> The Fade of Rainbow Dash > by Eternal Dream > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited by Dopple Ganger "Somewhere over the rainbow... Way up high... There's a land that I heard of... Once in a lullaby...” My eyes slowly open as I listened closely to the old song. "Somewhere over the rainbow... Skies are blue... And the dreams that you dare to dream... Really do come true..." I looked around the dark room confused, not sure what was going on. I tried to get up and yelped somewhat loudly in pain "What the hell did I do?" I thought curiously. "Someday I'll wish upon a star... And wake up where the clouds are far behind me... Where troubles melt like lemon drops... Away above the chimney tops- That's where you'll find me..." "What is that song... it sounds so old." I slowly remembered my name through the black cloud that had shrouded my mind. "Why can’t I remember anything but my name, and I can barely remember that in the first place.” "Somewhere over the rainbow... Bluebirds fly... Birds fly over the rainbow... Why then, oh why can't I?" "That song is creepy, why is it playing? Why is it so dark?" I thought out loud, wondering if anyone could hear me. “If my memory is correct, my name is Rainbow… gah, the last part escapes me again.” I lift my hoof and try to stand up again, wincing in pain, but I have to get up. "If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow... Why, oh why can't I?" The old song stops playing as the lights suddenly turn on, everything goes white for I don’t know how long, but it hurt. I immediately noticed the fact that I couldn’t see out of my left eye, it was just black. When I could finally see again, I looked around the room. The room had white walls splattered with some sort of red paint. There was a table in the middle of the room. I couldn’t see exactly what was on it so I started walking towards it. While I walked to the table I examined the rest of the room. Near the back of the room was some kind of alter with more of that weird red paint on it. On the left most side of the room was a table with a bunch of surgical tools on it. There were small to large knives and some other stuff I couldn’t think of a name for. When I reached the table, I slowly climbed on it and slipped falling on my back as I moaned softly in pain. I slowly got up and tried to get on the table again, slower this time around. As I got on the table, I saw something truly horrifying. On the table was some sort of, what looked like to be a living thing it had a cyan coat that was covered in blood. I looked over it and saw that the heart intestines and stomach had all been removed along with most of the bones it was more than a carcass now. It smelled absolutely horrible, I could barely breathe near it. The hoof of the animal had been mangled by something horrible. I saw that it had wings and they were ripped off laying next to the carcass those cyan feathers just laying their gracefulness gone with it being covered in blood. Where the head used to be was gone. I looked around and now knew what the red paint was. It was never red paint to begin with. I looked back at the altar in horror as I saw where the head was. The head had been impaled at the top of the altar the spike it had been impaled on was covered in the slick fresh blood it dripping down slowly. I quickly jumped off the table and looked around scared seeing where the organs were. They were mounted with the head as well. I started to walk toward the door of this place when it suddenly opened. "The poor Pegasus had it rough didn’t she?" the nurse said. "Yes she did we found her like this out in the middle of the road we’ve identified her as a pony named Rainbow Dash." said the surgeon. "Who in Equestria could have done this to her? What reason did they have?!" "Calm down Nurse Redheart, we don’t know yet, that’s up to Shining Armor to find out." "Yes doctor, I’m sorry but she was such a good pony who could have done this?" I looked at them confused "How had they not noticed me standing on the table here looking at them?" I wondered. The doctor then grabbed the nurse’s hoof and led her out of the room closing the door after him. I looked around the room and walked after them looking at the altar oddly "How could they not see this, it’s absolutely horrible." The altar had what looked like stone slabs on to of what looked like a small walkway up to it. On the altar were many strange symbols. I slowly walked out of the room and looked around the hospital. No one seemed to notice me. I walked up to a nurse and tried to shake her shoulder with my hoof, but it went right through her. I sat their horrified of what had just happened. I looked around and ran for the nearest door trying to get away from everypony. Somehow I knew the layout of this hospital. It hurt a lot when I ran, but I told myself the pain