• Published 27th Oct 2012
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Children of Oonte - sevenofeleven

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Chapter 14

Children of Oonte
Chapter 14: A sister in need, The foes of Fengtai District

While Mei was flying back to the military base something hit her, she was not sure what it was but it knocked her against a building and she fell down and things went black. When she woke up, the sun was slowly setting and that her heart was beating faster with fear. Mei stood up and her left wing hurt so bad, she almost fell down. She got up slowly and looked around. She was on a rooftop, immediately she thought about doors. Those zombies or creatures might be lurking around here, she strained her ears to hear what was on the rooftop with her.

So far it was just the wind and some clothes on a clothes line. Mei slowly walked around the rooftop, it seemed OK until she got to the doorway. She checked the door, it was locked, thank goodness, nothing was going to sneak up on her. The creatures would have to break the door down. Mei slowly tried to sit on the ground without moving her hurt wing and she made a mistake and the pain knocked her out.

Ashley's ship was two hours out from Beijing when they got a message from the Beijing Herd. Mei was missing and they were under heavy CC attack. Chao Lin gave Ashley an area that they could search for Mei and they wanted Ashley and friends to try to attack the CC from behind. "If the CC is focused on fighting the defenders in the Fengtai District, we could drop something nasty on the unprotected backs," Ashley suggested. Renee nodded yes in agreement.

Rich asked, "what are you going to do?"

"We will find Mei and then give the CC a kick in the balls!" Ashley said with a smile.

"I will see if I can sense her through Pnet," Isabela said and started accessing Pnet.

"Found her!" Isabela sang out. Ashley flew the ship towards Mei's position while Isabela gave directions through Pnet. Renee used the scanners to check for threats. There were a lot below them in the streets, there were creatures that were once human but now were possessed by dark magic. At least they were still alive which means they could take less damage than if they were undead. A group had entered the building where Mei was and it was just a matter of time before they would get her. Now they were only 2 floors below her.

"Whats the plan?" Sherman asked.

"Twilight and I will levitate Mei into the ship because there is not enough room to land while Isabela, you and Rich will shoot any of the strange creatures that get near. Ashley will keep the ship level and close so we can do this quickly," Renee said with determination in her voice.

Ashley flew the ship towards the rooftop where Mei was lying. Rich and Sherman looked at each other and readied their weapons. Isabela looked at them and got her rifle ready.

The creatures were at the door on the roof and banging away at the door. The door would not take more punishment and with a crash and a spray of wooden pieces the door flew apart. Several creatures (Black Spitters) ran towards Mei who was still unconscious but Sherman and Rich were able to shoot them. "Watch her wings, they are broken," Ashley yelled. Renee and Twilight pooled their telekinetic powers and Mei started to float off the roof towards the ship. More black spitters showed up in the doorway and Rich and Sherman shot them dead, that gave them a bit more time to lift Mei higher but more spitters were rushing up the stairs to the roof.

Ashley brought the ship closer to the rooftop so Renee and Twilight did not have to lift Mei too far. At last Mei was in the ship and Isabela moved her body to a sleeping bag on the floor. One black spitter jumped on the ship but could not hold on and fell to its death spitting and snarling.

Isabela climbed into the pilot's seat while Ashley scanned Mei, the damage to her wings was pretty bad, there was a lot of work to do. Too much work to do and have enough magic to cause damage to the CC from behind so Ashley made a cast to immobilize Mei's wings and kept Mei sleeping.

"How are we going to do this?" Twilight asked with a bit of tiredness in her voice.

"We will hit the back of the CC forces attacking Fengtai with several white hot bursts of electricity. The lightning will travel from one enemy to another. It should be enough to kill or distract the CC sorcerers and allow the Fengtai defenders time to counterattack," Ashley said with confidence.

"The hard part will be to get away before they try to hit us with magic. I will tell Isabela to fly south at full speed," Ashley said with worry in her voice.

"Don't worry we shall fly south so quickly their spells will run out of breath and fall behind!" Isabela exclaimed with a grin.

