• Published 18th May 2024
  • 197 Views, 1 Comments

The Spark - Raven862

Twilight having doubts on being an Alicorn and goes on an adventure of self discovery

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The Spark

Darkness surrounds her with no hope, no chance, no escape...

A purple alicorn is surrounded in a world of fire and smoke, wondering how have gotten to the way it did, wishing that there is a way to fix this. Feeling more and more defeated, as every single attack heads right towards her. Magical blasts that is not showing her any mercy, ready to hit her at any moment and she needs to find a way win this battle, but how?

Twilight Sparkle is doing everything in her power to stop this foe, one she has never met before and hopefully never will. She summon every force of magic inside her, hoping that it will be enough. This is her only chance to see if she can win, if she doesn't then Equestria will be doomed, it will be the end of ponykind as a whole. She hopes this spell works, as Twilight looks on to see her target and the destruction he is now creating and seeing her home in a worse chaos than even Discord could ever create. She doesn't even know how things got this far, but she needs to put a stop to this, somehow...

Taking a breath, she aims her horn right at the villain creating a path of destruction, wishing this will be over. That she will win this endless battle, a fight that is impossible to finish and one Twilight is desperate to win. If she doesn't then she can't even imagine what might happen if she looses. All of the ponies of Equestria will suffer and it will all be her fault. For failing to stop this threat and letting Equestria fall into ruin and destruction. She needs to win, she has to...

Taking a breath, Twilight unleash the spell and watch it fly towards her foe and having the simple hope that it would be enough. Seeing an explosion being created right in front of her, making it seemed like this villain has been stopped, that she has put an end to all of this. The battle has been won and Twilight saved Equestria from a horrible fate. She turns her back from the scene, ready for all of Equestria to be safe and to move past from this. Even if she still has to face the uncertainty of the future she is now dreading, but this is better than having all of Equestria destroyed and everyone being doomed by a villain who will show them no mercy.

Giving a sigh and small smile, she is about to leave the scene, feeling a sense of victory and thinking the worse is over. That is until...

A giant blast of magic comes out of nowhere, hitting Twilight without a sense of restriction, right at the wings. Twilight feels all the pain within her as she drops down to the ground, it feels as though someone was ripping at her soul and crushing it in their fist without mercy. As if someone was pulling hard on her wings, hoping that they would rip off faster than Pinkie Pie can ever eat a cake. She turns around to see what she was up against, seeing the creature slowly head his way right towards her with an evil grin on his face. Twilight stared at him, not even knowing what to do or if she can even cast a spell or if she knows what to do, as the creature emerges from the shadows and tower over her.

A red centar whom she has never seen before, one she does not even know if she will ever meet or if she ever wants to meet emerges. He leaned his hands right at Twilight, grabbing her by the wings and lift her up, so she can look at him in the eye. Making her see him in his true power, yearing for her to see him as more powerful than she could ever dream of. Twilight is trying to break free and using her magic to see if she can knock the Centar out, before realizing that she can use her magic for something more effective as she is about to use her magic in hopes she can teleport herself out of the Centar's grip. Unfortunately...

"That's far enough." said the Centar with an evil sneer. "I think it's time for me to make things a little fairer for both of us."

A fiery glow appears between his horns, aiming it at the purple alicorn and allow the magic inside her to drain. While he absorbs every single drop of magic, letting the power of it transform him into a stronger version of himself. Becoming more and more powerful by the second, ready to do more than simply taunt her, he wants to make it clear that he is going to rise victorious and there is nothing, nobody will stop him and he is going to make sure of that.

"You will never get away with this, as long as there is friendship in Equestria, you will never win." said Twilight determinedly.

"Is that so?" said the Centar. "Then where are they?"

"They're-" started Twilight as she turns around, only to see that her friends are not there.

"You think you are so powerful." said the Centar with a sneer. "You are nothing but a weak pathetic little pony who does not know when to give up."

