• Published 24th Oct 2012
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Assassin's Tears III: Silent Wind Origins - MisterGTFO

Silent Wind tells his story when he was a Silentblade and the incident that started it all.

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My First Kill

Chapter One: My First Kill

After grueling hours running and oddly jumping, We all managed to get the entrance of the fort. I looked at the wooden gate and saw that it was only gonna be open when somepony worked on that mechanism to open the gate but we wouldn't let that stop us. Me and Blood Roar were Pegasi and Lily was a Unicorn so she'd easily be able to Teleport. I remembered looking up into the dark night, seeing that it was still raining. I turned my head toward the gate and saw two lightened torches near the gate and two more lit-up torches on top of the towers that were behind the gate. Lily pointed out towards two guards positioned near the gate as we were hiding behind the trees. Blood Roar prowled on the ground and that indictated that he was going to strike. Me and Lily both nodded and Lily made a small levitating knife from her aura, which was ordered to propel at anything. I really didn't know what I did, I just looked at both of them like some Silentblade Whelp. Lily went first, She ordered her blade that was levitating within her hoof and it flew at one of guard's neck and he fell down. His friend looked at him in horror and was too stupid to look at Blood Roar when he flew at him, grabbing the back of the guard's neck with his left hoof and extending his pointy, sharp claws on his right hoof and dived it into his chest where the heart was and despite of the guard's armor, it didn't do much. Both of those really unlucky guards died real fast. I looked at Lily, pretty impressed with her teamwork with Roar.

"That was great, Lily. Nice job.." I whispered while smiling, not wanting to alert the enemy. It was real dark but I swore that I saw Lily blush at that point, turning her head away at me.

Once we were done finishing those guards, I ordered Lily to teleport into the fort and try to not kill the guards, but to at least distract them. She nodded and teleported. I then ordered Blood Roar to simply to wait by the Captain's quarters which the officer who we were finding, Steel Shield in case if things didn't go so well and to also escort me once we were done. Despite how much he wasn't much of a fan of waiting, he grudingly nodded also. I swear, I felt like Blood Roar was gonna blow it all.

I knew that the Officer we were trying to get was in his quarters since Royalty bastards like those always go inside their little houses and act like they're all that. I never did like Royalty bastards but at least Shining Armor is an exception. Anyways, Once everypony was doing their thing, I flew over the wooden walls that were around the fort. As a Silentblade, they tell you to just stick to the shadows and make them all 'suffer' and some nonsense. That's what I did and believe it or not, It worked. Once I was now near the Captain's quarters, I saw a little Celestial guard stallion near the door and was doing something I didn't care about. I simply went over near the shadows arching over the Captain's quarters and grabbed his neck and snapped it, quick and painless. After I was done dragging his body to somewhere that nopony would think of searching. I was now in front of the door to the Captain's quarters but I saw that it was pretty big, at least 2 floors top to bottom. I walked back into the shadows to think, I looked up to the windows and saw one open. My face brightened up as I flew up to the opened window and got inside.

When I got inside, I gotta say, it was pretty dim and dark. Which is a good thing when I did the mission, don't get me wrong. I remembered turning my head left and right making sure that there was nopony going toward me. I looked at the middle corridor and saw a engraved door at the end of the hallway, which was emitting a small light under it. I wondered on how to get the officer, Steel Shield out and I thought of something which was supposed to obvious. I hovered over a small pot and threw it on the ground as hard as i could. It.. was pretty loud. I then heard small hoofsteps towards the engraved door and hid in one of the rooms which were empty. I heard him talk loudly, his voice.. wow. His voice was the lowest and ugliest voice I have ever heard.

"Hello, is anypony here?" He cried out, looking at the pot that I shattered. I made a tiny creak as I opened the door to strike him. Amazingly, his damn head was too big to hear the creak. I stalked him and grabbed his mouth with my left hoof and drew my right hidden blade and dived it into his neck. Only took a second for him to die. His body dropped once I released my grip from him. I sighed, bucking relieved that It was done but the worst thing possible happened. I heard hoofsteps downstairs that were coming up. I looked behind me and saw two guards looking at horror at their Captain. Then they looked at me.

