• Published 27th Oct 2012
  • 1,041 Views, 9 Comments

Children of Oonte - sevenofeleven

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Chapter 9

Children of Oonte: Chapter 9
An old nightmare, a party, a funeral and a journey begins.

Sherman's Nightmare:

Sherman felt so cold looking at the expanse of snow. He was drawn towards a certain direction and started walking. Snow crunched underfoot. Sherman struggled over a hill and then saw the Black Tower. He thought he had outgrown these dreams. He looked at his hands, no mittens there, the gloves were the Insulate thermal gloves he bought last year.

He could sense that there was something in the tower, it was starting to wake up. Sherman cursed his non moving feet. It was just like his dream as a kid, could sense the occupant in the tower waking up and starting to turn towards him. Sherman tried to move his legs but they were frozen blocks. Soon the occupant would turn its full attention on him and he would freeze and burn like an ant under a strange lens and sun. Sherman could feel the unknown occupant's attention getting closer and closer. In the background there was a screaming sound. The screaming sound got louder and Sherman woke up.

Sherman clawed his way up out of sleep, thankful for his loud alarm clock. That was the worst nightmare he had in a while. Deep in his gut he had a strange sense of foreboding. Yeah, today is going to be a bang up day. Sherman got ready to do his morning jog. The jog was uneventful but it seemed that hidden threats were everywhere. After that he showered and gulped down a quick breakfast and drove to work.

At work at the NSA, the feeling of foreboding went up a notch. Sherman was seriously tempted to check his gun but somehow managed to keep it holstered. Seldom was his gut wrong, so Sherman listened to it and was very alert. Lunchtime he ate something, he did not really remember what. Something was coming and Sherman did his reports with one ear cocked for any disturbances in the area outside his office.

Around 2pm, a junior agent poked his head through the door and said "One of those Anthro ponies and a four legged pony with wings has a message for the President".

"Really?" Sherman replied, he was going to make a joke and assign it to another more senior agent but his stomach said this is it. "I will interview them, put them in Interview room 405" Sherman said with some fear in his voice. Sherman then walked to room 405 and again resisted the urge to pull out his gun.

Present day:

"Ashley where did the two legged ponies come from?" Fluttershy asked between bites of pancake and honey.

Ashley replied "The Stork" and placed some cold cereal in her mouth. Fluttershy gave her a "you gotta be kidding" look and Ashley laughed and spat partially chewed cereal all over the table. After she finished laughing, she conjured up a wet cloth and cleaned up the mess.

Fluttershy continued to eat. "The truth is, we were human but Oonte chose to make us two legged or anthro ponies," Ashley said and disintegrated the wet cloth.

“Who is Oonte?” Fluttershy asked, a being that could turn humans to ponies sounded interesting.

“Oonte is our Mother Goddess, we speak to her during Invocation and she takes care of her children,” Ashley replied with a bit of awe in her voice. She remembered times when she could feel Oonte's hooves comfort her.

"What did you look like before you were a pony?" Fluttershy asked.

"I had white skin, gray green eyes and bangs, so being a pony was not too much different from what I was. Well, except for the tail, ears, muzzle and horn. Oh yeah and the vegetarian diet," Ashley replied.

"Tomorrow, we will send you home Fluttershy", Ashley said and was surprised to see a bit of unhappiness cross Fluttershy's face.

"I like it here, yes, I do want to go home but not that soon" Fluttershy replied.

"Don't you think that the folks at home will need some sort of status report?" Ashley asked.

Fluttershy sighed and said, "I guess so".

Seth Brandon came by and asked about his apple pie and Ashley had a great idea, "We can have a party as a send off to me and Fluttershy!"

"Great!" said Seth. Rita sent Ashley a message through Ponynet about Steve's remains and Ashley arranged a time to have the burial. First, Ashley wanted to do some research back at her lab. She knew that there were two more people that were traveling with her but she did not know who. Also she wanted to see what Steve's last name was by using her Divination skills. The aircraft was done but Ashley decided to fuss with that tomorrow, maybe she can do a quick test fly with Fluttershy on board.

It took longer than expected to find Steve's last name, Ashley and the Seeress had to spend a bit of time working together to find it out but they found it. Steve was not just Steve, he was Steve Robbins. Most of the people and ponies that traveled with Steve out of Washington DC were there at the makeshift cemetery and they got to see Steve's urn buried next to his grave marker. "Rest in Peace, Steven Robbins," Rita said and crossed herself. Then everyone left the cemetery to do their own affairs.

Sherman was shooting at targets at the range when he heard about the party. He was tempted to ignore it but someone said that there was something special for him. So he put the guns away in the cabinet and went to the cafeteria. He was met with an interesting sight. One table had three piles of chocolate doughnuts, there was a faint blue mist around the doughnuts to keep them cool because no one likes a sticky chocolate doughnut.

