• Published 29th Dec 2011
  • 1,297 Views, 58 Comments

As I'm Falling to Pieces - Pinkamena Diane Pie

Lightning must survive through the Wastelands, looking for a cure for his infected beloved.

  • ...

Act I

Use the table of contents to find the chapter you were on previously.

“Chapter I: Everlasting Pain & Mourn”

The walls, covered in plated steel, counter tops fixed with fake rubber plants, the
corridors everlasting and endless. The ponies, oh the depressed and twisted Ponies, wandering the endless corridors finding there place in the Bunker to start their shameless, sunless morning. Wearing their Friday Casuals’ Jumpsuits, getting to there ‘jobs’ as fast as possible, while also under the Overlord’s law to ‘walk’ in the halls. Pinkie, the clumsiest pony of the six, the six that was forever disbanded from each other in the constant bombing. With Pinkie’s slow demise of happiness, she walked, slowly but surely still moving, head hanging as she to, walked to her morning ‘job’, flattened hair with depression and crude reoccurring images of dieing fillies and Mares.
By memory, Pinkie walks through the Corridors with ease, never forgetting her everyday path. With the occasional shove to the side as the twisted, sad ponies do the same as her, and make there way to their ‘jobs’. In seconds Pinkie had finally arrived at the Cafeteria, slowly looking up at all of the frowning, hungry faces of the ponies that gave her the occasional slight shove in the Corridors. Turning to her right, she saw her co-workers prepping the food for breakfast. Too her left, she saw her boss, with a clipboard and pen in hoof. Writing her every move and mistake. With that, she made her way to the kitchen. A hour passed as Pinkie mixed the ingredients for her ‘special’ veggie burgers. While her co-workers prep and cook the mutated squirrel meat that their Bunker’s Hunting Group scavenged while looking out over the unknown, the unknown outside. Oh Lord, our savior, Pinkie desperately wanted to see Celestia’s beautiful sun again.
It took Pinkie only a few minutes to realise she was soiling the veggie burgers with her somewhat endless and painful tears. Attempting to stop the very small whimpers, she couldn't hold it anymore, she burst into tears. Rushing for the door, everypony looked towards the galloping pink blur that rushed towards the Cafeteria’s entrance door. Soon after, Pinkie rushed into her chamber, jumping on her bed and repeatedly whimpering and soaking her pillow in tears and depression. No less then 20 minutes later, Pinkie counted every second, a very familiar face slowly opened the door. Pinkie’s eyes were blurred by her tears, she couldn't figure out whom the very familiar but somewhat anonymous colt was. Wiping her tears away and looking up slowly to confirm the intruder, Pinkie comes to her senses and notices it was her very close friend, the only pony Pinkie could trust throughout the entire Bunker. Silver Tooth, his grayish coat shimmered as he enter the room. With his white and yellow mane blowing in the wind created by the loud fan, pushing the off-button, Silver made him self comfortable on Pinkie’s somewhat comfy and roomy bed. Following with a big bear hug, as shocked as Pinkie was, she enjoyed the company her close friend gave her.

“Why are you crying Pinkie?” Said Silver in a soothing, comfortable tone. Wiping the little drops of tears streaming down Pinkie’s face.

“You know why Silver....” Replied Pinkie, attempting to look away from the Colt.

“Actually, I don’t, what seems to be the problem?”

“None of your business...” With that Pinkie let out a big sigh, and lied her head on the edge of the bed.

“You’re my friend Pinkie, friends don't hide secrets from other friends” Silver replied.

“I-...-its just so hard living down here...! I have never been in such a in-closed area my entire life, nopony laughs, nopony smiles, nopony even likes it when I attempt to throw parties in there living rooms!” Pinkie continued. Tears still covering her face.

Silver let out a large sigh, and hung his head. Keeping one eye on Pinkie. “Its not you, its noponies fault... were just in...... hard times right now.” The only thing we can do is survive while we still have purpose.

“What purpose?” Pinkie replied, sitting up. “Our lives mean nothing anymore, were just walking dea-....” Just then, the horrific images struck Pinkie’s mind again, sitting straight up, she couldn't resist but let the memories flood back in from the past. The dead, walking on all hooves. Mouths wide open, blood covering every inch of their rotting corpse. Eyes rolled all the way back into their heads, mindless ponies, infected ponies.

“PINKIE! PINKIE PIE! Snap out of it! Its just a dream!” Silver yelled loudly into Pinkie’s ear. Soon after, Pinkie snapped out from her horrific nightmare. Laying on the floor with Silver over her, checking Pinkie’s pulse to make sure she hadn't gone into a serious panic attack.

Instantly standing up, Pinkie rushed into Silver’s hooves, bear hugging the hell out of him. Showing him how much she was afraid. Silver, in a short shock, gave her a hug as well. Breathing heavily and crying in Silver’s mane, Pinkie began to calm. Not ever letting go of the colt she seemed to be most comfortable with.

Silver, rubbing Pinkie’s back softly and slowly; “Its okay... They’re not here, they wont be anytime soon, there is no need to worry... Don't worry Pinkie, its alright... every things okay....”

“Chapter II: Lightning Storm”

Almost intoxicated by the horrible stench of death around him, Lightning flipped on his gas mask to inhale as mush fresh air as the dead wastelands of Equestria had left of its own. Looking around he noticed, through the grim dark light of the sun peaking through the acid rainclouds, was a Pitstop Shop. Curious, as Lightning usually is, he went to investigate and planned on scavenging anything of use. Food, water, ammo, anything. Flicking on his flash light he began to scourer every corner, every shelf, every single empty box of Corner Flakes. Even the card board box of cereal was of use to him. Hell, he even took the cigarette 12-packs, if he can use it to start fire, it was of use. Inspecting his M9 Beretta Pistol, he noticed his clip was running out, and he didn't have much of any sort of ammo left. Using common sense, he decided to not bother with ammunition, hence how this was only a Pitstop Shop.
After a half an hour of scouring the shit hole that was this Pitstop, he decided to leave. But just then, a small glare of light behind the cashiers counter caught the corner of his eye. Once again, being curious as Lightning casually is, he decided to investigate further into the random source of light. Getting closer, Lightning noticed the ‘light’ was reflecting off of some type of steel, or metal. but it wasn't just a steel plate, it looked more like it was hoof carved. Shining his flash light unto the weird, what seemed to be, scrap heap, turned out to be a mouth watering... Gorgeous... M1014! Holding the newly found weapon into the light of his flashlight, he noticed it was in rough shape. Most likely tossed around by the Redneck ponies that used to run this joint. Then, with that thought in Lightning’s mind, he realised; “If the ponies had guns, and this one was stranded lone behind this counter....” Soon enough, right where he found the gun, he saw a trail of blood go all the way out through the back closet. Pumping the M1014, holding it in a ready stance at the door, he slowly opened the storage closet door, slowly, to make sure that if whoever, whatever, was back here, didn't hear him. Breathing heavily, he put one hoof in front of the other into the storage closet. Checking both his corners, nopony was there. Further inspecting the blood trail, he noticed it went behind a stack of crates. Almost completely insane now, Lightning gripping the newly found M1014 tightly, ready for ‘almost’ anything checked behind the crates.
What Lightning saw was indescribably unpony. A redneck pony.... wearing a paled shirt, not sure if the shirt was red or just completely stained with the otherponies blood, whom which was being devoured by the ugly abomination. Lightning couldn't process it because of his shock, but he ‘thought’ could hear a very loud growl coming from the infected pony right in front of him. The infected pony then slowly turned his head facing Lightning, the front of his face was more disgusting then his greased up mullet, with stained red teeth, senselessly grinning at Lightning with his blanked eyed stare of horror. Lightning couldn't stand the sight anymore, before the redneck pony could even get a quick strike. BOOM! Brains splattered across the storage room. Looking at the infected ponies friend, Lightning without hesitation pulled out his pistol and without even a second thought, blew the head off the redneck ponies friend. Rushing to the exit door, hoping he didn't make to much of a distraction with his guns. Lightning escaped the Pitstop Shop, quickly starting his motorcycle and drove off into the distant wastes of Equestria.

Chapter III: The Apple Family’s Demise

The rain, the rain burned. Big Mac attempted to take a sip from the grayish green cloud that was storming over him as he constantly stumbled on his front hooves. The rain, the rain tasted like poison to Big Mac, he had never tasted anything so... so vile in his life. But it was the only source of water in miles, he had to drink it if he ever wanted to make it back to Bunker 18. His family was there, the Apple Family. Waiting for him everyone he knew, and loved was in there. He had to make it.

He was determined.

The pain, he couldn't hold it anymore. He finally collapsed, the sensation of death was overwhelming him, he began to black out. His vision began to blur, he thought it was just a dream at first. But he could make out a watch tower over the hill. Attempting to stand up, the wound on his back was seeping blood and puss down his flank, not to mention he was walking on hot sandy dirt that had been sitting in Celestia’s withered sun. With all of his energy he finally made it to the top of the hill. He looked back, if he knew what time it was, he could have told it took him literally twenty minutes just to get up here. He collapsed.
Lying half dead in the rays of Celestia’s might, he could hear faint foot steps coming from in front of him. Looking up, eyes half blurred. He could see three other ponies in dark green camo tight suits. Fixed with gas masks and each carried a Glock 11. One of the three held out there gun pointing it straight to Big Mac, they obviously thought he was infected.

“Don't sho-....ot....” Big Mac said in a painful voice. The pain of just talking made Big Mac groan painfully.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now, infected scum!” Replied the apparent ‘leader’ of the three, whom which Big Mac might have guessed was the security patrol that spotting him at the watch tower.

“Because im not, you prejudice prick.” Big Mac replied in a angry tone.
The ‘leader’ was in shock for a second, then growled towards Big Mac. “What is this giant struggle mark on your back then?” The leader replied, while pointing towards the giant mark on Big Macs back.
“Don’t fucking remind me! That was my sister, Applejack,attempting to grab onto me when we tried to escape from those... those things!” Big Mac groaned in frustration, depression, and in pain.
“Was your ‘sister’ infected before this struggle?” Replied the ‘leader’ like he was some detective, but instead acting like a smart-ass.
“Don't even bother, shes tougher then you think. Number one athlete in ponyville, she could run faster then me, she ought have just taken a alternate route.” Big Mac replied to the overly prejudice jackass.

“Don’t get smart mouthy to me, you forgot who’s the one that's standing.” The apparently rock hard pony replied.
Big Mac sprung unto his hooves in complete disgust and anger, “Hey! Shut your little pussy mouth alright! You don't know whats out there! How about you stop acting like the alpha-male and help me find my goddam sister!!!” Big Mac replied with all of his energy, overshadowing the now scared group of three.

“Sheesh, such a loudmouth... fine. Boys, bring him to the Bunker... Mr. Big Mac, I presume?”

“Ee-yup.” Big Mac gave his signature saying to the three, this time in a much calmer voice.
Walking into the Bunker with the three patrol units helping him balance and keep pace, he noticed something wrong. Not everypony in the Apple Family was waiting for him. The only ones there was; Granny Smith, Braeburn, and Carrot Top.

“Where’s everypony else?” Big Mac asked in a confusing and somewhat shocked voice.
Everypony in the room sighed, except Big Mac, still confused. “Big Mac...” Braeburn walked towards Big Mac with eyes of drenched in sadness.

“Ee-Yup?” Replied Big Mac.

“Everypony either... Left...” Replied Braeburn.

“Died...” Said Granny Smith sitting in front of the fire place.

“Or died fighting against the Death Hunter invasion.” Said Carrot Top in a very depressing and sad voice.
“Wha... what?! Who in this living hell is... Death Hunter? Invasion?” Big Mac startled with the new information, stomping his hoof in anger.

“They are not a person, but a group.” Said one of the guards that dragged Big Mac into the Bunker.
“Fine, they’re a group, who and what the hell are they though?” Big Mac continued the conversation to find out what the fuck happened to Bunker 18 while he was gone.
“A terror group. Not the ones that set off the nukes, there just... really fucked up people, they resort to cannibalism when they have vegetation right in front of them. They KILL ponies without purpose what-so-ever. They take and invade Bunkers for shelter and food. I'm surprised you haven’t heard about Bunker 32 or 15.”
Big Mac huffed and stomped in frustration at the fact that his family was going into a slow demise. If only he knew what was happening to Applejack right now, he couldn't stand loosing another pony he loved with all of his heart, no, he couldn't. He had to go look for her and save her.
“I’m leaving!” Big Mac stormed off, almost out the door, right as Braeburn and the group of guards stopped him at the Bunkers opening.
“I’m sorry Mr. Big Mac, we cant let you do that.” Said the ‘leader’, in a almost whimpering voice, as if he was afraid for saying this Big Mac would squash him.
“Step aside, nothing is getting in my way of saving my sister.” Pushing the four to the side and swiped the card that was given to him by Granny Smith that aloud him to enter and leave the Bunker.
“Mr. Big Mac, our weather channels have predicted acid rain for the next couple of hours, unless you want to burn to death. I suggest you stay here and let our medics treat your scars.”
Everypony of the Apple Family, what was left of them that is, gave Big Mac the saddest face anypony could imagine. They obviously didn't want to loose another pony from the, once great, Apple Family.
Sighing, Big Mac loosened his muscles and let them rest, almost trembling to the floor the guards caught him and brought him back to his balance. Keeping him leaning on their sides, they slowly hauled him to the medical station.

Chapter IV: Today I Met a Warrior

The wind, a cold breeze, blowing through Lightning's mane as he drove off on his Suzuki GSX-R motorcycle. Hearing nothing but the loud scream of the air rushing past his ears and the constant but faint groan of the ‘zombie’ ponies over the hill. Not caring what lane he was in, Lightning kept driving on the deserted highway, thinking about nothing but the image of the infected pony he killed just ten minutes before he left the PitStop shop. The scarce image burned into his brain, forgetting about it was impossible. Even if he tried, he couldn't, everywhere he looked was death and despair. Wasteland, all over the world, very small population still yet lived on this fiery hell pit that we, for some reason, still call ‘Equestria’. Speaking of Equestria, newly brought information Lightning had recently discovered: There seemed to be a new ‘clan’, calling themselves; ‘The New Equestria’, they sound like they mean piece and are attempting to bring salvation to the survivors of the ‘fall’. With Lightning’s info, the source apparently believes they’re here to kill us all, to ruin the world further, to rain the skies again with bombs. Lightning’s head was full of shit, he didn't want to think about this anymore. Letting go of the newsletter he was reading while driving of this new found ‘clan’, letting it blow into the wind.

Without a care, Lightning drove if into the distant road, he couldn't tell, but in the distance, he could hear screaming. Not sure if it was his imagination or just another helpless pony being devoured, not letting the matter get the best of him. He has heard enough screams for one day. But as Lightning continued down the road, the screaming became more frequent, and louder.

Finally growing an interest in this apparent screaming, he stopped his motorcycle outside of a abandoned farm house, which seemed to hold the source of the screaming. Taking a good look at the barn, he got enough detail to infer that no one has used this place in years. The barn doors were hanging lopsided both being held by just one hinge, the right door was so weather beaten that it looked like it was just about to come flying off. The once bright red paint had faded to a dull pink and was peeling in some places. Shingles were missing and there were holes here and there in the roof. Windows were broken and plants were dead. This is what most of the Wasteland looked like.

Lightning entered the barn, the constant scream of lost hope echoed through the condemned barn. The sound of screaming was coming from the far corner, behind a bale of hay. He pulled out his gun and slowly edged around the hay. There, hidden from sight, was a 4X6 hole in the ground. The screams were emanating from that cellar! Speeding his pass, Lightning hurried to the cellar doors. He proceeded to remove the barricades that were highly makeshift, they were obviously were made in a hurry. Although, the barricades seemed stiff enough to hold a small attack, they still broke. But this action wasn’t from something that was pony. Reminding himself, he pushed through the broken barricade and rushed through the crude, broken stair well. He turned and was greeted with a terrible sight.

Three zombies, eyes bloodshot, broken skin, blood mixed with their saliva, were advancing down the hallway towards and young mare. She was desperately trying to open the the door at the end of the hall. With a mighty heave the door flew open and it revealed.....gardening supplies? Quickly she riffled through the closet and pulled out a hoe. She turned to face the oncoming zombies. As soon as one was in range she pulled back and struck with all her force at its head. The sharpened edge of the hoe sliced through the flesh and bone of its skull. Blood spurting everywhere, the zombie pony stumbled, then fell. Just for good measure, she crushed its head with the flat side of the hoe. She then sliced the legs out from under the second and third zombie, crushing their heads just the same as the first. All Lightning could think was “Damn.”.

After she was finished, the Mare looked up and saw lightning standing there.
“So there’s another one of you?” she said, her voice trembling. She readied her weapon and charged at him. She planted her hooves and swung the hoe, aiming for his jugular. He watched it arc with his eyes. Before it could even scratch him, Lightning grabbed the hoe, below the sharpened head, and pulled it from the mare’s grasp. He grabbed her wrists so she wouldn’t run. Her bright green eyes widening in fear and surprise, and she scrambled to regain her balance.

"Hold the fuck on for two seconds!" he shouted, “I'm not a zombie!”
The apricot mare shook her head twice and then looked at Lightning with confusion. Releasing her, she stumbled back a couple steps, attempting to wipe blood from her face and mane, but all she did was smear it worse so that she looked like the former-ponies that she had just slaughtered.

“Where am ah?”, she asked with a southern accent.

‘A better question would be, who are you?”

“Who am ah?”, she repeated. She stopped and thought about it for a moment.

“Ah’m Applejack, and who are you? Where am ah?”, she stopped suddenly, panic rising in her eyes.


Chapter V: The Victim

Lightning looked at the orange and blonde pony with pity. Obviously her mind had been damaged by the months of living in the land of the dead.
“I don’t know who your brother is.” Lightning responded, quietly. “What you need to tell me is how you got here and where you came from so I can take you back.”

Applejack took a deep, shuddering breath. “Well mah brother and ah left our bunker to look for some supplies. We found this little place called the PitStop shop. But a pony had already cleared the place out. That’s when.....They attacked.” she said with a shudder. “They surrounded the store and attacked me and mah brother. He told me to run and not look back.....so...so... ah did...” Tears welled in her eyes. “Ah don’t even know if he is dead! It was so sudden! All I remember was attempting to flee on mah brothers back but ah slipped.... ah hope the wound ah gave him didn’t get him killed....” She began crying, breaking down into whimpers and tears.

Lightning shook her by the shoulders. “Calm down!” he yelled. “Now I need to know.....were you bitten?”

Applejack looked him in the eyes. More tears came to her eyes, then brimmed over. Her whole body trembling she lifted her left rear hoof and Lightning saw the tell-tale red, raised, and inflamed mark of a bite from one of the infected.

Lightning shook his head. He really didn’t want to have to shoot her, but the alternative was worse, for her. He hated this part. He reached down and began to un-holster his gun. When Applejack saw what he was doing, her eyes widened.

“Wait!” she yelled, backing up and throwing up her front legs, as if that would protect her from the bullet. “Th...they....have a cure!”

Lightning had heard rumors that the scientists in the Bunker 118 was creating a cure, but he had dismissed that for just some shred of Wasteland hope. But now apparently it was true...
This goes against every rule he set up for himself....

~“Come with me.”


~“Come with me, we can find the cure.”

~“Ah don’t even know you...”

~”Your not dead yet. That should be enough to tell you I wont hurt you.”

~”You could just be....saving...me for later...”

Lightning put his hooves on either side of her face and made her look straight into his eyes.

“I promise, on my life, that I will not hurt you, nor will I let anyone else hurt you until you are out of my care. Do you understand?”

He held out his hoof to the apricot pony. She took it with her own, rather reluctantly, then followed him out of the cellar, and back out into the barn.

“Now tell me, where did you come from?”

“Ah came from Bunker 18. Its a ways away but its not that far, because this....” she stopped and looked back at the broken and roting barn. “This used to be mah home...” she voice trailed off, her mind back in happier times.

“Which way is it?”

“Its about a two week walk that way.” she pointed over the hill, back the way Lightning had ridden. That meant its about a three day travel on motorcycle. Would she last that long? Even though the bite mark looked terrible, she wasn’t even limping yet. He really didn’t want to have to shoot such a beautiful and able-bodied Mare....

“Well then we better get going.” Lightning said. He helped Applejack onto the bike and strapped her in. He pulled out a couple rags and made a makeshift gauze for her wound. He started the bike and looked over his shoulder.

“You better hold on, I tend to speed a lot.” he said with a smile. He gunned it and they roared down the highway. Applejack, holding tight on to his waist, had never been this excited, or scared. Was he really who he said he was? Was she really being taken back to Bunker 18. Also....

~“Whats your name?”

~“Lightning” he said, staring straight ahead. “Lightning Storm.”

Chapter VII: Home Is Where The Heart Used To Be

After three days and nights on the road, with a couple misadventures, the two had grown closer as friends. Applejack no longer distrusted Lightning, he had saved her life one too many times. They had lost his bike, so she was riding on his back and resting her head on his neck when they reached the Bunker.

It looked terrible. Bunkers were make so that just the top was exposed. The top was a low, ten by ten building make of one foot thick steel. The door was bolted from the inside with giant steel deadbolts. But the most amazing thing about the Bunkers was what lied underneath the ground. Miles and miles of tubes and hallways made to house whole towns and generations afterwards. But this one....it looked like a bomb was dropped right on top of it. Scorch marks, gouges in the metal skin, and the door....the door looked like someone had poured something on it that caused it to decay.

Applejack stared at the bunker. She slipped of his back and started walking towards it in a stupor. She stopped after a few feet then fell to her knees in despair.

“What happened here!?” She asked Lightning in complete confusion, her sadness completely ruining the happiness she had once felt.

“The hell happened...? Fuck! Did this place get hit too?!” Lightning turned to Applejack, his expression was in complete disbelief.

She looked back at him with confusion and fear. “Hit by what? HIT BY WHAT!?” She scrambled to her feet and ran over to him. The wound in her hoof was starting to cause her to limp and there was blood staining the rags. She slumped against his side.

“The Death Hunters, I know how they work, they burn the doors with acid to force them open.” Lightning stomped his hooves into the ground in frustration. “When did you leave this bunker? How long ago?”

Applejack stopped in thought, but Lightning could see the panic in her eyes. “Almost three weeks ago” she replied.

“And you were out for 2 weeks before They attacked you?” Lightning asked, loosing patience.

“Yes, ah was in the cellar for about two days before you found me”

“Shit, anything could have happened here in that ti-” Lightning was quickly interrupted by some other pony far off in the watch tower, suddenly a bright white light shone over them.

“Who in the hell is that? Hey you! Do you have a permit to be on this property?!” The pony asked through a loud megaphone.

“He- Hey! Applejack! Someones here! He looks official too, that means the people in this Bunker could still be alive!”

Applejack looked up at the shouting pony. “Who is that!” she yelled so that he could hear her.

“Better question is; who the fuck are you two and why are you here? We already have been raided, so scat, you nasty reavers!”

“We are NOT reavers, and if you do not mind, this young Mare lives here and she would like to go HOME. You got that hard-ass?” Lighting boasted.

“Hu.... um.... What family group? And you are required to have a signed passport to enter this Bunker, which is under lock down from Bunker raids just recently.” The unclassified pony began to stumble over his words, and just continued to mutter.

“The Apple Family.” Applejack replied.

“The... the Apple Family? You wouldn’t happen to be... Applejack, wou- would you now?”

“Ye- yes! That’s me! Please tell me everyone is okay!” Applejack demanded a good response.

“Everyone of the Apple Family is OK and well... but... not everyone of your relatives are here, they distrusted this Bunker, some either left or stayed, and waited for you.” The pony replied, still stuttering his words.

“Left!? How... how many are left?” Applejack asked.

Lightning could tell Applejack was scared to hear the answer, she was putting a lot of pressure on his side now.

“I’m afraid... Only four waited for your return.” The anonymous pony said, almost too quietly for them to hear.

Applejack released all of her weight onto Lightning, she was stunned by the fact that her entire family has disbanded. Catching her, Lightning pushed her back onto her hooves. She then fell to the ground, bawling, not caring how she looked while doing it. She stayed like this for a while, Lightning not knowing what to do. Suddenly, a southern accent was heard across the open field. Applejack slowly stopped crying when she heard the familiar voice. Applejack instantly realized who it was. She stood up and faced the melted door, hope in her eyes.

“Couz’? Is that you?!”

Chapter VII: Crisis

Applejack ran up to her cousin and embraced him. When she finished hugging Braeburn, she held him out at arms length to get a good look at him. He had received a few scars from the raid and it looked like his nose had been broken. He looked slimmer than she remembered, but Applejack was still so happy to see him.

“So who all is left here?” she asked, fearing the answer.

“Granny Smith, Carrot Top, me, and...” he paused, “...and Big Mac.”

Applejack’s face lit up with joy when she heard the news. “HE MADE IT!?” she gleefully lifted up her front hooves and waved them around in pure joy. Letting out a happy; “Yeehaww!” Then she let out a cry of pain and collapsed as her leg gave away from under her.

“Cous’! Are you alright?” Braeburn asked reaching down for her hoof.

Lightning rushed forward. “Don’t touch it!” He pushed Braeburn’s hoof away from the bite, and picked up Applejack. He pulled the rags off of her leg and saw the bite underneath.

It had gotten much worse. The bite itself was a ghastly green and had become inflamed. it had risen and inch from the rest of her skin. Tendrils of red has started to snake their way through the veins closest to the bite, a sure sign of blood poising. The rags were stained with her blood and puss from the wound. In the distant hallway, everyone could hear somepony gagging and then quickly throwing up. Lightning just looked at it. he had no idea what he was going to do, the transformation had taken its time originally, now it was speeding up. How much time did she have?

