• Published 4th Nov 2012
  • 558 Views, 2 Comments

Shutterbugs - The Bookieman

Join Flick and his friends on there adventures as they met new friends and solve mysteries.

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Opening Attractions

I was out and about for the day, since Cloudy had actually invited me to her salon’s grand opening. She finally got everything ready to open up. It was quite an event too, even the Mayor was gonna be there. I was happy for her, I could tell that this was what she really wanted to do. So I figured I could show up and wish her well.

After a short walk through town I came to the site of the event. There was a decent crowd of ponies from all over town. Looking around in the crowd I saw Junie and Goldie there too. I walked up and greeted them. “Oh hey guys. Want to say hi to Cloudy too?”

Junie turned around and smiled. “Oh hey Flicky. I figured might as well. She seemed nice enough. Not much else really going on anyway.” She shrugged.

Goldie nudged Junie a bit. “And I’m here ‘cause she dragged me here.”

“Hey I said we need to hang out more. So I’m not letting you out of my sights.” She pulled her in close as if saying ‘back off she’s mine.’

I chuckled a bit until I smelt something..strong. It wasn’t bad just...pungent. “You guys smell that?”

Junie put up her nose. “Ugh...yeah. Smells like...floor wax? No..Paint thinner? Guh..whatever it is it’s burning my nose...” She put her hooves over it like that was gonna fix something. I overheard a pony grumbling near me. She had this crazy blue updo. I think it added about a foot to her height. I could overhear her grumbling a bit.

“Bah...another salon. It’s hard enough to keep up with Rarity in this town.” Well she sounded none too happy about this. Oh well, not really my business what other ponies’ opinions are. Soon I found myself being hugged out of nowhere by none other than the owner of the place herself.

“You came Flicky! Oh and you found your hat!” Cloudy looked up to my head. She almost looked a little disappointed but that quickly passed.

“Hey Flicky is my pet name. You get your own..like Flickster..or Flicker. Yeah those are good.” Junie said in a bit of a joking manner

“Oh you all came! Thank you guys so much!” She would go to hug Junie too.

Goldie piped up. “Heh, a bit affectionate aren't you?”

Cloudy giggled. “You wanna hug too?” And of course she gave Goldie a big one. “I’m just in such a good mood today. Having one of your dreams come true kind of does that.”

I nodded. “Hey I’m glad everything is working out. You’re a good kid.”

“Awh. Thanks Flick. Oh I need to get ready. The Mayor is gonna be there and everything. We even have a huge pair of scissors. It’s gonna be great!” She trotted off waving goodbye for now. I still heard that other pony grumbling. Man she has some issues..

After a few moments Cloudy stepped out with a tan mare with a wavy gray mane. That must have been the Mayor. “Ladies and Gentlecolts. I would like to welcome you to the grand opening of our new mane salon, Mane Attractions! Miss Cloudy if you would be so kind as to hand me that case over there we can get started.” Cloudy nodded and quickly fetched a case. I assumed it was the case with the big scissors in it. You know, the big ones they use to cut the ribb.. “Its not here!” Cloudy shouted out. Sure enough the case was empty.

The mayor gasped. “Oh dear!”

Cloudy collected herself a bit. “Oh..well. It’s no worry. I’m sure we don't NEED them to finish the ceremony, we can just skip that part.”

The mayor nodded...but then she would stop and shake her head. “I’m...afraid we can't do that.”

“Wait what? What do you mean? It’s just some scissors, it’s not a huge deal right?”

“Well you see I just remembered one of our laws...it’s an old one. One I planned on removing from the books but a law nonetheless. We can't officially open your establishment until we finish the ceremony, and we can't finish without those scissors. I know it sounds silly but it’s the law. If we can find them, then we can pick it up later. ”

Cloudy looked heartbroken. All she could do was sit down.

I can't believe this happened either. Who would have thought that would happen. Then I noticed that updo pony leaving. She didn't even look surprised. ...I smelled something else besides her hair..something fishy. I spoke up. “Mrs Mayor, my friends and I will help find those scissors!”

She looked me over. “Oh well I don't see why not. Feel free to help if you wish. Should you find anything you can find me at City Hall.” She took her leave and the crowd dispersed.

“Flick? You're gonna help me?”

“Well yeah. I mean you’re my friend right?”

Junie and Goldie stepped up too. Junie leaned on me. “And a friend of Flick’s is a friend of mine. Plus my friend Goldie Locks here is an expert lost stuff finder.”

Goldie nodded. “I don't like to brag but..you know. It is on my flank.” She rubbed her treasure chest mark. “So has the case been here the whole time?”

Cloudy shook her head. “Actually no. She went ahead and left the case with me.”

I piped up. “Alright then. First stop is your house. I have a feeling what might have happened to it...I think somepony stole it.”