Without wasting a second, the centar punches Twilight right to the ground and begins to beat her down. Wanting nothing more but to make her feel all the pain he could ever inflict on the Alicorn, to make sure she feels all of the pain he wants her to feel. To make sure that she feels a sense of defeat and to give up the fight, to make sure that he ensure his own victory and to make it clear that he won. Twilight tries to use her magic to fight back, hoping that she still has the strength to fight back and stand a chance in the battle, to have it turn around in her favor. But it's no use, there's no strength within her and without her magic, Twilight is powerless and trapped, she is now in a sense of defeat and despair, there is no escape...

"Your friends will leave you, someday you are going to end up all alone." said the Centar, as he is summoning a huge force of magic for his next attack. "From what I am now seeing, they already have."

"No! You're wrong!" said Twilight defensively. "My friends would never abandon me. They will always be ready to stand by my side and as long as we have the Elements of Harmony, we will stop you with the magic of friendship."

"Is that so?" said the Centar with an evil smirk. "So tell me, where are they?"

"They're-" starts Twilight, she quickly turns around to find no one there.

None of her friends are there, not even Spike; her most loyal assistant is there, ready to help in anyway he can. Twilight look on to the horizon, starting to see Equestria for what it has become and the state of the world. She never thought that she would be fighting this losing battle, without her friends by her side or Spike coming in to help. Without her magic, her friends or the Elements of Harmony, Twilight knows that she doesn't stand a chance and she knows it's hopeless and the battle is basically won. She wonders where are they? Why aren't they here to help her? Did something happened to them? Could the Centar be right? Could he...

No, he's wrong, her friends would never leave her alone, not like this. They would never abandon her to face an evil threat alone, they have to be around here somewhere, they have to...

"It's not surprising, seeing what you are now." said the Centaur. "It looks like Celestia lost all hope in you, it is not so much a surprise she only wanted you for power. To turn you into a new version of her, to give you an opportunity fit for the most powerful. With the hope that you would be perfect in the role that she has been grooming you in ever since she has first met you."

Twilight is about to argue, only to stop herself and stopping to look at the whole situation and starts to think. She knows her friends and Spike aren't there, they are not there to help and she's completely on her own. But now she sees that Princess Celestia is not here, her mentor is not going to help her and there is no way she is able to win this. Even then, Twilight can't help but wonder on the multiple questions that is now swirling around her head and ideas she has never thought of before or ever thought she would.

What if in a twisted way, the Centar is right? What if her friends never really cared about her? What if they were all pretending to be her friends? What if they wanted to be her friend just because she's Princess Celestia's student, not for who she is? What if her friends and Spike are better off without her? Maybe that's why they are not here? They must have realized that, otherwise they would have been here would they? Even if her friends and Spike are not here, then Princess Celestia would never leave her, would she? Would Princess Celestia even notice her if she didn't let out that outburst of magic during her entrance exam? Why did Princess Celestia thinks that she is ready for this? Why turn her into an alicorn and make her into a princess? Is this what she really wants?

Before Twilight can continue to think about this and ask herself even more questions to herself, all of a sudden the Centar makes his next move. He gives her a painful blast that makes her shudder right on the ground, Twilight tries to get past from the endless pain that feels as though there is no escape from this situation or to fight back. The Centar looks at her with an evil grin, one that is ready to rip her soul into pieces, making it clear that he has won this battle and will do anything to make sure of that. So he starts to beat her on the ground, to make sure that she doesn't get up to fight back, he will do it as long as it takes to force Twilight to give up. Every single punch feels as though it was a century, until the Centar sees that Twilight is wounded and smiles at the results.

"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time." said the Centar. "Now prepare to meet your fate."

He starts to summon all of the magic within him to create the biggest blast he has created so far and to make sure he makes the final move. Twilight stares at the ball of magic that is about to hit her, feeling as though this is the end and Equestria is doomed, that the world is lost and it is all her fault. She closes her eyes as she awaits the final blast, to finally feel the pain of failure and destruction. The light is growing bigger and bigger as it is about to hit Twilight and engulf everything in it's path and before it can even do that...

