• Published 29th Dec 2011
  • 1,297 Views, 58 Comments

As I'm Falling to Pieces - Pinkamena Diane Pie

Lightning must survive through the Wastelands, looking for a cure for his infected beloved.

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Chapter LIII: Sighting

Chapter LIII: Sighting

Together they walked towards the base. As they walked, they could see more and more pegasi flying through the air. And more refugees standing at the front gates. Slowly, they were being filed in through the gates, two at a time. Guards stood at the gates, asking them what their special talent was, and whether or not they wanted to fight. Many seemed to be apprehensive, shaking their heads at the question. But some, mostly the ones with scars or wounds of some sort, seemed ready to fight.

As they approached, the guard at the gated waved them in, not even sparing them a glance. Lightning felt his jaw drop when he walked inside. If he thought the Bastion was large, this was even more. Gravel roads lined with apartments stood proudly. Larger building stood in the center, rising above the small apartments. Guard towers lined the walls every few hundred feet, with a pony stationed at each one. Guards and refugees walked down the roads, occasionally walking in or out of a house. More pegasi flew in the skies, watching everything unfold beneath them.

“We are going to have to glue that shut.” Lunar said, shutting Lightning’s mouth for him. “Anyway, your houses will be close to the center, since you are honored guests.” He whistled for a guard. One walked over to them, standing at attention.

“These are honored guests.” Lunar informed him. “I want the best lodging for them. Understand?”

“Yes sir!” the guard said. Lunar nodded, turning back to them. “Alright, I will see you guys later! Meals are the same as in the Bastion. Training is everyday now. Since we have so much extra room, we just train out in the open.” He spread his wings, jumping into the air. The other five pegasi flew up to join him. He did a midair salute, then flew off towards the center of the base, the others hot on his trail. Lightning watching him go, wondering how many more times he would see him.

“Follow me.” the guard said, leading them down the gravel road. The followed, not saying a word. They didn’t have anything to say. Lightning just looked around at the base. Unlike the Bastion, which was more luxurious, this base seemed to have been made with only the bare essentials in mind. Curtainless windows stood open to the wind. Doors were made with wood no more than an inch thick. And as far as Lightning could tell, there were no lights anywhere. The gravel crunched under their hooves, and the sky was growing cloudy above their heads.

The guard stopped walking a few streets from the center. He pointed at a row of four houses. “This is your lodging. The others are already here.”

“What others?” Twilight asked, but stopped when Fluttershy poked her head out of the door. She smiled when she saw them. Then, it burst open, causing a squeal from Fluttershy. Cora walked out, smiling at them. She was wearing a light blue tunic with a red cross in the center instead of Luna’s mark. Fluttershy was wearing the same thing.

“Well I’m glad to see that you made it!” she said, embracing Phoenix and Lightning. “But a little warning of the transfer would have been nice. Getting us up in the middle of the night, what was that?” The question was directed at the guard, who chose not to respond.

“Talky bunch, aren’t they?” she said, smirking. “Anyway, choose a house! They are all the same, so don’t go all crazy.” She was looking at Rainbow when she said that. Rainbow just stared innocently back.

“So what’s been going on here?” Rarity asked.

“Nothing much.” Cora responded. “Just the training. Getting us ready for the fight. They made me cut my hair, can you believe that?!” Her hair was indeed shorter. Instead of the typical braid down her back, it was now floating around her shoulders, the wind pulling it behind her occasionally. Shorter in the front than it was in the back, so that you couldn’t see anything behind her without moving slightly.

“Actually the short cut works wonders for you, darling!.” Rarity said. Cora blushed.

“Aww, thanks! Anyway, you guys probably want to get settled. I assume that since we are all here, they will want to brief us soon.” The others nodded, dividing into groups. Lightning and Phoenix too the house next to Cora and Fluttershy’s. Rainbow and Pinkie too the next one, and Twilight and Rarity took the last.

Lightning got the feeling that these were identical, just like the ones in the Bastion. But unlike the homes in the Bastion, these were just the bare minimum. A small bedroom with two beds was off to the right, while a small bathroom was to the left. The main area had a single couch, a smaller chair, and nothing else. It was obvious that these were created to be used in a time of war, not something to be used like a real home.

Lightning and Phoenix dumped their saddlebags off in the bedroom, then walked back outside. Rainbow and Pinkie were already waiting, as was Cora and Fluttershy. A couple seconds later, Twilight and Rarity walked out as well. The guard had disappeared, leaving them alone on the empty street.

“Wait, so what do we do now?” Phoenix asked, looking around.

“Now.” a voice said. “You get to training.”

Lunar dropped out of the sky, wearing his armor and helmet. But even though he looked ready for war, he was smiling. “I can’t wait to see you guys in training. This is going to be great!” his eyes fell on Rarity, and the smile dropped.

“Oh, right...” he said, biting his bottom lip.

“What is it?” she asked, looking frightened.

“It’s nothing...I am afraid they will give you a worse time than the others.” he said, not looking at her.

“But, why?!”

“Because you were, you know...”

“A Death Hunter.” Twilight finished for him. Lunar nodded.

