• Published 4th Nov 2012
  • 557 Views, 2 Comments

Shutterbugs - The Bookieman

Join Flick and his friends on there adventures as they met new friends and solve mysteries.

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Out of the Frying Pan

“So this is Ponyville, hnh?” I said to myself as I sat with a bored looking expression on my face as my taxi rolled down the main street. I blew a bit of my blonde mane from my eyes, darn bangs get annoying sometimes. I really need to get a trim. “Pretty busy for such a little place. I don't even think Manehattan looked this bustling most of the time.” I adjusted my fishing hat. “I'm gonna have to get used to this. I'm starting to miss the city already to be honest.” Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. Name’s Flick. My full name is Feature Flick, but..I think that sounds a bit goofy to be honest. Flick will do just fine. As you could probably tell I hail from the big city. Manehattan to be specific. Used to live with my dad, but I felt it was time for me to strike it on my own. Dad was cool with it of course, he even helped me find a place. Said he knew the landlord from way back or something.

The taxi slowed to a stop and the cabby piped up. “That’ll be 10 Bits there guy.” I snapped to, guess I zoned out a bit.

“Oh uh..yeah sure.” I would dig a hoof in my bag a pull out a few shiny gold coins. The cabby counted them over and nodded.

“Yer good kid. Out you go. Got places to go and ponies to see.” I just nodded and hopped out of the cab. I spent a few minutes getting my valuables out of the back. Can't go anywhere without my collection of B grade horror movies. Dad was always a movie buff and I guess it kind of rubbed off on me. After all of that was done the cabby went on his merry way and there I was all alone and on my own for the first time.

“Wooh...kind of surreal. Never thought I would ever get out of that house.” I go to open the door and it wouldn't budge. “Um..uh oh..” I tried to open it a few more times. I knocked to see if anypony was home. “Um..Hello? Anybody there?” After that a mare appeared from behind the house. She had a light brown coat with a fiery head of red hair. She gave a very sultry look in my direction.

“Well hello there, sugga’. Are you the new tenant?” I..wasn't sure what to say at this point. Was she...hitting on me?

“Uh..ye..Yes ma’am.” I swallowed out of nervousness. She shot me a confused look.

“What's wrong sweetie? Don't worry I won't bite. You can call me your new landlord. Name’s Gingersnap honey.” She gave a sly wink, It gave me shivers.

All I did was nod nervously. Heck of a first day, i'm being hit on by a cougar. “Um..na..name’s Flick, ma’am.” She walked over and put a hoof over my shoulder.

“You can relax, honey-bun. You're a little too young for my tastes. How’s Lucky doing? I swear you're the spitting image of him, even down to your chocolate brown coat. You just need to get a little facial hair and I won't be able to tell you two apart.”

She motioned to my lip as she was saying that. I straightened up and cleared my throat. Felt like this was the part in all those noir detective movies where she asked me to find some sort of Maltese Phoenix or something...

“Oh um. Yeah dad’s doing alright. Um..did you know the door is locked?” She looked over to the door.

“Oh, I'm sorry sweetie. I forgot to unlock it for you. I was busy in the back getting some landscaping out of the way before you got here.” She dug in her saddlebags and pulled out a gold key. “Here you go dear. Well, I need to go run some errands. I only live a few houses away. If you need anything at all, Don't be a stranger.” She gave another wink. Ok now I just think she’s flirty to everybody. Oh well Its fine, she seems like a nice enough pony. She piped up one more time. “Oh and rents due at the end of every month. If you need help finding a job let me know and I'll see if I could get some odd jobs for you to do.” She gave another wink at that...what did she mean by odd jobs. Nonono, get your mind out of the gutter Flick.

I opened up the door and got all my stuff inside. After a hour or so of unpacking I flopped onto the bed and just stare at the ceiling for a while. “Man..am I gonna be able to do this? I do need to think about a job.” I heard a rustling outside my window from the bushes.