Junie nudged me. “You sure we want to jump to that conclusion?”

I nodded. “It’s just..kind of a hunch I'm going on right now. Cloudy, could you show us where you kept it when we get to your house?”

Cloudy nodded. “Uh yeah sure if you think it will help.”

I heard a voice in the distance. “Cloudy? Cloudy! How have you been?” Another pony approached. He was a light gray color with a slicked back blue mane.

Cloudy seemed to recognize him. “Dusk? DUSK!” She went in for a hug. “It’s been so long! How’s law school been?”

“Oh it goes. I heard about you opening your new place and wanted to see it for myself. How is it turning out?”

“Ehhh. We've hit a few snags. It should get sorted out soon though.”

I interrupted after some hesitation. “Friend of yours there?”

She turned to us and gasped. “Ohmygosh I'm so sorry. Guys this is my brother Dusk Gray.”

He bowed. “Pleasure to meet you all. I take it you’re friends of my sister?”

Junie nodded. “Yes. We've recruited your sister into our band of misfits...hope you don't mind.” She gave a little smirk.

Goldie gave her a look. “You’re just the queen of first impressions aren't you?”

“I do what I can.” Junie would nod a few times.

Flick chuckled nervously. “Pleasure to meet you too Dusk.”

Dusk looked back at his watch. “Well I hope you get things sorted out. Though I am worried. Are you sure you can handle a business like this Cloudy...I...heard about what happened with Photo.”

Cloudy looked down a bit. “That was different...I...just didn't take very kindly to being bossed around is all. It just wasn't for me. This will be different..”

“Are you really sure about that Cloudy?” He would put a hoof on her shoulder.

She brushed his hoof off a bit. “You know you don't always have to be the knight in shining armor. I'm an adult now Dusk. I think I can handle myself.” She smiled. I could tell this was normal for them.

Dusk cleared his throat. “Well..I'll see you later Cloudy. Good luck.” He bowed and headed off to do whatever business he was doing.

Goldie piped up. “Well he was a dashing young man. He seemed nice.”

Cloudy shrugged. “Yeah he’s a good person. But he always felt he had to be my guardian. He means well at least.”

I shrugged. “Seemed like a nice enough guy anyway. But let’s get to your house. We got some cutting utensils to track down.”

We headed over to Cloudy’s place. It was a quaint little cottage. Nothing too fancy really. She unlocked the door and let us in. It was then I already noticed something off. The door looked like..But before I could complete my thought, Cloudy spoke up.

“Welcome to Casa Del Cloudy. It’s not much but feel free to look around. I had the scissors over here.” She lead us to a small cabinet over her dresser. While I was looking at that I saw Junie doing something weird...like weirder than usual. It looked like she was dancing to some cobwebs over in a corner of the room...well not so much dancing as kind of wiggling around and making a clicking noise every now and then..it was definitely odd. Goldie walked up next to me.

“Ah, looks like Junie found a witness. Best not to interrupt her.”

All I could do was give her a puzzled look. “Witness? It looks like she’s doing interpretive dance or something.”

“Nah it's nothing like that. She has that ladybug on her flank for a reason. She can talk to insects and the like.” She said with a smile.

“She...can talk to bugs?”

Goldie shook her head. “I wouldn't call them bugs around her. She might take offense to that.”

Junie interjected. “Arachnid to be specific and I got some good intel thanks to your little friend in the corner. Also...he says don't worry about that big roach you saw in the kitchen the other day, he took care of him for you.”

Cloudy gave her a weird look. “Um...thanks?”

Junie adjusted her glasses. “Anyway. To my point. While he didn't get a look at whoever it was. You had a case of breaking and entering the other night. He felt a series of hoofsteps he didn't recognize..and they headed right over here.”

Cloudy started to freak out. “You mean...I had a burglar?!”

Goldie tried to console her. “It’s obvious they knew what they were looking for. So you weren't in any danger.”

Junie nodded. “Yes. Hanz was regretful that he couldn't do anything about it. He can only handle the smaller intruders...oh and his name is Hanz by the way.” She glanced back at the web. “Say hi Hanz.” If one looked closely they could see a tiny little spider waving his little leg.

I took this moment to look over the cabinet. I saw where the case used to be but nothing was really...wait. “Hey Junie could you lend me your horn a sec. I think I found something.”

Junie walked over and looked in. “Where do you want it chief?”

“Right there. I see something. Could you pick it up for me?”

Her horn glowed and she would levitate a small piece of hair out of the cabinet. “Hm..it’s blue...but it’s not the same shade as Cloudy’s highlights.”

It occurred to me. That pony in the crowd. The one with the updo. She had blue hair, and she had a bit of a motive. She was obviously not happy with the opening. “I think I know who we need to talk to guys.”

