• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 1,140 Views, 88 Comments

The Fade of Rainbow Dash - Eternal Dream

rainbow dash has awoken in a strange place and has no idea what happend or who she is

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The Choice

edited by Dopple Ganger

I awoke in a completely darkened room. I struggled to get up, for some reason my body felt like it weighed a ton. In the distance there were glowing red eyes staring at me, we stared at eachother for a while.

Hello? Who are you? Why is it so dark?

Hello Ms. Sparkle. I'm glad to see you are awake.

Who are you and how do you know my name!? Where am I!?

I’m nopony important, unlike you my dear. I’ve been watching you for a long time. We’re inside your head.

That’s impossible, we can't be inside my head, there's no way! Tell me who you are if I’m so important to you! Where’s Rainbow Dash!? What did you do with her!?

It’s very possible. Again dearie, I'm no one important. As for Dashie, she helped me get you here dearie. She's my little pet without even knowing it.

What do you mean she’s your pet!? She'd never hurt me! What did you do to her!?

The ghost you saw of her was one of my illusions. I told you what I've done to her already.

Why won't you tell me anything!? Just tell me what you did to my special Dashie!

If I did, then you wouldn’t be as entertaining dearie. As to what I did with Dashie, why don't you see for yourself?

The menacing glowing red eyes grew ever closer to where I stood. As the red eyes drew nearer, the body came into view. Suddenly the blackened room lit up, the pony in front of me reminded me of the body I was so used to feeling next to me in bed. She reminded me of my precious Rainbow Dash her, but her coat was black. I could barely see the cyan color left in her coat.

That’s not possible, I saw her body in the morgue! Also, how can you use magic if you're her!?

Well it is possible dear. I'm dead and I want you to join me. As for how I can use magic, I'm not, that’s the thing, you are dearest.

You can't be Dashie! That’s not physically possible, you're just a monster! How come I don't remember casting this spell!?

I asked you to, that's why. You said you were willing to try out this spell for my sake Twilight.

If your Rainbow Dash tell me what happened to you! Why should I go with you!?

Twilight I love you and I can’t be without you. That's why I came back to get you, I thought you would be happy to come back with me, even if I had to go into this horrendous body to do it. Twilight, I’m still me. The day I disappeared, I went to go get you something from my parent’s house. By the time I reached my parent’s house, it had been in the process of being ransacked. When I tried to stop the stallions, they grabbed me and held me down while they took turns beating on me. After I don’t know how long, I went unconscious. When I woke up, I was like this, in a cave, with a pale, hairless pony. He told me that he brought me back from the dead, but at the cost of my own life. I couldn’t ever be the mare I was. He made me into this and helped me with making an illusion of my former self. As far as I know, he only wished to help me get you back so I could be happy.

In the distance I heard very fast hoofstep's. I could barely make out a cyan coat that far away. Once I could see the cyan mare coming this way, the other pony tried to tackle me to the ground. I managed to teleport out of the way though. When the cyan mare arrived, I noticed it was Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash, is that you!? How!?

Twilight, don’t listen to her, she’s evil! All she wants is your soul! Twilight run, stop the spell and get out of here! She’s not me, save yourself, i’ll be fine, I promise!

You little brat, you can never stay out of anything can you!? Just come with me Twilight dear. She’s lying! I want you for you! Nopony else.

What is going on here! One of you is lying but I can’ tell which! One of you wants me to leave, the other wants me to go with them!? What the hay is going on here!?

Twilight, I'm dead, but you can still live! Don't listen to her, run away! Just run! Save yourself from her, don't let her win! Run Twilight, I beg you!

Rainbow, what happened to you!? Why does she want my soul, why!? All this isn’t possible!

This is all very possible my dear. Magic makes many things possible, I thought you knew this? It’s up to you Twilight, will you go with the pony or will you run? Or you could come with me Twilight my dear. They could both be lying to you. I won’t lie to you dear. Your soul is a very unique one. If either one of them gets it, they will live again and you will die, becoming a part of them forever. To explain it in a different way, you will die and one of them will live and you will become their alternate personality. Now if you go with either of them they will retain their birth race and gain your race as well.

Who are you, and what is going on here!? Is there anyway out of this!?

Now Twilight do you really believe them? They're both lying! Come with me Twilight, I will protect you! They both want you for your soul, I want you for you!

Twilight, just run! Don't believe them! The only way to live on for yourself is to run! Just run!

I'm the pale one, Twilight as those two would call me and so would you. I'm merely here to watch more then anything. As to how you get back to your world, that's up to you to figure out. Which one is lying and which one is telling the truth. Now, that, Twilight, is all up to you.

What!? Why are you all doing this to me!? Why can’t you all just leave me alone!?

Twilight you matter to all of us in one way or another. Now, it’s time to chose. Come with me, go with him, or run?

Twilight you have to run, please! Its the only way, but its up to you.

Now, Twilight it’s your time to choose.

I choose..

Comments ( 10 )

1758387 I am my name is Mandle :pinkiehappy:
Kind of a dunb name huh?

1759511 oh thanks :pinkiehappy:

:rainbowlaugh: Twilights being trolled :trollestia:

im surprised that no one has complained adout the newest chapter lol

1762055 1739318 my editor its taken a three week brake for chrissmass so this will be on hold for a little bit but don't worry ill be doing stuff

1764104 why would any one complain its a good story :twilightsmile:
OH and I can wait

Are it dead? I want to know which one she chooses even if the writing is weak! This is interesting and has my attention! I neeeeed to know!

sorry cloud i gave up cus im a shitty writer and the editor no longer even talks to me for his own reasions that i dont know i tryed to make it as interesting as possible

6233099 well, I can't do too much about a writer since I'm working on my own projects but I could do the editing. That also includes making the writing more interesting. I have an eye for detail and I happen to enjoy finding and fixing mistakes. If you were to make a rough draft, I could do everything else. Well, except publishing.

6233183 ill think about it dear honestly its been so long that id have to reread my own story and just see how bad it is x.X

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