• Published 24th Oct 2012
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Assassin's Tears III: Silent Wind Origins - MisterGTFO

Silent Wind tells his story when he was a Silentblade and the incident that started it all.

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A Greeting from Me

Prologue Chapter: A Greeting from Me

Oh, hello there. I'm Silent Wind. I'm sure you've all heard about me and most of it is probably not that good or maybe it is but anyways, I wanted to talk you all about me. Yeah, Yeah.. You already know but what you don't know is the past of Me. So, I'll start off with a little bit about the Silentblades, it's how I start off saying stories.

Okay, so. When you wanted to be into the Silentblades, You had to either kill somepony or to be contacted if you were captured and in a ditch. When you were greeted by a Silentblade, they would have to kill somepony else in the name of the Silentblades. And then, you had to say the oath of the Silentblades which I forgot when I was done saying it. And with that, You were in the Silentblades. I joined when I was just a colt, Mom died giving birth to me and she made me her 'heir' as the new Silentblade Leader. Trust me, I didn't even want to be the leader. My Dad looked after me but my Brother was the one who was always by me and was there to be with me all the time. He was really kind, despite killing over at least hundreds of ponies. They also took foals also, whoever they found on a road or inside a cave and it didn't matter, the Silentblades took what ponies they could. Okay, now lets start off with my life..

I first started the Silentblades when I was only 11, Dad wanted me to join at an early age and be like my brother. I was joined and put together with Blood Roar and Lily Blade. My brother was an Advisor so he looked at my progress. My first day as a Silentblade was okay. I remembered simply hitting dummies with my hidden blades that Silent Whisper, my brother gave me when I was 8. He said it was important to our family and I simply nodded at him when he told me that. Anyways, I was hitting the dummies and so were the other two. I looked at Lily and she looked back at me, with a small smile. I had to admit. she was cute enough to make me blush but I eventually looked away, continuing to do kicks and slashes at the wooden dummies. Lily and Blood Roar were both foals like me that time, I heard Lily's village got killed by a large group of Changelings and Blood Roar was some escaped experiment far down south and that was why he could grow out claws and use them as weapons. After we were all done and about to get something to eat, Lily ran up to me and walked with me. I felt like she wanted to say something and she was trying to say something but she somehow was actually a bit shy, despite her awesome use of magic.

"Oh, hi. Silent Wind, right?" She said with a happy tone. I simply walked and turned my head at hers, pulling down my purple-black hood that was attached to my Silentblade Purple-black robes.

"Uh, yeah.. you're Lily right?" I asked.

She nodded and softly punched my shoulder. I chuckled a little bit, She was quite nice at that moment and I took her as a good friend at that moment. I mean like she was nice and afterall.. a bit.. cute.

"Yep! I hear your big brother is an Advisor. It must be great!" Lily complimented my brother.

I was quite flattered to hear somepony talk about my brother. But almost everypony thought of him as the ruthless type and believe me, he was always fond of me and believed that I could do better than him. That was why I loved my brother, because he has a lot of faith in me.

I later told Lily I had to meet with my brother and she nodded, going with Blood Roar to the small room that had tables where Silentblade Members would eat. My brother was walking toward the entrance, about to probably do a mission. And I stopped him in the nick of time to yell at him to get him to my attention. He smiled at me when he saw fly over to him quite fast.

"Hey, bro! Where ya goin?!" I said, excitingly. I don't even know why I said that so cheerfully. Well, I was a kid that time. My brother scratched my mane when I was near him, making it messy. I trimmed it up before he said something.

"I'm going to a small place I found, wanna come along?" He obliged. I decided to go since I knew our Dad wouldn't mind. Afterall, he was lazy and could care less but that didn't mean he loved us, he just thought that we should be able to fend for ourselves. And afterall, I was a bit interested where this place was. I nodded and he made a small hoof gesture, showing me to come along as we went out of the entrance gate.

I believe it took several minutes to get there but we both managed to fly there. Once I got to the entrance to the place that my brother was talking about, I saw that it was a mere cave. I was about to yell at my brother for taking me to such a lame place but I decided not to since I really didn't know whatever was in the cave. My brother turned his head behind him to look at me, I looked back.

"It's here. Come on..!" He whispered sharply. I walked a bit faster after him and I saw a small light once we walked for like ages. And at that moment, I was in front of a beautiful view of a small river that was inside the cave. The ceiling was broken and the sunlight came in. A few trees were still alive around there. I was never a softie for nature but I had to admit.. It was a real nice view.

"It's really nice! I like it!" I said, cheefully. I ran over to the river, sat down,looking at my reflection in the river and I began to make faces. I soon stopped making faces and looked at my brother who was by me. Frowning at the river. I tried to say something to him to cheer him up, but it didn't work.

