• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 1,144 Views, 88 Comments

The Fade of Rainbow Dash - Eternal Dream

rainbow dash has awoken in a strange place and has no idea what happend or who she is

  • ...

The Strange Pony

Edited by me and Dopple Ganger

When it was daytime, I gave her one last hard hug and slowly got up. She looked up at me, smiling sadly.

“Leaving already?” she said

“Yes Twilight, I have to go find out who I am.”

“How'd you know my name?” She asked, “I never told you.”

“I... don’t know, it just came to me. I’ll see you later Twi’”

I started to walk towards the stair's when I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I looked back at her. She smiled, putting some kind of pendant around my neck. I looked at it oddly as she went back to lay on the bed.

“Come here if you need a rest, I enjoy the company.”

“I will Twi’, thank you.”

“Why am I calling her Twi’?” Was it some sort of nickname I had for her or something? I sighed angrily and walked down the stairs with a strange smile on my face. I walked through the silent library going towards the door . I looked at the pendent and saw some weird cloud with a rainbow color lighting bolt. I looked at it curiously and continued to walk. For some reason I was headed out of town to a place near the everfree forest. As I reached the outskirts of town I could see pony’s coming out and start to get along with their day to day business. I started to feel something on my back unfold and looked behind me seeing I had wings. I gave them a experimental flap and smiled seeing they worked fine. I tried flipping them as hard as I could and I started to rise into the air. I smiled happily and flew towards my destitution about five times faster than my walk. As I reached the small hut on the outskirts of the forest I saw that it looked destroyed. I flew faster to it and landed quickly running inside the house. When I got inside the house I found a carcass of a bunny that was just bones now, most the meat having been ripped off the bones.

I quickly looked around for anything else I saw a few dead bodies of rabbits, birds, all kinds of animals. It smelled ten times worse in here then it did at the hospital I started up the broken stairs. The ceiling of it had been ripped off along with most of the wall destroyed by something. As I got upstairs I saw a dead yellow Pegasus. I ran quickly to the body seeing its horrifying condition. She had her chest ripped open and blood pouring everywhere it still looked fresh but I could see her heart as it was still beating quickly. Her lungs had many cuts in them, but they kept on working their hardest to keep her alive. When I looked up at her face I could only see one eye, the other had been pulled out or something. She had very crooked teeth, lined up to where they gave a very creepy smile that shouldn’t have been possible to make. Her one good eye was open staring at nothing, but the big blue sky. Her mane and tail had been cut off. She looked like she was waiting for her heart to finally give out. I tried to pick her up letting her know she wasn't alone ,but my hoof went right through her. I stared helplessly at this poor soul waiting for her heart to finally give out. After I don't know how long, she finally closed her eyes and died. I sat there crying, memory’s coming back to me of all the happy times we had together. I sat there till dusk crying my heart out. When I got up I didn’t want to do anything, so I started to walk back to Twilight’s house. While I walked I saw the black clad Pegasus again he was flying this time. I frowned and flew up after him and started to follow him. When I got on the same height level he was on I noticed he had a sword on him he hadn’t noticed me apparently and just kept flying till he reached Ponyville and landed on a roof top and started to move by those quickly. I followed him in the air till he vanished, when he did I realized we were at a dress shop. I looked at it and an image of a white unicorn with a curly purple mane and tail. I walked towards the door and opened it, the white unicorn didn’t even look at the door.

“Come in, come in, I’ll be there in a minute.” she said happily.

I looked over at her examining what she was working on. She seemed to be working on a wedding dress. I sniffled a tear and kept my bearing's as best I could.

“Do you not know what happened?” I asked.

“What do you mean Rainbow my dear, what are you talking about?” She asked quizzically.

“Twi hasn’t told you, has she?” I pushed on.

“Told me what dearie?” She slowly started to turn towards me.

“That Rainbow Dash is dead, she told me herself” I continued.

“Rainbow Dash, what on earth are you talking about!?” she said annoyingly.

“What do you mean?” I asked curiously.

That’s when she turned around and saw me in my mangled and damaged state. She gasped in horror and ran over to me. When she got over she put a hoof on my shoulder.

“Dearie what the happened to you?” She asked hurriedly, looking very worried.

“Um... I woke up like this?

“What do you mean you woke up like this!?” She pressed on.

“I mean I woke up in a weird white room in the hospital like this and I have no idea how it happened and can’t remember anything. I get images of ponies and places and sometimes names.”

“Oh Rainbow Dash you should be in the hospital!” She started to shove me towards the door.

I pushed her back and looked at her “I’m fine I don’t know what’s wrong, Twi’ said Rainbow Dash is dead, if i’m Rainbow Dash how am I here?”

“Oh dearie she must be mad at you or something. I shall go check on her.”

“Rarity stop. I saw Rainbow’s carcass in a room, in the hospital. If I’m her, then I’m something not real, but I know what I saw in that examination room, she looked very dead to me.” I stated matter-of-factly.

“Dearie if you’re dead, then how and why are you here?” She pushed on heavily.

I stopped dead in my tracks as the door behind Rarity opened with a small cling of the bell. The black clad Pegasus was standing right there with his sword in his mouth. He grabbed Rarity as I charged him. I stopped dead as I saw him slit her throat before she had time to scream. Then the black clad Pegasus pushed her inside the building closing the door behind him. I yelled in anger and charged him, going right through him. I sat there dazed at what had just happened. He smiled evilly and laid Rarity down in the middle of the room, taking his hood off with a hoof. He leaned down and ripped open her stomach with his sword, he then put the sword up. I watched in horror, powerless as he started to eat Rarity. I got up, slowly trembling in horror as he stood there eating to his heart’s content. I walked over to him as he feasted off of Rarity's flesh and bones, eating hungrily, with blood splattering everywhere.

I stood next to him and tried my hardest to push him away from her, but to no avail, he didn't move at all. He then moved up to her heart and lungs, tearing them up horribly before yawning and and walking out the door leaving a small bag un-tied behind him as I sat their in horror as Rarity's body had now turned into what the Fluttershy’s and I guess what mine looked like too. I screamed in horror and ran to Twi's. As I ran I cried my eyes out, trying to dislodge my thoughts from what had just happened. As I was running away from the grisly scene, the pendent I was wearing glowed briefly and took me straight to Twilight's room. I ran to her jumping on the bed, cuddling in her arms sniffling and babbling like a mad pony. She looked up at me and hugged me close.

“What happened?” She asked worriedly.

“First me....now Flutter's and then Rarity” I said incoherently.

“What do you mean?” She pressed me on.

I briefly told her everything I had seen and heard today as some of it took me repeating two to four times as I cried into her soft lavender coat. She held me and cried as well, after maybe an hour or so I think we both stopped crying and looked at each other embracing each other harder.

“Twi’?” I barely managed to croak out.

“Yes Dash?” she replied in the same voice as mine, her face stricken with tears.

“What will happen to me and why can’t I touch anypony but unicorns?”

“It’s possibly our magical touch Dash, that's why and I don't know what will happen to you but, Dash you are still you.

“Ok Twi’, I understand”

I sighed resting in her embraced and tried my hardest to go to sleep.