"Assassin! Kill him!" One of the guard roared at me. They both took out an arrow with their magic and were about to propel them at me but I quickly looked at the window that I came in and ran towards it and the moment I heard the arrows come at me, I charged at the door, smashing it in the process. I made a piercing whistle and I saw Blood Roar come out and turned his head to his left, seeing two guards. He flew at them, tackling them on the ground and making a quick swipe to their throats. After that, he flew back to me. Lily teleported to us too and saw dozens of guards surrounding us. She quickly thought of something and putted each of hooves on both me and Roar and we teleported out. Last thing I know, we're in the Everfree Forest. I looked back and saw the fort behind us, in complete havoc. I chuckled and tried to walk but my left foreleg was shocked in pain. I looked at it and saw that the arrows that those guards propelled at me. Lily gasped as she saw this and putted my left foreleg over her back. She then said something to Blood Roar.

"Hey, I'll bring Silent Wind back. You go on ahead to tell them we did it." Lily said to Blood Roar. I looked at Blood Roar and he nodded with a small 'hmph'. He flew up, going ahead of us. Lily looked at me, slightly worried.

"Are you okay?" She said to me. I nodded slowly.

"My whole face and robes are drenched in water, but other than that.. I'm just great.." I joked. Despite where we were, she chuckled at my humor and we began to move towards the Silentblade Castle that was only I think.. half a mile away.

After we walked for minutes, we managed to get inside the castle. Both Magicius and my brother ran towards me, seeing that I was injured in my left foreleg. I was fine after Lily took out the arrows out of my arm, which was painfully excruciating, grunting and squeaking like a little filly when she was taking them out. Lily smiled and said that I was fine and she would take care of me. My brother and uncle nodded and went back to whatever they were doing. I was sure Blood Roar was boasting how he did everything and we did nothing much. Boasting bastard.

Once Lily putted me on my bedroom in my room, she also brought a small box full of aid and bandages. Trust me, she's that prepared. She opened her box and took out a roll of bandages and told me to take off my robes and my leather sleeves which were kind of tight that covered up to your hoofwrist, those tight leather sleeves were colored also, red and black. Just like my robes but anyways, I agreed to taking my robes off for a moment.. despite it being really awkward. She began to say a few things to me.

"Now, you might wanna be a bit still, I need to bandage your left foreleg.." She said. I simply nodded at her, showing that I knew. Her eyes moved down slightly as she began to bandage my left foreleg. It felt like she kind of wanted to say something to me and I knew what she was going to say. She made a long sigh, still bandaging my foreleg.

"Silent Wind, I think we did pretty well, didn't we?" She said.

At that point, I knew what she was really trying to do but I didn't say. After all, it was the perfect setting and I didn't want to ruin. I simply nodded but also said a few things.

"Yeah, I guess we did. You did great." I complimented. She simply smiled at me and nodded.

After she was done bandaging my arm, I putted my Silentblade Robes and tight leather sleeves and I thanked her for bandaging my whole left foreleg. It wasn't perfect but I am sure Lily bandages forelegs way better than Roar. She was about to leave but I stopped her a little bit since.. I kind of wanted to talk to her, which was weird.

"Hey, you going to leave already?" I sat back on my bed with Lily. She began to blush. So much that she turned away.

"Oh.. well.. I-I just want to get to bed." She tried to lie but I knew that she did want to spend a bit more time with me but She was too shy to even talk with me, even more shy than Fluttershy and that, you never ever see. I smiled at her and she just gasped and walked quickly towards the door. I tried to stop her and I did, well half of that is right. My right hoof was on top of her robes and She tripped and she quickly spunned to me and she grabbed my back of my neck and brought me down with her. It was pretty hard and It kind of hurted. I really hated being in pain that night since I was already getting pain already and that was the last thing I needed. Lily simply looked at me, with her back on the floor. I blocked her with both of my forelegs but that was because I was getting up, n-not that I wanted to do that.

Okay, I don't know what had happened next was simply her or Me since I was standing there like a complete idiot just looking at her. I began to blurt a few things since it was really awkward and I was a bit embarrassed to see her like that, on the floor.

"Uh.. sorry.." I mumbled. She didn't say anything.

I then began to look at her snout which was even more weird since I never ever look at that. My head deliberately began to move down really slow and her head was moving up a little. My eyes were halfed-closed and so were hers. Despite how damn calm I was, I felt my heart beat really fast, as if it was going to burst. Anyways, My head was almost near her's and we both closed our eyes as we began to feel each others breathing. Man, I'm getting corny but still, this is what was really happening. I'll be honest to you, before I met Twilight, I had other feelings for another Mare.. Lily.

But, back to the story. I really didn't know what to do at that situation so guess what I did? You bet your flanks you know what I did.

I kissed her, real slowly but trust me, I made it memorable but once I kissed her, My eyes spontaneously widened. I thought Lily was going to pull away, run away like she would but instead, She returned it with full force.

Which was just awesome.