• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 711 Views, 2 Comments

Assassin's Tears III: Silent Wind Origins - MisterGTFO

Silent Wind tells his story when he was a Silentblade and the incident that started it all.

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Blood on My Hooves

Final Chapter: Blood on My Hooves

It was a bit tiring to hover all the way up to the Castle, but we all managed to get there in no time. With the help of me and Silent Whisper of course. I saw that Dad indeed took some big pre-cautions. For example, He put out three Silentblade Assassins at the entrance to keep a look out on me. I had no idea what was going on in Dad's mind, but I had to find something out, I had to! But unfortunately, I didn't know how to get in without being spotted and if I was spotted, shit would just hit everything. We all dashed over several big bushes to hide ourselves. Weird, right? Bushes on top of a mountain. Anyways, I saw Golden Shot reach her small belt bags with her muzzle. I knew what she wasn't gonna do, I gave her a gesture which ordered her to not try and kill them. She smirked at me at putted the white, large round that was held within her mouth and she slipped it into the small, enclosed slot that had two folds covering it which also slided out when she putted the round in to it. She chuckled at Me and I just looked at My brother and He looked back also.

"Don't worry, I won't kill 'em." She promised, pointing her large barreled gun on her right hoof at the three Silentblades that were on the top around the entrance. She shot it, making a small cloud of smoke around the three Stallions. We all raised up our bodies to see what was happening to them. They all fell down, I gasped and turned my head at Golden Shot. She knew I was gonna get the wrong idea and said something real calmly.

"I just knocked them out with sleeping round.. don't ya worry, mate. Just don't inhale it while we're going through it." She warned. I looked back at my brother with a nod and he responded back to me with another nod also. Lily Blade gasped in a large amount of air and held it as she walked to the Castle. When I saw her do that, I guess that I had to do that too. Since I wouldn't want to get knocked out, wake up to see all of Equestria in ruins. That'd be horrid to wake up to. Anyways, We all held our breaths as we opened the gate. Once it was opened, We all quickly ran into the Castle, closing the door behind us. Once it was safe, we all took deep gasps of breath while looking back at the door, seeing that we were out of the danger zone. When we all looked back, everything was dark but not dark enough to be unable for us to move on. We managed to get through without anything. Until I saw Lily Blade and Blood Roar. Lily Blade had a large frown on her face, not even looking at Me. Blood Roar looked at me with an angered glare. I looked back at him with a questioning look.

"You bastard.. Why did you betray us!?" He yelled at me. All the sudden, the nearby torches lit up. Golden Shot, Silent Whisper including Me, rotating our heads left and right to wonder what the hay had happened, but we soon refocused our eyes on Blood Roar, who was still glaring at me like the kind of idiot he was. I answered back to him while keeping a clear, calm mind and voice.

"Because, I don't want this world to end. Everything right now is good, but because of My Dad.. Equestria is going to bucking be destroyed because Stubborn ponies like you, can't understand that these demons won't be on your side, they'll just kill all of Equestria. Besides, this is my Family matter. You've got nothing to do with this." I answered him, ending with a soft sigh. I heard lots of grunts. Of anger from Blood Roar and I knew that his temper was going to explode. He never had patience with other ponies.

"Shut up!!" He shouted, hovering in the air and then charging at me with full force, his claws out in an attempt to stop Me. My brother reacted the only way he knew, he hopped in front of me and touched his special armband around his left foreleg wrist which had the Silentblade Insignia, painted on the bandage armband. The oddest thing about his armband was that it was indestructible even if it was just a simple bandage the size of an armband and he didn't just take it off by unwrapping, it was just like a wristband which I thought was odd to this day. Anyways, I saw a small cloud of smoke around his left foreleg and Me and Golden shot focused our eyes on a hurling scythe with Silent Whispers foreleg pointing up, indicating that he hurled it himself. The color was of a white and grey handle and the slightly curved blade had a slight jagged edge of the white, steel blade to it. I thought he was just gonna hit Blood Roar with the blade of the Scythe but once I saw him grab the long chain which despite having a long chain, still had a bunch of chain rope around his left foreleg. He amazingly wrapped the chain around Blood Roar, making him grunt in surprise. Silent Whisper pulled the chain as hard as he could to the ground and he threw Blood Roar to the ground hard enough to make a cloud surround Blood Roar when he slammed down real hard to the ground, making him grunt once again in pain as he was in a small cloud of smoke. I looked at Golden Shot to see her sigh and rub her neck. She then hovered in to the air and flew at Blood Roar as I looked at her, making an arch as she held down Blood Roar with her right foreleg against his neck with her gun helping her support her hold on Blood Roar, making him unable to move at all and only able to squirm just to try and get out from her grip. I looked forward and didn't see Lily anymore. I guessed that it was a bit too much for her and She decided to just run. I don't blame her, I'd want her to run so that She wouldn't be target by either Golden Shot or Silent Whisper. Golden Whisper raised her left hoof all the way up in the air and swunged it down on Blood Roar's face, making him smirk and spit out a trickle of blood, making it emit a spattering sound as hit the ground.

