• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 1,164 Views, 15 Comments

Coded Arms: Ponygram - Thunder Hammer

I'm sure you've never heard of Coded Arms, but here you go.

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Everfree Forest

As the three was walking towards Ponyville. Fluttershy kept her distance from Grant out of both fear and anger. Twilight was lightly skipping while trotting, eager to learn more about the two-legged life form. Grant had a million thoughts swimming in his head. During Grant's mission in the Coded World, he usually had thoughts like "What?". Now, he had thoughts like "WTF?!". He had seen a lot of horrors but this was just plain weird. He had seen people get sick through technology with a disease called "Malware", a disease that affects both human and technology. A terrorist code named "Maelstrom" was able to hack important government computers that had control on almost every registered device in the world. Maelstrom planted the virus, that had traveled through the electronic storage system called "The Cloud". A storage system millions of people use to store their data to. Once they opened the stored data, the virus is released into the device. At first, it will act like a normal electronic virus, slowing down the device, deleting valuable data, crashing the device, etc. But soon, it will affect the device's projector, making it radiate the virus to the real world. Once it radiates to your eyes... your straight out gone, no cure, no nothing, you're just dead, plain dead... Well actually only your brain is dead, not your heart nor your body. The virus' radiation will go to your eyes and make it send messages to your brain, transporting the radiation with it. It will then affect your brain, killing it, but the virus will not let you die just yet. The virus will then control your brain, making you do its creator's one command: kill. The virus will then travel to your nervous system, making your blood electronic that will soon overload(that explains the red cracks on the skin), basically making you into a mindless cyborg. Grant had to face those things in the coded world, killing his fellow Coders that have been infected... only they were intelligent enough to use weapon and armor plug-ins. He also had to fight alien prefabs, like alien insects. When he wiped out the virus, he thought he was out of hell. But his was complete weirdness. He was in the world that looked like it was colored by a child, A wolf made out of wood attacked him and met two talking horses. He would've been more relaxed if he was in some virtual world. Only he's not, making the situation worse.

"Well we're almost there. Not too long now, we will be passing by Fluttershy's cottage and drop her off." Twilight said with glee. Fluttershy glanced at Grant then held her snout high with an audible "hmph!". Grant wasn't paying attention, he had too many thoughts. "We're here! Fluttershy would you like to come with us or would you like to stay home?"

"I-I think I'll just stay home." Fluttershy said, giving Grant the evil glance. "I have some chicks needed taking care of." And with those words, Fluttershy trotted in her home and slammed the door.

"Um, what's wrong with her?"

"Oh she's just mad you *gulp* k-killed that wolf." She said with a shudder, "Though I understand you were only defending yourself. Just don't hurt anypony when we get there."

"Don't worry, I'm a good guy, I won't kill any of your horse friends."


"Excuse me?"

"We're called ponies. There are three types: unicorn, I am one as you can see," she pointed at her horn "then there is pegasi, ponies with wings and can fly, Fluttershy is an example. And finally, earth ponies. They have nothing special but boy are they strong, hardworking and hardy!" Twilight then started lecturing about Equestria's history. It surprised her that Grant was actually listening to her! Nopony EVER listens to her lectures!



They arrived at Ponyville. When the other ponies saw Grant, they stopped to what they are doing, awestrucked at the human. One unicorn in particular wasn't sure what it was at first(due to Grant's armor) but when she saw his hands, she realized what it was and started getting excited, hopping around.

"It's a human! It's a human! It's a humahmphmph!" Lyra's cream coated friend, Bonbon, covered her mouth. Grant looked at their direction and Bonbon did a small "hehe" while trying to look innocent. All of Ponyville was plain silent... Until...

"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNGGG!" Grant heard it but didn't have time to react when a rainbow streak slammed him to the ground, making a small crater. "Don't worry citizens of Ponyville! Do not panic, I have it under control! hehehe." She said through panting, glaring angry rose eyes at Grant's vizor. Her face then turned into a expressionless face... Then a worried one when she slightly moved her hoof, that was on his chest, hearing an audible crack... "Um... Twilight... I think I broke him..." Twilight rushed to the two life forms, pushing away Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow! Why'd you do that! He was friendly!"

"Um, sorry?" She said, putting on an innocent smile.


"Jeez Twilight, I didn't know."

Twilight sighed "Okay. This is not a situation to get mad at each other. Let's just bring him to the hospital." Rainbow nodded. Rainbow helped Twilight carry the unconscious body, carrying it to the hospital. After that event, Ponyville was just silent... Until they heard whistling that came from the bake shop Sugar Cube Corner, and saw a Pinkie Pie sweeping the front. All ponies look at her, and Pinkie noticed the attention she was getting.



