• Published 29th Dec 2011
  • 1,297 Views, 58 Comments

As I'm Falling to Pieces - Pinkamena Diane Pie

Lightning must survive through the Wastelands, looking for a cure for his infected beloved.

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Chapter XLI: Midnight Star

Chapter XLI: Midnight Star

Two minutes later, Lightning’s fore-legs had been tied behind his back, and he was shoved roughly into the passenger seat of the Buggy. Lunar opened the door and slid into the seat next to him. He started up the car and drove away, heading in the direction Lightning was last night. Lightning just stared at him with the utmost hate.

“Now don’t look at me like that.” he said, making a fake pout. “This is a better life than just living in the Wastes. You get free food, a roof over your head, and the companionship of 1,264 ponies.” he said smiling. “Oh, wait, 1,265 ponies, including you.”

“I told you before, I am not joining your army!” Lightning yelled, his breath fogging the night-chilled windows. Lunar just shook his head. He continued to stare of of the window. Outside, the dunes gave way to plains, which gave way to a forest. Looking above, Lightning could see that all the clouds out here had been cleaned and moved away from the sun. Plant life grew in abundance, and animals played in the shade. It reminded Lightning of the first time he saw Fluttershy’s garden, full of life that he had never seen.

Unable to stop himself, he turned to Lunar. “Why is this area so clean?” he asked, feeling stupid. “Did you do it yourself?” He looked at Lunar’s wings, which were folded in tight next to his body. Lightning could see a small hole in his armor where they poked out. Lunar snorted when he heard the question.

“No, no. Our Weather team handled the preparations.” he said, looking out the window at the forest. “These trees supply the food for our army, and the wood for our homes. Most of our Bastion was made from these trees right here.”

“And where is this ‘Bastion’?” Lightning asked, still furious. He looked around but all he could see was trees. A look of pride crossed Lunar’s face.

“Just over the next hill.” he smiled mischievously at Lightning. “I would prepare yourself. It comes as quite a shock to our... visitors.” he paused before he said ‘visitors’. Lightning turned his attention back to the road. It looked like it had been cut into the forest. Slowly, the trees started to close in on the sides of the car, and Lightning began to feel claustrophobic. They climbed the hill, and the nose of the Buggy blocked the view of anything below them. Slowly, the car began to level out, and the nose began to drop. Finally, it dropped enough for Lightning to see into the valley below. What he saw made him stop breathing.

In the valley below, tucked inside the forest, was the largest building Lightning had ever seen. Walls fifty feet tall, with towers stretching higher than that. Small buildings sat within the walls, all built around a single, giant structure. Stained glass windows adorned the structures sides, with a giant glass roof pressing down on it. Small specs, ponies, walked to and from between buildings. In the distance, behind the Bastion, sat a clearing in the forest. A track ran the length of the perimeter, with sand pits and trenches inside. A giant metal gate stood twenty feet tall, and was sealed tight. A symbol, the same as on Lunar’s armor, had been maliciously carved and painted above the gates. Just looking at it, Lightning felt that the symbol had power. He could tell that he had seen it before, but he couldn’t place it. Underneath it, written in some language, was “Luna Nobis Custodit”. Somehow, he understood what it said. It said, “New Lunar Republic”. He turned back to Lunar, who was smirking at him.

“You live here?” he asked, unable to believe a place like that existed. Lunar just nodded, still smirking.

“And, now, you do too.” He pressed the accelerator and the Buggy slowly rolled down the hill towards the Bastion. As they got closer, the walls slowly started to grow larger. Soon, they were in the shadows of the Bastion. Lunar pulled up next to the Bastion, next to the gate. As soon as he did, guards ran up to the ramparts, yelling down at them. Lunar just shook his head and opened the door. As soon as he stepped out, the yelling stopped. Lightning looked through the window and saw a couple guards running down the wall towards the gate. Lunar stepped back into the Buggy, smirking.

“It’s nice to have authority.” he said, driving the car towards the gate. Lightning looked down at the five moons emblazoned on his chest.

“So you really are the general.” he said, looking up at the giant gates. Lunar nodded.

“Five moon General.” he said, puffing his chest out. “I only take orders from one pony, and that is the queen.”

“And who is this queen?” Lightning asked, feeling nervous. Lunar smiled, still looking out the window at the gates.

