the clouds just went on and on, it felt like the storm was bigger than the whole world. Spitfire shook her head to clear her thoughts. Since when had she been a poet? She struck a hoof out at a cloud to her side, let the wind sweep her through it kicking out as she went. She fought the wind back, throwing herself into it, corkscrewing and flailing to clear as much of the cloud as possible. Somepony whizzed passed her, dragging a trail of dark clouds and lightening behind them as they darted through the storm. She heard Surprise again, this time above her. The clouds still weren't clearing though. It seemed like every time they broke a cloud another appeared. They were only going to break this one from its heart. Spitfire gritted her teeth and plunged further into the maelstrom. Even pegasi foals knew that the center of most storms was its weakest point, that if that point was destroyed a storm would break up and drift away. It was simple cloud theory. Getting there however was anything but simple. The wind grew in strength and, even with her strength, Spitfire found herself being tossed like a doll by the storm's strength. She must have got turned around at least ten times, thrown off course a dozen more, but she could tell that every blow she did here was making more of a difference; clouds no longer reappeared quite so quickly and when they did they were markedly smaller. At one point a towering cumulonimbus was even torn apart by the wind after she'd split it. It took hours, she no longer had the slightest clue where the others were, but Spitfire refused to give in. Finally the wind abated and the rain above her fell down as opposed to sideways. Spitfire grinned spiraling upwards. She added a twist, spinning the water out of her mane in a way that formed a shining rainbow all the way around her. She'd always loved putting on a show. As she climbed higher the others spotted her, Soarin darted out from a cloud bank near the north face. Doc span lazily up from somewhere on the edge of the storm, his white mane ruffled, complaining angrily about wind speeds. Spitfire didn't see where Surprise came from but suddenly the white pegasus was above her, twirling and whooping. “Okay guys!” Spitfire yelled, happy that her voice could be heard now the wind had dropped, “One more blow and we call this one finished, right in the middle!” She slowed and the others reached her level, they weren't all there but that hardly mattered, they had enough. “Lets break this one together.” She shot down, the others following, wings spread wide, hooves outstretched, aiming straight for the center of the- now much smaller- storm. They drew level, each choosing a point in the storm that would cause the most damage to the system. Then suddenly they were plunging through clouds again, the storm ripping apart behind them and tearing in front of them, four of them together and more following. Diving straight down into the clouds. Spitfire laughed, she span and corkscrewed into the dark, kicking small lightening bolts away and feeling the wind on her mane. Then the storm passed and suddenly all was calm. For a second Spitfire wanted to yell with triumph, then she saw what was ahead of her. Her mouth fell open and the words left her mind. The other Wonderbolts were a second behind Spitfire, still it was enough, for as they sped through the cloud the storm suddenly collapsed, the center followed by the outer layers, just like planned. Unlike the plan however, instead of slowly drifting outwards like any other would the storm suddenly, rapidly sucked inwards. The Wonderbolts were caught off guard, most too surprised to even fight the winds. Regardless the winds were too strong to fight, stronger even than the ones that they had met when the maelstrom was at full power. Even Equestria's best fliers could do nothing but wait as the collapsing hurricane dragged them towards the center and towards the sight that had so shocked their commander. *** Fluttershy rolled over in her bed and tried to keep her eyes shut. The storm outside was like none she'd ever heard before, the thunder roared and even the sound of the rain on her roof was incredible. It had started at sunset and since then she'd been totally unable to sleep. It wasn't that she was scared, really she wasn't. It was just so loud. And it was making all her animals so restless as well. She'd already had to bring the chickens in to stop them- and her- from worrying. She'd spent the last few hours finding animals, not that it was that hard; she'd lived on the edge of the Everfree a long time so most animals knew where to look when they needed a warm, dry home. Now her house was packed to the rafters with every bird, squirrel and bunny she could find. From downstairs she could hear crickets chirping as well. Somehow the sound managed to be louder than even the storm. She'd brought the bugs in too after some consideration, she wouldn't want the poor dears to get wet either, something there size could drown. Not that you're safe in here though, part of her pointed out, rain like this can burst river banks. Like the one last year that left you waking up knee deep in water. That was why she'd finally moved her bed upstairs, it was all very well leaving the higher rooms of the house for the birds and sleeping with the rest of your animal friends as near to the ground as you could but there was definitely something to be said for keeping your bed somewhere nice and dry. The thunder rolled again, shaking the pony out of her thoughts and she buried herself in her blankets, pulling a pillow over her head to block out the noise and waiting for her animals to calm down. Finally she gave up on sleep, pulling herself from her bed she hastily pulled on a bathrobe and headed downstairs. About halfway down a flash of lightening startled her and she proceeded to go the rest of way, much faster than she had wanted to, on her rump. Disentangling herself from the furniture, Fluttershy looked around her house. Hundreds of gleaming animal eyes peeked out from behind table legs, from under chairs and atop dressers. A few of the eyes followed her across the room as she moved but the vast majority of the animals were either asleep or distracted by the storm. Fluttershy took some time to check over the sleeping creatures. After making sure everything in the main room was alright Fluttershy crossed into kitchen to find something to eat. Cowering from things had a tendency to give the yellow pony an appetite. After the whole dragon fiasco she'd practically emptied her fridge. The lightening still flashed at her windows but in the kitchen the lightening was somewhat muffled. After finding some food Fluttershy was feeling better, less on edge. She set herself out a meal and was just sitting down to eat when she saw a small mouse perched on her table. She smiled and passed a lettuce leaf to the mouse. “What's the matter little guy, can't you sleep either?” The mouse chittered stopping to gnaw on the leaf for a few seconds, “Yes I know, I can't really sleep outside my home either. It must be hard for you.” The mouse squeaked and snuggled into Fluttershy's fur for a second. Fluttershy smiled and, curling a wing around the small rodent, she began to sing. She sung until the mouse had fallen asleep and by this point her own eyelids were drooping. She wasn't sure how long she had slept for but when she woke up the storm was even louder than before. The wind whipped around the house as if it were trying to rip it up and carry it off. Fluttershy remembered her mother reading her a story like that when she was young. How she wished being brave was as simple as asking a unicorn for courage, maybe she could ask Twilight next time she saw her (just in case). Fluttershy was shaken out of her thoughts though by a bone-rattling crash from outside her house. She was out the door before she'd even finished working out all the horrible things that could be out there, it could be a manticore, or a windigo, or Princess Luna. Twilight had told her the princess was better now but... well the ruler of the night still scared Fluttershy ridged. As the rain swept into her house Fluttershy's worst fears were laid to rest. If something, whatever was out there was a giant monsterous-ethereal-goddess-of-the-moon-come-to-kill-all-ponies-ever then she'd have been able to see it from the door despite the rain. Unless it was invisible! A small groan from the ground beside her made Fluttershy jump, if some monster could get so close to her without her seeing then- “Sorry.” The pegasus said bumping into Fluttershy as she tried to get to her feet, “Sorry, it's the rain.” The pegasus tripped again and this time fell right into Fluttershy knocking both of them back. Fluttershy stumbled but, amazing herself, didn't fall. It didn't take a genius to see that the poor filly in front of her was suffering because of the rain and, taking the pegasus gently under her wing Flutershy led her quickly into the house. On getting inside the filly shook herself dry. Looking at her properly now Fluttershy saw a small blue pegasus, maybe a year or two younger than her with a windswept, dripping white mane and a cutie mark of green curves which met in the middle in a strange oval. Fluttershy didn't know what a mark like that could mean but knew better than to question other ponies cutie marks. After all how did pink butterflies have anything to do with caring for small birds and other animals? As the filly turned her head however Fluttershy noticed something else about her guest, the strap had been the same colour as the mane it went over but seeing her face the goggles were obvious, big green things with lenses that totally obscured the other ponies eyes. She didn't have that much time to worry about it though because at that point the filly opened her mouth and- Fluttershy rammed her hooves over her ears and cowered on the floor as a piercing wall of sound filled the room. It was no good though, the horrific ringing wormed passed her hooves and filled her head, sending the animals she'd brought in safely out of the rain scattering before whatever it was. The chaos lasted about ten seconds all told, the filly standing in the center of it totally unphased, her head tilted to one side with one ear twitching slightly. Just as Fluttershy was begging to Celestia for deliverance from whatever banshee she had brought into her house the blue pegasi closed her mouth and the noise stopped. “Sorry about that.” She said cheerfully to the air just above Fluttershy's head, “The rain doesn't let me do that and its a bit vital.” She shook her head again, clearing the last of the water, before reaching up to the goggles she wore, “I mean dear Celestia, that was mad, I've been flying blind for hours- well flying deaf- and then boom!” She mimed an explosion with her free front hoof, “Suddenly everything just explodes and I'm thrown all over the place- hey, could you help me with this.” Fluttershy nodded, getting to her feet and going to help the filly who seemed to be struggling with the goggles, “Lucky I crashed right into your house really, I mean with weather like this I could've been anywhere. Name's Echo by the way, Echo Fleetfoot- um are you okay?” Fluttershy wasn't listening anymore though, the goggles had come off about half way through the other ponies story and now Fluttershy could see why they'd looked so odd. The filly's eyes were a brilliant shade of green but the blank stare and milky sheen over them left no doubt. The pegasus infront of her was clearly blind. And still talking, “Oh of course it's this isn't it?” Echo sounded annoyed the tone snapped Fluttershy out of her trance. “Oh, I'm sorry.” She paused and decided to clarify, “I'm really, really sorry I had no idea you were...” She trailed off and a horrible thought occurred to her, “And I almost left you out in the rain, I'm so, so sorry. Here,” She took the other pony gently by the leg, “Come on, I'll just find you something to eat and then we can try and get you home and-” Echo shrugged her off, “Look, thanks but I really don't need-” Fluttershy tried to take her hoof again, “I don't want you to hurt yourself. I mean I thought you were a monster, and I'm really sorry about that. I mean your just a little filly who got lost in the rain and you must be so scared-” Echo almost knocked her off her feet this time she pushed her off so hard, “I was not scared! And I don't need help!” She was off at a run before Fluttershy could stop her, grazing her shoulder on a wall she stopped and made that noise again, before cautiously slipping through the door leaving Fluttershy standing on her own in the main room of her house. She listened to the ringing and the yells of the animals elsewhere in her house, finally she plucked up the courage to call after the filly, “Urm sorry.” A little louder after a second, “I'm sorry!” *** The last stray cloud burst apart as Rainbow Dash drifted lazily through it. She laughed turning to the other pegasus that was on her shift. “Ha, how was that?” The dark grey pegasus lounging on the cloud behind her checked a stopwatch, “Hmm, more like 10.3.” Rainbow Dash glared at her teammate, “If you're going to act like that you can take the next shift.” Thunderlane smiled and, without even bothering to sit up, motioned to the cloudless sky, “Nope, we've got a clear day scheduled and you just cleared the whole sky.” He stretched and yawned, “So I'll just be going.” Rainbow Dash's glare intensified, “Why you- You knew I'd do that.” She lunged at him breaking the cloud underneath him, Thunderlane however leapt off with speed most would never think him capable of. “See you later Rainbow Dash.” He laughed speeding off. “On no you don't!” Rainbow was after him in a second, even with his head start there was no way that the other pegasus was getting away from her. She zipped after him, adding in a little zigzag just for show. Thunderlane shot away straight as an arrow. At the last possible moment before she caught Thunderlane, Rainbow Dash shot up and past him. Thunderlane slowed for a second, breathing a sigh of relief. Then with a crack the heavens opened above his head, drenching him in seconds. Dash laughed, “There you go. That's a cloud. You're a weather pony. Get clearing!” Thunderlane grumbled, pulling himself out from under the cloud. “Do you actually try to make more work for me Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow laughed even harder at that, “Thunderlane if I ever manage to get an honest days work out of you I will die a happy mare!” Even Thunderlane smiled at that, “If you ever manage that Rainbow I'll give you a medal myself.” He draped himself across the cloud and gave it a quick kick to stop the rain, “If you need me I'll be here sleeping.” Rainbow Dash shook her head and made a big show of tutting in disapproval, but she left smiling. Drifting on a warm breeze a few feet above Ponyville Rainbow Dash paused, Thunderlane was right, with actual effort she had managed to complete an entire days work in under a minute. So what was somepony as awesome as her to do with a full day? She was just trying to choose between sleep and finding Pinkie to go pranking when a familiar voice met her ears. “Now- no um not there- just a little to the left, um. Careful there's a stone there.” Fluttershy sounded flustered as always, probably herding some animal through town. Dash smiled, well she'd been looking for something to do, she might as well see what she could do to help her friend. Twisting down over the road however Rainbow saw something very different to what she'd expected. Instead of ducklings or fluffy baby rabbits Fluttershy led another pegasus gently by the wing. They didn't seem to be doing too well, right now the two had stopped and appeared to be arguing, Fluttershy trying to hold the other pegasus back while they tried to continue. Rainbow flew closer to hear what they were saying. “Oh, no you need to be more careful, you almost tripped there. Please if you'd just let me.” The other girl sighed, “I told you I can do this myself. Here listen-” Fluttershy backed away from the other girl, clearly