wasn’t real. When I got outside, I got blinded a little by the sudden light of the sun. I ran to a nearby tree and leaned against it sighing softly. I looked around for anypony hoping not to see any. I lay down under the tree gathering my thoughts as best I could of what just happened. After I don’t know how long, I got up and started to walk to the nearby town. When I got into town nopony was walking around, curiously I walked up the bridge. As I neared the end of the bridge I got a memory back of a strange lavender unicorn. I couldn’t think of her name, but I continued into the town. As I walked past a bakery, another small image came to mind as I passed it, an image of a pink bouncing earth pony with a wide and happy smile. I stopped and looked at the bakery closer, walking slowly towards it. The sign on the bakery said “Sugercube Corner”, instantly a memory came back to me. So many parties are held here, I remember the pink pony’s goal was to always set them up and to try to make ponies smile. As I entered the bakery, I saw there were no smiles on this pink pony's face, she was sitting in a corner with a frown on her face, her eyes stricken with tears. I walked up to the sad pink pony trying to figure out what her problem was. Her mane was all down hanging low, she had really long hair for it would normally be poofy. I looked her over, frowning I walked away. As I exited the door I looked back at Pinkie Pie sadly. ‘Wait how’d I know her name?’ I thought, ‘As far as I know I’ve never met this pony.’ I started to walk to the library, it felt as if something was willing me to go there. On the way to the library I saw a Pegasus jumping from building to building in a black outfit of some sort, I couldn’t really get a good look at him. He was looking all over the place for something. I watched him till he disappeared from my sight. I continued to walk towards the library, thinking about the strange black clothed Pegasus. As I reached the library it was strangely silent. I walked in and looked for anybody to talk to. All I saw were dusty old tomes, another room and some stairs. I decided to go up the stairs, as I walked up the stairs I could hear a soft crying sound. When I got to the top of the stairs I saw the lavender unicorn from earlier with her face buried in her pillow crying her eyes out. I walked towards her slowly trying to not make any sound. When I reached her bedside I slowly got up on it and hugged her. She stopped crying and looked at me and yelped in surprise. “Rainbow, is that you?” she barely managed to say. “Who? I can’t remember anything.” I said calmly. “Oh. Well you look a lot like her.” she said with sadness in her voice. “I see. What’s wrong? You seem very upset.” I said worriedly, ‘What had this Rainbow meant to her?’ I wondered. “I loved her a lot, we were about to get married, but something horrible happened to her.” she croaked. I felt a tear fall from my face and onto the bed and hugged this strange pony closer. I felt something for this strange pony that I couldn’t quite place. The lavender unicorn hugged me back as hard as I did her and cried into my coat soaking it a little. I laid my head on top of hers and rested. > The Strange Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited by me and Dopple Ganger When it was daytime, I gave her one last hard hug and slowly got up. She looked up at me, smiling sadly. “Leaving already?” she said “Yes Twilight, I have to go find out who I am.” “How'd you know my name?” She asked, “I never told you.” “I... don’t know, it just came to me. I’ll see you later Twi’” I started to walk towards the stair's when I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I looked back at her. She smiled, putting some kind of pendant around my neck. I looked at it oddly as she went back to lay on the bed. “Come here if you need a rest, I enjoy the company.” “I will Twi’, thank you.” “Why am I calling her Twi’?” Was it some sort of nickname I had for her or something? I sighed angrily and walked down the stairs with a strange smile on my face. I walked through the silent library going towards the door . I looked at the pendent and saw some weird cloud with a rainbow color lighting bolt. I looked at it curiously and continued to walk. For some reason I was headed out of town to a place near the everfree forest. As I reached the outskirts of town I could see pony’s coming out and start to get along with their day to day business. I started to feel something on my back unfold and looked behind me seeing I had wings. I gave them a experimental flap and smiled seeing they worked fine. I tried flipping them as hard as I could and I started to rise into the air. I smiled happily and flew towards my destitution about five times faster than my walk. As I reached the small hut on the outskirts of the forest I saw that it looked destroyed. I