Me and Silent Whisper looked at each other and nodded. We knew that we'd have to move a bit closer to Golden Shot just in case, if Blood Roar got loose again. He's a real hard one to keep under control since he was squirming to get out of Golden Shot's grip. She just held his neck even more harder, possibly, if more harder, would break his cervical neck. I approached him just to talk to him, he was being the most idiotic Stallion I had ever seen.

"What is wrong with you, Roar?" I asked. He didn't speak back for a moment until he blurted out again which was a bit loud to my ears since My ears are a bit sensitive.

"I'm just preventing You from preventing us from getting all the respect and fear we've wanted all these damn years! Why stop something that is actually good?! Not even You, understand it!!" He yelled at me with anger. I lowered my eyes half-down and sighed. I couldn't believe he didn't understand what I was trying to prevent. I was done talking with him. Anymore and we'd have to no time to stop Dad. I sighed at made a gesture at Golden Shot. She nodded at Me.

"You still don't get it, then there's no reason to talk with you anymore. Golden Shot. Immobilize him. Now." I ordered. She nodded and quickly flew up and shot a round that had a stuffed net in it. Blood Roar was pretty hurt, so he didn't have anytime to react and dodge. He got tangled up in the net and was sure that'd he be unable to follow us. I heard him scream and grunt, trying to get himself out from the net. I made a gesture to make us move on and we did. Now, I can't say what I ordered on Blood Roar was right and I'm not gonna say it was right, no. Bucking. Way. Blood Roar may have been dysfunctional but He was still my friend. Even if I don't show it to him in this tale of Me I'm telling you about. I slightly regretted not having him as my friend since he was okay and all. But it didn't matter to me at that time, all I wanted was to stop Dad's stupid idea.

After several minutes, We finally got to the throne room. Before we went in, I told both of them that we just had to stop the portal from opening. We didn't to particularly kill Dad. That'd haunt me for the rest of my life if we did. I just told them to destroy the ritual staff so that it'd be impossible to ever open that Celestia-forsaken portal full of demons and abominations that come out of some kind of damn horrid nightmare.

Once we were ready, We opened the big-double, steel door. The first thing we saw was the staff was in the center of the throne room including the slightly big, dark-purple circle that was getting slowly larger by seconds. We looked at the figure near the staff who was controlling the dark aura that was swirling around the staff. Trying to open and enlarge the portal. I charged in first only to get four cuts on my face when he brought out five black blades out of his body, nearly penetrating me. I quickly jumped back, trying to wipe off the dripping blood off my face but I soon stopped as I saw that it was still dripping down. It wasn't dripping down profusely so I didn't panic of blood loss. Me and Silent Whisper both glared at our Dad with disappointment. Dad kept his simple but dark expression. Of course, Golden Shot had the expression of confusion. Kind of like Pinkie Pie's expression of confusion when she has no idea what is going on.. That's how I can only describe how it looked like. My brother went near my ear to whisper to Me. Which was good since I was clueless on what to do.

"What should we do? Just go head on?" He asked.

I did kind of wonder a bit and I made it up. I scooted away a bit from my brother and whispered to him too. I wanted to make sure it was just perfect so that Equestria would stay like it'd be. I'd rather live in a world where killing is what I do best instead of being killed by something I'm usually called, a monster.