"Hey, What's wrong, Whisper?" I asked calmly. He simply sat down with me, not even saying a word. His frown turned into a straight expression as he moved his head at me.

"If we can grasp for something important, then we can help those close to us feel like this. Full of beauty and full of peace. And if we try hard enough we can make all of Equestria be this peaceful and beautiful. I.. cannot do that." He said. I was quite flattered by his speech. But at that point, I didn't know what he meant when he said he couldn't do that. He then admitted something that made my spine shiver a little.

"Listen, Little brother.. your life, Is not what I want or what would Mom would want. Even if you are soon gonna be an Assassin, I know that you can do something good. I hope that you will be proud in your powers and use it wisely. Otherwise, you'll end up being evil. I wouldn't want that." He said to me, shaking up my hair again. I knew what he meant that day, the life of a Silentblade wasn't so good to me. I didn't like it but it was the only life I had so far at that time. I smiled as I heard the words from his mouth and I putted my left foreleg up to my forehead, making a saluting position.

"Of course, I can't say no to you! I'll do my best to make you proud!" I said cheerfully. He simply laughed in happiness at me and stood up. I lowered my raised foreleg to the ground and stood up also.

"Your such a good foal, I'm glad I'm your big brother!" He said with a glad tone. I grinned with a small blush.

"R-Really?!" I asked, laughing.

"Hey, Hey.. don't think I'll let you off!" He joked.

"Oh, don't worry! I'm a tough colt." I told him. After a bit more of brotherly talk, we went back to the Silentblade Castle, doing more training over the years. That's all I remembered during my first day as a Silentblade, seeing how I've kept that memory close to me. Without my brother, Silent Whisper. I would've stayed with the Silentblades and never meet the friends and especially my Mare of my dreams.

Now, since that's all I remember when I was young, lets move a few more years. It was three years now after I joined and I was now like 14 years old now. I was simply in my room, examining the markings on my left, pure-white silver hidden blade that I did not HAVE a clue about. I soon heard a knock on my door. I got off my table and laid my hidden blades on my desk and went to open it. I opened the door and saw my uncle, Magicius who was also a Advisor too, having his hood up. He looked seriously at me. I also saw Lily and Roar with him as they all were wearing their white-purple robes, showing that they already High-classed Assassins already. I was a Ringleader, wearing the same robes but it was merely Silentblade robes that were black and red. Despite being a higher and better Assassin than my teammates, I still was assigned to be with them, no matter what. I heard my uncle sigh and I questioned him.

"What's up, Uncle?" I asked. He simply lowered down his hood to see me a bit more easier. I really was wondering what he was trying to say but all he was doing was sighing and other stuff. He finally gave me a scroll and levitated it towards my face and showed me a mission. I was surprised as it was my first mission. Ever. I saw that it was at a fort with several Celestial Soldiers and there was a officer there named Steel Shield. He sounded lame to me but it turns out he's killed a few of us back then.

"You're on a mission, get ready. You'll be going with Blood Roar and Lily Blade. Don't fail us." He said. I quickly ran over to my desk and putted my hidden blades on and tightened the straps with my teeth. I then putted on my black bracers that Lily gave me last year ago and I prepared myself. My uncle simply chuckled and said that the mission was going to start within thirty minutes and I was about to walk my way out of the Castle but I was stopped by my brother who was now 18 at that time. He walked over to me and putted a hoof on my shoulder, slightly worried about me.

"Are you sure you can do it? You're only 14, Silent Wind. I'll do it if you don't want to." He obliged. I couldn't let him do it, I wanted show my worth as a Silentblade and at that point, It was right. I shook my head and simply moved on. My brother didn't move, he understood how I wanted to do this because it was my choice.

After 30 Minutes of being bored out of my mind waiting for Blood Roar and Lily Blade, I finally saw them come out of the gates and they both looked up, seeing that it was near nighttime and it was beginning to rain. It was going to be an infiltration mission and I and the others knew that. Lily made a small map appear in the air and showed where the fort was. It was only two miles away from the castle, and saw some of Lily's aura on top of both me and Roar's forehead. My sight brightened a little but once it dimmed down, I saw small white trail on the ground, It was an illusion to show us where our destination was.

"Thanks, 'Lil." Blood Roar said, still having his dark, evil voice.

Lily nodded and we began to fly over the cliffs of the mountain that the Castle was laying on. Lily teleported to us once we were on the ground. It was now pouring, we putted our hoods up and ran toward the small, white trail that was leading us to the fort and saw that it was around the area of the everfree forest. But we didn't care, all we simply wanted was to finish the job and hopefully, not die.