scared, “No please don-” Rainbow knew danger when she saw it, soaring down to hit the second pegasus before they- well did whatever they were going to do to Fluttershy that terrified her so much. About halfway down a sound like nothing she'd ever heard before struck her ears, almost knocking her out of the sky as it wormed through her head. She kept on course as best she could though. There was no way she could miss, the filly wasn't even looking her way. And at the last second her target rolled out the way. Rainbow Dash had to pull up as fast as she could to avoid diving face first into the ground. Pulling herself up from the foot of the tree she'd collided with Rainbow Dash got the first good look at her opponent, her jaw almost hit the floor. “Wait you're-” The filly smiled raising one of her hooves in Rainbow's general direction, “Echo Fleetfoot, pleased to meet you.” Rainbow shook her head, “You're kidding right, Fleetfoot of the Wonderbolts here in Ponyville. I'm one of your biggest fans, you're almost as awesome as Spitfire.” “Well that's a great advertisement.” Echo laughed, “Still it's always great to be recognised. Maybe next time though you should be a little more careful about your first impression.” Rainbow looked down, the ground between her and the Wonderbolt was pitted and grooved where Dash's hooves had struck it and her coat was covered in dust. “Heh, sorry about that.” She smiled again, this time a little nervously, before remembering a little more about the particular Wonderbolt standing infront of her, “You dodged me.” Echo adjusted her goggles and smiled, “Yep.” She seemed to have expected Rainbow to say that. “How did you know I was there.” “I heard you.” On seeing the look on Rainbow's face she explained, “You make about as much noise as a rampaging Ursa.” Rainbow blushed, “I thought you were going to attack my friend.” Echo looked back at Fluttershy, who had been standing next to her the whole time staring at the two and gently trying to coax Echo onwards. “I think your friend is scared of me. She hasn't even told me her name since I crashed into her house- it's a little complicated.” “Don't worry about Fluttershy, she's just nervous around new people.” She turned to Fluttershy, “Come on I'll help. You'll go faster if I help.” No sooner had Fluttershy nodded than Rainbow Dash shot into the air, “Hey Echo I'll race you! I've never had the chance to beat a Wonderbolt before.” Echo laughed and launched after her, making that ringing noise yet again. Yelling quick thank yous back to Fluttershy, the two racing pegasi were over the horizon in a second. The yellow mare lapsed into silence for a moment on being left alone then turned back towards her home. There were countless little critters she'd let in for the night that still needed help after the storm. *** Dash had always said that Fleetfoot was fast but it was hard to appreciate just how fast she was when just watching her perform. Every turn she made the blue pegasus was there, every time she accelerated the other pegasus drew level, every dive the Wonderbolt matched even when Rainbow Dash was scared that she might crash. Rainbow hadn't had a race like this in years, the wind rushing past her, her mane in her eyes. Just her, her opponent and the wide open sky. They flew faster and faster, spinning and twirling until neither were sure which way was up. Speeding through the sky until their wings ached and they could fly no more. It was pure luck that they wound up at Sweet Apple Acres, but both pegasi were glad of it. The trees made comfortable resting places and they could sit in the branches and talk about flight shows Rainbow had seen, most of them Wonderbolts performances. “And then there was that time in the Featherside Pegasus derby where Surprise was at the back of the group and then- whoosh- suddenly she's puts on this burst of speed and moves right up into third and-” Rainbow mimed her amazement so wildly that she almost fell out of the tree. Echo laughed at her tale, “Yeah, I was there you know.” Rainbow nodded, “You should have been in the stands though. It was incredible! Everypony was cheering. I'd never seen anything like it!” “Well she's called Surprise for a reason.” Echo smiled, making that little ringing yell of hers before plucking an apple off of the tree infront of her, “Her races were never going to be boring.” She took a bite, “Still she's a nightmare to practice with. She disappears for days at a time before performances then comes out of nowhere at the last minute just when you're starting to panic. Once, in Cloudsdale, she turned up a minute late wearing a whale hat on her head. I didn't think you could even buy those in Cloudsdale!” Rainbow smiled, “I saw that. Ah, Spitfire's speech at the end was hilarious, she looked like she was going to kill Surprise the second they got off stage.” “I think she tried to- You must be a really big fan to remember that.” “Not really, it was a pretty memorable event.” “Yes,” Echo shrugged, “But it wasn't a very big performance. A fly past really- and to go all the way to Cloudsdale.” She finished her apple and tossed the core away, “You're sure you're not one of those weirdos who follows us Wonderbolts everywhere?” Rainbow Dash blushed, before she could think of a response however a voice from the base of the tree called to her. “Rainbow Dash! Hey, Rainbow!” Rainbow Dash looked down to see Applejack glaring up at her, “What in tarnation d'ya think ya doing?” The apple farmer hollered, “Ain't ya supposed t' be on weather duty. Why in Equestria are ya in one a mah trees?” The weather pony glanced down at her friend, “Why shouldn't I be in your tree? I'm done with work for today. It was set to be a clear day today and look! There isn't a cloud in the sky.” Applejack gave an annoyed grunt and turned her back on the tree, “Oh yeah, what d'ya call that then?” She gave the tree one almighty buck, shaking Rainbow Dash off her perch and into flight. Whatever retort the pegasus was about to make died on her lips as Rainbow caught a glimpse of the sky. Spreading out far above them, growing quicker than Rainbow Dash had ever seen, huge black storm clouds unfurled. Already they had reached the Everfree and were beginning to block out the sun on the outskirts of the town. Thunder rolled and lightening crashed above the trees as the clouds grew darker and darker above the town. Rainbow's first thought was of Fluttershy, stuck in her house next to the Everfree, the poor mare would be right under the storm already. And then she noticed the tiny speck zipping in and out of the storm and another panicked thought came to her. “Oh Celestia, Thunderlane!” > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle used a spark of magic to light a lamp next to her before returning to her book. The storm had come on fast. One second she'd been standing in a warm, bright room, and the next the sky had darkened and freezing rain began buffeting against the library's shutters. Back in Canterlot this might have worried her but Ponyville had stood on the edge of the Everfree Forest for years and she'd learnt from experience that freak storms were to be expected. The weather team would deal with it she reasoned as she finished reading about a spell for making cut gems glow. Rainbow Dash was probably already out there and if anypony could handle this storm it was her. As for her own safety, well the library was an old tree, it had seen worse and its roots went very deep so she wasn't too worried on that count. Just to be sure though Twilight had added a few magical defenses of her own to her home a few days back, they dulled the sound of the rain somewhat and made it easier for her to think. She had just reached the bottom of another spell for purifying rock salts when a frantic knocking came at her door. Twilight sighed and magicked the door open with a burst on energy. Two ponies were blown into the library along with a flurry of rain and deposited in a dripping pile infront of the table. “Applejack,” The librarian slammed her book shut and pulled her friend to her feet with a spell, “What are you doing here?” Applejack shook herself dry and motioned to the other pony who had entered, a pegasus who Twilight didn't recognise, “Rainbow Dash asked me t' get this filly t' somewhere safe.” She picked her hat off the ground and tipped the water off of it, “And Ah couldn't think of anywhere safer than here, Ah hope ya don't mind.” Twilight smiled, “Of course not.” She closed her eyes and sparked the fireplace in the other room into life, “Come on then I'll get you both dried out. Would you like something to eat?” Applejack shook her, “'Fraid not. Ah can't stay right now, Ah need t'check on Applebloom 'n' Granny. A squall like this can cause all sorts a trouble. Oh and Fluttershy was heading through the Forest when the storm hit and ya know her... So Ah'm gonna make sure she's okay.” Applejack turned towards the door and took a step, but a gentle hoof on her shoulder stopped her. “Not to be pessimistic but are you really sure that's a good idea? Storm's like this are dangerous even for somepony as strong as you. Just stay here for a while. Rainbow Dash is going to be dealing with this. She's not going to let anything happen to Fluttershy, she'll sort all of this out.” Applejack nodded, “Ah'd feel better knowing Ah'm doing something t' help mahself.” She stepped out of the door and was swallowed by the rain immediately, “Don't ya worry Twilight Ah'll just make sure everypony's safe and be back before even Rainbow's done clearin' the sky.” And like that she was gone. Twilight shut the door quickly before the rain could soak her totally. Turning to her other guest she took a good look at them for the first time. The goggles caught her attention first. Clearly made for sports pegasi, she recognised them from some of Dash's posters. Her brain flicked through a few other details and had supplied a name in seconds. “Um, Misty right?” The pegasus stared up at Twilight (at least that's where Twilight assumed she was looking) with confusion, “Fleetfoot actually. You were close though. I think I'm standing next to her on the poster.” Twilight blushed before filing that embarrassing moment away in the same section of her mind where she stored the first time she'd tried to teleport and Celestia had had to repair the castle's entire east wing. “Sorry. Anyway you need to get dry, there's a fire in the other room. If you need anything else just call me okay.” The mare bounced back onto her hooves with a fluid motion, “I'd like something to eat thanks. Anything would be great, I'm not picky- well not compared to Soarin anyway.” She zipped towards the next room, although the pause before for she did and the odd little shriek Fleetfoot gave didn't escape the unicorn's notice. Twilight sighed, pushing that little mystery to the back of her mind and began the climb to the library's second level, calling for her assistant. “Spike! We have a visitor! Can you start on lunch.” On getting no response she switched to a mock annoyed tone, “You know if you don't cook something I'll have to do it myself.” That threat got a response. From somewhere on the same floor she heard Spike drop whatever he'd been carrying and footsteps heading towards the kitchen. Twilight smiled, really she couldn't blame him. Although maybe bringing that little incident up was a bit harsh. Twilight stopped for a moment to check the books on the shelves next to her for anything interesting. As she did however an almighty boom sounded from above her followed by a series of crashes as something in the library collapsed. Twilight took the stairs three at a time. She was fairly sure that nothing could do really major damage to her home but she had some rather delicate experiments set up around her home and she didn't want any explosions. Okay, okay any more explosions. *** It took an hour but eventually the storm broke apart above them. Rainbow was exhausted but at least she was still flying, no less than ten of the weather retrieval team had been blown out of the air by the storm's ferocity. So far they'd found eight and none of the pegasi that had been on duty when the storm began. Still, Dash told herself, it wasn't worth panicking yet. Thunderlane and the others had probably just been blown off course. Besides Ponyville pegasi were tough, they'd be okay. So her biggest worry now was the town. With this in mind, after staying just long enough to arrange and send out search parties into the forest, she turned towards the library. She and Applejack had agreed that that was the safest place in the town and so the place where anypony who was hurt should be taken to (the hospital being rather further out of town) and on top of that Twilight was the smartest pony Rainbow knew. If anyone could explain the huge storm she'd just finished with it would her. She found the library as a hive of activity. Ponies she vaguely recognized from crowds around town milled about reading books, others tried to crowd in around the fire for warmth. Rainbow Dash chose to fly over the crowd until she found Twilight. The librarian was rifling through a box of books halfway around one of the library's upper levels. On seeing her friend Twilight broke off her search, plucking out three small scrolls and teleporting them away. “Oh hi Dash, good work on the storm.” Rainbow fluttered down and settled next to the unicorn, “Oh it was nothing really.” “Rainbow,” Twilight gave her friend a sideways smile, “I know you well enough to know that any storm that took over an hour for you to clear was not nothing.” “Well okay, yeah it was pretty awesome. You should've seen me when this huge storm cloud came rolling out of the forest shooting lighting off in all directions-” She stopped looking at Twilight's cunning grin, “Oh sorry, I know I said I wouldn't boast so much.” Twilight looked like she was barely holding in laughter, Rainbow fished around for something else to talk about, “So why are all these ponies in your house?” Twilight shrugged, “I have no idea, at first Applejack was just bringing in any ponies she found that she thought were in danger. Then I guess word got out that the library was safe because ponies just started turning up left, right and center.” She shuffled through the last few books in the box and looked up at Rainbow, “So what do you think of Fleetfoot?” “You mean Echo?” The sudden question caught Rainbow off guard, “She's awesome. I mean she's a Wonderbolt so she obviously was going to be but I didn't expect her to be so nice-” Twilight held up a hoof stopping her, “Rainbow did she say anything to you?” “Well we talked about Wonderbolt performances and flying tricks and we raced. Oh, and she called me a true fan for going all the way to Cloudsdale for a small show.” Twilight nodded, “But just think about that, how would going to Cloudsdale make you a true fan? Cloudsdale is hardly far away,” She started heading back to the stairs, motioning for her friend to follow, “You could have gone there and back fairly easily. It's certainly nothing that impressive for a athletic pegasus like you.” Rainbow trotted along behind the unicorn, “What's that got to do with anything? It was just a compliment.” “Yes but it doesn't make much sense. I've been talking to Echo since she arrived and not much of what she says does.” They reached the stairs and headed down, “She claims she crashed into Fluttershy's house after she and the Wonderbolts tackled an odd storm.” “So there was a storm in the forest last night remember.” “Yes there was, but it didn't break up like they do when pegasi end them. It drifted away like storms do in the Everfree Forest. Even then why bother sending Wonderbolts to deal with a storm in a place where storms just fade away anyway?” Rainbow's head was beginning to get that spinning feeling that came with talking too much to Twilight, “The Wonderbolt's are awesome. Why wouldn't you want them dealing with a storm like that?” Twilight turned to her with a frown, “And there's the other problem, if the Wonderbolts had been here to deal with a weather problem wouldn't you, the head