• Published 29th Dec 2011
  • 1,298 Views, 58 Comments

As I'm Falling to Pieces - Pinkamena Diane Pie

Lightning must survive through the Wastelands, looking for a cure for his infected beloved.

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Chapter LIV: Mending a Broken Soul

Chapter LIV: Mending a Broken Soul

When Lightning returned to the others, he was still quiet. Twilight avoided his eyes and distanced herself from him. The others, who were all crowded in Lightning and Phoenix’s small house, watched as he just sat down on the couch, not saying a word. Cora and Phoenix exchanged glances.

“Is everything alright?” Cora asked.

“I thought that I saw...” his voice trailed off. He shook his head. “Nothing. It was nothing. So what is everypony doing?”

“We are just discussing what we think the training will be like.” Cora answered.

“I keep saying it will be hell.” Phoenix said. “But they don’t believe that.”

“It probably will be tough.” Lightning said, standing up. “But, what do you expect from an army?”

“I saw Lunar on my way back from talking to you.” Twilight said. “He said that each type of pony has different exercises. And medics have even different training from all of us.”

“Well, at least you get it easy.” Rarity said to Fluttershy, who had started to look worried.

“He didn’t say it was going to be easy.” Twilight said. “I think the exact words he used were, ‘Why do you think we have so few medics?’.” Fluttershy’s expression turned to fear, but Cora wrapped her arm around her shoulders.

“Don’t worry! We will be fine. I will be right there next to you.” Fluttershy nodded, but didn’t look any less scared.

“So what are you guys doing tomorrow?” Pinkie asked. She was laying upside down on the small chair, looking up at them all.

“I was just going to see if they had any hospital or something here.” Cora said. “See if there are any healers to learn from.”

I was going to sleep.” Phoenix said, smiling. “This is probably going to be our last day off in a while, why waste it?”

“I second that option!” Pinkie said, holding out her hoof to Phoenix. He banged his against hers, laughing.

“I was going to see if they had some sort of library or reference books. I am sure that Luna has some sort of history written down.” Twilight said. She looked like she was waiting for someone to say something. But then she remembered that Rainbow was gone, and smiled slightly.

“Nothing else to do but take a really long walk.” Rarity said. Lightning nodded. That was the only thing he wanted to do as well.

“What do you think Rainbow will find?” Phoenix asked. Lightning knew he was worried about Cloudsdale, even if he didn’t show it. It was his home after all.

“I can only imagine it looks like everywhere else in Equestria.” Cora answered. “Really, really, fucked up.”

“That’s what I was thinking.” Phoenix said, looking at the ground. “They have a range here?” He asked lightning, who nodded. “Good, I might go there if I can’t sleep.”

Lightning looked around. They were all tired from the trip, and he was even more tired from everything that was happening. He said his good nights, and walked into the bedroom. He didn’t even bother to take off his uniform. He just fell into bed and passed out.


The dim light from the open windows shone in, and Lightning opened his eyes. The sun was still covered by clouds, and they were getting darker. He stretched, and turned over. Phoenix was still sleeping, his front leg thrown over the side and his mouth hanging open. Lightning smiled, sitting up in the bed.

“You know you talk in your sleep.” someone said. Lightning turned and saw, once again, Lunar leaning in the doorway. He had bags under his eyes, and his smile was a little smaller than usual, but he looked happy none the less.

“You really need to stop doing that.” Lightning said, standing up.

“Oh, I don’t mean any harm by it!” Lunar said, walking over and standing next to him. “What else can you do when you can’t sleep, but watch someone else who can?”

“You’re creepy as hell, anyone ever told you that?” Lightning replied. Lunar ran his tongue over his dragon-like incisors, still smiling.

“Normally they don’t want to, since I am usually right next to Luna.”

“Well, you are.” Lightning said, walking towards the doorway. But he stopped and turned back, grinning. “And it’s been a long time since I had just plain creepy in my life.” Then he walked out of the house, leaving Lunar to stare after him.


He couldn’t tell what time it was. But he judged from the brightest patch of clouds that it was nine O’clock. Looking around, he didn’t see many soldiers or guards out. There were only a couple refugees, walking around, trying to get used to their new home. Trying to be friendly, he waved as a pair walked by. They gave a small half-hearted wave, then walked on, leaving him behind. Lightning sighed. He knew how they felt. This was not the first time he had to flee to a new home.

