• Published 27th Oct 2012
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Children of Oonte - sevenofeleven

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Chapter 7

Children of Oonte: Chapter 7
Meet the Sisters and an urgent mission.

Fluttershy's Flashback:

Yellow furred and pink maned and tailed Fluttershy woke up and luxuriated in the morning sunlight. Yes! It was Saturday and she did not have to do any work unless she wanted to. Other than feeding her animals and Angel her pet rabbit, the day was wide open to do as she wished. Time to go wash up and feed the animals. While she was feeding her animals there was a series of excited raps on her door. Fluttershy opened her door and Rainbow Dash burst in. Rainbow Dash is a female Pegasus pony with blue fur, magenta eyes and a rainbow colored mane and tail.

"We are going on another adventure!" she almost shouted, Fluttershy had to remind Rainbow to be quieter.

"I can't leave until my animals are all fed, can you help me?" Fluttershy asked.

"No problem we can have these animals fed in twenty seconds flat!" Rainbow enthused.

Fluttershy gave Rainbow a look and Rainbow changed her prediction to five minutes. It actually took seven minutes. Fluttershy told Angel that he was in charge and left with Rainbow Dash.

While they walked and flew to Twilight's tree house Fluttershy tried to get more info about the upcoming adventure from Rainbow but Rainbow only knew that they had to meet at Twilight's and it might be a long adventure. While Rainbow was boasting about what she would do, Fluttershy began to worry. Was it those horrible changelings or worse, dragons? There was a big gold and white carriage in front of Twilight's Library Tree house and Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie were waiting for them. Pinkie said that Applejack was going to bring some snacks from the Apple Farm to eat while they traveled to Canterlot, the royal city. They did not have to wait long for Applejack and then the Mane six piled into the carriage and the royal Pegasus guards flew into the air pulling the carriage.

The trip took an hour but no one was bored, there were some really good apple turnovers and then they discussed what the mission could be like. Fluttershy was quiet and just listened to what the other ponies said. No one really knew anything definite and that seemed more scary. When the carriage landed, the group was escorted to a small sunny meeting room to meet with Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia is an Alicorn with magenta eyes, white fur and a multi colored mane with blue, pink and green. Her fur shone brightly in the afternoon sunlight coming through the windows.

"Once again my dear friends, I must send you into danger to protect Equestria," Celestia said with a hint of regret in her voice. Then she told them about the message from a strange pony named Chien Dao. A world called Earth was going to be attacked by an evil force and Equestria would be needed to help them.

"Why should we care if a world filled with humans is under attack?" Rainbow asked.

"Rainbow!" chided Applejack.

"Rainbow Dash has a good point. If this world falls to the Darkness, the Humans and Ponies there will eventually attack Equestria or whatever defeated the humans and ponies will come here," replied Celestia.

Twilight asked, "There are Humans there, I thought that humans did not exist? Most of the books I read dismiss the existence of Humans."

"Earth is a different world than ours, there are no 4 legged unicorns and 4 legged pegasi are considered mythical and earth ponies do not talk," Celestia replied. That statement had the ponies buzzing.

Humans, Fluttershy thought, that might be worth an adventure to see.

Rainbow Dash said slyly while looking at Applejack, "Earth ponies don't talk huh?"

Applejack fired back, "Pegasi are mythical, ya know like nonexistent!"

Rarity asked, "What about the 2 legged ponies, are they like us?"

"Somewhat but they have hands instead of fore hooves and they can be unicorns or pegasi or earth ponies," Celestia replied and stood up on her hind legs to illustrate but did not stand too long, her back gave her a warning twinge. Maybe its time for a Royal exercise program?

"Standing on your hind legs is easy, I have done it a long while, lots of times," boasted Pinkie Pie. She then walked on her hind legs and said, "Raarg, I am an Earth earth pony, look at my hooves, um hands!" Celestia let Pinkie carry on because it lightened the mood a bit and then brought the meeting to order.

"I will need one pony to warn the Humans on Earth," Celestia said and looked over the ponies. Each of them would do the task but some were better than others. Also some were needed in Equestria to help with preparations. "Fluttershy, will you please walk with me a bit out in the hall?" Celestia asked.

Fluttershy was surprised and could only stammer "Mm me?" but she followed Celestia out into the hall.

Celesta walked down the sunny hallway with Fluttershy beside her. Celestia asked Fluttershy, "Will you be the messenger?"

Fluttershy turned to face Celestia and said, "Yes!"

"Good, you have more courage than you think, Fluttershy. Lets go back and get this affair started," Celestia said with a hint of worry. Fluttershy heard the worry in Celestia's voice but resolved to continue.

They returned to the room and Celestia picked a scroll out of a battered and dusty looking bag left by Chien Dao using telekinesis and put it between Twilight and Rarity. "Twilight you must open the scroll and start the spell and Rarity will help you cast it. Once the doorway is open and stable and you can see the ponies from Earth, Fluttershy will walk through the doorway." Celestia instructed the ponies.

Twilight used her telekinesis and opened the scroll and read it. The spell was complicated, not too complicated, the magical power requirements were more of a concern. She had not worked too often with spells that needed so much power. Twilight asked Rarity to touch her horn with hers and they started on the spell. Celestia wanted to help but dimensional gateway spells can fail with dangerous consequences so someone has to be ready to contain the failed spell. The two unicorn's horns began to glow with a purple blue light, their lights became brighter than the sunlight coming through the windows. Celestia motioned with her right fore hoof to the other ponies to move back.

