> Coded Arms: Ponygram > by Thunder Hammer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Mission Accomplished? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***10010100*** Coded World After the hell Grant's been through, he finally made it to the heart of the Coded World. He placed the wiping device on the master computer to stop Maelstrom's virus from spreading to every electronic device, in the world and outside, including vital satellites. After a few minutes in the wiping process, he was getting a transmission from the built in earpiece in his helmet. "So-*crackle* You wiped out*crackle* my long awaited*crackle* plan. You're tougher than I *crackle* thought...*crackle* Don't think you have won*crackle* I will re-plant my virus one way*crackle* or another*CRACKLE*" And with those last words, Maelstrom had singed off. Grant had thought he had won. He was hoping nothing like this would ever happen again... When he had to delete his long time buddy, Thorn, who was infected with the virus, turning him into a mindless killing machine, Grant was determined to accomplish his mission. He hoped that he would never have to delete or kill one of his friends again. When the wiping process was finished, the red, flowing codes of 1s and 0s had turned into blue, signifying that the virus was gone. Grant was getting another transmission, this time from the General. "Good work, Major! Maelstrom has been shut down and everyone can use their devices without fear again. Few people used their devices while under "World Martial Lockdown" and caught the infection, but they have been contained. Everything is under control. We are now uploading you back to the real world." Grant was relieved to have heard that. He was tired of seeing floating numbers all the damn time, he's getting a major headache. "Go to the glowing platform ahead of you. I will see you on Earth. General out." A platform appeared ahead of Grant and glowed blue. Grant walked up to the platform and numbers started to float from his head to toe. The uploading was starting... *1%... 20%.... 50%...* When it reached 75%, the numbers started to glow red. Grant was getting worried... *78%...80%............... 79%..65%..........99%..63%...0%54%97%56%82%* The platform started going haywire. Grant frantically looked around to find the problem until he felt a sharp pain from his shoulder. He saw red cracks on his armor and he knew what it meant... he was infected. He tried to scratch it off but he knew there was nothing else he could do. The platform started shaking and the more numbers appeared. *10001010101001001101011010101011010101010010101110101ERROR100010111010101ERROR101001110110101011101ERROR1101001010100111101010011ERRO-* *SWOOSH* ...... Grant was gone. ***10010100*** Everfree Forest Grant was waking up from unconsciousness. He stood up and checking if everything on him was intact. His armor and his ever-so reliable pistol was still there but his other weapon plug-ins were gone. He checked his surroundings to see that he was in a forest. Grant then felt a sudden burst of wooziness that subsided a few seconds later. He remembered that he caught Maelstrom's virus. He checked his shoulder, finding no red cracks. He sighed in relief. Maybe this is all a dream? he thought. Grant then started to hear a low humming sound. The kind of sound grounded electricity makes. He started searching on where the sound was coming from. After a few minutes of searching, he found the source... It was a cloud of red, floating numbers(1s and 0s. Computer Language) Grant knew all to well what that thing is. The virus was somehow separated from him. He started to wonder whether to stop it or leave it alone.... He couldn't answer that question when the virus floated away into the sky. Grant watched it floating away to the sun until it was out of sight. "I don't think this is the Coded World." he said to himself. He then started to realize that everything looked like it was colored with oil pastels. It looked too colorful for it to look like the real world. "Maybe I'm in a child's computer?" With those words, Grant started to adventure more. For a few minutes, he was walking endlessly in the forest and started to feel lost..... He then heard growling.... Grant took out his trusted pistol and searched his surroundings. He saw rustling in the bushes and he opened fire. Good thing the military upgraded his three pistol magazines to generate an infinite amount of ammo, though it needed time to generate ammo, so reloading is still required. He checked the bush, seeing there was nothing in it, save for a few bullet marks on the ground. He looked behind him to see that there was a wolf made out of.... wood? Grant was scratching his helmet in confusion when suddenly the wolf pounced on him. Grant pushed the wolf back and opened fire. The wolf seemed to be resisting the bullets, chunks of wood started flying but the wolf didn't looked like it was hurt. "What the- AH!" The wolf bit on Grant's arm. Grant tried to shake it off but it seems that it was making the wolf angrier, making it bite harder. He then tried to shoot the wolf on the head, only to realize that he needed to reload. "OH COME ON!" He hit the wolf on the head with the but of his gun and the wolf got off, whimpering then came back to pouncing stance. Grant quickly reloaded while the wolf leaped towards him, he shot the wolf square on its wide-open mouth, leaving it lying on the ground, dead. