• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 1,251 Views, 66 Comments

Snips in Time - FacadeArt

Snips gets flung back to the time of his childhood by a crazy time machine. Hilarity ensues

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Next floor: The Future

Snips in Time

Wednesday afternoon
Celestia's and Luna's reign
Year 0

It had been quite the journey for Snips, first he had met with the crazy pink party pony and survived, then he stole a book from Twilight's library, met with future celeberties, done slave work at Applejack's farm, flew around with self levitation, hoofboarded across the town, talked with the mysterious Princess Luna, ran away from zombie ponies in The Everfree forest and made Ditzy the captain of The Wonderbolts and saved Rainbow Dash's future and so on and so on.

Needless to say, the time lines were probably quite different from before and this made him afraid. The zap apple was in his saddlebag, the time machine was fuelled up and the time had come to finally leave.

Unlucky for him tough, he was running once again. Outside the hospital waiting for him was no other than Twilight Sparkle herself!

"Come back Timey! I just want to talk with you!" Twilight yelled after him.

Snips ran even faster, enough with destroying times rightful course!

Once again Ponyvillians were met with the sight of the marathon stallion and once again he was being chased by something, they yelled after him and instinctivly Snips turned around to look only to trip over his own hooves and fall over.

Twilight caught up with Snips quickly, she stood next to the stallion lying awkwardly on the ground.

"You got me! Whaddya want?" he said annoyed.

"Timey!...you...finally..." Twilight panted while Snips stood back up.

"I just wanted to say..." Twilight sighed and wrapped her hooves around Snips "That I...I think I love you"

NO! This was definately bad! Worse than bad, terrible! This could not be happening!

"No you don't!" said Snips while he backed away in panic "You don't love me cause...you forgot one thing!"

"Whats that?" Twilight asked still sporting a sly smile on her face.

"WHAT THE HAY IS THAT!?" Snips said and pointed behind Twilight.

She turned around in confusion and saw nothing only to turn back to Snips to see him running off again.

He ran until he was out of town and there, on a patch of grass outside of town Twilight saw a mysterious metallic box, the doors opened with a *DING* and the stallion ran inside much to the confusion of the unicorn. "Well, he cant escape from there" she thought.

Snips went into the time machine Twilight still after him, using his magic and a stick he punched in the right numbers in panic. "Whats going on?" said the computers AI.

"Causing relationships in the past, very bad for the future, must escape, no time to explain." Snips huffed, opened the fuel compartment and inside went the zap apple and the scarf.

With a burst of electricity and rainbow smoke the machine sprung to life, The numbers on the floor counter spinned, the time cauges spun around wildly, rainbow colored steam rose from the fog machines and the screen on the tea dispenser informed that it was almost out of tea.

Outside Twilight saw the metallic box spinning around wildly, rainbow colored lightning bolts were flying everywhere and the grass around the box singed.

Then the box stopped for a moment until it blasted off into the sky with a *BOOM* and faded into nothingness. The blast knocked Twilight over and she stared in awe at the empty spot where Timey and his metallic box had once been.

Monday morning
Celestia's and Luna's reign
Year 10

Snips stood up from the floor and wiped some sweat off his brow.

"Did we make it?" he said shruddering.

He did not wait for an answer but instead opened the doors with a *DING*

"Well!" said the brown stallion outside "10 minutes right on the clock! I'd say the time machine works then!"

It was nopony else then Time Turned or The Doc himself! "Doc!" Snips said and gave the brown stallion a hug.

"Huh? You're acting like we haven't seen each other for a long time?" said Time Turner confused.

Snips broke out of the hug "Its been a while" he said.

"A while? You just went ten minutes in the future as we planned! See?" Time Turner said and pointed at his hoof clock "Just ten minutes since you left."

"Just ten minutes!?" Snips asked confused. Then he realized that to Time Turner, he had actually been gone for only ten minutes!

"...right...ten minutes." Snips said sighing.

"Is everything all right?" asked The Doc raising his eyebrow.

Snips looked around him at The Canterlot park, there on the side of a building hung a huge picture of Rainbow Dash and the words "The Prismaticbolts" were written underneath it.

Snips smiled "Oh yeah, everything is great." he said.

"You didn't touch the heart shaped button did you?" The Doc suddenly asked.

"What? No...what does that button do by the way?" asked Snips.

"We...we'll leave that for the future." The Doc said nervously.

Snips looked around him once more, everything seemed to be normal save for the picture of RD "Nothing has changed here then?" he said.

"Changed? Why? You think that ten minutes of time travel can change something? Silly Snips." The Doc said laughing.

"Good...very good." sighed Snips.

"Now, off you go to The Canterlot university then, the lesson on human anatomy by professor Lyra Heartstrings should begin in fifteen minutes and you should be there, wouldn't want to get scolded by arch mage Trixie again would you?" Time Turner said.

"...what?" said Snips.

"Also dont forget to get some food when you get back, sweet apple acres apples I guess...since they dominated the markets there isn't much else to buy..."

"huh?" said Snips.

"And Did I tell you that Ditzy Doo, The captain of the Wonderbolts will be visiting us today? Better put on your fanciest suit." said The Doc.

"Seriously?" Snips said.

"On that note, can I get my scarf back? I would like to wear it during Princess Twilight Sparkle parade." asked The Doc.

Snips sat down on the cold snow and sighed, then he turned around and looked longinly into the horizon, opened his mouth and poured out the greatest desire in his heart:

"...I'm getting some pizza."

The End

Comments ( 11 )

Well! that was fun! Hope you enjoyed!! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks to all the readers! :yay:

Noooooooooooo it's over!!:applecry:

Drat. Was hoping for a 'they know who he is' epilogue. XD

Great story but is that really how it end's? Will there be a sequel? This ending just doesn't seem as great as the story itself has been.

I seriously enjoyed this story. I would have liked for Twilight to be a professor and when he went to the University, she remembered him.


There certainly is a possibility for a sequel!

No promises tough. :raritywink:


Oh she'll remember him!

Just not in that "fond" kind of way tough...wait, I said too much! :rainbowwild:

I wouldn't say too much, maybe too little. But, not too much.

Heh... delightfully random.

yea.... leave time paradoxes to the mentally insane because SOMEHOW it works just fine :pinkiecrazy:


We're rolling with some multiple timeline theories here! (Just like Back to the future) :pinkiesmile:

Remember what Dave Strider used to say:

"The thing with time travel is
You cant overthink it
Just roll with it and see what happens
And above all try not to do anything retarded"

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