flew faster to it and landed quickly running inside the house. When I got inside the house I found a carcass of a bunny that was just bones now, most the meat having been ripped off the bones. I quickly looked around for anything else I saw a few dead bodies of rabbits, birds, all kinds of animals. It smelled ten times worse in here then it did at the hospital I started up the broken stairs. The ceiling of it had been ripped off along with most of the wall destroyed by something. As I got upstairs I saw a dead yellow Pegasus. I ran quickly to the body seeing its horrifying condition. She had her chest ripped open and blood pouring everywhere it still looked fresh but I could see her heart as it was still beating quickly. Her lungs had many cuts in them, but they kept on working their hardest to keep her alive. When I looked up at her face I could only see one eye, the other had been pulled out or something. She had very crooked teeth, lined up to where they gave a very creepy smile that shouldn’t have been possible to make. Her one good eye was open staring at nothing, but the big blue sky. Her mane and tail had been cut off. She looked like she was waiting for her heart to finally give out. I tried to pick her up letting her know she wasn't alone ,but my hoof went right through her. I stared helplessly at this poor soul waiting for her heart to finally give out. After I don't know how long, she finally closed her eyes and died. I sat there crying, memory’s coming back to me of all the happy times we had together. I sat there till dusk crying my heart out. When I got up I didn’t want to do anything, so I started to walk back to Twilight’s house. While I walked I saw the black clad Pegasus again he was flying this time. I frowned and flew up after him and started to follow him. When I got on the same height level he was on I noticed he had a sword on him he hadn’t noticed me apparently and just kept flying till he reached Ponyville and landed on a roof top and started to move by those quickly. I followed him in the air till he vanished, when he did I realized we were at a dress shop. I looked at it and an image of a white unicorn with a curly purple mane and tail. I walked towards the door and opened it, the white unicorn didn’t even look at the door. “Come in, come in, I’ll be there in a minute.” she said happily. I looked over at her examining what she was working on. She seemed to be working on a wedding dress. I sniffled a tear and kept my bearing's as best I could. “Do you not know what happened?” I asked. “What do you mean Rainbow my dear, what are you talking about?” She asked quizzically. “Twi hasn’t told you, has she?” I pushed on. “Told me what dearie?” She slowly started to turn towards me. “That Rainbow Dash is dead, she told me herself” I continued. “Rainbow Dash, what on earth are you talking about!?” she said annoyingly. “What do you mean?” I asked curiously. That’s when she turned around and saw me in my mangled and damaged state. She gasped in horror and ran over to me. When she got over she put a hoof on my shoulder. “Dearie what the happened to you?” She asked hurriedly, looking very worried. “Um... I woke up like this? “What do you mean you woke up like this!?” She pressed on. “I mean I woke up in a weird white room in the hospital like this and I have no idea how it happened and can’t remember anything. I get images of ponies and places and sometimes names.” “Oh Rainbow Dash you should be in the hospital!” She started to shove me towards the door. I pushed her back and looked at her “I’m fine I don’t know what’s wrong, Twi’ said Rainbow Dash is dead, if i’m Rainbow Dash how am I here?” “Oh dearie she must be mad at you or something. I shall go check on her.” “Rarity stop. I saw Rainbow’s carcass in a room, in the hospital. If I’m her, then I’m something not real, but I know what I saw in that examination room, she looked very dead to me.” I stated matter-of-factly. “Dearie if you’re dead, then how and why are you here?” She pushed on heavily. I stopped dead in my tracks as the door behind Rarity opened with a small cling of the bell. The black clad Pegasus was standing right there with his sword in his mouth. He grabbed Rarity as I charged him. I stopped dead as I saw him slit her throat before she had time to scream. Then the black clad Pegasus pushed her inside the building closing the door behind him. I yelled in anger and charged him, going right through him. I sat there dazed at what had just happened. He smiled evilly and laid Rarity down in the middle of the room, taking his hood off with a hoof. He leaned down and ripped open her stomach with his sword, he then put the sword up. I watched in horror, powerless as he started to eat Rarity. I got up, slowly trembling in horror as he stood there eating to his heart’s content. I walked over to him as he