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" Grant yelled. ***10010100*** Ponyville Twilight and Spike was re-arranging the bookshelves... For the third time this week. Spike was tired of doing this over and over and over. Twilight was just happily dusting the books with her magic, while Spike is breaking his back, climbing the ladders while carrying tons of books. They were doing their normal thing until they heard a popping noise in the distance. Twilight and Spike stopped on their tracks... *pop* Twilight was curious about what that was. After a several seconds, she shrugged it off, thinking it was Pinkie Pie with her party cannon. Then she heard a scream. Twilight wore a confused face, a long silence followed "Um... Any idea what that was?" Spike asked, breaking the silence. "I don't really know Spike, maybe we should check it out?" "Nah, could be anything. Let's finish this already so I can greet Mr. Blankey again." Spike said with a sleepy voice. "You're right." They returned to their chores. After about 30 minutes of re-arranging, Spike was about to put the last book on the last vacant spot on the shelf. Slowly, ever so slowly, Spike reached out to the shelf to put the book, careful not to knock anything over. Slowly, Spike was about to finish it. The edge of the book was in the slot and... *POP* *KNOCK KNOCK* The sudden burst of onomatopoeia startled Spike, making him fall down from his ladder, with the resulting shock wave knocking 47% of all the books in the library. Spike shook out his wooziness and saw how much damage was caused. Spike yelled in frustration and stomped his way up the stairs *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* "Spike!" Twilight called. She could hear loud snoring from upstairs. Twilight sighed and opened the door and saw that it was her timid friend Fluttershy. "Hi Fluttershy, what brings you hear?" "Um, well, I heard loud noises, um, a while ago, in the forest and a scream too. It scared me and the bunnies I was feeding. I want to ask if it's, um, okay with you, to check on it?" She said with usual her soft voice.(of course) "Why sure! What friends are for! Spike! Could you clean up that mess while I'm gone?" *Snore snore* "Oh yeah, I forgot. Let's go." Twilight and her pinked maned friend trotted off to the Everfree. ***10010100*** Everfree Forest Grant thought he was seeing things. He was repeatedly hitting his head. "Wolves made out of wood. Hehe, never heard of that before. I've seen weirder stuff, but that was just ridiculous." Grant was thoroughly confused. "Pastel trees, pastel rocks, pastel plants, PASTEL SKY, PASTEL SUN! AM I THE ONLY REALISTIC BEING HERE!" Grant was panting, catching for breath after that yell. He tried to calm down and think positive. "Hehe, beats fighting 3 Gatekeepers. Why am I getting mad? This looks like a waaay better place to live in. I could simply live off the land, find the locals, settle, and live happily ever after..." Grant was just standing there, staring at the ground until he finally remembered about his transmitter in his helmet. If he was in an electronic device... Then the military can track it down and upload him out of there. Grant pressed the button for his transmitter. "General? Are you there? It's Major Grant. I seemed to be stuck in some kid's device... Hello? HELLO?!" ..... Nothing. Grant sighed and leaned his back on a nearby tree, slowly sliding down until his butt hit the ground. He had no communication to ANYBODY AT ALL. He was stuck in some KID'S DEVICE. And he has no idea how to GET BACK. Grant leaned his head on his palm. He stayed in the same position for some time now. He stayed like that, thinking about... thinking about ANYTHING really, but getting back to the real world was on the top of his mind. He kept on thinking, then he remembered Thorn. Grant sighed. At least nothing like that will happen again. I hope. Thinking positive helped him just a tiny bit. After what seemed like hours, he heard a twig snap. Grant looked up, stood up, and readied his pistol. Grant slowly walked up to the source of the snap.... He saw the source... And it surprised him greatly... [Author's Notes: Sorry if you think it's bad. It's my first official fic that I'm sticking to. I hope you enjoyed. I'm pretty sure most of you never even heard of Coded Arms cuz it's not really famous but it is one of my most favorite PSP games of all time! Please correct some grammar and spelling errors and I will correct them If I have time. Welp, bee seein' ya.] > Talking Horses... Of All the Things! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***10010100*** Everfree Forest Grant just stared at the two life forms in front of him. Two colorful small horses, bug-eyed and everything, was staring back at him with fear... Silence engulfed the three beings. Few minutes after, Fluttershy's hoof moved by a millimeter. "HALT!" At the sudden words, both of Fluttershy's hooves covered her eyes as she whimpered. Twilight showed a hint of annoyance in her eyes, annoyed at that thing when he scared her friend. Twilight stood up and slowly moved forward. "I ORDER YOU TO HALT!" Fluttershy got more scared and Twilight was more annoyed. Twilight started trotting toward him. "I. SAID. HALT!" Grant shot at the sky. The gunshot scared Fluttershy to the point of tears. It also scared Twilight making her stop on her tracks. Grant was quietly huffing. He hated using the commanding voice. Why am I shouting at these harmless looking creatures? Grant thought to himself. Silence, once again, caught up to them. Twilight stared at his soulless red vizor. "What are you?" Twilight asked. Grant holstered his weapon, scratching his helmet in complete and utter confusion. Twilight took the chance and charged at him to try and buck him on the abdomen(or at least what she thought was his abdomen). She was successful and Grant grabbed at his groin, screaming in pain. "That's what you get you monster!" Grant stood up and started jumping, which he thought would help subside the pain. To the two colorful equines, he looked funny. Fluttershy ceased crying and stared at him. Twilight chuckled. "I didn't know I could kick that hard." Grant stopped jumping. Twilight got back to attack stance. Grant was reaching something from his back, virtual pockets, checking for something. By instinct, Fluttershy thought he was reaching for his weapon. Fluttershy suddenly ran up to him and stared at his vizor. Her powerful stare was activated... But it seemed to backfire. What she saw in his eyes were horrors unknown to her world. She saw beings that had the same shape as him, standing on two legs and all that. Only they were wearing regular clothes for average people, covered in red cracks... They were eating one another... Fluttershy gasped and looked away. Inside Grant's helmet, he was wearing his "what?" face. Twilight's face was in awe. Nopony could never resist her terrifying stare! She thought. Silence for the... I lost count, time. Twilight broke the silence. "SERIOUSLY! WHAT ARE YOU!" Grant looked at her for a moment, then returned searching for that something in his virtual pocket... He found what he was looking for. His decoder device, a device used for hacking doors, identifying computerized entities, re-scripting systems, etc., was still with him. He pointed it at the two small horses and pressed the identification button. Numbers was scrambling on his screen. Twilight was curious about the device he was holding. It took the device for a few seconds before the numbers formed the word ERROR. Grant was surprised. I'M NOT IN SOME VIRTUAL WORLD! THIS IS ALL REAL! Grant screamed in his head. Grant sighed as he facepalmed. "This day couldn't get any better." He muttered under his breath. "What was that?" The lavender unicorn piped. "I am a human." "S'cuse me? I didn't quite catch that." "I. Am. A. Human." Grant answered, slightly raising his voice. "Wow. You're the species Lyra always talks about. I guess she's right! Humans are real! I have so much to ask you!" Twilight was getting butterflies, eager to learn about a completely different species that she never even saw before. "Who's Lyra?" "Oh nothing, but that's not important right now! I have some questions to ask you! But... First two." "And that is?" "One, what are you doing here, and tow, what did you do to Fluttershy?" She pointed a hoof at her friend, who had an expressionless face. "I don't know the answer to both questions." "Then can you at least answer why you were making that noise? What was that thing making noise?" "Oh that?" Grant took out his pistol, "This is a gun." "A what now?" Grant facepalmed at that. "A gun." he sighed, "It's a weapon that shoot projectiles that can put holes through anything... Well, almost anything." "And what was it used for?" Twilight asked with suspicion, concern and a hint of fear. "Well, it was mainly used for killing other living things." "KILL?! You kill other things?!" Grant nodded. "BY CELESTIA, WHAT DID YOU KILL BACK THERE?!" "Some wolf made out of wood." And with those words, Fluttershy got out of her trance, looked at the man with anger and screamed. "YOU KILLED A POOR OLD TIMBER WOLF?!" "POOR?! It was attacking me! What else was I supposed to do?!" "You could've just reasoned with it! Timber wolves are intelligent creature." Fluttershy shot back. "Reason?! Intelligent?! ITS INTELLIGENCE