In Canterlot Castle

Twilight quickly wakes up, as she sees her surroundings and realize where she is, she's still in the guest room in Canterlot Castle. Looking towards her right, seeing Spike is still there, fast asleep in his basket. Giving a sigh of relief as she realizes that it was nothing more than a bad dream, a nightmare that feels a little too real, especially for her to feel this upset. Twilight wonders why she would even have a dream like this? Whether or not it will have a significant meaning later on? Who was that Centar?

Whoever he was is the least of Twilight's concerns, as she is now hoping that he is not real and she can move on from this mysterious dream. Still feeling unsure about everything, Twilight decides to go off to think about everything and to be alone for a little bit and then maybe she can make sense in all of this. So she got up from bed and quietly leaves the room, careful in not waking Spike and heads out the door. She starts to walk through the hallway and continues on without having a clear direction, being completely lost in a cloud of thought.

Twilight keeps on going through the hallways, careful in not making any noise and accidentally waking up some pony, wanting to find a place to think. It continues on like this, until a sight catches her eye and it is something that gives her some satisfaction. It is a balcony, one that is a little more bigger than the other ones Twilight blindly passed by, but it's perfect. She heads on her way to the edge to gaze out, to see the view of Canterlot and beyond the Equestria sky, seeing the sight right before her. It may be night time, but the excitement is still brewing in Canterlot as the seconds go by, Twilight sees the numorous posters announcing her coronation. From the mere sight, Twilight turn her head away from the posters, looking down to the ground, starting to think.

Thinking about all of the changes that happened in the past week, how now there is going to be more changes in two days. Once the coranation happens, when she is crowned as the newest princess and she is going to be seen as the same level as Celestia, Luna and Cadence. Be given responsibility that will keep her away from her friends and taking on new challenges, opportunities she has never thought she would ever had, beyond learning magic and friendship. Even though Twilight isn't officially a princess since the coronation hasn't happened yet, but she can't help but think about everything and how her journey has led her down this path. All she ever wanted was to study magic, does she even want to be a princess?

The moment Princess Celestia sent Twilight that book and she finished that spell, it was almost as though her fate has been decided. All she wanted was to help her friends get their cutie marks back, she didn't ask for this to happen or even thought it would. The moment she turned into an Alicorn, she doesn't even know what to think and feels as though a choice was made for her. That she didn't have a chance to decide whether or not if she wanted to go down this path and if this is really her destiny.

After she became an Alicorn, Princess Celestia had Twilight, her friends and Spike come to Canterlot to prepare for the Coronation. Well her friends and Spike will be making preparations, Twilight has to take lessons to learn how to be a proper Alicorn Princess. Normally she would be excited to learn new things, but does she really want to learn about how to make a proper hand wave? If anything, she could see Rarity enjoying these lessons and thriving on learning on all the etiquette and manners of being a princess. She misses those days learning all type of magic, learning complex spells and concepts, she misses the friendship lessons she would learn on her misadventures with her friends, most importantly she misses her friends...

Ever since they got to Canterlot, they have been spending less and less time together, it is almost as though they are going down different paths away from each other. They may be living in the same castle, but it feels as though they weren't and it is making Twilight feel as though she is loosing them, that after the Coronation they all will never be the same again. It is almost as though she is loosing a part of herself as these changes continue to happen and Twilight does not even know if she is happy about them. She doesn't know who she is anymore and if this is really what she is meant to be, if there is more for her than simply being a princess. Twilight knows that she doesn't want to disappoint Princess Celestia and she should be grateful in being given the opportunity to become an Alicorn princess, but she doesn't want to leave her friends, Spike and everything behind, she can't imagine her life without them, any of them.

Even then, Twilight can't shake off this feeling that is sticking to her harder than glue, why did Princess Celestia turned her into an Alicorn? Sure she said that this is Twilight's destiny, but it does not feel right. Twilight knows that she has made great accomplishments ever since she moved to Ponyville, but all she did was finish Starswirl's spell. Anypony who had a sense of magical knowledge should be able to finish, even Celestia herself, who knows more about magic than anypony in Equestria. Something does not seem right about all of this...

