• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 1,163 Views, 15 Comments

Coded Arms: Ponygram - Thunder Hammer

I'm sure you've never heard of Coded Arms, but here you go.

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Somewhere in the desert lands of Equestria

The virus cloud of murderous murder has been floating for hours and it never found a suitable host. The virus needs an intelligent mind, not a feral one. It needs an intelligent mind because it needs to suck up the brain power to give the virus enough energy to control the body. It came across several feral creatures in the forest, the swamps, and now it's in a desert that seems... Well, deserted. A Malware virus never gets tired, nor did it needed eat or drink. It just floats. It only uses its energy when controlling a body. Maelstrom has programed his virus well and killed hundreds. What Maelstrom didn't expect is how much of a warrior that Grant person is. When the virus sensed the presence and floated away out of fear. It also hated his guts and had to wait for the right time before it faces Grant. It needed a strong body in order to kill him and fulfill its master's wish by taking over this world. It was floating under the hot sun, not that it felt it. Trekking endlessly in the deserts, it didn't feel anything but the need to kill. It was all fine and dandy, until...

"How long 'till we get to the nearest town?" a caravaneer.

"Won't be long now. Trottingham is just a few miles away." another said.

"This desert heat is killing me."

"I know, but we need the bits. We can barely get any food for our mother and little sister."

"You're right." The virus took interest in these two. They seem intelligent enough, plus, there is actually other beings relying on them. For the virus' master, nothing is more satisfying than breaking somebody's heart. The virus went in for the kill.

"I can't wait to get some re- AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" The caravaneer's brother jumped when he heard the scream.


"I stepped on some sharp rock!"



"*sigh* What am I going to do with yo- AHHH! ZZOOOOOOOO-AAARRRR-IRATOFOJDKSLG-101010101010010011100100100100001001..."

"Brother?" The caravaneer fearfully stated. He noticed that his brother's eyes were red, 1s and 0s emit all around his body, and red cracks are appearing on his body.

"UNCHATURAAZZZZORUTHROMARO!" With those cryptic words, he trots towards his brother.

"Um... Brother?" He felt that he cannot move out of fear.



"MOTURAGURAZAIYRO!" He got close enough to pounce. He caught his brother and bear hugged him. He bit his brother on the neck. He bit harder, even though his brother was screaming on the top of his lungs. He released the bite and pushed his brother to the ground, blood everywhere.

"Brother... What happened to.... you?" He somehow lost his voice...... And then red cracks start to appear. The caravaneer stood up on all fours.

"AIRATHUROMARUTHORUMARAGARO!(Let us kill this new world for the master.)"

"ZARATHURAMIRAGAITOMAROTHARIO!(Yes my brother. Let us complete our master's plan.)"

"VITOSAMIGRANT?!(But what about Grant?)"

"GOURMATHEUMATHROASTAERTHE!(We must build an army first. Come brother. We must track the nearest place of civilization.)"

"GOURMITHARGROMAELSTROOOOM!(For our master Maelstrom!)" And they run off.


Ponyville General Hospital

There was out friend, Major Grant, in a hospital bed. He was enjoying a bowl of cabbage stew. Grant learned that if he will stay here, he'd better try hard to get used to weirder stuff that might happen ahead. He felt a disturbance. He stopped eating for a second... His danger sense... He always felt it when there was a virus near, or far away. After a couple of minutes, he shrugged it off and continued on his cabbage stew. Tenderheart entered the room.

"Grant. A very special visitor is here. Be on your best behavior."

"And who is this visitor?"

"It's Princess Celestia of Equestria!" She said, getting all giggly and excited that the princess is visiting.

"Who?" Tenderheart got offended at that.

"The princess of this whole country, of course!"

The leader of this place, huh. If anybod- er, anypony could find a way to get me back home, it would be her. He thought. "Fine. Bring her in."

"Like you have a choice." She said smugly. Grant made an audible "hmph". Tenderheart walked out of the room. Grant suddenly felt a strong headache. Everything went dark. He then saw a red eyes... or vizors... The same that Maelstrom wore.

"Hahaha. You put this planet in grave danger, Grant, old friend. You will be guilty for the lives of millions. You think you have won? You're wrong." he then faded and Grant was back in reality. Grant rubbed his eyes. He saw three ponies. One was Nurse Tenderheart, the other was a lavander equine he recognized as Twilight Sparkle, the last one in the middle, he didn't recognized. She was larger and had a flowing rainbow colored mane. They all wore faces of concern.

"Grant! Are you okay?" Twilight piped when she saw him awake. Grant tried to sit up but he felt his chest shot pain straight at him and his head slapping his brain. He laid back down.

"Argh! No."

"We'd better do something!"

"No need." The large one said. She walked up to Grant and placed her horn on his head. There was a bright light. When it faded, Grant felt a million times better. His chest and head was 100% better. Grant touched his chest and rubbed his head, he looked at Celestia with awe. "All better?" Grant nodded.

"What did you do? I feel great." Grant said.

"I just did a simple healing spell. I put little wisps in your body and it quickly adapts and learns in whichever body it's in. It detected your injuries and quickly healed them."

"That was amazing. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Grant."

"Wait. how do you know me?"

"Twilight over here told me of course! How else?" Grant looked at Twilight.

"You know the leader of this country?"

"Yup. She's my mentor in the fine arts of magic."

"Magic, huh?" Twilight nodded. "Well, I thank you again princess."

"Don't mention it."

"Um, princess?"

"Yes, my little human."

"Do you by any chance, know how to get me home?"

"I am studying an inter-dimensional teleportation spell. I'll be able to teleport you back to your home once I learn it. But before you go, I need to study you. Tell us about your self, your anatomy and how your world works."

"I don't see any harm in that."

"Thank you."

"No, princess, thank you."


A forest near Trottingham

The two monsters known as Malware is trotting around in the forest. Both of them are hungry. REAL. HUNGRY.


"ITPRASTIPITPASUKNAR!(I know, brother. I sense a living being nearby.)" They then heard a growl. The two then try to follow the sound. They found the source and it's angry. A manticore lunged from a bush and charged at the two. The manticore slashed at one. The other Malware tried to bite it. He succeeded but it made the manticore angrier. He pierced one with his ever-so poisonous tail. The manticore's plan backfired. The poison ran through the Malware's veins and the red cracks turned green. Acid was drooling from his mouth. He spat acid at the manticore square on the face. The manticore's face melted, exposing his brain. The other Malware came in and ate it.

"ORTHARUMORTHUHAOOO!(Tonight we feast!)"

"THUHAOOO!(FEAST!)" They both share what's left of the manticore.

[Author's Notes: Sorry it took soo long. Writer's block is trying to kill me... F*** you writer's block. Please, some feedback or something hilarious in the comments would be nice. Welp, be seein' ya.]

Comments ( 3 )


Liken this story, love coded arms, and hate how short the chapters are. all around, needs more like and views.

You know i was kind of thinking to do a coded arms 1 crossover with the hacker but this is good i will make that fic someday when i update my stories but this is good but the thought of Grant being sucked into minecaft

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