DIDN'T KNOW RHYME NOR REASON BECAUSE IT RELENTLESSLY ATTACKED ME! "EVERYPONY STOP!" Both Grant and Fluttershy looked at Twilight. "Would you two foals STOP IT!" She was panting then she sighed. "Let's just take him to Ponyville and let the princess take care of this situation." "Ponyville? Seriously?" "Yes. Any problem?" "Um, nothing." "Good. Let's go. C'mon Fluttershy." Twilight and Fluttershy trotted off to Ponyville's direction, Grant followed... After some minutes of walking, Grant sagged behind a bit and muttered: "Talking horses... Of all the things." [Author's Notes: Sorry for the short chapter. Be thankful that I'm not working on any other fics, so new chapters will come by fast, depending on how much time I have. Please correct any grammar and spelling errors blah blah blah and all that good stuph. Welp, see ya!] > Settling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***10010100*** Everfree Forest As the three was walking towards Ponyville. Fluttershy kept her distance from Grant out of both fear and anger. Twilight was lightly skipping while trotting, eager to learn more about the two-legged life form. Grant had a million thoughts swimming in his head. During Grant's mission in the Coded World, he usually had thoughts like "What?". Now, he had thoughts like "WTF?!". He had seen a lot of horrors but this was just plain weird. He had seen people get sick through technology with a disease called "Malware", a disease that affects both human and technology. A terrorist code named "Maelstrom" was able to hack important government computers that had control on almost every registered device in the world. Maelstrom planted the virus, that had traveled through the electronic storage system called "The Cloud". A storage system millions of people use to store their data to. Once they opened the stored data, the virus is released into the device. At first, it will act like a normal electronic virus, slowing down the device, deleting valuable data, crashing the device, etc. But soon, it will affect the device's projector, making it radiate the virus to the real world. Once it radiates to your eyes... your straight out gone, no cure, no nothing, you're just dead, plain dead... Well actually only your brain is dead, not your heart nor your body. The virus' radiation will go to your eyes and make it send messages to your brain, transporting the radiation with it. It will then affect your brain, killing it, but the virus will not let you die just yet. The virus will then control your brain, making you do its creator's one command: kill. The virus will then travel to your nervous system, making your blood electronic that will soon overload(that explains the red cracks on the skin), basically making you into a mindless cyborg. Grant had to face those things in the coded world, killing his fellow Coders that have been infected... only they were intelligent enough to use weapon and armor plug-ins. He also had to fight alien prefabs, like alien insects. When he wiped out the virus, he thought he was out of hell. But his was complete weirdness. He was in the world that looked like it was colored by a child, A wolf made out of wood attacked him and met two talking horses. He would've been more relaxed if he was in some virtual world. Only he's not, making the situation worse. "Well we're almost there. Not too long now, we will be passing by Fluttershy's cottage and drop her off." Twilight said with glee. Fluttershy glanced at Grant then held her snout high with an audible "hmph!". Grant wasn't paying attention, he had too many thoughts. "We're here! Fluttershy would you like to come with us or would you like to stay home?" "I-I think I'll just stay home." Fluttershy said, giving Grant the evil glance. "I have some chicks needed taking care of." And with those words, Fluttershy trotted in her home and slammed the door. "Um, what's wrong with her?" "Oh she's just mad you *gulp* k-killed that wolf." She said with a shudder, "Though I understand you were only defending yourself. Just don't hurt anypony when we get there." "Don't worry, I'm a good guy, I won't kill any of your horse friends." "Ponies." "Excuse me?" "We're called ponies. There are three types: unicorn, I am one as you can see," she pointed at her horn "then there is pegasi, ponies with wings and can fly, Fluttershy is an example. And finally, earth ponies. They have nothing special but boy are they strong, hardworking and hardy!" Twilight then started lecturing about Equestria's history. It surprised her that Grant was actually listening to her! Nopony EVER listens to her lectures! ***10010100*** Ponyville They arrived at Ponyville. When the other ponies saw Grant, they stopped to what they are doing, awestrucked at the human. One unicorn in particular wasn't sure what it was at first(due to Grant's armor) but when she saw his hands, she realized what it was and started getting excited, hopping around. "It's a