• Published 2nd Nov 2012
  • 4,752 Views, 107 Comments

A World Apart - Tekkonair

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are sent to Equestria

  • ...

Meeting the Forces - Pt. 1

“Launch!” The bellowed command was responded with the groan of bending wood, as one of the Royal Artillery Corps’ catapults launched a boulder at a target four hundred feet away, demolishing the wooden bulls eye.

“Impressive accuracy.” Said Strife, the first real compliment he’d made since arriving in Equestria, as he eyed the work of the catapult crew.

“Thank you sir.” Said one of the crew. “Our trebuchets have a greater range and accuracy. However, they are complex to make, not as manoeuvrable, and are more complex to operate.”

“Not to mention bloody lethal if you’re standing behind one.” Said another operator. “The way the mechanism works means you can’t have as dense batteries of artillery pieces.”

“Which either means less pieces overall or less room for the troops to manoeuvre.” Finished Strife. The operator nodded.

“Yes sir. It seems a curse of artillery pieces that the better the piece, the less you can field. Nothing beats a cannon in sheer power, but you can’t arrange them in batteries of more than one cannon deep.” The earth pony said, leading Strife to one of the cannons. The cannon was an iron monster, more than four metres long and a barrel that Strife was reasonably confident he could crawl inside.

“This is the Mons Meg.” One of the unicorns declared proudly. “This beauty can fire twenty inch cannonballs at an airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.”

“Do you mean an Equestrian or Zebrican swallow?” Asked the earth pony, smirking. The unicorn frowned, gaining a deeply thoughtful expression, causing the earth pony to break down into hysterics. Strife simply rolled his eyes.

“How many of these pieces do you have?” He asked the earth pony once he had prevented his sides from splitting.

“Six, including this one. We have two posted to cover each of the three gates into Canterlot.” He said. “Loading is fairly lengthy, so we stagger the firing of the cannon, one firing when the other is half-way through re-loading to keep a steady rate of fire.”

“And how long does it take to reload each cannon?” Asked Strife.

“Depends on the crew. The best in the Corps could probably reload one in twenty seconds, though anyone capable of doing that is usually left to handle the larger guns.”

“You have guns larger than this thing?” Asked Strife, with a touch of incredulity. The earth pony nodded, grinning.

“Not many, mind you. The largest cannon we have are, for all intents and purposes, static emplacements. We have four, one for each gate, and one extra for the main gate to the south, watching over the valley on the approach to Canterlot.” Said the unicorn.

“Abandoned your swallow conundrum?” Asked Strife.

“No actually. The Mons Meg fires cannonballs at the airspeed velocity of an unladen Equestrian swallow, or of a Zebrican swallow carrying a coconut.”

“Why would- Never mind.” Said Strife, feeling a migraine coming on. The unicorn simply smirked

“What am I supposed to be looking for again?” Death asked, a little bored.

“You’re about to see one of the most common siege tactics used by the Royal Siege Breakers. We tunnel under the enemy defences, and can then use explosives to either bring the walls down or to sow mayhem behind the walls, creating a tunnel for friendly forces in the process.” Said Moon Shard, chuckling. Death nodded wearily.

“I assume that in reality the enemy would be too preoccupied by the on-going battle to worry about tunneling ponies?” He asked.

“Actually, we do a lot of our work at night. Less risk of a stray cannonball or magical explosive causing a cave-in, and in the rare occasion we do bollock it up and come up too soon, there’s a much lower chance of us being spotted when it happens.” Death nodded again.

“Makes sense I suppose.” He said, planning on going back to dozing when the ground around the pair suddenly erupted, dropping a rough circle of earth they were sitting on by a few feet, ten Lunar Guard appearing out of the dirt around them, weapons drawn and pointing menacingly at the pair. When Death got his heart working again, he chuckled. “Very impressive. But remember, some of your enemies will be capable of burrowing as well.”

“That’s why the pony in front is always a unicorn who specialises in manipulating the earth.” Said Moon Shard. “The more powerful ones can compact the earth around the enemy into spears which they can then use to incapacitate or kill the enemy. Even our middle-powered earth shapers can form a sphere of rock around an enemy.” She continued, smiling. “In that case, we then attach an explosive to the rock, which the earth shaper then moves inside the sphere. It usually leads to a very satisfying pop.” She finished with a grin. Death blinked, mildly concerned.

‘Ok, add mild sadism to the list of reasons to avoid this mare.’ He thought, shaking his head. “I’m assuming tunneling isn’t your unit’s only specialty.”

“Nope. We use some specialised siege engines, like petards, battering rams, that kind of thing.” Moon Shard replied. “The Siege Breakers handle the offensive part of a siege normally. The Celestial Siege Engineers are the ones that construct the other things needed to mount a siege. Barricades, trenches, those kinds of things. They also build siege towers.” She continued, grinning. “We only have three permanent towers, most are built as and when we need them. The permanent ones are made of steel and can mount a siege weapon each. Usually a cannon or a ballista.” Death nodded.