of weather control and one of their biggest fans know about it?” Twilight turned and was down the stairs while Rainbow's mind still worked frantically to find a response to that. They reached the library's main room, where the crowd had begun to break up and trickle home with the storm over, moving through it much more easily this time. “So all this got me thinking and it led to an interesting question.” Rainbow spotted Echo sitting by the fire with a drink in hoof but Twilight was already heading that way and called out to the Wonderbolt, “Fleetfoot, where do you actually think we are?” Echo looked up in Twilight's direction, “In the library?” She answered confusedly. Twilight shook her head, “No specifically, where is this library?” Echo shrugged, “I don't know, somewhere near the mountain, I guess.” Twilight nodded, “Which mountain?” “Ferrum Mountain.” Twilight frowned, “I thought so.” She crossed to a table in the room's center, on which Rainbow saw the scrolls Twilight had been collecting earlier, “Come and look at this Rainbow Dash.” She flicked one scroll open revealing an old map, “Ferrum mountain is here on Equestria's border, right next to the Badlands and...” Twilight trailed her hoof across the length of the map, mumbling to herself, then flipped another map open which showed a smaller scale map, “Ponyville is right... There!” She rolled both scrolls closed and turned to the two pegasi, “See the problem?” Rainbow Dash let her brain catch up with Twilight then remembered why she'd come here in first place, “Wait, wait, wait, that's great and all but what about the storm just now? I mean even with the Everfree Forest next door we've never had a storm that big.” Twilight blinked, “Really? That one right after I came to town was-” “Scheduled.” Rainbow cut her off, “We've built bigger weather systems sure, but the ones that come out of the forest never grow fast enough to get that big on their own. I don't think I've seen one this bad, well, ever.” Twilight grimaced, flipping through a few more scrolls on her table to find something, “I thought something like this might happen some day. Here.” She hoofed a pile of scrolls to Rainbow who sorted through them, recognising them almost immediately. “These are weather schedules. Where did you get these?” “Not important.” Twilight teleported away, returning a second later with an entire box of scrolls which she dumped on the table infront of them, “But when you live in a town by a magic forest, above the gate to Tartarus of all places, I like to at least know what the weather's going to be doing.” She checked through another scroll, “Besides it meant I could change the schedule to a clear night so we could all see that meteor shower last year.” Rainbow Dash made a mental note to check next time that her instructions were still in her mouthwriting before reading through the papers. Most were (thankfully) her own timetables and team lists with the occasional note scrawled in margin by Twilight along the lines of 'buy quills' or 'stargazing'. A few however seemed to be from all over Equestia, from Canterlot all the way out to Fillydelphia. “Um, Twilight, what's this got to do with anything?” “Look at the one I gave you first Rainbow.” Rainbow Dash looked, this one was a smaller scroll than the others and looked no where near as dogeared as the older scrolls. She glanced down the list with little comprehension until she reached halfway down, “Wait Ponyville! This is about the storm.” “Almost, it's about last night's storm. A list of seventeen abnormal storms spread around Equestria in the last two days. It's what originally got me thinking about Fleetfoot and last night's storm and, well, as you can see,” She motioned to the mass of scrolls and books on the table, “I'm still working on figuring it all out. But don't worry about that though I already skipped the bit where I try to handle it all myself and just sent a letter explaining the problem to the Princess so...” She trailed off as she noticed Rainbow Dash examining the scroll, “Oh.” Rainbow reached the end of the letter, “Twilight this is addressed to me.” Twilight suddenly remembered several very important jobs she needed to be doing at that precise second and disappeared with a flash, leaving Rainbow Dash checking through the pile of papers for more stuff 'borrowed' from her mailbox and Echo sitting with her drink wishing she had some popcorn. Not even Spitfire and Surprise were this fun to listen to. *** As the wind died down she finally let herself open her eyes and uncovered her ears. The wreck of a tree Fluttershy had sheltered under looked like it had stood for decades before the lightening had struck it. Now all that remained was a burnt out hulk of charcoal and wood, but it had kept her mostly dry. Fluttershy paused a second to decide how to come to terms with that, some poor tree had given its life just to keep her safe from that terrible hurricane, the very thought made her feel slightly ill. After thanking the once majestic tree and making sure she hadn't done too much damage to the plant Fluttershy set off. Carefully picking her way over fallen tree limbs and roots she tried to work her way home. Finding her way was hard, the forest always seemed dark but right now it seemed lonelier and bigger than ever, no animals skittered through the undergrowth, no birds sung in the trees. It was like the forest was wounded and was hiding somewhere now, waiting to lash out in response, the air was moist and heavy and the emptiness made the sound of the pegasus' breathing come rattling back ten times louder. Fluttershy gulped as a howl came from somewhere else in the forest. It was a lone wolf somewhere she reasoned, and no danger to her. She still sped up though, after all what if it were a timber wolf? Those things could tear a pony apart and there was nothing you could do about it unless you had fire and Fluttershy really didn't like fire. It wasn't so much the danger, she knew enough to avoid burning down her house, it was just the way it glimmered and flickered like a pair of cruel, laughing eyes and the way the smoke stung her eyes and- Fluttershy shook her head to calm herself and forced herself to slow back down to a reasonable place. She wouldn't get anywhere other than lost any faster if she panicked. She inspected the trees and peered through the forest canopy for some clue of where she was. Perhaps it was night now and she might be able to navigate by the stars. She just needed to stay calm and not panic. She could do it, she was used to the forest, she was clever, she was braver now. The wind howled behind her and something brushed against her flank. In a second her calm evaporated like a summer storm and she reared and bolted. The trees screamed passed her in a sickening whirl, cavorting and twisting around her. Cruel, twisted limbs reached out to grab her and she ducked away, changed direction once, then again and again. She turned and twisted and span until she was dizzy, she ran with her heart in her throat, holding in her screams until she thought she might be sick. Still she didn't stop running, she'd never stop running, if she did the forest would catch her and swallow her up and she'd never find her way home and she'd die alone and scared and hungry. Suddenly her hoof struck a rock and Fluttershy flipped head over heels and landed in a heap on hard stone. Biting her lip to hold in tears Fluttershy looked up at where she'd fallen. Ahead of her stretched a half buried floor of black and white tiles overgrown with weeds. The floor was bordered on two sides by collapsing walls and above by half a roof. Beyond that Fluttershy recognised the two ruined towers of the Castle of the Two Sisters. Fluttershy felt tears leak from her eyes as she released not only where she was but also that she had no idea how to get from the castle to her home without help. She could hardly go back the way she'd come with Twilight on her own and since she never went this deep into the Everfree alone she was now completely lost. Losing hope she did what she always did in situations like this, buried her head in her hooves and cried out her frustration. Fluttershy's emotional breakdown was interrupted however by a voice from behind her and a gentle hoof on her shoulder. “Little pony do not cry. You are quite safe here dear Fluttershy.” The yellow pegasus peeked over her hooves to see her only neighbour in the Everfree sitting on a low stone plinth just beside her. “These walls are old, this place still strong. The danger you fear has long since gone.” Fluttershy gulped back the last of her tears and swallowed her terror. “Zecora, it's good to see you.” She climbed shakily to her hooves, keeping her weight of the hoof she'd struck, “I'm really sorry the storm was just so terrible and I worried that,um, that I was going to die actually.” Zecora looked up from inspecting Fluttershy's injured hoof, “If you were dead you would not be worrying. I would think to your animals you should be hurrying.” Fluttershy's ears perked up as she remembered all the creatures she'd left in her house while she'd been rushing around panicking “Oh. of course, those poor dears. I'm so sorry, I don't know how I could of forgotten. I'd better check on them before they get hungry.” She dashed passed Zecora and out of the ruins, before slowing slightly and turning back to the zebra. “Er, would you mind helping me find my way back, I mean if your not too busy after the storm.” Zecora smiled and nodded, stopping to pick a few herbs from between two tiles. Placing the herbs in her saddlebag, she went ahead of Fluttershy into the dense, dark undergrowth. The long walk back through the forest did nothing to comfort Fluttershy's already frayed nerves. Whereas normally the forest was filled with the faint scrabbling of small animals or even the growls of monsters, Fluttershy heard only silence now, no matter how hard she strained her ears. Zecora seemed to sense her discomfort and eventually filled the quiet with talk. Apparently she had been out gathering herbs for potion brewing when the storm had forced her towards the ruin. She assured Fluttershy that it was perfectly natural to feel scared, especially when such a huge storm caught one unawares. The time melted away as the two talked and before Fluttershy knew it they were back at her house, she didn't feel much better than she had when they'd began but was sure she'd have felt worse traveling through the forest alone. She thanked Zecora and the two parted at her door, the zebra disappearing back into the dense forest just outside Fluttershy's door. The yellow pegasus retreated into her house after that, her roof had leaked a little in the storm and her dining room was flooded up to her fetlocks. Fluttershy sighed and began calming the animals that had been in the room. Birds of all shapes and sizes were fluttering up near the ceiling, squawking and screeching in panic. Fluttershy decided to calm them down first, she wouldn't stand a chance of calming the other animals she'd taken in with all the noise the birds were making. With this in mind Fluttershy went to her kitchen and found a mop and some packets of birdseed. While moving aside boxes of hayflakes to find more birdseed she idly began to wonder whether she should have invited Zecora in as thanks for her help. No, she decided as she cleared the water off her floors and coaxed the birds down from the ceiling. Zecora probably had her own problems to deal with, after all her house hadn't appeared as sturdy as Fluttershy's the last time she'd seen it. Fluttershy decided, half way through helping a large group of squirrels down from the rafters, that once she had sorted out all her animals she would visit the medicine-mare and offer to help with whatever she could. After about an hour's work Fluttershy had calmed all of the animals on the lower floor of her house, but there were still more hiding up stairs. Small glowing eyes stared out apprehensively at her from every dark corner as she ascended and she could hear smaller things scuttling and scurrying around in the rafters. These animals were more used to life indoors than the birds had been so she suspected it would be easier to lure them out. Sure enough most of the animals came out of hiding at her call. At first Fluttershy was surprised by just how many of them there were. She found rabbits hiding in her wardrobe, mice crowding under her bed and even a few moles taking shelter in a large box she used for storage in her attic. In half the time it had taken her downstairs she rounded up adorable critter after adorable critter, soothed their panic and found them food. Finally sitting back down at her table with something for herself to eat, she wished that soothing her own growing unease was so simple. Angel Bunny had made her a salad but she had a suspicion that was more so he could avoid the other animals. She'd noticed that poor little Angel always seemed to get more worked up when she had other animals in the house (especially other rabbits) but at the moment she was glad for that. She'd need quite a bit of help getting her house back in order after the tempest that had just passed through. Fluttershy swallowed another mouthful of carrots and settled back to think. Two storms in a day wasn't unheard of in the Everfree but she'd never been caught out in anything like that before. She'd have to be more careful the next time she went through the forest. With her gone how would all her cuddly little guest cope? After all what happened if the next time she went out in the rain she- A sound from outside pulled her away from that particular train of thought. Fluttershy shook herself and went back to eating. Then the sound came again and she almost jumped out of her skin. It couldn't be what she thought it was, it just couldn't be. For a second Fluttershy was almost ready to run and hide in her box in the attic with the moles just to feel safer. Calm down, a more sane part of her told her- with a voice that sounded a lot like Twilight- it was probably just your imagination, or else maybe you didn't hear what you thought you heard. You're tired, the voice insisted, and you've made mistakes before after all. A bit of Fluttershy's mind that was more Fluttershy-y however continued to panic, calmed only slightly by the other's encouragement. Well go and check outside then, the Twilight-y part of Fluttershy suggested, and instead of sitting in here panicking you can be sure about whether your fear is real or not. Fluttershy, weighing the argument as best she could, saw the sense in that. After all what was the point in hiding under her table before she was sure what she was hiding from. It was probably nothing anyway, she would go, look out her door, see nothing worth worrying about and feel silly for being so on edge. By the time Fluttershy reached her door she was feeling almost brave. She pushed her door open and gazed out at the forest beyond. Fluttershy's face dropped at the sight of the towering black clouds above her. Lightening flashed as peels of thunder rippled through the sky. Fluttershy shook like a leaf then, the sensible, brave Fluttershy all but inaudible in the back of her head while the scared, pathetic Fluttershy took control. Fluttershy found herself rooted to the spot, unable to move except for quivering. Her senses only returned when the clouds opened and a harsh rain began. A drenched Fluttershy bolted back into her house, curled into the smallest ball she could manage and prayed to every single thing she could think of that the storm would just go away. The rain hammered on her roof as the huge clouds knitted together and a strong gust of wind carried wisps of them away. The storm grew bigger with every second, like a huge claw reaching out for Ponyville and no matter how hard Fluttershy prayed, there was nothing she could do to stop it. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash was moving at the first boom of thunder, all tiredness forgotten. She didn't bother with the stairs. instead simply darting straight up to the library's upper levels where, sure enough, she found its caretaker. Twilight almost knocked Rainbow out of the air as she came hurrying out of one of the library doors at a gallop. Twilight apologised quickly before pulling herself to her feet and disappearing down the stairs. Clearly they'd both just had the same thought. A third storm in a single day, this couldn't possibly be real. Rainbow caught up with Twilight again to find her friend adjusting the biggest of the range of telescopes that seemed to just appear when needed in the library's main room. “Oh this is not good.” Twilight muttered to herself, “This is absolutely, unequivocally, cataclysmically disastrous! Oh and I only just told everypony they could go home...” Twilight moved her telescope around a bit more before throwing the thing away with a yell of frustration, spinning round to face Rainbow, “Rainbow do you know what this could mean?” She almost shouted. Rainbow Dash grimaced, she'd been hoping that Twilight would be able to help her but the pony in front of her looked stressed out of her mind, “It could mean anything Twilight.” She put a hoof out in case Twilight tried to hurry passed her to find something else, “Look, at the moment its just another storm, so let me deal with it okay. You just see if you can find out anything that could have caused these storms. If it makes you feel better send a letter to Celestia.” Twilight seemed to calm down at this, “Of course, you're right Rainbow getting all worked up won't help anypony.” She gave a shaky smile, “Just give me some time to think and I'm sure I'll work something out. I have a few books on weather phenomena. Spike will know where they are as well and I can send a warning to the princess at the same time.” She was passed Rainbow in a flash and almost out the door when she turned back to Rainbow, “Um, Rainbow thank you for the help.” Rainbow smiled, “Don't worry about it, it's my job to keep you guys in line remember?” A rumble of thunder sounded overhead, “That and to deal with this storm.” She was in the air in a second, zooming out of the library. She yelled her goodbyes back at Twilight as she went. The last thing she heard from the library was Twilight calling for Spike before the storm swallowed up all sound. The storm ran Rainbow ragged this time. From the second she entered it she was tossed forwards and back. After the first five minutes she was pretty sure she knew exactly how Twilight's beloved Smartypants doll had felt after that whole 'want-it-need-it' fiasco. After another minute she decided she'd had enough. Pushing back against the wind and rain she pulled herself through some of the denser clouds, bursting them with a flick of her tail. She kept it up for hours, clouds burst and blew away all around her. She wasn't sure how many other weather pegasi were flying with her but she knew there must be some from the few times she caught shapes moving through the sky around her and from the times she broke through the crowds into the light for a second. She knew there were pegasi missing though and others away searching for them, and their absence was keenly felt. Especially since the storm fought them more strongly this time, even managing to throw Rainbow Dash once or twice. In the end though they broke the biggest banks of clouds sweeping in from the Everfree. Rainbow Dash didn't think she'd ever known a moment more fulfilling than when the heavy rain gave way to a light drizzle and the sun began to shine behind some of the clouds. She let herself flop to the ground as all her energy left her at once. She curled up on the roof she landed on, too tired to look for a softer bed, and fell asleep almost immediately. Her dreams weren't good. Lightening forked off the ground as well as the sky and black clouds rolled overhead, spitting boiling rain down on to the smooth rock below. Through this storm Rainbow flew, searching for her friends, her family, anypony she knew. Once or twice she tried to put her hooves down to the ground and run to rest her tired wings, but the ground was smoother than anything she'd ever felt and she slipped and slid on it, her hooves flailing as if it wasn't even there. She was beginning to get more desperate now. She didn't know who she was hoping to find but the world around her was getting darker and the rain harder and even though the lightening scarred the ground the dips were just as smooth and ungripable. Rainbow looked everywhere but everything looked the same. A shiver ran down her spine. This storm couldn't be real, it just couldn't be. She struck at the clouds in a rage, she kicked and butted them but they didn't burst. They dented, they swelled and they slipped out of her reach. She heard a roll of thunder right behind her, louder than any before it. She tried to move, tried to get out of the way but the lightening was already shooting through her, burning every fiber of her. And she woke up in the dark with the rain pattering softly on the roof above her. Rainbow lay awake for a second trying to remember her dream, but it slipped away almost as fast as she could fly. It was then that it hit her that she was dry. She'd fallen asleep in the rain on a rooftop and now she was dry and inside. She squinted through the darkness to try and see the room around her, but all she could make out was the vague outlines of tables and a few chairs. The blankets she was wrapped in were almost as soft as the ones from home, but had annoying lacy bits on, which tickled her throat as she tried to move. Still they were warm and the bed was comfortable enough. Dash lay back and tried to get back to sleep. That failed pretty quickly though as a little thought niggled at the back of her mind. If it was still raining that meant that the weather team still needed help. Rainbow turned over to get up and tumbled out of bed landing on the floor with a crash. She rolled onto her hooves in a second but not before she heard movement from the floor below her. She groaned, she was pretty sure she knew who her hostess was already (only one pony would have sheets like the ones she was struggling to untangle her back hoof from) and she didn't really want deal with her right after waking up. Her suspicions were confirmed by a voice from the hallway, and the door opened allowing two small lights in. A candle and a soft violet light were shone around the room for a second before a click sounded and no less than five different lamps flickered into life. “Oh good, you're up.” Rarity smiled at the pegasus who had been rendered temporarily blind by the light change, “I'm sorry if I scared you, but I just couldn't leave a friend out on my roof in such weather.” Rainbow shook her head, “It's fine. It's nice to wake up warm and dry for once. Once you get used to sleeping on clouds waking up freezing pretty much follows” Rarity laughed, “Yes, I can't really imagine that myself, though I don't doubt it's a fascinating experience. But I digress, what in Equestria were you doing on my roof Rainbow?” “Yeah,” Rainbow grinned rather sheepishly, “Sorry about that I just couldn't stay in the air, dealing with that storm we just had took a lot out of me.” Rarity frowned, levitating a tea tray in from somewhere outside the room an setting it down on a table next to a lamp, “Dealing with? Hmm, that explains a lot. I just assumed that since we got a storm today it must have been your doing. I guess not.” “Nope, today was supposed to be clear, so if you'll excuse me.” She made to dart passed Rarity but the designer blocked her with a hoof. “Oh absolutely not dear!” She gripped Rainbow Dash with her magic and pulled her back away from the door “You are not risking life and limb out there for some silly little storm.” “But I'll be fine.” Rainbow protested, “Listen it's barely even raining anymore I can have the sky clear in a second.” Rarity ignored her simply pushing her gently into a chair, “The other weather pegasi can handle any other storms that come up just fine without one exhausted athlete.” She smiled and fetched something off the tea tray, “Besides Twilight needs to see you.” She waved a letter infront of Rainbow's face, “This came through about a quarter of an hour ago, asking me if I'd seen you and asking me to send you to her. I thought it more prudent to let you sleep at that point. I wasn't sure how long you would sleep but Twilight can hardly object to waiting a few more minutes, or hours, for you to arrive.” Rainbow took the letter and looked through it, it was short, rushed and said little more than Rarity had. The most notable thing about the letter therefore was: “How did this get here?” Rarity shrugged, “The same way most letters do. I must admit I was surprised myself, we must have a very dedicated mailmare.” She drew the letter back and placed it back on the table, “But anyway Rainbow, would you like something to drink or should we pay the library a visit.” Rainbow didn't bother to answer, instead zipping down the corridor, before she remembered that she'd never been into this part of the Carousel Boutique and had no idea where she was. As she zipped through room after room to try and find one she recognised Rarity disappeared into one of the side rooms. By the time Rainbow Dash had found a set of stairs Rarity had reappeared in a violet rain-saddle, complete with matching hat and umbrella. She gave Rainbow an amused smile before the two of them head down into the boutique and out into the rain. The sky was dark now and clouds covered the moon and stars, sending a light but persistent rain down on the two ponies. Rainbow and Rarity were alone on the roads of Ponyville tonight and they moved quickly. Neither of them really wanted to spend anymore time outside than absolutely necessary. Still by the time they arrived at the library Rainbow was dripping wet. Twilight was waiting at the door for them, looking much more excited than she had when Rainbow had last seen her. She didn't seem to notice when Dash shook herself dry on her floor and practically bounced around the room with an exuberance that rivaled Pinkie Pie's. Rarity and Rainbow dried themselves by the fire while Twilight made a quick dash around the room checking the shutters and casting the odd spell. While shaking the water out of her wings Rainbow inspected the massive pile of books and scrolls Twilight had collected on the table in the centre of the room. “I thought you said you had a few books on storms.” Twilight glanced at the mountain of books, “Oh don't be silly Rainbow Dash that's not all my books on storms. Just the really interesting ones.” Rainbow shuddered as she realised just what Twilight must consider a lot of books. Twilight however was still talking. “It shouldn't be too hard to find something to pack these in, after all I've moved at least this many books here from Canterlot since I've been here. Of course I'll need to make room for a map or two so maybe.” The librarian trailed off muttering to herself. After a few seconds of silence Rarity interrupted her, “Um Twilight, not to sound rude but I was just wondering what this is all about, I mean, have you called us here just to look at books?” Twilight laughed, “Of course not. Dash you remember you suggested I send the Princess a letter about our storm problem. Well no sooner did I send my letter than the Princess sent this.” She pulled a scroll out of the pile with a flourish, “The princess says there have been similar problems all over the kingdom which well, we already knew, and requests that we, by which I think she means Element bearers, come to Canterlot immediately to help.” She was beaming by the time she finished, “I've already told Spike. We should be ready to go by tomorrow morning at the latest.” That gave Rainbow pause. “Wait, you want to go out in this.” She motioned out of the window, “Sure It's not as bad as it was earlier. I'm pretty sure I could make it even if it was. But Fluttershy's not going to be able to, she's not a strong flier. I'm pretty sure the railway's not gonna be running any time soon and, no offense, but that balloon of your's isn't exactly sturdy. One stray gust of wind and we're halfway to Appleloosa!” Twilight's smile somehow widened, “Yes I thought that too, but the princess assured me she'd send something more than capable of dealing with any storm. She says it's urgent that whatever caused these storms is dealt with rather than just dealing with each storm one at a time. That's why I wanted to talk to you Rainbow,” She levitated a notepad and quill out of somewhere, “I have a few questions about the storm.” The next few minutes tied Rainbow Dash's brain in knots. Twilight wanted to know everything from prevalent wind speed to origin point of the storm. Rarity reappeared from some other point of the library while Rainbow was trying to work out exactly what colour the clouds had been from a selection of shades of grey and purple which all looked exactly the same. The designer rapped on the table with her hoof to get Twilight's attention after a few minutes of watching Rainbow try to work out the difference between #000001 and #000002. “Rainbow, Twilight, it's getting late you should probably get some rest.” She had put her coat and hat back on and seemed to be ready to leave. When Twilight noticed this she leapt out of the chair she'd been sitting in and dashed to Rarity. “Are you sure you won't stay Rarity, you'll get soaked out there.” Rarity smiled and shook her head, “Much as it pains me to pass up a warm fire dear, I have packing to do if I want to join you on your trip. Besides as enjoyable as your last sleepover was I dread to think what having myself and Rainbow Dash in the same building for too long will lead to if myself and Applejack almost destroyed your guest room. Now you girls have fun, my boutique needs me.” Twilight tried again to persuade her but Rarity was unconvinced so after a few more minutes Rarity left, quickly fading to an indistinct shape of a pony moving through the rain. After closing and securing the door Twilight paged back through her notes. Finally seeming satisfied, much to Rainbow's relief, she closed the notebook and began collecting up the cards. “I think we're good for the night now Rainbow. If you're staying, the guest room should be okay.” Rainbow Dash assured her it would. After all her house wasn't exactly safe in weather like this, “Good, it's the second and third door on the left on the second floor. If you need anything in the night you know where I'll be.” She pointed to the book pile in the room's center. Rainbow's laugh turned into a yawn as she climbed the stairs. Her legs felt like lead. She would have flown but her wings felt even worse. The guest room was exactly where Twilight said it would be. A simple, sparsely furnished room (if you didn't count the bookcases that covered two walls) the entire place seemed to have been well refurbished since Applejack had pulled a tree in through the window, and by the looks of things one of the walls. The huge window cast enough of a glow from some unknown light source for Rainbow to easily plod her way over to the bed, avoiding various boxes Twilight seemed to of left in the room for storage. On trying to get into bed though she was stopped short, as she almost climbed in on top of somepony else. In her exhaustion Rainbow Dash had almost forgotten about Echo, but thinking about it she should have expected the Wonderbolt to stay. Twilight could hardly send her home after all, and she needed somewhere to stay. Sleeping, Echo Fleetfoot looked even smaller than normal, bundled up tightly in the covers with her goggles resting on the table next to her and her useless eyes closed tightly. She looked absolutely adorable. The urge to hug the Wonderbolt wrestled with Rainbow's constant awe and surprise at being in the same room as one of her heroes and the little, tiny part of her mind that wanted to hit Echo over the head with a chair and take her place. Seeing no chairs in the room, she decided she was too tired to deal with her feelings towards a pony she hardly knew at the moment and climbed in next to Echo. A tiny thrill shot through her at being so close to one of the few pegasi