feasted off of Rarity's flesh and bones, eating hungrily, with blood splattering everywhere. I stood next to him and tried my hardest to push him away from her, but to no avail, he didn't move at all. He then moved up to her heart and lungs, tearing them up horribly before yawning and and walking out the door leaving a small bag un-tied behind him as I sat their in horror as Rarity's body had now turned into what the Fluttershy’s and I guess what mine looked like too. I screamed in horror and ran to Twi's. As I ran I cried my eyes out, trying to dislodge my thoughts from what had just happened. As I was running away from the grisly scene, the pendent I was wearing glowed briefly and took me straight to Twilight's room. I ran to her jumping on the bed, cuddling in her arms sniffling and babbling like a mad pony. She looked up at me and hugged me close. “What happened?” She asked worriedly. “First me....now Flutter's and then Rarity” I said incoherently. “What do you mean?” She pressed me on. I briefly told her everything I had seen and heard today as some of it took me repeating two to four times as I cried into her soft lavender coat. She held me and cried as well, after maybe an hour or so I think we both stopped crying and looked at each other embracing each other harder. “Twi’?” I barely managed to croak out. “Yes Dash?” she replied in the same voice as mine, her face stricken with tears. “What will happen to me and why can’t I touch anypony but unicorns?” “It’s possibly our magical touch Dash, that's why and I don't know what will happen to you but, Dash you are still you. “Ok Twi’, I understand” I sighed resting in her embraced and tried my hardest to go to sleep. > The Sword > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited by me and Dopple Ganger When next I woke up I was alone on the bed. I looked around the room and saw Twilight looking out the window. I slowly got up and walked over to her. She was very pretty in the moonlight. I put my hoof on her shoulder and smiled. “What are you think about Twi’?” I asked calmly, looking out into the town with her. “That we have to stop this mysterious evil creature, whatever it is.” “And how exactly do we do that Twi’?.” “First we need to know where he hides and lives. ” “I can do that Twi’.” I offered “Thank you Dash, I'll be look for a way to bring you back while you do that, ok?” “Thank you Twi’, but we can't do anything ‘till morning.” She turned to me, those violet eyes staring at me intently. Her eyes shone like bright violet star's in the moonlight. I hugged her smiling. Before I could pull away she pulled me in and kissed me. I accepted it happily feeling her lovingly embrace around me but eventually I had to pull away to breathe “Twi’?” “Yes Dash?” “We're still getting married right?” She gave a loud giggle and kissed me again. I kissed back happily and after a bit pulled away again. “I'll take that as a yes then?” “Yes silly” she giggled happily and pushed her hoof gently against my nose. I smiled and grabbed her hoof leading her to the bed. She giggled and pushed against me making me stumble forward onto the bed. I smiled laughing and watched her as she jumped in after me. I smiled and snuggled against her. When I woke up in the morning she was laying against me breathing silently. I gently moved out of her hooves as I pushed the cover's up ageist her as I walked slowly down the stairs. I pushed open the door hoping to not make any noise then closed it behind me as quietly as I could. When I turned around I saw the black clad Pegasus jumping from building to building. I sighed softly and gave my wings a quick flap testing their strength. I flew up and went after him going as quickly as I could. Once I was right next to him, I landed following his hoofsteps. As we jumped from building to building, I could see that on his hoofs were very sharp claws they looked like they could gut anyone they needed to. I looked him over and saw that his wing's weren’t really wings ether. They were flesh and bone that was it nothing more, nothing less. I looked at him in horror and tried to get a better look at his face. His face was completely concealed by his hood. I sighed angry and followed him to his destitution. After a while we were in almost the middle of nowhere. I looked around for any signs of where we were going. It seemed as if we were headed to apple acres. I frowned as an orange pony came to mind. I followed the evil stallion knowing I couldn’t do much to help this pony he was headed for. I had to do this for Twily though. If she dies I don't know what I can do but sit here for an eternity. I followed the masked stallion till he jumped in a tree. I jumped in after him following him as best I could. Though the leaves and branches we treated to the orange pony's location. As I watched the stallion, he looked as if he