"You're in charge of destroying that staff, bro. I'll cover you and so will the Mare. World depends on us right now." I whispered to him. He nodded to me and charged at Dad with full force and made his unique scythe reappear. Dad probably thought that he was going to attack him. But Silent Whisper, with his scythe held with his mouth flew over Dad. Me and Golden Shot ran at my Dad's back, trying to distract him. As we were doing our positioning things, My left eye flicked as I saw him smirk. All the sudden, a bunch of black blades come out from his freaking back and actually arched. The real Dad could never do that. Anyways, Me and Golden Shot managed to dodge it by getting out of the way by Me stepping left and her stepping right. As I successfully dodged out of the way, I looked at my brother who was about to throw his scythe at the unprotected ritual staff that was making the portal huge. But before he did that, I saw my Dad grow out three blades out of his forelegs. Two on the left foreleg and one on the right foreleg. My brother letted out a painful grunt as he got pushed back by the blades into the throne seat. I gasped in horror as the blades had hitted him in the location of his right lung, his right foreleg and his left shoulder. Once Dad released him, he rolled down the steps of the throne and fell down. He grunted shakingly as he tried to stand up again only to stumble down again.

"Damnit! Bro, you okay?!" I yelled out. I saw my brother try and get up again. I saw his chest have a small glow to and I saw his mouth move a bit as if he was saying something. I looked back at Golden Shot. She had her gun pointed at my Dad. I knew deep down, She had her own intentions. But at least she was helping us.. but still, I had already told her not to try and kill my Dad but I guess her desires took the best of her. I overheard her say something.

"You damn bloody muppet! You're gonna regret ever killin' my Mum!!" She yelled out. I heard a slight click but before She could shoot, My Dad was already by her, having his magic hold her right foreleg that had her hoof-gun attached. I heard My Dad laugh as he had her right foreleg immobilized.

"You shouldn't play with guns, little girl..!" With that, he released his magic grip on her right foreleg and push her away with a physical push spell, knocking the living hay outta her. At that time, I had no idea what he had used on Golden Shot. Anyways, seeing how the staff was completely unprotected, I took my chance. I charged at it and drew my hidden blades. I was going to cut it in two but My Dad stopped Me by pushing me back while he moved with his forearm. He soon threw me back at the wall and I slammed against it sideways. I was about to fall on the ground, but My Dad prevented that with a back foreleg kick to the stomach. I screamed out in pain because he had grown out the size of a Dagger and it went into my flesh. I gasped in pain and My Dad turned his head to the left to look at me with his red eyes.

"Because of you, The process has been extremely slow. Now, sit there and watch as I create a new world!" He shouted. He soon letted his back foreleg off me and I fell down. Injured but I still got up with shaking forelegs. I looked behind Me and all I see is a large glowing, aura seal. Not like a black seal but a glowing one beneath My brother. My eyes went wide as I saw that and I heard one word as he moved his mouth.

"Sheerclaw!!" He yelled out. All the sudden, there was a huge smoke covering the whole throne. The only thing I could see was a pair of two glowing purple eyes. Then, I saw Silent Whisper, out of the smoke and flying at Dad. He tackled him and then, this huge White-furred wolf with Lava red armor charged at the staff with full force and Raised it's left paw and swunged it at the staff, destroying it into multiple pieces where it'd be impossible to repair it and making the portal vanish. Dad's head turned towards it and I was sure he became angry at that moment.

"You.. damn you!!" He roared. He kicked back Silent Whisper with full force. Making him hit the wall and falling down near me. My Dad looked at me with a sinister smile and I knew what he was gonna do. I had no more strength to dodge, only unable to stand there. I looked at Sheerclaw behind us and it yowled, beginning to vanish into particles that were being sucked into Silent Whisper's chest again.