Chao Lin, a brown eyed, gray unicorn with a salt and pepper colored mane and tail, caught his breath, that last battle had been very tough. One lucky infected had gotten close enough to infect some soldiers by spewing some black slime on them. A few minutes later they were infected and spitting away at the remaining uninfected. Somehow some unicorns were able to cast spells to slow down the infected so the guards could stab them with their bayonets or shoot them. It was pure chaos, soldiers screaming as the infected bit and tore at them while other soldiers shot or tried to shoot at the infected. Chao had to use fire spells to burn some of the infected before they got to him. While they were dealing with the infected in the ranks, CC units were still attacking the base.

"Mage Leader Lin, are you OK?" Da Hu, a blue eyed, green furred and black mane and tailed unicorn, asked over Pnet.

"I am fine, can you send me some mage support?" Chao asked, he did not want this incident to happen again. There was a delay while Da checked with the other unicorn mages.

"I can send you one," Da offered. Chao said fine and kept his mage senses on the enemy. More infected were running across the clear area before the base's buildings and the soldiers were shooting them but there were so many.

Twilight touched her horn with Ashley's and Renee's horn so they can pool their magical powers and knowledge. Ashley was really good at spying on the enemy from a distance. She had been able to sense that the CC summoned the infected (Black Spitters) to throw the defenders of Fengtai off balance. The black spitters were too hungry to be controlled like normal soldiers so the CC used them as shock troops. CC sorcerers used spells to keep the black spitters from attacking them. Instead of dropping several electricity based explosions in the area Ashley was thinking about negating the black spitter control spells so the CC would have to fight the black spitters and the defenders. Maybe there was enough power left to destroy the transports so the CC units could not fly away too. If the CC was overwhelmed by the black spitters, there will be more spitters but the black spitters were not very organized.

It was either mess with the black spitter controls or drop the electrobomb spells, there is not enough magical power to do both. Ashley was for using the black spitters, Twilight thought the idea was too risky and Renee was still thinking. Time was running out. Renee liked the idea of turning the spitters against the CC but she worried about side effects. There was a chance that something that they overlooked or did not know would cause trouble for the defenders. Renee sided with Twilight. Ashley used their combined magic and made the electrobombs. When the bombs fell, Ashley told Isabela to head south at full speed.

The bombs dropped on the section where the leaders and sorcerers were. The defenders could see bright flashes in the distance and explosions as equipment and transports blew up. The arcing electricity moved from CC creature to creature, killing or severely wounding them.

Da Hu's mage group had been long range dueling with several tiger sorcerers when Da felt that the tigers stopped fighting. Now to help the People's Army advance! He gave the mages working with him new instructions "Focus on the floating platforms and blow them up and kill all CC units."

Chao Lin was panting heavily, this fight was not going well. His muzzle was bleeding and he had one bad burn on his side. Two tiger sorcerers were attacking him mercilessly, the mage they sent to help him got killed by one of the tigers spells. The tigers were on floating platforms behind a wall of CC units. The infected were all dead and it was just CC units now. Too bad about the new guy/gal, Chao did not even get that unicorn's name. At least one of those tigers will die today. Chao cast a two part spell using most of his power at the platform. One part was an attack against the tiger and the other was directed at the engine of the platform. If the engine is destroyed the platform will just lie on the ground and it would be an easy target for the soldiers to fire their rocket launchers at it. A moving platform was a harder target to hit. The tiger sorcerer would have to choose between defending himself or the platform. The tiger went for defending the platform and got torn apart by the other part of the spell.

Chao sensed a powerful dark spell heading his way, he did not have enough power to block it. He smiled, at least I sent one of those foul tigers to Hell. The spell hit and he fell into a painful darkness.

Chao took a deep breath and it hurt and it was noisy here. The area smelled like a hospital. He opened his eyes, Da Hu bowed and smiled at him. "The spell, it was going to kill me?" Chao asked quizzically.

"Yes, but we blocked most of it. There were 2 tigers left but they wanted to kill you so much, they stopped protecting the rest of the Claw Combine soldiers. My mages and I killed a lot of them. It was so great to have them on the other side of a mage attack!" Da said, he was practically beaming.

"You should not be so jubilant for causing so much death," Chao gently chided.

"They are so crazy, the army had to kill all of them but there was not much left. We will be sending a team to their staging area to find out what happened," Da said.

"Ashley Taylor and her friends used their power to attack the enemy from behind. Do not forget to thank them for their help and find out about Mei," Chao slowly said before he passed out. Da sent out a message of thanks. Yes we have a chance now. The next fight with the CC would end badly for them.