“You will meet her in a few minutes, we have just been admitted.” Lightning looked around, not knowing what he was talking about. Then he looked back at the gates. They had started to shudder, then began to move. Slowly, they were pulled inwards, leaving a trench in the dirt where they moved. When they reached their apex, Lightning could see ten Stallions, five on each side, pulling the gates open. Lunar pushed the accelerator down, and they rolled into the base.

Lightning looked around, his eyes wide. The buildings seemed so strange to him. Wood instead of metal. The ponies, since they were all staring at the Buggy as it rolled in, all seemed well fed and happy. He could see fillies and colts running around and playing. Shops and carts selling their wares lined the streets, which were paved in gravel. As the Buggy rolled down the streets, others pulled their children away from the road. Lightning noticed that they were all wearing the same thing. The dark blue tunic with a black patch and crescent moon on the chest. However, these clothes did not have the extra armour as Lunar’s did. Lightning could feel the ponies staring at him, but he didn’t turn his head. He just kept staring at the largest building in the base, which was dead ahead.

Lunar drove the Buggy directly to the front of the building, then got out. he walked over and opened the door for Lightning, who climbed out. He stood on his hind legs as his front ones were still tied behind his back. He looked up at the structure in front of him.

At least sixty feet tall, the building towered over them, casting a shadow on the shops closest to it. The stained glass windows reached almost to the top of the building. Light poured in from the glass ceiling, making the windows glow blues and greens and reds. Pillars rose up from the ground, giving the entrance a very ominous fell. Lightning continued to stare at it until he heard the sound of a knife being unsheathed. Turning around, he saw Lunar holding a M9 bayonet in his mouth. Afraid, Lightning took a step back, tripping over a stone. His landing knocked the breath out of him. When he opened his eyes, he could see Lunar standing over him, the knife still in his jaws. He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

“I was just going to cut the ropes.” he said, talking around the knife. Even with the obstruction, his voice was full of sarcasm. Lightning stood up as best he could, then turned his back to Lunar. With one smooth motion, he placed the knife on the ropes, the pulled down. The ropes were cut, and Lightning fell forward onto all fours. He turned back to Lunar, anger building.

“Thanks.” he said, turning back to the structure. “Does this place have a name?”

“We just call it the Temple.” Lunar said, walking up to stand next to Lightning. “It is where the queen lives.” he raised a hoof and pointed inside. “And where you will meet her.” Lightning nodded and started to walk towards the doorway. He could feel Lunar walking right behind him, keeping him in check.

They passed through the doorway, and instantly they were hit by sunlight. Light was flowing through the glass roof, creating shadows under them. Looking around, lightning could see more guards, each armed with a gun, standing in the Temple. He hadn’t realized that he had stopped until Lunar pushed him from behind. He started moving again, looking towards the front of the room. Places at the far end, was a magnificent throne. Cast from what looked like real gold, it shown in the bright sunlight. Sapphires and Emeralds were placed just so, creating the illusion that the throne was alive. But lightning was not looking at the throne. He was looking at it’s occupant.

Sitting in the throne, as is it was meant for her, was an Alicorn. Dark blue coat with a flowing blue mane and tail. They moved in spite of the absence of wind. Stars seemed to burst to life, and die almost as fast within the folds of he mane. She wore a tiara and necklace that were as black as night. The necklace had a crescent moon on the front, just like Lunar’s armour. On her thigh rested a Cutie Mark that was the exact match of the painting above the gates. Just looking at her gave Lightning a feeling of inferiority. Like she had been better than him from birth.

As he walked closer, a smile spread over her face, showing perfect, white teeth.

“Is this a new recruit?” she asked in a soft, sweet voice. She cocked her head slightly, still looking at Lightning. Her light blue eyes moved over his form, taking in all his scars and cuts.

Lunar nodded. “Just found him this morning.”

“This one looks like he has fought before.” she said, still smiling. “What is your name?”

“Lightning Storm.” he replied, looking her straight in the face. “And may I have the privilege of knowing to whom I am speaking?” he asked properly, trying not to anger her. The Alicorn just laughed. A sound like the tinkling of bells, but with the sharp undertone that came with a psychopath.

“I am surprised you don’t know me.” she said, her voice curious. “Most ponies do. I am queen Luna, ruler of the Midnight army.”