Ponyville General Hospital

The Coded soldier was waking up. His vision was kind of blurry. He looked at his surroundings to see that he was in a hospital. He rubbed his eyes... Wait.... Eyes?... His helmet was off! Grant was surprised at this discovery. He looked at his hands to see that he didn't have his gauntlets on... He didn't have his armor on. He only wore his short, blue boxer shorts. He also had bandages wrapped around his chest. He tried to sit up but his injury didn't let him. He yelped at the sudden sharp pain that he felt in his chest, and laid back down. He took a rocket launcher to the head once, and it hurt more that this, but he was carrying a healing plug-in, a plug-in that can instantly heal all injuries, with him... There were no healing plug-ins here. He can't remember the last time he was healed the traditional way... Then again, he didn't remember a time he had his armor off. He then heard footsteps... or hoofsteps, either way. She then saw a blue coated pony with a red cross mark on her flank.

"Oh you're awake! That Rainbow Dash did quite some damage on your chest. Or at least I think it was your chest. It's not always that you get to treat something really unusual, hehe."

Grant sighed while rubbing his face with both hands. "Why does bad things only happen to me- OH!"

"Whoa! Be careful now."

"Yeah yeah."

"I haven't quite catch your name."

"I am Major Grant." He sighed.

"My name is Nurse Tenderheart, nice to meet you Major."

"Major isn't really a name, it's more of a rank."

"Rank for what?"


"Oh, and do you do there?" With those words, Grant started to remember the hordes of infected that he fought.

"I'd rather not tell you." He said, rubbing his temples.

"And why is that?"

"Two things. One, I'd rather not remember it. And two, it might haunt you with nightmares forever, seeing on how friendly your world is." Tenderheart looked at him with confusion, then did a weak smile and laughed nervously.

"Um.... hehe. OH LOOK AT THE TIME!" She said, pointing a hoof at the clock. "It's visiting hours, your friends must want to see you by now. Please, enjoy your stay at the Ponyville General Hospital." With that, she trotted away.

A few minutes later a familiar lavender equine entered with a not-so familiar, rainbow maned pony.

"Um, hi human! I am sooo sorry about what happened back there. Rainbow Dash is sorry too! Right, Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Dash had her back on Grant, feeling ashamed. She nodded. Grant kind of felt bad for her. Sure he was in an unknown NON virtual land that has colorful creatures constantly attacking him, but he couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He thought that these creatures were harmless and there was no need to hurt them. Even though Grant killed many, he still has a soft heart under that armor and muscle.

"That's okay, I forgive you." Grant said with a smile. Rainbow Dash's ears perked up upon hearing that.

"You do?! Oh thank you! I never thought you would! I hurt you pretty bad!"

"Eh. I dealt worse." Rainbow Dash looked at him with a confused expression. Twilight just shuddered at the thought of what he has faced. "What?"

"You've dealt worse? I cracked multiple bones in your chest... I think it was your chest. Anyways, You've dealt worse?"

"Yes, but that's not important right now- ouch! *sigh* I need to get back to where I came from."

"And that is?" Twilight asked.\


"Um, this is Earth. You're in the country of Equestria."

"No, I mean my Earth."

"I don't know where your Earth is but I think the princess knows."

"Great let's go- AH!" Rainbow and Twilight looked at him with concern.

"Maybe we should wait for you to heal... Maybe I can send the princess a letter and she can visit you."

"Woohoo." Grant said unenthusiastically while softly rubbing his chest.

"Okay, my little ponies. Visiting time is over. He needs his rest." Nurse Tenderheart said while entering the room with a snack cart.

"Well, see you later... And again, I'm soo sorry." Rainbow Dash said before leaving the room.

"I'll be sure to tell the princess." Twilight now left Tenderheart and Grant alone.

"Well, it's snack time. Are you hungry for some grass mush and jello?"

"Um, I don't eat grass mush." Grant looked at the bowl with a raised eyebrow. Tenderheart just chuckled.

"Picky now are we?"

"No, it's just how we humans are built. We don't eat grass... Well some of us do but most humans will say no to that."

"Oh, then what do you... um, humans eat?"



Ponyville Library/ Twilight's home

Dear Princess Celestia,

A mysterious creature called a human has, somehow, entered Equestria. He said that he is not from this Earth and wants to go back home. He looks intimidating. He wears a, rather, daunting outfit and carries a dangerous weapon. Don't get me wrong though, he seems like a nice being. I kicked him in, what I think, is his abdomen and Rainbow Dash crushed him, breaking many bones, yet... He forgave her. And he doesn't seem mad at me. Please consider to help him get back home. He seems... lost.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

"Spike, could you do the honors?" And with that, Spike used his breath to burn the letter in green flames, sending the letter to their ruler.

"Do you really think that he is gonna be friendly? Is he gonna stay with us?" Spike asked.

"I know that he is gonna be friendly. And he is gonna stay here until we figure something out. It's the least we could do."

[Author's notes: I'M BACK! Turns out that I am forgiven and can use the PC again, yay! And with this, chapters might come regularly now. The only thing that is stopping me is school and the dreaded writer's block. And please give me feedback or at least say something hilarious in the comments, thank you. Welp, be seein' ya!]