Braeburn looked at lightning. “And who in the hay are you!”

Lightning looked at braeburn. “My name is Lightning. I’m the one who saved this young Mare, now if you don’t mind, she needs medical attention.” and with that he walked past Braeburn, still carrying Applejack.

“Ah can walk!” she protested, so Lightning put her on her hooves. She took two steps, then collapsed. She let out a cry of frustration, then looked at Lightning. “What does a Mare have to do to get some help around here?” Lightning just smiled and shook his head. he picked her back up and turned to braeburn.

“Where is the hospital?”

He pointed to the corner of the room, where two doors stood. “Take the elevator down three floors and then second door on your right, but Ah’m coming with you.....”
When they reached the hospital, Braeburn went ahead to tell the doctors what was wrong with Applejack. After carrying her for a couple minutes, Lightning could feel heat radiating off of her. She was burning with fever. How could she have taken all this without even letting him know? She was definitely a strong Mare....

Suddenly, a white suited nurse walked out of the hospital doors. When She saw Applejack her eyes widened.

“OH MY GOD!” the nurse yelled, back-peddling away from the two. “its worse than I thought, please bring her this way. And hurry!” She turned and galloped down the hallway towards the doors at the end. Lightning followed her as fast as possible. when she reached the doors, she flung then open. “Doctor! Doctor! Where are you!”

Another white suited pony stepped into the room. She was a purple unicorn with a deep blue mane and tail, with a pink and purple stripe running down the middle. Her eyes were kind and intelligent, though hardened from months of living underground with the wounded. the name on her lab coat said “Dr. Sparkle”

“What is going on here?” Twilight asked.

Chapter VIII: Reunion

“We have another infected to treat!” said the nurse.

“OK, OK. Calm down” said Twilight, gently touching the nurse on the shoulder. “It’s not like this is new...” she stopped when she saw Lightning. Her eyes moved to the patient in his arms. She let out a scream when she saw who it was

“APPLEJACK!!” she rushed over to her, and her eyes instantly found the source of the problem.

Applejack, who until now had been resting, opened her weary eyes and slowly focused on the unicorn in front of her. “Twi... is that you?” she asked, then let her head fall onto Lightning’s chest and passed out.

Twilight turned to the nurse. “Prepare the operating room, NOW” The nurse rushed off to carry out her task, and Twilight turned back to the other two. She looked at Lightning, breathing heavily, and asked, “How long has she been like this?

“She was fine until this morning” he reported, “Then it hit hard.”

“Well its good that you brought her now, we will be able to halt the infection.”

“What, you don’t have the cure?” he asked, wondering if this trip was a waste.

“No. But we have antibiotics that can halt the infection until the cure can be administered.

“So this trip WAS a waste! I could have gotten her to 118 by now and had this infection cured!” He stomped his hoof on the floor, awakening the sleeping Applejack

“...BIG MAC!!” she woke with a start, fear and panic in her eyes. She tried to escape Lightning’s arms. “AH NEED TO SEE MAH BROTHER!”

“NURSE!” Twilight called, “We need a sedative!”

The nurse came galloping out of the doors to the operating room, carrying a syringe in her teeth. She dropped it in Twilight’s outstretched hoof.

“I need you to hold her still.” she said to Lightning, over the cries of “BIG MAC” coming from Applejack. “Very still. Do you understand?”

Lightning nodded and held Applejack’s two front hooves tight. The nurse grabbed the back two, being very careful not to touch he bite wound. When they were ready, Twilight pushed the needle into Applejack’s upper thigh and hit the plunger, emptying the contained fluids into her blood stream. Immediately her eyelids began to flutter. With one last “Ah want....mah...brother....” her head hit Lightning’s chest for the second time and she was gone.

Twilight withdrew the needle and let out a loud sigh. “Well that was eventful.” she turned back to her nurse. “Miss Redheart, is the room ready?”

“Yes ma’am, everything is prepared.”

“Good, get a gurney for this Mare please, and also someone bring in Mr. Braeburn to the room as well. If i am right we will need him.”

“Yes ma’am” and the nurse was gone. A minute later she returned with a gurney and Braeburn with her. Lightning put Applejack down gently on the stretcher, and then put the blanket on her. He turned back to Twilight.

“Will she make it?”

“I am positive that she will.” she responded. “Now please we must hurry, but I would like to talk to you after the surgery. Will that be alright?”

“Of course, I have nowhere to go until she is healed.”

“Thank you.” and with that she turned and pushed Applejack into the operating room. Lightning sat down on one of the comfortable, yet slightly mushy, chairs in the lobby and waited. That was how he was for the next hour. Until Twilight re-emerged with a sad look in her eyes.

Chapter IX: A Life For A Life

Lightning saw the look in her eyes and instantly felt heartbroken. She couldn’t be...it wasn’t possible.... He opened his mouth to ask but she just shook her head.

“It wasn’t her. Someone else lost their own battle against the infection.”

Lightning’s heart re-inflated. She wasn’t dead! She survived! But...

“Who died?”

“One of our local ponies named Bon Bon. She was a great help down here, always talking to the patients and bringing joy to this level....” she stopped and wiped a tear from her muzzle. She took a shuddering gasp, then continued, her voice trembling. “Well, would you like to see Applejack?”

“Yes I would”

“OK. This way please” she held the door open and he walked in. They passed the mortuary almost immediately. Through the open door Lightning could see a cream colored Mare with a pink and blue mane, lying in a bed. It looked like she could have been sleeping, but Lightning knew otherwise Sitting on a chair next to her was a light green mare with a turquoise and white mane. Her eyes were red and puffy and it looked like she was crying, but no tears were coming. How long had she been there, without being able to cry anymore?

He had not realized but he had stopped in the doorway, starring at the scene within. Months of living above had rendered any show of affection or emotion, except pain and hate, alien to him. He didn’t know how long he had been standing there before Twilight took him by the arm and led him away.

“Was that...?”

“Yes that was Bon Bon.”

“And who was the other Mare?”

“Her partner, Lyra. They’ve been together for years now, even before the initial infection. She had changed after Bon Bon was bitten, but she had almost returned to normal. Now...we might need to medicate her so that she doesn’t try to.....” she paused on the words, but Lightning knew what she was going to say

“Kill herself.” he finished.

“Yes” Twilight looked him in the eyes, a strange look in her own. “We call the ones who have been bitten, but are on antibiotics, “The Walking Damned” because we never will know if they will reject the drug, or take it for a while, just to have it get rejected later. Sometimes it works perfectly, other times.....” she looked back at the mortuary door, where they could hear Lyra’s dry sobs coming from. “That is how life is down here.” They stopped outside a closed door, and Twilight opened it with her I.D. badge.

“She is in here, but let me come in to show you what has been done.”

“Of course.” Twilight nodded and walked in first, then Lightning followed. What he saw almost made him collapse.

Applejack was in a bed just like the one Bon Bon was in, but this time the occupant was alive. Her fur was a paled version of before, like the inside of an orange. Her eyes were shut, but he could see them moving beneath the lids. Wires connected her to various machines, and her heart was beeping faster than it should have been. She looked more machine than Mare now, and Lightning hated it.

Twilight looked at him as he steadied himself. “So what did you do?”

“Well...we opened the bite wound. Then we removed the infected skin and drained the puss. But we ran into a problem. The infection causes wounds to not heal by them selves, so we needed a skin graft to cover the wound. We looked for the best color match but no one in the bunker is the same bright orange as her, so we went with the next best thing....”

“Which was......?” Lightning asked, fearing the answer.

Braeburn stepped in front of him and removed his hat. Then he pulled back him mane from the right side of his neck. There Lightning could see a three by three inch bandage on his neck, which meant....

“You donated?”

“Yes I did. I would do anything to help my cousin. I would die for her.”

Twilight jumped back into the conversation, sensing the tension. “The fur won’t be the same color anymore, but it was the best we could do. After the surgery we administered the antibiotics. We will keep her under for a couple days until the antibiotics completely fills her system because we have found that it causes intense pain if they are awake, so we knock them out.”

“How long until she can wake up?”

“Maybe.....three or four days. Would you follow me please, we need to talk.” she walked out of the room and Lightning followed her, leaving Braeburn to watch over Applejack. As they walked down the hall they passes the mortuary. Lightning looked in and saw that Lyra had, once again, found tears.

Chapter X: Discovery

Lighting followed Twilight out of the hospital and into the waiting area. From there they made a right turn and when into her office. She sat down behind the desk and looked at him with a concerned look in her eyes.

“Thank you for bringing her back to us. After she disappeared a week ago, we thought that she had died up there...” she paused, trying to place her next words carefully. “I don’t think we have introduced ourselves yet. I am Twilight Sparkle. I am the person in charge of the infected civilians. And you are?”

“Lightning Storm.”

“That’s a nice name. Where did you find Applejack?”

“I found her in her old barn... home, being surrounded by zombies, but being the strong pony she seems to be, she killed them all off, with a hoe.”

This caused twilight to chuckle. “Typical Applejack, strong to the finish. How long ago was that?”

“Four days, maybe.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Four days!. Most of the patients succumb to the infection much sooner. But that is like Applejack.”

Lightning suddenly had a question. “How do you know so much about the infection? Wouldn’t it be hard to get near the zombies to study them?”

Twilight smiled. “You would think so, wouldn’t you? But, please, follow me.” She led him out of her office and down to a couple of thick doors, guarded with an I.D. scanner. Twilight pushed her I.D. against it, and the doors opened. Inside was a laboratory filled with banks of computers and tables of liquids. All different types of ponies were running around, carrying out experiments and typing on the computers. Lightning looked at the closest one and saw the complicated spiral of a Double Helix. The rose colored Mare at the computer was using a strange looking glove to interact with the computer, deconstructing and examining, small parts of the DNA.

Twilight pushed him passed all this and led him to another pair of door, this time guarded by two I.D. scanners. She looked around, and she spotted someone.

“Doctor Whooves! Could you help me with this?”
A light brown stallion with a spiky, dark brown mane answered the call. He nodded at Twilight and they pushed their I.D.s on the scanners at the same time. The doors hissed, then opened, revealing a dimly lit room behind them.

Doctor Whooves looked at Lightning, then looked back to Twilight. “Do you really want him to see this?”

Twilight looked at him with determination. “Yes he needs to know how this is done.”

“OK, Just remember last time...” Whooves said as he walked back to his post.

Lightning looked quizzically. “Last time?”

Twilight shot a mad look at Doctor Whooves, then sighed deeply. “Never mind, just follow me...” she walked into the room and Lightning followed. Inside there was two computers, and a large button on the wall under a keypad. Twilight pushed the button and Lightning gasped.

The wall opposite the computers fell away and Lightning could see that a thick wall of plexi-glass formed a window. Beyond the window was just black, until Twilight punched in a code on the keypad. The room beyond filled with light and Lightning gasped even louder.

Zombies. Dozens of them. All wondering around in a giant room. A few near the window noticed them and charged, but they just bounced off the plexi-glass. However they continued to scratch at the window in vain. What was this?

“This is our testing facility. Here we study them, conduct experiments, and try to find out what started this.”

Lightning could not believe his eyes. Months of killing these things, just to find that these ponies are...protecting them! This wasn’t right! These monsters should have been killed! he was about to turn to yell at Twilight when he noticed something.

A lone zombie was in a plexi-glass cage of his own, separate from the rest.

“Whats up with that one?” Lightning asked pointing at the lone zombie.

“I’ll show you” Twilight said. She punched a code into the keypad. C42. A hatch opened up in the ceiling of the “testing facility” and a side of raw beef dropped in. The reaction was immediate and terrifying.

The zombie closest to the meat fell upon it instantly. They ripped and tore and ate. as the smell of the food spread around the chamber, other zombies galloped towards the meat, but within seconds the entire thing was gone.

“You see how these react, now watch that one.” she punched in another code. A99. This time the hatch over the lone zombie opened, and a bunch of apples dropped in. Just like with the other zombies, he immediately fell upon the food and, within seconds, it was gone.

“That is why he is separated from the rest. He is the first vegetarian zombie we have encountered. We nicknamed him “Crocker”. The ponies here are tying to figure out why he is not eating meat. What makes him different? What...” she stopped when she saw Lightning looking at her. “You hate us don’t you?”

“I don’t hate you, I just don’t see why you are doing this though. These things are monsters and they need to die!” he finished with a yell, causing Twilight ti shrink back towards the computers

“I thought you would understand. I didn’t want this to happen again...” she looked crestfallen. She took a deep breath and continued. “The last time I showed someone this, they decided to leave the bunker, and they got attacked I had to operate on them just now...”

Lightning took a minute to understand this. “You mean Applejack....”

“Yes, my best friend is now one of the Damned, AND ITS MY FAULT!” she yelled, and bucked the table, causing the computers to crash to the floor. Dead silence, in and out of the observation room. Lighting felt really uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know....”

“It’s not your fault. If you would like to go see Applejack again you can, just get a nurse-” her voice broke on the word. She swallowed and tried again. “Just get a nurse to open the door to her room.”

“OK” he started to leave the room

Twilight called back to him. “Wait, can you shut the door, please?” He nodded and did as he was told, but just before he thought he heard a small sob...

Lightning walked back down the halls to Applejack’s room. When the door was opened, he saw Braeburn asleep in one of the chairs, next to her bed. Lightning smiled and looked down at Applejack. In her sleeping form, she looked so calm and peaceful. Her lips twitched slightly, her dreams pure and calmed....

Chapter XI: Dreams

Pain. Blinding, searing, roaring pain.

Calm. Easing, soothing, replenishing calm.

Then pain.

Then calm.



The pain brought with it red.

The calm brought blue.

The pain brought every bad day she had.

The calm brought every good day.

The pain brought fear.

The calm brought happiness.

The pain brought the zombies.

The calm brought her family.





She didn’t know how long this was going on for. The last she remembered was being shot with the sedative. Was this what the antibiotics were like? And how long was this going to go on for?













She opened her eyes and she saw the white of the hospital fluorescent lights. Then she saw a smiling face take its place. She recoiled before she could see who it was.


Chapter XII: Farewells

Applejack raised her head off of the pillow, groaning. “How long was ah out?”

Braeburn looked worried about answering. “About four days”

“Four days!” her eyes flew open with panic. Four days and she still hasn’t seen Big Mac yet! Then she remembered who brought her here. “Where is Lightning?”

Braeburn stepped out side, “She wants to see you.” Lightning walked into the room. he met her eyes once, then looked away. Why? He turned and whispered something into Braeburn’s ear, who shook his head.

“What is it?” she asked, was there something wrong with her? Braeburn shot Lightning a dirty look, then took a deep breath.

“Ah don’t know how Ah’m gonna say this, but.....You have to stay here.”

Applejack looked at him, clueless. “What do you mean?”

Braeburn looked at Lightning for help. Lightning walked up and sat down next to Applejack, and took her hoof in his own.

“You know how I said I was going to take you to Bunker 118.”

Of course she did, it was where the cure was. It also meant being able to spend more time with him.... But what was this look in his eyes? Sadness, pity, grief? What had happened?

“I spoke to twilight. Even if you are on the antibiotics....you wont be able to travel. I’m sorry.”

The whole world stopped as she processed this. She couldn’t go with him? She was confined to the Bunker now? For how long? Was she ever going to see him again? But the only thing she could say was..


“I’m sorry, but I have to do this alone. I will be back with the Cure, but until then, this is goodbye.”

She still could not process what she was being told. He was leaving her, possibly forever. Why would he do this?

“Your leaving me?”

“Yes, for now. It is the only way... I’m sorry.”

She was angry now. “No it’s not! You could take me with you! Ah don’t CARE what Twilight says! Its mah life, and ah’ll do what Ah want to do!” and with that she swung her legs out of the bed. Lightning saw the piece of skin that had once been Braeburn’s, stitched to her leg. The moment her legs hit the floor, she collapsed. The I.V. ripped out of her arm, making blood fall onto the floor. Her heart rate monitor started going mad, and her breathing rapidly sped up.

Braeburn rushed to her side and put her back into the bed. A nurse entered the room, panicking, and replaced her I.V. and the bag of blood attached to it, then she injected a sedative into her arm. When this was done Lightning looked into her eyes.

“This is why you have to stay here, you are too weak. I don’t want to bring you along, just to have you get hurt more, or...or...die...” He got up to leave, the sedative already taking effect. he turned when he heard her call.

“Wait! I just want you to know...I...I..love....” and she was gone. Her head hit the pillow and the heart rate monitor slowed down. Lightning looked down at her, the Mare he had risked his life to save. This could be the last time he would see her.

His eyes fogging over, he walked back over to her, knelt, and kissed her on the forehead. Then he stood up, shook hooves with Braeburn, and left the room.

Chapter XIII: Relations

Lightning hung his head, as he walked through the depressing hallways of the bunker hospital, the constant yelling between the doctors and the nurses roared in his ears as he kept on his course towards the exit door. Frequently, newly arriving patients came bursting through doors and throughout the corridors and hallways, ignoring him, the nurses pushing the endangered ponies sped passed Lightning.

“Lightning!” A familiar voice yelled across the noise of the nurses and doctors around them.

“Dr. Twilight, is that you?” Lightning requested an answer as a purple unicorn came galloping towards him.

“... I’m probably certain the news wasn't good to either of you...” Twilight suggested.

Lightning let out a deep sigh; “No, shes... shes pissed. But I guess it was the only way, besides, what would happen if she ‘were’ to come along? She would have dropped dead, shes too weak for sudden action.”

“Yes... Of course, lets just hope this Bunker 118 mumbo-jumbo isn't a complete myth.”

“Yeah... lets hope... Now, about this expedition. Is there any place I can resupply my ammunition?”

“As a matter of fact, we do have a Armory. You should see it on the maps scattered around the Bunker.”

“So, I guess I’m going at this all on my lonesome?”

“That seems to be the case, Big Mac is injured, no pony has the experience, and I can’t go, to many patients to attend too.” Twilight said looking at the passing patient carriers.

“Well, that isn’t a big problem. I have handled myself for ten years alone in this shit stain that we still call Equestria.”

“That’s great to hear! At least now I can tell I won’t be losing yet another friend.”

Lightning was puzzled by the fact that Twilight thought they were friends. He felt more like acquaintances, and just thinking about dieing in Bunker 118 brought Lightning back to his depression. Twilight would loose, yet another, friend.

“Dr. Twilight! You are needed in the E.R, QUICKLY!” A nurse quickly appeared by Twilight’s side and directed her towards the hallway leading to a door with a glowing neon sign, saying; EMERGENCY ROOM.

“Confound! This looks like where we part ways Mr. Storm. Good luck, friend.” Twilight quickly said, shaking Lightning’s hoof, then quickly galloping off into the doors with the nurse.

Lightning proceeded walking towards the exit of the Bunker. As he stepped onto the, dead lying, grass. He inhaled deeply. Resulting with his lunges giving out. He began to severely cough. “For fuck sake...” Lightning yelled out, walking back down into the Bunker, towards the Armory.

Following the maps leading towards that armory. Lightning finally discovered the hallway leading to it. It was guarded by two ponies covered in dark leather armor, both holding a M14, with a holstered M9 on their thigh. He approached them and asked if he could enter. After a frisk, they let him pass. The room was dim, but light enough to see all of the metal crates and boxes scattered around across the walls. In front of him was a long-going row of gun caches. Protected by a metal grate, the only thing separating him from the glorious possessions that awaited inside.

“Let me get that for you.” A sudden voice came echoing through-out the metallic room. Suddenly the grates separating Lightning from the rows and rows of weaponry slowly raised into the ceiling.

Lightning turned around to find the source of the kind gesture. “Who is that?”

A Pegasus stepped into the cast by the barely lit light bulb. He was the same red as the sun when there is a fire. His mane was red stripped with yellow. His eyes were the same red as an open flame and, even thought the chamber was dimly lit, he seemed to have a reddish glow.

“You must be new, I’ve never seen you before. I’m Phoenix. Phoenix Fire, nice to make your acquaintance. Phoenix reached out for lightning’s hoof in an attempt to establish this sudden impression, Lightning gladly took the offer and shook his hoof, which felt warm to the touch.

He looked around at the wall of firearms. “So what all do you have here?”

Phoenix smiled as if Lightning had told a joke. “Whatever your heart, and hoof, desires. We got civilian, military, and custom weaponry here. Anything from handguns to hand grenades, and everything in between” He said this as if he had said it many times before, which he probably had.

“Oh shit! Is that a classic Remington 1187?! Oh! A 40. Cali!” Lightning began to manically laugh as he ran through the glistening assortment of weapons.

Phoenix began to chuckle along with him.

Chapter XIV: Synergy

“Oh man... I don’t know which one to pick... Lets narrow it down... Um... we got the AK-47, oh! A PSG! Um... what else? Some Beretta M.781’s...” Lightning was to distracted by his fascination with weaponry he almost completely forgot Phoenix existed until he attempted to make a conversation.

“So... What exactly are you using these weapons for?”

Suddenly, depression swept into Lightning as he remembered what he had to tell Applejack. “I... I’m going on an expedition to Bunker 118. I’m doing it for... lets just say... um... My...um.. friend.”

“Oh?” Phoenix said, then it dawned on him. “Oh, I get it, for someone special, that’s cool”

“No! It isn’t cool! Shes dieing! Shes... Infected!”

“So you’re going to get the cure?”

“Yes. Precisely, and I’m going alone.”

“Alone? You do realise a ton of shit has happened down in Bunker 118 right?”

“Um, no shit Sherlock Hoovlems. That’s why I'm going alone. No one else well loose their lives but me.”

“Dude, you need someone to watch your back. Other wise you’ll just die quicker, not to mention, in vain.”

“Still. I want to do this alone, casualties is the last thing I want... Although, you seem like the type of pony that has experience.”

“Indeed I am, I know my way around a gun, and a Mare.”

Lightning and Phoenix began to chuckle and exchange jokes.

“Haha... Alright, that’s enough” Lightning finally said, passed all of the immature jokes. Walking back to the gun caches. “Your pick.”

“Well I would recommend the USAS 12, for quick crowd control.”

“What else?”

“Well for shooting from a distance, I would suggest a M14, might want to silence it if you happen to bring it along.”

“Um... I know what you mean, but we are talking about corridors here. Turning and handling a sniper in short hallways would be a bad idea and might just slow us down.”

“Good point, might want to get a supply of pistols then. For swift movement around corners and room breaches.”

They both soon found realized they both were exchanging useless information, which lead them to continue chuckling. Phoenix held out his hoof, Lightning gladly took it again and brohoofed. Lightning suddenly realized Phoenix put pressure on his hoof, he quickly grew the instinct he wanted to hoof wrestle. He had met a new friend, that didn’t happen often.

Chapter XV: The Waters of Purity

Phoenix withdrew his hoof. “Now that you have your guns, you are going to need food and water. This way.” he started walking towards the back of the room. As Lightning followed, he could see a pair of doors in the back with a picture of silverware and a picture of a drop of water. Phoenix pulled a key chain from his jumpsuit. He opened the door and Lightning stared in wonder.

Inside was a room bigger than the one with guns. One wall was lined with crates of water. Ten feet tall racks with three cases on each shelf. On the other side was a wall lined with crates of preserved food. Lightning felt his mouth starting to water. Years of drinking out of his own muddy hoof-print. Years of eating dead grass and weeds just to stay alive. As he was starring he heard Phoenix laugh.

“That’s the typical reaction from an outsider. They think that the Bunkers are a terrible choice to make because its not “free”, but then they see this and, well, they look like you. You should see the look on your face.” He started laughing again, and Lighting had to join in.

“I guess we should just take some rations, nothing processed... It’ll spoil to fast down there.” Lightning recommended, grabbing a foam cup from the counter and filling it to the tip with water from the cooler in the corner and took a giant swig from it, letting out a loud “Ahhh”. “you know, a stallion could get used to water this pure”

“Well don’t think about it to hard. Every drop in that water has been drank and then pissed many times.” Lightning stopped drinking and looked back into the cup.

He just shrugged his shoulders. “Meh” and he went to get another drink. “I’ve had worse.”

“Oh?” Phoenix asked as if demanding Lightning to tell his worst drink in his life.

“Haha... You really don’t want to know.”

“Ah man, it’ll be nice to ‘NOT’ resort to cannibalism for a chance” Lightning said joyfully, walking towards the food counter.

“Wait... what!?”

“I’m joking, haha!”

Phoenix looked relieved. “OK good. I don’t know how many people HAVE committed cannibalism, that I HAVE shot. It’s actually kinda disturbing when you think about it...” he paused for a moment. “Anyway off topic! It’s a ten day journey to Bunker 118 on motorcycle..”

“...And I lost mine”

“So that means we need to get you a buggy, then load it up for a long journey with two people.”

“What about gas?”

Phoenix started to laugh. “Gas is obsolete. We have solar now, with enough battery power to last all day and night.”

“So where is the buggy?”

“It’s back up on the surface, and its really boss how we get to it. Follow me.” Phoenix led him back to the stairs and up to an elevator. He pushed the button labeled 1B. When the doors opened, Phoenix led Lightning down a hallway, and to another set of doors with a I.D. scanner. he pulled out his I.D. and pushed it against the scanner. The doors hissed and then opened. He walked inside and stood on a plate on the floor. Lights flared up and illuminated what was in the center of the room.