“And how often are they actually used?” He asked, causing Moon Shard to break her train of thought.

“Umm… Very rarely.” She admitted, grinning sheepishly. “But we train with them regularly, just in case.” She said, causing Death to nod again.

“Good. It does not do to neglect your training, even in peace time.” He said approvingly. “Is there anything else you wished to show me?”

“Yep. Come with me, and we’ll show you some of our explosives.” Said Moon Shard, rushing off.

Author's Note:

Hello fellow ponies!

Before I say anything else, I apologise profusely for the shortness of this Chapter and the time it took to produce it. Between exams, school and writers block I have been unable to write much lately, and I also apologise for another filler chapter. I hope to get the plot up and running properly in a couple of chapters time, but in the mean time, please bear with me

In other news, it amused me to no end that the closest word to 'Zebrican' that my brower's spell check could find was 'Americanize', and that it didn't recognise 'Ballista'. Perhaps it is due an upgrade...

And, excitingly, inspiration for another story has smacked me straight in the face. I shall reveal nothing about this new story idea, save for the fact I will not be posting any until the entire story is finished (perhaps a single taster chapter with which to tease you), and that it shall be based on the lyrics to Coldplay's 'Viva la Vida'

That's all for tonight!

Comments ( 21 )

Death is concerned because someone he is talking to is a little sadistic...........Death............the rider transforms into a skeleton with a cloak who literally spent his entire game going from point A to point C, and absolutely murdering everything at point B with a scythe bigger than than he is..................rrrriiiiigggggghhhttttt.:ajbemused:

i find the riders a bit out of character.....shouldent they be more intimidating? i mean come on they are the enders of worlds for bucks sake! its just a thought but still the soldiers should at least blink when adressing DEATH himself :facehoof:

2168343 As I have said, I have not played Darksiders 2. However, I do not recall any Horseman expressing enjoyment in the slaughter. I may be mistaken here, but I was under the impression that the Horsemen were unique amongst the Nephilim in that they did not enjoy slaughtering various different races. However, I am not pleased with how this chapter came out, and I will probably end up rewriting it

2168470 Yea, I need to get them back into character properly. This chapter was a bit rushed and not well thought through, so I apologise for that. However, as far as a regular Equestrian solder is concerned, the Horseman Death is a unicorn with unusual gear who is slightly larger than the average. In this story, Death is actually as large as Big Mac, so whilst to most ponies his stature and appearance would be intimidating, to trained soldiers (special forces no less), the effect is somewhat reduced. Not to mention the only pony he actually converses with is Moon Shard, a Lieutenant of a special forces organisation within the military, who is also somewhat insane

1902490 oh.....well goodie then:pinkiehappy:glad you do, i mean we cant have the most badass creatures in exsistence be "average" now can we :twilightsmile:

2168621 I understand why you did it, you need to emphasize certain extreme characteristics by showing the reaction thoughts of a character to an action or idea, but to emphasize something by showing it to a character, the character needs to show emotion in regards to what's happening. Even though Death may never have enjoyed the slaughter himself, I'm fairly certain he's seen worse than someone who enjoys killing enemy soldiers. for example, one of these guys.....
encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR-UJ_zIbCR_85do3FvlBTA7V2IlSgmbM4T5BFOSq4sB5PaoxLp encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzCVVUrKrn8HET7k9XRSgxqHeCRxZ9pvPMUzR2B78TebzQ34wDXQ

I thought i'd have to wait ALOT LONGER for another chapter, GOOD JOB AUTHOR.
Unladen swallow joke made me lol, even though I didn't find it very funny since I KEEP HEARING IT ALL THE TIME.

2168680 agreed :twilightsmile: but on a side note i am just happy i can continue to read this story its been good so far though i have yet to read the latest chapter but that will be fixed shortly

2168754 Fair point, I shall keep that in mind in future

Hahaha dat Swallow reference, Monty Python ftw lol


2889494 Glad to know there are plenty of MLP fans who enjoy Monty Python. As for the Hiatus, I am currently bogged down in a quagmire of writers block when it comes to this story, not to mention the fact I am focusing my efforts on my other story, Viva la Vida. If I find myself able to write a chapter for this story, I will do it with all due haste

2892072 I promise you, there will be much madness

Why does this make me think of the Battlefield heroes song?...... Meh

So far it's a really cool story :pinkiehappy:
... but with such upgrade rate - not so cool, bro :ajbemused:

3760410 I've had writer's block for a while on this story, so I apologise. Thanks for the fave as well

2168343 and fought corruption with a blade, which said could not be done

3824204 he's basically vigil games chuck Norris

So when is a new chapter going to be.

is their anything i can do to help the story

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