Cloudy looked curiously at me. “What do you mean?”

“I have a possible suspect. Tell you what. You guys stay here and keep looking for clues. I need to talk to somepony.” I adjusted my hat. I've watched enough detective stories to be able to sort of get how interrogation works...sort of. Well it went ok last time I guess..

Junie nodded. “Alrighty then. I'll see if I can round up some more witnesses...I think I see a moth over by that lamp.” She trotted over to it and did her...thing.

I shook my head. “Wish me luck.” As I went out the door to go find my suspect.

I asked around and eventually found my way there. It was a definitely a salon alright. I could smell the hair products from here. I walked inside and could see a few ponies getting their manes trimmed. It was a classy enough place though; from how ritzy everything looked I could tell a mane cut here wasn't cheap. I saw my suspect tending to her station. She didn't have a customer which was good. I started to walk over but I was stopped by the receptionist. “Do you have a appointment sir?” She said in a bit of a nasally voice. She was also chewing some gum of some kind and had this devil may care attitude about her.

“Um I just wanted to talk to one of the stylists ma’am,” I said trying to be as polite as possible.

“Nope, sorry kid but you can't go back there unless you plan on getting a treatment,” she said blowing a bubble with her gum.

“But..but I just want to talk to her.”

“Do you know her sir?”

“Well no but..”

“Sorry. Unless you want a treatment no dice.”

I sighed at this. This was ridiculous...oh well. I have been meaning to get a trim. Apparently I have really long hair.. “How much for a manecut..” I said with a drone in my voice.

“That’s 30 bits sir.” At one point she pulled out a hoof file and started working on her hooves. Still sounding disinterested.

I choked a bit. “Jeez lady! That’s nuts.”

“Sorry. That’s the price. Take it or leave it.”

I grumbled and placed the bits on the table. Well there goes my lunch for the week. I better be getting a back rub or something along with this. “Thank you sir. Mrs Prim will see you now.” I made my way to the mare in question. Man, I can still smell that mane from here. Then again with how she has it set up you would need a metric ton of hair gel to even keep it stable. I sat on the chair and placed my hat on the table. She would proceed to wrap the guard around my neck to keep loose hairs off me.

“What were you thinking of getting today sir?”

“Um..I just need a trim. People keep talking about my long mane. Figured it was time for a trim.”

“Hm. I guess. Any specific style you want?”

“Hm...surprise me I guess.”

She shrugged. “Alright. If you say so.” And she would get to work.

And now the questions begin. What better way to interrogate a stylist then to get them where they HAVE to listen to you. “So how’s business been?”

“It’s been decent really. Though I'm worried. With that new place opening up we're gonna have to rework things around here.”

“So I heard. Did you hear about what happened at the grand opening though? Tragic.”

“Yeah. I kind of felt bad really.”

“Wait really? Wouldn't another salon hurt your business?”

“I mean yeah it would be a little tough for us but hey you know a little competition can be healthy sometimes, and she seemed like a nice enough pony. Hated to see that happen to her.”

Hnh...well that was an unexpected response. “So I'm guessing you don't really know her then.”

“Hm..no. Can't say that I do.”

Hm...that is a interesting point..wait...I think I know who did this. After this I need to get back to Cloudy’s. I have a plan.

“Alright. All done. How do you like it?”

I looked at the mirror. Wow that was fast. No backrub though so that was kind of dis...wow. It was a VERY proper cut. Very short and wavy. I looked like I was about to go to a fancy dinner party or something..or a family photo. It’s not bad it’s..well..it was probably my own fault for saying ‘surprise me.’ “Um..thanks. It looks good.” And it did just...eh. I need to make sure not to lose my hat again cause I'm gonna need it.

“Well thank you. Come again soon alright.”

Now I felt kind of bad. She wasn't a bad pony at all. She was just worried about her business...but now I have a decent idea of who did it. I needed to get back to Cloudy’s.

I returned to Cloudy’s place to find the crew sitting and chatting it up. Seems that they had taken some time to get to know each other. Junie looked as if she was telling a story.

“So yeah this basilisk comes out and and Charger tells us not to look in the eye. He actually got its attention so we could get away. Goldie here was scared stiff.” This warranted a nudge from Goldie.

“Hey don't lie you were scared too!” Junie shifted her eyes back and forth and noticed me walk in.

“Oh hey Flicky!” She said as if to change the subject. “Did you find anything out...woh..” She noticed the hair cut..I hoped had she hadn't. “New hair cut Flicky?”

Cloudy perked up and spoke. “You got a haircut? Awhhh, I liked you hair long..” She gave a puppy dog face and sounded as if I had broken her heart.

