• Published 4th Nov 2012
  • 558 Views, 2 Comments

Shutterbugs - The Bookieman

Join Flick and his friends on there adventures as they met new friends and solve mysteries.

  • ...

Cloudy Days

It had been a day or two since I’d moved into Ponyville. Despite the ponies I’d run into, those few days had been pretty quiet. I still wasn’t really used to it but it was...nice. Not that I didn't enjoy the city, but everything about this town was just..nice, you know? Still, if I didn’t get off my flank soon and find a job then it was back to the city for me. As I thought that, I heard a commotion outside. Sounded like somepony barking orders. I peeked outside the door and find that a small group of ponies were down the street. They were dressed in very... odd outfits. One of them in particular was the one calling the shots: a light blue mare with ghost white hair wearing a pair of purple shades and a black and white striped dress of some kind. In particular, she was scolding another mare. Looked like a pegasus, this one was gray with a faded blue mane. As I stepped outside, a familiar pony was examining a nearby tree. It was Junie of course, though she had a very disgruntled look on her face.

Junie grumbled, “I wish that pony over there would keep it down. She’s spooking the woodworms. How am I supposed to get accurate data when they won't give me the time of day?” She huffed as she would keep scrutinizing the tree.

I approached and waved. “Heya Junie.” I looked over at the strange crowd . “Any idea what that’s all about over there?”

“Haven’t the foggiest. All I know is they’re disturbing my worms and it’s ticking me off..” She levitated a magnifying glass over a small hole in a tree to get a look at a worm. It popped back into the tree as soon as she got it close though. “Bah...I give up...So how’s the job hunt going?”

I scratched the back of my head. “No dice. The paper doesn’t have openings. Might try that sofa place you talked about.”

“QUILLS and Sofas.” She started, poking me in the chest. “Get it right.”

Another familiar voice approached. It was Ginger, my landlady. “What is all this commotion-- oh. So it’s her.”

I piped up in response. “Wait. You know her?”

Ginger nodded. “Yep. That would be Photo Finish. She’s a big shot fashion photographer. I modeled for her a few times.”

I gave Ginger a curious look. “You used to model?”

She would give me a sly look. “What...is that so hard to believe?” She batted her eyelashes a few times in my direction.

I blushed like mad, having trouble forming a coherent sentence. “No..I mean..uh..”

Junie would pipe up. “Hey, if she snatches you up can I have your copy of Attack of the Killer Potatoes? I’ve always wanted that.” She would smirk.

Ginger giggled. “You know sweetie if you wouldn't make it so easy I would leave you alone.”

Junie perked up with a idea. “Wait you said this Photo Finish is a photographer, right? Hey, why don’t you talk to her? Maybe get a portfolio and show her your work. She has to know all the big time photographers, maybe she could put in a good word for you.”

Ginger nodded. “Well, she can be a bit abrasive, but she is one of the best. I would at least see if she has any contacts she could refer.”

I thought about it and it seemed like a sound idea. “Yeah...although. I don’t really have anything good to show her at the moment...”

Ginger got that seductive look again. “Well you could always get some glamor shots.” She winked again.

Jeez, I don’t know what it is about her, but everytime she does that I lose it. I froze up at the thought of that.

Junie sighed and poked at me a few times. “Dang it, Ginger, would you stop breaking my friend? I don’t know if Flick has a lifetime warranty.”

Ginger looked over to Junie. “What about you dear? Would you want to model for my tenant here?”

She also blushed like mad at that thought. “Oh, nonononononono...no. I don’t do glamor. Just the thought of it gives me shivers.”

Ginger shrugged. “Well, I’m sure you guys can find some volunteers to help.”

At that point I snapped out of my stupor and shook my head. “Wait..what about Junie modeling?”

Junie blushed again. “Ginger, stop tainting Flick’s innocence!”

Ginger giggled once again. “Well I need to get going. Good luck with your job search, Flick.” And she trotted off. Probably to do some errands.

Junie looked back over to Photo’s crew. “I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna stay as far away from them as I can. I feel if I get too close she might...ugh..accessorize me..good luck on your front, though.” She also trotted off waving as she did so. I also waved and looked back at the crew. Photo was ordering around that gray pony again. I felt kinda bad for her. Then again, that is a pretty cutthroat industry. I headed back inside to grab my camera.