human! It's a human! It's a humahmphmph!" Lyra's cream coated friend, Bonbon, covered her mouth. Grant looked at their direction and Bonbon did a small "hehe" while trying to look innocent. All of Ponyville was plain silent... Until... "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNGGG!" Grant heard it but didn't have time to react when a rainbow streak slammed him to the ground, making a small crater. "Don't worry citizens of Ponyville! Do not panic, I have it under control! hehehe." She said through panting, glaring angry rose eyes at Grant's vizor. Her face then turned into a expressionless face... Then a worried one when she slightly moved her hoof, that was on his chest, hearing an audible crack... "Um... Twilight... I think I broke him..." Twilight rushed to the two life forms, pushing away Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow! Why'd you do that! He was friendly!" "Um, sorry?" She said, putting on an innocent smile. "Sorry? SORRY?! I YOU COULD'VE KILLED HIM!" "Jeez Twilight, I didn't know." Twilight sighed "Okay. This is not a situation to get mad at each other. Let's just bring him to the hospital." Rainbow nodded. Rainbow helped Twilight carry the unconscious body, carrying it to the hospital. After that event, Ponyville was just silent... Until they heard whistling that came from the bake shop Sugar Cube Corner, and saw a Pinkie Pie sweeping the front. All ponies look at her, and Pinkie noticed the attention she was getting. "What?" ***10010100*** Ponyville General Hospital The Coded soldier was waking up. His vision was kind of blurry. He looked at his surroundings to see that he was in a hospital. He rubbed his eyes... Wait.... Eyes?... His helmet was off! Grant was surprised at this discovery. He looked at his hands to see that he didn't have his gauntlets on... He didn't have his armor on. He only wore his short, blue boxer shorts. He also had bandages wrapped around his chest. He tried to sit up but his injury didn't let him. He yelped at the sudden sharp pain that he felt in his chest, and laid back down. He took a rocket launcher to the head once, and it hurt more that this, but he was carrying a healing plug-in, a plug-in that can instantly heal all injuries, with him... There were no healing plug-ins here. He can't remember the last time he was healed the traditional way... Then again, he didn't remember a time he had his armor off. He then heard footsteps... or hoofsteps, either way. She then saw a blue coated pony with a red cross mark on her flank. "Oh you're awake! That Rainbow Dash did quite some damage on your chest. Or at least I think it was your chest. It's not always that you get to treat something really unusual, hehe." Grant sighed while rubbing his face with both hands. "Why does bad things only happen to me- OH!" "Whoa! Be careful now." "Yeah yeah." "I haven't quite catch your name." "I am Major Grant." He sighed. "My name is Nurse Tenderheart, nice to meet you Major." "Major isn't really a name, it's more of a rank." "Rank for what?" "Military." "Oh, and do you do there?" With those words, Grant started to remember the hordes of infected that he fought. "I'd rather not tell you." He said, rubbing his temples. "And why is that?" "Two things. One, I'd rather not remember it. And two, it might haunt you with nightmares forever, seeing on how friendly your world is." Tenderheart looked at him with confusion, then did a weak smile and laughed nervously. "Um.... hehe. OH LOOK AT THE TIME!" She said, pointing a hoof at the clock. "It's visiting hours, your friends must want to see you by now. Please, enjoy your stay at the Ponyville General Hospital." With that, she trotted away. A few minutes later a familiar lavender equine entered with a not-so familiar, rainbow maned pony. "Um, hi human! I am sooo sorry about what happened back there. Rainbow Dash is sorry too! Right, Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Dash had her back on Grant, feeling ashamed. She nodded. Grant kind of felt bad for her. Sure he was in an unknown NON virtual land that has colorful creatures constantly attacking him, but he couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He thought that these creatures were harmless and there was no need to hurt them. Even though Grant killed many, he still has a soft heart under that armor and muscle. "That's okay, I forgive you." Grant said with a smile. Rainbow Dash's ears perked up upon hearing that. "You do?! Oh thank you! I never thought you would! I hurt you pretty bad!" "Eh. I dealt worse." Rainbow Dash looked at him with a confused expression. Twilight just shuddered at the thought of what he has faced. "What?" "You've dealt worse? I cracked multiple bones in your chest... I think it was your chest. Anyways, You've dealt worse?" "Yes, but that's not important right now- ouch! *sigh* I need to get back to where I came from." "And that is?" Twilight asked.