I adjusted my hat as to try to hide most of my hair. “Well...the price you have to pay for good information. I think I know what we need to do. Cloudy I need you to get hold of the Mayor and tell her we found the scissors, and that we're gonna reschedule the opening to tomorrow. And make sure she promotes the heck out of it.”

Cloudy cocked her head. “But...we didn't find them.”

Goldie perked up. Looks like she got what I was going for. “Oh I get it! You're gonna trick the robber to strike again. If they think the opening is back on there gonna try to nab the scissors again.”

Junie got a wicked looking smile on her face. To be honest it was creeping me out. “But this time we're gonna be ready. Cloudy I'm gonna need to borrow that couch. Hanz, give me some of your best silk.” She said that last part to the corner of the kitchen where those cobwebs were. I have such weird friends.

It was a long day. Cloudy had told the Mayor the plan and she was happy to help. She spread flyers and tried to get as much attention out there as she could for the next day. The others and I had waited till late at night to start our little stake out. It was dark, really dark. We all hid behind various pieces of furniture waiting for the moment when the robber would strike. Then a rattling came from the door as it had opened and a pony in all black with a ski mask entered. I heard Junie snicker a bit next to me. I put my hoof over her mouth to keep her quiet. I don’t care how funny her trap is.

They went right to the cabinet the case was in. They knew exactly what they were looking for. As they got too close however I noticed Junie’s ear twitch. She had used Hanz’s spider silk to make a trip wire only she would detect and hear. It was rather ingenious really. Though what the trip wire was for was for Junie to drop a small couch on the intruder when he was in position..Dont look at me it was her idea alright...

“NOW!” And Junie yanked a rope to drop a small couch onto the intruder with a loud thump, cushions down of course as to not hurt them too bad. It wasnt very big so they would be fine but they weren't going anywhere. The lights would flip on. “Got’em! Thanks for the help Hanz!” I noticed the spider this time and I swear he saluted.

They struggled to get out but to no avail. I stepped out from behind the couch too. “Well looks like we got you...Dusk.” I trotted over and pulled off the face mask to show that it was indeed Cloudy’s brother. Cloudy looked shocked at the notion. “Br..BROTHER! Wha..Why?’

Dusk looked ashamed. “How...how did you know it was me?”

Oh now comes the fun part. “Well it was a few things really. For one. When we first got here I noticed there was no sign of forced entry. So whoever did it most likely knew how to get in. You did it this time too. I locked the door to make sure of that. We had also found a hair near the case. At first it looked liked it belonged to a certain stylist I met. One with hair that smells like floor wax, which this one doesn't. It’s also greasy, you look like you use a good bit of oil in you hair.”

Dusk rubbed his head. probably regretting going with that hair style.

“And you had said you were training to become a lawyer right, or at least in law school? The law preventing the ceremony was pretty obscure. Even the Mayor almost forgot about it. I figured you might have dug it up in your studies and used it to your advantage. I admit I didn't expect you at first but as I thought about it the pieces made sense. I just wanted to catch you red handed first.”

Cloudy at this point was absolutely livid. “You haven't answered my question yet Dusk...why...why would you get in the way of my dream like that.”

Dusk at this point was in tears. “I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. This was a boneheaded idea and I'm sorry...I was scared..scared you might fail. So I figured maybe if I did this you would give up and go back to Pho..” But before he could get that out Cloudy would interrupt.

“Why do you guys think I can't handle myself! I don't get it. Our whole family thinks I can't make it in my own. I thought you were better than that..”

Dusk was bawling at this point. “I know..it was dumb. You have no idea how sorry I am Cloudy..”

Cloudy sighed. She had cooled down a bit. “It’s just...will you guys just give me a chance before jumping in to save me? I’m a grown pony. I can handle myself. I'm not a little baby anymore.”

Dusk sniffed and nodded. “I can give you back the scissors. They’re at my place. I'm..sorry for all the trouble.”

Cloudy shook her head and managed to crack a smile. “Man for a law student you sure can be boneheaded..also..you guys can get the couch off of him now.”

Goldie helped get the couch off and stood and shook himself off. He still looked pretty ashamed though. Cloudy hugged him though. “Look I forgive you ok...I can tell you meant well. You're still a huge bonehead but you meant well....now stop meaning well before I have to smack you.” She said jokingly.

Cloudy turned to me after that and gave me a hug as well. “Thank you again Flick..thanks everyone. If you need anything from me all you have to do is ask.” She shot all of us a huge smile. She was almost in tears herself.

“Shame you had to jump the gun on that hair cut. You could have had Cloudy cut it for free.”

All I did at that point was grumble. “Don't remind me...um. Think you could spot me for lunch today..this kind of cleaned me out.” I said pointing to my head.

Junie rolled her eyes. “Oh I guess. Only if you let me borrow Killer Potatoes though.”

I nodded. “Deal.”

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