“Well, then I just won’t tell them!” Rarity said, looking slightly scared. Lunar shook his head, reaching out his hoof. He lightly traced the heart on her chest, the cold metal of his armor making her shiver.

“Rarity...You are smart. I can see that. So you should have figured this out.” He took his hoof off her chest and placed it on her cheek, right under the three scars. “You never told me you used to be one.”

Her eyes widened for a moment, then she looked at the ground. “Is it really that easy?” she asked quietly. Lunar nodded.

“For us, yes. So just a fair warning, your looks and grace are not going to get you out of this one. You will have to be tough.”

“OK.” she said. Lunar tilted her head up.

“They don’t know you, but I do. You are so much better than you used to be. You are braver than any of them. So just hold your head high, and don’t even look at them.” Rarity smiled, saluting him.

“Yes sir!”

“That’s my girl! Now, training has been canceled for today and tomorrow, on account of the evacuation. So if there is anything you think you can do in that time, do it. Just don’t go AWOL on us!”

Rainbow suddenly perked up. “I can’t believe I haven’t thought of this before! I want to go see Cloudsdale.”

“You think you can do that in time?” Lunar asked. Lightning got the feeling that he was just asking this because he had to, not because he doubted her.

Rainbow looked at him, pushing out her bottom lip slightly. “I may have gotten older, but I can still fly just as fast!”

“Alright then! Permission granted. Just make sure you’re back on ti-”

Rainbow had leapt into the air, and within ten seconds, had flown into the open window of her house, gotten her saddlebags, and flown back out. “Don’t worry I will!” she yelled as she flew by. A second later, she was just a spec in the sky. Suddenly, Twilight laughed.

“What is it?” Lunar asked. Twilight shook her head, smirking.

“Just wait. In three...two...one..”

Almost magically, Rainbow reappeared next to Lunar.

“Hey, where can I get some food?” she asked, a little embarrassed. Twilight winked at Lunar.

“Two blocks up is the cafeteria. Just ask for two days travel rations.”

“Cool, thanks!” She shot away from them, leaving a rainbow blur behind her. Lunar looked Twilight up and down.

“You ever played poker? I think you would be good at it.”

“I don’t like having an unfair advantage.” she said sweetly. Lunar laughed, then jumped back into the air.

“Alright. Next two days are yours. Now I understand we might not have a lot of luxuries here, but I think you will be able to occupy your time.” He shot away into the sky, leaving them alone.

“So. Anypony want to play some poker?” Twilight asked, innocently.


Lightning broke away from the group, who were just staying at their houses. he wandered the base, trying to stay away from the other soldiers, or the refugees. He finally found his way to the firing range. The stallion behind the counter looked pleased to have a pony there, as the place was deserted. Lightning’s eyes wandered over the weaponry. But nothing jumped out at him. But then his eyes found a bow, and a smile lit his face. He pulled it down and had the stallion set up targets. it had been a few months since he had shot one, and he was looking forward to it.

He pulled an arrow out of the quiver, aiming it a few inches above the target. He pulled the bowstring back. he took a couple deep breaths. Then, just as he let out his third breath, he let the arrow fly. It flew true, hitting the bull’s eyes with a dull thunk. He smiled, reaching back to pull another arrow out.

“I didn’t know you could use one of those.”

Lightning spun around. Twilight was leaning against the railing in the stall next to him. Lightning replaced the arrow, hooking the bow around his shoulder.

“I can, a little. Not really the best at it.” he said. “What are you doing here? Not really the type for guns, are you?”

“Straight to the point. Fine.” She walked away from him slightly. “You know that Applejack is alone, away from all of this. And we are right in the line of fire. More importantly, you are.”

“Where is this going?”

“I want to know what you expect to happen with her if you die.” she asked, turning back to him. “The chance of that is high, and you know it.”

“I don’t know.” he answered lamely. “I really can’t do anything about that.”

“What do you expect me to to tell her if you do die!?” Twilight asked, her voice rising slightly.

“Tell her I am sorry.” Lightning said. “Tell her I have been a terrible husband, constantly leaving her like that. Tell her she deserves someone who will stay by her side, unlike me.Tell her I am sorry for leaving her and the foal like this. I shouldn’t have done it. And I am sorry.”

Twilight was silent. She tried multiple times to say something, but failed. Lightning had turned back to the targets, pulling an arrow from the quiver.

“I didn’t mean...” Twilight said.

“I know what you meant. And that is my answer.”

“I didn’t know....I’m sorry.” Lightning heard her walk away, her hooves grinding against the gravel under her. He hadn’t meant to snap, but he was tired of thinking about it. Tired of all the death. It was all he had ever known. He notched the arrow and let it go. It landed just above the last one. But any of the joy he had felt was gone.

After he had shot the entire quiver, he went to return it to the clerk. But he said he could keep it. Nopony ever used it anyway. He walked out of the range, feeling worse than when he had entered. He walked away from the center, towards the outer walls.

Something caught his eye. A flash of white appeared in the corner of his eye. He turned, trying to see what it was. But as soon as he thought he saw it, the sun flashed in his eyes. As soon as he could see again, it was gone. But that was not what troubled him. Something odd was going on.

There were clouds covering the sun.