It was a tank. At least that’s what it looked liked. It was six feet tall. Armored like the Bunker itself. It had a crate on the back for food and water. Holders for guns were attached to the sides. The roof was the bright blue of a solar array. It was colored the same color as the Wasteland, but Lightning didn’t think that would matter if you are being watched by Death Hunters. Lighting looked back to Phoenix

“I think I’m in love.” This caused Phoenix to laugh.

“It’s ready to travel when you are.”

Lightning noticed something. “How do we get this out of here?”

Phoenix looked at him, a smirk spread onto his face. “Like this.” and with that he pulled a lever on the wall.

The room started to shake. Suddenly the roof started to retract into the walls. Then the floor started to rise. When they reached the top of the floors accent,Lightning just stared with awe at Phoenix.

“Like that” he said with a smile.

Chapter XVI: Preparation

“OK, I can dig this” Lightning stared at the Buggy.

“We can leave whenever you like.” Phoenix said, then he looked over his shoulder. “I think you are being called.”

Lightning looked where he was pointing. He saw Braeburn and a large red stallion standing outside of the entrance to the Bunker. Braeburn was waving him over. “I’ll be right back.” he said to Phoenix and trotted over to Braeburn.

“What’s up?” he asked Braeburn. He looked over the red stallion standing next to him. He was bandaged heavily. His left front leg was in a sling and he had stitches over his right eye.

“Big Mac here just wanted to thank you.”

The injured stallion took a painful step forward. “Thank you for bringin’ mah sister back to us. She would have died if it wasn’t for you, and Ah couldn’t do anything to help. If you ever need help, Ah’ll be there for you.”

Lightning didn’t know what to say. “Thank you.” he said, looking for the correct words. “It wasn’t a big deal, really.”

“No, it was, at least for us.” said Braeburn. He reached out his hoof and Lightning took it. “If you ever come back, please stop by and say ‘howdy’, OK?”

“I’ll make sure to take you up on that.” Lightning said as he shook Big Mac’s hoof. Then he said ‘goodbye’ and walked back to the Buggy.

“Who was that?” Phoenix asked as soon as Lighting returned.

“Just some people I know. I did them a favor, so they were just thanking me.”

“A’ight, so, you ready to leave?” he asked. “I have never actually driven this, and I really want to.”

Lightning turned back to him. “You’ve never driven this?”

“Nope. So lets do this.” He walked over and opened the passenger door. He waved his hoof at the door. “Your ride has arrived, sir.” he said with a smirk.

Lightning walked over to the door, punched him in the arm, and got in the Buggy. Phoenix just laughed and walked to the other side of the Buggy. He shut the door and pushed a small, bright green button on the dashboard, Lightning expected a roar, like when he started his bike, but what he got was just a soft hum. He looked at Phoenix and raised his eyebrows.

“Solar, you don’t make a ton of noise and attract attention to yourself. Its safer this way.”

“If you say so.” Lightning still wanted the roar of an engine.

Phoenix stopped. “Oh! Wait.” He got out and galloped back to the Bunker and opened a small metal box on the side. He pulled a lever and the floor where the Buggy rose up, started to retract back into the ground. When it was shut Lightning could see why he hadn’t seen it before. The ground covered it perfectly. The dirt and plants that were on the roof, which might have been fake, blended perfectly with the rest of the ground. If he didn’t know that something was there, he would have, and did, over-looked it.

When Phoenix returned, Lightning just said “Damn, that’s cool”

Phoenix chuckled. “That’s why I designed it that way.” and with that he pushed the accelerator, and they began their journey.

Chapter XVII: Memories

They had set off for Bunker 118. Lightning just looked out the window as they sped down the broken highway. Phoenix talked about his life in the Bunker, but Lightning wasn’t listening. He was thinking about how had had left Applejack. She hated him now, he was sure of it. And he knew what she was going to say before she passed out. This day had pretty much sucked. He decided to close his eyes for a moment.

As he laid his head against the window, he thought back to when he woke up in this world...

He opened his eyes, and above him he saw the yellow halo of the sun being covered by rain clouds. He closed his hand and felt something metal and cold. He looked and saw that he had a .357 Magnum in a contraption attached to his hoof. Standing up, he instantly felt dizzy and fell down again. He looked and saw that where his head had been there was a large rock with blood on it. His blood. He stood back up, slower this time, and looked around him. He was in a town, a small town with maybe one-hundred ponies in it. Or at least there had been.

Bodies littered the ground. Some had harnesses and weapons like him, others didn’t. He walked over to the nearest one, and instantly gagged. It looked like it had been devoured. The throat had been ripped, the stomach was gouged open, and the ground below it was stained a dark brown with the blood of its owner.

Lightning fell to his knees. His stomach tried to relieve itself, but there was nothing inside, so he just retched for a moment. When it stopped, he got off his knees and looked around. He saw his reflection in a window, at least he thought it was him. He now realized he couldn’t remember anything. He looked at the unknown stallion in the window. The stallion had a pure white coat and sky blue irises. His mane and tail were stripped. His mane had one side turquoise and one side a soft yellow. His tail was the same yellow bordered by the turquoise. His left ear had a tear in the top, like a piercing had been ripped out, most-likely from the blow from the rock.

How had he gotten here? What had caused this?

He started backing up from the window, panic setting in. The stallion in the window shared his expression. He turned and galloped away, tripping over the bodies. He didn’t know what he was running from, he was just running. Suddenly he heard a noise from behind. he turned, and his breath left him.

A pony was approaching him. Its coat was a pure grey, as was its mane and tail. Its eyes were pure and bottomless black. so muck so that the pupils was invisible and the stallion could see his terrified expression reflected back at him, upside down. The creature’s saliva was stained with red, as was its muzzle. It bared its teeth in a growl, and The stallion could see bits of meat stuck in its teeth, and the stallion was positive where they came from.

The creature took a step forward, and the stallion raised his right hoof, holding his holster readily, in case of any sudden action.

“Stop! Stop or I’ll shoot.” he took another step back. The creature took another step forward.

“OK then! I warned you... you.... What ever the fuck you things are!” he aimed the Magnum and, with the other hoof, he pulled back the hammer and then let it go.

The gun exploded with sound and fire. The bullet flew out of the barrel. It struck the creature above the right eye. It entered fine but when it struck the back of it’s skull, the whole top it’s head ripped off. Blood and brains splattered the wall behind it. It stumbled forward, then fell to the ground at the stallions hooves.

The stallion retched again, then took of galloping. He ran out of the town just as a storm started. A bolt of lightning stuck a few miles off.

Well, the stallion thought, if I can’t remember my name, I should make one up. He looked around at the the storm.

I am, Lightning Storm.

Chapter XVIII: Secrets Within

His eyes flew open, and, suddenly, all of Lightning’s air was instantly kicked out of his lungs. He began to heavily gasp for air as he gripped his chest cavity.

“Shit dude! You OK back there?!” Phoenix jumped a mile, as he looked back at the source of the loud gasping. Suddenly realising to keep his eyes on the road, swerving the car back onto the road.

“Goddamn! Can... We call it a day? My head feels like crap...” Lightning demanded still gasping and holding his torso tightly.

“Uh... No prob, but... Oh” Phoenix poked his head out of the buggies window and looked up at the grim, dark sky. The sun was faintly peaking out from the acid clouds, slowly dipping into the horizon. “Let me pull us over, ill get camp ready. You just sit back and rest up.” Phoenix replied, looking at Lightning as he jumped out the window of the buggy. Running to the backside of the buggy, Lightning saw Phoenix taking out two small cargo boxes, as he watched, Phoenix dropped the boxes down onto the flat smooth field of grass just a bit off the road. Lightning could only faintly see through the fogged window, but he could only guess what was inside the two boxes. Lightning instantly inferred the first box held a tent, as he saw Phoenix pull out a large pile of ragged, leather-ish type of material, as he set it aside from the other box. Still following Phoenix with his faint vision, Lightning could make out Phoenix trotting towards the second box. What seemed to be inside was a plastic type of handed held device. Lightning could make out a trigger near where Phoenix was holding the goofy looking thing, he saw him begin to put pressure on it, suddenly, on the other end of the plastic device, a large spark illuminated. Soon enough, a blast of gasoline flame roared. Putting the fire-starter aside, he went back to the box and pulled out log, after log from the crate. He then huddled the firewood into a makeshift circle, and commenced to set the wood pile aflame with the fire starter.

By the time he was finished, Lightning had caught his breath. He opened the passenger door and helped Phoenix put up the tent. It was a five foot by six foot bit of leather, but it was much better that what Lightning had slept in sometimes. Once that was finished they sat around the fire in silence for a while, until Phoenix spoke up.

“So, how long have you been out here? You know, in the Wastes.”

“As long as I can remember.”

“What’s it like out here?”

“Terrible, disgusting, and painful.”

“Why didn’t you join a Bunker?

“Because I didn’t.”

“Why did--?”

“Do you always ask this many questions?”


“OK, thanks for the warning.”

“Your quite welcome.”

They looked at each other, as serious as possible, until Phoenix cracked a smile. Then they started laughing. Lightning could feel that this was going to be a great trip.

The fire was starting to die down. Phoenix looked up at Lightning. “Could you go get some food from the car? I’ll deal with the fire.” he was looking at it with a strange look in his eyes.

“Sure” Lightning got up and went to the back of the car. Underneath a camo-colored tarp, was a crate labeled with with a drop of water and silverware, like back in the Bunker. He opened it and pulled out some dried oats and a bottle of water. He closed the crate and started walking back towards Phoenix.

When he sat down he noticed something. The fire, which had been dying, was now raging. He looked over at the pile of wood but nothing was moved, it was the same. He looked at Phoenix, questions in his eyes.

Phoenix took a deep breath. “I didn’t know how to tell you this, so I thought I would just show you.” He took another deep breath and focused on the fire. it started to flicker more rapidly. Then, suddenly, it died. Phoenix let out his breath and it started again, just like it had been before. Lightning looked in confusion at Phoenix.

“How..did...? What?!”

“I found out I could do this one day when I was a colt. A spark hit some oil and it ignited. At first I panicked, but then I remembered my fire safety training. So I took a breath and calmed down. But the weirdest thing was, the fire did as well. It shrunk when I took a breath. So I let it out, and the fire started back up again! I tried a couple more times, and it worked each time. So finally, I took a deep breath, and held it. The fire started to flicker, then died. It was like I had cut off its oxygen supply! I never really got to test it again because there are not any fires in the Bunker. But I never stopped thinking about that day.”

“So...you can control it?”

“No, it’s not control. It’s more like it....obeys me. At least to a point.” He pointed down to his flank and Lightning saw that his Cutie Mark was a Phoenix flying out of flames, ash still clinging to its tail. He looked back at the fire. “However, there is something I’ve always wanted to try...” He was holding his left wrist in his right hoof, and was looking at the fire with determination.

“What...What are you doing..?”

With no warning he thrust his hoof into the fire. He let it sit there for a few seconds. Lightning jumped up, yelling, and pushed Phoenix out of the fire. He knelt down to look at Phoenix’s hoof. he looked all over, but there wasn’t and scorch marks or burned skin. He looked up at Phoenix, who smiled and odd smile.

“Guess I was right....” then he passed out.

Chapter XIX: Hiding Regret

“Phoenix! Phoenix!” Lightning shouted. Phoenix slumped backwards and landed with his hoof back in the fire. Lightning pulled it out as fast as possible. He laid Phoenix out on his back and put his ear to Phoenix’s heart. Yes he was still alive, but unconscious. Lightning let out a sigh of relief. But, what was he going to do now?

He pulled Phoenix into the tent and put him in one of the sleeping bags that were inside. When he was safe. Lightning stepped back outside. He zipped up the tent, grabbed a gun, and settled in for the night watch. It was going to be a long night.

The next morning, Phoenix had still not woken up. When Lightning opened the tent, he could see how pale he was. Why had he done that? How COULD he have done that? He needed to ask these questions. But, of course, he couldn’t. Plus, he didn’t know the way to 118, so he was stuck until Phoenix woke up, if he woke up.

“Dammit Phoenix!” Why did you have to do that!?” He walked back to the car, and pulled back the tarp again. Inside was the crate with food and water. Another with ammo and weapons. One was filled with wood for the fire. He was replacing the tarp, then he noticed a small, grey box in the back on the truck. He pulled it out, and on the top it said “Property of Phoenix”. Lightning looked around, then realized that Phoenix was passed out. Face-hoofing, he opened the box. Inside was a necklace, a bracelet, and a picture. He pulled out the picture.

On it was a picture of Phoenix...and a Mare. Phoenix was dressed in a tuxedo and the mare was in a wedding dress. She had a dark blue mane and tail. Her eyes were a soft purple and her coat was rose colored. The picture looked like it had been taken right after they kissed because her lip-stain was still on his own lips. They were cutting the cake that had “Phoenix and Celia Live a Happy and long Life”. Around her neck and left, front hoof was a necklace and bracelet, the same ones that were in box. They looked so happy...

Lightning heard a sound come from the tent. He looked around the car and saw that Phoenix was stirring. He shut the box and replaced it. then he put the tarp back over the crates and ran over to Phoenix.

Unzipping the tent, Phoenix crawled out, then stood up, slowly. Lightning rushed over to help hold him up.

“What...What happened?” he asked, holding his head.

“You stuck your hoof into the fire, then passed out.”

“OK, remind me not to do that again.”

“Sure. Do you think you can drive?”

“Yeah, I feel better now” he took Lightning’s arm off his shoulders and started walking towards the Buggy. “Let’s go to 118”

Chapter XX: Arrival

Phoenix and Lightning had been driving for a couple more days. According to Phoenix, 118 was only 2 days away, this morning, so they should reach it tomorrow. After the mishap, Phoenix had not tried to do anything with the fire, and he was no longer pale like he was that one day.

The weird thing was, they had not seen a zombie since they set off. They had found a town a few days back. But it had been completely destroyed, and all resources taken. Now they were sitting in the Buggy, and Lightning finally built up enough courage to ask...

“So...where is Celia?”

Phoenix’s eyes darted over to Lightning, then fell back onto the road. “You looked in the box, didn’t you?”


Phoenix sighed heavily. “She..she left me.”

“Oh...I’m sorry...’ he didn’t know what to say.

“It’s not your fault. I would have looked in there as well if I were you.” He paused, his eyes a million miles away. “She was the best thing that ever happened to me. She was smart, beautiful, and kind. We met one day after I cut my hoof working on the Buggy. She was the receptionist in the hospital that day. If that saw hadn’t slipped, I never would have met her. She was an extremely intelligent Mare. She had majored Pathology, the study of diseases. Kinda ironic if you think about it. Then one day, she was called into a meeting. They told her that she was being shipped off to to another Bunker. Bunker 12, I think.”

“Well, when we are done here, Why don’t you head over there and see her?”

“Yeah, you’re right! You know what, I will.” Phoenix looked happy now. “We are still married, but we haven seen each other in four years. I really miss her...” his voice trailed off. “Did you leave anyone behind?” he asked.

Lightning thought back to the beginning, well what was the beginning for him, because of his amnesia.

“I don’t think so..” he said

“What you can’t remember?”

“To tell the truth, no I can’t. I woke up in a town, and I couldn’t remember anything. That was my first experience with the infected. I have been wondering ever since. So, no, I can’t remember.”

“Wow. That really sucks, man. How long?”

“Ten years.”

“Damn. So, why didn’t you join a Bunker. It’s got to be better than what’s out here.” he gestured around to the wasteland.

Because...it’s not what in wanted for myself. I would rather just roam. Plus, if I had been in a Bunker I would have never met Applejack....”

Phoenix raised his eyebrows. “And who is that?”

Lightning could fell himself blush. “She is the Mare that is infected. The one that I am doing this for. I met her while I was wondering “out here”.” He turned to look out the window. Did she hate him now? He was sure she did.

“You didn’t leave under the best terms, did you?”

Lightning sighed. “No, I just left her there, in the hospital. Now I’m sure she hates me”

Phoenix shook his head. “She doesn’t. Anyone willing to risk their life for a Mare, is going to get them in the end.”

This made Lightning smile. “Thanks, man.”

“No problem.” he looked up at the sky. “Its getting pretty dark. Why don’t we make camp here?” he pulled the Buggy over and unloaded it, just like they had done the past few nights.

Lightning grabbed a gun and pulled up a rock. “I’ll take first watch, you get some rest.” Phoenix nodded, and entered the tent. A few minutes later Lightning could here him snoring. Lightning smirked. How could Celia even sleep with that noise? He Liked to take the first watch. this was his favorite time of the night. he could also be alone with his thoughts. But not this night.

He was sitting on the rock, thinking about Applejack, when he heard a twig snap behind him.

Not turning around, he said, “Phoenix?. Is that you?”. No answer. “Alright. If you get shot its not my fault.” He vaulted off the rock and turned around, gun at the ready.

It was a zombie. But, as his eyes adjusted to the dark, he could see more clearly. It was a whole swarm. Thirty of forty of them.

“PHOENIX!!” Lightning yelled, as he took off, running and shooting. “PHOENIX!! WAKE UP!!”

He managed to hit a couple in the head, blood pouring from the wounds, but they just kept coming. Phoenix stepped out of the tent, his eyes widening. He took off galloping at full speed towards the Buggy. When he reached it, he yelled “COVER ME!!” and her started rifling through the ammo crate. Lightning started to fire at the zombie coming their way.

“What are you looking for!!” he yelled at Phoenix, who was still searching in the crate.

“THIS” he yelled, and pulled out a SMG. He pulled the trigger and the barrel exploded. Zombies fell left and right, their heads and chest exploding. But was it going to be enough?

The gun stopped firing. “Why did you stop!?”

“Its out of ammo!! Cover me again!” he dived back into the crate. Lightning continued to fire, but he was almost out of ammo as well.

“What now!! What else could you have in there?!”

He pulled out the USAS 12 out of the crate. He pulled the trigger and the nearest zombies head exploded, showering them with blood and gore. Phoenix turned to the next one and it’s head exploded as well. He turned his head to Lightning, who had stopped firing.

“What the hell are you doing!? Help me!”

Lightning realized he had stopped, then took aim and started firing again. After a few minutes the last zombie was dead. They stood there, breathing heavily, for a few seconds, then slumped to the ground, exhausted. After a moment, Phoenix got up and opened the Buggy. He came back and tossed something small, and plastic to lightning.

“Open it. You can get the blood off.

Lightning looked and saw that it was a wet nap from Appaloosa Fried Oats. He opened it and wiped the blood off of his face and chest. When he was finished, he stood up and walked over to Phoenix. He stuck out his hoof. “Good job” he said, still breathing heavily. Phoenix smiled and shook his hoof.

“Same to you.”

As phoenix turned to shut the car door, something landed on him, growling and spitting. It was a zombie. Before Lightning could pull out his gun, a shot roared across the plains, then slowly echoed away. The zombie fell to the side, its head pouring blood onto Phoenix. He pushed it aside, and ran a couple feet away.

“That was a nice shot Phoenix.” Lightning said, just now re-catching his breath.

“It wasn’t me.”

“Well it wasn’t me.”

“Then who was it?”

They heard a footstep behind them. They turned and drew their weapons. But what they saw wasn’t a zombie. She stood their holstering her MP5. By the firelight, they could see that she had tinted white fur, teal irises, and a light blue mane. Her tail was the same color but with a purple stripe down the side. Her mane was held back by a hair band that was the same color as the stripe on her tail. She was also a unicorn.

“Who are you?” Lightning asked.

“My name is Cora Vance. I would ask yours but your friend is injured.”

Phoenix looked up. “What!? No I’m not!” Then with no warning, he yelled out in pain and grabbed his wing.

“That’s what happens when adrenaline wears off. Just hold still.” She started to walk over to him. So he started to back up, tripping over the zombie’s corpse.

“Do you think I would save your life, just to hurt you?”


“Then hold still.” her horn began to glow. She pressed it against his wing. His face clenched in pain, then it relaxed. His wing glowed, the same pure white as her magic. She remover her horn, and the glow slowly faded from his wing. When it did, he extended it, then flapped it. Laughing, he jumped off the ground. He hovered for a moment, then did a couple loops in the air before landing next to Lightning.

“Show off.”

“Shut up.”

Cora looked pleased. “Now, where were we?”

“Our names.” offered Lightning.

“Right!.” She looked at them.

“I’m Lightning Storm” said Lightning Storm

“And I’m Phoenix Fire.” said Phoenix Fire

“I am, as I said, Cora Vance.” she looked at Phoenix.

“What? OH! Right. Thanks for saving me.”

“It was no trouble. I’ve never seen anyone survive an attack like that. Well I’ve never seen this before, either.” she walked over to the Buggy. “Where are you two coming from?” she asked while investigating the car.

“From Bunker 18.” answered Phoenix.

“And where are you heading to? she asked as she turned back to face them.

“Bunker 118.” answered Lightning. “We are getting some of the Cure to bring back to 18.”

“Well that’s a coincidence. I am heading there myself. Would you mind if I tag along?”

Phoenix looked wary. “Well..”

Cora looked down at the zombie that had almost ended his life. “It looks like you could use a hand.”

“Well I guess that settles it. Yeah, you can come along.”

Phoenix looked over at Lightning. “Are you serious.”

“She saved your life. We could use her.”

“Whatever.” he started walking back towards the tent.

“Sorry about him, I don’t think he trust people out here,”

“It’s not his fault. But I think we should move, we would have attracted more of them.”

“Your probably right. Phoenix! Cora thinks we should move.”

“Fine, fine” he started packing up the tent.

“I’ll be right back.’ he said to Cora, and trotted over to Phoenix. What’s the matter with you?”

Phoenix threw down a bit of the tent. “She just walked in here, and you want us trust her!”

“She fixed your wing.”

“So! That doesn’t mean anything! She could still kill us later! What do we have to say that she won’t do that?!”

Lightning took a deep breath. How was he going to explain this. “Out here, you can rely on yourself, which is fine, or you can rely on yourself AND others. That is a little more dangerous, but the rewards are much greater. To rely on others is to place your life in their hands, and the reverse is also true. To rely on others is the best, and worst, thing to do out here. That is what she wants to do, so we must honor that.”

Phoenix looked up at Lightning for a second, then averted his eyes. “I guess..”

“‘I guess’” Lightning quoted. “I need something better than that.

Phoenix stood up, the tent was now disassembled. “If you are willing to trust her, than so am I.”

“There we go!” he picked up the tent and carried it over to the car. Then he noticed a problem. “Phoenix? Where is Cora going to sit?” The Buggy had two seats, plus the trunk.

“Oh, don’t worry about me” Cora said. With that she closed her eyes. Her horn started to glow. The sand and dirt in front of her rose into the air and started to swirl and collect. It formed itself into the shape of a chair. Then, as suddenly as it began, it stopped. Floating in front of her was a fully formed car seat, just like the ones in the Buggy. She set it down gently, then looked at Phoenix. “I would assume that you have some rope in there?”

Phoenix was just staring at her. Lightning nudged him with his hoof, and he came back to reality. “Huh? Oh, yeah. I do have some.’

. “Well, tie this into the trunk, and I’ll be fine.” she started to walk away. “My stuff is just over the hill, I’ll be right back.” and with that she trotted up the hill, and was gone from sight.

Phoenix looked at Lightning. “Shit man, did you see that!”

“Yeah, I have never met a unicorn as strong as that.”

Phoenix walked over to the Buggy and began to secure the newly formed car seat. “I think we can trust her now.”


“Because she just gave us a spare part.”

Suddenly, Cora popped into existence at Lightnings side. He yelled and ran a few steps away, causing Phoenix to laugh. So Cora popped HIM into existence, twenty feet into the air. He plummeted about fifteen feet before he caught himself, then he slowly returned to Earth.

“That wasn’t funny.”

Lightning looked at him, then started to laugh. “Yeah it was.”

Then Cora started to laugh as well.

A few moments later, Lightning broke the laughter. “I think we should be on our way.”

Phoenix nodded. “Yeah, the noise will bring other zombies here.”

They got in the Buggy, and drove off.

The next day, they reached a mountain. Phoenix got out of the Buggy and pulled out a piece of paper. “Well this is where the maps said that Bunker 118 is.” He looked around. “I guess it’s up at the top.” He looked back to Lightning. “Shall we?” and with that he started to walk up the mountain. Lightning looked back to Cora

“Is this right? he asked her.

“Yeah, I remember it from the last time I was here.”

Lightning looked at her, confused. “You’ve been here before?”

“I grew up here, then I decided to leave. I really didn’t like it down there.” she looked at the side of the mountain. “But it’s time to go home.” She sighed, then started to climb. Lightning watched her go, shook his head, then started up as well.

When they reached the top, they were greeted with a familiar sight. It was a ten by ten steel building. However, this one looked almost new. They walked up to the door, and pushed to pad next to the door. No one answered. Phoenix pushed the pad again. Still nothing. Cora pushed the door, and it opened.

Instantly they were hit by the smell of death and decay. They looked into the doorway, and saw that plants have overrun the entrance chamber. Skeletons littered the floor. The reserve generators were on so the light was extremely dim.

Cora gasped and teleported. She reappeared down by the Buggy. She grabbed a bag and then teleported again. She reappeared next to Lightning.

“What’s in the bag.”

“If I need to use it, you will see.” She un-holstered her MP5 checked the ammo, and then replaced it. “Lets go.”

Chapter XXI: Bunker 118

Cora took step into the shade of the bunker. She turned around on the spot, slowly, scanning every crevice in the room. When she was finished, she waved Lightning and Phoenix in. Drawing their weapons, they followed her.

“What the hell do you think happened here?” asked Lightning, staring, dumbfounded, at the plants growing out of the walls.