“What the..” I hopped out of bed and head over to the window to see what looked like a mint colored pony head first in my bush outside, digging around in it with her butt sticking out. After a few seconds I spoke up. After all im pretty sure this wasn't really socially acceptable. “Um..can I..” But before I could get a word in edgewise her head sprung out and whacked the bottom of my window sill. I cringed, felt kinda bad now. “OwowowowowOW!” She sat down and began rubbing her head. Hnh, She was a unicorn, and she had a light blue mane too. She also seemed to actually be wearing a white jumpsuit with a blue vest. Hnh, don't see ponies wearing clothes often.

Still feeling kinda bad I looked over the sill to see if she was ok.. “Woah, Are you ok down there?” She looked up to me and blinked a few times.

“Did that blob just talk-- oh no... Um, have you seen a pair of glasses?” She went back to digging in the bush, most likely looking for her precious spectacles. “AH, Never mind. Jackpot.” She she stuck them on and blinked a few more times before adjusting them.

“Ah, much better....wait..” She once again stick her head back in the bush. Ok, what was this girls fascination with my bush... “Um..excuse..” The mare blurted out. “SHOOT! Lost them again... darn ladybugs...” Oh, well mystery solved again.

“Can I help you miss?”

The mare popped out of the bush again. “Oh..sorry about that. Was doing research...Wait, do you live here?”

Seemed like a no brainer really. “Yeah I just moved in today.”

“OOooohhh. Another new guy. We’ve been getting a lot of them lately. Wait that Ginger lady isn't your landlady isn't she?”

I looked back and forth wondering what she meant by that. “Yyyeeaahhh?”

She shook her head and leaned in a bit to whisper. “You gotta watch out for her, she’s a bit weird. I hear she kidnaps ponies and cooks them up for dinner.”

Wait...what?!. I shot her a very skeptical look. “...Theres no way your serious.”

She nodded. “Your right, im not. Good call.”

Hoof deep in a conversation and I don't even have her name. “So..who are you?” She took a proud stance.

“Oh, My name’s Junie Bug, Entomologist Extraordinaire. Hope you don't mind that I was cataloging the fauna in your flora.”

It was becoming more and more apparent that this town was a little loony. “Um..not really?”

She cocked her head curiously. She waved her hoof to try to get my attention “Hey, earth to new guy. Your kinda zoning out on me. Man, if you're gonna live here we need to fix that. Especially before Pinkie finds out you moved in.”

I shot her a curious look right back. “Pinkie?”

“Oh don't worry you'll meet her soon enough...wait....uh oh..I hear bouncing. Quick, hide!” I was still so very confused.

“Wait wha” but before I could say anything the window would close on its own and the curtain would shut.

“Trust me, you're not ready for the pink menace yet. Just keep quiet.”

As she was saying that a familiar bouncy pink ball of energy bounced by and spot Junie. She bound over. “Hey Junie. How are you today?” Junie nodded.

“Oh you know, doing the bug thing. Same old same old.” Pinkie hopped in excitement.

“Hey guess what! My mane is all tingly! You know what that means?”

“I don't kno..”

Pinkie interrupted as Junie was talking. “It means a new pony moved in today! I'm so excited! Are you excited? ‘Cause I’m excited! You know where they might be? I’ve looked all over, only not ‘cause I just started, but they haven’t been anywhere I looked yet!” She got right up to her face, way too close for comfort.

“Uh, nope, sorry. Nothing’s coming to mind. Hey maybe there on the other side of town.” Pinkie drew her in by the hoof.

“Good idea Junie. I can't let a new pony feel unwelcomed, that’d be just so sad! I couldn't sleep at night...then again I have a hard time sleeping at night anyway.” She giggled and snorted. “Thanks for the help anyway, Junie! Seeyaaa” And in a pink fluffy flash she was gone.