\ "Earth." "Um, this is Earth. You're in the country of Equestria." "No, I mean my Earth." "I don't know where your Earth is but I think the princess knows." "Great let's go- AH!" Rainbow and Twilight looked at him with concern. "Maybe we should wait for you to heal... Maybe I can send the princess a letter and she can visit you." "Woohoo." Grant said unenthusiastically while softly rubbing his chest. "Okay, my little ponies. Visiting time is over. He needs his rest." Nurse Tenderheart said while entering the room with a snack cart. "Well, see you later... And again, I'm soo sorry." Rainbow Dash said before leaving the room. "I'll be sure to tell the princess." Twilight now left Tenderheart and Grant alone. "Well, it's snack time. Are you hungry for some grass mush and jello?" "Um, I don't eat grass mush." Grant looked at the bowl with a raised eyebrow. Tenderheart just chuckled. "Picky now are we?" "No, it's just how we humans are built. We don't eat grass... Well some of us do but most humans will say no to that." "Oh, then what do you... um, humans eat?" "Well..." ***10010100*** Ponyville Library/ Twilight's home Dear Princess Celestia, A mysterious creature called a human has, somehow, entered Equestria. He said that he is not from this Earth and wants to go back home. He looks intimidating. He wears a, rather, daunting outfit and carries a dangerous weapon. Don't get me wrong though, he seems like a nice being. I kicked him in, what I think, is his abdomen and Rainbow Dash crushed him, breaking many bones, yet... He forgave her. And he doesn't seem mad at me. Please consider to help him get back home. He seems... lost. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle "Spike, could you do the honors?" And with that, Spike used his breath to burn the letter in green flames, sending the letter to their ruler. "Do you really think that he is gonna be friendly? Is he gonna stay with us?" Spike asked. "I know that he is gonna be friendly. And he is gonna stay here until we figure something out. It's the least we could do." [Author's notes: I'M BACK! Turns out that I am forgiven and can use the PC again, yay! And with this, chapters might come regularly now. The only thing that is stopping me is school and the dreaded writer's block. And please give me feedback or at least say something hilarious in the comments, thank you. Welp, be seein' ya!] > Danger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***10010100*** Somewhere in the desert lands of Equestria The virus cloud of murderous murder has been floating for hours and it never found a suitable host. The virus needs an intelligent mind, not a feral one. It needs an intelligent mind because it needs to suck up the brain power to give the virus enough energy to control the body. It came across several feral creatures in the forest, the swamps, and now it's in a desert that seems... Well, deserted. A Malware virus never gets tired, nor did it needed eat or drink. It just floats. It only uses its energy when controlling a body. Maelstrom has programed his virus well and killed hundreds. What Maelstrom didn't expect is how much of a warrior that Grant person is. When the virus sensed the presence and floated away out of fear. It also hated his guts and had to wait for the right time before it faces Grant. It needed a strong body in order to kill him and fulfill its master's wish by taking over this world. It was floating under the hot sun, not that it felt it. Trekking endlessly in the deserts, it didn't feel anything but the need to kill. It was all fine and dandy, until... "How long 'till we get to the nearest town?" a caravaneer. "Won't be long now. Trottingham is just a few miles away." another said. "This desert heat is killing me." "I know, but we need the bits. We can barely get any food for our mother and little sister." "You're right." The virus took interest in these two. They seem intelligent enough, plus, there is actually other beings relying on them. For the virus' master, nothing is more satisfying than breaking somebody's heart. The virus went in for the kill. "I can't wait to get some re- AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" The caravaneer's brother jumped when he heard the scream. "WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" "I stepped on some sharp rock!" "....*facehoof*" "What?" "*sigh* What am I going to do with yo- AHHH! ZZOOOOOOOO-AAARRRR-IRATOFOJDKSLG-101010101010010011100100100100001001..." "Brother?" The caravaneer fearfully stated. He noticed that his brother's eyes were red, 1s and 0s emit all around his body, and red cracks are appearing on his body. "UNCHATURAAZZZZORUTHROMARO!" With those cryptic words, he trots towards his brother. "Um... Brother?" He felt that he cannot move out of fear. "ZAITHORUMORUTHAROGARU! RAAAAHHHH!" "BROTHER?!" "MOTURAGURAZAIYRO!" He got close enough to pounce. He caught his brother and bear hugged him. He bit his brother on the neck. He bit harder, even though his brother was screaming on the top of his lungs. He released the bite and pushed his brother to the ground, blood everywhere. "Brother... What happened to.... you?" He somehow lost his voice...... And then red cracks start to appear. The caravaneer stood up on all fours. "AIRATHUROMARUTHORUMARAGARO!