"You must be punished for your treason.. Your punishments are death." He said simply. He hovered up and charged at me with his hoof having an extremely long curved blade pointed at me. I coughed out blood and I thought it was the inevitable end for me because I couldn't more at all. All the sudden, I hear my brother say "No!". I closed my eyes, wanting to see me be killed. I heard a squelching noise, as if something was stabbed. I looked at Me, unharmed. I then looked at My brother, in front of me. His chest penetrated by the blade. My eyes went wide and I could only blurt out one word:

"N-No!!!" I shouted. It was really long and drawn out. I couldn't believe it, my brother was killed. I had thought of that once his body was thrown aside. I looked at Golden Shot, rising up. My eyes began to water and I became more angry. But I swore I had felt something awaken at that moment. All the sudden, I saw myself by my brother, holding his body and then to Golden Shot, holding my right foreleg around her neck. Again, I teleported without any control. I saw that I was outside and I was in the place. The place where my brother showed me, The small trees still as shadow, and the flowers, grimly dead. I looked back at My brother, barely alive. I heard Golden Shot speak to me.

"What'd.. ya do?" She asked. I didn't respond because I was too worried about my brother. I didn't even know what to do because I was in a kind of state of shock. I just didn't want to do anything. I saw my brother move his eyes as he looked up to me. I was still holding him with his right foreleg over my neck.

"Silent Wind.. it really hurts.. Please..." He began.

"..kill..Me..!!" He begged. That's where I snapped out of my shock and quickly answered back. I didn't know why he wanted that for some reason.

"Wh-Why?! You're going to be fine! I am not-" I was interrupted when Silent Whisper interrupted me with him. Talking again.

"Just.. do it.. I've done enough. Just.. promise me.. You'll live. I love you, brother. I'm sorry I won't be there for You anymore.. take my right hidden blade.. to remember me." He gasped. I shakingly drew my left hidden blade..

..And dived it into his chest. He gasped and I just cried. I couldn't believe I was killing my own blood, My own family, My brother. He made several noises and held the back of my head and putted his forehead on mines.

"Don't worry.. I'll still love you, just.. promise Me.. you'll live. And don't you ever... worry.. I'll love you, no matter... what you.. do.." With that he breathed his last breath and died. My whole world froze at that moment and I couldn't think anymore. I looked at Golden Shot and she gasped.

"Yo-Your eyes!!" She yelled.

I quickly looked over at the lake to look at my reflection to see that I had gotten purple-black eyes. I didn't know what they were at that time so I freaked a bit. I just wanted to sit there, holding my brother's lifeless body.. I.. really don't know what I did was right. I.... I'm sorry, I'm wiping my tears a bit.. I just hoped that he could help me with every conflict I've ever been.

Morning came. I had digged my brother's grave with my own hooves and I threw away my Silentblade suit to throw away my old life. I putted my brother's items on his grave. His armband, his robes also.. the only thing I took, was his hidden blade he told me to keep. The black one I had replaced with my ordinary blade on my right. Golden Shot had said "Goodbye" already and she hugged me. She told me to keep in touch when it was possible. I was all naked at that time and all I had was the thin steel, engraved bracers that only held the hidden blades. I left and said nothing. I began to think of a few things at that moment.

"I'm no longer a Silentblade.. I should just hide out for now.. but if i ever see a Silentblade again.." I had thought of what to do now and I had already made my mind up. I stopped for a moment to complete my sentence since I wanted to remember it forever.

"..I should just kill them. Simple as done." I said out loud. With that, my story now ends as at that moment, I lived in Canterlot for a few years before I went to Ponyville and met Twilight Sparkle, My marefriend. I truly hold her close to me in my heart. As of those moments, her brother, Shining Armor found me and was about to execute me but.. lets just say I saved his rump and he let me off. For good. After that, War came against the Silentblades and Celestia's forces. I killed Discord, The Spirit of Disharmony with good help from the Elements of Harmony. Then, I stopped my Dad who was actually possessed by a Dark entity called Deathmoon. I died and came back thanks to Lily Blade, who defected and sacrificed her own life so that mines could live on. After all conflicts, I've lived peacefully with friends, both royal and normal ponies. Celestia is about to make me her official Guardian soon. And most of all, I've got the best marefriend in all of Equestria. I keep telling her that but then she just blushes and tells me to stop with a giggle. Hah, I love it when she blushes. Well, I'd best get going back. I've been sitting and telling you my story in this special place where my brother showed me. Twilight must be worried sick. Time for me to go now. I really appreciate it and also grateful that you took your time to listen to my story. Thank you for that.

Because I've just told you a past life of me. The past life of Silent Wind the Silentblade.


Comments ( 1 )

wow the ending was really good mate :heart:

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