“Too much blush, Cloudy!” Photo would shout at me as she scrutinized the model in question. I felt my wing twitch a bit, guess from the agitation. I sighed as walked over to wipe some off. Honestly though, it didn’t really matter, because in a few seconds she was gonna say...

“Not enough!” she said..right on cue. I would love to see what she sees, because I don't think I’ve ever worked with a pony this over critical. But this is my one chance to show the world what I’m made of, so I can’t blow it. I would reapply the makeup for about the 10th time, and of course she says..

“Too much blush!” She looked mad now.. “So much wasted time... we have a shoot in 15 minutes!” She shouted again. “ROUGE! Show Cloudy how to apply blush!” And on cue she would kind of appear. Rouge was a nice enough pony. She was off white with this lovely navy blue mane. She always seemed to have this air of smugness about her, though. I don’t think she does it on purpose. Maybe it’s just her eyes, she has the most gorgeous eyes. They always make her look a bit mysterious. Rouge would take over and finish up the blush for the umpteenth time.

This time, Photo nodded in agreement. “Perfect!” Then she glared at me. “You should be observing. If you want to keep working with me you should be able to get the blush right ze first try!”

I sighed and nodded. “Yes, ma’am..” Honestly, Rouge did the same thing I have been doing for the past 10 minutes. Just smile and nod, Cloudy, smile and nod.

After that was done, Photo started taking a few shots and we were left to our own devices for a few minutes. I sat down in a nearby bench while Photo did her thing.

A friendly voice piped up. “You alright there, Cloudy?” It was my friend High Style. I always loved her hair. It has this really loud pink to it, but it goes well with her light pink coat. She always wears it really straight, too; she pulls it off well. She and I kind of became good friends over the past month. “I remember when she always got on Rouge’s case, too. Don’t take it personally.”

I nodded. “It’s just...I don’t know if I can keep doing this, you know? I mean, everypony said I should go for it, that this was my one big break..but... is this all I have to look forward to? Being bossed around and belittled..I even got these highlights.” I had gotten some blue highlights for my mane. Apparently, I needed to look more fabulous.

Style sighed. “You’re a great stylist, Cloudy. It’s just...Photo runs one of the tightest ships around. Look at it this way, if you can put up with her, then you can put up with anypony. Don’t forget though, this is only your first job. It’s not too late to reconsider.”

I shook my head. “No, if I back out now imagine how disappointed my folks will be...I have to stick this out to the end.” I got back up and dug through my makeup kit. I looked over to Style. “Hey..do you mind if I take over your next job? I bet if I can show Photo that I can get a model ready by myself, she’ll finally respect me.”

Style looked a bit concerned. “I don’t know..are you sure you can handle it?”

I nodded. “I know I can do it. If there’s anything I’m sure about it’s that I was born to do this. I’ll show the world what I can do.” I didn’t really notice, but there was a heck of a twinkle in my eye. Ever since I was a foal I knew that is what I was meant to do, and I was not gonna let this chance get away.

Style nodded. “Ok... Coral should be waiting for me about now. Go for it.” She ruffled my hair and sent me on my way.

And I was off. I was gonna do my best and show Photo just what I was made of!

It was a long process, but I had gotten Coral looking fantastic. I held up a mirror so she could see. Coral nodded. “It looks great, honey, but I’m not the one you need to be impressing.” She giggled a bit.

“Oh I know..still..thanks.” She cracked a little smile. It felt good to be praised for once.

Photo came back after finishing up her first set of shots to see Coral with my make up job. “Who did this?! All wrong, all of it! Style worked on you, yes?”

Coral was a bit caught off guard, but before she could say anything she was interrupted by the sound of my tears and a meek response.. “No ma’am....it was me...it was all me..”

It was hard to tell, but Photo was glaring at me through her tinted shades. “I didn’t give you permission to work on her!”

Style had been listening from the back and she stepped up. “I did, ma’am.” She was very stern and unyielding, even toward her boss. “I let her work on Coral.”

Photo glared at Style and looked to me. “Stay here.” She looked back at Style. “We go...” The two walked to somewhere more private...of course when they left I slowly tailed them, trying my best to hide my tears.