The next table had two big apple pies and some other party snacks. Other tables had drinks in coolers, from beers to sodas. Sherman grabbed some napkins and took a doughnut from each of the piles and then walked to a table where Fluttershy was eating a doughnut in a bowl. There was not much and as he watched that bit was gone. Fluttershy smiled and said, "Hello."

"Yeah, I remember that night" Sherman said and bit into his first doughnut. It was good, yellow cake with chocolate on the outside. Some guy came by and asked Fluttershy if she wanted anything, Fluttershy replied that she did not need anything. The party did not have any music yet until someone found a boombox with some disco CDs and a unicorn cast a spell to power it and there was music to dance to or at least tap one's hooves or feet to.

Later on Sherman got some beers and walked back to Fluttershy. "Can I have one of those?" She asked pointing her fore hoof at the bottles.

"Are you an adult?" Sherman asked.

"Yes", Fluttershy replied. Sherman poured some beer into Fluttershy's bowl. She sniffed it and started drinking. It was not long before Fluttershy was singing and dancing, she even stood up on her hind legs to dance.

Ashley came by and Fluttershy asked Ashley to dance with her a bit. Ashley took both of Fluttershy's fore hooves in her hands and started to dance. Fluttershy's wings were fully extended and she was having a grand time. "Gimme a kiss!" Fluttershy said and then belched in Ashley's face. Fluttershy said, "Sorry." and ran off deeper into the party. Sherman had seen the whole thing and was laughing so much, his face was red. He threw a bottle at Ashley who used her telekinesis to catch the bottle and remove the cap and then she drank some of the beer.

"Sherman, I need someone I could trust to watch my back when I go get my sisters. Would like to have your help on this trip," Ashley said after drinking some beer.

Sherman had a strange feeling, kinda like when they first met. He put his beer down and asked, "Do you go by a black tower near the South Pole?"

Ashley was surprised but answered, "Yes, my sisters and I have a mission there."

Sherman thought about saying no but thought about finding out whats in the tower and maybe even giving it a swift kick in the butt. Well, if the thing in the tower had a butt. Yeah, it would be good not to dream about that tower if it was in ruins. "Yeah, I would be safer here but screw that! Yes, I will go with you!" Sherman replied.

Ashley smiled and said, "Good, Rich will be coming with us." Sherman then told Ashley about his dream about the tower. Ashley told him what time to be at the ship so they could take off. Then Ashley went looked for Fluttershy.

Before Ashley found Fluttershy, she did some dancing and a bit more partying. Someone found some R&B songs on an Iphone and was playing them through the boom box. Fluttershy was found lying off to the side passed out. Ashley conjured up a cart and levitated Fluttershy onto the cart and rolled it to the aircraft.

Fluttershy woke up thirsty and with an aching head. There was a bowl of cool water so she drank that and the thirst and headache slowly went away. Next to her Ashley slept quietly. Fluttershy walked around the ship. There were two sets of bathrooms, one for people and ponies and one for four legged ponies, that was good she needed to go to the bathroom. When Fluttershy was done, she came out and Ashley was standing in front of her. "Are you OK?", she asked.

"I am fine but hungry," Fluttershy replied.

"Tell me what you want to eat and then I will do some quick flight tests for the aircraft and then we will send you home," Ashley replied.

Fluttershy made a quick breakfast request and Ashley made it. Then Ashley did some quick flight tests with Fluttershy looking out the window. One test was a straight vertical climb, the ship went straight up so high you could see the curve of the Earth in the distance. That got Fluttershy oooing and aaahing. Then Ashley did the vertical fall, not to fast since Fluttershy was looking out the window. When the ship landed, Ashley and Fluttershy left the ship to go to where the unicorns were assembling to send her home.

Ashley gave Fluttershy a hug and told her to be careful. "Will you come to Equestria and visit me?" Fluttershy asked with tears in her eyes.

Ashley blinked quickly to hide her tears and said "Yes." Ashley started the spell and the other unicorns helped out and the meeting room in Equestria was soon visible through the gateway. Fluttershy walked up to the gateway and gave one last look back and then stepped through the gateway. Ashley kept the spell active until she saw that Fluttershy was safely on the other side. Then she stopped the spell.

Sherman, Rich and Erica the Seeress were waiting at the aircraft when Ashley showed up with supplies in a cart. All of the supplies were made by the unicorns so the Enclave would not be missing any supplies. "I wish you good luck and Godspeed on your quest, my sister," said Erica.

Ashley said, "Thanks" and she went inside with Rich and Sherman. Erica went back to her office, there was a lot to do. After the supplies were stored away and Rich and Sherman were in their seats. Ashley took off in search of her first sister.