A flash of blue caught his eye. Turning, he saw Lunar fly out of the window of the bedroom, saluting as he saw him. With a small loop, he flew off towards the center of the base, a trail of blue following him. Lightning decided if he was going to waste the rest of the day, he might as well get started now. Looking up and down the lane, he picked the direction with less ponies, and started walking.


He had been walking for about half an hour, when he came to a small park. Gravel walkways wound between tall trees, apples hanging from their branches. Their shadows causing the park to be even darker than the rest of the base. If it was possible to have an even gloomier place, Lightning couldn’t think of one. So he wasn’t surprised to a see a familiar white and purple pony sitting on one of the benches, completely alone.

She didn’t notice as he walked up next to her. She just stared at the ground, only blinking occasionally. Her eyes were fixed, not on the ground, but somewhere else. Somewhere far away. He took a seat next to her, and only then did she notice him.

“Oh, hello Lightning. I didn’t hear you walk up.” she said, managing a weak smile.

“How long have you been sitting here?” he asked, noticing the bags under her eyes and the goosebumps on her fore-legs.

“Since I woke up a few hours ago.” she said, pulling her front legs close against her chest, obscuring the heart from view. Lightning pulled off his tunic and gave it to her. She took it with another smile, pulling over her head.

“You don’t have to do this, you know.” Lightning said. “If it is driving you crazy like this, you don’t have to do it!”

“I told you I have to.” she said, not looking at him. “For her sake, I have to.” She was talking about Sweetie Belle.

“So you are going to drive yourself half mad, let the soldiers here torture you, just to get revenge?”

Rarity looked up for a moment, her eyes showing pity, then she looked away. “You wouldn’t understand.” she said.

“No, I wouldn’t.” Lightning said, holding in his anger. “I have never lost anyone, that I can remember. So help me understand why you are doing this!”

Rarity took a deep breath, sitting up in the bench. She turned to face him. “Imagine that, right in front of your eyes, somepony, some evil disgusting husk of a pony, killed Applejack. They killed her while they made you watch. But they didn’t kill her fast. No, they wouldn’t do that. They killed her slowly, excruciatingly slowly. So that less than halfway through, you feel that you have wept all the tears you can. And when it is all over, they leave you in the room with what used to be your sist- wife.” she corrected herself. “They lock the door, so that you can’t go anywhere, you have to stay right there, with the pony you used to love. And you can feel your sanity slipping as the minutes tick by. And the last thing you can remember, is her blood on your hooves.” She pauses, taking a deep, trembling breath.

“And then, years later, after all the horrors you have committed, you are awoken. Friends sit by your side, helping you through it all. But you know, if the right button is pressed, or the right switch is thrown, you can kill them all without even realizing it. I live each and every day in fear of hurting my friends, or just anypony. I have to distance myself from them. I don’t even like sharing a room with Twilight. If I were to have a flashback, and she couldn’t get away...” Her voice trailed off. A single tear fell from her muzzle, landing on the gravel below her. “Do you see why I have to do this? They didn’t just take my sister from me. They didn’t just take years from me. They took myself from me. They made it so I can’t control myself. I have to do this, even if it doesn’t bring closure.”

Lightning didn’t know what to say. He just sat there, staring at her. A couple soldiers walked by. Their gazes lingered on Rarity. She blushed and turned away, not wanting to be seen. She stood up looking around the dark and quiet park. “Come with me please. I don’t feel safe by myself.” Lightning nodded, standing up and walking with her. “What are you going to do after this is all over?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t know.” Lightning answered. “But with the cure on its way, and the Death Hunters gone, I think it will be safe to live on the surface again.”

“So, you are thinking of building a home?” Rarity asked, stopping under a tree. The shadows fell over her face, darkening the scars.

“I guess. It is probably a good idea to get out of the Bunkers once and for all. I am really tired of those.”

“I don’t blame you.” Rarity said. She looked up, watching one of the apples sway in the breeze. She closed her eyes, her horn glowing. With a flick on her head, the apple was sliced in half, falling in two parts on the ground below. She bent down to pick it. Lightning stared at her as she bit down.

“What was that?” he asked, astonished.