could track by his sense of smell. As we jumped down to the orange pony. I looked around and saw a big red stallion working on a tree nearby. The stallion landed a bit loudly causing the orange pony to turn around and regarded the stranger. “Who in tarnation are you!?” she demanded He stood silently and slowly looked back as I heard the loud, sharp sound of metal. He then turned around fast and kicked the pony in the face sending her hard against the apple tree. She got up quickly and charged the stallion tackling him down to the ground. I watched in awe as the orange pony didn't plan to give up without a fight. The stallion growled and bucked her off like she was paper. She flew through the air and hitting another apple tree. A little blood sprouted from her forehead and dripped down onto the ground. She got up defiantly and charged him giving him a good hard kick in the face. He stumbled backwards hitting the big red stallion in the chest. The red one grabbed him in his teeth picking him up and tossing him onto a nearby tree as hard as he could ripping off the jacket of this strange stallion in the process. The stallion looked horrid without the jacket, his mouth was barely stitched together as was most of his body. He didn't have a mane or tail, his flesh looked rotten and displaced and his hooves had very sharp spikes at the end of them. He got up tossing his sword to the side and opened his mouth making a loud screeching sound. The orange pony took a step back shaken a little the red stallion grabbed the pale one and throw him as hard as he could on the ground. The stallion got up and charged the red one tackling him to the ground. The pale one raised his clawed hoof to strike down at the red one when the orange one kicked him away from his prey. The red one got up and charged the pale one to the ground holding him down. The pale one lifted the red one up and slammed him on the ground scratching his left eye as blood splattered onto his hoof and face. The orange one picked up his sword and stabbed him in the shoulder. The pale one looked at the orange one and pulled the sword out with his teeth, as he did the orange one kicked him hard against a nearby tree. The pale one got up and charged the orange one to the ground striking with his sword cutting deep into her chest. The red stallion got up quickly and kicked the pale one off the orange one. The orange one coughed up some blood and went unconscious. The red one picked up the pale one and started slamming him on the ground as hard as he possibly could over and over. The pale ones bone's cracked a few time till he started to get into a bloody mess. The red stallion stopped after having dislocated every bone in the pale ones body. Then he grabbed the pale one's sword and stabbed it right through the head. I watched as the red pony who was covered in blood leave the sword in the pale one and pick up his sister and carried her back to their house. I sat there in disbelief as the pale one was dead. I walked over to it and looked it over. It didn't even look like a pony anymore just something that was long dead. I walked away from it slowly. I heard a loud rustling sound. When I looked back the stallion was gone, nothing but the blood it had drawn and given was left, even the sword was still in the ground. I walked over and picked the sword up in my mouth carrying it back to Twi's. When I got back to Twilight’s place I placed the sword right in front of her. She looked at it. “Where did you get this ?” she asked curiously. “Its the weapon of the pale one” “Pale one? Who is that?” “The one who killed me, Rarity, and the yellow pegasus.” “Oh! So he’s dead? And by yellow pegasus I take it you mean Fluttershy.” she asked excited and curiously. “Who? And well I don't think so, something happened after Big Mac killed him.” “You said he killed Flutters, which is your nickname for her, if I remember correctly.” She pressed on curiously.”What happened to him?” “When I turned around and started to leave, his body disappeared.” “Oh, we need to keep an eye on him, we can’t let him roam around unattended.” “I know Twi’” I gave her a quick hug and a kiss. I left her alone in the empty library while I walked and flew around town looking for the strange pony. He didn't show up the rest of the day. I flew home to Twilight and walked in slowly moving towards the bed, exhausted from today’s activities. Twilight was laying there, looking tired herself, she looked up at me and smiled. She got up and took my hoof leading me to the bed as we cuddled. Then kissed and went to sleep. > The Voice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wake up Dashie, wake up. Come and play with me Dashie.” The cold, dark voice whispered seductively to me. I got up slowly looking around and noticed wasn’t in the library. I was in the middle of some sort of