as awesome as herself. And then she was gone lost in a welcome and dreamless sleep. *** As the sun rose over Ponyville the town was treated to its rudest awakening since Pinkie Pie's last 'It's two a.m. on a Tuesday Grand Super Spectacular' party. The rain was swept up off the ground, the trees bent almost sideways and a whirring, whirling noise filled the sky. The ponies near the library were particularly concerned by the hideous grating of gears and random booming and squealing noises as a shadow the size of several houses descended over the square. The few angry faces that appeared at windows hurried back inside and hid under their beds praying to Celestia as the horrible sound intensified and the thing above Ponyville suddenly rocketed down to the ground landing with a ear-shattering, earth-shattering crunch on ten metal feet that smashed the paving slabs beneath them to rubble. When Celestia said she'd send something that could handle any storm she had not been exaggerating. *** Twilight's natural alarm clock woke her up long before dawn everyday so all the a-billion-times-damned, impossibly loud explosion from outside did was to make her choke on her breakfast and to mask the sound of Spike dropping a pile of bowels. Judging from the scream and the string of curses from upstairs though her guests had not been so lucky. Looking up and out her window however dispelled all terror or annoyance Twilight had. Celestia had sent her The Platinum Hammer. Twilight's family on her mother's side had a long history in the Equestrian military and, what with her brother's desire to join the guard, Twilight had spent a lot of her childhood around army equipment. For the most part Twilight hadn't cared a bit for such things. Once you learned that a enchanted spear could exert enough force to split trees in a single thrust and exactly how that worked the appeal of killing machines sort of went the way of the supposed prehistoric human. All except for the airships, the huge gleaming, painstakingly decorated hulks constructed of wood, metal and stone had captivated Shining Armor and Twilight instantly. Especially The Platinum Hammer. Twilight had seen the massive ship before at a parade, just after she had become Celestia's student. Bedecked in streamers, it had floated gracefully above the Princess' box on the quietest mode it could manage (which had still been rather deafening) and the ship had been etched forever in her memory. And now it was sitting outside her house! Unless Princess Celestia came prancing through the door, proclaimed Twilight her heir, introduced to Starswirl the Bearded, and whisked her off to her new job running the Canterlot library then Twilight couldn't think of anything that would make this moment better. Well maybe some dramatic music in the background. By the time Twilight had finished packing some books, charts and a telescope into a reasonable sized bag, Rainbow and Echo had woken up enough to make it downstairs and see what was going on. That hadn't really been necessary, they probably would have been able to see more of the ship from upstairs. In fact they probably couldn't have missed it from Canterlot. Rainbow Dash for one seemed impressed, after a few seconds collecting her lower jaw from the floor, she summed up her thoughts quite easily as, “What the hay is that thing?” Echo seemed a little more confused but excited none the less, “I heard a crash.” She yelled happily, “What is it? Is it something awesome?” Twilight looked up at the airship, “That's our transport and yes I think you could say that.” *** Packing had taken Rarity a lot longer than Twilight. Since three in the morning she had been trying to decide whether the added dryness and warmth of her thick winter coat, or the style and sophistication of her purple saddle mounted umbrella were more appropriate for the trip. And Twilight had assured her that it wouldn't be that long a trip as they'd either save everyone in a week or Equestria would flood completely but should she really leave her seven rainbow coloured cardigans behind? She couldn't just leave one behind after all. They were important as a set. And what about hats? If she kept going like this Twilight and the group would come and go and leave her behind. That problem was neatly solved by the enormous din from outside, the walls of Rarity's home shook for a second and her ears rang like bells. Ramming her hooves over her ears Rarity took cover until the quake subsided then hurried out of the room to find a window that faced the library. Looking out Rarity peered through the rain. Outside Twilight's home something huge reared out of haze. After a brief panic it occurred to Rarity that she must be looking at Twilight's 'transportation'. Whatever it was it was clear just from the size of the shape that there would be plenty of room for all her luggage. Rarity smiled and dashed excitedly back to her room to find seventeen extra suitcases. Fifteen minutes and more than a hundred outfits later and Rarity was fairly certain she had everything she could possibly need for whatever the trip had in store. Almost as an after thought Rarity found a little food, a few medicine bottles and a book and tossed them into one of her smaller suitcases. At last sure that she was ready Rarity pulled on yet another rain saddle and hat and headed out the door, followed by a veritable procession of floating baggage. The rain hammered on the ground this morning and the wind hurried passed in a bitterly cold gust. Rarity cantered through the streets as quickly as possible without seeming like she was rushing. Only a few ponies had braved the street today, a handful of pegasi tried vainly to arrange the clouds in a way that would keep at least somepony dry. Over the other side of the road a cherry seller huddled under the fabric roof of her stall. Rarity took pity on the mare and bought a bag off her on her way passed. For the most part though Ponyville was hiding inside. It was early and already the streets were practically flooding already. Rarity grimaced at the thought of floods and increased her speed slightly, a little loss of grace now and then when there was nopony to see her was a fair price for getting out of this rain after all. She came to an abrupt halt however when she turned the corner and caught her first clear sight of what Celestia had sent to Twilight. The thing was monstrous. Oh of course to the untrained eye it might appeal, but Rarity felt her stomach flip at the sight of it. The thing was a mish-mash of styles from all over Equestria. Not a single bit looked like it was made to fit with the bit next to it above the hull, each just off enough to be distracting. The central cabin section for example seemed to have been made a hundred years after the left hand section of the engine. Above the ship's main body a diabolic system of pipes, rotors and balloons hung, making Rarity question what had been wrong with the good old airship. Then of course there was the size. The thing was abominably huge, the prow rising at least as high as the library's canopy and she had no idea how to go about estimating how wide the thing was. It looked like the everypony in Ponyville would fit inside easily. After a few minutes gawking in a most unflattering manner Rarity swallowed her amazement and resumed her trip towards the library. As she drew closer to the library she realised that, if anything, the ship was even bigger than Rarity had first thought. It towered over her and even with its horrible design Rarity had to admit to being a little impressed by the sheer scope of insanity that must have gone into making such a ship. The library door was unlocked when she arrived and she let herself in, glad of a little respite from the rain. The front room of the library was buzzing with activity. Rainbow Dash and another pegasus seemed to be having breakfast while Twilight practically galloped around arranging her books into three huge travel cases. A forth behind her, which Spike was clearing out the way, seemed to already be packed with Celestia knew what. Dash spotted Rarity first, flapping down from her perch on Twilight's stairs and helping Rarity with one of her many suitcases. Twilight pushed the last few books into one of her cases and slamming it shut she pushed it out the way so Rarity could pile up her luggage just inside the doorway. The librarian then put her own magic into helping with Rarity's stuff. When everything was inside and in a sufficiently tidy pile Rarity turned her attention to other things. She realised pretty quickly that Twilight had been talking through the task while she had had all her attention focused on a particularly stubborn hat box that just refused to fit. Well she may have no idea what Twilight was talking about but she could still deal with it with courtesy. “I'm sorry dear what were you saying, my mind was elsewhere.” “Don't worry Rarity it was nothing important.” “No,no Twilight don't make excuses for my bad manners. Go on.” Twilight looked slightly embarrassed at that, “Well I was talking about The Platinum Hammer actually- the airship out there-” “Yes,” Rarity cast a glance outside, “I did notice it.” “I still can't get over the fact Celestia lent it to me. I've dreamed about flying that ship since I was just a little filly and now it's here!” She gazed at the behemoth outside, “Isn't it just magnificent Rarity?” Rarity frowned, “I suppose that is one way to look at it.” She paused for a second, gazing up at the ships huge hull, “I'm sorry if I sound silly Twilight, but have you put any thought into how we are going to board that thing. We can't very well just go cantering up to it and knock on the door.” “Hmm, no. I can't believe I missed that.” Twilight considered for a second, “Ah,” She turned to Rainbow Dash, “Rainbow I think we could do with a little help here.” > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Platinum Hammer was far too big a ship to have a conventional gang plank. Instead a sort of balcony was lowered over the side of the ship from which a rope ladder was thrown. Rainbow returned before the ladder even reached the ground and gazed up rather impatiently for the far slower figure climbing down from the ships lofty deck. The grey earth pony had introduced himself as Captain Stuart and had, obviously, recognised Rainbow Dash immediately. He had been polite enough, but now he was taking forever and while he climbed she was stuck out in the rain. After just enough time for Dash to get well and truly drenched Stuart reached the ground, seeing the look on his soon-to-be-guest's face he shrugged apologetically. “I'm sorry Miss Dash, but not all of us were blessed with wings, and I gather you'd rather not have your captain dead before we even set off.” He stepped inside the library and lowered his hood, “It isn't very good luck I'm told.” Twilight and Rarity introduced themselves as soon as they stepped through the door, Rarity with the calm courtesy she gave to almost everypony, Twilight with nervous smiles and excited chatter. The captain greeted both with the same polite manner, with a bow and a 'Miss'. He reeled the pleasantries off with a sort of manner that suggested he gave them every day and no longer really thought about them, “I suggest we leave as soon as we can ladies.” He sounded slightly more interested once the introductions were over and a slight Canterlot accent crept into his voice, “I want to be under way before this weather throws any more surprises at us.” Five minutes later Twilight probably regretted agreeing quite so readily. Tossed around by the wind and rain she clung desperately to Rainbow Dash while the mares' luggage was being lifted by a combination of magic, ropes and good old pegasus power on all sides of them. Stuart, Spike and Rarity (of all ponies) had taken the rope ladder but about a quarter of the way up a stray wind had almost lifted Twilight Sparkle from her none-too-steady foothold and threatened to dash her against the ship's keel. After that they had all decided the librarian was safer going up with Rainbow. Twilight did her best to keep a brave face on but Rainbow Dash could see that the prospect of the massive airship were not as exciting to Twilight as they had been from beside a nice warm fire. Stuart and Rarity both had the good sense to smile when Twilight reached the deck and to help her up onto a more level footing. Spike for his part just looked embarrassed, for which he earned an annoyed look from both unicorns. When he were certain all their bags were aboard, Stuart turned to a crewpony and muttered a few orders to them. “Ladies,” Spike glared at him, “It gives me very great pleasure to welcome you to The Moon Princess.” Twilight opened her mouth to speak but before she could be heard the space above them was filled with a fantastic roar and the sails, balloons and rotors of the airship sprang into life, lifting the thing noisily and slowly into the air. After several solid minutes of almost unbearable noise, of shifting gears and crew bustling passed, the legs of the airship slid back into it and they gained sufficient height to clear the buildings. It was as they began to drift over Ponyville that Twilight found Captain Stuart near the prow. “I'm sorry Captain but I just had to ask. I was under the impression this ship was The Platinum Hammer.” The captain nodded, “Yes until about last week. Celestia ordered the ship renamed in honour of her sister's return. The ceremony took a while to arrange though. And then she ordered us out here to fetch you.” He laughed, “With all these orders I'm beginning to wonder whether I'm coming or going. Speaking of... excuse me Miss Sparkle I have to see to this.” He dashed off, leaving Twilight with even more to think about. What with the Everfree and now the ship, she was beginning to wonder if the Canterlot she'd left would still be recognisible by the time they reached it. *** The airship drifted low over the town when Rainbow Dash spotted a figure prancing about on one of the roofs. Pinkie Pie appeared to be trying to affix a sign to the roof of Sugarcube Corner. The earth pony teetered on her back hooves chattering to herself and somehow missed the sound of the airship moving not so stealthily through the sky. She jumped almost a foot in the air when Twilight tapped her on the shoulder. “Hi Twilight.” Pinkie somehow avoided falling straight off the roof and turned to her friend with a grin, “You're just in time to help me with this.” She motioned to the sign which Twilight could now see read 'Rain, rain go away'. “I was watching all these pegasi flapping around and I realised, nopony ever tries just asking nicely. So I was thinking maybe if I put up signs the rain will get the message and go home.” She indicated twenty similar signs on other buildings with messages ranging from, 'Sun please' to 'Chocolate please'. “I've been putting that last one up in every storm for weeks, just in case Discord's listening.” Pinkie leaned close to Twilight and whispered as if the rain would hear, “I even sent a few to Rainbow but no. Apparently no one else thinks it's a good idea.” She glared accusingly at the clouds as if it were their fault, “Stupid water rain.” Twilight took the first chance she was given to interrupt Pinkie, “Pinkie, please we don't have the time. Princess Celestia has called us to Canterlot, urgently. She even sent an airship so-” “An Airship!” Pinkie's smile looked like it would split her head in two, she ran to the edge of the rooftop and began looking in every direction that totally missed the ship above her. “Where? Oh I love airships. My papa had one, well it was more a balloon really. He never let me fly for some reason. So one time I got grandpappy's bike, it had little wings on the handle so I figured it should fly okay, and I pushed it off the roof of our barn. You should have seen the look on papa's face.” Pinkie crinkled her face up into what Twilight assumed was an impersonation of her father, “First he grounded me and then he promised to help me make it fly if I promised never to do it again. So we did and it flew and I was