Style spoke up. “Yes, I let her work on Coral, because I was confident in her abilities. All of the crew is. So far you’re the only one who can't see it.”

Photo scoffed at her. “I honestly don’t get what you see in her. The only reason we took her on was because she is a friend of yours.”

Style was furious at this point. I don’t think I’d ever seen her this mad. “That’s just hurtful! You're just too blinded by your own ridiculously high standards to see her talent.”

Photo was silent. Then she spoke. “She is your responsibility. Go and fix Coral for the shoot.”

I barely heard that last part because I was already on my way back to the shoot in tears...I just had all my hard work torn apart. According to little Miss Stuck Up over there, I hadn't improved a bit... It’s... it’s not fair.. It was getting hard to see past all the tears.


It was a long day, but I think I got all the shots I needed to put together a good portfolio. I put the photos up and made my way over to Photo’s shoot. I had been sort of tagging along with them. Just kind of observing mostly, seeing what I can glean from her technique and such. Ginger was right though, she is a master of her craft. Though I could tell it has been pretty stressful for her crew just from following them. I kept hearing Photo yelling about missing makeup and wardrobes. Honestly, it was kind of weird, you would think that a pony like that would be on the ball with that sort of stuff.

I approached their shoot, making sure not to bug Photo herself. She was busy and she didn’t seem like the type to take kindly to being interrupted. I looked around and there were a few ponies around. Looked like models and the like. I tried to approach one of them, but before I could, I heard Photo shout again followed by a small shriek. It appeared that one of the backdrops fell during the shoot. Didn’t hurt anybody I believe, it was just some white cloth but still, Photo was none too happy. This was getting a bit too weird. It was too sloppy, a pony like Photo should run a tighter ship than this... I smelled something fishy. I tried to talk to the crew member again, I think I saw one them call her Rouge.

“Um, excuse me, sorry for interrupting. I was wondering if when she's not busy I could show Photo a portfolio of mine.”

She looked me over. “Oh, are you wanting to join the crew? I’m sorry but we don't really have any openings right now.”

I shook my head. “Oh no it’s just.. I've heard she’s really good and was wondering if she could reference me to somepony who could use a photographer.”

She looked back to Photo and back to me. “Oh..well. I'm not sure how she would really react to that. She’s never really been one to hand out compliments but I can see if she will see you. Fair warning, those better be some amazing shots, she won't give you the time of day otherwise.”

I nodded. “Fair enough I guess.” I changed the subject. “Seems you guys are having a bit of trouble.”

She nodded. “Yeah, it’s weird. Seems we hit a string of bad luck. Missing supplies, missing wardrobe, and now that backdrop is not wanting to cooperate. Photo is about to lose it.”

I nodded. “Any idea when it started?”

She thought about it. “It’s been kind of rough all day, but it really started getting bad when one of our crew got in a fight with Photo about the new girl. I feel bad for her, Photo is being pretty rough on her.”

I figured as much. This is sounding more and more like sabotage. Sounds like one of the crew is getting a bit karmic with Photo. “Who was it? Just out of curiosity.”

She gave me an odd look. “You don't think that fight has something to do with this do you?”

I nodded. “It’s a hunch really, but it seems to line up with what you said.”

“I really don't think one of them did it....but what you say makes sense. Why do you want to know? Are you some kind of detective?”

“Not really...just a guy. Name’s Flick by the way. Rouge right? I overheard the rest of the crew call you that.”

She nodded. “Yeah, that’s right...anyway. Photo got into a bit of a shouting match with High Style.” She pointed to a mare with straight bright pink hair. “You can talk to her if you want. Just make sure she's not busy.”

“Thanks.” I nodded, then headed over to said mare.

“Um, excuse me ma’am, are you busy?” I waved her down. It looked like she was going through her makeup.

She looked up. “Um..not really. Can I help you?”

“Hey, my name’s Flick. I wanted to talk to Photo when she got a chance. I want to show her my portfolio.” Of course I had already talked to Rouge about it, but I as I’d seen from a few crime dramas you want to go into this kind of stuff slow and smooth and segue into it.

She gave me a weird look. “I guess? Not everyday somepony just walks up and asks that. You must not know Photo very well.” She kind of giggled at that.

I chuckled nervously. “Heh, so I've heard. Then again I'm not sure if I want to talk to her like this anyway. With all this stuff going on, she seems like she’s about to blow a gasket.”