forest. I could barely see a single thing except for the trees around me. “Dashie? Come with me.” The figure said to me while it walked slowly over to me. It was entirely black and had blood pouring from it's eyes. It had a black fur and no mane or tail. Its menacing red eyes looking hungrily at me. I got up and started running from it as fast as I could. “Dashie? Why are you running from me? Come with me Dashie, I can help you. Twilight means nothing to you. She'll use you for her own will. You're nothing but a ghost, while she is a powerful unicorn. She will condemn you. She will never love you Dashie, only I can. I can keep you safe from her and love you forever.” “You’re a liar! She loves me as much as she did in life. She has always loved me. You’re just a monster, leave me alone!” “Oh, but I can’t Dashie. You have to come with me. I have to stay till you come with me. I can’t leave till you come with me. Dashie you’re only delaying the inevitable. Come with me Dashie it will be so much easier.” I started to run even quicker than ever before. I tried even harder to get away from the inviting voice that wanted me for some reason. I stopped and took a quick look behind me I hadn’t even moved an inch. It drew closer to me as I screamed as loudly as I could. After a few minutes of screaming,i slowly opened my eyes after hearing a soft, caring voice. “Dash are you ok!? Your screaming, please stop, it hurts.” She said worriedly. I stopped my screaming after hearing Twi's calming voice. I looked at her and hugged her as tightly as I could. Aw, Dashie thats so cute but stop it now. I felt my hooves slowly pull away from her. I resisted the voice as hard as I could and pulled Twi’ closer to me as I felt her hooves wrap around me. I nuzzled my face into her neck, crying softly. Dashie don't cry, she doesn’t love you. She doesn’t care about you. I will take care of you forever Dashie like I did the others. Mortis will do whatever I tell him to do. Dash let her go now or I will hurt them all. The voice said, pulsing with a power that scared me. I slowly pulled away from Twi’. She looked at me worriedly and reached a hoof out. “Don't touch her, don't let her touch you!” I sniffled a little and looked at Twilight sadly. I tried my hardest to pull up the power to tell her not to touch me. I instead chose to tumbled out of the bed to get away from her. I got up quickly and bolted for the door. I hoped that I hadn’t hurt her feeling's too bad. I looked back to our house sighing. “Are you happy now?” I asked. “Oh Dashie I'll never be happy till I get you all to myself?” It giggled hauntingly at me. “Well then you'll never be happy because I will not let you make me your pet.” I lashed at it. “Oh but Dashie.” It whinnied. “No buts. Deal with it.” I said commandingly. “Awwwww.......” It’s voice trailed off “I’m guessing I have to deal with you whether I want to or not. Am I right? “Yes Dashie I will be here till you come with me.” As I started to walk towards Applejack's house, I thought about Twi’. Poor Twilight, she has no idea why I'm acting so strange. I hope she isn’t taking it the wrong way. Hmm, what could she be doing right now? She probably crying on the bed worrying about me and my strange actions today. Why did I listen to the stupid voice, it can’t control my actions, I love Twilight and nothing will stop that no matter what it is. I looked back, took a quick look around and then bolted for our house. When I arrived, I kicked down the door and ran upstairs. Twilight was lying on the bed with the covers up over her head. I could hear a soft crying coming from the bed. I walked up slowly to the bed laying a hoof on it gently. The crying stopped for a second as I reached under the covers and wrapped Twilight in my hooves. I held her close as she soaked my coat with her tears. I lifted my wings and wrapped her in them. I then moved us under the covers and snuggled. > The Journal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Shining Armor and this is a journal made for keeping up with what's happening around Ponyville. Day 1: Today I arrived in Ponyville, my sister was waiting for me at the train station. Her eyes were stricken with tears as she told me about the reason she asked me to come here. I was surprised to learn that Rainbow Dash was found dead. I followed my sister home and helped her around the library a bit staying till she went to bed. After she had fallen asleep I went to go check out Rainbow’s cloud house, who would want to hurt Rainbow? Rainbow’s house didn't hold any answers whatsoever so I went back to Twilight’s after that to catch up on some sleep. Day 2: Today I went to the morgue to see Rainbow Dash's remains, her body was ripped to shreds by what looked like claw's, but the cut's were too deep to be from animals nearby, even in Everfree Forest. She was missing her