so happy, right until Blinkie tried it and sprained her ankle. And that's why I spent my entire summer moving rocks from one field to another with nothing interesting to do. No wait, I did that every summer.” Pinkie finished with a huge gulp of air, “So can I drive?” Twilight flinched at the thought. As much as she loved her friends, Pinkie Pie was the last pony in Equestria she wanted getting her hooves on an airship, “No.” She responded flatly. Pinkie whirled round. “Oh come on Twilight I won't crash it or-” She stopped catching sight of the ship and her face lit up. With a cheerful cry of “Airship!” She dashed passed Twilight, grabbing her friend by the hoof and proceeding to somehow bounce up a rope ladder, taking the rungs three at a time. Twilight quickly placed that as the most traumatic experience in her life, just ahead of combating world shattering demons and her birthday party three years ago. *** While Twilight was getting Pinkie, not a task Rainbow Dash envied, the head of Ponyville's weather team sped back to her home to gather some things for the trip. Her home was easy enough to find but Rainbow was rather anxious to see what state it was in. Overall she was happy to see her cloud house was holding up rather well, one of the walls looked a patch stormy and a few decorative pillars had collapsed but other than that everything seemed fine. Rainbow alighted gently on the steps and stepped inside. Looking at the empty expanse of white infront of her reminded her how little she actually owned. Since all her furniture was made of clouds it was quite easy for her to reshape them to whatever she needed at the drop of a hat. Beyond that, well Dash was a mare of simple tastes, she really didn't own that much. Some food, a scarf, a compass and some other things that seemed useful could all be fitted into a pair of saddle bags. Then, feeling somehow under-packed compared to Rarity and Twilight, she grabbed an old manual on weather management that she'd owned for years but never really read and took that as well. Flying out her door she just had to head towards the huge ship that could be seen somewhere outside town. Reaching it she found it floating above Sweet Apple Acres. Down below the airship the Apple siblings worked. Big Macintosh carried huge barrels of apples towards the barn while Apple Bloom dashed about collecting them, wrapped so throughly in coats and scarves Dash thought at first that she was looking at a moving pile of laundry. Between her siblings Applejack bucked trees, heedless of the rain. Applejack was shouting so the pegasus flew closer until she could hear. “No Ah don't!” Applejack yelled over the wind, “Ah'm not about to let some lil' storm wreck this year's harvest!” Twilight's voice came booming down from the airship, somehow amplified so much that Rainbow was shocked she hadn't heard Twilight first, “Your family can deal with that Applejack. We need your help.” “Ah'm sorry Twilight but Ah'm not budging! Celestia can handle whatever's causing all this in a day. Right now though, mah family need me. We need this harvest.” “And what if this storm never ends?” Twilight yelled, “Celestia can't handle this, or at least she ordered us to Canterlot. You'll help your family more stopping this storm.” “Really? This isn't one of those things where Celestia coulda handled it 'n' ya just didn't tell the Princess?” “I promise.” Twilight appeared over the side and waved a piece of paper at Applejack, “I have the letter.” Applejack paused in her work and squinted up at the airship, after a second she slumped slightly, calling her brother over, the two muttered to each other for a second. Big Mac gently kicked one of the trees and the apples shook but didn't fall. Finally Applejack turned back to the airship. “Okay, okay the harvest can wait a few days. Just gimme a second to get mah things.” She galloped back towards the farmhouse. By this point Rainbow had reached The Moon Princess and landed lightly on the deck. She nipped into one of the cabins to shelter from the rain, shaking her feathers dry and settling down to wait. She wasn't waiting long. No sooner had she thrown off her saddlebags the the door swung open and Twilight hurried in. “Ah, Rainbow Dash, you're back. You're a little faster than we'd thought, we're still waiting for Applejack.” She frowned and inspected the storm though a window for a moment. “She'll probably be done now though, Applejack's always been a fast packer. Come on, let's see if we can give her some help. Getting her up here won't exactly be easy.” She smiled at that and plunged back out into the rain. Rainbow held back a second then followed, truth be told she wasn't thrilled about being out in this rain, not after the run around it had given her yesterday. She caught up with Twilight with ease and actually beat her to the ship's bow from which a rope ladder had been hung. Far below her she could see Applejack, a battered old suitcase lying on the ground next to her. Applejack paused for a second at the foot of the ladder then, hefting her case up on to her back, she gripped the ladder and began to climb. Applejack made quicker progress than either Twilight or Rarity had, even with her pack, and in no time at all she was pulling herself over the handrail with help from some of the crew. The orange earth pony refused the offers to take her bag and pushed her way passed the airship's workers to where her friends stood. “There!” She announced proudly tapping her case, “Now we know that at least one o' us had the sense to pack stuff we're actually gonna need.” Twilight nodded thanks and offered to move Applejack's bags herself. The Apple farmer still refused however and behind her smiles both her friends noticed the shaky, unsure way she crossed the deck and the way she kept glancing over the side of the airship at the clouds around them. She kept on like this for a few minutes, chatting aimlessly with the other two and doing a poor job at concealing her unease until Twilight finally plucked up the courage to ask her what was wrong. “Um, nothing.” Applejack's eyes bounced around her head like ping pong balls. Twilight gave her friend an odd look but hurried off to talk to the captain to direct him out to the Everfree Forest to find Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash however was nowhere near so easy to dissuade. “You know, you're a terrible liar Applejack.” “Liar! Wha'd'ya mean liar?” Applejack tried to sound angry but the fact she was avoiding Dash's gaze proved that something was definitely up, and it wasn't just the airship. “Ah ain't lied about anything. Not now, not never.” “Then why do you look like me the day before my flight school exams?” “Ah don't know what you're talking about.” Applejack responded stubbornly. “Ah feel fine.” The effect was spoiled somewhat when the engine above them roared and the apple farmer jumped almost a foot in the air. To Rainbow Dash's eternal shame she did laugh at that, “Fine, huh?” Applejack gave her a look that could have frozen a volcano, “Oh alright. Ah don't like heights okay.” Rainbow Dash blinked. That was not the answer she'd been expecting from the same pony she'd seen try to ride a manticor, “But you've been up high loads of times Applejack. You even sat on top of Twilight's balloon when Discord...” She trailed off, nopony really wanted to remember that subject, “You've been to Cloudsdale.” “Don't remind me.” Applejack grimaced at the thought, “The thing is Cloudsdale is huge, when you're up there it's like you're still on the ground 'cept the floor's made of pillows. And the second time Ah was a bit more worried about you there than me. But this thing,” She cast her gaze around The Moon Princess, “It sounds like it's gonna fall apart any second. An' the trip ain't exactly smooth.” Rainbow Dash had to agree with her on that one, if it came to a choice between flying in Twilight's beloved airships or by her own strength she'd pick wing-power every time. “But still, why didn't you want Twilight to know?” “You know Twilight as well as Ah do Rainbow, she'd worry her hooves off. Wouldn't let up until Ah'd dealt with mah problem and wrote a neat lil' letter to Celestia 'bout it.” She smiled at that, “And really Ah don't have time for that right now. We've got a storm to stop and that's probably gonna involve all sortsa magic and runnin' around and whatnot 'n' Ah can do without the life lesson t' go along with it. Besides, we're taking Fluttershy on this trip 'n' she's got enough problems t'deal with as it is, imagine what she'd be like if she realised that some of her friends were just as scared as she was.” Rainbow Dash thought about this for second, images of Fluttershy locked in her home refusing to come out while Ponyville burned around her sprang to mind instantly, followed quickly by images of Celestia banishing both her and Applejack to the moon for 'fatally damaging Equestrian morale' followed by... She dismissed that image before things got totally ridiculous and blushed slightly at even being stupid enough to think of that. “Point taken. Okay I won't tell Twilight or anypony else.” Applejack looked relieved, “Thanks Dash. Ah knew Ah could count on you.” By this point the enormous airship had drifted out over the Everfree Forest. Rainbow Dash flew over the side and helped guide the ship to over Fluttershy's house. Meanwhile Twilight gazed over the side and tried to squint through the rain. Not being as practiced at it as Rainbow Dash, however, she found it hard to make out. Applejack stood by the side, hooves rooted to the ground trying to ignore the wind that whipped in her mane or the fact the trees looked like match sticks from up here. She could already guess what would happen. “Applejack!” Twilight's voice came from behind her, cheerful as always, if a little frantic, “I don't think we can persuade Fluttershy to come out of her house, not when the weather's been like this. Would you and Rainbow Dash be able to help her.” If Applejack panicked a little at that Twilight didn't notice, “Ah don't know how much help Ah'll be,” She tried, “Rainbow's been that mare's friend since they were fillies Ah'm just-” “Please Applejack, I trust Rainbow Dash but we don't want Fluttershy any more scared than she has to be and whatever you say she knows you can keep her safe. You pulled her up a mountain for Celestia's sake. Besides if the two of you help her pack you'll be back here quicker than if I just send Rainbow Dash.” Applejack was forced to agree. With Twilight's encouragement she followed Captain Stuart out onto the balcony and over to the rope ladder which he tossed down again. Applejack gulped, hoping against hope that Fluttershy would be less perceptive than Rainbow Dash. She put her front hooves on the rail. She had almost climbed over when she felt a hoof on her shoulder, turning she saw Rainbow Dash smiling at her. “Need a little help there? Don't worry. We'll get there quicker if we fly.” Rainbow took flight and scooped Applejack up with her front hooves before flapping up over the hand rail. And they plummeted. Applejack squeezed her eyes shut and tried to avoid screaming. The air whistled passed. Every second she expected Rainbow to pull up but they kept falling, faster and faster. They couldn't have been that high to start with could they? They had to hit the ground soon. Her next thoughts were of her family. Please Celestia, she prayed, please make sure that after I die Apple Bloom is well cared for, and Granny Smith gets that new hip and make sure Big Macintosh doesn't work too hard... because if you don't I will haunt you forever! And then Rainbow pulled out of her dive, she alighted on the path outside Fluttershy's house and smiled at Applejack, who was struggling (and failing) not to collapse after her ordeal, “See. Much faster.” Applejack looked up from her spot on the ground, her eyes spinning in her head, “R-Rainbow Dash if,” She gulped, “If you ever do that to me again Ah will buck you so hard-” She staggered to your hooves, “That you will never find both your wings.” Rainbow Dash just laughed at that, hurrying ahead and barreling through Fluttershy's door without so much as knocking. Applejack shook her head at this and followed Rainbow Dash into the house. Fluttershy's rooms were dark and full of glowing eyes. The few candles and gaslights that would have lit the room had all burnt out and it didn't look like anyone had thought to replace them. The rain was even louder in here, Fluttershy's house was like a giant amplifier. That couldn't have helped Fluttershy's nerves Applejack realised. Nor could the constant chattering of the animals all around them. It wasn't hard to find Fluttershy, the butter yellow pegasus was hiding under a table in her kitchen. Rainbow Dash reached her first and by the time Applejack got there the shy pegasus was curled up in her friend's hooves sobbing softly. Fluttershy didn't look like she'd slept that night and Applejack could tell that their friend wasn't up to any trip just yet. “Um, Rainbow?” Applejack shifted nervously, not wanting to interrupt the two but feeling a little annoyed even so, “Will you be able to help Fluttershy? Ah'll go and pack her bags.” She backed her way out of the kitchen, “Call if ya need anything.” She found some large burlap sacks and some saddlebags in one of Fluttershy's back rooms, into these she loaded what she thought her friend would need: food, scarves, a fluffy white dressing gown and an old worn stuffed rabbit. Then after that, she'd only needed one bag in the end, Applejack found some feed and set about trying to coax out some of Fluttershy's animals. Applejack had some skill with animals but even then, Fluttershy just had so many. As soon as she thought she'd finished she spotted ten more hiding animals. After ten minutes though Rainbow Dash succeeded in coaxing Fluttershy out from the kitchen. The pink maned pegasus blearily gazed around the room, then took the bag of feed from Applejack and set about coaxing the animals out herself. In a few short minutes Fluttershy achieved more than Applejack could have managed in an hour. With only a few quiet words of encouragement from Fluttershy the animals were soon arranged in a more or less silent mass in the centre of the room. “Now, now quiet down. Thank you. Now- um- I'm going to be going away for a while, and I want you to know that you're all welcome to stay here while I'm gone and actually I think I might just stay too-” Rainbow Dash cleared her throat and Fluttershy jumped, “Oh right. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone but it won't be long, Angel you're in charge.” The white rabbit looked up from the corner of the room where he was searching through bags of food and gave a contented smile and nod, hopping off towards the kitchen, “And I'm sure you'll all be safe as long as you do what he says so-” Rainbow Dash cleared her throat again and rolled her eyes, “Yes, so I'll just go-” Rainbow groaned, and began shunting Fluttershy towards the door, “Okay, be good all of you and don't get lost and if you need help Zecora-” Fluttershy continued yelling helpful advice to her animals while Rainbow Dash and Applejack both tried to get her and her luggage out the door. However when the first drops of rain hit her the shy pegasus fell silent. Applejack looked down at her friend then back up at the airship above them and quickly realised something. There was no way that Dash could get both her and Fluttershy's bags up there in one go, and Fluttershy seemed to have been shocked senseless by the Moon Princess' enormity so wasn't going to be much help. Applejack eyed the rope ladder that hung from the airship's bow, she'd hated the look of it on the way down but maybe, just maybe, it would be a little better than the way she came down. Behind her she heard Rainbow Dash reassuring Fluttershy again and wished she could help. As it was it was all she could do to stop herself collapsing as she approached the ladder. She picked Fluttershy's bags up and pulled herself up on to the ladder. Behind her she heard Rainbow Dash groan again and turning back around saw her pick Fluttershy up and flap them both up off the ground. Applejack gritted her teeth, she guessed she couldn't avoid it now. She pulled herself up another rung, and almost immediately the ladder swayed violently beneath her. Applejack was sure she'd fall then, but she clung on grimly, climbing another rung, then another. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy kept pace behind her after the first meter or so, Rainbow Dash talking all the while. “Don't worry, just don't look down. You've done stuff like this a million times, just not in a storm like this.” The words were as much for her as for Fluttershy and Applejack was glad for that, just as she was happy her friend was holding back to keep level with her and managing to somehow still be subtle about it “We're gonna need to go a little faster though Applejack, the ladder will swing less if you don't act like you're rooted to the ground.” She shouldn't have expected Dash to be subtle. It was five minutes to the top but it felt like an age. An age of wind rushing passed her, of the sound of the rope snapping and snaking beneath her and that sudden rush of terror and sickness on the rare occasions where she felt inclined to look down. At last though, after far, far too long Applejack dragged herself over the railings of the ship. She landed lightly enough and was glad to see that everypony was paying too much attention to helping Fluttershy on board to notice the way her legs were shaking. Above even the airship's deck Twilight stood on a walkway on top of one of the engines, trying yet again to peer out through the storm. “Your friends are all aboard now Miss Sparkle, we'll be making headway now.” Captain Stuart's voice came from behind her. “You'd better get below.” Twilight nodded, gathering her books up, “Yes of course.” She moved passed the crew and went to find the cabin her luggage was in. Stuart stayed on the higher deck for a second grimacing at the clouds before turning to one of his crewponies, “Engage the engines. Take her up.” Even as he headed back to the cabins, and below him Fluttershy's friends tried to calm her, the engines flared. The balloons above them filled and the Moon Princess lifted further and further into the air on its way to Canterlot. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Just over there would be perfect Spike. That one there thank you.” Rarity gave a glittering smile to the little dragon as he hurried passed carrying yet another pile of clothes for her. Really the cabin she'd been given was inadequate. Not to say it was small, it most certainly wasn't, but the room was hideously under-furnished. To begin with she'd only had a few boxes to store her things in and that just wouldn't do. Fortunately Pinkie Pie had lent her a wardrobe, somehow. She hadn't seen Pinkie bring anything with her when she got on the airship but after she had agreed to share a room with the earth pony her friend had produced a suitcase, from which she had got a pile of blankets, a picture book, two small geodes and a four-poster bed before Rarity had given up trying to understand what was happening. “Canterlot is quite close Pinkie you won't need lunch.” Pinkie blinked in surprise, laughed nervously and pushed the oven back into her case, “Right, sorry Rarity. I don't know what I was thinking with that one.” She looked out of a window, “Ooh look a cloud! Isn't this exciting Rarity?” Rarity looked up, “Exciting? I was beginning to find the rain rather tedious actually.” Pinkie Pie shook her head, “No, no, no. I mean this whole trip. We're off on a great big adventure to stop the storm and save the world and-” Pinkie Pie took a deep breath and yelled the next words so they echoed off the walls, “We're on an airship!” Rarity shook her head to stop her ears ringing and thought about that, “Well when you put it that way I suppose it is rather thrilling isn't it?” She glared at the rain trickling down the small cabin window, “But really, is a little sunshine too much to ask on one of these adventures?” “Hey at least it's raining rain this time, not changelings.” Both of them giggled at that and Pinkie grabbed one of Rarity's hat boxes off an exhausted Spike, “Here I'll help you unpack.” Over the next few minutes Pinkie Pie produced from Rarity's packing cases piece of clothing after piece of clothing she did not remember packing. She had left that evening dress at home she was sure, the white and gold one had gone in the trash when it had stopped fitting her two years ago and she was pretty sure that hat was her father's. As for the bartender costume with matching boater. “Oops, uh that's mine.” Pinkie Pie quickly hid the costume behind her back, “Long story.” Rarity choose not to push the topic and instead halted Pinkie's rapid, but rather counter-productive, unpacking. “That should be quite enough dear, after all we might have to repack the whole thing when we get to Canterlot.” She glanced out the window, “Speaking of, where do you suppose we are exactly?” Pinkie was up next to her quicker than she thought possible, pushing up against Rarity to see out through the rain, “No idea.” She declared after a minute of intense concentration, “We shouldn't be too far off right? Canterlot isn't that far from home.” Almost as soon as Pinkie had shut her mouth the room shook, Rarity gasped as they were both thrown off their hooves and against the opposite wall, she landed on top of Pinkie that time. As she was struggling to get to her feet the room shook again and they were thrown back again, this time she had the misfortune of making a sort of trampoline for Pinkie, sending her friend careening into the ceiling. Thunder rumbled from outside and suddenly the window was on the roof and the two of them ended up in yet another pile of wiggling legs and yelling. Pinkie was back up first and helped Rarity back onto her hooves, both hurried to the window only to find they couldn't see out. The rain had grown much stronger and was pouring down in an impenetrable torrent. Rarity quickly found her coat and umbrella and hurried to the door to find out just what was going on. Pinkie made no such preparations and just stepped out into the rain The wind was the first thing that hit them. The small alleyway that their cabin opened out onto through this door funneled the wind and threatened almost at once to throw both of them off of balance again. Rarity's umbrella was almost ripped from her grip by the weather's force. The biting cold rain came not long after. Within almost a second Pinkie's curly mane was sopping and clinging in dripping clumps to her head, Rarity was spared from the worst of it but strangely seemed to be the one most bothered by it. The two of them fought against the wind and rain as fast as they could, heading to the front of the ship. Reaching it they found Twilight already there, book in hoof, talking to the captain, both yelling to be heard over the wind and thunder. “I'm sorry Miss Sparkle but there's only so much we can do. The storms weren't so bad when we left and this ship isn't designed to be a cruise liner.” Twilight nodded, “I don't care about comfort, the fate of Equestria could very well depend upon us getting to Canterlot quickly.” “As you say Miss. It's going to be a bumpy ride though.” “I'll tell them that.” She turned and hurried passed Rarity and Pinkie into the labyrinth of cabins that made up the ship. “Ah, Miss Rarity and-” The captain squinted through the rain, “I'm sorry I don't think we've met yet.” Pinkie smiled, “Hey I'm Pinkie Pie, well okay I'm Pinkamenia Diane Pie, but everyone just calls me Pinkie because my other name's super-duper long and kinda boring. Seriously even I get bored saying my name too much and it's my name but everypony tells me I have a short attention span anyway and- hey is that Canterlot?” Rarity blinked at Pinkie's name. She had had no idea that Pinkie Pie was short for anything let alone that. She would ask Pinkie about it later she supposed, after all you didn't end up with a name like that for no reason, right now though Captain Stuart had managed to shake himself out of his Post-Pinkie Surprised Silence (or PPSS for short, the name had been Twilight's invention) and was talking again, “Yes we've reached Canterlot, or at least the outskirts, but the storms have flared up again and we're having trouble getting past.” He turned to his crewponies and yelled more orders, “We can break through though if we're going fast enough. You might want to hold onto something, this can get a little scary for new passengers.” Rarity obediently grabbed a guard rail. She had no desire to spend anymore time with Pinkie Pie sitting on her head today. Pinkie on the other hand gripped the mast, wrapping her front hooves around it and let out a loud 'Wheeeeee' as the Moon Princess plunged in to the storm. It was halfway through the maelstrom that Rarity heard the sound. It was distant and indistinct yet it boomed above the howling wind and roaring thunder. If anyone else heard it though they didn't react. The second time Pinkie pricked her ears up as well. It was a voice Rarity realised, as she strained to hear the sound. A mare's voice she realised the third time it came, by the fourth repeat she could pick out words. “Cit- -lot -omes” The storm was dying around them. It was still strong but the howl of the wind had been reduced to a whistle, the drumbeat of rain to a patter and the voice was clearer. “Citizens of Canterlot!” The voice thundered, “Please remain in your homes. Pegasi sworn to thine defence are doing their best to drive off the storm as we speak and we assure thee that thy shalt be informed when it is safe to venture outside.” The voice fell silent again but Rarity didn't need to hear it again to recognise Princess Luna. Whatever it was that had lured the Princess of the night out during the day Rarity knew it would be serious and it didn't help put her mind at ease to hear the Royal Canterlot voice booming across the city. They reached the airship docks just as the princess was beginning her speech yet again. Rarity had been thrown about so much by the storm by then that when she let go of her gangplank it took all her effort just to remain standing and the prospect of the long descent down was looking about as appetising as Sweetie Belle's last attempt at breakfast. Fortunately for Rarity the crew of the ship made no move to lower the rope ladder, most of them simply moved below deck to make way for what looked like three pegasi descending from somewhere within the city. On their approach Rarity could see that that wasn't strictly true. The figures were actually a pegasi, and a batpony in heavy plates with a larger figure between them, by the looks of things carrying something heavy. The two smaller ponies landed first in a flurry of gleaming metal and flapping cloaks. The pegasus bounced to her feet and hurried to somewhere undercover while the batpony merely stood there waiting for the third flier. The bigger pony didn't land immediately, instead they dropped their cargo lightly upon the deck and landed next to it, by the time they threw back their hood though Rarity had already guessed who they were, only a handful of winged ponies in the world were so tall and none were so graceful, in Rarity's humble opinion. You would have to be a fool not to recognise Princess Mi Amore Credenza, or Cadence as Twilight (and nearly everypony else) called her. That made it quite easy for Rarity to guess who the figure pulling themselves up from the pile they'd been dumped in was. Shining Armor was almost as tall as his wife, although no flier by the shaken look on his face. The other two Rarity didn't know. She might have seen the bat pony around town just after Nightmare Night. Quite a few of them had stayed in Ponyville for a few days to clean up, but trying to tell Luna's shadowy guards apart was quite beyond her ability. Her thoughts were disrupted when Cadence caught sight of her, “Rarity!” The Alicorn cantered lightly across the deck and wrapped Rarity in a hug, “Oh and Pinkie Pie. You really must get inside. If you get any wetter you'll probably wash away.” She smiled at the two and led them onto one of the covered walkways while Shining Armor talked to random ponies from the crew, “Sorry about Shiny, he loves this airship. Personally I'm more than a little scared of the thing but I suppose it was what Celestia sent so I can't very well avoid it.” She glanced at the towering bulk of the ship above her with a worried scowl, before returning her gaze to the two ponies, “Well come on then, lets find my sister in law.” In the end they didn't need to search. Twilight came barreling out of a door and almost knocked Pinkie off her feet if she hadn't stepped out of the way at the last moment thanks to a convenient series of twitchy ears, knees and eyes. “Candence!” Before either Rarity or Pinkie had greeted their friend Twilight had already dodged passed them and wrapped Candence into a hug, the two stayed there for a second until Twilight spoke again, “So how are the two of you doing. How's marriage to the best captain of of the guard who ever served.” “I wouldn't know, Ironhoof Stracken died back before Luna was banished. Your brother's pretty good though.” She laughed, “How's saving the world?” Twilight sighed, “Becoming an occupation I'm afraid. But don't worry I've been reading up on storm control on my way here and I'm fairly confident that we can find a spell to to stop this.” “Sorry Twily but I don't think that's going to work this time.” Shinging Armor had trotted over while his sister and wife were talking, “Twilight these are Lieutenant Feather Rush and Captain Meadowlark.” He gestured to the two guard that had come with him, “They'll fill you in on everything we know about these storms.” Twilight blinked, “We should probably find Rainbow Dash then. She's Ponyville's weather coordinator so she'll know more about it than me.” Feather Rush nodded and shot passed Twilight into the cabins, Meadowlark merely saluted and followed Twilight in an eerie silence. Shining Armor had told her that the night guard could be a little strange but the tall blue bat-pony was beginning to worry her, and the helmet that curved down over one of his eyes really didn't help. She tried to spark a conversation once or twice as they walked but only turned up one word answers or cold courtesies. Feather Rush found Rainbow Dash first, they found the guard pinned to the floor by their friend, who seemed to have been convinced by the storm that they had crashed and was trying to interrogate the newcomer. “Who are you working for? It's Nightmare Moon isn't it?” She'd knocked the guardpony's hood off and beneath Feather Rush was a young mare with a red coat, white mane and a look on her face that was halfway between 'What are you doing you moron' and 'Oh Celestia, please don't eat me'. “Yes.” It was the most Meadowlark had said since he got on the airship, “Now put her down. I don't think the Princess will be too pleased if you end up killing somepony.” Rainbow Dash by this point had finally noticed her captives uniform and leapt back with a yell that clearly indicated her desire to remain within the atmosphere and away from any large, cold satellites. Twilight took a moment to collect her thoughts (and lower jaw) before she either ran away or burst out laughing. “Um, Rainbow Dash this is Captain Meadowlark of the night guard and that,” She pointed to the pony that Rainbow had, until a second ago, been sitting on, “Is Lieutenant Feather Rush of the royal guard.” She stressed the last two words just to see the look on Rainbow Dash's face, which was quickly stored away in the recesses of her memory for later. Dash recovered quickly. She gave both guard ponies her most confident grin and shook their hooves, “Hi I'm Rainbow Dash. You might have heard of me, I'm pretty awesome.” Feather Rush laughed at that, “And pretty heavy.” “Yeah, sorry about that.” Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck, “I'm used to having to hit something on these trips. You didn't half hit back though...” Twilight let them chat for a minute- well the pegasi chatted, the batpony stood in the corner glaring at them both- before she interrupted again, “Rainbow, these ponies are here to talk about the storm and we could really do with a good idea of what were up against before we see Celestia.” “Right,” Rainbow back to business in at once, “These storms ran us ragged in Ponyville but you guys must know something.” Feather Rush nodded and pulled out some note paper, “Okay we tried everything but the storms won't stop. The unicorns in the castle called it a-” She squinted at her notes, “Type vee eye eye-” And trailed off. “Type seven meteorological phenomena.” Twilight filled in, reading over her shoulder, “With high magic to physical ratio and-” She looked around at three face totally devoid of comprehension, “It's a big storm with some sort of magic trick helping it to come back.” “That's it!” Rainbow's voice broke the stunned silence, “You're telling me that this whole time that we could of got a load of unicorns together and blasted this storm out of the way at anytime.” Twilight skimmed the sheet, “No quite but this does make it a little easier to work out what's happening.” She turned to the royal guard, “I take it you've been sent to take us to Celestia once you've given us this?” “Yes ma'am.” Meadowlark had some how managed to get right behind Twilight without her noticing, “In fact it would be appreciated if we could go now.” Twilight smiled, finally a bit of urgency, “Of course, lead the way captain.” *** Turning away from torrent outside Luna strode down into the throne room, her guards melting out of the shadows to follow her, as was only fitting for the forces of the night. “We-” She checked herself, “I still maintain that we should have sent out a more subtle means of transport. Airships could panic among the common ponies and insight undue-” “Luna,” Celestia's voice rang off the walls, not a shout but enough to quiet her sister, “We talked about this, just because we have ninjas does not mean we can just use them for everything.” Luna grumbled and went on to mutter under her breath. This was about the same volume as a regular pony's speech so, naturally, everypony heard every word she was saying. “We never get to use ninjas. Thrice-Damned Celestia...” Celestia herself pretended not to notice her sister's loud outburst even as her guards gaped at their princess' archaic vocabulary and outright disturbing use of the word 'banana'. After a good minute of uncomfortable silence from all royal guard present however the door swung open to admit a small red mare in royal guard uniform. Featherrush hurried forwards to kneel at the foot of Celestia's throne. “Princess, the elements of harmony have arrived to see you. In regards to the storm however-” She cast a sideways glance at Luna who had quietened down but was giving everyone in the area a look that would send foals fleeing in terror, “Um, ma'am, is your sister-” Celestia smiled serenely, “Luna is quite well thank you Lieutenant. Please, continue.” The guardpony nodded, “Right. In regards to the storm ma'am all attempts to push it back with both unicorn magic and pegasi control have been unsuccessful. All the information we've found about it should be relayed to you by morning in addition to papers on the measures we have taken to ensure citizen safety and others we propose.” Celestia nodded, “I trust all my guard to handle it to the best of their abilities. Whatever measures you feel are needed take them now.” She stood and crossed to the throne room doors, “For now though I think it's best we don't leave my student waiting.” She turned to the door, “Twilight please would you come in here, bring your friends as well.” The door was almost knocked off its hinges by the rush of speed with which Twilight entered the room, her friends followed at a significantly more restrained pace, still not used to Celestia's royal throne room despite the numerous visits each of them had had there. Celestia smiled at them as they looked around worriedly, still shocked by the numerous stained glass windows that depicted their own exploits. “I'm sorry we took so long Princess.” Twilight had started talking the second she'd been let in, not wanted to waste a moment of her teachers time, “The guard on the door wouldn't let us passed.” Celestia raised an eyebrow and glanced out the door to see two off her sisters guards melting back into the shadows. Shaking her head she turned back to Twilight, “Yes I shall have to have a word with Luna, I think we have more important matters to discuss now though.” She turned to the numerous Night and Day guard arrayed around the room, “Thank you all. You may all go, I need to talk to my student and her friends privately.” Salutes were given and in minutes the room was empty save for the two Princess the six mares from ponyville and Shining Armor, who seemed to have come in while the rest of the guard were leaving. Princess Celestia waited for them all to get settled then began. “I thought it best that we had a little privacy. Thank you for the letter by the way Twilight, I would have sent for you all anyway but it's good to know exactly where the problem has spread to.” She grimaced at the clouds outside, “We have lost nearly all contact with the areas these storms have effected so the times you gave us were the first real facts about the storm over the Everfree we've had.” Twilight swelled a little with pride at this, “I'm glad I could help Princess.” Celestia smiled at this, “You were right about the origin point as well. The storm that is raging around you came from the south and the most southernly of all the sites which have experienced such forms is also the first to begin.” Rainbow Dash cut in before the princess could continue, “That Mount something-or-other right? The one on Twilight's map.” The princess nodded, “Good, because I just have one question, why aren't you their now, I mean you beat Discord this storm can't be that bad.” “You misunderstand Rainbow Dash. I have tried to go, this storm not only resists any pegasi or unicorns who attempt to break it but also repels my every attempt to leave. On top of that it takes both myself and my sister to keep this storm at bay. Every spell that is thrown into is turned around and used to make it stronger except our own. Perhaps I could leave with enough power but every pony in this city would likely suffer because of it.” Twilight frowned, she'd hadn't exactly been counting on Princess Celestia's direct intervention but just once would be nice. Sighing in frustration she moved on, “So what can we expect at Ferrum Mountain though.” Celestia was silent for a minute, “I'm sorry Twilight but I don't know. The mountain range down in the south was a hive of monsters and self-proclaimed gods after Discord's fall, even before that it was rippling with magic. Any one of them could be involved. There were so many, so long ago.” For a moment lightening lit up the sky and in that moment Celestia looked so sorrowful and so tired that Twilight could well believe her teacher had lived thousands of years. Then the moment was gone and Celestia went on with all her normal grace and authority, “Whatever it is though must be very powerful. The Wonderbolts have already vanished when they tried to stop it so I expect danger, but to reach this far this quickly.” There was silence after Celestia stopped talking as her words sunk in, then Rainbow Dash and Shining Armor were both talking at once. “The Wonderbolts! And you didn't tell us this why?-” “-Maybe a search party Princess. Give me five ponies and I'll find them-” “-Could this happen? There the Wonderbolts there to awesome to...” Celestia waited until the talk died down then began again, “You can see why I wanted privacy, something like this could easily spread panic.” She turned to Shining Armor, “As for rescue I think you be best placed here, there will be time to find the Wonderbolts when these storms are put behind us. As for reaching the mountain, girls, I've arranged for the Moon Princess to take you south, Captain Morning Star has been holding the storms back there but we've been unable to stop any since the first but she should be able to find you a way in. I trust you've already realise the difficulty with that part but unfortunately it is the best we can do.” She looked at her sister, “Anything to add Luna?” The regent of the night remained a wall of sulky silence (probably still contemplating just which ninjas she would have sent instead of the elements), “Well then, I suppose you had best be off.” The ponies muttered their courtesies and filed out, just before they reached the door though Celestia called out to them, “And girls, before you go, be careful. Equestria is in your hooves, but please be sure, I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't think you would succeed.” The ponies nodded their thanks and left. Celestia and Luna listened until the sounds of hoofsteps faded before either of them spoke. When she did Luna's voice was small compared to what Canterlot was used to. “Sister, what if they fail?” The ruler of the night gazed out at the storm, “What happens then?” Celestia wrapped a protective wing around her sister and sent another burst of magic spiraling up into the sky for light, “They won't.” But her voice was equally unsure, “Now dear sister, it's time we do our part.” Luna nodded, still unsure, “Of course.” She stepped up onto the balcony outside the throne room and inhaled, “Citizens of Canterlot, please remain in your homes!” *** The trip back to the airship was much slower than the trip out. Twilight spent nearly the whole time talking to the two pegasi guards making sure they had done everything that she was certain of every detail of the storm they faced. The others took their first real look around the city since they had arrived, noticing for the first time the boarded up windows and the occasional scared faces peering out. It was only really when the massive airship that would take them out of the city came looming out of the clouds did any of them really start to notice the hail. It bounced off the roofs and drummed on the cobbles. It was also about this point that Twilight and Shining Armor turned down a completely unfamiliar road. Most of the others just assumed they were making one last stop, except Spike. The dragon hurried from where he'd been lagging near the back passed the others until he caught up with his adoptive sister/mother. “Twilight, what are you doing?” Twilight didn't answer, instead taking another turn, “Twilight we don't have time for social calls.” Twilight sighed, “Oh Spike. You know it's more than that. Ah here we are.” She stopped infront of a tall house with stairs leading up to the door, “I just want to be safe this time.” Spike looked terrified as Twilight skipped up the stairs and knocked on the door, “But Twilight, I'm your assistant. I can help! I'm not just some baby, I thought you knew that.” Twilight smiled down at him over her shoulder, “Of course I know that Spike. You've been with me for years but-” She thought then started again, “If something happened to you I don't know what I'd do.” She broke off as the door opened to a white unicorn with pink and white striped hair. “Ah Twilight.” The mare's voice was flat, and so quiet that the wind almost drowned her out, “How good to see you. You really need to call more often Stareye worries about you.” Twilight blinked, “Mom, Stareye's a telescope.” The older mare mouth twitched with amusement, “Yes, it doesn't stop your father talking to it though. Anyway what brings you here, I highly doubt it was the weather.” Spike's expression went from shocked to crushed as Twilight spoke and he fiercely wiped the tears from his eyes, “Well I was hoping you could look after Spike for a few days. My friends and I are going to try and deal with these storms so I just want to know that he'll be safe.” Twilight's mother nodded, although her voice still sounded rather bored, “That will be perfectly fine Twilight. Now where is little Spike?” Twilight hopped down the steps and levitated Spike up them, placing him gently just inside the doorway. He struggled all the way and tried one last appeal, “Come on Twilight, we've been in danger before and you've always taken me along. You can't leave me now.” Twilight's mother glanced down at him again, “Now Spike, there's a big difference between accidentally endangering all reality and dragging your friends along when you know that there's a 90% chance you'll all die. Believe me I've done both.” She lifted Spike with magic and swept him inside, “Besides I think I have some gems somewhere that I've been saving.” She disappeared inside before an afterthought made her call back, “Do call next time your in the city Twilight.” Then from more distance, “And don't get torn apart by bears.” Twilight sighed and pushed the door closed behind her, turning to take the confused looks from her friends, “Don't worry girls he'll be fine. Give him a two hours and he'll totally forget where Ferrum Mountain is. Now come on we really have to go. Shiny I told Captain Stuart to unpack Spike's luggage so I'm trusting you to make sure it gets to him.” The captain saluted and the group moved off, heading for the airship as Twilight passed her brother though she looked up at him, her face marked with worry. Shining Armor gave her the widest smile he could manage, “Don't worry Twily,” He ruffled her mane and adjusted her hood, “You did the right thing.” Twilight smiled and the two walked together for a while. They talked about magic and weather control and guard duty and anything that might be important. Eventually though they reached the airship. Candence was waiting for them at the bottom of the rope ladder next to a small pile of bags that constituted all of Spike's luggage. She greeted them warmly and helped Rainbow and the two guard pegasi carry the others up onto the deck of the ship. Twilight was last aboard and found Shining Armor and Candence waiting for her. “Well,” Cadence placed a gently hoof on Twilight's shoulder, “I guess you'll be off now.” Twilight nodded in silence, swallowing a lump in her throat the size of a boulder, saving the world was a lot easier when you only knew about the problem when the monster turned up, she wasn't relishing the thought of a long trip when the whole of Equestria could fall apart any second. Cadence seemed to follow her thought and swept the bookish mare into a hug, “Come on Twilight, this is nothing new. You've beaten Discord and Sombra with your friends help, what's a little rain?” Twilight smiled at that and returned Candence's embrace, as her old foalsitter continued in a mock whisper, “Don't worry I'll look after Spike and Shiny.” “I'll take saving the world.” Twilight replied in a hushed voice, “You know what they get like when you tell them they can't help.” “Oh, I think I'll cope. Just come home safe okay.” Cadence released her grip on Twilight then and stepped away, Twilight looked up at her and nodded again, “I will.” A shout came from behind her and she heard the engines starting to hum, “Maybe you should come and visit Ponyville when all this is over. I'd like to see you both when we don't have at least a city to save.” Cadence's smile widened, “I'd like that. But anyway we need to get going, Celestia is going to need as much help as we can give her keeping this storm back.” She turned and found Shining Armor quickly enough flapping into the air she scooped him up in her hooves and, with one last yell of goodbye to Twilight, disappeared over the side of the ship and out of sight. Twilight looked out over the city for a few moments watching as the airship rose into the air. For a second she even saw the palace, looming through the rain and silhouetted by lightening. Then she turned and made her way inside to find her cabin. Taking up almost the entire room were boxes of half unpacked books on storms, mythology, anything she'd thought would be useful in working out just what the hay was going on. She settled down in a chair in the corner and picked up an old one on Windigoes. She had a lot of reading to do.