“Well, if I were to take a guess,” Cora said, “I would say that someone brought in Patient Zero, tried to cure him or her, and failed at it. They went on a rampage, biting and killing, and causing more zombies to be made. Eventually, the entire place was overrun.”

“And you GUESSED this?” Phoenix asked, looking at Cora questioningly.

“Well not guessed, I witnessed it. Back when I was seventeen, one of the doctors brought in a zombie to test his new Cure. It was supposed to heal them faster, with less trauma when they woke up, but whatever he did to it, it neutralized the Cure. He went on a rampage. I barely escaped.” she paused for a moment,lost in the memories of that day.

She finally spoke up. “When we find the Cure, we want the one with the pure white label. If it has a yellow stripe down the middle, break it. No one will ever have to make this mistake again.” She waved her hoof around the hallway. “If I remember correctly, the labs are down this way, but we will have to take the stairs. I don’t trust the elevators.” She started walking down a set of stairs, then turned around.

“Phoenix? What are you doing?”

Lightning looked over to Phoenix. He was looking off towards some of the plant life. He was looking at the biggest mass of it in the room. When he heard his name, he looked up.

“Huh? Oh, I thought I saw something. Nevermind, which way, O fearless leader?” he saluted Cora, who rolled her eyes.

“This way.” she took off down the stairs, the other two trotting to catch up. They continued down the stairs in silence for a few minutes, until Lightning tripped on something, or someone.

Skeletons littered the stairs, some looked intact, others had broken bones that signified that they had been trampled by their fellow bunker mates. How could one zombie cause all this? Was Cora not telling them something?

The stairs opened onto a landing. Three hallways led off from the landing.

“This is where we slept.” Cora said. She started to walk down the hallway on their right. She stopped after twelve doors and brushed the dust off the copper “24”. “This was my room...” she reached out and turned the faux-brass handle. The door was sticky from years of disuse, so she threw her shoulder against it. It finally opened, with a cloud of dust. When the dust settled she walked inside. It looked something like a nest. Her bed was tucked behind a curtain in one corner of the room. On it was most of her belongings. Toys, stuffed animals, clothing, all hidden behind the curtain. The only thing that was outside of the bed, was a dresser with a mirror on top. She walked over to the dresser, Lightning and Phoenix following a ways behind. When they were close enough, they could see that photos were taped to the mirror. She pulled one off.

On it was a a stallion and a Mare with a smaller version of Cora. The stallion had the same coat as her, and the Mare had the same mane and tail.

“That’s me and my parents. This was taken shortly before.....before....they were shipped out.” her voice broke on the last word. A single tear fell onto the picture. She sniffed and replaced the photo.

“They were shipped to another Bunker just before I turned fourteen. That was a great present.” she said sarcastically. “ I had to fend for myself for the next three years, at least until the outbreak..” Phoenix walked passed Lightning and up to Cora. He took her hoof in his own.

“I know how you feel. My wife was shipped off to another Bunker shortly after we got married. It was a terrible, terrible time. Do you remember what Bunker they were sent to?”

“Of course I do. I wouldn’t forget. They are in Bunker 18.”

Phoenix’s eyes widened. He turned to look at lightning.

“What? What is it?” Cora asked, scared now.

“It’s nothing,” Phoenix said. “Its just...that’s where he came from, he pointed at Lightning, and that is where my wife was shipped off to. We are also going back there when we are done here.”

Cora’s face lit up with joy. “Could you take me there?”

Phoenix looked happy. “I don’t see why not”

Cora jumped up and hugged him. “Thank you! I just need to get some stuff first...” She trotted over to her bed and pulled aside the curtain. She pulled out some toys and clothes and put them into her pack. Then she went over to the mirror and started to pull of the photos. She stopped on a particular photo. She looked at it, then tore it up. Lightning watched the pieces fall to the ground.

“What was on there?”

“Just someone who deserved....this” She Gestured around to the dark and depressing Bunker. “Just an old Bo-” she stopped herself. “Just an old friend.” Lightning could tell with the tone in her voice that the matter was closed. She finished taking the photos, the trotted over to the door. “Alright, lets get on with this.” She walked back done towards the stairs, the others at her heels.

They reached the stairs and continued down, stepping over skeletons as they went. They passed more landings, but didn’t stop at anymore. They passed the kitchen, the washrooms, and an amphitheater. Finally, they reached the lab doors.

They were sealed shut. The I.D. scanner still glowing a faint blue. Cora approached one of the skeletons lying on the ground. She pulled out his I.D., looked at it, then tossed it aside. She continued to do this until...

“Yes!” she cried triumphantly. She showed them the card. In the top right-hand corner was a small black box.

“He has the highest level of clearance! Now we can get in any of the lab rooms!” She galloped over the the scanner and pushed the I.D. against it. The door hissed, and moved slightly, then stopped.

Cora looked over to the others. “Could you help me with this?”

They rushed over and grasped the side of the door. They pulled and, inch by inch, the door opened. Finally they opened it enough for them to squeeze into the room.

Instantly, Cora gagged. Thanks to the lab’s airlock and preservation system, the scientists that had died in here had not decomposed. They lay on the floor, throats ripped out, intestines hanging and devoured, and heads shattered. This was not new to Lightning, so what caught his eye was not the scientists. It was the plant life. How could it be down here as well?

Cora regained her composure and, after swallowing a couple times, she opened her mouth. “Remember: White label. If it has a yellow stripe, break it.” She gave the I.D. to Lightning and searched around until she found another with black clearance.

“You go check that store room, I’ll check this one. Phoenix, guard the door.”

“Yes ma’am!” he saluted again and she rolled her eyes, again.

Lightning walked over the the door and pressed the I.D. against it. This was not a normal lab door, so it hissed but didn’t open. He turned the handle, and looked inside.

Crates. Lots of crates. They had Bio-hazard and, what scared him the most, the nuclear symbols on them.

“Cora? What am I looking for exactly?” he called.

“It should be in a light green crate with the Bio-hazard symbol on it. There should be a “Z” inside of the symbol.” she called back.

After a few minutes of searching, he found it. He brought it out into the lab. “Cora I found something!”

She came into the room carrying a box of her own. “As did I” She set it down next to his. “OK, open them.” She threw the lid of hers, and so did Lightning.

Inside were three small boxes, six in total. Lightning pulled the lid off of his. Inside there were small vials with a white and yellow label. Cora picked up the box.

“I thought so..” she pulled out a vial and threw it at the wall. It exploded against the hard metal, its contents dripping onto the floor. She continued to do this until the last vial was gone. Then she pulled the top of one of her boxes. It had a pure white label a pure white label. “OK, good they had the REAL cure.”

“Lightning looked at the tiny vial. “How many can be saved with just one of these?”

“Five. So altogether, three-hundred people can be saved from just one of the crates. Luckily...” she ran back into the store room. When she emerged, she was carrying another crated. Opening it she saw that there was another pure white stock withing. “...We can save six hundred people!”

All Lightning could think was, Applejack was going to be one of those. That thought made him smile. Cora took out the vials, she pulled a small case out of her pack, opening is, Lightning saw that it was padded, and would store the vials with out breaking them. Lightning could see a couple syringes in there as well. When she was finished, she looked up at Lightning. “We gotta get out of here.”

“Yeah, your right. Phoenix!” No one answered. “Where did you go!?”


“I think we found him.” Cora answered.

Phoenix galloped into the lab. He had been in the same room that twilight had shown him back in 18.

He skidded to a halt in front of them, his eyes wide and panicked. “We...have...to get out of here!!” he said, out of breath.

“Whats the problem!!?”

Phoenix looked over his shoulder. “THAT!!”

Walking out of the room, was a abomination. It was a zombie, obviously, but it was so different it was almost unrecognizable. It was tinted green instead of just pure grey. Its eyes were bright red, and it had tentacles. But on his second look, Lightning realizes that they were vines.

Lightning now noticed that the plant life in the lab, was not plant life. Every “plant” was one of these things. They were surrounded.

Cora stood up and drew her MP5. Lightning pulled out the USAS 12, and Phoenix drew the SMG.

They waited to see who was going to make the first move. Suddenly a shot rang out and the first zombie they had seen dropped dead, green blood splattering the wall behind it, and pouring on the floor. Lightning looked at Phoenix. “Sorry, slipped.”

Now it was chaos. Bullets flew and zombies died. They ran to the stairs. Lightning was at the front, clearing the way with the shotgun. Zombies stepped in his way, then their heads exploded. His face and mane was covered in their blood. They seemed never ending. Every plant they had passes, was now a mutant.

Suddenly, Cora called out. “THIS WAY!!” and she changed direction. They started to run down the stairs, but before she did, she threw a grenade behind her. They were down the stairs when it exploded, but that didn’t stop the blood splatter from hitting their backs.

“Where are we going?!” yelled Lightning

“To the reactor core! I have an idea!”

They kept running down the stairs, shooting as they went. They finally reached a pair of giant steel doors. Cora pressed the I.D. against the scanner and the doors opened.

A blast of heat greeted them. The reactor core was in the center of the room. It was a giant metal dome, with a single plexi-glass window on the side. Lightning looked in. There was a metal container, three feet by two feet, with water pouring over it. It glowed faintly in the dim light of the Bunker.

He turned to ask Cora why they were here, When he saw her opening her pack. She brought out a small block of white substance. She stuck it to the side of the reactor. She moved down a couple feet and did the same thing. She continued until there was a ring of wires and blocks around the core.

Phoenix walked up. “What is all that?”

Cora continued her work. “Its C-4.”

Lightning suddenly realized what she was going to do. “You can’t! It will cause a nuclear explosion!”

“That’s my plan.”


You saw what those things became. How many more “Cures” like that are there down here that’ll “stabilize” those freaks? We don’t need another breed of zombies, or two, or three more! I’m ending this now!” she connected the wires that went from one block of C-4 to the next. She pulled out a small screen and plugged it in as well. It turned on and said “ARMED”. She turned back to Lightning. “I think I would like to take the elevator now.” she said with a small smile.

They rushed over to the elevator and pushed the UP button. It took several moments to reach their level, and when it opened, three zombies were waiting for them. Phoenix opened fire with the SMG. Their heads and chest exploded, splattering the elevator with blood. Lightning kicked them out then pushed the “LOBBY” button.

Soft music played until they reached the Lobby. They readied their weapons, and waited for the doors to open. When they did, Lightning opened up with the shotgun. Zombies fell, their heads flying apart. He was the first to reach the open door. Cora was next, holes being punched in them by her MP5.

Phoenix was last. He darted across the room, but tripped on a vine growing out of the floor. “Shit!” he yelled as he hit the floor. Instantly a Zombie was on him. He threw up his arm to protect himself, but the zombie chomped down on it. Phoenix screamed in pain. Lightning shot the zombie, then grabbed phoenix. He hauled him to his hooves and threw him to Cora. “Get him to the car!”

She nodded and pulled Phoenix with her, him arm trickling blood.

Lightning ran out after her but stopped at the door. Pulling with all his strength, the door shut and locked in place. He ran down the hill after Cora and Phoenix.

When they reached the Buggy, Cora jumped into the back seat and buckled herself in. “Come on lets go!”

Phoenix jumped into the passenger seat and looked at Lightning. “Your gonna have to drive. I’m in no shape to.” Lightning got in to the drivers seat.

“OK, now just... just push that button there, then step on the pedal! God damn it, Brony! They’ll break down the door any minute!”

Lightning floored it. The Buggy shot forward and in a few dozen minutes they were at least a few quarter miles away. Cora, watching the mountain disappear, waited for the right moment. When she could no longer see the mountain, she hit the button. There was a pause, then...

A flash. A blinding, searing flash. Then the mushroom grew from the top of the mountain, silent and monstrous. She could see bits of the mountain and the bunker flying away from the explosion. Then the shock wave reached them. The sound of the explosion pounding in their ears, the pressure wave pulling the air from their lungs.

Cora was the first to pass out from the strain, next was Lightning. When he lost consciousness, the Buggy lost control. The only one awake to witness the crash was the wounded Phoenix. He experienced every moment of the crash. When the car finally came to a stop his head hit the dashboard. He attempted to resist the force of the blast and the crash, but eventually he lost, and the world went black...

Chapter XXII: Healing and Curing

A day and night passed before there was any movement. Vultures flew overhead, and ash rained down. The next morning, the passenger door opened and Phoenix crawled out. He had taken a beating in the crash, a faint taste of metallic echoed through his mouth. His wing was broken, again, he had cuts running up and down his fore-legs, and he had a gash above his eye that was tricking blood into his eye. He crawled away from the wreckage, leaving a trail of blood drops in his wake. He reached a large boulder and, gritting his teeth against the pain, stood up. When he put his rear left hoof down, he let out a sharp cry of pain, and collapsed. It was broken as well.

He looked over the broken Buggy and saw Cora hanging upside down in her seat, and Lightning the same in the drivers seat. Looking back at the way they had come, Phoenix saw a trail of boxes and glass. His small grey box was lying open just a few feet away. He started to retrieve it, then he looked back at the others. They were his top priority.

He limped back over to the Buggy, keeping his broken leg curled up against his stomach. When he reached the back of the Buggy, he unbuckled Cora from the seat. He caught her before she could hit the ground. He then laid her on the ground, then assessed the damage. She was bleeding from a cut on her head, but other than that she was alright. He pulled her a safe distance from the car, then went back for Lightning. He opened the driver’s side door and reached up to unbuckle Lightning. That’s when he noticed it.

About four inches up from his wrist, was the bite mark. It was red and inflamed. Blood still trickled from a couple spots, and in others, a bright yellow liquid seeped out. How long had he been unconscious? A day? More maybe? He didn’t know. What he did know was that he was infected, and he didn’t know how long he had.

He pulled Lightning out of the car and looked him over. He was worse than Cora. Blood flowed from a gash in the side of his head, just above his right ear. He had cuts on his arms and legs. His muzzle was slightly smashed in, it looked like his nose was broken. He laid Lightning next to Cora, then went to retrieve the supplies.

After he was finished setting up camp, he went to retrieve his box. Looking inside, he saw that everything was still there. Breathing a sigh of relief, he shut the box and put it inside the tent. He grabbed a gun and settled in for the night.

The next morning, he emerged from the tent to see Cora stirring. He rushed over.

Cora was just starting to sit up, She looked around, then jumped when she saw him.

“What happened...!?”

“We crashed when Lightning passed out.”

She reached up and felt her head, then recoiled when she felt the gash.

“Yeah your pretty messed up, so don’t move to much.” Phoenix said, smiling.

“I’m messed up!? Look at you!” she pointed at his various cuts. She stood up, despite Phoenix’s protests, and walked over to him. “Now hold still...”

She closed her eyes and tightened her face in concentration. Then her horn started to glow. She opened her eyes. She lowered her horn and touched his forehead with it. Phoenix’s eyes widened as magic coursed through him.

“Wow.” Cora said. “I’ve never seen this much hurt on somepony in a while. This could take a couple minutes.”

“I don’t mind.” Phoenix said, feeling the power flow through his form. Then, before his eyes, the cuts on his forelegs healed slowly, the swelling going down. New skin reached across the bloody gap and pulled it together. When the two sides met, white magic flowed across and created new skin. He was staring at his arm when he felt his leg, the broken one, straighted out. He felt the broken bones grinding together and let out a scream of pain. Then, it went numb. He watched as it slowly started be come back into shape. He found that he could bend it again, though it was still numb. Looking over his shoulder, he watched his wing flex and, once again, felt the grinding of broken bones. He didn’t scream this time, though his teeth probably lost about a centimeter of enamel. When that was finished his wing folded back into place, good as new.

Cora pulled her horn back, its glow subsiding. Phoenix stood up and patted himself down, checking for injuries. He couldn’t find any. He let out a yell and flew into the air. He perched on top of the overturned Buggy, and looked down at Cora.

She smiled, then closed her eyes again. Her body started to glow, then the gash on her head closed, just the way the cuts on his arm did. When she finished, she opened her eyes, and took a breath. “That’s better.”

“You really need to think about staying in a Bunker. You could do so much!” he threw his arm up, the let out a cry. Looking down, he saw that the bite was still there, and was just as red as it was a minute ago. He looked back at Cora. “What about this?”

Her eyes fell. “I have never been able to heal those. I have tried, but never.”


“You are still infected. But if you will come here, I can fix that.” she started to walk over to the pile of crates. Phoenix followed her, curious about what she was going to do.

She opened one of the crates, then pulled out her bag. She pulled out a small box. Opening it, she pulled out a small vial and a syringe.

“Is that the....”

“The Cure, yeah.” She opened the vial, the inserted the syringe through the thin membrane covering the liquid. Pulling up the plunger, she filled it to a certain point, then pulled it out. “Now hold still. This will sting slightly.” She inserted the point into the spot just above his Cutie Mark. She emptied the entire syringe, then removed it. Phoenix felt a small point of pain where the needle went it, then it slowly spread until it was covering his entire flank.

“Now what?” he asked, looking over his shoulder at his flank.

“Now, you go to sleep.”

He turned back to Cora, just in time to see her glowing horn touch his forehead. The he blacked out.

Cora looked at Phoenix’s sleeping form. She had to put him out. If she hadn’t, the pain would have spread until it reached his brain. From there, he would have been in pain for days, begging to be put out. This was just skipping a step. She carried Phoenix back to the tent, then went over to Lightning. Placing her horn on his forehead, She focused her magic on his wounds. They sealed just like her and Phoenix’s wounds had. After that, she walked over to a rock, and collapsed. That had taken so much out of her. She just wanted to close her eyes. Just for a moment....

She was awoken by someone shaking her. Prying open her eyes, she looked up into the blurry face of Lightning. He was saying something, but she really wasn’t listening.

“Cora! Can you hear me?” he looked worried. Why was he so worried?

“Yes. Why are you shaking me?”

“Because you have been out for a half a day. And so has Phoenix.”

“Well that’s normal. The amount of magic I used should have made me pass out. As for Phoenix....he should be out for another day or two.”

“Well what the hell happened?!”

“I had to heal all of us first, then I had to administer the Cure to Phoenix. After that I knocked him out so that he wouldn’t be in pain while the process took effect. Then, after all that magic, I passed out. That’s what happened, OK?”

“So you’re saying we are stuck here until Phoenix wakes up?”

“Pretty much, yeah.”

“Great.” Lightning stood up. He trotted over to the Buggy. “Can you at least help me get this on its CORRECT side?”

“Are you kidding?” she scoffed. “Even with magic, it would take a lot. It has got to weigh at least 2000 kilograms”

Lightning looked at her. “English please.”

She roller her eyes. “Two tons. I would pass out trying to help you lift this, then it might fall on you. No. We wait until I get some sleep, and Phoenix wakes up.”

Lightning walked back to the tent. He looked at the sleeping form of Phoenix. “How much longer did you say until he wakes up.”

Cora had walked over to the supply crates. She was rummaging through fire arms crate. “Another day or two,” she said when she emerged. She was carrying the SMG and a saddlebag of clips. She handed them to Lightning.

“Since we are stuck here, why don’t we take turns doing some scouting. Just walk about a mile that way....” she pointed east, ninety degrees from where they had come. “..and see if you find anything.” she finished.

“And what are you going to do?” he asked, staring at her.

“Me? I am going to catch up on my beauty sleep.” she started walking back towards the tent. When she reached it,she looked back over her shoulder. “Just, whatever you do, DON’T GO WEST.” then she disappeared into the tent.


Lightning watched her until her breathing slowed. Her demeanor was completely opposite while she was slept. When she was awake, she was closed and, generally, she didn’t expose much. While she was asleep, she was much different. Her permanent frown eased and, sometimes, became a smile. Just by looking at her face you could see what she was dreaming about. He had only seen that once before, with Applejack.

Applejack! Lightning suddenly remembered the reason for this trip. What was she like now? What if she was already dead? Lightning stopped himself there. No. She was not dead. He refused to think about it that way.

He reached down and picked up the SMG. He plugged it into the harness on his wrist. Then he put the saddlebags on his back, and turned west. He wanted to see what scared Cora so much. He took off walking.


He had been walking for a couple hours and he had found nothing. Just a couple burnt down towns. They didn’t even have anything to salvage. By the time it was noon, he had reached a canyon. Looking both ways, he saw a bridge that was still intact. He started walking towards it. Suddenly, a thought worked its way into him mind. Why would this one bridge be intact, while the others were broken and burned? But he answered it with a logical thought. Maybe somepony rebuilt it so they could cross. Somepony like him. Yeah that was probably it.

He reached the bridge, it looked strong enough. He tested it first. He put his left hoof on first, then his right. It creaked, but it held up. He started across. Was this what had made Cora scared? No, it couldn’t be.

He was about halfway across when something caught his eye. He turned and looked over his shoulder. There, standing at the entrance of the bridge, was a pony. But not just any pony. He had blazing, hate filled eyes. He wore a pure black tunic, and around his neck was something that made Lightning realize who it was. He was wearing a bit of string with a unicorn horn around his neck.

It was a Death Hunter.

Lightning knew them well. He had run into them before, out here in the Wastes. They rarely attacked first. So Lightning just started to back away. The pony stayed where he was, but pulled something out of his belt.

It was a small, curved blade. Before Lightning could react, he had leaned down and cut the support from under the bridge. The bridge tilted sideways, spilling Lighting out into open. As gravity took effect, Lightning started to fall. Looking up at the pony who did this, all he saw was a ghastly smile spread onto its face.

A single word ringed through Lightning’s subconscious;


Chapter XXIII: As Damaged As Me

Lightning turned and saw the ground rising to meet him. He could see metal stakes pointed up towards the sky, as if falling to his death wasn’t bad enough. He realized that he had failed in his mission. He had not saved Applejack. He died on the way! Taking one last look around, then closing his eyes, he whispered two words. “I’m sorry.”

Just as he had accepted his own death, he was hit from the side. His breath was knocked from his lungs. After a moment of coughing, he realized that he was no longer falling down. He realized, with some confusion, that he was moving sideways. Felling pressure on his chest he looked down. A pair of cyan forelegs were clamped around his chest. He tilted his head back to see who it was, but all he could make out was a bright cyan face, with a pair of goggles on. Who ever it was positioned their face so that it was right next to Lightning’s ear.

“What have you been eating? Rocks?! I have never picked up someone as heavy as you!”

Lightning could tell now that it was a Mare. “Well, it’s been a while since I needed to work out.” Lightning said, a sly smile on his face.

The Mare laughed. “Which way did you come from?” They had left the canyon, and were now circling the bridge. Lightning could see the Death Hunter galloping off towards the far end of the canyon.

Lightning tore his gaze away and pointed towards the east. “That way, just keep flying until you see the wreckage of a buggy.”

“Alrighty then.” Lightning’s body tilted as the Mare picked up the speed. It had taken him a couple hours to walk this far, but the Mare covered it in just a half hour. In no time he could see the Buggy below him.

“Right here. My camp is right below.” The Mare started to drop altitude. Finally Lightning could feel the ground again. The Mare let go of his chest, and he fell forward onto all four hooves. The camp looked just like it had when he left. Even Cora was still sleeping. He turned to look at the Mare who had save him.

She had a bright cyan coat. Her mane and tail were the exact same colors as the rainbow. Through her goggles, Lightning could see rose colored eyes. She was a Pegasi, but something was wrong with her left wing. Attached at the shoulder bone, and strapped around her stomach, was a weird contraption. It was seem to be designed to look like a wing, but it was brass. Her real wing was hooked in with leather straps. When she flapped them before folding them, the contraption flapped along with them. It folded perfectly along her side, just like a normal wing would have. The Mare noticed him staring.

“Hmm...? Oh, this old thing. It’s nothing, just something to help my fly. My name is Rainbow Dash by the way.”

“Lightning Storm.” he replied, still looking at the metal wing. He couldn’t help himself. “Does it hurt?”

“Oh no. Actually, it’s quite comfortable. I’ve had it for so long that I don’t even notice it anymore.” She looked over Lightnings shoulder at the tent. “I see that you have someone here. Maybe I should leave...” she started to fly away. Lightning realized what she meant.

Blushing, he called after her. “No! It’s not like that! She is just a friend!”

Rainbow turned around and floated back to stand in front of Lightning. “OK, good. You do not what to know what I have seen out here...” she shook her head. “Anyway, from the direction that you came from, I would say that you set of the explosion.”

Lightning hung his head. “Yes, we did.”

“Why did you do that?”

“Well, we had gone exploring, and we found a whole new breed of zombie down there. Really nasty type to. So Cora had a thought to explode the reactor core and get rid of them in one blow.” He had left out the part about the cure. He still didn’t completely trust this Mare.

“Cora? Oh, that’s your friend.” She peered back at the tent, now noticing the second sleeping bag. “You know, it’s rare to find a group of three out here, even more rare is a group of four.” she looked at Lightning with a odd stare.

“You want to join?” he finally figured out.

“If you would have me, then yes. You look well equipped, that means that you came from a Bunker, right?” Lightning nodded. ‘Well, I really need to settle somewhere before something bad happens, and a Bunker is, basically, the only place to do that.”

“Well we were actually heading back to a Bunker, Bunker 18.” Rainbow’s expression changed for a split second, as if she had remembered something.

“What is it?” Lightning asked her.

“It’s nothing. I just...I remember that number for some reason...” her voice trailed off.

“Anyway, we are stuck here for another day or so until both of them wake up.” he pointed over to the tent. “So if there is any supplies that you need to get, you can do it now.”

“OK. I’ll be back in a couple minutes.” She unfurled her right wing and, with some metallic clinking, extended the left wing. She took off and was soon out of sight. Lightning watched her go, then turned back to camp. He opened the tent and shook Cora awake.