A round ball started to form next to the two unicorns, it became less fuzzy and more distinct. Rarity and Twilight's horns were so bright, the ponies could not look at them anymore. The ball turned into a tunnel and the ponies could see hooves and chair legs on the other side. Fluttershy looked at the tunnel and became scared, she started to have doubts and fears. Maybe once she went through she would never be able to come home. Maybe Earth's humans were horrible creatures, worse than changelings or dragons? That was a frightening thought and Fluttershy froze.

A purple unicorn with gray green eyes looked through the gateway and said, "If you are sending a messenger, send her now, we can't keep this gateway open much longer!" Twilight was starting to pant under the pressure of maintaining the spell and Rarity was getting a nosebleed. Blood was dripping slowly from her nose and splashing on her white fur and floor. Fluttershy was still frozen with fear. Twilight was panting harder and her nose was starting to bleed too.

Celestia raised her voice and yelled, "Fluttershy, you must go through the gateway now! Your friends are hurting themselves to keep the gateway open and if you do not go now, the Humans will not be warned in time!"

Fluttershy looked at her unicorn friends. Twilight's nose was bleeding harder, her purple fur was stained with blood and there was a small pool on the floor. Rarity's eyes were glazing over and she was swaying back and forth but the glow on her horn was still steady. Fluttershy gathered up her courage and ran for the gateway as fast as she could. Once in the gateway, it felt like she was being stretched and then she knocked over some ponies and hit a chair and knocked herself out.

Back in Equestria, Celestia had to nudge Twilight and Rarity to close the gateway. After that they both passed out. Celestia called for some healers and gave the other ponies instructions on their tasks.

Present Day:

Ashley waited in the warm afternoon sunshine for the signal to open her mind to Ponynet(Pnet). Invocation was an important pony ritual because any pony can contact Oonte, their Goddess Mother. This was the time to hear and or feel her. The other ponies joined the Pnet and then Ashley heard a regal voice say, "Come with me my child, we have little time to waste!" Ashley felt her soul leave her body, too bad she did not have enough time to look down on it. There was no time, she was flying but it did not feel like flying, there was no breeze on her face and the ground below her was a blur. She was heading south, she saw some beaches and then she was flying over jungle then she was over a city that had been ravaged by the Claw Combine. Then she was standing near some people and ponies watching a pink pony with curly red hair and mane dance. She had bright blue eyes and great dance moves. The pony looked right at her and the Voice of Oonte said, "This is your Sister." Then Ashley was picked up and carried across the Atlantic Ocean. She moved so fast it might as well been a puddle.

She slowed down next to a blue Pegasus pony with rainbow hair and red eyes, the pony was shooting at CC units on the ground somewhere in central Africa from the air. For a second the pony looked at Ashley and then Ashley knew she was another sister. Then Ashley was flown north to Paris and it was a sad sight, the Eiffel tower was in ruins. Ashley was flung through a wall, no, she did not hit anything, she just went through it like the wall was made of nothing. She was in a room, there were 2 soldiers firing at CC units and a white unicorn with a purple mane and tail was using a strange looking sniper rifle to shoot CC units. When she would rarely miss, she would curse "Merde!". The pony took time out of her shooting to look behind her and Ashley could see her face and know this was another sister. Then Ashley was grabbed and flung east.

Her next stop was Moscow, she recognized some of the buildings even though the CC had severely damaged them. She ended up in the Hermitage, there an orange pony with blonde hair and green eyes was leading ponies and people in saving the treasures from the raging fires. Ashley saw another sister there. Then Ashley was carried out of the doomed building and flung even further east. There she flew alongside a yellow Pegasus pony who was looking for lost children. She looked at Ashley a quick second, this yellow pony was another sister and then Ashley went south, way south.

Ashley flew south to Antarctica, at first the cold did not bother her but as she went further south, she could feel the malice in the air. It was like flying through little cutting knives. Snow was coming down hard but the black building she was approaching did not have any snow on it. She went through the walls of the building and it was painful, like being stabbed in the gut with a cold jagged knife. Falling through the floors was okay, thank goodness it was not like going through the outer walls. The flying sensation paused a bit when she reached the lowest floor, there was a black still river or lake or something. What ever it was, it stretched on for miles. Ashley could not see where it ended or for that matter any walls. The still black water or whatever that stuff was did not feel or look right. Then Ashley dropped into it, the feeling was worse that going through the wall but not too worse. She kept falling down. It was dark but there were things in the water. Ashley hoped not to see any of them, just sensing them was bad enough. Could sense malice, hunger and just a tiny bit of sorrow. Just when Ashley was starting to get bored with the trip down the area started to lighten up.

The light got brighter and brighter and Ashley could see why. There was a pony with wings and a horn generating light. The pony had white fur and a reddish brown mane and tail. When she opened her brown eyes, Ashley could hear the pony's voice in her head.

"Please save me, you have very little time."

Ashley asked,"How?"

The imprisoned pony answered but Ashley could hear her voice fading, "You have your sisters and you will not be without allies." Then the pony closed her eyes and Ashley woke up on the ground in the park.

She was being cradled by one of the ponies she stood next to. Ashley passed out.

The Seeress put her forehead on Ashley's horn and picked up the fading echoes of Ashley's Vision. You will travel far my sister, the Seeress thought.