All of this thinking has made Twilight feel as confused as ever, she decides it's time to go to bed and try to get some sleep. She still has her first flying lesson with Rainbow Dash tomorrow and should be well rested. At least she will see her friends during that time, it will be nice to see to seem them again and have a break from all of this. Twilight still does not know if she will ever find the answers to all of her questions, but she does know with her friends by her side, then maybe just maybe they'll figure this all out, together

Author's Note:

Hey there, here's the prologue for The Spark, an MLP fanfic that I have been wanting to write for a while. I was originally going to have the whole story come out by the 2016 -2017 timeline, but life got in the way and I was never able to finish this story. Now I am going to finish it, first I am going to rewriting the original content I placed on the Fanfiction.net website all of those years back. It will only stay up until I finally reach to the point that I left off.

The Spark is going to get the same treatment I gave to Loki: Redemption, my Marvel fanfic. So if any of you guys are into Marvel and is ever interested in reading it, you guys are so welcome to read it.

But anyway, back to The Spark, it is going to be an alternative universe where the later seasons of MLP, the MLP movie, Specials and the Equestria Girls movies didn't happen. But Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry are going to be in this story, they will play a huge role in this story, also this story will not be Flashlight. I have some plans for Flash's character that may not allow it to happen and I am not a fan of the whole love at first sight thing or their arc in Equestria Girls. So no on the whole romance arc, besides there is a bigger over arching story I am planning and Flashlight will only drag it down.

I was never a fan of Alicorn Twilight and turning her into a princess, especially since I felt like it hurt the show more rather than help it. Not too mention, I always found it a little annoying when they always mentioned she's a princess or have wings all the time. It almost as though they forgot what made My Little Pony Friendship is Magic an awesome show in the first place. That it lost sight of what it is and ruined what made it magical. It's supposed to be about Twilight Sparkle moving to Ponyville and learning friendship lessons, along with the adventures these six ponies will often find themselves in and the bond all of them share growing stronger, not the princess alicorn Twilight Sparkle power hour.

Aside from the rant, The Spark will be about Twilight's journey on trying to figure out who she is meant to be. Besides have you ever wondered what would have happened if Twilight refused to become a princess and the opportunity to be an Alicorn? Since we never did see Princess Celestia ever stop to ask what does Twilight want and if this is really what's best for her? Especially when we see Twilight finding herself in a lot of trouble when it comes to being a princess, if her crown is not being stolen to another dimension then there are villains after her for her Alicorn magic. I am hoping that this story will answer that question and that we will see a story full of action and adventure, where we will see the main six, Spike and some unlikely friends go off on a quest to save Equestria and stop a villain who is ready to destroy all of harmony.

As for the next chapter, I think the earliest it will come out is next month, especially since I may expand on it a little bit more and allow us to see a little more of Twilight's princess training and time seeing Twilight learning more about being a princess, along with the new changes in her life. To see how much things are changing, the strength of the mane six and Spike's bond with one another and Twilight's feelings about all this. Along with the start of seeing what her motivations may be.

So will Twilight figure out what is the best path for her? Will she figure out what she wants? Will she go through with all of these changes and this given path or will Twilight decide to create her own path? Will she find out who that Centar is? Does he have a reason for appearing in Twilight's nightmare? Is he someone Twilight should be worried about? Will Twilight find a way to get through the following day?

Find out in the next update of The Spark, see ya in the next update. :)

Comments ( 1 )

(nods) I can see the points made in your author's notes as well as the dialogue, action prologue , characterizations and future chapter set-up. And, yeah, I could see where Twilight would choose to refuse the Princess role as well as ignoring most of the stuff that was after Season Three (and the stuff that IS still in there will still be greatly modified). And it would be much more gratifying seeing Tirek beaten on pure brains and courage (which Tirek CAN'T drain).

Anyway, certainly looking forward to more of this.

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