She looked much better than she had a couple hours ago, and she even greeted him with a “What the hell do you want?”

‘We have a new member. She is a blue and rainbow Pegasus Mare. She will be back soon so listen. We were at the Bunker for exploration, not the Cure. Don’t mention it, don’t even hint at it. I don’t want it to be gone one night, OK?”

“Sure, whatever you want.” she put her head back down. “Did you go west?”


“I knew you would.” she yawned. “At least we got someone out of it.” she closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

Lightning looked at Phoenix next. He was pale, but he looked well. The bite on his arm had drained of the red, inflamed look. He frowned slightly, then it eased into a smile. Lightning was sure that he heard Phoenix whisper “Celia”. He smiled as well. He left the tent, and sat down next to the Buggy

Had it been a smart idea to bring Rainbow Dash into the group? Could they trust her? Cora had shown her worth, but what about her? A though worked its way into his brain. She had saved his life, just as Cora had saved Phoenix’s life. He decided he would give her a chance.

With the sound of the wind and the scraping of metal, Rainbow Dash returned. She was carrying a small box under her arm. “This is all I have. Just a few things.”

“OK, good. Just put it in the pile over there.” he gestured to the pile of crates. He watched her walk over. She opened the box and placed her goggles inside. Lightning could see a poster taped to the to of the box. It had a couple ponies with bright blue suits with lightning on the chests and down their stomachs. They had goggles just like the ones Rainbow was wearing. His curiosity got the better of him.

“Who are they?”

Rainbow looked over her shoulder, then back at the poster. She sighed. “It’s nothing, just a stupid dream I once had. It’s not like it can happen now, but it keeps my spirits up. That’s all it is...”

Lightning nodded, understanding what she meant. He turned away, but before he did, he saw Rainbow kiss her hoof, then press it against the symbol in the bottom corner. She shut the lid, then walked over and sat down next to Lightning.

“So how come you are not armed?” Lightning asked when he didn’t see a harness on her wrist.

“You don’t need to fight if you can fly.” she said, flapping her wings as she said that, creating the sound of clinking metal again.

Lightning pointed at the metal wing. “Can I..”

“Sure.” she turned so that her left side was facing Lightning.

It was ingenious. Perfectly formed to cover her wing and fold in on her side, without cutting her skin. Her wing fit inside, the bones in the wing sliding inside special sockets, with the feathers creating padding for comfort. When it folded in, the brass feather clinked together and formed the exact shape that her regular wing did. Whoever made this knew Pegasi really well.

He pulled out her wing, small metal pistons on the wing extending as he did so. He looked at her wing and saw a few holes going straight through. He reached out to touch them, but Rainbow pulled her wing back in, cutting him on the sharp brass.

“I’m sorry.” she said.

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. What happened there?”

Rainbow looked at the ground. “I...I don’t really want to talk about it, is that OK?”

“Of course, I wont push you.”

Rainbow smiled at him. “Thanks, it was just a horrible time and I want to forget about it...” her voice trialed off, her mind back in time.

Lightning heard a noise behind him. Turning, he saw Cora walking out of the tent, lookng like she had before the crash. When Rainbow saw her, her eyes narrowed. Lightning stood up and cleared his throat. “Um..Rainbow Dash this is Cora Vance. Cora, Rainbow.”

The two Mares walked up to each other. They circled, looking one other up and down. They came to a stop, a harsh stare in Rainbow’s eyes.



“It’s good to see you again”

“As with you.”

“I see the wing I made is still working.”

“Yeah, I never got to thank you for that, because you ditched me the next morning.” she spat the words.

“I had to.”

“Did you really? First, you get me injured, then you craft this thing.” she fluttered the metal wing. “Then you leave! With, might I add, all of our supplies!”

Lightning broke in. “Wait! Cora, you know her?”

“Of course! I traveled with her for a few months.”

Lightning looked at the metal wing. “Why didn’t you just fix her wing like you did with us?”

Rainbow looked up in surprise. “What do you mean “fix her?” she asked.

“Well a day ago, we were in that crash, and we were all busted up pretty bad. Then Cora just fixed us with magic.”

Rainbow looked at Cora with disbelief. “YOU COULD HAVE JUST FIXED ME?!” she yelled, rising into the air. “YOU COULD HAVE HEALED ME?! WHY DIDN’T YOU?!”

“I didn’t know how to at the time.” she said as calmly as possible. “That was something I learned just recently. The prosthetic was the best I could do....”

“But why did you leave me? I was injured and you left me! Do you know how many times I fell out of the sky because this thing jammed?! I had to sit there for DAYS and try to file it down! I have only just got it to a point that it works right! Do you know what it was like, for someone like me, not to be able to fly?! It was terrible!”

“I..I didn’t know...” Cora started, tears in her eyes.

Rainbow touched back down to Earth. “You wouldn’t know, because you left me!”

“I thought it was for the best. I had gotten you hurt, so I thought that you didn’t--”

Rainbow interrupted. “You thought I didn’t want you around?! Of course I did! You were my best friend out here. Just because I got hurt didn’t mean you have to leave.”

“Well, I didn’t know..”

“Whatever.” she opened her wings, the left hitting Cora because it was a little longer than the right. Turning to Lightning, she said “Be back in a while” then took off.

When she had disappeared, Lightning turned to Cora. “Well, this has been an exciting day.”

Chapter XXIV: Looking In

Rainbow was gone for several hours. When she returned she was sweating and looked tired. Cora had gone back to the tent to sulk, while Phoenix was still asleep. Lightning was waiting by the fire, package of freeze dried oats sitting on the rock next to him.

She walked up to him, taking off her metal wing as she did. Now that it was free, Lightning could see that the wing hung limply by her side, not folded perfectly like the other was. He offered the oats to her.

“I’m not hungry.” but her stomach told a different story. Smiling, Lightning offered the oats again. One corner of her mouth tilted up. “Thanks.” she sat down next to him.

“Do you want to talk about what went on back there?” he asked looking at her.

“Not really.”

“How did she get you injured?”

“Lets just say that we got into something we couldn’t handle, and I took the worst of it.”

Lightning nodded. “Do you still want to come with us?”

“Of course I do. I need a home, and this Bunker sounds like a place to start. I will deal with Cora until then. Hell, maybe I will come to forgive her. It’s just a matter of time.” She took a bite of the oats, savoring the taste. Lightning wondered how long it had been since she had a good meal.

Lightning looked up at the night sky. This was his favorite type of night. Just cold enough to raise goose-bumps on his arms. The moon was full, casting a slight blue glow over the wasteland. A slight wind blowing his mane back. He was very content to just sit here, letting his mind run wild, which is what he decided to do.

“Why don’t you take the night off, I’ll take the watch.”

“I would rather not sleep in there tonight. She might put my legs on backwards while I sleep.” a small smile appeared on her lips.

“Sure, no problem. Just hold on” Lightning walked over to the tent, and pulled out his sleeping bag. He laid it out next to the fire and, after clearing away some rocks, he gestured for Rainbow to take it.

“Thank you.” She got in and stared at the fire for a few moments, then turned over and faced out into the Wastes. A few minutes later, her breathing slowed and she started to snore slightly. Lightning looked out into the Wastes with her, preparing for the long night ahead.


The next morning, the group woke up, including Phoenix. He looked great. The bite mark was almost completely gone, it was just a pale white mark on his fore leg now. He looked well slept, and in perfect condition. Luckily he woke up before Rainbow, and didn’t yell at Cora loud enough to make her wake up. Cora pulled him aside and explained their situation, how there was no Cure, he was never bitten, and they hated one another. He grasped it quick, with only a couple interruptions of “WHAT!”. When Rainbow woke up, they had formal introductions.

After that, Rainbow put her wing on, and Phoenix’s eyes widened. “Where did you get that?!” he rushed over and started examining it. “This is flawless. Perfectly fit, and awkwardly light, how did you make this?”

“I didn’t.” Rainbow said. She pointed at Cora. “She did, a long time ago.”

Phoenix looked at her. “How did you make this?” he asked again.

“I specialized in metalworking back in the Bunker. When she got hurt, I had a few pieces of brass lying around, and I made it. It’s no big deal.”

“No big deal? This is huge! It could help so many pegasi!”

“This is nothing compared to what I made back in 118. But let’s not talk about that. We need to focus on fixing the Buggy.”

“But we cant let this idea just slip to nothing! Do you realize what could happen if we mass produced these!? We could get all of the handicapped pegasi back into the sky! We could restart the Weather Teams.” Phoenix said, tinkering about with Rainbow’s fake wing.

“Quit bickering... Shit! Looks like we need a new solar panel...” Cora sighed deeply, peeking her head into the front hatch of the broken down Buggy.

“The wires seem to be seem to be intact though, the last thing I want on my mind electricity, finding a engine out here is going to be challenge as well.” Cora continued shifting herself under the buggy, checking all of the smallest scratches.

Lightning stepped out a ways from the camp, and squinted his eyes down passed the hill. “Hey, there seems to be a scrap yard down there. Phoenix and I can go down there and scavenge it.”

“I can give you guys an aerial view, for hostiles.” Rainbow Dash insisted hovering next to Lightning.

Phoenix looked at Cora. “Can’t you just magic us some parts, like you did before?”

She shook her head. “It would be too much strain to create such a complicated part. Our best bet would be the scrap yard.”

Phoenix put Rainbow’s wing back on. “You have some clipping issues. When we get back, I can fix those for you.”

She smiled at him. “Thanks for the offer, but I have it just how I want it.” and with that, she took off, slowly spiraling into the air. Phoenix watcher her go, whistling.

“Man, if I wasn’t married..”

Lightning punched him in the shoulder. “Focus man, we have work to do.” he started walking down the hill, towards the scrap yard. Cora called after him. “Wait! You will need these.” She pulled her saddlebags off and set them on the ground in front of her. She started to rummage through, but stopped when Phoenix gasped.

“Cora when did you get that!?”

“What?” She looked around. “What?” she asked again.

Phoenix pointed at her flank. She looked over her shoulder and gasped. Where, previously, just white fur had been, was now covered with a Cutie Mark. Looking at it for a moment, Cora realized what it was.

It was Caduceus. The same symbol that the hospitals use. It was a symbol for health, for curing. Cora just stared at it. “No way.” she finally said.

Phoenix smiled. “Well now you cant get out of healing us. You are kinda forced to now.”

“That doesn’t stop me from hurting you first.” she took a step towards Phoenix, lowing her horn.

Lightning got in the way. “Why are you so pissed? You should be happy that you got it!”

“Because I always thought I would get this from metalworking, something I actually enjoyed.”

“You don’t enjoy healing people?” asked Phoenix.

“I do. I do.” she protested. “It’s just, it’s kind of a disappointment to find out my special talent wasn’t metalworking..”

Rainbow Dash took that moment to drop out of the sky. “We got a problem. There are...” she stopped and looked at Cora. Looking down, she noticed the Cutie Mark. “Well, it’s about time!”

Chapter XXV: Seeing Red

“Anyways, back to my report. I spotted roughly three patrols inside the perimeter. Each in a group of three. Outside the supply yard, I saw two groups circling, both of only two guards. Then I spotted some sniper towers. One facing north, and the other facing south. Thankfully, were on there eastern wall, meaning we can hit them in their blind spot.” Rainbow Dash briefed the three, pacing in a line, almost as if she was a Drill Sargent. “Got it?”

“Yes ma’am!” Phoenix yelled, saluting. Rainbow grinned towards Phoenix, she seemed to like his enthusiasm.

“I watched them for about ten minutes now. The outer patrols seem to have a pattern. Every three minutes they rotate. If we can move in quick enough when they aren't rotating in their eastern position, we can get in quietly, and smoothly. My guess is, we may need to take out some patrols. Cora, do we have silencers?”

“I may need to check my things, but we should have at least two that fit both Phoenix’s and Lightnings M9s.” Cora gestured both Lightning and Phoenix as she walked towards the weapon caches.

“Good. If things get rough when getting in there, don't hesitate to use your pistols boys. I’ll give you constant feeding up in the air through this walkie talkie, Cora has the other. If you need support, just give me a call. The frequency is A-432, Cora, give it a test go.” Rainbow pulled out her walkie, as well did Cora. Suddenly, a loud sound burst of interference came both of their talkies. “Good. Alright boys, go gear up. If we want to get to Bunker 18 quickly as possible, we got to finish this by tonight.”

“Yes Ma’am!” Lightning and Phoenix gestured, walking towards Cora with their silencers.

When they took off, Cora turned back to Rainbow. “Having fun, are you?”

Rainbow gave her a mischievous smile. “Just a little. Been a while since I did that, so I thought it was time to bring out the old Dash.”

“Well don’t get too cocky. Remember what happened last time.” she poked Rainbow’s wing with her walkie talkie. Suddenly, Rainbow turned serious.

“I will not. I will never forget.” With that she walked over to her box, pulled out a pair of boots, and put them on. Cora remembered them well. They had metal inside, coating the part where the hoof met the leather. They were designed so that when Rainbow touched a cloud, she wouldn’t get burned by the acid inside. That was another thing Cora had created for her while they were together.

“And congrats on the Cutie Mark.” Rainbow said, turning back to her. “I don’t like to make fun of Blank Flanks, but it was getting ridiculous in your case.” She jumped up and flew off into the air, leaving Cora wondering what Rainbow really thought of her.

She grabbed her MP5 and ran after Lightning and Phoenix. She caught up to them, hiding behind a rock, watching the guards. She could now see what Rainbow had left out of her report.

Death Hunters. The scrap yard was overrun by them. They all had on the same think, a jet black tunic. However how they chose to decorate it was completely different from one to another. Some has unicorn horns around their necks, other had them on bracelets. Cora could even see a couple of them with Pegasus wings stitched to their tunics. She pulled her walkie talkie up to her lips. “We could have been told that it was Death Hunters.”

Rainbow’s sharp voice flowed from the communicator. “Does it matter? They don’t use guns do they? This is much easier.”

Cora rolled her eyes. “Thanks.”

“You’re quite welcome. Now get to work, I can’t fly all day like I used to.” her voice faded away with a brief flash of static. Cora looked at Lightning with annoyance.

“She is impossible.”

“Anyone who can piss you off that much is a friend in my book.” he gave her a sly smile. “But we really need to do this” he gestured for the communicator. “Where is this solar panel Rainbow.”

“It’s on the far east side, just behind the compound.” she paused for a moment. “The blind spot opened! Go NOW!!”

Cora vaulted over the rock and took off galloping, closely followed by Lightning and Phoenix. She reached the fence and threw herself on, quickly climbing to the top in no time. When she reached the top she stopped and helped the others over. When they were over, she jumped off and ran to the nearest pile of parts, then hid behind, waving over Lightning and Phoenix. She pulled out the communicator, breathing heavily. “Were in.”

“Good. Next blind spot is in another three minutes.”

Cora turned to the others, and found them staring at her.


“How did you do that?” asked Phoenix.

“This is what Rainbow and I used to do. This is just like old times for us.”

Suddenly, Rainbow’s voice came through the walkie talkie. “You are still transmitting, and this is not like old times.”

“Shut up.” Cora said into the communicator. “Anyway, this is how I found the C-4. It was in a compound like this, only not Death Hunter.”

“So you guys were like..” Lightning started, looking for the right word.

“Thieves?” Cora finished. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it.”

“Next blind spot in ten.” Rainbow’s voice told them. Cora counted silently, then ran out from behind the pile of parts. She galloped towards the building in the center of the camp. She hit the wall and ducked down, followed a second later by the others.

“Were good.” she told Rainbow.

“Great, and Phoenix, I saw you trip.” Her smile could be heard through the walkie talkie.

Now it was his turn to tell her to “Shut up”.

“So where did you meet each other?” asked Lightning.

“We met one day out in the Wastes. I was walking and found a camp. I was going to steal from it, but it was a trap. Rainbow had made it to capture people like me. But we started talking, and eventually, we paired up.”

“Five seconds.” Rainbow told them. Cora jumped out from their hiding spot. She ran behind the building, ending up right next to the solar panel. “We are here. How are we going get this out of here?”

“Like this.” Rainbow dropped out of the sky in front of them, holding a net in her hooves. “I may be injured, but I can still carry things.”

Cora looked worried. “Are you sure? Remember what happened last time..”

“I can do this. OK?” She reached out and grabbed the solar panel, causing the pile of parts to fall to the ground. The earsplitting clatter of metal on metal seemed to go on for an eternity. But when it finally subsided, they could her pounding hooves heading their way.

Rainbow Dash looked over to Cora. “Oops.” Cora just glared at her.

“Well what are you waiting for?” Lightning yelled. “Get the part!”

Phoenix rushed over and began to tie the solar panel to the net. When it was secure, Rainbow jumped up into the air and began flying away. “I’ll see you at base!” she called back. That was when the first Death Hunters came around the building.

Pulling out their guns, they started to fire into the crowd. However, when one fell, another took its place. Soon, the ground was littered with bodies, blood, and bullet casings.

Lightning looked down at the ground and noticed something. A black fluid was slowly trickling downhill towards them. That’s when he noticed that they were standing in the only dip in the ground that he could see. The black liquid hit the dip and slowly made a circle around them. He looked up and saw a Death Hunter with the something in his mouth, standing by the start of the fluid. Lightning realized too late what that something was. He touched it to the liquid, and it ignited, fire spreading rapidly down the trail of, what Lightning now realized, oil.

He stood up and pushed Cora and Phoenix out of the way, just before the fire hit the dip. It circled around him, completely encasing him in a cage of fire. He realized what it was; a trap.

Cora and Phoenix pulled themselves off of the ground to see Lightning stuck behind the flames. Cora, panic in her eyes, turned to Phoenix. “Do we have any water?!”


“Do we have anything?!”

“Yes.” he said, with a steel determination in his eyes. “We have me.” He took a step towards the fire, then another.

Cora looked at him like he was crazy. “What are you doing?!”

“What I am supposed to do.” and with that, his hoof hit the fire. He let out no cry of pain. He walked through the fire as it it was just air, and the whole time, he looked like he was having the time of his life. When he emerged on the other side, he took Lightnings hoof and looked into his face.

“Do you trust me?”

Lightning looked confused. “Of course.”

“Good, ‘cause I don’t know if this is going to work.” Still holding Lightning’s hoof, he galloped at the fire and threw them through it. Lightning screamed when they hit the wall of flames. But he felt only a slight tingling sensation, maybe a little warmth. When they hit the ground on the other side, Cora was staring at them. She looked from one to the other, finally stopping on Lightning.

“Did you know...how did he....WHAT?!”

“I’ll explain later, now GO!” Phoenix yelled, galloping towards the fence. But he was slowing down. His walk through the fire had taken too much out of him. A few feet from the fence, he collapsed. Cora ran over to him.

“There’s only one chance. I’ve never tried this with other ponies before, so it might not work.” her horn started to glow.

“What are you going to do?” Phoenix asked. Cora did not answer, she just grabbed his hoof. A second later, she disappeared, and Phoenix with her.

Lightning looked at the spot where they had been. Then he remembered where he was. Looking up, he saw the Death Hunters running at him. He jumped up on the fence, and began to climb. He was a hoof away from the top when he felt it. A searing pain run from his thigh down to his hoof. He looked over his shoulder and saw a gash that was pouring blood onto the Death Hunters below. When they saw the blood, they opened their mouths, letting the blood fall in as if it was a summer rain.

Lightning used his other leg to crawl to the top. He jumped from the fence, hitting, and collapsing, on the ground. Suddenly, he felt arms grab his waist.

“No! let me go!” he yelled, fighting against the grasp.

“It’s me, you idiot!”

Lightning recognized Rainbow’s Voice immediately. He stopped fighting and let her carry him. “That’s twice now that you saved me.”

“Who’s counting?” she said. Then after a pause, “I am!”. This caused Lightning to laugh. He looked back at his leg. His white fur was now stained red, and he was feeling light-headed. He looked down at the ground, then closed his eyes.

Rainbow landed back at camp, depositing Lightning gently on his sleeping bag. Cora rushed over, immediately pushing her horn to his head. His leg glowed, and the skin sealed itself. Rainbow watched with a look of awe and hate. “Do you think you could do that to me?” she held out her wing.

“It only works on fresh wounds. There was nothing I could do for you.”

“Great. How long will they be out?”

Cora looked at Lightning. “Considering the blood loss, I would say a couple hours. As for Phoenix...” she looked back at the tent, where he was lying unconscious. “Hell, I have no Idea.”

“That was really strange wasn’t it.” Rainbow sarcastically.

“We don’t have much time before they spot us again, we have to get moving.” Cora anticipated, trotting her way towards the buggy with the Solar Panel.

Rainbow Dash looked at the Buggy. “Do you know how to get it working?”

“No idea. But how hard can it be?” she reached into the hoof compartment and pulled out the manual. She flipped to the part about the solar panel. Pulling out the schematics, then she just stared. Rainbow walked over the the schematic.

“Apparently, really hard.”

Cora threw the paper to the ground. “Great! We are stuck here until they wake up. Plus, we could have Death Hunters up our ass at any moment!”

“So this IS just like old times.” Rainbow said, not looking at her.

Cora glanced at her, surprised that she would admit it. They sat in silence for a few moments, until Cora asked Rainbow something.

“So... what was life like after I left?” Cora finally decided to change the subject.

“Hard as hell...! If you didn't notice, I had no idea how to use this fucking thing until I got used to it. Half the time, I had to use my feet!” Rainbow Dash replied quickly, in a sterned tone of voice.

“Well I... Guess I should have at least wrote you down a vague manual...” Cora suggested, slowly filling with guilt.

Rainbow let out a heavy sigh; “Well.... I understand that you couldn't stay in one spot forever.... I just wish that you could have said “Goodbye” before you left.”

“I really wanted to, but it would have been worse for both of us. This was the best way.”

“If that’s what you think.”

Cora changed the subject again. “What did you do after I left?”

“Well, mostly I just freelanced. Did jobs for ponies that required it. But after a while, I just started to wander, scavenging whatever I could. I was just passing through when I saw Lightning walking. I was going the wait until he fell asleep, then steal his stuff. But he almost got killed--”

Cora’s eyes widened. “What!? He almost died?!”

“Oh, did he not mention that? Well, he walked into a Death Hunter trap. I saved him. No biggie. After that I kinda felt bad about trying to steal from him, and when I saw the camp here, I thought it was time to get back to civilization. Time to stop wandering. Time to settle down again.” She kicked a rock with her hoof, then looked up at Cora. “What did you do?”

“Oh, where to begin? Well I first just wandered, same as you. Then I started to strike at Death Hunter camps. Now that I think about it, I think it was a way to get revenge for your injury.” Rainbow looked down at her wing, hanging limply to the side. “I got hurt bad one time. I started to walk out into the desert, looking for a place to die. Then this unicorn found me. He healed me, just like I did with Lightning and Phoenix. He took me in for a while, taught me how to heal. After that I started to wander again, scavenging when I could. Then, one day, I was walking and I found, a camp. I was going to steal from it, but the people were there still around. So I decided to wait until they fell asleep, but then they were attacked. I saved Phoenix’s life, just as you saved Lightning’s. They decided that they could use me. That’s about it.”

“Sounds like you had a worse time than I did.” Rainbow said, glancing at Cora. She took a deep breath. “Well I am glad that you didn’t die.”

They heard a sound behind them. Turning, they saw Lightning emerge from the tent, still half asleep. “Glad that who didn’t die?”

“Nothing, nothing.” Cora said, winking at Rainbow. She smiled and winked back, then burst out laughing. Cora held a straight face for a moment, then followed her lead. Lightning just stared.

“What did I miss?”

Chapter XXVI: Hide Your Tears

Lightning stared at them , then shook his head. “Whatever.” he said, walking past them. He picked up the schematics, looked at them, then put them back down. “Guess we will have to wait until Phoenix wakes up.” he said, sitting down next to Cora.

“That’s what we figured.” Cora said. She looked over to Rainbow Dash. “You got any ideas on how to pass the time?”

“Well, normally I would try to do a Rainboom, just for the hell of it. But, I have never tried it with this wing, so I don’t know if I can still do it.”

Lightning looked confused. “What’s a Rainboom?”

“WHAT!?” Rainbow stood up, looking shocked. “You’ve never heard of a Sonic Rainboom!? Well now I HAVE to try!” She grabbed a walkie talkie, then spread her wings and took off. Soon, all Lightning could see of her was the yellow-white glint of her wing, and even that was faint. They heard her voice through the other communicator.

“You ready for this?” she asked.

Lightning looked at Cora. “Ready for what?”

She smiled at him. “Just watch.” She put the communicator to her lips. “We are ready. Let’s see if you still got it, or if your to old now.” She said the last part with a sly smile.

“To old!? I’ll show you!”

The yellow-white speck started to drop altitude, gaining speed every second. Lightning could see a rainbow colored trail following her decent. She picked up speed until she was just a blur, then kept on going. Lightning wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but he figured he would see it if it happened.

Cora watched her decent. She had traveled about a mile vertically. If it was going to happen, it was going to happen soon.

Then, it happened.

Lightning watched as Rainbow seemed to create a rainbow around her. It started small then grew until it detached, creating a ring of spectrum that was growing in the sky. It was like she had taken a rainbow, and gave it life. When It reached their camp, Lightning watched it with awe as it passed over head. Light passed through it, creating waves of color on the ground and on them. Lightning looked at Cora, who was glowing blue, and smiled.

Just when he thought it was over, a noise assaulted his ears. It was like a bomb had gone off a few feet away, creating a shock wave that reverberated inside his skull. He dropped to the ground, then looked up when he heard laughter. Cora was standing over him, laughing.