“Just something I remember...from before.” she answered, swallowing the fruit. “I didn’t block out everything, just most of it. Anything that can help me fight them, I remembered. That was only a fruit. Imagine if it had been a pony” She took another bite out of the apple, continuing down the path. “And would this house be just you, Applejack, and the filly?” she asked, looking sideways at him.

“I suppose not. Having the rest of you there would be nice.”

“Are you sure you would want someone like me around a filly?”

“I think having you and a filly in the same room would be beneficial.” Lightning said. “Give you something to love again.”

“You’re probably right.” Rarity stated, looking away from him. A group of four soldiers were staring at her. “I think it is probably good if I got back now. I don’t want anything happening to you.” She started to turn, but Lightning pulled her back. Her pulled her into an embrace, looking over her shoulder at the soldiers the whole time. He let her go, giving her a broad smile. She smiled back, then turned and walked back the way they had come. He gave one last look to the soldiers, then walked the opposite way, shaking his head.


By the time he returned to the house, the sun was setting, and he was extremely tired. Phoenix was walking out of the house, and he motioned Lightning over.

“What did you tell Rarity?” he asked. “She was in a pretty good mood when she got back.”

“I just told her what she needed to know.” Lightning answered. “Now let’s go to the mess hall, I am starving.” As they walked, they caught up to Twilight and the others, who were heading in the same direction.

“Did Rainbow get back yet?” Phoenix asked when they had caught up.

“Not yet.” Twilight said. But I bet she is going to make some big appearance during dinner.” And she was not incorrect.

After Lightning and the others had sat down, and their conversation dissolved, Rainbow flew in through the open windows. Her fur was matted and dirty, as was her mane. She landed in a seat next to them, dropping off her saddlebags on the table. Despite her typical, showoffy entrance, her eyes were downcast.

“What did you find?” Phoenix asked, anxious to hear the response.

“Nothing.” she said, her voice low. “Everything is gone. All that is left in half the Cloudesseum and a few acid clouds. Everything is gone.”

“I can’t believe it.” Phoenix said, slumping back in his chair. Fluttershy shared the same expression, as well as tears in her eyes. “Was there anypony there?”

“There was some crazy old pegasus. He thought I was some angle trying to kill him. But other than that, nopony.” She shook her head. “That city has stood for centuries. Pride of pegasus everywhere. Model city for the rest of the world! Now...it’s nothing but shit.” Nopony said anything after that. They just ate in silence.

When they were walking home, Lightning started to feel nervous about the next few days. He really wasn’t one to be ordered around. Especially from ponies he didn’t even know. he he knew he was going to have to deal with it if he wanted to stay here with his friends.

When they reached the houses, Lunar dropped down in front of them.

“Hey guys!” he said, his ever present smile still there. “I just wanted to tell y’all to get some rest before tomorrow. You aren’t going to like it.”

“Well thanks for the words of encouragement.” Cora said, rolling her eyes.

“No problem!” Lunar said, completely ignoring the sarcasm. “Hey, can I talk to Rarity for a moment?”

“Sure.” she said, walking forward slightly. He put his fore-leg over her shoulders and directed her away from the others, until they were out of earshot. They didn’t talk long. Just a few sentences and strong looks from Lunar, and a single nod from Rarity. But she still looked slightly happier from the whole thing. She walked back smiling, Lunar behind her.

“Alright. I will see you guys in the morning!” he said, taking off into the sky. Lightning watched him go, but the others turned back to Rarity.

“What did he say to you?” Twilight asked.

“Just that if any of the soldiers made my life miserable, to come find him. It makes me feel a little better to know the soldiers are afraid of him.” She walked back to her home with a small smirk on her lips. Twilight shrugged and followed her back to the house after a wave goodnight. Rainbow and Pinkie said their byes, as did Cora and Fluttershy. Finally, it was just Phoenix and Lightning left out in the street.

“Are you ready for this?” Phoenix asked, starting to walk back to the house.

“Hell no.” Lightning said, following him “But then again, Lunar might just be getting us all hyped up and it could be as easy as pie.”

“Do you really think he would lie about it?” Phoenix asked.

“Not sure. But if it was just some joke he wanted to pull on us, I wouldn’t put it passed him.”

“Well, I guess we will see tomorrow.” Phoenix said.

“I guess we will.”