She nodded. “Yeah this is all a bit weird. I've never seen so many things go wrong in one shoot.”

“With a pony like Photo as your boss I wouldn't doubt that. I guess that makes it all the weirder.”

She gave me a look. “Are you getting at something, buster?”

“I smell something fishy, is all. Anything you might know?”

“Look if you're thinking it's me you're dead wrong. Yeah I don't agree with her a lot, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to do things like this.”

I thought about it and she was right..she couldn't have. The white backdrop fell. Somepony had to have strung that up from how it looked, and I don't see any ladders with the rest of the equipment. Which means they must have a pegasus or a unicorn on staff for that kind of work.

“I heard you two had a bit of a fight?”

“Yeah, it was over Cloudy, our new girl. She agreed to give her a chance, but she's been kind of out of it since this morning. The stress is getting to her I guess.”

“Do you think it’s possible..”

“...No...it wasn't her. She cares about this job too much to screw it up like that.”

“Ah..I see. Well, thanks for listening, anyway. Sorry if I pried at all.”

“Oh..well. I mean thanks for looking out for us, I guess, but Photo will get over it. Stuff like this can happen you know. I'll let Photo know you want to talk to her.”

I nodded “Thanks, Ms. Style.” I smiled and went on my way.

Maybe I was just overthinking things. It could just be coincidence that all this stuff happens. Like she said, bad days can happen. As I thought that I passed by their makeup tent and I heard a sound coming from inside. I snuck over and peeked into the door of the tent. Whoever was in there didn't notice me. It was a grey pegasus, probably the one who set up that backdrop..and she was doing something. She was messing with the flashbulbs for the cameras. I tiptoed inside and while I had the chance I snapped a picture with my camera, I still had it on me from my shooting. As I did that, she snapped up and saw me. Her face went pale as she just realized that she had been caught red hooved.

“Who are you?!” She said in a panicked whisper.

“Just a guy..I guess you could call me a detective?” I liked that Rouge called me that. Made me feel cool, you know?

She looked at the camera. “You're gonna show that to Photo, aren't you...?” She was less panicked and more downtrodden now.

I took a seat on a chair nearby. “Depends..why would you do this? From what I heard you really want to hang onto this job. Why would you go out of your way to cause trouble?”

She also sat down putting the bulbs back where she found them. She still looked rather depressed.”I...I figured that if maybe we missed a deadline then we would just pack up and go home. No more stress... no more judging. At least for today...she was gonna let me go anyway... I blew it. Apparently I'm not good enough for her...then again, now that I think back on this, it was a stupid plan anyway...I should just leave right now and never look back. She probably wouldn't even give me a second glance anyway.”

“I talked to Style. You know she wants to give you a chance.”

She still looked pretty reluctant. “Honestly, I'm not sure if I even want to do this anymore. I'm not cut out for makeup.”

I would quickly reply. “Photo wouldn't have picked you up if you weren't good at what you did...but I understand. Honestly after watching you guys work I'm not sure if this is my line of work, either.” I chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

“...So you’re saying I should just give up?”

“No...don't give up what you want to do... But I would think of another line of work. This particular job might not be for you, is all I'm saying. If you’re not happy with what you're doing, then you probably shouldn't be doing it.”

“But...my family said I should do it..they said this was my one chance to make it big.”

“You should be worried about what makes you happy instead of what makes other ponies happy.” I looked at my camera. “I'm not gonna show Photo that picture...however. I think you should come clean regardless. Guilt doesn't suit you.” I gave a warm smile to show her I meant what I said.

She was still avoiding eye contact. “But...she’ll fire me for sure at that point. I know it..”

“I see it as more of a new beginning, than an ending.”

She thought on it for a few minutes. “Yeah...you’re right. But...could you be there with me...?”

I smiled. “Sure, I can do that.”

She nodded and slowly got up and followed me outside the tent. Seems Photo was just finishing her shoot as well, great timing. She and I left the tent and went to see Photo as she was packing things up. She looked me over. Seeing I had a camera, she assumed I was the pony the crew told her about. “You wished to see me?”

I shook my head. “Actually, Cloudy here would like to say something.”

She still looked kind of nervous, but the moment she started to speak, Style stepped in to interrupt.