(Let us kill this new world for the master.)" "ZARATHURAMIRAGAITOMAROTHARIO!(Yes my brother. Let us complete our master's plan.)" "VITOSAMIGRANT?!(But what about Grant?)" "GOURMATHEUMATHROASTAERTHE!(We must build an army first. Come brother. We must track the nearest place of civilization.)" "GOURMITHARGROMAELSTROOOOM!(For our master Maelstrom!)" And they run off. ***10010100*** Ponyville General Hospital There was out friend, Major Grant, in a hospital bed. He was enjoying a bowl of cabbage stew. Grant learned that if he will stay here, he'd better try hard to get used to weirder stuff that might happen ahead. He felt a disturbance. He stopped eating for a second... His danger sense... He always felt it when there was a virus near, or far away. After a couple of minutes, he shrugged it off and continued on his cabbage stew. Tenderheart entered the room. "Grant. A very special visitor is here. Be on your best behavior." "And who is this visitor?" "It's Princess Celestia of Equestria!" She said, getting all giggly and excited that the princess is visiting. "Who?" Tenderheart got offended at that. "The princess of this whole country, of course!" The leader of this place, huh. If anybod- er, anypony could find a way to get me back home, it would be her. He thought. "Fine. Bring her in." "Like you have a choice." She said smugly. Grant made an audible "hmph". Tenderheart walked out of the room. Grant suddenly felt a strong headache. Everything went dark. He then saw a red eyes... or vizors... The same that Maelstrom wore. "Hahaha. You put this planet in grave danger, Grant, old friend. You will be guilty for the lives of millions. You think you have won? You're wrong." he then faded and Grant was back in reality. Grant rubbed his eyes. He saw three ponies. One was Nurse Tenderheart, the other was a lavander equine he recognized as Twilight Sparkle, the last one in the middle, he didn't recognized. She was larger and had a flowing rainbow colored mane. They all wore faces of concern. "Grant! Are you okay?" Twilight piped when she saw him awake. Grant tried to sit up but he felt his chest shot pain straight at him and his head slapping his brain. He laid back down. "Argh! No." "We'd better do something!" "No need." The large one said. She walked up to Grant and placed her horn on his head. There was a bright light. When it faded, Grant felt a million times better. His chest and head was 100% better. Grant touched his chest and rubbed his head, he looked at Celestia with awe. "All better?" Grant nodded. "What did you do? I feel great." Grant said. "I just did a simple healing spell. I put little wisps in your body and it quickly adapts and learns in whichever body it's in. It detected your injuries and quickly healed them." "That was amazing. Thank you." "You're welcome, Grant." "Wait. how do you know me?" "Twilight over here told me of course! How else?" Grant looked at Twilight. "You know the leader of this country?" "Yup. She's my mentor in the fine arts of magic." "Magic, huh?" Twilight nodded. "Well, I thank you again princess." "Don't mention it." "Um, princess?" "Yes, my little human." "Do you by any chance, know how to get me home?" "I am studying an inter-dimensional teleportation spell. I'll be able to teleport you back to your home once I learn it. But before you go, I need to study you. Tell us about your self, your anatomy and how your world works." "I don't see any harm in that." "Thank you." "No, princess, thank you." ***10010100*** A forest near Trottingham The two monsters known as Malware is trotting around in the forest. Both of them are hungry. REAL. HUNGRY. "PEKELELPASOMOURTHANO!(I need to feed.)" "ITPRASTIPITPASUKNAR!(I know, brother. I sense a living being nearby.)" They then heard a growl. The two then try to follow the sound. They found the source and it's angry. A manticore lunged from a bush and charged at the two. The manticore slashed at one. The other Malware tried to bite it. He succeeded but it made the manticore angrier. He pierced one with his ever-so poisonous tail. The manticore's plan backfired. The poison ran through the Malware's veins and the red cracks turned green. Acid was drooling from his mouth. He spat acid at the manticore square on the face. The manticore's face melted, exposing his brain. The other Malware came in and ate it. "ORTHARUMORTHUHAOOO!(Tonight we feast!)" "THUHAOOO!(FEAST!)" They both share what's left of the manticore. [Author's Notes: Sorry it took soo long. Writer's block is trying to kill me... F*** you writer's block. Please, some feedback or something hilarious in the comments would be nice. Welp, be seein' ya.]