“Get up.” she said. “There’s nothing to be worried about.”

He stood up, slightly embarrassed, and watched as Rainbow Dash landed in front of them. She stood up on her hind legs, and gave a large bow. “Yyyep. I still got it.”

Lightning just stared at her. “How did you do that?!”

“Simple.” Rainbow said, trotting up and down in front of him. “When a Pegasus, such as me, breaks the sound barrier, it creates what is know as a “Sonic Rainboom”. That is when a sonic boom and a rainbow are created in the same second. As far as I know, I am the only pony who has ever accomplished it.” She leaned in next to Lightning. “I hope it stays that way.” then she trotted off in glee towards the tent.

Lightning, dumbfound, glared looked at Cora. She laughed when she saw his expression. “Yeah, that’s the usual reaction. It wont seem as cool pretty soon. Now that she knows she can do it, she will be doing it A LOT from now on. Trust me, it will get pretty old soon.”

Lightning just shook his head. How could that get old? He would ask her to do it again, but she looked really tired when she got back. He suggested to lay off on the request for now, Rainbow seemed like she should probably just rest.

That moment, Rainbow stuck her head out of the tent. “Hey guys! Guess who is awake!” Phoenix walked out of the tent, looking a little lost.

Lightning rushed up to him. “How are you feeling?”

“A little dizzy. What happened?”

“Well, you walked through the fire, twice, then you passed out.”

Cora walked up to him, her horn glowing. She pressed it against his forehead, closing her eyes. However, even through the lids, Lightning could see her eyes moving. It was almost as if she was walking through his body.

“Uhh...Cora? What are you doing?” phoenix asked, his whole body glowing.

“I’m searching for a reason that you would be able to walk through fire. There has got to be a reason!” She spent another couple of minutes mentally walking. Then, with a sigh of frustration, she gave up. The glow around Phoenix disappeared. “I can’t find anything! Your genes are perfect, your alleles are as they should be, and your skin is just normal skin! There is no logical explanation for this!.” She sat down, defeated.

“I really don’t know myself.” Phoenix said, looking down at his hoof, the same one that he stuck in the fire a few weeks back.

Cora suddenly jumped up. “Have you ever spent a prolonged time with one of the scientist unicorns?”

Phoenix thought back. Suddenly, his eyes widened. “Yes! I went in one time for a really bad cut I got while working on the buggy. They sent me down to the scientists. When I got down there, they knocked me out for a while, they said it was so they could implant a chip that would help me with my work. But when I woke up they said it was incompatible. I really never thought much of it. He looked at Cora, eyes filled with fear. “Are you saying that they did this to me!?”

‘It’s possible.” Cora suggested. She touched her horn to his forehead again. Her expression changed to that of fierce concentration. Phoenix’s body didn’t glow this time, but a spot over his heart turned a bright green.

Cora eyes flew open. “There! That’s where it is!”

“What? What is it?” Phoenix asked, afraid now.

“That is what it looks like when another unicorn leaves a spell on you. This must be how you are safe in fire.” She looked up at Phoenix. “Would you like me to remove it?”

“Are you kidding?! Hell no! I like it. I wouldn’t have been able to save Lightning if I didn’t have this. No, I want it to stay.”

Cora stood up. “If you say so.” She walked over to the Buggy. “What we really need to focus on repairing this.”

Phoenix smiled. “Great, my favorite thing to do. Do we have the solar panel?”

“Yeah.” Cora said. “We wouldn’t go to all that trouble just to walk away empty handed.”

“Great.” he threw up the panel unto his back and walked over to the Buggy. “This could take a while.”


A couple hours later, the solar panel had been replaced, and they were on their way.

Phoenix looked at his maps, then said, “We should make it back to 18 in a couple of days, but if we drive through the night, we can reach it by morning.”

“Is it safe?” Rainbow asked.

“Oh, sure! Nothing can stop this, unless the driver passes out.” he turned and smiled at Lightning.

“Shut up. You passed out to.”

“Yeah, but I wasn’t driving, not mentioning I was bleeding out.” Phoenix smirked.

Cora decided to intervene. “The faster we get there is the faster we can be safe. I think we should just keep driving.”

“Same here.” Rainbow said. Instead of sitting inside, she flew beside the Buggy because they didn’t have another seat, and because she preferred this more.

“Alright, lets do this.” he floored the accelerator, and the car shot forward, a trail of dust rising into the air.


Lightning was awoken the next morning by Phoenix. He looked around and saw that they were still driving.

“Aren't we supposed to be there by now?” he asked looking out the window.

“We will in a few minutes. I had to make a pitstop.” he pushed something at Lightning. It was a syringe and a vial of Cure. “When we get there, I want you to get to the hospital as fast as you can. I know what it is like to be bitten, and with that special somepony on antibiotics, that’s worse.”

“Thanks, man.”

Phoenix smiled. “I know what it is like to lose somepony. I don’t want you to know as well.”

Lightning looked out the front window. On the horizon, he could see a mountain. On the mountain he could just barely make out the shape of a Bunker. His heart sped up when he saw it. I’m here Applejack. I’m coming to save you.

The Buggy raced up the mountain. Phoenix brought it to a stop on the same patch of dirt where they first left the Bunker. He got out and galloped over to a box on the wall. Opening it, he pulled out a communicator.

“Bunker 18, this is Expedition 34. We are requesting access into the Bunker.” There was a pause.

Access granted Expedition 34. You may enter.

Phoenix pulled a lever next to the box. The ground slid open and the Buggy started to descend. Phoenix jumped down and landed on the roof, waking up Rainbow and Cora.

Rainbow looked around, still mostly asleep. “Are we there yet?”

Lightning smiled. “Yes we are. Yes we are.”

He was out of the Buggy before it reached the floor. He sprinted down the stairs until he reached the hospital. He burst through the doors, yelling “Where is Dr. Sparkle?!”

The nurse looked up, startled. She she pressed a button on the desk in front of her. “Dr. Sparkle, you are needed at the reception desk. Dr. Sparkle to the reception desk.”

A moment later, Twilight walked around the corner. “What is it Ms. Redheart.” Then her eyes found Lightning. Her face broke into a huge grin.

“You’re here! Oh, dear Celestia you’re here!” her smile dropped. “Did you get it?”

“Yes we did. Six hundred doses.”

Her jaw dropped. “Are you kidding!? We only need twenty to save everyone here!” She looked at the syringe and vial that was clenched in his front two hooves. “I think I know who that is for.”

“Is she alright?”

Twilight didn’t answer. “I think you need to see this.” she started to walk down the hall, Lightning at her hooves. She led him to the door marked with “CRITICAL”. “This might be a shock.” she told him, then opened the door.

Lightning gasped.

Lying in the bad was the Mare he had risked all this for. But she looked more machine than Mare now. Her skin was no longer the bright apricot it had once been, but was now the same pale color as the inside of a orange peel. Her bright green eyes were shut, and dried tears had left marks down her cheeks. An I.V. was in her left fore-leg, and a blood bag was attached to her right. A tube and mask was taped to her muzzle, with a machine that was pumping air into her lungs. A heart rate monitor was sitting next to her bed, beeping faintly and constantly, however much slower than it should have. Her blonde Mane was ratty and displaced, floating around her head like a halo. Lightning wondered if he was too late. He looked at Twilight.

“Can we save her?”

“Yes, if you will give me the Cure.” He handed her the syringe and vial. She pulled some liquid out with the syringe, then walked over to Applejack. She pulled down the covers, exposing her Cutie Mark. She pushed the point into the place right between the three apples on her thigh. Then she pushed down the plunger, filling her blood with life. Lightning watched the whole thing, not wanting to ever forget it.

“How long?”

“Approximately three days until she wakes up, then another two until she fully recovers.”

Lightning walked over to Applejack. “Is there any way to get another bed in here?”

“You’re not going to stay here, are you?”

He turned back to her, determination in his eyes. “I am. I will until she is recovered. Do you understand?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes. I will get the janitor to bring in another bed. In the meantime, why don’t you walk around. We need to do some tests.”

“Of course.” Lightning left the room, a slight trot in his step. He had saved her life. He had succeeded.

Chapter XXVII: Only You

His head hanging, Lightning walked back up the way he came. He reached the level with the Buggy and walked into the room. Phoenix was there, packing up the Buggy. A medical team was there as well, taking inventory on the Cure. Phoenix looked up and waved him over.

“Are we going somewhere?” asked Lightning, who was looking at the crates being loaded into the trunk.

“We aren’t, but I am. I told you, I am going to see Celia.”

“How long do you think you will be gone?”

“I should be gone for around five days. I let Cora and Rainbow have my room until they get one of their own. If you need to visit them, it’s number 136.” Suddenly, a voice came over the intercom.

Expedition 35, you are cleared for departure.

Phoenix sighed. “Well, I guess I will see you in a couple days.” he started walking back towards the car, then turned around. “Oh, I forgot!. How’s the special somepony?”

Lightning smiled. “Applejack is still in critical, but, she is cured.”

“That’s great. At least somepony was saved for our efforts. Well, I’m happy for you.” he turned back to the Buggy and climbed in. “Would you mind pulling that lever for me?” he pointed to the lever that raises the Buggy. Lightning obliged.

The roof retracted, and the Buggy started to rise. Phoenix waved at Lightning, then he disappeared from view. Lightning waved back, even though it was too late. Lightning sighed, them walked out of the room.

He found the stairs leading up to the Dormitory levels. He walked down the halls until he reached 136, then knocked on the door. The doorknob glowed white, then the door opened. Lightning walked inside, closing the door behind him.

Cora was lying on the bed, a book propped open in front of her.

“So how is that special somepony?” she asked. Lightning looked at her, not remembering a time when he had told her.

“Phoenix told me.” she said when she saw his confused look.

“Oh. Well, she is in critical, and wont wake up for several days, but she is alive and cured.”

“I am glad to hear that. When she wakes up, you will have to introduce us all. I mean, we did risk our lives for her- and, you know, five hundred and ninety nine other ponies.”

“Sure. But until then, what is there do do around here? Last time I was here, I was bored as hell.”

Cora smiled. “Tomorrow morning, I will show you around. If you just ask, there is a lot do do in a Bunker.”

“Alright.” he couldn’t wait. He laid down next to her on the bed and looked around the room. It was so different from the one Cora had in 118. Everything was spread around, nothing had a specific spot. A dresser stood next to the bed. He trotted over to it. There were photos of Phoenix as a colt and Phoenix as a Stallion. Next to those were photos of Phoenix and Celia. All the pictures were centered around a picture of Phoenix and Celia on their wedding day, the same one Phoenix had back on the Buggy. Lightning now realized how much Phoenix loved her.

Cora walked up and stood next to him. “He is different than I expected. I never thought that he would be one to settle down.”

“Me too.” he broke his gaze away from the photo. “Where’s Rainbow?”

“She’s out flying. She says that she can’t stay down here too long. However, I have yet to show her the indoor flying range.” Cora smirked.

Lightning smiled, but it faltered quickly. “I guess I will see you tomorrow.” then he walked out of her room, and down to his.


Over the next couple of days, Cora showed hm what the Bunker had to offer. On the first day, she took him the the firing range. He had spent an hour just walking down the rows of guns, deciding which to choose.

The next day, they went to the Greenhouse. When she opened the door, Lighting almost passed out. The smell of the flowers was overpowering. He walked down the isles of flowers. He had rarely seen a flower, and even then they were wildflowers, lacking in beauty, and taste. However, here there were row upon row of beautiful, delicate flowers, of every color.

Next day, she brought him to the areal section. Lightning stared in awe at the lines of sleek, shiny vehicles. With a special request, Cora was able to get him up in one of the planes. They took him higher than he had ever been. He looked down at the ground, through the clouds, and saw the Bunker. It was a tiny grey speck against a brown and green backdrop.

Then she took him to the library. He had never actually read a book before, however he did know how to read. He had only used books for fuel on a fire before. He walked down the isles of pristine tomes. He watched Cora as she pulled out a couple and sit down in a chair. He had a feeling that this trip was more for her than for him.

On the fifth day, he walked down to the hospital, and into Applejack’s room. In the past four days, all the machine, except the heart monitor and I.V., had been removed. Today was the day that she was supposed to wake up, and he wanted to be there for it. He spent the day in that ward, however, she didn’t wake up.

He walked back to his room in despair that night. What if she couldn’t wake up? What if she was too damaged for that? No. He refused the think like that.

The next morning, Phoenix returned. Lightning galloped to the garage. Phoenix was just getting out of the Buggy just as he arrived.

“How was it?” he asked, when he had caught his breath.

Phoenix smiled at him. “Let me tell you, It was great. I promised her I would stop by as often as possible. And, I have some amazing news. She is pregnant.”

Lightning’s jaw dropped. “That’s great man!” he reached out and shook his hoof. “You will have to-” He was cut off by the intercom. Twilight’s voice came through the speakers, and she sounded happy.

Lightning Storm, please come to the hospital. Critical room number 42, immediately.

Lightning’s eyes widened. “She’s awake! Phoenix, she’s awake!” He started to gallop out of the garage. But he stopped and turned around.

“I need you to get Cora and Rainbow, then meet me down there, OK?”

“Sure, no problem.”

“Great! Thanks!” he yelled as he galloped away. He made his way down the stairs, almost running into other ponies as he did. He burst through the hospital doors and ran towards the Critical ward. He passed her old room, and stopped outside room number 42. He took a deep breath, and opened the door.

When his eyes found her, a grin lit his face. Her skin had returned to the bright orange it had been when he found her. Her green eyes were bright and, more importantly, were open. She was talking to Twilight when he walked in, with an expression of discomfort on her face. But when she saw him, it changed to one of joy.

Lightning walked up to the bed. He put his hoof on hers. “How are you doing?”

“Ah’m doing fine, ah guess.” she turned to Twilight. “How am ah doing Doc?” she asked with a smile.

Twilight looked at Lightning. “She is perfectly fine. She is completely cured, and should be able to leave in a couple days.” She took some readings from the heart monitor, then said, “I’ll leave you two alone.” and she backed out of the room.

Applejack looked up at Lightning. “Ah feel like ah got hit by a train. But at least ah am cured.”

“And that’s all that matters.” Lightning said. Then, there was a knock at the door. He got up and answered it. Phoenix and the others were standing on the other side. Cora looked excited.

“Can we see her?” she asked.

“Sure.” he said. “Just hang on.” he shut the door again. Turning back to Applejack, he said, “these are some people I would like you to meet. They helped me on the trip.” and he opened the door, calling them in one by one.

“This is Phoenix Fire.” who replied, “Damn, man. You didn’t say she was hot.”

“This is Cora Vance.” who nodded and said, “Glad to see that you pulled through.”

“And this is--”

Her eyes widened and she yelled, “RAINBOW DASH!!”

“Applejack!” The rainbow Mare ran up to the bed. “Oh my god! I didn’t know it was you!” she turned to Lightning. “Why didn’t you tell me!?

Lightning just stared at her, then shook his head. “Wait. You know her?”

“Of course I do! We were best friends before all this happened. It’s so good to see you again!”

Applejack smiled at her friend. “It’s good to see you again too.” She looked her over. “Wait. What happened to your wing!?”

“Oh, this.” she extended the metal wing. “It’s nothing. I got hurt a while back. I’m good now-”

Cora interrupted her. “I think it’s time we told what happened.” she said looking at Rainbow. Rainbow closed her eyes, then re-opened them and said, “Fine.”.

Cora took a deep breath. “OK, it started out like what happened back at the scrap yard. We tried to infiltrate a Death Hunter camp. And we succeeded! It was practically the same plan that we used back at the scrap yard; hit them in their blind spot. So I got in and found the stuff we needed. I loaded them into two packs, one for each of us. I was just about to leave when they discovered us. I started running back the way I came, towards the fence. But, they were gaining on me. So Rainbow decided that it was a good idea to take both of the packs by herself.” She took a breath, then continued.

“I knew, I KNEW, that it would slow her down, make it so she couldn’t fly as well. But, I took my safety over her own, and gave her the packs. I was just over the fence when it happened. One of the Hunters had gotten his hooves on a gun. I could only watch as they put five holes in her wing. I could only watch as she fell to the ground, bleeding. I could only watch...”

There was a moment of silence, which was eventually broken by Applejack.

“So...you let her take the stuff, even though you knew she would be in danger?”

Cora nodded slowly. “I did.”

“WHY?” Applejack yelled, causing everyone to jump. “WHY WOULD YOU RISK HER OVER THE SUPPLIES!?”

“We needed them...” Cora said quietly.

“DOES IT MATTER? she yelled. “You could have just left it behind! If you are a team, you don’t risk a friend for profit!”

“I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have done it if I had known....” she said, close to tears.

“It doesn’t matter! What matters is that you did it, and it can’t be fixed!” Her face was bright red, eyes filled with anger. “Get out! Get the hell out of mah room! NOW!”

Cora hung her head. She turned and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Lightning turned back to Applejack, who was breathing heavily.

“Only you can make those words cute.” he said with a small smile. She returned the smile, then passed out.

Chapter XXVIII: When You Can’t Run, You Crawl

Lightning left the room after Applejack’s tirade. As he left he saw Big Mac walking down the hall towards her room. Lightning nodded as he passed by, but didn’t say anything. He walked out of the hospital and headed up the stairs. He had to go see someone.

When he reached room 136, he stopped and knocked on the door. There was no answer. However, when he pushed his ear against the door, he heard the sound of crying.

“Cora, I know your in there. Just open the door” She stopped crying for a second. Lightning stood back and waited for the door to open. However, a glow surrounded him, not the door. He watched, helpless, as he rose into the air. Floating down the hall, he yelled, “Cora! Cora, let me go! I just want to help!”

The light surrounding him vanished and he fell to the ground, landing on his flank. The door opened and Cora stepped out into the hall. Her eyes were red and puffy. Tracks in her coat showed where the tears had travelled.

“Help me? How can you help me if I am not in trouble?” she sniffed, stepping back into the room. Lightning followed her in, shutting the door behind him. He could see exactly where she had been, because her tears had left marks on the bed spread. He took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to say to her.

However, she interrupted him.

“Look, I know what you going to say.” She said, wiping a tear from her muzzle. “You are going to say how this is not my fault and I should just shake it off, right? Well it IS my fault. All of it. So just save your breath.” She walked back and threw herself on the bed. Lightning walked up and sat down next to her.

“Actually, I was going to say this was your fault and you should shake it off.”

Cora looked up at him with confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, yeah it was stupid of you to risk a friend and partner like that. Yeah, it was stupid of you to ditch her right afterwards as well. But you shouldn't let that bother you. If they were as good friends as it sounds like they were, of course she is going to be protective! But give her time and I’m sure that she will come around. You and Rainbow became friends again, and she is the one that you hurt! Just give her time.” He looked her in the eyes. “I really like her and I want you to like her as well.”

Cora smiled and stood up. “I’m the one who is supposed to give the advice, not you.” She jumped off the bed. “But you are right. You know what? I am going down there and apologizing to both of them, together.” She walked towards the door, which glowed white and opened. She turned back to Lightning before she walked out.

“Thank you. This meant a lot to me.” then she shut the door. Lightning waited until he could no longer hear her hoof falls, then walked out of the room. Walking down the halls, he thought about how none of this would have happened had he not chosen to go down that side street that day. He never would have met Applejack had he not seen that zombie and made a left turn. He was so lost in his mind that he almost didn’t hear the announcement that was blaring from the P.A. system.

Lightning storm, please report to Dr. Sparkles office immediately.

When he heard the announcement, he panicked. Had some thing happened to Applejack? Did she attack Cora? He ran back the way he came, down the stairs and into the hospital ward. He burst into Twilight’s office, breathing heavily.

“What..what is it?” he asked as he tried to catch his breath.

Twilight stared at him for a moment, then she realized the problem. “Ohhh. Don’t worry nothing is wrong with AJ. I probably should have come to find you. I am sorry to have scared you?”

Lightning sighed, then sank into one of the chairs in front of her desk. “It’s alright.” he breathed. “What do you need?”

Twilight stood up and walked around her desk a couple times before she spoke. “I hate to ask you this so soon after your arrival, but there is no other way.” She looked him in the eyes. “I need you to go out again. We are running low on medical supplies and our next shipment is not for another couple weeks. I am sure that we cam make it, but I don’t want to take chances.”

“So what do you want me to do?” Lightning asked, averting her eyes.

“I need you to go to a hospital a couple cities over. If it hasn’t been scavenged from then it should have some supplies. All I need you to do is go there, and then come right back with the supplies.” He eyes looked hopeful. “Do you think you can do it?”

Lightning hesitated. He had just come back not a week ago. He had been looking forward to spending some time with AJ, as Twilight called her. One question crossed his mind.

“How long will this take?”

“It shouldn’t take more that three days.” Twilight said. “The hospital isn’t that far.”

Lightning thought about it. He really wanted to spend time with her, but she also had family. It would be selfish to keep her all to him self and away from her family. He didn’t speak for a couple minutes.

“I will do it.”

Twilight’s face lit up with joy. “You will? Thank you! When can you leave?”

Lightning sighed. “Immediately, I guess.”

“Great! I will alert Phoenix that you are going, I am sure that he will want to come along.”

“I just have one thing to do.” Lightning said. “Do you have a pen and a notepad?” She pushed a pen and piece of paper across the desk. He picked up the pencil in his mouth and wrote:

Dear Applejack

I am going on a short trip. It shouldn’t be more than five days. Just have fun with your family until I get back, then we can have some fun.

Sincerely, Lightning

He walked out of the office and down to Applejack’s room. When he reached the door Cora walked out, looking happy. She saw him and smiled.

“Well, it looks like you were right.” she said. “We really got along. Thank you.”

“No problem, it was all I could do.”

“What did Dr. Sparkle want?”

“She wants me, you want to go on another trip. A short one this time. You are invited if you want to come.”

Her smile grew larger. “I wouldn’t miss it.” then she walked down the hall and out of sight. Lightning turned back and opened the door. He peeked his head inside. Applejack was asleep in the bed, the covers moving with each breath she took. He walked inside and laid the note on the table next to her bed. Then he leaned down and brushed her lips with his own. He straightened up and walked out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind him.

He took the long trek up to the garage. When he arrived, Cora and Phoenix were already there, packing up the Buggy.

“Do we even know where we are going?” Lightning asked when they saw him.

“Dr. Sparkle gave me a map. We should be back within the week.” Phoenix responded.

“Great.” Lightning said. He climbed into the Buggy. Phoenix fitted in the last crate and climbed in after him. Cora ran over and pulled the lever on the wall. The floor rose up, and they started their journey


They had been driving for about a day when they saw it. The body was lying be the side of the road. It had a dark blue tunic and helmet on. When they rolled it over they saw that the tunic had a black patch with a crescent moon emblazoned on the chest. Lying on the ground next to him was a USP.45 TAC. Phoenix instantly picked it up and put it in his bag.

Cora stared at the body. “Who do you think he was?”

“I have no idea, but whoever he was he can’t have travelled far from a headquarters without water and food.” Lightning said, looking over the surroundings. “We should watch out for more.”

“What should we do with the body?” Cora asked. Phoenix walked over to the Buggy. He pulled out a red, plastic container and a book of matches. He poured some of the liquid onto the body then struck a match and let it fall.

The match landed on the crescent moon. Flames jumped from the match and spread across the tunic. Soon, the entire body was covered in flames. A horrible stench of burning flesh spreading over the Wasteland.

“This is the best thing we can do. We should get out of here before this attracts to much attention.” Phoenix said, turning back to the Buggy. Lightning and Cora climbed in with him. They took off, smoke rising from the corpse that was disappearing over the horizon.


That night they stopped in a burned out town. Phoenix unpacked the tent and set up the fire. Lightning walked through the charred remains of the buildings. He was lost in his own thoughts. Who was that pony before? What was he symbol on his chest? He was out of reality so much that when he stepped on a small glass frame, he almost didn’t notice it. Reaching down he pulled out a small picture with a golden frame around it. The glass was cracked and broken, making the picture hard to make out. He squinted at the picture. Then he saw what it was.

Twilight stood in the middle of a group of other ponies. Lightning could make out Applejack and Rainbow Dash, however, the other three he did not know. He started to search through the ashes and debris. After a few more minutes of searching he had found five more photos. They all had Twilight with one of the other five with her. Lightning realized what this place was. This was Twilight’s house and her home town.

On the way back he decided not to tell the others what this place was. They didn’t need to know where they were. He sat down next to the fire, feeling cold despite the heat from the flames. They sat in silence until Cora stood up.

“I am going to hit the hay, see you in the morning.” She walked into the tent, leaving Lightning and Phoenix alone.

“OK, what is going on?” Phoenix asked.

“What do you mean.” Lightning asked, badly lying.

“Stop with the lies. You found something out there. Something that freaked you out. now, what is it?”

Lightning sighed and pulled the picture out of his pack. He handed it over to Phoenix, who’s eyes widened.

“This is...”

“Twilight, yeah I know. This is her home. I found that back in one of those houses.” Lightning reached and took the picture back. “I am going to give this back to her. I think that she has probably missed it.”

Phoenix smiled. “When did you become so sentimental?”

“I think when I met Applejack. She has kinda rubbed off on me.”

“Well, I have to say, it sort of suits you.” he stood up and stretched. “I will take the watch.”

Lightning nodded and walked over to the tent. He stepped into his sleeping bag, and as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was gone.


The next morning, Phoenix woke him up and they were off. The maps said that they should reach the hospital by midday.

