• Published 7th Nov 2012
  • 12,603 Views, 108 Comments

My Dear Shy - Keeper-of-Harmony

An isolate-loving man uncovers something that'll change his discourteous life for the better.

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Bonus: Scrapped Log

Author's Note:

Surprise! This is a piece that was scrapped from the original story, as my old memory served. Why? Because it was written from another character's perspective, and I figured it would throw off the readers. I stumbled upon this forgotten piece from an old USB drive (where the story was originally written and saved in) buried underneath junk inside a box.

I took it upon myself to edit any glaring flaws or errors. I also removed the dark and gloomy parts that mainly made the log and then sprinkled in some additional bits that I hope you guys will find quite heartwarming.


Tonight was so terrifyingly dark and rather blustery. The relentless and turbulent winds from outside rattled the windowpane with gusty vehemence. I was awake, quivering underneath the bedsheets.

Earlier I was disquieted from sleep because of the stormy weather, under what should have been a pleasant and peaceful night, and I have been awake since then. The full moon in the starry sky generously shone its soft brilliance through the window, dimly lighting the bedroom. It did little to ease my disquietude as the shadows still swallowed a good portion of the bedroom, and the moon's light was the only thing keeping them at bay.

But it did bring me some reassurance, as not only was it angled just right to illuminate the bed, where I could see Father sleeping right next to me, it also provided enough light for me to see his face. He was still asleep, and I'm perplexed on how he could manage to sleep through this noisy weather.

I could not dwell on my musings when the booming thunder outside startled me so that I yelped. I quickly brought a hoof over my mouth and rapidly glanced at Father, praying I haven't disturbed him, and after a couple of seconds passed, he hasn't moved a muscle, therefore I was utterly relieved. Relieved yet still frightened as the winds and thunder raged on without any signs of stopping.

I shuffled a bit closer to Father and pawed at his shoulder, figuring that reminding myself that I'm not alone would suffice as enough encouragement to fall back asleep. Unfortunately, it didn't. The wind rattling the window in addition to the thunder roaring was keeping me startled wide awake, and I kept shuffling in bed until I was right next to Father, ears folding back, whimpering like a helpless puppy.

I wanted to say something to spur a response from Father, yet I didn't have the heart to do so.

Again the wind picked up and rattled the window more violent than before with another clap of thunder followed by a brief flash of lightning. My heart thumped against the inside of my chest so hard I thought it was going to leap out at any moment, and I continued to shift in bed so I could snuggle up against Father's chest. Father's brows twitched as his face wrinkled in his sleep. Oh, dear. I might have almost roused him from his slumber. What was I thinking? How selfish it was of me to not make any consideration of Father's personal space or sleep.

I may be very scared, frightened even, but Father's sleep was of utmost importance, and I would hate it if he woke up grouchy and bitter because of my selfishness. As much as I wanted to stay snuggled up to his side, I thought it would be best to start shuffling away.

Abruptly, Father's arm slid out from beneath the sheets and comforters and wrapped itself around me. I tensed up from the suddenness, but once he started pulling me closer to him, I became more at ease, and soon I was burying myself into his chest where I felt very safe and secure, protected by the encircling darkness. The moon's soft glow illuminated the smile that was creeping upon Father's lips, and his gentle hold around me tightens as though his paternal instinct was kicking in.

His smile and his embrace allayed my fears, troubles, and worries, and the weather was no longer of any concern to me. Affection and comfort encompassed my entire being, and I welcomed them with an open heart and smiled blissfully while my eyes began to close.

Father's kind hand caresses my spine as for another reassurance, and my ears caught him mumbling in his sleep. I held back a giggle, knowing Father was assembling a sandwich or something in his dream since he included his special sauce amongst the ingredients he's slurring. Father can be so silly, but that's a quality of his I adored. He reminded me of that scrawny fellow from Scooby-Doo.

Unlike that scrawny human, Father was brave and strong. He never ran away or backed down from anything, no matter how intimidating the obstacle may seem. He's also so kind, so caring, and knew what was best for me.

He does get scared, and he didn't deny it, and he does disapprove of the promise he made, and he didn't deny that either, but he'll do just about anything to make me, his daughter, happy, notwithstanding what may or may not happen once I show myself to the world.

That is the quality I love about him, most of all.

I rolled around - with my back now facing him - and his hand that was caressing my spine began caressing the tufted fur on my chest.

In just about a week from now, I'll get to see what Earth has to offer, and it has me thrilled to the core.

Comments ( 1 )

A pleasant story.

Thank you for that. I enjoyed reading it.

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