• Published 27th Oct 2012
  • 1,041 Views, 9 Comments

Children of Oonte - sevenofeleven

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Chapter 8

Children of Oonte: Chapter 8
After the Vision and building the aircraft.

Ashley woke in the semi darkness of her room. There was some light coming into the window from a light outside. Stacy Kellogg was sleeping in her bed. Fluttershy was nowhere in the room. Ashley checked out the time, it was 2am. It would be nice to get some more sleep but Ashley felt full of energy, so she quietly slipped out of the room and went downstairs to her lab.

The room was a pleasant surprise, it was empty, no stuff to move around or otherwise fuss with. Ashley sat on the floor and conjured up a mesclun salad with dandelions, some red wine vinaigrette as a salad dressing and she was good to go. After the salad was devoured, Ashley went to work conjuring up the generators and other equipment. When that was done, Ashley conjured up a small computer and went through specs on aircraft. Will need something that seats eight with some comfort and some room for spare stuff. By 7am, Ashley had the final specifications for her aircraft and the equipment to build it. Will need to build a hangar for making aircraft too. Ashley left her lab, locked the door and went to the "War Room" to find Avery.

Avery was sitting in his chair in the empty "War Room". He motioned to Ashley to sit next to him. When Ashley sat down, he started talking, "Oonte showed me what you need to do and I will help you any way I can".

"You can hear Oonte?" Ashley asked.

"Yes, my wife was a pony and she took me to an Invocation the week she became a pony. Oonte spoke to me at the Invocation." Avery replied.

"What happened to your wife?" Ashley asked.

Avery said quietly, "She did not make it."
Ashley told Avery that the ammo and grenade maker were done and they could move them out of her lab.

Ashley then asked Avery about where she could build her hangar for her ship. Avery suggested a building with a large open space in the back, it had been assigned to the militia. He also would round up as many unicorns he could find to help Ashley with making the hangar. Ashley promised to add support to the hangar to make trucks and jeeps. At least the specs for the vehicles would be in the hangar's memory. When they left this area, the hangar would have to be destroyed because it was too big to carry. Ashley said goodbye and went outside to go back to her lab to get her laptop.

Fluttershy sat in the sunlight, it was not as warm as it was yesterday, can feel that Fall was coming. Fall was better in Equestria, more trees to change with the seasons, the few trees in the courtyard were thin and they had already lost a lot of leaves. Word had gotten around that Ashley was going to do some fancy magic and a crowd of people and ponies were sitting around the outer edge and peering through the windows of some of the buildings that surrounded the courtyard.

Fluttershy wondered if there would be fireworks but thought about the time a blue unicorn named Trixie came by, things had gone somewhat badly. Some buildings got damaged but no one got hurt and Twilight solved the problem. Maybe that was not the best thought to have now.

Fluttershy wanted to ask Ashley about some of the equipment but there was no time and barely enough room for her to squeeze in. The Seeress stepped up and announced that a great spell was going to be cast and everyone had to be quiet or the unicorns casting it would be distracted and the spell would be ruined. Ashley sat down next to the area where the hangar was going to be made.

Fluttershy leaned forward as a purple light started to shine from Ashley's horn, once her horn got to a certain brightness, a line of light moved from her horn to the next unicorn's horn. Think it was Merinda's, the unicorn that made food for them yesterday. Her horn glowed white and then a line went from her horn to Rita's horn, then lines started going from every unicorn's horn until it looked like they were in a big web of colored lights. Then the many colored lines converged on Ashley's horn and then a purple line of light moved to the center of the courtyard where they were building the hangar. It sketched out an outline of a base and slowly a dark blue metallic base slowly appeared and grew upwards, then the base was done and the line moved on to building the other parts of the hangar.

Fluttershy was enthralled, its not often she saw magic like this, Twilight did not do spells like this. Two hours later, Fluttershy was still there watching, a lot of people in the park had left. It was getting kinda cool too. The spell ended abruptly, there were lights and then they went out. The hangar was done.

Ashley leaned against the control cabinet for a minute, the spell was pretty draining but she got what she needed ahead of schedule. She sent thanks through Ponynet to all of the unicorns and then she had the hangar start building the aircraft that would take her to her sisters. Fluttershy ran up and they caught up with each others affairs. Ashley wanted to stay with the hangar while it built the aircraft and Fluttershy said she would stay with her. They did not have to worry about being cold, the hangar would be generating heat as a byproduct of making the aircraft. Ashley was thinking about giving the ship a name but not now. Since they had both eaten, there was not much to do but look at the stars, tell stories until sleep came.