The hours slipped by as the landscape changed from brown to green and back again. The silence was finally broken by Phoenix.

“Look!” He pointed out the passenger window. Rising from the Wasteland was a building. It was at least fifteen stories tall, with all of its windows broken. Its, what seemed to be, white exterior was charred and broken, turning it a dull grey.

“Do you think that there is anything still there?” Cora asked, looking at the building. “I mean, it looks pretty bad.”

“I am sure there is still something there.” Lightning said. “There is always something left. You just have to look for it.”

Phoenix began to drive towards the hospital. The road was covered in large craters, as if things have exploded. Lightning had a sudden thought.

“Stop! Stop the Car!” Phoenix slammed on the brakes. The buggy screeched to a halt. Lightning jumped out and began to pick up rocks lying by the side of the road.

“What are you doing?” Cora asked, watching him pile rocks next to him.

“Just wait.” he said, and began to throw rocks at the road in front of them. It took a couple times, but eventually, something happened.

A rock hit the ground a few yards in front of their car. With a small metallic click, the ground below the rock blew up, showering them with bits of dirt and stone.

Lightning smiled. “I thought so. This area is rigged with mines. We have to find a way over it, or risk getting blown up.”

Cora nodded at him. “I believe I can help.” Her horn started to glow. A white aura surrounded both Lightning and Phoenix. Together, they rose into the air and floated towards the hospital doors. Within moments, they were on safe ground. The glow surrounding them faded and they fell to the concrete.

Phoenix shook his head and stood up. He turned back to Cora, who was still standing on the other side of the mine field. “What are you waiting for? Come on over!”

Cora closed her eyes and teleported over to the other side. She smiled.

Lightning looked at her. “Is there anything you can’t do?”

“No.” she smirked, then turned to the building

It looked even worse up close. Bullet holes and acid stains covered the front of the building. Whoever had owned this had put up with a lot, but finally lost it.

“Where do you think the supplies will be?” Phoenix asked, poking his head inside the doorway.

“If I were to guess,” Cora said, “I would say that it would be underground. In a storeroom probably.”

Lightning took a step into the lobby, instantly falling into shadow, flipping on hes belt flashlight. “Well, let’s get started.”

After about an hour of searching, they found the storeroom. Inside they found crates of medical supplies. Not knowing what to get, they took as much as they could carry. They walked back up to the lobby, and into a strange sight

All along the walls on the first floor, were small packages. Lightning realized that they were the same thing that Cora hap affixed to the core in Bunker 118. C-4 she had called it. That’s when Lightning saw the guns being lowered.

He pushed Cora and Phoenix to the ground just as bullets started to fly. He pulled them behind the desk in the lobby, then pulled out his own gun. Looking around the side of the desk, he saw that all the ponies, about twenty of them, all wore the same tunic as the body they had burned yesterday.

There was too many to fight. Lightning looked around in panic, and he noticed the door in the back of the hospital. It was their only escape. However, it was in full view of the other ponies guns.

Then, Lightning had an idea.

“Phoenix, can you carry Cora out of here?” he shouted above the noise of the guns.

“Of course, but what about you?” Phoenix asked, fear in his eyes, but with a hint of confidence.

“Don’t worry about me, just get her out of here. Get to the Buggy and go!”

Phoenix nodded, a solemn expression on his face. He stood up and opened his wings. He grabbed Cora around the chest, then lifter her into the air. Cora was now riding on the wing that she had repaired so many times. He hoped she knew what she had been doing. Lightning watched as they flew through a window a couple stories up, and were gone from sight.

It had worked perfectly except for one thing. The guards did not chase them as he had wanted. Instead, five or six went in pursuit, leaving the others to keep him pinned down. He pulled out his gun and began to shoot over the top of the desk. He heard a couple bodies hit the ground, but they continued to fire. He knew he had one chance.

He burst out from behind the desk at full gallop. He ran as fast as possible towards the back door. He had almost made it when he felt the bullet hit his shoulder. Looking down he saw the hole that the bullet had made, the blood staining his white coat. Then he was hit again, this time in the back of the thigh. His leg seized up, and he tumbled through the back doors of the hospital.

He lay on the ground, blood starting to form puddles next to his body. Now that the shooting had stopped he could hear the sound of the Buggy driving away. The sounds of Cora’s screams as Phoenix hit the accelerator, facing the direction they came from. The sound of rubber tires screeching against the ashplat.

Through the blood pounding in his ears, he heard a voice.

Demolition in one minute! Clear the area!

Lightning heard that and panicked. He tried to stand up, but his leg gave out. He cried in pain, falling to the ground again. He began to crawl desperately, attempting to get away from the from the building. He had to move or get crushed by falling cement.

A minute later, he heard the same sound that he heard when Cora blew up 118. A small, metallic beep. Turning, he watched as the hospital started to crumble, cement falling to a pile that used to be a building. He watched until the dust cloud obscured his view. The sound of the cement and glass and metal was almost deafening, but Lightning tried to block it out. He needed to get help from someone. But who? Who would help him out here?

He continued to crawl through the dust cloud, leaving a trail of blood as he went.

Chapter XXIX: And When You Can’t Crawl

He stared up at the sun, which was just a small yellow circle hidden behind the clouds. he looked behind him, at the trail that showed which way he had arrived. The blood flow had stopped a few hours ago, but the crease in the ground still showed his path.

It had been about three hours, and he had travelled about a quarter mile. Through the pain and through the heat. He continued for one reason. That was to get back to Applejack.

But he had to stop. he pulled himself over to the shade under a tree, then rolled over onto his back. He looked up at the tree. It was a small tree, about five feet tall. But that wasn’t what caught his eyes. Nestled in the branches were bright red apples. Just looking at them made Lightning start to drool. If he could just stand up...

He cried out in agony. His left hind leg crumpled and he fell to his side, landing on his wounded shoulder, awarding him another scream of pain. He looked down at his thigh, and saw that blood had started to flow again. It was the same story for his shoulder. He looked up at the tantalizing fruit.

“Fuck you.” then he started to crawl again.


A couple hours later, he was still crawling. The sun had dipped towards the horizon behind him, casting a long, dark shadow in front of him. He was dehydrated, starving, and tired. He looked around and saw a couple rocks the formed a natural roof. He crawled towards it. He pushed himself into a ball and put his pack in front of him to stop the wind. He knew he was not going to sleep well.

The next morning, he pried open his eyes. Luckily, he had not been attacked during the night. He tried to swallow, but when he did he was just met with pain. He had to find some water quick. He started off again, wounds no longer bleeding.

He had been crawling for most of the day. His wounds were filled with dirt and his vision was going fuzzy. He looked up at the sky and saw that the vultures were already circling. If he had his gun he would shoot them down, but he had lost it back at the hospital. He closed his eyes and continued forward.

An hour later, he collapsed. His vision was going dark and his throat on fire. There would be no hiding spot tonight. He passed out in the open, with the vultures still circling.

He opened his eyes and saw something that made him gasp. A giant lake had formed next to him. He crawled over to it and tried to drink. But wherever he went, the water retreated from him. he tried to crawl into the water, but it just moved away from his body.

He continued into the lake, thinking that he will get it eventually. finally, he reached the bottom of the lake, a bubble of air surrounding him. He screamed in rage and jumped at the water, causing his wounds to re-open. The water moved away from his touch.

The air bubble began to shake. Droplets of water fell to the ground next to him. Then it disappeared completely. A thousand tons of water fell on him, pressing the air out of his lungs and replacing it with some of itself. He struggled and gasped for breath, but all he could find was water. His eyes closed, and he floated upward....

He awoke with a gasp, clutching at his throat. He looked around, seeing no water. He sighed and began to crawl away. His vision was blurry again, and his lips were cracked and bleeding. He knew he was going to die, he just didn’t know where.

All he could think of was that he hadn’t said goodbye to Applejack. He had left her with only a note and a kiss. Now he was going to die.

“Well, this went great.” he rasped. Then he coughed. Even talking caused him pain. He looked down at his fore-legs, which were bleeding from the constant crawling. His shoulder was on fire. He looked at both sides and could see that it had entered, and then exited. Luckily it had missed his heart. His thigh was another matter.

He could feel the bullet sitting in the muscle. Every time he moved, his muscle pulled against it. He looked and saw that it had penetrated right above the shield cutie mark on his flank. The blood had flowed down the thigh, coating his leg in red. Flies were trying to get at the blood and wound. He constantly had to flick his tail to get them away.

For the first time in his life, he contemplated suicide. It would be better than this death, he reasoned. But then an image of Applejack surfaced in his mind. No. She would not want it to end that way. So Lightning continued, crawling through the Wastes.

He had been going for another half hour when he collapsed again. His face fell, not into dirt, but into grass. Grass? He opened his blurry eyes and saw that he was in the middle of a field of grass. But all the food in the world would do no good without water.

He rolled onto his back, feeling the grass pull at his fur. His vision was fogging over. He was going to pass out again, and he didn’t know if he was going to wake up afterwards.

Then, he heard the sound of soft hoof-falls coming towards him. With his last glimpse of light, he saw a pair of kind, but worried, aquamarine eyes. With his last conscious breath before he passed out, he asked one thing to the yellow pony above him. He put all his suffering, all his pain, and all his longing into the two simple words.

“Help me.”

Chapter XXX: You Find Somepony To Carry You

When Lightning next felt consciousness, he thought he was dead. With his eyes still closed against the thought of death, he used his other senses to get his bearings. He felt warm, comfortable, hydrated, and fed. He felt that he was lying in a bed, with blankets on top of him. He heard the soft sound of singing somewhere in the distance. He tasted something like the remnants of oats.

He finally decided to face what was beyond his eyelids.

He was looking up at a ceiling made of straw and wood. The sun was shinning through multiple covered windows. Raggedy make shift drapes covered over them. He tried to sit up so he could see more, but something stopped him. Looking down, he saw a small, white animal sitting on his chest. When he moved again it stuck his head up and looked at him. It was a small white rabbit. It looked at him for a moment with curiously intelligent eyes. The rabbit tapped its large white feet on Lightning’s chest. Lightning, grunting in pain, scared off the animal as it jumped off his chest and disappeared from his uneven sight.

Lightning sat up to see where it went. He saw that a door stood a few feet away. Through the open door he heard the sound of singing stop, only to be replaced by the sound of small squeaks. Those stopped after a moment, and Lightning heard the sound of hoofs coming closer. The door opened more and a Mare poked her head into the room. As if she was afraid to wake the already half awake Lightning.

She had a soft yellow coat and a pale pink mane stripped with black. Her eyes were the same color as the sea, a light blue, full of care and love. Lightning watched the Mare enter the room. He opened his mouth to ask where he was, only to be interrupted by the growing pain in his shoulder. Gritting his teeth, Lightning gripped his shoulder and roughly threw his head back into the fluffy pillow, letting out a painful grunt as he tried to remove the covers, as if to get out of the bed.

“Please don’t move so much!” The yellow mare demanded, in a very amateur tone.

“I-if... I mean.... If you’d rather get up... I think the wounds are already healing.”

“No... I think I just broke a stitch...” Lightning grunted again. “Dammit! Yeah, I just opened the wound...” Lightning slumped back into the bed, attempting to stop the small flow of blood, trickling down his shoulder.

“Le- let.... Oh... my.... s-so much blood.... Let me get another stitch and a bandage before it gets all over the floor!” The yellow mare did as she said she would, galloping into the room next to his.

Lightning looked towards the table the bed was lying against, on it laid an assortment of items; surgical scissors, medical taping, and a large bundle of fresh carrots. Looking over the other end of the table. Lightning noticed a collapsed bullet, the bullet was drenched in blood, could it have been the bullet from his shoulder? He didn't take the chances of breaking more of the stitches by flexing his front leg to check if he could still feel the bullet.

But wait, a BUNDLE of fresh carrots?! Where could anypony find such large quantities of FRESH food?! Lightning suggested to himself that the carrots were for him. Taking a carrot from the bundle; He shoved it in his muzzle with his good leg. He savoured the flavor in his dry mouth. Smashing the carrot with his tongue against the top of his gum. He closed his eyes, enhancing every other sense, the intense flavor of the carrot filled Lightning’s shrunken stomach almost instantly. Ignoring the intentions of his belly telling him to stop eating, he continued to eat from the bundle.

Out of nowhere, Lightning felt a spontaneous force hit his lower jaw. He felt no pain, but the momentum of the kick sent his head back onto the soft pillow. Regaining his thoughts, he looked to his side. The same animal that had been his chest when he had awoken was there again. Constantly stomping his soft paw on his chest cavity once more. This time, in a more vigorous motion. The enraged animal soon began to settle itself, hopping itself to the table and into the pile of carrots.

Not a second afterwards, the rabbit peeked his head out of the assortment of carrots. With a vigorous throwing arm, it began to chuck sharp pointed carrots at Lightnings face. Taking quick action, Lightning shielded himself from the veggie artillery with his good hoof.

“What the hell!?!” Lightning yelled in self defense. What seemed like a never ending barrage of sudden assault by carrots, the attack began to some how subside as the sound of galloping echoed once again through the small room.

“No Angel! Stop it! He may be a stranger, but he never did anything to you!” The yellow Mare took an assertive account as she extended her front hoof towards the white rabbit, whom seemed to be named ‘Angel’.

‘Angel’, as the yellow mare called the rabbit, looked into the Mare’s eyes with saddened eyes. Sniffing the dry air, Angel hopped off into the dark foreshadows of the makeshift drapes.

“I’m so, so, so sorry he assaulted you. He hates it when some other pony touches his food.”

“It wasn’t a problem, but... Uh.... I got to ask, where in Equestria, did you all of these FRESH carrots!?” Lightning abruptly blurted.

The mare’s face blew up with startled expression, as she took cover under the table.

“Are you OK? I didn't meant to startle you. I just wanted to know, considering ‘good’ soil out here in the wastes is nearly impossible.” Suggesting the start of a conversation, Lightning peeked under the table to see if the pony was still in her sudden explosion of shock.

“I’m sorry, it seems we’ve gotten off on the wrong hoof. My names Lightning, Lightning Storm.” Lightning lent the mare his hoof, in a gesture to pick her up from the flooring. Cautiously taking the gesture, the mare began to rise again softly back to her hooves.

“H-hi.... My names... um... fluttershy....” The yellow mare muffled.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” Lightning asked, inching closer to the mare.

“My name is.... fluttershy....” Once again, she mumbled, this time, closer to his ear.

“I kinda got knocked up in the head lately... So my hearing might be awkward at the moment, repeat that for me please?”

“My name is Fluttershy.” This time, the mare spoke fluently, and loudly. In Lightning’s eyes, she seemed to delicate for such a place like the Wastelands.

He decided to ask the question again, but this time in a smaller voice. “Where did you get all this food?”

Fluttershy smiled, pushing her pink and black mane away from her face. Now that Lightning could see her more clearly she seemed to be familiar. But he couldn’t place where he had seen her before, if he had.

“I have a small garden in the back.” she leaned over him and pulled down the covers from his shoulder. Lightning saw that she had a needle,surgical thread, and bandages in her pack. She gripped the needle in her mouth and began to add stitches to his wound. When she was finished she put a gauze over the wound and wrapped some medical tape around his shoulder. She leaned back and pulled the covers back more, exposing the hole in his thigh.

This wound looked worse. It was inflamed and bright red. Lightning was pretty sure it was infected. He gagged just looking at it, but Fluttershy seemed unfazed by it. She reached over to the table and brought over a small scalpel. She looked Lightning in the eyes.

“I’m..I’m sorry. T-this may hurt.” Lightning realized what she was going to do a second before she did it.

The scalpel entered the wound and Lightning cried in pain. As fast as she could, Fluttershy cut the wound open and reached for a bucket. She positioned the bucket under the wound just as blood started to flow. But it was not all blood.

Flowing out of the cut was also a thick, yellow-white pus. As it exited his body, Lightning could feel the pain in his leg recede slightly. Soon, about a pint of the pus had come out of his leg, and Fluttershy pressed a gauze against the cut, stemming the flow of blood. She taped the gauze up just the same as his shoulder.

“I’m really sorry I had to do that.” Fluttershy said, not meeting his eyes. “But if I don’t, then the infection will spread..and...” Her voice faded out, but her lips were still moving.

Lightning went to flex his leg. When he did Fluttershy let out a squeal and hid under the table again. Lightning just stared at her.

“I’m not going to hurt you. I would never hurt you. I just want to stand up is all”

Fluttershy said something, but it just came out as a muffled sound. Lightning took that as a ‘yes’. He, slowly, stuck his legs out of the bed putting his weight onto the un-wounded leg.

“I-it isn’t fully healed, but I think I can still move around again.” Lightning grunted a bit at the easing pain in his shoulder, flexing the leg slightly.

“Oh! That’s wonderful! But please, you need to rest before you go anywhere.” Fluttershy suggested, softly pushing Lightning back down to the bed.

“Uh... I guess you’re right. I’m shit tired....” Lightning agreed, giving away, falling back into the bed.

“Oh yes! Please, lie down. I am cooking some Vegetable stew, it will make you feel better...! That is, if you’d like.... some.” Fluttershy then trotted her way to the door she had kept coming and going from.

Lightning took this opportunity to look around the room some more. It was painted in bright pastel colors. Floral prints wrapped around the door frame, which had light streaming in from the outside. Sitting next to the door, with mud still on them, were two pairs of combat boots. On the table next to the door sat his saddlebags. One side was open and Lightning could see the picture that he found back in the ruins. It was close enough that he could make it out clearly. Something caught his eye.

Right between Applejack and another pony Lightning didn’t know, sat a Mare. She was the same color and had the same smile as Fluttershy!

“I have your soup. It’s kind of hot...if that’s OK.” Fluttershy walked back into the room. Despite the new black stripes in her hair, it was the same exact pony. Lightning just stared at her. She pressed her ears against her head and looked away towards the ground.

“I guess that’s not OK...”

Chapter XXXI: For The Greater Good

He didn’t know what to say. His eyes flashed back and forth between the pony in front of him and the one in the picture. Fluttershy was avoiding his eyes, still thinking he was angry at her. She started to back out of the room.

“Wait!” he called, which caused Fluttershy to jump and freeze in place. He pointed at the the picture. “That’s you isn’t it?”

Her eyes followed his hoof and landed on the photo. When she saw herself in the picture she turned back to Lightning and nodded.

“I was going to ask...um...where you got that. But then I remembered that Ponyville isn’t to far away.” she walked over and pulled out the picture. She brought it over and showed it to Lightning.

“What did you do to your mane?” he asked when he saw that it had once been all pink. Her eyes fell and she backed up slightly.

“You don’t like it?” she asked, running her hoof through her hair.

“No, I do.” he backpedaled. “It’s just...different” He knew that talking normally with this Pegasus was going to be difficult.

“Oh,” she smiled. “I thought that you hated it. I had always wanted to do something with my mane, but...” her voice trailed off. “I don’t think you know this, but I am really shy. So I never did anything with my mane because I was afraid that my friends wouldn’t like it. But now...” she gestured out the window, at the Wastes that lay beyond. “No pony is around to not like it.” She said the last sentence in such a depressed voice, that Lightning couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.

She looked out the window for a few moments, until she shook her head and looked back at the picture. She started to point out the ponies in the photo.

“That’s Rarity, she was a big dressmaker before. That’s Pinkie Pie, she always threw parties for us. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Ap--”

“Applejack.” Lightning interrupted her. Fluttershy looked shocked.

“You know Applejack!?” she asked, her soft voice gone.

“Yeah. Actually, I know Twilight and Rainbow too. They all live in a bunker a day or so from here.”

Fluttershy’s eyes lit up. “Oh, that’s just fantastic! We can go see them!” she reached out and crushed Lightning in a giant hug. She stopped when she realized what she was going. “Sorry.” she said, but she was still giggling. “After you get better, we can go there. If that’s OK with you..?”

Lightning smiled. “Well I live there, so I would like to go back.”

Fluttershy’s face was pure joy. “Great! I can’t...” She was interrupted by the appearance of Angel, who was frantically squeaking and stomping his foot.

Fluttershy looked up at Lightning, all the happiness gone. “We...um...have a problem.” She walked over to the window that Angel had been hiding on and pulled the curtain back. Lightning gasped.

The view beyond the drapes was spectacular. Fresh, green grass grew from the ground, dozens of apple trees were in bloom. After a short drop, Lightning could see the rest of the Waste, spreading out around them. Her house was on top of a mountain, which was surrounded by a white picket fence. It was beautiful, except for the zombie trying to tear down the fence.

Lightning automatically went for his weapon, but remembered that he had lost it. he looked at Fluttershy. “What are we going to do?”

She hung her head, and started to walk out of the room. “Something that I hate to do.” then she disappeared. Lightning could hear some movement in the next room. When she reappeared, Lightning couldn’t believe his eyes. Slung on her back, its perfect leather strap formed to the shape of her shoulders and chest, was a Bravo 51 sniper rifle! He ran his eyes up and down it’s length, taking it all in. Under the barrel was a six inch bipod, it had indents on the stomps, gripping the surface it was lying on. Insuring that it wouldn’t slide of the table from the recoil. From what it looked like, the harness that went around the trigger was specially modified. With one backwards twitch of her hoof, it would fire, with a quick movement, she could spontaneously pull back the bolt in an instant and return fire. This was something for professionals.

Fluttershy walked over and cleared the table of the surgical tools and carrots. She pushed it under the window, then opened the widow itself. A blast of warm air hit Lightning. It was scented with apple blooms and flowers. He had never smelled anything like it before.

He watched as Fluttershy pulled the rifle of her back and positioned the bipod on the table. She took aim into the scope and waited. Lightning watched as the zombie did more damage to the fence. Finally, it had grown bored and stopped struggling. It paused for a second, as if thinking of what to do next. Fluttershy took the opportunity.

She twitched her hoof, and the barrel exploded in fire and sound. Lightning watched as the zombie fell to the ground, it’s head almost disappearing, nothing but a stump. It had seemed that it’s death had been almost simultaneous with the guns discharge.

Fluttershy moved away from the gun, her eyes downcast. Lightning didn’t know what to say. He had never seen anyone so depressed after killing a zombie. He watched as she left the table and stepped outside. When she came back in, she was holding, in her mouth, a perfect rose. It’s red more vivid than anything that Lightning had seen before.

She walked over the the fireplace. Lightning could see a small bowl, made of clay, sitting in the center. It had some wood chips in the bottom. She dropped the rose into the bowl, then reached up and pulled down a striker from the mantle. She touched the striker to the wood chips and clicked it. The wood ignited, and Fluttershy stared into the flames, a tear falling from her muzzle. Lightning watched as they slowly burned away, burning the rose along with them. Neither of them spoke until only ashes and smoke was left.

Fluttershy stood up and walked away from the fireplace. She turned to Lightning.

“Do you know why I did that?” she asked, her voice quiet. Lightning shook his head.

“I did it because it didn’t deserve to die. Everything has a right to live. And when you take that right away, you have to give something back. I would have preferred to let it live, but I had no choice...” she looked like she wanted to say something else, but she stopped. She looked at Angel, who was watching her from the table. He was sitting on the scope of the rifle.

“Thank you for warning me, Angel.” Fluttershy said, handing him a carrot. The rabbit took it and jumped Up on the table next to the window. Fluttershy sighed. “I am going to have to fix that fence tomorrow.” She stared out the window. “OH!” she gasped, then ran into the other room. She came back with a bowl filled with steaming liquid. Lightning could see bits of carrots, potatoes, and tomatoes floating in the broth. “I’m sorry, I forgot you soup. You are probably really hungry.”

Lightning hadn’t noticed it, but his stomach was yelling at him. He took the bowl from her grasp. He tilted it up and downed a few gulps before he even chewed anything.

“Oh..my...you must have been hungry. I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” he said when he could talk again. “I haven't eaten in a few days. This is amazing by the way. Did you grow all this?”

Fluttershy smiled. “I did. Everything in there I grew out back.” she said with pride. Lightning had finally found a subject that she wasn’t shy about. He downed the rest of the soup. Fluttershy took the bowl back and went to get more. Lightning looked over at Angel, who was still sitting on the rifle. When Fluttershy came back he pulled out a carrot and tossed it to Angel.

“Truce?” he asked. Angel walked up to the carrot, sniffed it, then grabbed it and ran outside. Lightning smiled. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Fluttershy smiled, then looked out the window at the sinking sun. “It’s getting late, and you need to rest.” Lightning nodded. As with his hunger, he had not realized how tired he was until she mentioned it. He took a look at the sunset, which was staining the clouds bright pinks and yellows, then rolled over. He was asleep before Fluttershy left the room.

Zombies. Bullets. Death Hunters. They filled his dreams that night. A bullet hit his head and he awoke with a gasp.

The room was still. Moonlight poured through the windows, staining the room a soft blue. He reached up and felt his head. He let out a sigh when he felt no wound, letting his head fall back onto the pillow.

Flexing his leg, he checked to see if the stitches would hold, which they did. He just put his leg out when he heard someone else breathing. His head snapped up and he found the source of the sound.

A second bed had been moved into the room. Fluttershy was asleep in the bed, moonlight playing off her face. Her bright eyes were closed, although they fluttered with each breath she took. Her mane was spread across the pillow behind her, making it look like she had a pink and black halo. One stripe of the black fell across her face, hiding one of her eyes. She was curled into a ball, her front hooves above the covers. Lightning saw that between her hooves, Angel slept. He breathed with the same pace that she did. A long, deep intake, held for a moment, then released in a quick breath.

One of her back legs poked out of the covers. Lightning watch as she twitched, then settled. He wondered what she was dreaming about.