Junie waited a few seconds and reopened the window. “You’ll thank me for that later.” Well that was something, seems Junie was only the second oddest pony he’s seen today.

“What was that for? She seemed nice enough.”

Junie adjusted her glasses. “Oh, I'm not saying she isn't. But trust me, you want to hold off on that for now. If I didn't step in you would be hoof deep in streamers right now...oh.” Junie kind of trailed of a bit. “Are you watching Metal Mares from Mars?”

I was confused at first but then I remembered that I had left the tv with that movie on. Metal Mares from Mars, always a classic. “Um...yeah?” She giggled a bit.

“Oh wow, I didn't think I would meet any other pony that watches that stuff. Man your a nerd.” I gave her a look at first, but then I loosened up. “Wait..you actually watch this stuff? I figured me and my dad were the only ones who really kept up with this shlock.” I said to her with a quizzical look on my face. What...never said it was a good classic.

“Oh its not like I collect the stuff, I just know my B movies... Mind if I join you. Its been soooo long since ive seen this.” She gave a wide smile.

I smirked at her a bit. “Sure its not too nerdy for you?”

She smirked back. “Hey, join the club.”

I pondered it for a bit. Guess it couldn't hurt to get to know ponies and she seemed harmless enough..hm..I wonder if she’s ever seen Cloud 9 from Outer Space. I opened the door for her.

She stepped in and looked around. “Oh wow you got everything. Sinister Swamp Slugs 3, The entire Colts of the Corn series. Oooh! You even have Masked Charger! Nice.” She nodded in obvious approval. “So you got my name, now you get to tell me yours.” She gave me a sly look.

“Oh um. Names Feature Flick...most people just call me Flick really.”

“Feature Flick huh? That’s...oddly specific”

I rubbed my head nervously. “Yeah my dad is a weird guy.”

She nodded. “Its ok, Flick is a cute name. I can get used to calling you that. Since i'm assuming we're friends now.” She gave another sly smile. Wow, This was a bit sudden. She barely knows me, heck she just now got my name.

“Um..really..I mean..Are you sure?”

She took a seat. “Well yeah. You seem like a nice enough guy. I mean us nerds have to stick together you know and if I’m gonna’ dig through your bushes, I should at least get to know you first. I mean, that’s just rude.” She reclined on my couch.

“Uh..ok?” She hopped back up again and invaded my personal space a bit.

“You gotta loosen up a bit too. Seriously, we need to fix that. Ponies might think you're boring or something, and I can tell you're not. I mean... Metal Mares, for Celestia's sake!”

I backed up a bit after that. “I don’t know its just...I feel out of place you know? Im a city pony and this the first time I’ve really been out on my own. I guess I’m just nervous. It’s just all happening so fast.”

“Don’t worry, Flick. This town is... mostly harmless. I’m sure you’ll figure stuff out.”

I took a seat on my couch. “That and I need to find a job. Rent’s due next month, and I’m not sure I want to find out what Gingers odd jobs are.”

She put a hoof on her chin in thought. “Well I can see about getting you a job at Quills and Sofas. I used to work there when I was younger and they know me pretty well.”

All I could do was give her a confused look after that. “Quills and Sofas?”

She nodded. “Yep, Quills and Sofas... it’s a niche market.” She looked over at my flank. “Well what does your flank have to say about that?” I quickly covered my flank until I realized what she was getting at. I had a film reel as a Cutie Mark.

“Oh yeah. I’m a pretty ok photographer.”

“Pretty ok? You wouldn't have gotten a mark for it if you were just pretty ok...then again mine’s a ladybug and I’ve yet to catch a single one...” She grumbled at her own statement. “You could maybe check out the paper? See if they have any openings?”

I sighed and layed on the couch. “Yeah..I'll think about it.” She sighed as well.

“Hey now don't get all mopey on me. We’ll figure something out for you. Sides..I don’t think Ginger’s odd jobs are that bad..”