stomach, lungs and heart, her body looked as if it had been dissected in a hurry. I asked the doctor where her body was found, he told me she was found about a mile away to the west. I headed there next and all I found was an open field. On closer examination, I saw a spot of grass near a small pond that was covered in blood, some of it had spilled into the lake giving it a reddish tint. The place showed no signs that she had been there except for the blood. I went to check up on Twilight after I was done looking around, she seemed to be in worse shape than she had been in yesterday. I had heard rumors in Ponyville that she and Rainbow were dating. I decided to ask her if she was dating Rainbow Dash. Twilight said yes, with tears in her eyes, and that she loved Rainbow dearly, I held Twilight close to me while she cried. After a while I fed Twilight dinner and sent her to bed. A few pages seems to be torn out of the journal. Day 7: Today I found a strange black pony in a cave. Her eyes glowed the most unnerving aura of red, but at the same time she acted kind and sweet, because of this I ended up spending most of the day with her. For some reason she wouldn't tell me her name though, quite odd. I guess she can't remember having a name, for having no use of it. As far as I've seen, she’s been here by herself. She asked if I wanted to stay the night, but I had to say no, I need to be with Twilight whenever possible, she’s going mad with grief. Her condition is only getting worse, she believes Rainbow Dash is alive and that Fluttershy is dead, along with Rarity. Twilight tells me be careful of the pale one, and I still have no idea where she got that sword. All she tells me, is that Rainbow Dash brought it to her and said it was the pale one’s sword. I tried to get her to see a doctor but, she say’s she's fine. Day 8: Today I went back to the cave, the black pony was waiting for me outside of the cave. She smiled and waved me over, her eyes still haunt me. I asked her if she’d ever seen a cyan Pegasus go by this cave, she said she did. I asked her what this pony was doing at the time, she replied that she had a purple unicorn on her back, was flying around with her and that they both seemed to be having a great time. It was around lunchtime when we ate. She had something red and it dripped blood in front of her. She continued to eat with abandon, not noticing that she had finished her meal. I grabbed her hoof before she bit into it, she looked at me weirdly and asked what was wrong. I simply answered that she had finished her meal. She giggled at me and cleaned up the area. I stared at her for a while before I said I had to go. I went to back to the library to check on Twilight. ------------ “Twily!” I screamed, shaking her. She stood there like a statue staring off into the distance. I moved a hoof and tried to push her. She fell over like an old stone statue. “Twilight!” I screamed, as I picked up her up and teleported to the castle. “Princess Celestia!” I screamed. I heard fast hoofsteps getting closer to my position. Celestia came running into the room. “Captain! What’s the matter?” “ It’s Twilight, I believe she been petrified somehow. It didn't look like anything had been in the library but me at the time.” “Has anything been happening recently to her that could have caused this?” “She's been seeing Rainbow Dash, but that’s not possible considering Rainbow Dash has been dead for over a month now and everypony knows there's no such thing as ghosts. She also for some reason believes Rarity and Fluttershy have also died. She told me that Dash saw their dead bodies, and now she’s like this. Can you do anything to help my little sister?!” “That’s quite a tale Captain, but I don't think I can help, because it’s all up to her now. She has chosen to do this, maybe Dash convinced her to do this.” “Princess are you sure you can't do anything to help my sister?!” “Yes Shining Armor, I’m sorry, but its up to her now if she wants to join Dash or come back to us.” A/N: This has been edited by Dopple Ganger, at his convenience. Have fun > The Choice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- edited by Dopple Ganger I awoke in a completely darkened room. I struggled to get up, for some reason my body felt like it weighed a ton. In the distance there were glowing red eyes staring at me, we stared at eachother for a while. Hello? Who are you? Why is it so dark? Hello Ms. Sparkle. I'm glad to see you are awake. Who are you and how do you know my name!? Where am I!? I’m nopony important, unlike you my dear. I’ve been watching you for a long time. We’re inside your head. That’s impossible, we can't be inside my head, there's no way! Tell me who you are if I’m so important to you! Where’s Rainbow Dash!? What did you do with her!? It’s very possible. Again dearie, I'm no one important. As