“Ma’am, I'm sorry...I've been intentionally making a mess of things all day. The missing wardrobe, the misplaced makeup...it was all me. I'm sorry..”

Photo was actually pretty silent. She just glared...not saying a word.

Cloudy on the other hoof was not having this, she wasn't about to let her friend take the fall for her dumb move. “What are you doing, Style?!”

Style continued the facade. “It was all me, I'm gonna take responsibility for all of this.”

Photo piped up. “Don't lie to me, Style. I knew it was Cloudy zis whole time..”

Both Style and Cloudy were a bit dumbfounded. Cloudy would pipe up. “Wh..what? How?”

“When the backdrop fell it was obvious. Now explain yourself!” I just watched this transpire. Seems Photo was sharper than she looked.

Cloudy would choke a bit. “I...I don't want to do this anymore. I figured that if things went wrong, we would just go home and call it a day....I’m sorry...I’m so sorry.”

Style would step between her and Photo. “You have no idea how sorry she is. Please...don't hold it against her.”

Photo was fairly adamant in her stance. “She said it herself. She doesn't want to do this anymore. She has to go.”

Rouge would also step up. As a few more of the models as well. “If she leaves, then we all leave.”

Style added. “You were way too hard on her. You’re way too hard on all of us. And frankly I’m getting sick of it. All she wanted was a little pat on the back. But of course you set your expectations so high she was never gonna be good enough for you.”

Photo was silent. Her crew had never stood up to her like this.

Cloudy shouted. “STOP!!!”

The rest of the crew stopped and look at her in surprise.

“Thank you for sticking up for me...but...I don't want to do this anymore...I want to do what makes me happy and I’m sorry, it’s not here. As much as I love you guys...this isn't where I belong...”

Photo was still silent. Quietly observing, then she spoke. “Style, Rouge..we go..” And she would turn and walk off.

Rouge looked back at Cloudy and slowly followed Photo. Style looked to Cloudy. “Are you sure about this...?”

Cloudy would nod. ”Yes... I'm sure.”

Style got closer and went in for a hug. “I'm gonna miss you, sweetie..”

Cloudy teared up. “Thank you... for trying to stick up for me... but this is where you belong. I couldn’t ask you to give that up for my sake.”

I was still watching this happen. Yeah, it was kind of bittersweet, but honestly it was for the best.

Style let Cloudy go and began to follow Photo. “Keep in touch, alright?”

Cloudy nodded. “Sure.” She started to head over my way. “..Um..thanks for helping me do that..you're right. I should be doing what makes me happy.”

I nodded. “It’s no problem. Sorry I kind of got this involved in the first place. I guess curiosity got the better of me.”

She gave a small smile. As that happened though Rouge would return with a letter in hoof. She handed it to Cloudy. “Photo wanted me to give you this... sorry about all this.” She once again returned to Photo’s side, getting things cleaned up and such.

Cloudy looked curious and opened the letter. It was from Photo. It said. “I have taken note of your skill. But you were right, this environment was not suited to you. However, perhaps being your own boss would suit you better.” Inside was another letter. It was a referral to a huge salon chain that has stores all over Equestria. It was for opening a location in Ponyville...and it was signed by Photo Finish herself. Cloudy was tearing up...these were tears of joy however. She was so joyous in fact that she immediately ran off whooping and cheering.

I was still there. A bit confused as to what just happened but it seemed things had worked out. That honestly felt good... I never knew I could even do something like that. I mean, I had admired my dad for being a detective but I never figured that I would ever get to do it myself. I smiled and adjusted my hat. “I could get used to this.”

“So, are you a big shot photographer yet?” Said Junie as she just seemed to appear next to me. It honestly spooked me.

“Wah! Don't do that!” I regained my composure. “Nah...found it wasn't really for me. However..” I looked to my camera. “I think I was meant for something a bit different.”

“Oh really now? Well you can tell me over lunch. Cataloging the mating patterns of woodworms is hungry work.” She looked over at some of Photo’s models. “Hey...do you think I'm cuter than those models?”

I choked a bit. Well that came right the hay out of nowhere. “Wait, what?”

“Oh, nothing...just a thought.” She smiled and began leading the way to wherever we were going for lunch. I had no idea where she was going...