He stepped out of bed, keeping his weight on his uninjured legs. It was extremely awkward, with one step using both the wounded legs. But he finally made it to the door. Opening it as quietly as he could, he walked out into the night.

He stopped with his hoof still on the door. Fluttershy had said that it was a ‘small’ garden. He gasped at the dozens of apple trees, the yards of carrot and potato gardens. Fresh grass poked up around his hoofs. He walked through the garden, his eyes trying to take in all the beauty around him.

He stopped under a couple of apple trees. They formed a natural clearing with a hole in the foliage. He sat in the light cast by the moon. He wondered if this would be a better life than living in the Bunker. Then he remembered. Fluttershy knew Applejack! Maybe they could move in when she got better. That thought cheered him up as he stared up at the moon.

He remembered the tales he had learned over the years of living in the Wastes. Tales of two mighty Alicorns, sisters, who ruled over the sun and moon, and kept all ponies safe from chaos. How one betrayed the other and was banished from the world, only to return a thousand years later, looking for revenge. How six friends used the Elements of Harmony to stop her. He wondered who those six friends were, and if they survived the bombs and the zombies that ravaged the world.

He stayed out under the trees until the crack of dawn. He watched the sun rise over the hills in the distance, and it’s light hit the garden. It was even more beautiful in the light. Apples as red as possible, flowers so bright they glowed. He looked in the window, making sure Fluttershy was still asleep, then he pulled up one of the flowers. It was a light purple lilac, not unlike the color in Fluttershy’s mane.

He sniffed the flower, bringing the pleasant aroma to his nose. Then he pulled the flowers off, one by one, with his mouth. He savored the flavor and it hit his pallet. He had not tasted anything this good in a long time. He finished the flower, then took one last look at the sunrise.

He walked back into the house and settled into the bed. He looked around the room, imagining himself living here with Applejack. He stayed on that thought until he felt something touch his hoof. Looking down he saw Angel standing on the bed. He pulled a carrot from behind his back and held it out to him. Lightning kindly took it from him, and Angel curled up on his chest. Lightning stroked his fur, waiting for Fluttershy to wake up.

It took a while, but eventually, she woke up. Her eyes fluttered open, at least the one Lightning could see. She stretched her legs and pulled the one that was hanging out back under the covers. Moving the black stripe out of her eye, she stepped out of bed without making a noise. She walked over the the door and stepped into the combat boots that lay on the rug next to the door. She opened the door and walked outside.

Lightning could hear her singing as she walked through the garden. Gently picking up Angel and setting him on the bed, Lightning got up and walked over to the window. She was moving from plant to plant, picking what was ready and checking the rest. She flew up to the apple trees and pulled the finest, and most red apples off. When she was finished, she took all the produce and walked it back in the house. When she saw him standing in the window, she smiled.

“How are you doing? Do you need anything?” she asked, dropping the food in a basket next to the door.

“I would say that I am good. How long was I out after you found me?” he was worried about the answer.

“It was...um...three days.” she said, sorting the fruit from the vegetables.

“Three days!” Lightning blurted, causing her to jump and drop a few apples. “I’m sorry.” he said, bending down to pick them up. “it’s just, I have some friends that I am supposed to meet, but they probably think that I am dead now.” He thought about Applejack, who probably thought he was dead.

Fluttershy took him by the shoulders, saying ‘Sorry’ as she did. She gently pushed him onto the bed, ‘Sorry’, and removed the bandage from his shoulder. The stitches had done their job, and the wound had started to seal itself. However, when she pulled off the bandage on his leg, it was obvious that stitches were not going to fix it.

It looked how it did yesterday afternoon. Red, inflamed, and slightly throbbing. Fluttershy repeated the same process as she did yesterday, by draining the wound. Only this time she drenched it in alcohol when she was finished, earning Lightning a cry of pain and a, ‘I’m so sorry’.

“Alcohol is going to help, but it is not going to fix it. We need to get you to that Bunker.” her eyes were wide and scared. How long had it been since she went outside this house?

“Should we leave now?” Lightning asked.

“That would probably be best. It would take less time and we could get farther before we have to stop. If you don’t mind of course.” she said, shrinking back slightly.

“Not at all. Your right, I need to get home. And as soon as possible.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I will be ready in a few minutes, just wait here....if that’s OK..”

“It’s fine take all the time you need.” Lightning gestured with his hoof, shooing her off in the direction of the other doorway, Fluttershy smiled then walked out of the room. Lightning got up and walked over to his bags. He packed up the photo and the rest of his possessions. Then he walked over to the basket that sat by the door and began to pile apples and berries into his bags. Bunker 18 was only three days away, but they would need all the food they could get, and had. When he was finished, he sat back down on the bed and waited for Fluttershy. When he heard her boots coming down the hall he stood up and waited next to the door.

She emerged in the doorway, looking very skittish. Her saddlebags rested on her back and the buckle was the same shape as her Cutie Mark. Lightning could see a few clips for the sniper rifle sticking out of the top of the bag. Resting on her head was a pair of sunglasses. The lenses were tinted pink with yellow rims. Hanging off the side of her bags were a pair of canteens, each about eight inches in diameter. Compared to her, Lightning was carrying the bare minimum.

She walked into the room and waved at Angel, who hopped down from the rifle. He jumped up onto her back, then settled on her head. She grabbed her rifle and slung it over her shoulders. The barrel was just a few inches off the floor. Lightning could see how it conformed to where her collar bones and shoulders extended.

She looked back at Lightning, pushing down her sunglasses. “Are you ready?”

Lightning nodded, then opened the door and held it open for her. He shut it behind them and they began their journey west.


Half a day later, they reached the place where the hospital used to stand. Lightning walked around it until he found the crease in the ground and the trail of blood that he left. Fluttershy walked over to him, looking at the blood, but she didn’t say anything. After a few moments Lightning walked away, turning back to their path.


That night, they settled in the ruins of the town, ‘Ponyville’ Fluttershy had called it.

Lightning looked around at the destroyed town, taking in how open it was, how beautiful it must have been. They had not really talked since they left her house, and Lightning had something to ask.

“How did this happen?” he asked, breaking the silence and causing Fluttershy to jump slightly.

“What do you mean?” she responded, stroking Angel, who was asleep in her arms.

“I mean this.” he gestured around at the village. “How could anything like this happen?”

“You know how.” she answered. “The bombs fell, then the Plague started. Don’t you know this?” she looked at his questioningly.

“No. Like, I know how it happened. I want to know, if they were so powerful, why didn’t the Alicorns who were in control stop it from happening?”

Fluttershy looked confused. “You mean Princess Celestia and Luna? They did try to, don’t you remember?”

Lightning shook his head. “I can’t remember anything before ten years ago. I woke up with my memory gone. So, no, I have no clue what you are talking about.”

Fluttershy looked taken aback. “Oh...well...they tried to stop the bombs, but their magic couldn’t stop them. Eventually, one hit right on top of Canterlot, and...”

Lightning interrupted. “Where?” Fluttershy pointed up at the mountain in the distance. Silhouetted against the moon, was a castle. It clung to the side of the cliff, it’s many spires and towers broken and destroyed.

“The bomb hit the castle, and the princesses disappeared.” Fluttershy finished, looking depressed. Lightning didn’t know what to say. He had heard stories about the Alicorns being immortal, living for thousands of years. How could a single bomb kill them after time could not?

Looking at Fluttershy’s sad expression, he decided to change the subject.

“Where did you all live?” he asked, instantly regretting the question. Fluttershy’s expression grew even more depressed.

“Everything was destroyed when the bomb hit. I wouldn’t even be able to tell you where I lived.” She sighed, and Angel reached down to rub her shoulder. “I think that I am going to go to sleep.” She rolled over on her bed roll, and inside of five minutes she was asleep.

Lightning however wasn’t tired. He watched the fire burn down slowly. The had a thought. He grabbed her rifle and positioned it on a rock. He aimed it at the castle and looked through the scope.

It looked even worse up close. Towers had completely fallen in, burying whole buildings. Paint had long since faded, leaving it a ghostly grey. He moved the scope until he was looking at the Great Hall. He slowly moved the scope down the side. But all he was was broken windows.

Window, window, window, white wing, window. Wait, what? Lightning pulled the scope back. But all he saw was just another broken window. He pushed the gun away from him, scooting closer to the fire.

He was sure it was nothing, just the moon reflecting on some glass. There was no way that was a wing...


The next morning they set out. They would reach the Bunker today, and Lightning was getting prepared to be slapped and hit by his friends. He didn’t tell Fluttershy about what he saw. There was no need to worry her over nothing.

They stuck to the road, and by about ten, they reached the spot where they had burned the body. All that was left was a charred mark in the ground and a couple blackened shards of bone.

Lightning knew he was close, and he picked up the pace. However, the wound in his leg was killing him, and they had no way of draining it. But he pushed on, despite the pain.

By about three, they reached the Bunker. Lightning couldn’t contain himself as he galloped up the slope. Luckily, the guard was not on duty. He wasn’t sure Fluttershy could handle that. He reached the top of the mountain and walked up the the steel door.

He pushed the small button next to the door, and a voice came through a speaker.

State your name and I.D. number for clearance.

“Storm, Lightning. Number 1856.” There was a pause.

You are cleared.

The door opened and he walked inside.

Only to be hit in the face by a white hoof.

Chapter XXXII: Affirmations

His head snapped back and he stumbled backwards, finally falling to the hard-packed ground. Fluttershy gasped and ran back a few feet, staring at whoever had hit Lightning. Lightning opened his eyes and stared at his attacker.

Cora was on her hind legs, shaking out her hoof. Apparently the one that she had hit him with. She looked at her hoof, then at Fluttershy, then at him. She stared at him with such contempt that he was afraid she might shoot him with the MP5 around her shoulder.

“You bitch!” she yelled, walking closer to him, making Fluttershy back away farther, whimpering slightly. “You piece of shit! How could you do that to us?!”

Lightning was confounded. “I...I..” he stammered.

“Shut. The. Fuck. UP!” Cora shouted. “Do you know whats been going on here the past week?! We had a memorial service! YOUR memorial service!” Her voice was rising, yelling right into Lightning’s face.

“Applejack was devastated! She hasn’t left her room except to eat, and she isn’t even doing that!” She turned and walked back towards the Bunker, then turned around again.

“Then you just WALTZ up here, like it’s no big deal, with...” she stopped, her hoof pointed at Fluttershy. “Who the hell is this?”

Fluttershy had backed down the mountain so much that only her mane was visible from where they were standing. When she saw Cora pointing at her she said something, probably her name, but they couldn’t hear it.

Cora shook her head. “Whatever.” she pulled her left hoof up to her mouth. Lightning saw a small device on a wire wrapped around her wrist. “Com link Phoenix.” another pause, “Phoenix, get up to the surface, now. I have something to show you.” After a pause, Phoenix’s voice came through the device.

“OK, but it better be good. I am really busy.”

Cora smiled savagely. “Oh, don’t worry. It is.” then she lowered her hoof. Lightning stared at the device.

“What is that?” he asked.

Cora turned back to him, her fury returning. “Just something they invented, while you were DEAD!” she walked back up to him, they were almost muzzle to muzzle. Lightning could see the strange silver specs in her irises.

“You could have given us a sign! You could have just come back! But NOOOOOO! You had to go on and adventure!” she stopped yelling long enough to look Fluttershy up and down. “And I suppose you cheated on Applejack while you were gone. That would make everything SO much better.” She put her hooves on her temples and closed her eyes. She stood like that for a few moments. Then she opened them and looked at Lightning with disgust. “I can’t deal with this right now.” she started to walk away, back into the Bunker. Lightning rushed over to her. He grabbed her shoulder and spun her around, pushing his face up to hers.

“You know, you know, I would never, ever, do that to Applejack. Ever.” he pushed her away from him, pointing at Fluttershy. “Fluttershy is here because she saved MY LIFE, and because she is Applejack’s friend. I brought her here to make Applejack happy, if that’s OK with you.”

Phoenix walked through the door. “Who’s yelling?” he asked. His eyes wondered from Cora, to Fluttershy, and finally landing on Lightning. He shook his head slightly, the looked back. His expression grew changed from one of curiosity to one of confusion.

“What the hell?” he said, walking up to Lightning. He walked around Lightning, then touched his shoulder, then looked at Cora. “Is this a dream?” he asked stupidly.

She smiled mischievously. “Nope, this is real. He has come back to us, the big hero.” she said sarcastically.

“Where the hell have you been?!” Phoenix yelled. “We thought you were dead!”

Lightning wasn’t going to do this again. “Do you want to know where I was? I will tell you.” He looked them straight in the eyes. “I was DYING, OK? The only reason I am here, is because SHE found me!” He walked over and took Fluttershy’s hoof, bringing her towards the group.

‘If it wasn’t for Fluttershy, I would be dead, and we wouldn’t be having this lovely conversation.” He walked passed the others, Fluttershy in tow, who was blushing furiously. He reached the door of the Bunker. “And if you don’t mind, I have a bullet hole that needs to be looked at.” With that, he walked into the Bunker, leaving Cora and Phoenix to just stare at him.


Fluttershy, her eyes wide, stared around at the interior of the Bunker. She squeaked slightly every time she hit an oncoming pony, but she kept on forward. In a few minutes they reached the hospital. Lightning pushed through the doors to be greeted with the familiar smell of antiseptic and plastic. He walked down the halls, knowing exactly where to go. He reached a door marked with DR. Sparkle, D.V.M. He knocked on the door, and was met with her familiar face.

Twilight stared at him for a second, not realizing who it was. Then her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She stuttered a couple times, but finally got a couple words out.


Lightning shook his head, he really hoped this wasn’t going to keep happening. “Yes I am alive. And the reason for that is standing behind me.”

Twilight looked confused. Lightning stepped aside to allow Fluttershy to walk into the room. She looked at Twilight, who just stared back. Fluttershy remembered that she was still wearing her sunglasses, and took them off, putting them in her bag. Twilight looked into the eyes that she knew so well, unable to speak. Finally, Fluttershy broke the silence

“Hi Twilight...” she said, scraping her hoof along the laminate floor. Twilight seamed to unfreeze when she spoke.

“FLUTTERSHY!” she yelled, rushing over and crushing Fluttershy in a bear hug. “Oh dear Celestia! You’re here! You’re actually here! Where did you find her?” she asked over Fluttershy’s shoulder.

“Well, she found me actually. She patched me up after the accident out there.”

Twilight released Fluttershy, giving Lightning a dirty look. “Yeah, about that. Why did you let us think that you were dead?” she asked with malice.

Lightning rolled his eyes. “I am not going through this again. I just need your help.”

“And why would I help you now” she asked. “I should just--”

She was interrupted by Lightning removing the patch on his leg. The wound looked even worse then it had before. The infection had spread, and the wound itself was seeping blood, pus and plasma. The veins around the wound stood out through his white fur, showing that he had blood poisoning. His cutie mark, normally a bright blue, had started looking dark green. He looked Twilight in the eyes.

“That is why you should help me.” he said, putting the patch back into place. Twilight swallowed, then sighed.

“I guess I have to help you now... of course. Follow me.” Twilight let out a depressing sigh, trotting her way slowly out of her office and down the main hallway where the operation rooms were held.

“So, Fluttershy. Where did you disappear to after what happened to Ponyville?” Twilight turned her head to face the pony falling behind the two. Completely averting any eye contact with Lightning.

“I um... well... The explosions happened so quickly and fast, I can’t really remember... But what I do remember is right after everything, I found Angel. He lead me to the outskirts of Ponyville, near the Everfree Forest. And well, we just started our lives over again I guess.”

“Well you have no idea how relieved I am. We almost have the group back together.” They had stopped outside a room. It was labeled ‘Operating Room’. Twilight opened the door, pointing Lightning in.

“You’re going to have to wait in the lobby, Fluttershy. Doctors only.”

“That’s OK. I think I will go find some food for me and Angel.” Lightning had wondered where the rabbit had gone. But when his name was called, he poked his head out of her saddlebag, a carrot in his mouth. Fluttershy smiled when she saw this. “Well..um...food for me then.” She hugged Twilight and waved at Lightning, then disappeared down the hall.

Twilight sighed, still standing in the door way. “Well, let’s get this over with.”


Two hours, a local anesthetic, lots of blood, and seven stitches later, the wound was sealed. He was given antibiotics and sent on his way. He walked down the hallways, not knowing who to see first.

Letting Applejack know he was alive was a priority, but he didn’t want to see her just yet. He didn’t want to face her anger. He decided to go see Rainbow Dash first.

He slowly walked down the stairs, getting of at the landing labeled ‘Pegasus Flight Training’.

The indoor flying track was amazing. It had been made for Pegasi that had gotten claustrophobic during the time that terrestrial travel was impossible. It was a mile long by three miles wide by half a mile tall. Completely furnished with plants, trees, ponds, and even a movable sun. It was normally full of Pegasi. However, only one was flying around the ceiling.

The cyan Pegasus flew around the fake sun, then dipped towards the ground. She flew past the trees and shrubs, pulling leaves along in her slipstream. A rainbow trail seemed to follow her, creating the illusion that she was stretching. She flew over the pond, dipping her hooves in, spraying water out behind her. She flew back up towards the sun, circled twice, then looked down at the ground. She saw Lightning standing there and her eyes widened. But that didn’t stop her from finishing her routine before she landed in front of him, her metal wing clinking slightly as it settled.

She took a deep breath, sweat coating her fur. “So it’s true. You are alive.”

“Yes I am. Can I assume that you hate me too?” he asked, knowing what was coming.

She shook her head. “I don’t hate you. I am pretty mad, but I don’t hate you.” she reached up to wipe sweat from her forehead. Lightning noticed that she had one of the devices on her wrist as well.

“What is that?” Lightning asked, pointing at the jumble of metal and wire. Rainbow looked where he was pointing.

“Oh, that. It’s a W.I.C. system.” she pronounced it as one word, wic. “Wireless Intercom Communicator. It lets us talk to each other, weather we are down here or up near the surface.” Rainbow Dash explained, flashing it in Lightning’s face, as if it were the new fashion of today. “Cora rang me after you got back, told me to expect someone, with a friend of mine.” she gave Lightning an odd look. “Who would that be?”

“Fluttershy.” Lightning responded. The reaction was instantaneous. Rainbow’s eyes widened and she took a step back.

“No way?! She is here? Where?!” she looked almost panicked. Lightning could tell that they had been really good friends.

“She’s in the mess hall. She was--” he was interrupted by Rainbow taking off and flying through the door he had just come through. Lightning sighed. That did not take as long as he thought it would, and he still didn’t want to face Applejack. He decided to go up to Administration and get one of the W.I.C. things.

The stairs seemed more crowded then they normally did. Or maybe it was because he had spent the last week out in the open. The Administration office was back near the surface, and Lightning was taking his time to get there. When he told them who he was, they were very surprised to see him, but they took it in stride. After updating his status to “Alive” they gave him a W.I.C.

The device was about the size of a Bit. A small speaker was visible through the metal. The wires created a natural bracelet that was held up by his hoof. He was instructed on how to use it. He decided to page Twilight to thank her for healing him. She didn’t sound to enthusiastic, but at least it didn’t sound like she hated him anymore.

When he could think of anything else to do, he decided it was time to Stallion up, and see Applejack. He walked down the halls in a stupor, thinking about what she would say to him. She was probably going to hit him, he was sure about that. But what else? Dump him? They weren’t technically together. All she could do was avoid him, and yell, of course. He sighed and continued walking.

He reached her door in what seemed like no time. A small “Do Not Disturb” sign was hanging from the door knob. Lightning looked at it, for a second thinking about taking its advice. But then he shook his head. He needed to do this now.

He grabbed a bouquet of fake flowers from a shelf in the hall. Real ones would be better, but he didn’t have time.

He brought his hoof up and knocked on the door. A small muffled voice answered.

“Please go away...”

He was not going to let that stop him. He turned the knob and opened the door.

Chapter XXXIII: Love Through Pain

He peeked his head around the side of the door. He had never been into Applejack’s room before. It was furnished in a way that complimented her southern roots. Soft green and white striped wallpaper covered the normally neutral grey walls. Pictures of what must be her family were hung here and there. A hoof-crafted wooden bed sat against one wall. The bedspread matched her coat color, and had a giant red apple in the center of it, with an apple on each of the pillows.

Applejack lay in the center of the apple, her front legs pulled close to her chest. The fan above her was on, blowing her mane slightly. She looked thinner than he remembered. Then, Lightning remembered. Cora had mentioned that she wasn’t eating. She was staring at the ceiling. Without looking away, she spoke.

“Ah told you to go away.”

“I couldn’t do that, even if I tried.” he answered, talking around the flowers. He slowly moved toward the bed, but stopped himself. He didn’t know how she would react.

Applejack stayed put, but he could see that she was trying to place his voice. He knew what conclusion she had come to, and a small shiver ran down her spine, but she didn’t look. “No, this isn’t real.”

“AJ, please look at me.” he begged her, moving closer to the bed. She turned her head in his direction. She looked at him for a second, then jumped off of bed.

She walked towards him, her eyes wide. When she was three steps away, she suddenly rushed him. She pulled the flowers out of his mouth and wrapped her legs around his neck, giving him only a split second of eye contact. Before Lightning could react, she pressed her lips against his. Lightning was caught off guard and stumbled back a few steps, Applejack following him.

This was not the reaction Lightning was expecting. But he gave into it. He closing his eyes and wrapped his fore-legs around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Her lips were soft against his. He tilted his head, kissing her deeper, and she responded in the same way. He twisted her mane gently in his hooves, loving how soft it felt against his own fur. He could feel her breathing, her chest rising and falling against his own, breath hot on the back of his throat. He tongue danced on the edge of his lips. The kiss lasted only a couple seconds, but it felt like a lifetime to Lightning. Finally, Applejack broke it off. Still holding each other, Lightning dug his muzzle into Applejack’s mane, taking deep breaths, the sweet aroma of apples filled his lungs. Applejack gently stroked his mane, nuzzling his neck. Letting the sweet moment fade, Applejack gently pushed him away.

Then slapped him full in the face.

Lightning stumbled back, his hoof flying to his cheek, which still stung slightly from when Cora had hit him. He looked at at her, confused. The love was still present, on her face and in her eyes. But something else had joined it, and Lightning knew what it was; Pain.

Applejack watched him walk back up to her, take her by the shoulders. “Why did you leave me?” she asked, her voice thick. Small tears fell from her eyes. “Why did you have to die?”

“I didn’t die, I’m right here.” he said soothingly, pulling her into a hug. She stayed limp, not wanting to respond to his touch. Lightning gave up and let her go.

“But you did die.” she said, more tears falling. “You died and left me alone. You left me here, with only a note telling me where you went.” She pointed at her dresser. Lightning looked and saw his note, the one he wrote before he left, sitting there. Next to it was her Stetson western hat. Letting go of Applejack, he walked over to it. It looked like it had been crumpled up, then hastily flattened out again. He saw spots where his writing had been smugged. Lightning feared that it was because of tears.

He turned back to Applejack, who had sat down on the edge of the bed. She was looking at him, like he should understand her pain. But he didn’t. Walking over he sat down next to her. He started to put his arm around her, but stopped.

“I didn’t mean to have any of this happen.” he said, looking at the floor. “I just wanted to help out Twilight.”

“Did you think about what Ah wanted?” she asked, making him look into her eyes. “Did you think, that maybe, Ah would want to spend some time with the Stallion that saved me? You could have just stayed.” Her vice was rising slightly. “Twilight even said that you didn’t have to go.” she dropped her gaze back onto the floor. Lightning, opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say.

“I thought that you would have wanted to spend time with your family.” he responded, standing up and walking around her room.

Applejack snorted. “What family? All Ah have is my brother, a delusional grandma, and a couple of distant cousins. Ah used to have so many relatives, but they all died or chose to take off. Now all Ah really have now is....” Applejack took a brief moment to gather her words.

“Is you.” she looked up at him, tears fogging her eyes. Lightning stared at her. What was she saying?

“Do you mean....?”

“Ah mean, Ah love you, you big idiot.” She jumped off the bed and galloped back over to him. Lightning caught her and pulled her close. He felt her break down into sobs.

“I love you too, more that you know.” he kissed her neck, which was all he could reach. “More than you know.”

Applejack sniffed, Lightning’s shoulder wet from her tears. “Just...just don’t leave me again. Pinkie promise me that.”

“I wont, never again.” he pledged, wondering what a Pinkie Promise was.

He didn’t want to let her go. He pulled her in close, enough that he could feel her heart pumping through her chest. They stood like that for what seemed like forever, until applejack was finished crying, and Lightning’s legs had gone numb. He gently peeled her off his shoulder and looked at her tear stained face. He wiped away a tear that was hanging on her eyelash. He kissed her on the lips, then took her hoof in his own. With his other hoof he picked up one of the flowers off the ground and placed it behind her ear. A bright red rose that stood out perfectly against her hair.

“I will never leave you.” he repeated, stroking her blonde mane. “Before this, I was falling to pieces. Then you found me, and you put me back together. You are the only one who I love.”

Applejack gave Lightning a bear hug and rubbed muzzles, then walked towards the door, pulling Lightning along. “Come on, we should go see the other ponies, show them that Ah am OK, and that they don’t have to hate you.”

Lightning smiled.”OK, but first, I have a special surprise for you.” He brought the W.I.C up to his mouth and turned around. As quietly as possible, he called up Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, could you come down to room 234, please.” Lightning turned to face Applejack, her expression slowly turning into an explosion of happiness.

“Applejack would like to see you.”

End of Act I