for Dashie, she helped me get you here dearie. She's my little pet without even knowing it. What do you mean she’s your pet!? She'd never hurt me! What did you do to her!? The ghost you saw of her was one of my illusions. I told you what I've done to her already. Why won't you tell me anything!? Just tell me what you did to my special Dashie! If I did, then you wouldn’t be as entertaining dearie. As to what I did with Dashie, why don't you see for yourself? The menacing glowing red eyes grew ever closer to where I stood. As the red eyes drew nearer, the body came into view. Suddenly the blackened room lit up, the pony in front of me reminded me of the body I was so used to feeling next to me in bed. She reminded me of my precious Rainbow Dash her, but her coat was black. I could barely see the cyan color left in her coat. That’s not possible, I saw her body in the morgue! Also, how can you use magic if you're her!? Well it is possible dear. I'm dead and I want you to join me. As for how I can use magic, I'm not, that’s the thing, you are dearest. You can't be Dashie! That’s not physically possible, you're just a monster! How come I don't remember casting this spell!? I asked you to, that's why. You said you were willing to try out this spell for my sake Twilight. If your Rainbow Dash tell me what happened to you! Why should I go with you!? Twilight I love you and I can’t be without you. That's why I came back to get you, I thought you would be happy to come back with me, even if I had to go into this horrendous body to do it. Twilight, I’m still me. The day I disappeared, I went to go get you something from my parent’s house. By the time I reached my parent’s house, it had been in the process of being ransacked. When I tried to stop the stallions, they grabbed me and held me down while they took turns beating on me. After I don’t know how long, I went unconscious. When I woke up, I was like this, in a cave, with a pale, hairless pony. He told me that he brought me back from the dead, but at the cost of my own life. I couldn’t ever be the mare I was. He made me into this and helped me with making an illusion of my former self. As far as I know, he only wished to help me get you back so I could be happy. In the distance I heard very fast hoofstep's. I could barely make out a cyan coat that far away. Once I could see the cyan mare coming this way, the other pony tried to tackle me to the ground. I managed to teleport out of the way though. When the cyan mare arrived, I noticed it was Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash, is that you!? How!? Twilight, don’t listen to her, she’s evil! All she wants is your soul! Twilight run, stop the spell and get out of here! She’s not me, save yourself, i’ll be fine, I promise! You little brat, you can never stay out of anything can you!? Just come with me Twilight dear. She’s lying! I want you for you! Nopony else. What is going on here! One of you is lying but I can’ tell which! One of you wants me to leave, the other wants me to go with them!? What the hay is going on here!? Twilight, I'm dead, but you can still live! Don't listen to her, run away! Just run! Save yourself from her, don't let her win! Run Twilight, I beg you! Rainbow, what happened to you!? Why does she want my soul, why!? All this isn’t possible! This is all very possible my dear. Magic makes many things possible, I thought you knew this? It’s up to you Twilight, will you go with the pony or will you run? Or you could come with me Twilight my dear. They could both be lying to you. I won’t lie to you dear. Your soul is a very unique one. If either one of them gets it, they will live again and you will die, becoming a part of them forever. To explain it in a different way, you will die and one of them will live and you will become their alternate personality. Now if you go with either of them they will retain their birth race and gain your race as well. Who are you, and what is going on here!? Is there anyway out of this!? Now Twilight do you really believe them? They're both lying! Come with me Twilight, I will protect you! They both want you for your soul, I want you for you! Twilight, just run! Don't believe them! The only way to live on for yourself is to run! Just run! I'm the pale one, Twilight as those two would call me and so would you. I'm merely here to watch more then anything. As to how you get back to your world, that's up to you to figure out. Which one is lying and which one is telling the truth. Now, that, Twilight, is all up to you. What!? Why are you all doing this to me!? Why can’t you all just leave me alone!? Twilight you matter to all of us in one way or another. Now, it’s time to chose. Come with me, go with him, or run? Twilight you have to run, please! Its the only way, but its up to you. Now, Twilight it’s your time to choose. I choose..